Binocular Vision - Evans

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Orthoptics (binocular vision anomalies) is not an optional subject

for primary eyecare practitioners (typically, optometrists). Most
patients have two eyes and eyecare practitioners must therefore
be able to at least recognize binocular vision anomalies and to
treat, correct, or refer as appropriate.Yet discussion with
optometrists and ophthalmologists, whether newly qualified or
experienced, suggests that orthoptics is often a subject with which
these professionals feel ill at ease.
There are now quite a considerable number of textbooks
available on orthoptic or binocular vision anomalies. Most of these
books seem to have been written with the specialist practitioner
in mind and tend to contain enough detail to take a practitioner
from the level of newly qualified up to that of an expert in the
field.Yet, it has to be acknowledged that only a small proportion of
eyecare practitioners are interested enough in orthoptics to wish
to specialize in this field. Many eyecare practitioners just wish to
know enough about this subject to practice in a competent and
safe way. I have written this book for these practitioners. I have
tried to concentrate on the basic information that practitioners
need to know, with strong emphasis on hands on clinical
methods.The main orthoptic tests are described in boxes that
give a simple, step by step, guide on how to carry out the test and
to interpret the results.There are many figures to illustrate these
tests and other clinical observations.
I spend most of my working week practising in a community
eyecare practice and the book concentrates on the conditions and



issues that are most likely to be encountered in this setting. I hope

that this book might live near the kettle for browsing! I also hope
that the ready reference layout will mean that practitioners are
able to quickly look up a test or condition.
I also hope that the book will be useful for students of
optometry, orthoptics, and medicine.The many tables and simple
test descriptions should be especially useful to those who are
revising for examinations.
Many of the techniques and theories described in this book are
elaborated on in greater detail in Pickwells Binocular Vision
Anomalies, 4th edition by BJW Evans.

Further reading
Evans, B.J.W. and Doshi, S. (2001). Binocular Vision and
Orthoptics. Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford.
Evans, B.J.W. (2002). Pickwells Binocular Vision Anomalies.
Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford.
Evans, B. (2004).The Diploma in Orthoptics. Part 1: A how to
guide. Optician 226, 2627.
Noorden, G.K.V. and Campos, E. (2002). Binocular Vision and
Ocular Motility:Theory and Management of Strabismus. Mosby: St
Rabbetts, R. B. (2000). Bennett & Rabbetts Clinical Visual Optics.
Butterworth: Oxford.
Rosenbaum, A.L. and Santiago, A. P. (1999). Clinical Strabismus
Management.W.B. Saunders & Company: Philadelphia.

Foreword by series

Eye Essentials is a series of books intended to cover the core

skills required by the eye care practitioner in general and/or
specialized practice. It consists of books covering a wide range of
topics, ranging from: routine eye examination to assessment and
management of low vision; assessment and investigative techniques
to digital imaging; case reports and law to contact lenses.
Authors known for their interest and expertise in their
particular subject have contributed books to this series.The reader
will know many of them, as they have published widely within their
respective fields. Each author has addressed key topics in their
subject in a practical rather than theoretical approach, hence each
book has a particular relevance to everyday practice.
Each book in the series follows a similar format and has been
designed to enable the reader to ascertain information easily and
quickly. Each chapter has been produced in a user-friendly format,
thus providing the reader with a rapid-reference book that is easy
to use in the consulting room or in the practitioners free time.
Optometry and dispensing optics are continually developing
professions, with the emphasis in each being redefined as we learn
more from research and as technology stamps its mark.The Eye
Essentials series is particularly relevant to the practitioners
requirements and as such will appeal to students, graduates sitting
professional examinations and qualified practitioners alike.We hope
you enjoy reading these books as much as we have enjoyed
producing them.
Sandip Doshi
Bill Harvey


I am grateful to Louise Williams and Simon Harris for their

helpful comments on the manuscript.


Overview of
binocular vision

What are binocular vision anomalies?

How do I investigate?
The cover test
When do I need to do something?
What do I do?


Overview of binocular vision anomalies

What are binocular vision anomalies?

Binocular vision anomalies occur when there is a problem in the
co-ordinated use of the eyes as a pair. Inevitably, the prevalence of
binocular vision anomalies varies according to the precise criteria
that are used to define these conditions. A conservative estimate
is that binocular vision anomalies affect 5% of patients consulting
primary eyecare practitioners.
The classification of binocular vision anomalies starts with
two fundamental distinctions, summarized in Figure 1.1. One
distinction is comitant/incomitant and the other is
strabismic/heterophoric.These two approaches to classification
are complementary, not exclusive. For example, comitant







Testing distance

Test distance

Direction of deviation

Sensory adaptation

Figure 1.1

Classification of binocular vision anomalies

How do I investigate?
deviations may be strabismic or heterophoric and strabismic
conditions may be comitant or incomitant.
Incomitancy (Chapter 6) is defined as a deviation that varies in
different positions of gaze and that varies depending on which eye
is fixing. Incomitant deviations affect about 0.5% of the population.
A strabismus (Chapter 3), also known as a heterotropia or
squint, occurs when the visual axes are deviated: where the line
of sight of one of the eyes does not fall on the object of regard.
Strabismus affects around 2.54% of the population. A strabismus
can be constant or intermittent, and can be unilateral or
alternating.Young patients develop sensory adaptations to a
strabismus, typically harmonious anomalous retinal
correspondence (HARC) or suppression (see p. 42).
Most people do not have a strabismus and the eyes are kept in
perfect, or very close to perfect, alignment. But when one eye is
covered, or the two eyes are dissociated (prevented from viewing
the same scene), most people develop a latent deviation
(heterophoria). A heterophoria (Chapter 2) is a normal finding: it
is only apparent when the eyes are dissociated and is not present
under normal viewing conditions. Occasionally, a heterophoria
may decompensate, when it can cause symptoms and in some
cases might break down into a strabismus. As well as being
classified as compensated or decompensated, a heterophoria can
also be classified according to the testing distance.
Both strabismus and heterophoria can be classified according
to the direction of the deviation: eso for when the visual axes
turn inwards, exo for outwards, hyper for upwards, hypo for
downwards, cyclo for cyclorotation. Heterophoria is sometimes
described as a latent strabismus, but this term can be confusing
since a heterophoria is a normal finding which is usually not a
cause for concern.

How do I investigate?
Symptoms and history are crucial to the investigation of binocular
vision anomalies, and the symptoms of decompensated
heterophoria are listed in Table 2.1. Most children with strabismus

Overview of binocular vision anomalies

do not report symptoms, so parents should be asked whether an

eye ever appears to wander or turn. Family history is also
important, especially with child patients. Parents should be asked
if there is any family history of a turning eye, lazy eye, poor
vision, or of refractive error (particularly long-sightedness). A
family history of any of these will increase the risk of a
strabismus being present.
One commonly asked question about orthoptic tests is
Should the patient wear a refractive correction? For nearly all
orthoptic tests, the answer is the same: the patient should wear
any refractive correction that they usually wear for tasks at
that distance. If there is reason for concern over binocular
co-ordination and the practitioner is considering prescribing a
refractive correction that is significantly different to that which is
already worn, then the relevant orthoptic tests should be
repeated with the new prescription in place.
Most orthoptic investigative techniques will be described in
the relevant sections of this book. However, one orthoptic test is
at the very core of the investigation of a great many binocular
vision anomalies and will be described here: the cover test. Like
most other orthoptic tests, it should be repeated at the key
distances at which the patient works.

The cover test

Typically, the cover test (Figures 1.2 and 1.3) is carried out using
as a target a letter from the line above the worst eyes visual
acuity. If the visual acuity is worse than 6/60 then a spotlight can
be used. If the eye examination results in a significantly different
prescription to that previously being worn then the cover test
should be repeated with the proposed new prescription in place.
Often, the patients history or previous records lead the
practitioner to suspect that a strabismus may be found in one
eye, which is likely to be the eye with the worse acuity. If so, then
the other eye should be covered first.This first cover is the
purest orthoptic test of all, since the moment before the cover
is applied the patient has normal binocular vision and is viewing
the target in a completely natural way.The eyes should be

How do I investigate?






Figure 1.2 Cover test in right divergent strabismus with right

hypertropia (movement of the eye is signified by the solid arrow,
movement of the cover by the dotted arrow): (a) right eye deviated out
and up; (b) left eye covered both eyes move left and downwards so
that the right eye takes up fixation; (c) left eye uncovered both eyes
move right and upwards so that the left eye again takes up fixation; (d)
and (e) no movement of either eye as the strabismic right eye is covered
and uncovered. See text for explanation (reproduced with permission
from Evans, B.J.W. (2002) Pickwells Binocular Vision Anomalies, 4th edition,

Overview of binocular vision anomalies







Figure 1.3 Cover test in esophoria (movement of the eye is signified

by the solid arrow, movement of the cover by the dotted arrow): (a)(c)
from the straight active position, the right eye moves inwards when
dissociated by covering (b); it moves smoothly outwards to resume
fixation with the other eye when the cover is removed (c). Note that the
left (uncovered) eye does not move during the simple pattern of
movements (d)(f).The versional pattern: the right eye moves inwards
under the cover, as in the simple pattern (d); on removing the cover, both
eyes move to the right by the same amount (about half degree of the
esophoria) (e); both eyes diverge to the straight position (f) (reproduced
with permission from Evans, B.J.W. (2002) Pickwells Binocular Vision
Anomalies, 4th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann). See text for explanation.

How do I investigate?
watched as the cover approaches since if a dissociated vertical
deviation (p. 56) is present then a movement of an eye is often
seen before the cover actually reaches the eye.
The use of the cover/uncover test to detect strabismus is
described in Table 1.1, and its use to detect heterophoria is
described in Table 1.2. It is useful to estimate the angle of any eye
movements, and a method for this is described in Table 1.3. In
Table 1.1

Detection of strabismus with the cover/uncover test

1. As the cover moves over one eye then the practitioner should
watch the uncovered eye. It is the behavior of the uncovered eye
that reveals whether the patient has a strabismus
2. For example, as the left eye is covered the practitioner should
watch the right eye. If the right eye moves then this suggests that
there is a strabismus in this eye (Figure 1.2, the behavior of the
right eye from (a) to (b))
3. The direction and amplitude of the movement should be estimated
(see Table 1.3)
4. The cover is then slowly removed from the eye that has been
covered and this eye is observed to see if a movement occurs,
signifying heterophoria (see Table 1.2)

Table 1.2

Detection of heterophoria with the cover/uncover test

1. As the cover is slowly removed from the eye that has been
covered then this eye is observed to see if a movement occurs. If a
movement occurs as an eye regains fixation after being covered
then this indicates a heterophoria (e.g., in Figure 1.2 the right eye
moves out as the cover is removed from (b) to (c))
2. The direction and amplitude (Table 1.3) of the movement should
be estimated
3. The quality of this recovery movement should also be recorded.
This gives an objective indication of how well the patient is able to
compensate for the heterophoria (Table 1.4). A higher grading in
Table 1.4 is more likely to be associated with decompensation and
thus more likely to require treatment

Overview of binocular vision anomalies

Table 1.3

Estimating the amplitude of movement on cover

1. The amplitude of movement should always be estimated (in ) and

recorded during cover testing
2. It is easy to train yourself to be quite accurate at this, and to
regularly calibrate your estimations. On a typical Snellen chart,
the distance from a letter on one end of the 6/12 line to a letter
on the other end is about 12 cm (measure this on your chart to
check). If the distance is 12 cm, this means that when the patient
changes their fixation between these two letters the eyes make a
saccade of 2 (1 is equivalent to 1 cm at 1 m)
3. If you place two markings on the wall near the letter chart that
are 24 cm apart, when the patient changes their fixation between
these two marks then the eyes are moving by 4
4. After you have done the cover test and estimated the amplitude
(in ) of the strabismic or heterophoric movement, remove the
cover and have the patient look between these two marks, or
between the two letters on the 6/12 line whilst you watch their
eyes. Compare the amplitude of this eye movement with the
amplitude of movement that you saw during cover testing, to
check the accuracy of your estimate
5. A similar method can be used for larger amplitudes
6. At near, this task is even easier. Use as your fixation target the
numbers on a centimeter ruler which you hold at 1/3 m. If the
patient looks from the 1 to the 2 then the patients eyes are
moving by 1 cm which, at 1/3 m, equates to 3

heterophoria, the quality of recovery movement should also be

quantified, and a grading system for this is described in Table 1.4.
The description above is of one form of the cover test: the
cover/uncover test.This is useful for detecting strabismus, for
estimating the magnitude of the deviation under normal viewing
conditions (Table 1.3), and for evaluating the recovery movement
in heterophoria (Table 1.4). But it is also useful to know how
much the angle increases (builds) as the patient is dissociated
to greater degrees by alternate covering. So, after the

How do I investigate?
Table 1.4 A grading system that can be used to gauge cover test
recovery in heterophoria


Rapid and smooth

Slightly slow/jerky

Definitely slow/jerky but not breaking down

Slow/jerky and breaks down with repeat

covering, or only recovers after a blink

Breaks down readily after 13 covers

cover/uncover test it is advisable to alternate the cover from

one eye to the other for about six further covers to see how
the angle changes (Table 1.3). At the end of this alternating
cover test as the cover is removed then the recovery
movement can be observed again to estimate the effect of
alternate covering on the recovery (Table 1.4). A cover/uncover
test is then performed once more on the other eye to assess
any change in the recovery of this eye. An example of the
recording of cover test results for a patient is given in
Table 1.5.

Table 1.5

Example of a recording of cover test results

D 2 XOP G1 2 XOP G2
N 8 XOP G1 12 XOP G3

Key: at distance, the cover/uncover test reveals 2 exophoria with

good (grade 1) recovery. After the alternating cover test the angle
does not change but the recovery becomes a little slower (grade 2
At near, the cover/uncover test reveals 8 exophoria with good
recovery. After the alternating cover test the angle builds to 12
exophoria with quite poor recovery, but not quite breaking down into
a strabismus (grade 3 recovery)

Overview of binocular vision anomalies


A great deal of information can be gleaned from the cover

test.Table 1.6 includes some additional comments. Other
methods of assessing ocular alignment are available, including the
Hirschberg and Krimsky tests which are based on an observation
of corneal reflexes. But these tests are inaccurate.With practice,
cover testing is nearly always possible, even with infants.
Table 1.6

Additional comments on cover testing

With the alternating cover test, as the angle builds towards the
total angle, it becomes easier to detect vertical deviations which
are typically smaller than horizontal deviations

Vertical deviations also can sometimes be spotted by watching for

movement of the eyelids

In some patients, an eye is deviated before the test (strabismus) or

becomes deviated during the test and is very slow to take up
fixation. So, when the dominant eye is covered there may be no
apparent movement, even though the uncovered eye is not fixating
the target. A movement of the deviated eye can sometimes be
elicited by asking the patient to look directly at the target, or by
moving the fixation target a little

The magnitude of the deviation can also be measured using a

prism bar or loose prisms, typically during the alternating cover
test.This is especially useful in large angles where accurate
estimations of angular movements becomes difficult

When do I need to do something?

As a general rule, there are only three reasons for intervening when
a binocular vision anomaly is present.These are listed in Table 1.7.
It should be noted that not all patients with symptoms are
aware of their symptoms.This is especially true of children who
may only appreciate that a symptom was present once the
condition has been successfully treated. It is only very rarely that
binocular vision anomalies are encountered in primary eyecare
practice which result from ocular or systemic pathology, but the
practitioner should always be alert to this possibility.

When do I need to do something?

Table 1.7 Reasons for intervening when a binocular vision
anomaly is present
1. If the anomaly is causing symptoms or decreased visual function
2. If the anomaly is likely to worsen if left untreated
3. If the anomaly is likely to be a sign of ocular or systemic pathology

Occasionally, heterophoria is encountered which may be in the

process of breaking down to a strabismus yet the patient may
have a sensory adaptation (e.g., suppression) so that they do not
have any symptoms.This is an example of a condition that is likely
to worsen (become a strabismus) if left untreated.
Figure 1.4 is a simple model of binocular vision anomalies
affecting fusion and is useful for considering what happens when
people develop fusional problems and what approaches might be
appropriate for treatment.When an eye is covered (dissociated)
most people will exhibit a dissociated deviation. Hopefully, during
normal binocular fixation the person can overcome this
dissociated deviation to render it compensated.Three factors
influence how easy it is for a person to overcome their
dissociated deviation. First, the size of the dissociated deviation is
Dissociated deviation

Fusional reserves





Fusion lock

Compensated heterophoria

Decompensated heterophoria

Figure 1.4 A simple model of binocular vision (reproduced with
permission from Evans, B.J.W. (2002) Pickwells Binocular Vision Anomalies,
4th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann)


Overview of binocular vision anomalies


of some relevance: if it is very large then it is likely to be harder

for the person to overcome it. A second factor is the force of
motor fusion, which can be measured as the fusional reserves
(Figure 1.4). A person with a heterophoria constantly exerts
motor fusion to overcome their heterophoria, so their fusional
reserves have to be adequate. Some conditions (e.g., illness,
stress, old age) can cause the fusional reserves to deteriorate
resulting in a previously compensated heterophoria
decompensating.This explains some cases where a childhood
illness causes a heterophoria to break down into a strabismus.
The third factor that influences how well a person can
overcome their dissociated deviation is sensory fusion (Figure 1.4).
This relates to the similarity of each eyes image. For example, a
person may have a compensated heterophoria until they develop a
degraded image (e.g., from refractive error, age-related cataract,
macula degeneration), when each eyes image become less similar.
This impairment of sensory fusion causes their heterophoria to
When a patient presents with a decompensating heterophoria
then a consideration of Figure 1.4 will usually enable the cause of
decompensation to be determined. If the dissociated deviation
has changed, then the reason must be determined: a large change
in dissociated deviation might be a sign of pathology.
If a non-pathological reason for decompensation can be found
then the alleviation of this could render the patient compensated.
One treatment might be to strengthen motor fusion by training
the fusional reserves. In a case of anisometropia (which impairs
sensory fusion through aniseikonia), a treatment might be to
prescribe contact lenses to equalize the retinal image size.

What do I do?
When binocular vision anomalies require an intervention then
there are several possible options:
1. treat with eye exercises
2. treat with refractive modification

What do I do?

treat with prisms

treat with patching (occlusion) or penalization
refer for one of the above treatments by another practitioner
refer for surgery
refer for further investigation.

These options are not mutually exclusive. For example, a child

with strabismic amblyopia where the cause of the strabismus is
not clear may be referred for medical investigation, but whilst
waiting for the hospital appointment the primary eyecare
practitioner can start patching. As in all healthcare sciences, the
diagnosis and management are not fixed entities, but rather are
the latest judgments based on the best available evidence at that
time.Very often, one treatment is tried in the first instance and if
this is not effective then a second-choice treatment will be tried.
Practitioners should always try to keep an open mind about their
diagnosis and should be prepared to constantly reconsider this in
light of their latest findings and of the patients response to any



What is heterophoria?
How do I investigate?
Cover test recovery
Mallett fixation disparity test (aligning prism)
Fusional reserves
Foveal suppression test
Other tests relevant to the assessment of
Summary of the diagnosis of decompensated
When do I need to do something?
What do I do?
Remove the cause of decompensation
Eye exercises
Refractive modification
Prismatic correction
Specific types of heterophoria
Mixed esophoria (basic esophoria)
Divergence weakness (distance esophoria)
Convergence excess (near esophoria)
Mixed exophoria (basic exophoria)
Divergence excess (distance exophoria)
Convergence weakness (near exophoria)
Convergence insufficiency
Binocular instability



What is heterophoria?
Heterophoria is a tendency for the eyes to move out of
alignment when one is covered or when they view dissimilar
objects.Types of heterophoria are exophoria, esophoria,
hyperphoria, and cyclophoria (see pp. 23). Some authors
used to call a heterophoria a latent strabismus or latent squint.
One way of thinking about heterophoria is to consider the
resting position of the vergence system. In total darkness the eyes
adopt a resting position (tonic vergence) where, for most people,
they align on an imaginary object about 12 m away. Distance
vision can be thought of as requiring divergence away from this
resting position and similarly near vision requires convergence
away from this resting position.When one eye is covered, that
eye is dissociated and tends to revert towards the resting
position.That reversion is the heterophoria.Typically, the
heterophoria is visualized during the cover test when the cover is
removed and the eye re-aligns to take up fixation.This way of
thinking about heterophoria in terms of the typical resting
position explains why most people have a small esophoria for
distance fixation and a slightly larger exophoria at near.

How do I investigate?
Symptoms are important in determining whether a heterophoria
is decompensating.Typical symptoms that may be present in
decompensated heterophoria are listed in Table 2.1. It was
noted on p. 10 that some patients do not appreciate that they
have symptoms until these have been corrected. Occasionally,
patients may not have symptoms from a decompensating
heterophoria because they develop a sensory adaptation
(e.g., foveal suppression; see below). Additionally, many of the
symptoms in Table 2.1 are non-specific: they could result from
other, non-orthoptic, causes. So clinical tests are necessary to

How do I investigate?
determine whether any symptoms are likely to result from an
orthoptic problem and therefore to be treatable by orthoptic
means.These tests are described below.
Table 2.1

Symptoms of decompensated heterophoria


Type of symptom




Blurred vision
Double vision
Distorted vision



Difficulty with stereopsis

Monocular comfort
Difficulty changing focus



Aching eyes
Sore eyes



General irritation

Cover test recovery

In young children or uncooperative older patients (e.g., patients
with intellectual impairment), objective testing may be required to
determine if a heterophoria is decompensating. An assessment of
cover test recovery can be extremely important in these cases, as
described on pp. 79.

Mallett fixation disparity test (aligning prism)

The Mallett fixation disparity test is an extremely valuable test for
assessing heterophoria.The distinction between strabismus, when
the visual axes are misaligned, and heterophoria, when the visual
axes are aligned unless the patient is dissociated, is in fact not as
clear-cut as might be thought.There needs to be some free play
in the visual system so that the eyes can move slightly out of
alignment during normal binocular vision, for example during a
large saccade.This free play is made possible because of Panums
fusional areas: there are matching areas on each retina that




correspond rather than points. So, there can be a minute

misalignment (fixation disparity) of the visual axes without the
patient suffering diplopia or strabismus.This misalignment is small,
typically a few minutes of arc, and is less than the deviation of the
visual axes that is present in strabismus.
Although fixation disparity occurs without the patient suffering
diplopia, it is still undesirable. It causes a reduction in stereoacuity and (when using well-designed fixation disparity tests)
indicates that the visual system is under stress (see Figure 1.4).
As Figure 1.4 shows, sensory fusion is very important in helping a
patient to keep a heterophoria compensated. Under normal
viewing conditions, the majority of the field of view is seen by
both eyes and acts as a fusion lock. In any fixation disparity test,
a small section of visual field must be excluded from the fusion
lock: these are the monocular (Nonius) markers which are the
colored strips on the Mallett test (Figure 2.1). Figure 2.1 shows
that there is a great deal of detail surrounding the test to act as a
peripheral fusion lock. Also, the letters O X O form a central

Figure 2.1

Mallett unit fixation disparity test

How do I investigate?
fusion lock. It is the presence of such a good central and
peripheral fusion lock on the Mallett unit that makes this test so
valuable. Since the test very closely resembles normal viewing
conditions, if a fixation disparity is detected during this test then
it is also very likely to be present during everyday life.
Although the Mallett unit test detects fixation disparity, the
degree of fixation disparity is not measured with the test. Instead,
the test measures the aligning prism (associated heterophoria) or
aligning sphere.This is the prism or sphere that is required to
align the strips.This is clinically relevant for two reasons:

the size of the aligning prism (with a genuine Mallett unit) has
been correlated with the likelihood of the patient having
the aligning prism or sphere is usually equal to the prism or
sphere that is required to render the heterophoria

The exact method and questions that are used with the Mallett
unit fixation disparity test have been shown to be important.
These are summarized in Table 2.2. All research on this test has
used genuine Mallett units.There are some copies which often
have differences in design and it is unclear whether these will give
the same results.
Using the norms in Table 2.2, the near Mallett unit fixation
disparity test has a sensitivity and specificity for detecting
symptomatic heterophoria of about 7580%. For a clinical test,
these results are impressive, but are of course not 100%.
Therefore other clinical tests are sometimes useful (see Table 2.5)
and these will now be described.

Fusional reserves
Figure 1.4 shows that a key factor determining a persons ability to
compensate for a heterophoria is the fusional reserve that they use
to overcome the heterophoria.This is called the opposing
fusional reserve and, for example, is the convergent fusional
reserve in exophoria.The convergent fusional reserve can be
measured by introducing base out prisms.This can be a source of




Table 2.2 Test method and norms for the near Mallett unit
fixation disparity test
1. Without the polarized visors, show the patient the horizontal test
(green strips vertically placed above and below the O X O) and
check that the patient perceives both green strips in perfect
alignment. Increase ambient illumination
2. Introduce the polarized visor and ask the patient if the two green
strips are still exactly lined up, whilst they keep their head still
3. If the patient says that they are exactly lined up, then ask if one or
both of the strips ever moves a little
4. If (2) or (3) reveals a misalignment, then introduce prisms in front
of the relevant eye(s) or spheres in front of both eyes until the
strips are aligned and stay aligned. For an exo-slip (right eyes strip
moving to the patients left) add base in prism or minus spheres
5. After changing the prism or spheres, have the patient read a line of
text to stabilize their binocular vision before re-testing for fixation
6. Make a note of the results in (4), remove the aligning prism or
sphere, and then repeat for the vertical test
7. An aligning prism of 1 or more in pre-presbyopes or 2 or more
in presbyopes is very likely to be associated with symptoms
8. With pre-presbyopes, it is therefore useful to initially introduce
prisms in 1/2 steps

confusion since when an exophoria is corrected it is bases in prisms

that are used. But for fusional reserve testing, the goal is to create
a larger and larger exophoria to see what the visual system can
overcome. So the person is forced to exert their convergent
fusional reserves by introducing base out prisms.The method of
measurement of fusional reserves is summarized in Table 2.3.

Foveal suppression test

In Chapter 3 sensory adaptations to strabismus are discussed,
including patients who develop global suppression of the

How do I investigate?
Table 2.3

Test method and norms for fusional reserves


The most common method is to use a prism bar, but rotary

prisms also can be used


Base out prisms are used to measure the convergent fusional

reserves, and vice versa


The fusional reserve opposing the heterophoria (convergent in

exophoria) should be measured first


Introduce the prism at about the rate of 1 per second


The patient should fixate a detailed accommodative target (e.g.,

vertical line of letters on a budgie stick if testing at near)


First, the patient should report when the target goes blurred,
which is recorded as the blur point. Sometimes, there is no blur


The patient should be asked to report when the target goes

double: the break point.The practitioner should watch the
patients eyes to confirm this objectively


The prism is then reduced until single vision and ocular alignment
is restored


Record the results as blur/break/recovery. For example:

Fus. Res. N con 12/20/15 div /10/8 ( indicates no blur point)

10. Results can be compared with norms, but the precise norms
depend on the test conditions. It is more meaningful to relate the
results to the heterophoria
11. Sheards criterion says that the fusional reserve (to blur or if no
blur to break) that opposes the heterophoria should be at least
twice the heterophoria. For example, if a patient has 8
exophoria at near, then their convergent fusional reserve should
be at least 16.This criterion works well for exophoria
12. Percivals criterion says, in essence, that the fusional reserves should
be balanced so that the smaller fusional reserve is more than half
the larger one. For example, if the convergent fusional reserve to
break point is 20, then the divergent fusional reserve should be at
least 10. Percivals criterion is useful for esophoric patients




binocular field of the strabismic eye. A rather different form

of sensory adaptation can occur in more subtle non-strabismic
cases in which a heterophoria is decompensating and yet there
are no symptoms.The patient may have poor recovery on cover
testing, a fixation disparity that requires a high aligning prism,
and fusional reserves that are inadequate for overcoming the
heterophoria.Typically, these clinical signs would cause symptoms
and yet rare cases are encountered when there are no
symptoms, and this can be a puzzling finding.The explanation
probably lies in foveal suppression, which can be a sensory
adaptation to avoid the symptoms of decompensated
Foveal suppression can prevent symptoms in heterophoria
because Panums fusional areas are smaller at the fovea, so if
these are suppressed in one eye then the patient can have a
larger fixation disparity without necessarily having any symptoms.
Foveal suppression is detected with the foveal suppression test
on the Mallett unit (Figure 2.2) and the method of use is
described in Table 2.4.

Other tests relevant to the assessment

of heterophoria
Only certain key tests for the assessment of heterophoria have
been described in this chapter, but many other tests are available
that provide additional useful information. Stereo-acuity tests are
certainly a useful addition to the routine eye examination:
random dot tests are helpful for detecting strabismus, and
contoured tests are useful for grading stereo-acuity in
heterophoria.The Randot test is particularly useful because it has
subtests for both of these types of stereopsis.
Other tests include dissociation tests (e.g., Maddox rod and
Maddox wing) and tests of vergence facility and these are
described in more detailed texts. Other parts of the routine eye
examination provide essential information, such as
ophthalmoscopy, pupil reactions, visual fields (when the patient is
old enough), refraction, and measurements of accommodative

How do I investigate?













































Figure 2.2 Diagram illustrating the use of the Mallett foveal

suppression test.The numbers on the left hand side of the test represent
the acuity in minutes of arc (). It is recommended that the patient is only
shown the test while wearing the polarized filter, when (depending on
the orientation of the polarizers) the right eye sees the image in (b) and
the left eye the image in (c). If, for example, a patient reports seeing the
letters illustrated in (d), then under binocular conditions the left eye has
an acuity if 10 compared with 5 for the right eye.The poorer acuity in
the left eye might result from a monocular factor (e.g. refractive error)
or a binocular sensory adaptation (e.g. foveal suppression). If, while the
polarized filter is still worn, the better eye (right in this example) is
covered then the best acuity of the left eye under monocular conditions
can be determined. In the example, the patient sees the letters illustrated
in (e), so that the patient has foveal suppression of 3 in the left eye (the
10 in (d) less the 7 in (e)) and an acuity of 5 in the right eye and 7 in
the left eye (reproduced with permission from Evans, B.J.W. (2002)
Pickwells Binocular Vision Anomalies, 4th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann)

Summary of the diagnosis of

decompensated heterophoria
To summarize, decompensated heterophoria is diagnosed on the
basis of symptoms and the results of a battery of tests.The busy
clinician needs to know which tests are most important so that




Table 2.4

Test method and norms for Mallett foveal suppression

1. It is recommended that the patient is only shown the test (a)

whilst wearing the polarized filter, when (depending on the
orientation of the polarizers) the right eye sees the image in (b)
and the left eye the image in (c)
2. Have the patient hold the test at their normal reading
distance, using any glasses that they normally wear for work
at that distance
3. Ask the patient to read down the polarized chart, noting how far
down they read with each eye
4. If, for example, a patient reports seeing the letters illustrated in
(d), then under binocular viewing conditions the left eye has an
acuity if 10 compared with 5 for the right eye.The poorer
acuity in the left eye might result from a monocular factor (e.g.,
refractive error) or a binocular sensory adaptation (e.g., foveal
5. If, whilst the polarized filter is still worn, the better eye (right in
this example) is covered then the best acuity of the left eye under
monocular viewing conditions can be determined
6. In the example, the patient sees the letters illustrated in (e),
so that the patient has foveal suppression of 3 in the left
eye (10 7)
7. If the best line that the patient can read under binocular
conditions (without occlusion) is one line or more worse than
under monocular conditions (with occlusion) then this is an
abnormal result

they can reach a diagnosis as rapidly and efficiently as possible.

Table 2.5 has been reproduced to help with this: it is a simple
worksheet which gives an algorithm to assist with the diagnosis
of decompensated heterophoria.The last two items in Table 2.5
are designed to detect binocular instability, which is a
condition related to decompensated heterophoria and which is
described on pp. 3740.

How do I investigate?
Table 2.5 Scoring system for diagnosing decompensated
heterophoria and binocular instability. This scoring algorithm is
most appropriate for horizontal heterophoria: for vertical
heterophoria, if aligning prism of 0.5 or more is detected then,
after checking trial frame alignment, measure the vertical dissociated phoria. If this is more than the aligning prism and there are
symptoms then diagnose decompensated heterophoria; but still
complete the worksheet for any horizontal phoria that may be



1. Does the patient have one or more of the symptoms of

decompensated heterophoria
(headache, aching eyes, diplopia, blurred vision difficulty changing focus, distortions,
reduced stereopsis,monocular comfort, sore eyes, general irritation)?

If so, score +3 (+2 or +1 if borderline)

Are the symptoms at D  or N 
All the following questions apply to D or N, as ticked (if both ticked,
complete 2 worksheets)
2. Is the patient orthophoric on cover testing?
Yes  or No 

If no, score +1

3. Is the cover test recovery rapid and smooth?

Yes  or No 
If no, score +2 (+1 if borderline)
4. Is the Mallett Hz aligning prism: <1 for patients under 40,
or <2 for pxs over 40?
Yes  or No 
If no, score +2
5. Is the Mallett aligning prism stable (Nonius strips stationary
with any required prism)?
Yes  or No 
If no, score +1
6. Using the polarized letters binocular status test, is any foveal
suppression < one line?
Yes  or No 
If no, score +2
Add up score so far and enter in right hand column
if score: <4 diagnose normal,

>5 treat,

45 continue down table adding to score so far



Table 2.5





7. Sheards criterion:
(a) measure the dissociated phoria (e.g., Maddox wing, prism
cover test); record size & stability
(b) measure the fusional reserve opposing the heterophoria
(i.e., convergent, or base out, in exophoria). Record as
blur/break/recovery in .
Is the blur point, or if no blur point the break point, [in (b)] at
least twice the phoria [in (a)]?
Yes  or No 
If no, score +2
8. Percivals criterion: measure the other fusional reserve and
compare the two break points.
Is the smaller break point more than half the larger break point?
Yes  or No 
If no, score +1
9.When you measured the dissociated heterophoria, was the
result stable, or unstable (varying over a range of 2 or more)?
(e.g., during Maddox wing test, if the Hz phoria was 4 XOP and
the arrow was moving from 2 to 6, then result unstable)
Stable  or Unstable 
If unstable, score +1
10. Using the fusional reserve measurements, add the divergent
break point to the convergent break point. Is the total
(=fusional amplitude) at least 20?
Yes  or No 
If no, score +1
Add up total score (from both sections of table) and enter in right hand
column. If total score: <6 then diagnose compensated heterophoria, if >5
diagnose decompensated heterophoria or binocular instability (see pp.
Reproduced with permission from Evans, B.J.W. (2002) Pickwells Binocular Vision
Anomalies, 4th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann.

When do I need to do something?

Heterophoria is a normal finding and most cases require no
action.Treatment is only required if the heterophoria
decompensates.The reasons for this are discussed on pp. 1112
and illustrated in Figure 1.4.

What do I do?
The general advice on pp. 1011 about managing binocular
vision anomalies apply: action is only required if the binocular
vision anomalies are causing problems, are likely to deteriorate if
left untreated, or if they are a sign of pathology. It is very rare for
decompensated heterophoria to be a sign of ocular pathology, but
a marked change in the magnitude of a heterophoria should
arouse suspicion.This is one reason why it is useful to always
record an estimate of the size of the heterophoria, for example
based on cover testing (see Table 1.3).
The investigation of heterophoria is mostly about determining
whether it is compensated or not.This was discussed in the
previous section.

What do I do?
Decompensated heterophoria is fairly commonly encountered in
primary care optometric practice and nearly all cases can be
managed in the primary care setting.The main treatment options
are listed below:

remove the cause of decompensation

eye exercises
refractive modification
prismatic correction

The required treatment will depend on the conditions of the

particular case.This will partly depend on the type of
heterophoria (discussed on pp. 23), but will also depend on
patient characteristics (e.g., age, motivation, etc.).These factors
now will be considered as the treatment options outlined above
are considered in turn.

1. Remove the cause of decompensation

A consideration of Figure 1.4 will reveal the main factors that can
cause decompensation. For example, if working under dim lighting
is causing poor sensory fusion then the appropriate treatment is




to increase the lighting. If anisometropia or cataract is causing

poor sensory fusion then appropriate treatments are contact
lenses and surgery, respectively. Correcting refractive errors, even
sometimes if they are quite small, can aid sensory fusion.
Monovision can be a successful method of correcting
presbyopia either with contact lenses or refractive surgery. But
monovision could also be described as induced anisometropia,
and it is therefore contraindicated in people who have a
heterophoria which is not well-compensated.

2. Eye exercises
Eye exercises are most likely to be effective in small or moderate
exophoria. It is harder to achieve success with exercises for
esophoria and much harder (arguably impossible) for
hyperphoria. Exercises can work in patients of any age, but the
patient needs to be old enough to understand what is required
and in older people the exercises tend to take longer to work.
Without doubt, the most important factor is patient motivation: if
the patient lacks motivation and enthusiasm then exercises are
very unlikely to be effective.
The purpose of eye exercises for decompensated heterophoria
is to increase the fusional reserve that opposes the heterophoria;
for example, to increase the convergent fusional reserves in
exophoria. Exophoric conditions are treated most often in this
way and will be described here. Similar principles apply to the
training of divergent fusional reserves in esophoria.
Controlled trials show that convergent fusional reserves can
be trained with exercises, and a key component is probably the
mental effort to keep the eyes over-converged during the
exercises. Exercises may use a haploscopic device (e.g., a form of
stereoscope) or free-space techniques. Free-space techniques are
probably the most common form of fusional reserve exercises
these days, and can be further sub-divided into two types:

exercises where convergence and accommodation are kept

associated in the usual way and are trained together.These
exercises are most commonly used when there is a

What do I do?

convergence insufficiency as part of the problem and are

described on pp. 3739.
Exercises where the link between convergence and
accommodation is dissociated.The best known of these is
probably the three cats exercise, described in Figure 2.3
and Table 2.6.

A problem with the three cats exercise, or similar approaches, is

that patients rapidly become bored.This led to the development
at the Institute of Optometry of the Institute Free-space
Stereogram (IFS) exercises (Figure 2.4), the features of which are
described in Table 2.7.The idea behind the IFS exercises is that
the parent (or for older patients, the patient themselves)
becomes the vision therapist.There are very detailed instructions
that the parent reads out to the child whilst the child views a
series of targets on cards. Each card is different, with a variety of
tasks for the patient to do, which prevents boredom.The child
perceives a marked 3-D effect, which also helps maintain
interest.There are a series of self-checks where the parent asks

Figure 2.3 Three cats exercise. See Table 2.6.

(Reproduced with permission from Evans, B.J.W. (1997), Pickwells
Binocular Vision Anomalies, 3rd edition, Butterworth-Heinemann)


Table 2.6

Method of use of the three cats exercise

1. The card with drawings of two incomplete cats is held at arms

2. The patient fixates on a pencil held between the card and the eyes
3. Physiological diplopic images of the cats will be seen as blurred
images, and the pencil distance adjusted until the middle two cats
fuse into a complete cat with two incomplete cats, one each side
(the resultant percept is of three cats)
4. The patient is asked to try to see the cats clearly.This involves
maintaining convergence for the pencil distance and relaxing
accommodation (exercising negative relative accommodation)
5. Typically, the exercise is carried out for 10 minutes twice a day
6. The patient should be checked again soon, typically after about
3 weeks

Table 2.7

Goals and design features of IFS exercises


Design feature


Printed home exercises

Easy to understand

Comprehensive instructions

Fun to do

Novel 3-D images

Varied tasks


Encourage parent/child team

One or two 10 min sessions daily
Check in 34 weeks

Checks on progress

10 self-test questions

Variety of stimuli

18 targets with step and ramp

Different size stimuli
Different shape stimuli
Vergence angles: 330

Control/treat suppression

Physiological diplopic images

Monocular markers

What do I do?


Figure 2.4 Institute Free-space Stereogram (IFS) exercises. Reproduced

with permission of i.O.O. Sales (

the child a question to check if they are doing the exercises

properly. If not, then the parent is instructed to contact the
practitioner (this only rarely occurs).
The IFS exercises include four cards for the patient to view,
some of which have ring targets with objects that are seen in
depth and others with autostereograms (e.g., in the foreground of
Figure 2.4).The autostereograms have been designed so that, if the
patient is over-converging appropriately, they see a series of steps
which appear to come off the page towards them. Each time they
have the perception of moving up a step their eyes have to overconverge to a greater degree. On each step is a letter and if the



child identifies the letter correctly then the parent knows that
they are doing the exercises properly.These exercises have proved
popular with both optometrists and orthoptists.
It should be stressed that there are literally dozens of different
types of fusional reserve exercises and only a brief introduction
has been given here.The IFS exercises are suitable for use by the
patient at home.This is a popular approach with many
practitioners, although some practitioners prefer treatment in the
practice.The more complex cases may require a battery of
exercises rather than just one type. A key factor is the ability of
the patient and (if a child) their parent to understand the
instructions and the practitioner must check that these are fully
understood before the patient leaves the practice. It is generally
advisable to give written instructions, like those that are included
with the IFS exercises.
Most practitioners would agree that it is much better to have
a brief period of aggressive exercises (e.g., 23 times a day for
1015 minutes a time for 3 weeks) rather than a half-hearted
attempt to do the exercises over several months. Ideally a
follow-up appointment should be booked about 3 weeks after the
exercises are issued. Another advantage of this approach is that, if
the exercises are not working, this fact is identified rapidly so that
another management option (or referral) can be pursued.

3. Refractive modification
In some cases an uncorrected refractive error is the cause for
the decompensated heterophoria. For example, there may be
uncorrected hypermetropia in esophoria, uncorrected myopia in
exophoria, or astigmatism impairing sensory fusion. In these
cases, the refractive correction is the only proper treatment,
since this will remove the cause of decompensation.
In other cases there may be no significant refractive error, or a
refractive error that is already being adequately corrected, and
yet a refractive modification might be an appropriate method
of correcting the decompensated heterophoria. A common use of
this approach is in patients with convergence excess esophoria:
an esophoria that is worse at near than at distance. Bifocal or

What do I do?
varifocal spectacles would be likely to render the heterophoria
Many decompensated exophorias are also very amenable to
treatment in this way. A negative add can be used (e.g., giving
minus lenses to an emmetrope) to induce accommodative
convergence which helps the patient to overcome an exophoria.
It is important to explain to the patient and the parent that these
are exercise glasses and the goal is to reduce the add over
time as the patient gradually becomes able, by increasing degrees,
to compensate for the deviation.This very simple method of
treatment is often highly effective and is sadly under-used.The
method is summarized in Table 2.8.
The patients who are most amenable to treatment by
refractive modification are those with a high AC/A ratio.The
AC/A ratio defines how much the vergence changes per diopter
of accommodation. For example, during a Maddox Wing test a
patient might have an esophoria of 8. If +2.00DS lenses are
added, the esophoria reduces to 2.The vergence has changed by
6 (82) for 2D of relaxation in accommodation, so the AC/A
ratio is 3/D (6/2). A value of 34/D is normal.

4. Prismatic correction
Prismatic correction is quite commonly used to correct a
decompensated heterophoria in older patients, typically as base in
prism in reading glasses. Small vertical heterophoria, although
rare, also responds well to prisms. In other cases prisms may be
used as a temporary correction, for example in a child who is
taking examinations and who will return for exercises in the
school holidays.The method is summarized in Table 2.9.

5. Surgery
Surgery is only very rarely required for decompensated
heterophoria.Typically, these are the cases where the
heterophoria is very large and is causing considerable symptoms,
yet is too large to treat with the other methods described above.
These cases will require referral to a surgeon.




Table 2.8 Method of use for refractive modification to treat

decompensated heterophoria
1. Using the Mallett fixation disparity unit (see Table 2.2) at the
appropriate distance investigate the minimum refractive
modification that is required to bring the polarized strips into
alignment. For example, in exophoria increase the minus until the
strips are aligned
2. Remove the polarized visor and check the visual acuities at the
appropriate distance. In the case of a negative add, this checks that
the accommodation is adequately overcoming the minus: this
method of treatment is only appropriate in patients with adequate
3. Have the patient read a couple of lines of text through the lenses
to stabilize their binocular vision.Then check the cover test to
make sure that the heterophoria appears reasonably wellcompensated (see Table 1.4)
4. Advise the spectacles to be worn for concentrated visual tasks at
the appropriate distance or, if symptoms or the risk of strabismus
are severe, all the time
5. Prescribe the spectacles (or contact lenses), annotating the
prescription to state Refractive modification to treat
decompensated heterophoria. Explain this to the patient and
6. Advise the patient to return immediately if they have any diplopia
or any persistent blurred vision or asthenopia
7. Check again in 3 months, repeating steps 15 and reducing the
refractive modification when you can

Specific types of heterophoria

Table 2.9 Method of use of prismatic correction for decompensated heterophoria
1. Using the Mallett fixation disparity unit (see Table 2.2) at the
appropriate distance, investigate the minimum prismatic correction
modification that is required to bring the polarized strips into
alignment. For example, in exophoria increase the base in until the
strips are aligned
2. Have the patient read a couple of lines of text through the lenses
to stabilize their binocular vision.Then check the cover test to
make sure that the heterophoria appears reasonably wellcompensated (see Table 1.4)
3. Patients with abnormal binocular vision usually do not adapt to
prisms, but this can be checked by repeating steps 12 after the
patient has read for about 3 minutes

Specific types of heterophoria

Mixed esophoria (basic esophoria)
In mixed esophoria the esophoria is similar at distance and near.
If it is decompensated then it may need treatment at both
distances. A cycloplegic refraction is mandatory in these cases
and if significant hypermetropia is found or if the patient is
decompensated then plus should be prescribed.These cases
need to be monitored frequently since sometimes they can
decompensate (even if fully corrected), for example during
febrile illnesses. Parents need to be taught to look for a turning
eye and advised to seek professional care if this occurs at
any time.
If an esophoria is decompensating, but not at a specific
distance, and is not fully accommodative (not fully corrected by
the maximum plus revealed by cycloplegia) then management
options (in addition to maximum plus) are eye exercises, prisms
or surgery.




Divergence weakness (distance esophoria)

In divergence weakness the esophoria is significantly greater at
distance and, as in any case of significant esophoria, a cycloplegic
refraction is usually indicated. It is also important to rule out the
possibility of a lateral rectus palsy (see Table 6.9). Decompensated
divergence weakness esophoria is uncommon and is often very
difficult to treat in primary eyecare practices. Occasionally, they
may respond to exercises to increase the divergent fusional
reserves at distance. Suitable methods are beyond the scope of
this book (see Pickwells Binocular Vision Anomalies for further

Convergence excess (near esophoria)

In these cases the esophoria is significantly greater at near. Once
latent hypermetropia has been ruled out, then multifocals are
often the most appropriate management (see pp. 3233).

Mixed exophoria (basic exophoria)

In mixed exophoria the exophoria is similar at distance and near.
If these cases decompensate, then eye exercises or a negative add
are often successful treatments.

Divergence excess (distance exophoria)

In divergence excess exophoria there is an exophoria which is
significantly greater at distance than at near. Many of these cases
are really intermittent exotropia since friends and family notice a
large divergent deviation when the patient looks into the far
distance, of which the patient is usually unaware because they
suppress.To the practitioner, who works at a maximum distance
of 6 m, these cases usually appear as a distance exophoria and
they will therefore be discussed in this section.
Some of these cases respond to exercises to increase the
convergent fusional reserves. For example, they can be loaned a
prism bar and taught to look at a distant object and to try and

Specific types of heterophoria

maintain fusion as the base out prism is increased. Cases where
the patient is completely unaware when an eye drifts out can be
very difficult to treat because they suppress during exercises. For
these cases, orthoptic exercises are much easier with haploscopic
Some of these cases can be treated successfully with a
negative add, and the technique for this is described in Table 2.8.
The Mallett unit fixation disparity test can be used to check
whether this would give the patient an unacceptable esophoria at
near. If this is a concern, then multifocals can be prescribed.

Convergence weakness (near exophoria)

In convergence weakness exophoria, the exophoria is significantly
greater at near than at distance. If the near exophoria is
decompensated then it can be treated as outlined on pp. 2834.
Eye exercises usually work well for these cases. Convergence
weakness exophoria is often (but not always) associated with
convergence insufficiency (see below), and when it is then
treatment of the convergence insufficiency often improves the
persons ability to compensate for the exophoria.

Convergence insufficiency
Convergence insufficiency is characterized by a remote near
point of convergence: usually it is more remote than 810 cm.
This condition is often (but not always) associated with
convergence weakness exophoria. Convergence insufficiency is
very amenable to treatment with eye exercises, and examples, in
increasing order of complexity, are listed in Table 2.10.Table 2.10
stresses the need to keep the object single, but usually the
patient is asked to also keep the object clear.This is especially
important where the patient has a combined convergence and
accommodative insufficiency (see Chapter 8). In older patients,
where the near point of accommodation may naturally be further
out than the near point of convergence, then the instructions
should stress single vision (as in Table 2.10), not clear vision, and
non-accommodative targets will be more appropriate.




Table 2.10 Examples of eye exercises for convergence

Type of exercise

Details of exercise

Simple push-up

1. The patient views a detailed near target and

brings it towards their nose, trying to keep it
single for as long as possible
2. When the target doubles, they move back
out and repeat stage 1

Push-up with

1. As above, but the patient also holds a second

target a few centimeters beyond the first
2. The distal target is seen in physiological
diplopia and the patient is made aware of this
3. They must keep fixating the nearer target,
but keep aware of the furthest which must
be seen in physiological diplopia all the time
4. If physiological diplopia is lost, then move the
targets out until it is regained. In other
respects, the exercise is carried out as for
the simple push-up method

Distance to near
1. The patient views a detailed near target and
(jump convergence)
brings it towards their nose, trying to keep it
single for as long as possible.The distance
when doubling occurs is the near point of
2. This near target is then held just beyond
this point
3. The patient then looks at a distant target and
makes this single
4. Then the patient looks back at the near
target, making this single
5. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated, every now and
then checking that the near target is close to
the near point of convergence
Distance to near
1. As above, but the patient holds an additional
(jump convergence)
target a few centimeters beyond the near
with physiological
2. This target is seen in physiological diplopia
and the patient is made aware of this

Specific types of heterophoria

3. When looking at the near target, the patient

must keep aware of the additional target
which must be seen in physiological diplopia
all the time

1. This approach is particularly suitable for

patients with quite marked convergence
insufficiency (e.g., NPC 20 cm or greater)
2. A bead (or nut) is threaded onto a piece of
string.The patient holds the piece of string
on the bridge of their nose, with the other
end held at arms length or tied to an object
directly in front of the patient
3. The bead is placed further away from the
patient than the near point of convergence
and the patient should see a single bead.The
string should form an X, centered on the
bead.This needs to be pointed out to the
patient as this awareness of physiological
diplopia can be used to check for
4. The bead is gradually moved towards the
patient until diplopia (or suppression)
5. The same method of pushing up to the
patient is used as in the first two methods
described above, but also maintaining an
awareness of the string forming an X

Binocular instability
The eyeballs are visco-elastic spheres surrounded by relatively
soft orbital fat and connective tissue. Considering this, and the
fact that the eyes move at incredibly high speeds, it is amazing
that they usually keep as well co-ordinated as they do. It is not
surprising that small vergence errors occur, and it was noted
above that Panums fusional areas allow some free play in the
sensory visual system. Similarly, the fusional reserves allow some
tolerance in the motor system.This is why orthophoric patients
still need to possess fusional reserves. A corollary of this is that




patients with very low fusional reserves or with impaired sensory

fusion might, even if they have orthophoria or minimal
heterophoria, still have trouble maintaining fusion and may
consequently have symptoms (Figure 1.4).This condition is called
binocular instability.
A patient with binocular instability might have the symptoms
of decompensated heterophoria and yet only have a negligible
heterophoria. But the fusional reserves will be very low and/or
there will be an impairment to sensory fusion (e.g.,
The fusional reserves tend to be, on average, lower in people
who are dyslexic than in good readers. So, people with dyslexia
(or specific learning difficulties) are a little more likely than usual
to have binocular instability.To test for this, it is important to ask
if there is any movement of the Nonius markers in the Mallett
fixation disparity test and to measure the fusional reserves. In
binocular instability there is usually excessive movement of the
Nonius markers, excessive movement of the arrow in the
Maddox wing test, and a low fusional amplitude. In Table 2.5,
items 5, 9 and 10 refer to binocular instability.


What is strabismus?
Sensory adaptations to strabismus
How do I investigate?
When do I need to do something?
If the strabismus is causing symptoms or decreased
visual function
If the situation is likely to worsen if left
If the strabismus is likely to be a sign of ophthalmic or
systemic pathology
What do I do?
New or changed strabismus
Long-standing strabismus



What is strabismus?
Strabismus occurs when the visual axes are misaligned: the two
eyes do not point directly at the object of regard. Panums fusional
area allows some free play in the visual system: the visual axes
can be slightly misaligned (by a few minutes of arc; fixation disparity)
without the patient losing normal binocular vision. Strabismus
usually signifies a deviation that is an order of magnitude greater
than this: typically, the visual axes are misaligned by several
degrees, rather than minutes of arc. An exception to this is
microtropia, when the visual axes are misaligned by less than 10;
this is discussed in Chapter 4.When the visual axes are
misaligned by an amount that is too great to allow sensory fusion
within Panums fusional areas then a strabismus is present. Small
angle strabismus may not be recognizable by looking at the
patient and it is these cases that are particularly challenging for
the eyecare professional to determine.

Sensory adaptations to strabismus

Strabismic amblyopia is a sensory consequence of strabismus
and is discussed in Chapter 5.The present chapter covers
sensory adaptations to strabismus, which can be thought of as
diplopia-avoiding mechanisms. In strabismus, since the visual axes
point at different objects the patient might be expected to have
diplopia, and if they are too old to develop sensory adaptations
then this is what will happen.To avoid diplopia, younger patients
with strabismus must either suppress the entire binocular field
of their strabismic eye or develop harmonious anomalous
retinal correspondence (HARC). HARC can be thought of as a
re-wiring of retinal correspondence so that the patient has a
form of pseudo-correspondence. HARC works especially well in
microtropia, and is discussed in this context in Chapter 4.
The other sensory adaptation to avoid diplopia in strabismus is
suppression. In Chapter 2 we discussed foveal suppression, which
is most likely to occur in decompensated heterophoria.The
suppression that occurs to avoid diplopia in strabismus is rather

What is strabismus?
different since the whole binocular field of the strabismic eye will
need to be suppressed. For this reason, the suppression in
strabismus has been called global suppression.
Rather confusingly, patients who, instead of global suppression
have HARC, often have two small suppression areas in their
strabismic eyes visual field: one at the fovea of their strabismic eye
and one at the zero point.The zero point is the part of the
strabismic eyes visual field that neo-corresponds with the fovea of
the non-strabismic eye.The reason that these two small
suppression areas are necessary is because it is at the two foveae
that Panums fusional areas are very small, and this makes
anomalous correspondence at these two positions very difficult. It
should be stressed that these two small suppression areas occur in
the presence of HARC, and are quite different to the global
suppression which occurs as the alternative diplopia avoidance
mechanism to HARC. For this reason, these small suppression
areas have been called local suppression areas.These local
suppression areas in HARC have been said to subtend 12,
although it is sometimes argued that they are in some cases larger
and can coalesce into one suppression area, with HARC existing in
the periphery.The debate over this is probably fuelled by the fact
that the dimensions of these areas may not be fixed, but may vary
with different test conditions.
The factors that predispose a patient to develop either HARC
or global suppression are summarized in Table 3.1. It should be
Table 3.1 Factors which influence the likelihood of a child with
strabismus developing either HARC or global suppression. Note:
exceptions to these tendencies occur in some cases

More likely to
develop HARC

More likely to develop

global suppression

Size of deviation



Stability of deviation



Type of deviation



Age of onset

Young child

Older child




noted that the table only represents tendencies: there are many
exceptions who have not followed the predispositions in Table 3.1.
A useful mnemonic is that the factors favoring HARC can be
remembered as the five Ss: small, stable, eso, started soon.

How do I investigate?
As in any binocular vision anomalies, it is important to be sure of
the nature of the condition. For example, regular checks on
ocular health and comitancy should take place. Indeed, all the
factors in Table 3.3 need to be regularly reviewed.

It is important to know the size of the deviation, since any
change in the angle must be detectable. But it must be borne
in mind that this is likely to increase with increasing degrees
of dissociation.The standard method is the cover test (see
Figure 1.2 and Table 1.1), recording the size of deviation
(Table 1.3) on the initial covering and then the degree to which
this builds with repeat covering (Table 1.5).
Other dissociation tests can also be used to obtain an
estimate of the degree of deviation, such as a Maddox wing or
Maddox rod. If deep sensory adaptations are present then these
can interfere with the measurement, and some alternating
covering may be necessary to break down the adaptation, but this
will be likely to increase the angle.

HARC is an acquired adaptation and it must be remembered that
normal retinal correspondence is still the innate correspondence
which will be present underneath the adaptation. If the patient
is presented with artificial test situations then the adaptation can
be broken down and the patient may revert to normal retinal
correspondence. Of course, they will still have the strabismus so
if they revert to normal retinal correspondence then they will

How do I investigate?
have diplopia at this point in the test.The goal of clinical tests is
to determine the sensory adaptations that operate during the
patients normal everyday visual activities.To do this, the clinical
tests need to replicate these everyday conditions as accurately as
possible: they should be naturalistic.This is why artificial,
dissociating, instruments such as a synoptophore are
inappropriate for determining sensory status.The two best tests
are the Bagolini Lens Test and the Mallett Modified OXO Test
(Figure 3.1). Nearly all primary eyecare practices have a Mallett
unit, so this technique will be described here.
The small OXO tests, which are designed to detect fixation
disparity in the presence of heterophoria, should not be used to
test for HARC or global suppression.This is because of the small
local suppression areas that can occur in HARC (see p. 43) and
which can cause the Nonius strip with the small OXO tests to
disappear which could cause HARC to be mis-diagnosed as global

Figure 3.1 The Mallett Near Vision Unit.The Modified OXO Test for
testing for HARC or global suppression is the top left large OXO test
(courtesy of i.O.O. Sales Ltd.)




suppression.This is why modern versions of the near Mallett unit

have the large OXO test (top left hand test in Figure 3.1), best
described as the Modified OXO Test for HARC/global
suppression. For distance vision testing, the distance OXO
fixation disparity test can be used at the modified testing distance
of 1.5 m: at this distance the larger angle that the test subtends
makes it suitable.
The method of use of the test is to insert the polarized visor
over any refractive correction that the patient usually wears at
that distance and, as with any polarized test, to increase the
ambient illumination to counteract the light-absorbing effect of
the polarized filters.The patient is directed to look at the large
modified OXO and to describe what they see, whilst they look at
the X. If they have normal retinal correspondence then they
should experience diplopia, as in the third panel on the bottom
row of Figure 3.2. If they see only one green strip, which should
correspond to the non-strabismic eye (second panel bottom row
of Figure 3.2), then they have global suppression of their
strabismic eye. If a strabismic patient sees both green strips
simultaneously but only one OXO then they must have HARC

Modified OXO test

e.g., 15 R SOT, large OXO on Mallett Near Unit
LE image:
RE image:









Figure 3.2 Use of the Mallett Modified OXO Test to detect HARC or
global suppression in strabismus (reproduced with permission from
Optician, 11 June, 1999, No. 5705,Vol. 217)

When do I need to do something?

(first panel bottom row of Figure 3.2). It is unlikely that the
anomalous correspondence will create the perfect perception of
normal binocular vision: it is quite likely that the Nonius strip in
the strabismic eye will be a different size or brightness to the
strip from the other eye or it may even flicker.These reports do
not normally indicate any significant problems.
During the test for HARC or suppression it is advisable to
check the motor status by carrying out a cover test.This should
confirm that the strabismus is still present and that the patient
has not changed fixation to the other eye.
Some patients have very deep sensory adaptations, whereas in
other cases the sensory adaptations are quite lightly ingrained.
Patients with deep sensory adaptations are likely to exhibit the
characteristics favoring the development of HARC in the first
place (see Table 3.1) and are unlikely to require treatment of their
strabismus, or indeed to be amenable to treatment of this.The
depth of the sensory adaptation can be measured by observing
how easily their sensory adaptation is embarrassed.The most
common method is to introduce a neutral density filter bar
between the polarized visor and the eye. If the patient has HARC
then the filter bar is introduced in front of the strabismic eye
until the HARC breaks down. If they have global suppression then
the filter bar is introduced in front of the dominant eye until the
suppression of the other eye breaks down.
This section has described the three most common forms of
sensory status in strabismus: HARC, global suppression, or
normal retinal correspondence with diplopia. A fourth option,
unharmonious retinal correspondence (Figure 3.1), is hardly ever
encountered in primary eyecare practice. For a description of this
the reader should consult a more detailed text.

When do I need to do something?

Table 1.7 listed the three reasons why binocular vision anomalies
may require an intervention. Each of these three reasons will now
be considered in turn, with respect to strabismus.




1. If the strabismus is causing symptoms or

decreased visual function
When young children (below the age of 811 years) develop
strabismus then they usually acquire sensory adaptations to avoid
diplopia (see pp. 4244). Patients who are too old to develop these
adaptations typically experience diplopia in response to a new
strabismus. Clearly, these patients will require an intervention, and
most cases that are detected in community eyecare practices will
require referral to investigate the cause of the strabismus.
Most cases with long-standing small angle strabismus have
deeply ingrained sensory adaptations (e.g., HARC; see pp. 4244)
and are asymptomatic. Rarely, cases are encountered where the
adaptations to strabismus break down and the patient
experiences symptoms.Treating these cases is only appropriate
for practitioners with specialist knowledge of binocular vision
anomalies and is beyond the scope of this book. A priority is to
determine the reason for the patients sensory adaptations
breaking down: if the angle of the strabismus has changed then
this will need investigation (see Table 3.3).
If a patient has a large angle strabismus then they may need an
intervention for cosmetic reasons.These cases are most likely to
require surgery.
The issue of whether a strabismus is causing decreased visual
function to a degree that requires treatment is contentious. First,
it should be noted that any amblyopia will need treatment as
outlined in Chapter 5: in this section we are concentrating on
binocular factors. If the strabismus is of small angle (cosmetically
good) and there are good sensory adaptations then one school of
thought is that the strabismus is unlikely to need treatment and is
best left alone. Indeed, to attempt treatment of the motor
deviation might interfere with the sensory adaptations and could
cause intractable diplopia. Another school of thought is that a
patient with strabismus never achieves the binocularity of a
patient with true binocular vision, so if the angle can be easily
straightened then this should be attempted. Some practitioners
argue that the angle and any binocular sensory adaptations should
be treated aggressively, with the goal of restoring the best

When do I need to do something?

possible binocular vision. In reality, very few practitioners would
recommend surgery for a cosmetically good small angle
strabismus and there are not many practitioners who would
recommend eye exercises for this type of case either. If a patient
is very committed (e.g., to meet vocational requirements), then
eye exercises aimed at (a) increasing the fusional reserves and (b)
eliminating the sensory adaptation are a possibility. Again, there is
a risk of producing intractable diplopia so treatment of these
cases should only be attempted by appropriately experienced
practitioners with the full informed consent of the patient.
If surgery and eye exercises are unlikely treatments for patients
with adapted small angle strabismus, then the only treatments for
the angle that are left to consider are refractive or prismatic
approaches.The most likely of these two to be encountered is
refractive treatment.The case example in Table 3.2 illustrates a
scenario that might be encountered.Although the child in Table 3.2
is asymptomatic, the hypermetropia is likely to produce symptoms
at some stage when it will require correction.To correct this now
would be expected to reduce the angle of strabismus. Indeed, if the
child has a normal AC/A ratio (e.g., 4/D; see p. 33) then full
refractive correction might be expected to eliminate the deviation.
In this type of case the sensory adaptation (typically, HARC) usually
Table 3.2 Case example of uncorrected hypermetrope with
esotropia.The management is discussed in the text

Boy, aged 6, first eye examination (no glasses)

None. Family history of hypermetropia


Normal: ocular health, visual acuities, visual fields,

ocular motility
Refractive error:




Cover test:


Modified OXO test:


Stereopsis (Randot):

no random dot or contoured stereopsis




seems to revert back to normal retinal correspondence when the

angle is corrected, suggesting that the sensory adaptation is only
lightly ingrained. Indeed, since the hypermetropia is likely to need
correction at some stage, then it is advisable to correct this as
young as possible, since any sensory adaptation is only likely to
become more deeply ingrained with age. It is easy to confirm that a
refractive correction is safe: simply put the proposed correction in
a trial frame and check that the child does not experience diplopia.
At the same time, the effect of the correction on the deviation can
be checked with a cover test. Before dispensing, explain to the
parent that if there are any reports of diplopia then spectacle wear
should be ceased and a re-examination booked as soon as possible.

2. If the situation is likely to worsen if left untreated

This is particularly relevant for intermittent strabismus, which can
sometimes be an intermediate stage in the development of a
constant strabismus. If a practitioner sees a child with an
intermittent strabismus then an intervention is necessary because
it is much easier to correct an intermittent strabismus than a
constant strabismus.This is particularly true of a hypermetropic
patient whose esophoria is breaking down into an esotropia. If
the hypermetropia is the cause of the esotropia then correcting
the hypermetropia will cure the deviation and the appropriate
prescription should be prescribed without delay.
Another way in which the situation can worsen if left
untreated is with strabismic amblyopia. It is generally thought that
it is best to treat this as young as possible, although it probably
remains treatable until the age of 712 years. Certainly, strabismic
amblyopia below the age of 8 years should be treated as soon as
it is diagnosed, and this is discussed in Chapter 5.

3. If the strabismus is likely to be a sign of

ophthalmic or systemic pathology
Practitioners need to take several steps to determine whether
strabismus is likely to result from ocular or systemic pathology.
These are summarized in Table 3.3. It is widely accepted that new

When do I need to do something?

Table 3.3 Summary of steps in determining if pathology is present
in strabismus


What to do


Any new or
requires prompt
referral to a

Orbital pathology
can cause
strabismus, although
this is rare

Pathology that
destroys or
diminishes the
vision in a
significant part of
the visual field of
one eye can
dissociate the eyes
and cause

Look for

Detect any

Look for

Pathology in the
brain can cause
comitant as well as

Carry out a careful motility

test, including questions
about diplopia
If the results are unclear,
then carry out a cover test
in peripheral gaze or ideally
a Hess screen test
If there is a new or changing
incomitancy then refer
Is proptosis present?
Are the eye movements
Is there pain on eye
Check pupil reactions,
particularly looking for an
Carry out careful
ophthalmoscopy. In younger
children, dilated fundoscopy
might be necessary to obtain
a good view, commonly after
cycloplegic refraction. Keep
checking ophthalmoscopy at
regular intervals
As soon as the child is old
enough, check visual fields
Carefully check pupil
Assess and record optic disc
appearance in both eyes,
ideally with photographs
Monitor reports of general
health (see text)


Table 3.3




What to do

Look for
causes of the

There will be a
reason why a
patient develops a
strabismus. If you
find a nonpathological reason,
then the likelihood
of there being a
pathological reason
is greatly reduced

Monitor the
size of the

If the deviation is
increasing then
there must be a

If you cannot find the

reason why a deviation is
increasing, then refer so that
someone else can give a
second opinion

Is the

If you think that

you are treating the
cause of the
strabismus (e.g.,
then the situation
should improve

If a strabismus does not

respond to treatment (e.g.,
giving post-cyclopegic plus
for hypermetropia) then
review your diagnosis (e.g.,
accommodative esotropia)
Failure to respond to
treatment might indicate a
pathological cause, so refer
for a second opinion

E.g., if a child has an

esotropia, then look for
latent hypermetropia
E.g., if an older patient is
developing an exotropia,
then have they always had
an exophoria which is
gradually decompensating
with worsening cataract
In every case, still look for
pathology. But if you have
found an obvious cause, then
it is probably the cause

cases of strabismus do not routinely require brain scans, unless

suspicious signs are detected.Whether these cases are seen in
primary or secondary care, they need the same initial
investigations. Careful checks of ocular health (see Table 3.3),
binocular status, and refraction are required.The refraction will
detect the cause in many cases, and in others the assessment of

What do I do?
binocular status will identify the cause. Less commonly ocular
pathology will be present and might be detected with the
ophthalmoscope. If an obvious cause of the strabismus is found
(e.g., hypermetropia in accommodative esotropia), then this is
treated. In these cases, the patient only requires further
investigation if the findings are suspicious, or if the situation
worsens or does not respond to treatment (see Table 3.3). It is
important to monitor the general health of the patient. If this is
poor or there are other signs that are suggestive of neurological
problems (e.g., headaches, tremor, unusual gait) then this raises
the index of suspicion and referral is indicated.

What do I do?
Intermittent strabismus can be thought of as one step worse than
decompensated heterophoria, and the same considerations apply as
for treating decompensated heterophoria (pp. 2735). Since the
strabismus is intermittent, the patient is likely to have normal retinal
correspondence and binocular single vision when the strabismus is
not present. So, if the deviation is treated by any of the methods on
pp. 2735 then sensory factors are unlikely to cause problems.
If children with strabismus are seen within the sensitive period
(until the age of 712 years) then treatment of any amblyopia is a
priority.This is discussed in Chapter 5.

New or changed strabismus

Sometimes, the history or symptoms indicate that a strabismus is
of recent onset and in these cases it is essential that the
practitioner (a) tries to find the cause of the strabismus and
refers if they cannot find the cause and (b) treats the strabismus
or refers to another practitioner for treatment. Strabismus can
be subdivided into various types and the relevant investigative and
treatment approaches are analogous to those for the equivalent
forms of heterophoria (pp. 3437).
As always, practitioners need to be alert to the risk of a
pathological cause for the deviation.Table 3.3 lists some of the




features that help to determine whether pathology is present.

Clearly, if there is a significant risk of pathology being present
then the patient will require referral to a hospital eye department
for investigation.
The cases that are most amenable to treatment in a primary
care setting are those in which a comitant deviation of recent
onset is found which is clearly of refractive origin. Most commonly,
these will be eso-deviations with uncorrected hypermetropia. If
correction of the hypermetropia straightens the deviation then the
cause of the deviation and the only correct treatment for the
deviation have been found. Occasionally, cases are seen in which
the development of myopia has caused an exophoria to
decompensate and break down into an exotropia.The visual axes
can sometimes be straightened by correcting the myopia. In these
simple cases where appropriate refractive correction straightens
the visual axes then any amblyopia may resolve without treatment,
or may require patching (see Chapter 5).The patient should be
monitored closely, even if no amblyopia is present, to confirm the
diagnosis of purely refractive strabismus. If the strabismus is
corrected with the refractive correction and any heterophoria is
stable and there are no other risk factors (see Table 3.3) then
these cases would not require referral.
In cases where there is not a simple refractive etiology for the
strabismus then the index of suspicion for pathology is raised and
most of these cases seen in primary eyecare practices will
require referral (Table 3.3). An exception might be, for example, if
a practitioner has been monitoring a long-standing just
compensated heterophoria which, following an event which
compromises the compensation, breaks down into a strabismus
of similar angle to the original heterophoria. For example, a
febrile illness or development of anisometropia might cause the
motor or sensory fusion to break down (see Figure 1.4). If an
optometrist can treat these cases and restore fusion then they
might not require referral, as long as other risk factors are not
identified (see Table 3.3).The patient is particularly likely to
respond to treatment if they are seen soon after the
decompensation occurs, and treatments outlined on pp. 2737 for
decompensated heterophoria should be considered.

What do I do?

Long-standing strabismus
Approximately 24% of the population have a strabismus, so
primary eyecare practitioners will often encounter patients
attending for routine eye examinations who have a long-standing
strabismus.Typically these cases will be adults: if previously
untreated strabismic amblyopia is detected in children who are at
the upper age range for patching (712 years) then urgent
treatment is required by a practitioner who is able to monitor
treatment carefully to ensure that any binocular sensory
adaptation is not adversely affected by patching (Chapter 5).
In most cases of adults with long-standing strabismus, the
patient will report a history of a long-standing deviation that is
not changing and they will have no symptoms relating to their
strabismus.The usual advice for such cases is that if the
strabismus is not causing any problems then it does not require
any treatment. Indeed, if there is any pre-existing prismatic
correction, spectacle lens decentration, or partial correction of
anisometropia then it is best to mimic this in any new refractive
Comitant (or indeed incomitant) strabismus can decompensate
and worsen at any time in life.This is one reason why it is useful
to measure the angle in these cases so that any change can be
detected in the future, although this is usually obvious from the
patients symptoms. A strabismus that is changing will require
referral to find the reason why it is changing (see Table 3.3).
This may be idiopathic, but should still be investigated and may
require surgery. One possible reason why a long-standing
unilateral strabismus with sensory adaptation might break down
is if the patients sensory status is changed.This might occur, for
example, if the patient is prescribed monovision contact lenses or
monovision refractive surgery. Monovision is therefore
contraindicated in these cases.
Occasionally, patients will be encountered who have a stable
long-standing strabismus that is cosmetically noticeable where the
patient is now concerned by the cosmesis, which they previously
found tolerable. If the deviation is large enough to be cosmetically
distressing then few of these cases will be likely to be treatable in




optometric practice and most will require referral for a surgeons

Other cases of long-standing strabismus might request
treatment for vocational reasons: the patient might now wish to
pursue a career that requires orthotropia, or better vision in an
amblyopic eye. For reasons outlined earlier in this chapter, the
treatment of these cases is associated with a risk of diplopia and
treatment should only be attempted by practitioners who are
experienced and knowledgeable in orthoptic techniques.
One particular type of strabismus requires specific mention in
this section: infantile esotropia syndrome.This type of strabismus
occurs in the first 6 months of life and this early-onset
interruption to the development of binocularity usually has lasting
consequences.Two of these consequences can be confusing when
they are encountered and these are latent nystagmus and
dissociated vertical deviation. Latent nystagmus is horizontal
nystagmus which is either only present or is greatly exaggerated
by monocular occlusion (see Chapter 7). Dissociated vertical
deviation typically gives the appearance of an alternating
hyperphoria.When either eye is covered, the eye behind the
cover moves upwards.The eye may even start to move upwards
as the cover approaches, before the eye is actually covered.These
patients will typically have a history of a large angle esotropia in
early life that usually has been surgically corrected.


What is microtropia?
How do I investigate?
When do I need to do something?
What do I do?




What is microtropia?
Microtropia is defined in different ways by various authors.To
many, microtropia simply means a small angle strabismus: often
defined as less than 10 or sometimes as less than 6. Many
different factors are typically associated with microtropia, and
these are listed in Table 4.1. Some authors define microtropia
according to some of these associated factors.An example of this
is microtropia with identity.This is a microtropia when the angle
of eccentric fixation is the same as the angle of the strabismus.
This means that no strabismic movement (see Table 1.1) is seen
on cover testing: indeed, a movement may be seen which looks
Table 4.1 Algorithm for the diagnosis of microtropia. Reproduced
with permission from Evans, 2002, Pickwells Binocular Vision
Anomalies, 4th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann
All the following characteristics must be present for a diagnosis of
Angle less than 10
Amblyopic eye with morphoscopic acuity at least one line worse
than non-amblyoptic eye, unless alternating microtropia (rare)
Eccentric fixation, unless alternating microtropia (rare)
HARC detected by Bagolini striated lens test, or by Modified
Mallett OXO Test
And at least three of the following characteristics should also be present

Angle less than 6

Anisometropia over 1.50D
Microtropia with identity: angle of anomaly = angle of eccentric
fixation, so no movement when dominant eye is covered
Monofixational syndrome: apparent phoria movement on cover test
Motor fusion: pseudo-fusional reserves can be measured
Stereopsis of 100 or more on contoured (monocularly visible)
tests such as Titmus circles, or Randot contoured circles
Four prism diopter test shows positive response (the absence of
the normal movement)
Langs one-sided scotoma demonstrated with Amsler charts

How do I investigate?
like heterophoria. Some authors only use the term microtropia to
describe these cases of microtropia with identity. Other authors
say that microtropia just means a small angle strabismus, and to
these authors microtropia with identity is just one particular type
(subdivision) of microtropia.
An attempt has been made to bring these different viewpoints
together in Table 4.1.The features that are almost universally
accepted as present in every case of microtropia are listed in the
first part of the table.The second part of the table lists features
which are commonly present in microtropia. In Table 4.1 these
factors are given a hierarchy to create a diagnostic algorithm for

How do I investigate?
Table 4.1 summarizes the investigation of microtropia. Most cases
of microtropia will have amblyopia and this should be investigated
as detailed in Chapter 5.The detection of HARC is summarized
in Chapter 3.
The cases that are hardest to investigate are microtropia with
identity, when no sign of the strabismus will be seen on cover
testing.These cases may present as unexplained poor acuity in
one eye.There may be anisometropia, in which case the differential
diagnosis is between pure anisometropic amblyopia and, if a
microtropia is present, mixed strabismic and anisometropic
amblyopia. It can be important to make this differential diagnosis in
patients who are keen to pursue treatment of their amblyopia.This
is because patching can be tried in adults with pure anisometropic
amblyopia but should not be attempted in adults with strabismic
amblyopia (see Chapter 5). In these cases, many of the tests in
Table 4.1 will help with the differential diagnosis, but the most
useful tests are to look for eccentric fixation with the
ophthalmoscope (see Table 5.4) and to test for central suppression.
Unfortunately, the standard test for suppression in microtropia, the
4 base out test, does not always give conclusive results.This is
probably because too little attention is paid to the fixation target.
The assumption behind the test is that a 4 base out prism in front




of a microtropic eye will move a fixation target within the central

suppression area, so an eye movement will not occur. For this test
to work, an isolated target should be used. Practitioners often use a
letter on a Snellen chart, but, of course, the whole chart will be
displaced by the 4 lens, not just the fixation letter.A suggested
method of use for the 4 base out test is summarized in Table 4.2.
Table 4.2

Method of use of the 4 base out test

1. The theory behind the test is that in a microtropic eye there is

likely to be a central suppression area.This means that if a target is
displaced by a 4 prism then the strabismic eye is unlikely to make
an appropriate eye movement because the target will be displaced
within the central suppression area
2. Select an appropriate target, which should be an isolated target on a
large uniform field.A dot (perceivable by the amblyopic eye) on a
white, otherwise featureless, wall in front of the patient is ideal.A dot
in the center of a blank sheet of A3 or A4 paper is also acceptable
3. Introduce the 4 base out lens in front of one eye whilst the eyes
fixate the target
4. If the patient has no strabismus then one of two normal
responses, or a combination of both, will occur:
a. both eyes will make a saccadic version movement, followed by a
vergence movement of the eye without the prism, or
b. the eye with the prism will make a vergence movement, the
other eye maintaining fixation
5. If the patient has a microtropia and the prism is placed in front of
the strabismic eye then the image will be displaced within the central
suppression area and no movement of either eye will take place
6. If the patient has a microtropia and the prism is placed in front of
the non-strabismic eye then both eyes will make a saccadic version
movement, but there will be no corrective vergence movement
7. If an abnormal response is obtained, then the better (normal) eye
should be occluded and the test repeated with the prism just
introduced in front of the monocularly fixing eye. If this eye still
fails to make a saccadic movement to the prism then this suggests
that pathology may be present, causing a central scotoma

What do I do?
Results with the 4 base out test can be inconclusive, and it is
best not to base the diagnosis of microtropia on this test alone.
The test is meant to detect central suppression and the foveal
suppression test described in Table 2.4 may be a better test. In
any event, the best method of diagnosing a complex condition like
microtropia is to combine the results of several tests, as
suggested in Table 4.1.

When do I need to do something?

With the exception of amblyopia (see Chapter 5), the answer to
this question is hardly ever! Microtropia has been described as a
fully adapted strabismus and if a patient is fully adapted to a
condition then that condition is unlikely to require treatment. One
of the features that favors the development of HARC (Table 3.1)
is a small angle and nearly all cases (some authors would say all
cases) of microtropia have deep HARC and are asymptomatic.This
HARC will often allow pseudo-binocularity: there may be no sign
of a strabismus on cover testing and pseudo-convergence, pseudofusional reserves and even pseudo-stereopsis may be present.

What do I do?
As mentioned above, most cases of microtropia do not require
treatment. Unless the patient has symptoms, it is best to do as
little as possible to interfere with the patients current status. If
there is a prism or decentration in the glasses, then it is best to
replicate this in any new glasses. If any anisometropia is only
partly corrected, then do not make large changes to the degree
to which this is corrected.
If the patient is desperate to improve their binocular status,
then a few practitioners with particular experience in this field
might consider treatment (see pp. 5556).Treatment of these
cases is not without risk (principally, of diplopia) and should only
be undertaken by experienced practitioners who can monitor the
patient appropriately.




Very rarely, practitioners might encounter a patient with

microtropia who has symptoms. It is possible that this could
result from the microtropia decompensating into a larger angle
strabismus.The pseudo-binocularity of microtropia can
decompensate in much the same way as true binocularity can
decompensate. If the factors that are causing the decompensation
can be identified and treated then the condition will be helped.
For more specific treatment, the caveats in the preceding
paragraph will apply. If the angle of deviation is changing then the
reason for this must be known, or the patient must be referred
so that this reason can be determined.


What is amblyopia?
How do I investigate?
Visual acuity assessment in pre-school children
Differentially diagnosing amblyopia and reduced vision
from pathology
Differentially diagnosing strabismic and anisometropic
When do I need to do something?
Strabismic amblyopia
Anisometropic amblyopia
What do I do?
Strabismic amblyopia
Anisometropic amblyopia



What is amblyopia?
Amblyopia has been defined as a visual loss resulting from an
impediment or disturbance to the normal development of vision.
It usually exists when an early interruption to the development of
vision causes a visual deficit which, in later life, cannot be
corrected refractively.
There is a sensitive period during which the visual system is
still capable of developing amblyopia. For humans, this is said to
extend until the age of about 78 years. During this period, any
interruption to binocularity or to a clear image in one or both
eyes is likely to cause amblyopia.There is no abrupt ending to the
sensitive period: in reality, disruption to the visual system
becomes progressively less likely to cause amblyopia as the child
ages and the likelihood of this happening is close to zero by
about the age of 8 years.
Amblyopia can be broadly classified into organic and functional.
Organic amblyopia results from some pathological abnormality,
such as retinal eye disease or toxic factors. Organic amblyopia is
rare and practitioners are much more likely to encounter
functional amblyopia.The classification of functional amblyopia is
summarized in Figure 5.1. Stimulus deprivation amblyopia (e.g.,
from congenital cataract) and strabismic amblyopia used to
collectively be called amblyopia ex anopsia, but this term is
seldom used nowadays.The two most common forms of





Meridional amblyopia

Figure 5.1

Classification of functional amblyopia


How do I investigate?
amblyopia are strabismic and anisometropic, and these two types
have rather different characteristics. Strabismic and anisometropic
amblyopia often co-exist, when the characteristics of the
amblyopia are best considered as strabismic amblyopia.
Isometropic amblyopia occurs when both eyes have an
amblyogenic refractive error (e.g., high astigmatism or high
hypermetropia). Hysterical amblyopia is a form of visual
conversion reaction and is discussed below.
Two quantitative approaches are commonly used to diagnose
amblyopia: a difference between the best corrected acuity of the
two eyes of two lines or more and/or acuity in the amblyopic eye
of less than 6/9 (assuming that the child is old enough for the
visual acuity norms to be 6/6). Additionally, the person should
show no sign of another condition (e.g., pathology) that might
account for the reduced vision.
The prevalence of amblyopia is about 3%.The vast majority of
cases of amblyopia are either strabismic or anisometropic or
both.There is some debate over whether strabismic or
anisometropic amblyopia is more common, with some studies
suggesting that they are equally prevalent.

How do I investigate?
Visual acuity assessment in pre-school children
Amblyopia is initially detected as reduced visual acuity and, for
strabismic amblyopia, the visual acuity is much worse for crowded
than for isolated targets. Since one of the main goals of measuring
visual acuity in young children is to detect strabismic amblyopia, it
follows that crowded targets should wherever possible be used
when measuring the vision of young children. By the age of about
45 years nearly all children can match letters on a Snellen chart
with similar letters on a matching card and this type of acuity test
is the goal. As soon as letters can be recognized then a proper
Snellen test can be conducted.
For children aged 24 years, various crowded acuity charts
are available, which usually come with matching cards. A range of





Figure 5.2 Lea Symbols Test, as presented in crowded format with the
computerized Test Chart 2000 (reproduced with permission from
Thomson Software Solutions)

such tests are available with the computerized Test Chart 2000
(Figure 5.2), which has the advantage of allowing optotypes to be
randomized.This is especially important for monitoring the
effects of amblyopia treatment, since it prevents children from
memorizing the test charts. One of the limitations of
conventional Snellen charts is a very limited number of optotypes
for lower acuities (e.g., only two optotypes on most 6/24 lines),
and this greatly increases the risk of children memorizing a
certain line. It may be necessary to periodically check the vision
in a different consulting room to guard against this.
The Lea Symbols Test (Figure 5.2) can be made into a matching
or naming game and can be used to obtain binocular acuities
with most children from about the age of 2 years. Of course,
monocular testing is important for detecting amblyopia, but this
can be problematic for some children around the age of 23 years
who object to occlusion. In some cases, occlusion for visual acuity
testing is just not possible and the best that can be done is to see
if the child is equally unhappy to have either eye occluded, which
suggests approximately equal acuity.The child should be tested
frequently (e.g., every 34 months) until monocular visual acuities
can be recorded, which is nearly always possible in the third year of
life. If a child refuses to have one eye covered, but quite happily
tolerates occlusion of the other eye, then this is a highly suspicious
sign and might suggest poor vision in the eye that is uncovered
when they object most. If good results are not obtained with such
a child, then a cycloplegic or very early retest is indicated. If there
is any doubt about such cases then they should be referred.
Below the age of about 2 years, preferential looking tests may
be required, such as the Cardiff acuity test.This works well for

How do I investigate?
children aged 12 years, but is not good at detecting strabismic
amblyopia.This is why crowded tests with pictures or letters
should be used as soon as possible (e.g., Figure 5.2).
Typical tests for different ages with typical results are given in
Table 5.1. As one might expect, different tests produce results
that are not perfectly equivalent, so the figures in Table 5.1 are an
approximation.To give maximum clinical validity, it is important to
test patients with standard letter charts as soon as they can cope
with these. In vision screening programs it is important to have a
strict criterion and every child who achieves below this level
would be referred. In a primary care eye examination the
situation is rather different and so the values in Table 5.1 are only
for guidance, since other factors will need to be taken into
consideration. For example, a significant refractive error,
symptoms or reduced vision in solely one eye will raise the index
of suspicion.

Table 5.1 Approximate minimum levels of visual acuity with

different tests for various ages. Note: measurements are
notoriously variable in children, so different authors often quote
quite markedly different norms


Approximate norms

01 year

Keeler preferential looking


13 years

Cardiff acuity cards

35 years

Over 5 years

3 months: 6/90
6 months: 6/30
12 months: 6/24
12 months: 6/38
24 months: 6/15
36 months: 6/12

Lea Symbols Crowded Test

Kay Crowded Picture Test
LogMAR Crowded Test
(Glasgow Acuity Cards)
Cambridge Crowded Cards
Snellen matching

36 months: 6/12
48 months: 6/9
60 months: 6/7.5






Differentially diagnosing amblyopia and reduced

vision from pathology
Amblyopia is detected as reduced vision in one eye. Potentially,
reduced vision can result from pathology so an important part of
the investigation of amblyopia is to rule out pathology.There are
two approaches to this, both of which must be followed in every
case: the practitioner must obtain a negative sign and a
positive sign.The negative sign is the exclusion of pathology
(Table 5.2).The second step is to look for amblyogenic factors
and to obtain a positive sign of at least one of these (Table 5.3).
Excluding pathology in the differential diagnosis of amblyopia
(Table 5.2) is not a one off activity. It is rare in the healthcare
sciences that a diagnosis is absolutely certain: at every appointment
the practitioner should keep an open mind, review their diagnosis,
and be prepared to change their mind if the findings so indicate.

Differentially diagnosing strabismic and

anisometropic amblyopia
There are differences between the treatment of strabismic
amblyopia and anisometropic amblyopia (see below). So, the
differential diagnosis of these two types of amblyopia is
important.This is problematic in microtropia, which can be
difficult to detect and may show no movement on cover testing
(see Chapter 4). In these cases the detection of eccentric
fixation, which is usually present in strabismic amblyopia, can be a
helpful diagnostic sign.There are various methods of detecting
eccentric fixation, but these days overwhelmingly the most
popular technique is to use the direct ophthalmoscope.The
method for this is summarized in Table 5.4 and a suggested
method of recording is given in Figure 5.3.

When do I need to do something?

Amblyopia is commonly inherited, so when an eye examination is
carried out and amblyopia is detected then one important action

When do I need to do something?

Table 5.2 Some indications of pathology in the differential
diagnosis of amblyopia

What to do

Detect any ocular


Look for neurological


Is the amblyopia
responding to

Check pupil reactions, particularly

looking for an APD
Carry out careful ophthalmoscopy. In
younger children, dilated fundoscopy
might be necessary to obtain a good
view, commonly after cycloplegic
refraction. Keep checking
ophthalmoscopy at regular intervals
As soon as the child is old enough,
check visual fields
Carefully check pupil reactions
Assess and record optic disc
appearance in both eyes, if possible with
Look for incomitancy and/or strabismus
(may be a sign of neurological problems)
As soon as the child is old enough,
check visual fields
Monitor reports of general health (e.g.,
neurological signs, including headache)
If amblyopia that is being treated at an
appropriate age does not respond to
treatment, then review the diagnosis
Failure to respond to treatment might
indicate a pathological cause, so refer
for a second opinion
If the visual acuity in a presumed
amblyopic eye worsens, then it is
probably something other than
amblyopia and requires early referral for
further investigation

is necessary, regardless of the age of the patient.This is to advise

the patient that any close family members who are children
should have a full eye examination, as young as possible. If the




Table 5.3 Detecting amblyogenic factors in the differential

diagnosis of amblyopia. The presence of an amblyogenic factor
does not mean that pathology cannot be present and the factors
in Table 5.2 still need to be considered


What to do


If there is a strabismic 1. Carry out a careful cover

test (Table 1.1)
eye with reduced
vision, then the
Test for microtropia
patient probably has
(Table 4.1)
strabismic amblyopia
Look for incomitancy
(Chapter 6)
Look for eccentric
fixation (see below)

If the patient has

Look for
anisometropia anisometropia and the
eye with the higher
refractive error has
reduced VA, then the
patient probably has

amblyopia is rarer, but
can occur in high
bilateral uncorrected
refractive errors

Look for

Carry out a careful

Cycloplegic refraction (or
Mohindra retinoscopy)
may be necessary

Carry out a careful

Cycloplegic refraction (or
Mohindra retinoscopy)
may be necessary

patient is a child, then the aim is to detect siblings. If the patient is

an adult, then the aim is to detect children or grandchildren.The
standards of childrens vision screening programs are variable, so
this advice should be given regardless of any screening that the
child may undergo.
There are fundamental differences between the characteristics
of anisometropic and strabismic amblyopia. For people with
anisometropia and strabismus, the amblyopia bears the
characteristics of strabismic amblyopia and these people should
be classified in this way. Isometropic amblyopia can probably be
thought of as bilateral anisometropic amblyopia.

When do I need to do something?

Foveal reflex

Fixation star

1.5 dd
Fixation slightly unstable compared with dominant eye
Figure 5.3 Suggested method of recording eccentric fixation. It is
important to label the foveal reflex and the fixation target.The degree of
eccentric fixation can be recorded, using a disc diameter (dd) or drawing
the ophthalmoscope graticule (if present) as the unit of measurement. If
the ophthalmoscope graticule is used then record the make and model
of ophthalmoscope.There may be a slight vertical element to the
eccentric fixation

Strabismic amblyopia
The sensitive period for the development of amblyopia was
discussed above. For strabismic amblyopia, there is also a sensitive
period for the treatment of amblyopia. If strabismic amblyopia is
treated before the age of about 712 years then treatment is
much more likely to be effective than after this age. Over the age
of 712 years, there is another reason why treatment is contraindicated in addition to the decreased likelihood of success.This
is because of the binocular sensory adaptations to strabismus
(HARC or global suppression; Chapter 3), which are very likely
to be present in cases of strabismus which develop before
712 years of age. Although these binocular sensory adaptations
are distinctly different from amblyopia, the binocular sensory
adaptations might nonetheless be broken down by prolonged
periods of treatment.This could cause diplopia. For these two
reasons (low likelihood of success and risk of diplopia), it is
usually recommended that strabismic amblyopia should not be
treated over the age of 712 years, and should only be treated in
this age range with caution (p. 77).Therefore, the period up to




Table 5.4 Method of using the direct ophthalmoscope to test

for eccentric fixation
1. If the consulting room is not completely dark, then the eye that is
not being tested should be occluded
2. First, test the eye with better visual acuity.This serves to train the
patient and to check their response
3. Select the ophthalmoscope fixation target (usually a star,
sometimes with a measuring graticule)
4. With the room lights turned out or dimmed, project this target
onto a surface (e.g., the consulting room ceiling) and point out the
fixation target. Explain to the patient that they will see this
projected into their eye and, when so instructed, they must fixate
the star very precisely, without looking away
5. Initially, instruct the patient to look straight ahead, and not at the
fixation star. Look in their eye, find the optic disc, and focus the
ophthalmoscope in the usual way
6. Once the ophthalmoscope is focused, ask the patient to look at
the star as precisely and steadily as possible
7. Note how central and steady is their fixation. Since this is the nonamblyopic eye, the fixation should be central and steady. Record
the results
8. Now, repeat steps 57 but in the eye with worse acuity. Record
the result

the age of 712 years can be thought of as the window of

opportunity for treating strabismic amblyopia.
The impression is sometimes given of a fairly abrupt end to
the sensitive period for treatment at about the seventh birthday.
Of course, this oversimplification is unlikely to be accurate.
Neural plasticity probably gradually diminishes throughout life and
the 712-year-old guide above is bound to be approximate. If this
gradual decline in neural plasticity is true, then it follows that it is
likely to be better to treat strabismic amblyopia at as young an
age as possible. All this means that primary eyecare practitioners
must be capable of detecting strabismic amblyopia and when they

When do I need to do something?

do detect it under the age of 712 years then they must do
something about it. Specifically, they must either treat it
themselves or refer it to someone else for treatment.

Anisometropic amblyopia
The treatment of anisometropic amblyopia is an interesting
example of the situation where the scientific literature tells a
rather different story to the clinical received wisdom. It is often
stated, sometimes even in textbooks, that anisometropic
amblyopia must, like strabismic amblyopia, be treated before age
712 years. However, the scientific evidence suggests that there is
no such sensitive period for anisometropic amblyopia. For cases
of pure anisometropic amblyopia (i.e., when there is no strabismus)
treatment can be attempted at any age. Most studies have failed
to find a significant effect of age on treatment: treatment is almost
as effective in adults as it is in younger children. It seems implausible
that there is no effect of age at all, but the effect is certainly weak.

What do I do?
As noted above, strabismic amblyopia and anisometropic amblyopia
need to be considered differently. If a patient has anisometropia
and strabismus (common in microtropia) then the patient should
be treated as a strabismic amblyope.
The treatment of amblyopia, particularly patching, is not without
disadvantages.Whilst the patch is worn the child will be forced to
live with reduced vision, and the psycho-social consequences of
patching (e.g., disruption to the childs quality of life) are a cause
for concern. As always, the decision to treat should only be made
after due discussion with the parent and (if old enough) the child.
In a given case, the disadvantages of patching need to be weighed
against the chances of success, which will depend on several factors
(e.g., age, degree of any anisometropia, etc.). But although patching
is never popular, the risk of the person losing sight in their good
eye in later life (e.g., from injury or AMD) cannot be ignored and
is a powerful reason to treat.




Strabismic amblyopia
In strabismic amblyopia the strabismus may need treatment, as
outlined in Chapter 3.The present section just deals with
amblyopia, and the management of this will differ for different age
groups, as detailed below.The most important advice when seeing
a patient with strabismic amblyopia who is within the sensitive
period is to do something and to do this decisively. Either the
patient should be treated, or referred to someone else to treat. If
they are treated, the parents/child should be given clear
instructions and monitored frequently.

Under age 3 years

These cases are difficult to manage in a primary care setting,
unless the practice has specialist facilities for pre-school children
(e.g., Keeler acuity cards) and is experienced in dealing with this
age group. Generally, it is best to refer to a primary eyecare
colleague or hospital department who have the appropriate
equipment and expertise. If patients of this age are to be treated,
then a fairly typical procedure is outlined in Table 5.5.
Age 37 years
Children aged 37 years can usually be treated in most
community optometric practices, or in hospital
departments. For children in this age range, occlusion amblyopia
is less of a worry and steps 210 in Table 5.5 are usually followed.
With older children in this age range, alternative methods of
occlusion will be more acceptable to the patient, such as a
pirate-type patch, a frosted lens on glasses, a spectacle lens or
contact lens of an inappropriate power, or cyclopentolate
penalization.The essential feature is that the good eye is occluded
or blurred to an acuity that is significantly worse than the
amblyopic eye. Some of these alternative forms of occlusion make
it easier for the child to cheat, for example by tilting their head
so that they are looking round a frosted spectacle lens.These
forms of occlusion are only appropriate if the practitioner is
confident that the parent is willing to monitor the child carefully
for these signs.

What do I do?
Table 5.5 Method for treating strabismic amblyopia in children
under the age of 3 years
1. For these young children there is a significant risk of causing
occlusion amblyopia: amblyopia of the occluded eye.To prevent
this, the usual advice is to occlude the good eye for one day per
year of age, then patch the other eye for one day; and then repeat
the cycle. For example, in a 2-year-old the good eye would be
patched for 2 days, then the amblyopic eye for one day, and so on
2. Amblyopia treatment can only be fully effective if there is a clear
image. Appropriate refractive correction for the amblyopic eye is
3. Total occlusion is generally recommended, usually with an
adhesive patch
4. Full time occlusion is also usually recommended, but with the
patch removed for any tasks when normal vision is needed for
safety (e.g., riding a bike in older children)
5. Explain to the parent how the child might cheat (e.g., lifting
edge of patch and turning head). Children cannot be blamed for
trying to use their better eye, but patching will only work if the
parent detects and stops any cheating
6. The patient should be encouraged to do tasks that involve
detailed vision. For example, playing with small toys or watching a
favorite television program or video.To begin with, encourage the
parents to give the child a treat when the patch is put on
7. Careful monitoring is required, typically 3 weeks after treatment
starts and regularly thereafter. In addition to monitoring acuities
in the amblyopic and non-strabismic eye, the parents
observations should also be recorded and cover test, motility and
periodically ophthalmoscopy and retinoscopy repeated
8. If the acuity does not improve significantly (e.g., by a line on
the LogMAR Crowded Test) then re-evaluate the diagnosis (see
Table 5.2)
9. Occlusion is continued until there has been no further
improvement over 56 weeks
10. The patient is then monitored every few months to ensure
that the acuity in the strabismic eye does not drop back. If so,
re-instigate treatment




Depending on the starting acuity, with older children it might

be decided to postpone treatment until the school holidays, if
occlusion would make their acuity so poor that it would cause
them to fall behind at school. If this is the case, then part-time
occlusion might be tried whilst watching television until the
holidays when full-time occlusion could be started. Indeed, recent
research suggests that treatment is effective for dose rates of 2
hours a day or more, but greater dose rates reduce the number
of weeks necessary to achieve the best acuity.
It is important to fully explain the goals of treatment to both
the parent and the child. Most children can understand the
concept of exercising a weak eye so as to make it stronger.
Children in this age range often enjoy video games and these can
be a great source of motivation. Encourage the child and parent
to keep a score of the good eye performance at the test and to
compare this with the bad eye. Each day they play the game
with the bad eye and try to improve the score. Sometimes, a
graph of the best score each day for the bad eye will help the
child to visualize it improving. Of course, parents must ensure
that the child keeps a reasonable distance away from the screen.

Aged 712 years

As noted on p. 71, there is a concern about treating this age
group since it is possible that treatment might cause a binocular
sensory adaptation (HARC or global suppression) to break down.
So, the binocular sensory adaptation will need to be carefully
monitored during treatment and part-time occlusion is usually felt
to be more appropriate than full-time. In view of the slight risk of
intractable diplopia, many practitioners do not treat this age
group and less-experienced practitioners may feel happier
referring these cases to colleagues. But referral should be prompt
since unnecessary delay at this age should be avoided.

Anisometropic amblyopia
A typical approach to treating anisometropic amblyopia is
outlined in Table 5.6. Anisometropic amblyopia is a refractive
problem, so accurate refractive correction is at the core of the

What do I do?
Table 5.6 Method for treating anisometropic (non-strabismic)
1. Prescribe refractive correction, fully correcting the degree of
anisometropia (usually revealed by cycloplegic refraction)
2. Check the patient after about 46 weeks. If there has been a
significant (typically, one line or more) improvement, then
continue with refractive correction alone until the amblyopic eye
either (a) stops improving or (b) the acuity of the amblyopic eye
equals that of the better eye

If (a) occurs before (b) then proceed to occlusion


Occlusion can only be fully effective if there is a clear image. So,

occlusion must be used with the appropriate refractive correction

5. Total occlusion is generally recommended, usually with an

adhesive patch. If the acuity is not too bad (e.g., 6/12 or better)
and the patient old enough not to cheat then more cosmetically
acceptable forms of patch (e.g., frosted lens in spectacles) can be

In anisometropic amblyopia, the occlusion should not be full time

since periods of normal binocular vision may be required to
maintain binocularity.There should be at least 2 h a day without
the occluder.Typically, the occlusion is started for about 46 hours
a day and then increased if the improvement in acuity is slow

7. If patients have a large heterophoria or one that has signs of

being close to decompensation (see Chapter 2) then they should
only be occluded for brief periods, starting with 1 hour and
gradually increasing if the heterophoria remains compensated
(see point 10 below)
8. Explain to the parent how the child might cheat (e.g., lifting
edge of patch and turning head). Children cannot be blamed for
trying to use their better eye, but patching will only work if the
parent detects and stops any cheating
9. The patient should be encouraged to do tasks that involve
detailed vision. For example, playing with small toys or watching a
favorite television program or video.To begin with, encourage the
parents to give the child a treat when the patch is put on




10. Patients should be warned to look out for diplopia and parents
to look out for a turning eye when they remove the patch. If this
occurs, then they should stop patching and return for their
binocularity to be checked to ensure that any heterophoria is not
decompensating (see Chapter 2)
11. Careful monitoring is required, typically 46 weeks after
treatment starts and regularly thereafter. In addition to
monitoring acuities in both eyes, the parents observations should
also be recorded and cover test, motility, stereopsis, and
periodically ophthalmoscopy and retinoscopy repeated
12. If the acuity does not improve significantly (e.g., by a line on
the LogMAR Crowded Test) then re-evaluate the diagnosis
(see Table 5.2)
13. Occlusion is continued until there has been no further
improvement over 56 weeks
14. The patient is then monitored every few months to ensure that
the acuity in the strabismic eye does not drop back. In
anisometropic amblyopia this is unlikely

treatment. Optically, the best form of refractive correction is

contact lenses. For older children and adults this can be
suggested, if other factors (e.g., personal hygiene) are suitable.
Unlike the standard use of contact lenses by myopes,
anisometropic amblyopes do not perceive an immediate
advantage on insertion of their contact lenses.This makes it more
likely that they will drop out of wearing daily wear contact lenses.
Silicone hydrogel continuous wear contact lenses can be a good
solution for suitable cases because they dont have to remember
to insert the lenses every day.
If occlusion is necessary, then the procedure is as outlined in
steps 414 in Table 5.6. For older children, the same motivating
approaches employing video games can be used as outlined in the
preceding section.
It is not uncommon to encounter adults with previously
uncorrected anisometropia, or with anisometropia that has only

What do I do?
been partly corrected. If these patients are asymptomatic and
happy to carry on as they are then this may be the best course of
action. But it is possible that any amblyopia might reduce with
appropriate refractive correction, possibly with additional
patching. If the anisometropia is high (over 34D), then
appropriate refractive correction is likely to mean contact lenses
or refractive surgery. Indeed, through reducing aniseikonia,
contact lenses or refractive surgery are likely to be the best
modes of correction for all cases of anisometropia, and therefore
will increase the chances of the vision improving without the
patient requiring occlusion. In pure (non-strabismic) cases of
anisometropic amblyopia, occlusion can be attempted in adults,
but this is usually only carried out for brief periods (e.g., 30
minutes) of detailed use of the amblyopic eye. Patients should be
monitored closely and warned as noted in point 10 of Table 5.6.



What is an incomitant deviation?

How do I investigate?
When do I need to do something?
What do I do?


Incomitant deviations


What is an incomitant deviation?

An incomitant deviation is a deviation whose angle varies in
different positions of gaze and depending on which eye is fixing.
Incomitancy can be congenital or can be acquired. An incomitancy
can be stable for years and then decompensate.The
decompensation can occur for a reason, such as ill health or the
patient being forced to look in a direction that causes them
problems for prolonged periods. In other cases, the
decompensation can occur without any apparent reason.
Most incomitant deviations can be broadly classified as
neurogenic or mechanical. Neurogenic incomitancies are caused
by some lesion affecting the nervous system and are sub-classified
depending on the site of that lesion as supra-nuclear, inter-nuclear
or infra-nuclear. Mechanical incomitancies occur as a result of
some muscular or orbital lesion that mechanically restricts the
movement of the globe.
The etiology of acquired incomitant deviations can be broadly
classified as vascular, neurological or other (see Table 6.1).The
likely etiologies will vary greatly with age. Some etiologies for an
acquired incomitancy in an older person are vascular, myasthenia
gravis, tumor, trauma (falls) or thyroid eye disease. In young adults
trauma (road traffic accidents), migraine or multiple sclerosis are
more likely etiologies. Some of the etiologies in Table 6.1 are
life-threatening, so a new or changing incomitancy requires
urgent referral.
Table 6.1

Etiology of acquired incomitant deviations







Vascular hypertension

Multiple sclerosis

Thyroid eye disease





Myasthenia gravis


Giant cell arteritis


What is an incomitant deviation?

The medial and lateral recti are easy to understand and the
superior and inferior recti and obliques can be best understood
by studying Figure 6.1. If the muscles are imagined to contract
whilst looking at this figure, then their actions can be seen to be
as indicated in Table 6.2.The mnemonic RADSIN is a useful
reminder that the superior and inferior recti adduct and the
superior recti and obliques intort.
A key point to note is that the system is dynamic: the actions
of the muscles will change as the globe moves into different
positions.This is best understood by viewing Figure 6.1a and
imagining the actions of the superior rectus if the globe is turned
out by about 23. Now, the front to back axis of the globe will be
exactly the same as the line of pull of the superior rectus. So,
when this muscle contracts the globe will be elevated and none
of the secondary actions in Table 6.2 will apply. In other words,
the information in Table 6.2 only applies to the primary position,



Abduction Adduction

Abduction Adduction

Figure 6.1 Plan view of right orbit. (a) The plane and direction of pull of
the superior and inferior recti muscles, RA, which passes medial (M) to
the plane of the center of rotation of the eye (C). (b) The plane
containing the superior and inferior oblique muscles; their direction of
pull is almost the same. It passes behind and medial to the center of
rotation (reproduced with permission from Evans, B.J.W. (2002) Pickwells
Binocular Vision Anomalies, 4th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann)


Incomitant deviations


Table 6.2

Actions of the extra-ocular muscles in the primary





Medial rectus




Lateral rectus




Superior rectus




Inferior rectus




Superior oblique




Inferior oblique




but would be relevant, for example, in interpreting cover test

results obtained with the eyes in the primary position.
In ocular motility testing, a goal is to obtain an estimate of the
functioning of each extra-ocular muscle. So, the globe needs to be
made to look in the position of gaze in which each extra-ocular
muscle has its maximum action. For the superior rectus, this will
be when the eye looks out and up.The other principal actions
of the extra-ocular muscles in these cardinal positions of gaze are
illustrated in Figure 6.2.
Many patients have an A- or V-syndrome and, in fact, there are
a variety of other similar but less common alphabet syndromes,
such as X-,Y- and inverted Y-syndromes. In an A-syndrome the
patient is relatively more exo (or less eso) in downgaze than in
upgaze. In a V-syndrome they are relatively more exo (or less eso)
in upgaze than in downgaze. In some ways these resemble an
incomitant deviation, since the deviation varies in different
positions of gaze. However, they would not be expected to vary
depending on which eye is fixing.

How do I investigate?
The ocular motility test is the most important part of the eye
examination for detecting incomitant deviations. It is essential to

How do I investigate?







Figure 6.2 The six cardinal diagnostic positions of gaze, indicating the
muscles which should have maximum power to maintain the eyes in these
directions.The paired synergists (muscles, one from each eye, which act
together) are shown (reproduced with permission from Evans, B.J.W. (2002)
Pickwells Binocular Vision Anomalies, 4th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann)

carry out this test on every new patient, every time children are
seen, if adults present with new symptoms, and periodically over
the years as adults are monitored.There are really three different
tests that can be carried out during the ocular motility test, and
with incomitant patients the situation can be made simpler by
performing the test three times to gather these three sets of
information.The first of these three tests, the basic objective
ocular motility test, is described in Table 6.3.
Table 6.3 Procedure for carrying out the basic objective ocular
motility test
1. The best target is a point light source, which should be bright
enough to allow the corneal reflexes to be clearly seen, but not
so bright as to cause blepharospasm. For infants, any target that
will catch their attention is recommended
2. The light should be held at about 50 cm from the patient. It should
be moved quite slowly, so that it takes about 5 seconds to move
from extreme gaze on one side to extreme gaze on the other

Incomitant deviations
Table 6.3


3. The light should be moved in an arc, as if using an imaginary

perimeter bowl
4. It is easier to observe the eye movements in extreme gaze if no
spectacles are worn, but if there is an accommodative strabismus
then spectacles should be worn, or the test repeated with and
without spectacles
5. Various authors have preferences for different patterns of
movement of the target.The star pattern is often used, but other
patterns have been recommended and each has its own merits
6. The straight up and down (in the midline) positions are often also
tested to look for an A or V syndrome
7. In young children, the head may need to be gently held.With
infants, it is best not to hold the head but to move the target
very far around the patient so that the eyes are forced to move
when the head cannot turn any more
8. The motility test is performed whilst watching the reflection of
the light in the corneae to detect any marked under-actions or
9. Any over- or under-actions can be graded from Grade 1 (just
detectable) to Grade 5 (extremely noticeable)
10. Throughout the test, the corneal reflexes of the light are
observed. If one disappears, then either the light is misaligned or
the patients view of the light has been obscured (e.g., by the
nose).This means that the light has been moved too far: the test
should be carried out within the binocular field
11. In down gaze, patients often need to be asked to keep their eyes
as wide open as possible.The lids should only be physically held
open if this is the only way that the reflexes can be seen
12. If any abnormality is observed on this binocular motility test,
then each eye is occluded and a monocular motility test carried
out in turn

If a marked deviation is present, then this may be revealed by

the basic ocular motility test (Table 6.3). However, this method
relies on an observation of corneal reflexes and, as noted on

How do I investigate?
p. 10, this is an inaccurate method of assessing ocular alignment.
The cover test is more accurate and can be carried out during
ocular motility testing, as outlined in Table 6.4. Cover testing in
peripheral gaze is an extremely useful test and, like the basic ocular
motility test, provides objective data. It requires practice, but is well
worth the time that it takes to become skilled at this test.
Table 6.4 Procedure for cover testing in peripheral gaze during
the ocular motility test
1. A point light source is usually used, although in deviations with a
significant accommodative element an accommodative target is
2. An advantage of using a light is that binocular fixation can be
monitored (see point 10 in Table 6.3). It is pointless to carry out a
cover test if one eyes view of the target is already obscured by
the nose
3. A quick cover/uncover and alternating cover test (see Tables 1.1
and 1.2) is carried out in each cardinal position of gaze. Usually,
about 46 covers are required. Either the size of deviation can be
estimated (see Table 1.3) or measured with prisms
4. Care must be taken to ensure that the occluder does fully
occlude: it will need to be angled as the target is moved into
peripheral gaze
5. The result is recorded as illustrated in Figure 6.3

An even more sensitive way of detecting incomitancy is to use

the patients own visual system to provide feedback on ocular
alignment through determining the subjective angle in different
positions of gaze.This is made easier by the use of red and green
goggles, and this approach is described in Table 6.5. Although with
some patients this can be extremely informative, with others it
can be a source of considerable confusion. Patients may become
dissociated as the test progresses, may be confused about
diplopia, or may suppress in certain positions of gaze. Data from
the three approaches summarized in Tables 6.36.5 should be
weighted in the order in which the tables appear.


Incomitant deviations


Table 6.5 Procedure for assessing the subjective angle of

deviation in different positions of gaze
1. For patients who do not experience diplopia, red and green
goggles are required. Ideally, a bar light and goggles should be used
since this allows torsional deviations to be assessed, but this
equipment is no longer generally available
2. Patients who experience diplopia can do the test without red or
green goggles. However, goggles still help in these cases to readily
identify which image belongs to which eye
3. The patient is asked to indicate the relative positions of the two
images in different positions of gaze. In its simplest form, this test
consists of just drawing the relative positions of these images in
the different boxes for different positions of gaze.This usually
allows the position of gaze in which there is maximum diplopia to
be clearly identified, which greatly assists in the diagnosis of an
under-acting muscle
4. Ideally, prisms can be used to bring the two images together and
the deviation measured

The motility test results can be recorded as suggested in

Figure 6.3.This is particularly useful for the methods described in
Tables 6.4 and 6.5.The most important part of this diagram is the
key to right gaze and left gaze. Usually, the chart is recorded as
shown in Figure 6.3, as if projected from the patient in the same
way as the visual field (and Hess plots) are represented. But this is
opposite to Figure 6.2, which is a more intuitive way of recording
the results for the practitioner who faces the patient whilst carrying
out motility testing.As long as the chart is clearly labeled, then the
practitioner can record the result whichever way they want.
It is useful to continue this analogy between ocular motility
testing and visual field testing.The basic motility test (Table 6.3) is
rather akin to confrontation testing and recording diplopia in
different positions of gaze (Table 6.5) is more similar to using a
Bjerrum screen.A much better method, more analogous with
automated perimetry, is to carry out a Hess plot.This is now
possible using the computerized Hess Chart developed by

How do I investigate?













Figure 6.3 Example of method of recording objective (cover test in

peripheral gaze) or subjective deviation in the cardinal positions of gaze.
The results are suggestive of a right superior oblique palsy. Note: it is
important to label right gaze and left gaze (see text). Hypert.,

Prof David Thomson at City University.A typical plot, showing a

long-standing right superior oblique underaction, is shown in
Figure 6.4. Just as with a suspicious visual field plot, the practitioner
can retest the patient with the computerized Hess screen after a
few weeks to make sure that the situation is not worsening.
It will be noted that with the Hess screen two plots are taken:
one with the patient fixing with the right eye and the other when
they are fixing with the left eye.This is related to the second half
of the definition of incomitancy on p. 82: the deviation will change
depending on which eye is fixating.The deviation is larger when
the patient is fixating with the paretic eye (the secondary
deviation) than when they are fixating with the non-paretic eye
(the primary deviation).
If a Hess screen test is not available, or if an additional method
of confirming the diagnosis is required, then there are a variety of
other diagnostic algorithms.These are designed to help
differentially diagnose the cyclo-vertical incomitancies, since these
present the greatest challenge.The best known of these is Parks
three step and this and an alternative, Scobees method, are

Incomitant deviations


Figure 6.4 Example of Hess plot generated using Thomson Software

Solutions Hess Screen.The plot is indicative of a right superior oblique

described in Pickwells Binocular Vision Anomalies, 4th edition. Due

to limitations of space, only one of the diagnostic algorithms will
be described here and that is Lindbloms method (Table 6.6),
which is extremely easy to use and interpret.

How do I investigate?
Table 6.6 Procedure for Lindbloms method of differentially
diagnosing cyclo-vertical incomitancies.The test instructions are
given on the left and the paretic muscles indicated by a given
answer are on the right

If the patient has vertical diplopia then they can view, from a
distance of 1 m, a 70 cm horizontal wooden rod (if a wooden rod
is not available, then a 50 cm or 1 m ruler will suffice)
If the patient does not have vertical diplopia, then 2 Maddox rods
can be used, placed in a trial frame with axes at 90, so that when
the patient views a spotlight at a distance of 13 m they see two
horizontal red lines

Question 1: Move the wooden

rod (or spotlight) up and down
and ask:
Where is the vertical diplopia
(or separation of the red lines)
greatest, in up gaze or down gaze?

Question 2: In the position

of maximum diplopia, are the
two images parallel or torsional?

Question 3: If parallel, does

the separation increase
on right or left gaze?

Question 4: If tilted, does

the illusion of tilt increase
in up gaze or down gaze?

Question 5: If tilted, then the

two rods will resemble an
arrow (< or >) or an X. If they
resemble an arrow, which way
does the arrow point?

The arrow will point to the side

with the paretic eye.
Arrow points to right: RSO,
Arrow points to left: LSO, LIO

Question 6: If crossed, does

the tilt angle increase
in up gaze or down gaze?

Up gaze: RSR, RIO, LSR, LIO

Down gaze: RIR, RSO, LIR, LSO

Parallel: RSR, RIR, LSR, LIR

Torsional: RSO, RIO, LSO, LIO
Right gaze: RSR, RIR
Left gaze: LSR, LIR
Up gaze: RIO, LIO
Down gaze: RSO, LSO

Up gaze: bilateral IO paresis

(v. unlikely)
Down gaze: bilateral SO


Incomitant deviations


For Lindbloms method, in cases where the patient does not

have diplopia two double Maddox rods need to be used.These
should be placed in the cylindrical lens section of a trial frame with
the rod axes exactly at 90, so that the patient perceives two
horizontal red lines.This double Maddox rod test is informative
in itself, quite apart from its role in the Lindblom method. If one of
the red lines is tilted then the eye that sees this rod is likely to be
the paretic eye and the perceived tilt is in the direction that the
affected muscle would rotate the eye.The affected muscle is very
likely to be a superior oblique muscle.The trial frame can be
adjusted to make the line horizontal and the angle that the rod has
to be moved through is equal to the angle of cyclo-deviation. If this
is <10 then it suggests that one superior oblique muscle is likely to
be paretic; if 10 then it is likely to be a bilateral superior oblique
paresis.This diagnosis can be confirmed with Lindbloms method,
but the axes of the Maddox rod lenses in the trial frame will have
to be returned to 90 before the procedure in Table 6.6 is followed.

When do I need to do something?

Long-standing incomitant deviations will not require referral
unless they are producing symptoms.This generally only occurs if
the incomitancy decompensates, which is rare.
As mentioned above, new or changing incomitancies need to
be referred so that any underlying pathology can be detected.
Table 6.7 lists the key factors that will aid the differential
diagnosis of congenital or long-standing cases from those of
recent onset. A new or changing incomitancy is likely to be
associated with diplopia, which can be very bothersome to the
patient, so temporary occlusion whilst they are awaiting a hospital
appointment might be helpful.

What do I do?
The main role of the primary eyecare practitioner is to detect
new or changing cases and to refer these.The urgency of referral

What do I do?
Table 6.7 Differential diagnosis of long-standing and recentonset
incomitant deviations

Congenital or



Usually present in at
least one direction of gaze


Typically, patient does

not know when the
deviation began

Typically sudden and



Often present

Absent (almost always)


More comitant with


Typically markedly


Usually present

Absent, except for

overaction of
contralateral synergist

Fusion range

May be large in
vertical incomitancies

Usually normal

head posture
(if present)

Slight, but persists on

covering paretic eye;
patient often unaware
of reason for AHP

More marked; the patient

is aware of it (to avoid
diplopia); disappears on
covering paretic eye


May be present

Absent, unless from



May show strabismus or

anomalous head posture




May be present due to

the primary cause

Recent onset

depends on the diagnosis, so this is discussed below. Some longstanding cases have directions of gaze in which they are
comfortably binocular, other positions of gaze in which they have
a decompensating heterophoria, and other positions in which
they are diplopic. It is sometimes possible to help these cases if
there is a deviation in the primary position, since correcting this


Incomitant deviations


with prisms might increase the field of binocular single and

comfortable vision.
The incomitancies that are most likely to be encountered in
primary eyecare practices are summarized in Tables 6.86.12.The
two most common neurogenic incomitancies are lateral rectus
palsy and superior oblique palsy. Indeed, it has been said that if a
patient presents with diplopia that varies in different positions of
gaze, if the diplopia is primarily horizontal then suspect a lateral
rectus palsy; if the diplopia is primarily vertical then suspect a
Table 6.8

Typical features of a superior oblique palsy




(if recent




Can be congenital
Trauma (quite commonly road traffic accident)
Other etiologies in Table 6.1
Diplopia that is predominantly vertical and which is:
possibly described as one image tipped
more marked at near (downgaze) than distance
more marked when looking down and inward
(for the affected eye)
Also may be symptoms related to the etiology of
the palsy
Head tilt and/or chin tucked down
Hyper-deviation in the affected eye which is larger:
at near than at distance
when looking down and inward (for the affected
Underaction of superior oblique on motility testing.
In long-standing cases, there can be a variety of
secondary sequelae
If recent onset: urgent referral
If long-standing: varifocals or bifocals are
A superior oblique palsy can be difficult to detect
on motility because:
the main action of the muscle is torsional, which
is not assessed on motility testing

What do I do?

the nose and lids can obstruct the view of the

eye when looking down and in
secondary sequelae may be present
Secondary sequelae can be particularly confusing
with this muscle. Quite commonly, a superior
oblique palsy in one eye can lead to a secondary
superior rectus palsy in the other eye which, after a
number of years, is more marked than the original
superior oblique palsy

Table 6.9

Typical features of lateral rectus (sixth nerve) palsy




(if recent

Clinical signs



Can be congenital
Vascular (e.g., high blood pressure)
Other etiologies in Table 6.1
Head turn
Diplopia that is predominantly horizontal and
which is:
more marked at distance than near
more marked when looking to the side of the
affected muscle
Also may be symptoms related to the etiology of
the palsy
Eso-deviation which is larger:
at distance than near
when looking to the side of the affected muscle
Underaction of lateral rectus on motility testing,
with overaction of contralateral synergist (medial
rectus in the other eye)
If recent onset: urgent referral
If long-standing: base out prism in distance glasses
may help
It can be difficult to differentially diagnose lateral
rectus palsy from one type of Duanes syndrome
(see Table 6.11)


Incomitant deviations
Table 6.10

Typical features of third nerve palsy




Symptoms (if
recent onset)

Various etiologies in Table 6.1

The presentation of a third nerve palsy varies
greatly: some or all of the muscles served by the
third nerve may be affected
Diplopia, which in a full third nerve palsy will be
constant (although may be ameliorated by ptosis)
Also likely to be symptoms related to the
etiology of the palsy

Clinical signs

In full third nerve palsy, the eye will be down and

out with a fixed dilated pupil and ptosis


If recent-onset total third nerve palsy: emergency

referral. Sometimes, a distinction is made
between a pupil sparing third nerve palsy (likely
to be ischemic, as in diabetes or hypertension)
or third nerve palsy where the pupil is dilated
(likely to be an aneurysm which could be fatal, so
is an emergency). But this distinction is not
absolute, so it is safest to refer all cases as an


This condition is thankfully only rarely seen in

primary eyecare practice

superior oblique palsy. It should be noted that there are a variety

of incomitant syndromes which are only very rarely encountered in
primary eyecare practice. For details of these, more detailed books
should be consulted.
A long-standing incomitant deviation can decompensate. If the
decompensation is marked, then referral for surgery may be
required. If mild, then a prism in the primary position might
alleviate the symptoms. Decompensation can be triggered by
forcing the person to look into the field of action of the palsied
muscle and this is why bifocals or varifocals are contra-indicated
in superior oblique palsies (Table 6.8). If a person with an
incomitant deviation has binocular single vision in some positions

What do I do?
Table 6.11

Typical features of Duanes syndrome




Congenital restrictive anomaly affecting abduction

and/or adduction of one or both eye(s)


Usually, there are no symptoms since the patient

compensates with a head turn and/or there is
suppression when the person looks in the field of
action of the affected muscle

Clinical signs

Head turn
On motility testing, it is as if one eye is tethered:
the eye does not move (or barely moves) beyond
the horizontal in abduction and/or adduction
there may be up-shoots: an eye aberrantly moves
upwards when trying to look to one side
usually, globe retraction is present causing the
palpebral aperture to narrow on adduction
There are three types depending on whether
abduction, adduction or both are affected.
Confusingly, there are two different classifications so
it is best to describe the features rather than
worrying about the label
Even when the adduction is normal, the near point
of convergence is often remote



If long-standing: no management is usually necessary

If detected in a child and has not been previously
investigated: then referral is advisable since there
can (rarely) be other associated ocular and/or
systemic abnormalities
This is one of the most common incomitancies seen
in primary eyecare practice
In cases where only abduction is affected, it can be
difficult to differentially diagnose from a lateral
rectus palsy.The presence of palpebral aperture
narrowing aids diagnosis, as does a convergence


Incomitant deviations
Table 6.12

Typical features of Browns syndrome




Usually congenital, but can be acquired

Restrictive (mechanical) incomitancy caused by
abnormality of the superior oblique tendon sheath
which prevents this muscle from feeding out
through the trochlea


Usually there are no symptoms

Clinical signs

Inability to elevate the eye when adducted

In mild cases, this is only apparent when the eye
looks up
In more marked cases, the affected eye is also
hypotropic when attempting adduction without
The main challenge is to differentially diagnose the
condition from an inferior oblique palsy, which is
much rarer. In inferior oblique palsy, there is usually:
an overaction of the superior oblique muscle
a positive Parks 3-steps (or Lindbloms) test
a compensatory head tilt


If recent onset: urgent referral

If long-standing: usually, no treatment is indicated

of gaze, then this binocularity should be preserved or

decompensation could occur. For example, it is probably not
advisable to fit these cases with monovision contact lenses.


What is nystagmus?
How do I investigate?
When do I need to do something?
What do I do?




What is nystagmus?
Nystagmus is a regular, repetitive, involuntary movement of the
eyes whose direction, amplitude and frequency is variable. It is
rare and most commonly has an onset in the first six months of
life.The classification of nystagmus is made complicated by
various synonyms for the different types, and these are included
in parentheses in Figure 7.1.
The two most common types of nystagmus are early-onset
nystagmus and latent nystagmus. Early-onset nystagmus occurs
in the first six months of life. It may occur secondary to a
sensory visual defect (e.g., congenital cataracts, albinism), or
Early onset nystagmus
(congenital nystagmus)
(infantile nystagmus syndrome)

Latent nystagmus
(fusion maldevelopment
nystagmus syndrome)


Sensory defect nystagmus

(including albinism)

Latent latent

Gaze paretic
(evoked) nystagmus

Motor defect nystagmus

(congenital idiopathic

Manifest latent

Acquired pendular
Acquired jerk
Convergence retraction

Figure 7.1

Classification of nystagmus

How do I investigate?
there may be no apparent cause (idiopathic), in which case it is
presumed to result from a defect in the motor control of eye
Latent nystagmus becomes much more marked when one eye
is covered. In fact, it may not be apparent at all until one eye is
covered (latent latent nystagmus); or in other cases it is always
present but worsens on occlusion (manifest latent nystagmus).
The direction of the nystagmus always reverses when the cover is
moved from one eye to the other. Latent nystagmus typically
follows an early interruption to the development of binocularity
and is most commonly associated with infantile esotropia
syndrome. Latent nystagmus therefore occurs early, usually in the
first year, of life.
Acquired (neurological) nystagmus can occur at any time,
usually after the first few months of life. It is caused by trauma
or a lesion (e.g., in multiple sclerosis) affecting the motor
Two other eye movement anomalies will be mentioned.
Ocular flutter is a burst of horizontal saccades which can
occur in healthy infants, or can result from pathology.About 5%
of the population can simulate this effect with voluntary
nystagmus. Spasmus nutans occurs in the first year of life
and is characterized by nystagmus, head nodding and abnormal
head posture. It is generally benign, but can be associated with
There are certain problems associated with the evaluation of
nystagmus and these are summarized in Table 7.1.The main role
for the primary eyecare clinician is to detect the condition,
diagnose which of the three main types it is (Figure 7.1), and refer
promptly if it is acquired.

How do I investigate?
There are two main aspects to the investigation of nystagmus.
First, determine the type of nystagmus and second make a note
of the characteristics so that any future change can be detected.
The key features of the main types of nystagmus are summarized


Table 7.1

Problems in the evaluation of nystagmus

1. Nystagmus is not a condition, but a sign. Many different ocular

anomalies can cause nystagmus, or nystagmus can be idiopathic,
with no apparent cause
2. Attempts to classify the type of nystagmoid eye movement by
simply watching the patients eye movements often do not agree
with the results of objective eye movement analysis
3. The pattern of nystagmoid eye movements cannot be used with
certainty to predict the etiology of the nystagmus. Some general
rules exist (e.g., early-onset nystagmus is usually horizontal), but
there are exceptions
4. The same patient may exhibit different types of nystagmoid eye
movements on different occasions
5. Nystagmus is often worse when the patient is under stress or
tries hard to see
6. The level of visual acuity in nystagmus is only loosely correlated
with the type or amplitude of nystagmoid eye movements

in Table 7.2. Early-onset nystagmus is often associated with a null

zone: a direction of gaze in which the nystagmus is minimized and
the vision optimized. Patients typically adopt a head position to
cause them to look in this direction of gaze.
It is important to describe the characteristics of the nystagmus
in clinical records, but this is difficult because it is hard to
describe a form of movement in words, and the characteristics
may change from one moment to another. Nonetheless, an
attempt should be made and Table 7.3 describes the key features
of nystagmus that can be described in clinical records.

When do I need to do something?

Most cases of nystagmus seen in primary eyecare practice are
long-standing, unchanging and require no action.Any cases in which
the nystagmus is of recent onset or changing require referral.

When do I need to do something?

Table 7.2

Differential diagnosis of the main types of nystagmus


Latent nystagmus


Presents in first
6 months of life

Usually presents in first

6 months of life, and
almost always in first
12 months

Onset at any age

and usually
associated with
other symptoms
(e.g., nausea, vertigo,
movement or
balance disorders)

Family history often


May be family history of

underlying cause (e.g.,
infantile esotropia

History may include

head trauma or
neurological disease
(e.g., multiple

Oscillopsia absent or Oscillopsia absent or

rare under normal
rare under normal
viewing conditions
viewing conditions

Oscillopsia common;
may also have

Usually horizontal;
although small
vertical and torsional
movements may be
present. Pure vertical
or torsional
presentations are

Always horizontal; and,

on monocular
occlusion, saccadic,
beating away from the
covered eye (so
direction reverses when
occluder is moved from
one eye to the other)

Oscillations may be
horizontal, vertical,
or torsional
depending on the
site of the lesion

The eye movements

are bilateral and
conjugate to the
naked eye

Oscillations are always


Oscillations may be
disconjugate and in
different planes

May be present with

other ocular
conditions: albinism,
aniridia, optic

Usually occurs
secondary to infantile
esotropia syndrome;
sometimes in
association with DVD
(p. 56)

Results from
pathological lesion
or trauma affecting
motor areas of brain
or motor pathways


Table 7.2



Latent nystagmus

A head turn may be

present, usually to
utilize a null zone

May be a head turn in

the direction of the
fixing eye

Intensity may lessen

on convergence but
it is worse when
fatigued or under

More intense when the

fixing eye abducts, less
on adduction

There may be a gaze
direction in which
nystagmus is absent,
and a corresponding
head turn

What do I do?
For the new or changing cases described above, the management
is referral.The urgency of the referral depends on a variety of
factors, most significantly the speed of onset. If a patient reports
nystagmus and oscillopsia for the first time today, then very
urgent referral is indicated. If their long-standing nystagmus
appears to be gradually worsening over a period of several
months, then non-urgent referral is indicated. It is also important
to take account of the patients general health. If this is poor, or
there are other neurological signs (e.g., headache, unsteady gait),
then the referral becomes more urgent.
One or two things need to be borne in mind in dealing with
patients with long-standing and stable nystagmus. If they have a
null position, then do not do anything to make it harder for them
to use this zone. For example, if they have a null zone in upgaze
and they use this when reading then bifocal or varifocal
spectacles are contra-indicated. If there is a latent component
(worse with monocular viewing) then monovision may be contraindicated.
Many cases of long-standing nystagmus have quite high
refractive errors and careful correction of these can help the

What do I do?
Table 7.3

Clinical observations of nystagmus




General posture, facial asymmetries, head posture

Apparent type
of nystagmus

Pendular, jerk or mixed


Horizontal, vertical, torsional or combination


Small (<4), moderate (420), large (>20)


Slow (<0.5 cycle per second; Hz), moderate

(0.52 Hz), fast (>2 Hz)


Constant, intermittent, periodic


Conjugate (both eyes movements approximately

parallel), disjunctive (eyes move independently) or


Does nystagmus increase or change with

occlusion of one eye. If so, does it always beat
away from the covered eye (pathognomonic of
latent nystagmus)

Position of
gaze changes

Null point: does nystagmus increase or decrease

in any field of gaze or with convergence

patient to make the most of the vision that they have. If there is a
latent component to the nystagmus then it is better not to
occlude during the refraction. Instead, the Humphriss Immediate
Contrast method can be used.There is some evidence that
contact lenses, particularly gas-permeable rigid contact lenses,
might help the patient to subconsciously control the nystagmus a
little better.
Every now and then vision therapies or surgical treatments for
nystagmus are advocated. So far, none of these has been
supported by randomized controlled trials.There is a very good
support group for people with nystagmus: the Nystagmus
Network (



What are accommodative anomalies?

How do I investigate?
When do I need to do something?
What do I do?


Accommodative anomalies


What are accommodative anomalies?

Accommodative anomalies are problems characterized by an
inadequate amplitude or control of accommodation.The various
types of accommodative anomaly are listed along the top row of
Table 8.1 and they are fairly well defined by their clinical
characteristics, also listed in Table 8.1.

How do I investigate?
The first suggestion of an accommodative problem usually comes
from the patients symptoms (Table 8.1). Careful refraction is
essential, and it is usually necessary to rule out latent
hypermetropia by cycloplegic refraction. Accommodative
amplitude is easily measured with the push up test, typically using
the RAF rule (see Table 8.2). Amplitude can also be assessed with
negative lenses, although this method gives different results to the
push up test.
Accommodative facility (the rate at which the accommodation
can be changed) is usually measured with flippers (Figure 8.1).
The procedure for this test is described in Table 8.3.The range
of responses at this test in a typical population is very wide
(Table 8.3) and this makes results difficult to interpret.
Undoubtedly, one reason for this is that the test is very
subjective. In view of the variability of the test, it is unwise to
base a treatment on this test result alone, unless the symptoms
are strongly suggestive of accommodative infacility.
It is usual for accommodation to lag a little behind the target,
but only by 0.500.75D so that the target does not appear
significantly blurred. Accommodative lag can be assessed by
dynamic retinoscopy and this is the only routine clinical test that
can be used to assess accommodative function objectively. It is an
extremely useful test, especially with children where a visual
conversion (hysterical) reaction is suspected.There are two main
approaches to measuring the accommodative lag by retinoscopy.
One of these, MEM retinoscopy, is described in Table 8.4.The idea

Near blur


May be slow with

minus lenses

Need high plus


(Table 8.2)

facility (Table 8.3)

lag (Table 8.4)





Difficulty changing
focus (e.g., copying
from board)


Initially OK, increasing

plus after much near

Declines with repeat


Declines with repeat


Near blur towards

end of day


Need negative lenses

May be slow with plus



Transient blur of distance

or near vision

spasm (excess)

The four main types of accommodative anomaly and their symptoms and clinical signs


Table 8.1

How do I investigate?


Accommodative anomalies


Figure 8.1

A child being tested with accommodative flippers

behind the test is that it simulates the normal situation when

reading and, because the lens is only present briefly and in front
of one eye, the accommodation does not relax by the power of
the lens. So, the lens power that is required to neutralize the
reflex is a true reflection of the accommodative lag.
Accommodative anomalies quite commonly occur in
conjunction with other binocular vision anomalies, so a full eye
examination is essential to fully understand the problem. In
particular, combined convergence and accommodative
insufficiency is quite a common condition and can be treated with
eye exercises or, in intractable cases, with spectacles.
Another condition which sometimes occurs is spasm of the
near reflex.This is characterized by an intermittent spasm of

When do I need to do something?

Table 8.2 Norms for the amplitude of accommodation as
measured by the push up test. Minimum normal values are given
in diopters (D) and centimeters (cm)
Age (yrs)

Minimum (D)

Minimum (cm)




























convergence, accommodation and pupillary miosis. Parents might

report an intermittent esotropia in conjunction with a small pupil
and the child may report blurred vision together with diplopia.
This can be linked to a variety of neurogenic and psychogenic
conditions, so referral to exclude these conditions is advisable. If
these are excluded, then treatment with exercises or glasses can
be helpful.

When do I need to do something?

Patients who have the symptoms and signs of an accommodative
anomaly (Table 8.1) require treatment, once other causes have
been excluded. Other causes of their symptoms and signs will
generally be excluded by a routine eye examination. Particular
care should be taken to look for signs of nervous system
pathology (for example, see Table 3.3).


Accommodative anomalies


Table 8.3

Procedure for testing accommodative facility with

1. Usually, 2.00D lenses are used, although 1.50 or 1.00 can be

used if the 2.00 cannot be cleared
2. Start with the plus lenses, explaining to the patient that they have
to report when the target becomes clear and single
3. The best target is one that can be used to control for suppression,
such as the OXO target that is designed to test for vertical
fixation disparity
In facility testing, this target is used simply for the child to
report if they experience suppression, when one of the green
strips will disappear
The child will need to wear polarized filters
The use of this target means that the patient has to report not
just when the OXO becomes clear and single, but also when
both green strips are present
For some children, this makes the test too complicated, in
which case the test might have to be carried out without
checking for suppression
4. As soon as the target is described as clear and single with no
suppression, flip the lenses to the pair of minus lenses. Ask the
child to again report when the target is clear, single and both strips
are present
5. Repeat 4, flipping to the plus lenses
6. Continue, measuring how many cycles can be completed in
1 minute (cycles per minute; cpm). Note that one cycle is two flips
7. The binocular list norms are that about 90% of the population
perform better than 2 cpm and about 50% of the population
perform better than 7 cpm. If there is an abnormal test result
binocularly, the test can be repeated monocularly

If the visual acuity is normal at distance but abnormal at near

then this supports the diagnosis of an accommodative anomaly. As
mentioned above, latent hypermetropia needs to be excluded and
the usual way of doing this is to carry out a cycloplegic

What do I do?
Table 8.4 Procedure for measuring accommodative lag with
MEM retinoscopy

The retinoscopy is carried out at the patients usual reading



The patient wears any refractive correction that they usually use
for reading


The patient fixates a target on the retinoscope. Because the

target is in the plane of the retinoscope, no correction needs to
be made for working distance


The target is viewed binocularly, although the retinoscopy is of

course only carried out on one eye at a time


Retinoscopy is usually only carried out in the horizontal meridian


Typically a with movement is seen indicating that the

accommodation is lagging behind the target (plus lenses need to
be added). An against movement suggests accommodative
spasm (see Table 8.1)


Spherical lenses are introduced of a power that it is thought will

neutralize the reflex. For a typical with movement, the first lens
might be +0.50


The lens is introduced monocularly and is rapidly interposed: it

should be present for no more than 1/2 second.This should be
just long enough for a sweep of the retinoscope to see if the
reflex is now neutralized


If the reflex is not neutralized, then steps 78 are repeated until

the reflex is neutralized

10. Steps 49 are then repeated for the other eye

11. The normal range of response (mean 1SD) is plano to +0.75D

What do I do?
A sudden-onset marked decrease in the amplitude of
accommodation can be a sign of accommodative paralysis, which
can result from neurological pathology. Such cases should be


Push up exercises

Plus lenses or



If severe, multifocals

Facility exercises


Treatments for accommodative anomalies

Eye exercises

Table 8.5

Plus lenses or

Push up or flippers


Rarely multifocals

Distance to near or
flipper or push up

spasm (excess)

Accommodative anomalies


What do I do?
referred. In other less acute and milder cases of accommodative
anomalies, where there are no suspicious signs (for example,
exclude the signs in Table 3.3), the patient can be treated but
should be carefully monitored to make sure that the condition
does not deteriorate.Treatments are outlined in Table 8.5. A
letter of information to the general practitioner is advisable in
case the patient presents to them with any other symptoms
which, together with the accommodative anomaly, might raise the
index of suspicion of pathology.



A-syndrome, 84
Accommodative amplitude, 108, 109,
Accommodative anomalies, 108115
classification, 109
clinical characteristics, 109
with convergence, 110
intervention reasons, 111112
investigation, 108111
ruling out latent hypermetropia, 108,
treatment options, 113115
Accommodative facility, 108, 109, 110
Accommodative fatigue, 109, 114
Accommodative flippers, 108, 109, 110
Accommodative infacility, 109, 114
Accommodative insufficiency, 109, 114
Accommodative lag, 108110, 113
Accommodative paralysis, 113115
Accommodative spasm, 109, 114
Albinism, 100
Alternating cover test, 910
Amblyopia, 6480
anisometropic, 65, 73
bilateral, 70
differential diagnosis, 68
effect of age on treatment, 73
treatment, 59, 7579
classification, 6465

differential diagnosis, 68
amblyogenic factor detection, 68,
between strabismic and
anisometropic, 68
exclusion of pathology in, 68, 69
functional, 64
hysterical, 65
inherited, 68
intervention reasons, 6873
investigation, 6568
isometropic, 65, 70
occlusion, 7476
organic, 64
prevalence, 65
sensitive period, 64
stimulus deprivation, 64
strabismic, 6465, 7173
differential diagnosis, 68
sensitive period for treatment,
treatment, 50, 59, 7477
visual acuity in, 65
treatment options, 50, 59, 7379
Aniseikonia, 12, 79
Anisometropia, 12, 28
correction, 12, 28, 79
microtropia with, 59, 61
see also Amblyopia, anisometropic
Autostereograms, 31




Bagolini Lens Test, 45
Basic esophoria, 3435
Basic exophoria, 36
Bifocals, contraindications, 96, 104
Binocular instability, 24, 3940
scoring system for diagnosing,
Binocular vision anomalies, 2
classification, 23
intervention options, 1213
intervention reasons, 1012
investigation, 310
symptoms, 34
Blur point, 21
Break point, 21
Browns syndrome, 98
Cardiff acuity test, 6667
Cataract, 28
congenital, 100
Contact lenses
in anisometropic amblyopia
correction, 7879
in nystagmus control, 105
Contoured tests, 22
Convergence excess esophoria, 36
Convergence insuffiency, 37
eye exercises for, 3839
Convergence weakness exophoria,
Cover test, 410
alternating, 910
cover/uncover test, 79
heterophoria detection with, 7
movement amplitude estimation, 8
strabismus detection with, 5, 7, 44
in esophoria, 6
heterophoria recovery movement
grading system, 9
in ocular motility testing, 87
recording of results, 9
in strabismus with hypertropia, 5
Cyclophoria, 16

in incomitant deviations, 87, 88, 91,
92, 9396
in spasm of the near reflex, 111
in strabismus, 42
Dissociated deviation, 1112
vertical, 56
Dissociation tests, 22
Distance esophoria, 3536
Distance exophoria, 36
Divergence excess exophoria, 3637
Divergence weakness esophoria,
Duanes syndrome, 97
Dyslexia, 40
Eccentric fixation, 68
detection using direct
ophthalmoscope, 72
recording method, 71
Esophoria, 16
convergence excess (near), 36
divergence weakness (distance),
eye exercises in, 28
mixed (basic), 3435
Esotropia, hypermetropia with, 4950,
Exercise glasses, 33
Exophoria, 16
convergence weakness (near), 37
divergence excess (distance), 3637
eye exercises in, 28
mixed (basic), 36
Exotropia, myopia with, 54
Extra-ocular muscles, actions, 8384
Eye exercises, 2832
for convergence insufficiency,
Institute Free-space Stereogram
(IFS), 2932
in strabismus, 49
three cats, 29, 30

Fixation, eccentric see Eccentric
Fixation disparity, 18, 42
Mallett unit test for, 1719, 20, 40
4-base out test, 5961
Foveal suppression, 22
test for, 22, 23, 24, 61
Fusion lock, 11, 18
Fusional reserves, 11, 12, 1920, 39
convergent, 1920, 28
opposing, 19
in people with dyslexia, 40
test method and norms, 21
Global suppression, 43
factors predisposing to, 4344
testing for, 4447
Harmonious anomalous retinal
correspondence (HARC), 42, 43
factors predisposing to, 4344
in microtropia, 61
testing for, 4447
Hess plot, 8889, 90
Heterophoria, 3, 1640
break down into strabismus, 54
cover test recovery assessment, 9,
detection with cover/uncover test, 7
intervention reasons, 2627
investigation, 1626
scoring system for diagnosing,
symptoms, 1617
treatment options, 2735
eye exercises, 2832
prismatic correction, 33, 35
refractive modification, 3233, 34
removal of cause of
decompensation, 2728
surgery, 33
types, 16, 3540

Heterotropia see Strabismus

Humphriss Immediate Contrast
method, 105
with esotropia, 4950, 54
latent, 108, 111
Hyperphoria, 16
eye exercises in, 28
IFS exercises, 2932
Incomitant deviations, 3, 8298
acquired, 82, 93
etiology, 82
Browns syndrome, 98
classification, 82
congenital, 82, 93
cyclo-vertical, 8992
decompensation of, 96
definition, 3
differential diagnosis, 92, 93
Duanes syndrome, 97
incidence, 3
intervention reasons, 92
investigation, 8492
lateral rectus palsy, 94, 95
mechanical, 82
neurogenic, 82, 94
superior oblique palsy, 9495, 96
third nerve palsy, 96
treatment options, 9298
Infantile esotropia syndrome, 56, 101
Institute Free-space Stereogram (IFS)
exercises, 2932

Keeler preferential looking cards, 67,

Latent nystagmus, 56, 100, 101,
latent, 101
manifest, 101
Lateral rectus palsy, 94, 95




Lea Symbols Test, 66, 67

Lindbloms method, 9092
Local suppression areas, 43

Maddox rod test, 22, 44
double, 92
Maddox wing test, 22, 40, 44
Mallett fixation disparity test, 1719, 40
test method and norms, 20
Mallett Modified OXO Test, 4547
MEM retinoscopy, 108, 113
Microtropia, 5862
with anisometropia, 59, 61
decompensation of
pseudo-binocularity, 62
diagnosis algorithm, 58
4_ base out test, 5961
HARC in, 61
with identity, 5859
intervention reasons, 61
investigation, 5961
treatment options, 6162
Mixed esophoria, 35
Mixed exophoria, 36
Monovision, 28
contraindications, 28, 55, 98, 104
Motor fusion, 11, 12
Myopia, with exotropia, 54
Near esophoria, 36
Near exophoria, 37
Negative add, 33, 37
Nonius markers, 18, 40
Null zone, 102, 105
Nystagmus, 100105
acquired (neurological), 101
classification, 100
clinical observations, 105
differential diagnosis, 103104
early-onset, 100, 102, 103104
evaluation problems, 102
intervention reasons, 102
investigation, 101102

latent, 56, 100, 101, 103104

latent, 101
manifest, 101
treatment options, 104105
voluntary, 101
Nystagmus Network, 105
Occlusion, in treatment of amblyopia,
7476, 7889
Ocular flutter, 101
Ocular motility test
basic objective, 8586
cover testing in peripheral gaze, 87
recording of results, 88, 89
subjective angle of deviation
assessment, 8788
Oscillopsia, 103, 104
Panums fusional areas, 1718, 42, 43
Parks three step method, 89
in amblyopia treatment, 7374, 77, 79
disadvantages, 73
Preferential looking tests, 6667
Prismatic correction, for
heterophoria, 33, 35
Push up test, 108, 111
RAF rule, 108
Random dot tests, 22
Randot test, 22
Refractive modification
in anisometropia correction, 79
in decompensated heterophoria
treatment, 3233, 34
Retinoscopy, MEM, 108, 113
Scobees method, 89
Sensory adaptations, 16

Sensory fusion, 11, 12, 18
Sixth nerve palsy, 95
Snellen charts, 6566, 67
Spasm of the near reflex, 110111
Spasmus nutans, 101
Squint see Strabismus
Stereo-acuity tests, 22
Strabismic amplyopia see Amblyopia,
Strabismus, 3, 4256
break down of heterophoria into, 54
detection with cover/uncover test, 5,
7, 44
determination if pathology present,
eye exercises in, 49
fully adapted, 61
incidence, 3, 55
infantile esotropia syndrome, 56, 101
intermittent, 50, 53
intervention reasons, 4753
investigation, 4447
latent, 3
refractive treatment, 4950
sensory adaptations to, 4244, 47
symptoms, 34
treatment options, 5356
for cosmetic reasons, 5556
long-standing strabismus, 5556

new or changed strabismus, 5354

for vocational reasons, 56
Superior oblique palsy, 9495, 96
central, 5961
global see Global suppression
see also Foveal suppression
Test Chart 2000, 66
Third nerve palsy, 96
Three cats exercise, 29, 30
Tonic vergence, 16
Total angle, 10
Unharmonious retinal correspondence,
V-syndrome, 84
Varifocals, contraindications, 96, 104
Vergence, tonic, 16
Visual acuity
assessment in pre-school children,
minimum levels for various ages, 67
Voluntary nystagmus, 101
Zero point, 43


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