Multimedia Lesson

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Name: Cassy Smith
Objective: Students can create and publish an original movie, audio file, podcast, or vodcast in order to achieve required
learning standards. Students may choose any physics standard that they are interesting in learning more about to make
videos or audio files of. Students should connect the standards they are learning to the real world. Movies or vodcasts
must be at least 3 minutes. Audio files or podcasts must be at least 6 minutes. Vodcasts and podcasts will be published
on the classroom blog.
Grade Level: 9-12 Grade
Content Area: Physics, Conceptual Physics, Physical Science, Astronomy
Technology Used (check all that apply): x Movie x Audio x Podcast

x Vodcast Other: (list)

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:

All standards will be covered throughout the course of the school year.
Brief Description of Learning Experience:
Students will create multimedia on the physics standards throughout the school year. The teacher will act as a facilitator.
The multimedia project will allow students to understand how basic physics concepts are applied in the real world. This
project will take on the order of 5-10 hours to complete. Students may work individually or in groups. Students will
create at least one multimedia project a semester. Projects will be posted on my blog, so all students can learn from their
peers. The blog will password protected, so only students, friends and family members of the students can access it.

I will grade the multimedia projects. I will allow students to anonymously critic each others multimedia assignments, but
these critics will not effect their grades. I will read over all of the critics written and then give it to students.
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking:
Students will use technology productivity tools in authentic ways that connects them to the real world. These tools will
require higher thinking skills to create student center multimedia. This assignment will allow students to reach the 4th
LoTi level of Integration.

These projects will be standards-based, challenging, authentic and student-directed. Students can choose whether they
want the project to be collaborative.
Importance of technology:
Using a multimedia authoring tool engages students to think critically and creatively about real world applications in
physics. These tools will motivate students to learn more by adding a fun dynamic to the classroom.
Inspiration (optional): If you used existing multimedia projects as a model for your project (whether in part or whole),
include the URL(s) so we can visit. Explain what concepts you borrowed from others.
I did not borrow this project idea from an existing project.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Parents and administrators will also be informed of the project. Students will not
publish their last names, school names or teachers name or grade level on their videos/audio recordings. Students
should not post videos with their faces or the faces of other students in them. All vodcasts and podcasts can only be
accessed through our password protected classroom blog.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity: Students will have the choice to or
not to publish their multimedia files on the classroom blog.

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