Destiny by T.D. Jakes
Destiny by T.D. Jakes
Destiny by T.D. Jakes
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years with the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., including
many moments of peril. As she recalled h
eart-wrenching expe
riences, she spoke with the compassion of a mothersomehow,
everyones motherand not just the mother of her four enig
matic, intriguing progeny.
One of the many topics we discussed that day was a piercing
question I posed, a subject considered taboo by many. I asked
her why she never remarried. Before responding, she looked
at me as if my question was actually rather foolish. Mrs. King
smiled and almost giggled when she responded, Martin was a
tough act to follow. Indeed he must have been. Few men have
ever affected the culture, the country, and the world as Dr. King
did. But what she said next took my breath away. I was called
to be his wife, she said. It was my destiny to stand beside him.
This woman, whose legendary singing voice merited a career
of its own, whose speaking skills and intellect qualified her
for many roles, clearly perceived her destiny. Mrs. King could
have been anything she wantedfrom university president to
entrepreneuryet she chose to support the civil rights move
ment, underscoring the mission and keeping alive the dream of
her martyred husband! She shared so many experiences about
her life, little did I realize she actually was reflecting on them
from the posture of her imminent demise. Only in retrospect
did I consider her small plate of slowly consumed fruits, and
her contentment watching me enjoy the ample offering of culi
nary delights prepared for me.
Her contented smile betrayed the gravity of her condition,
which I knew to be a battle with cancer, and one she would
shortly lose. Or did she really lose at all? Her smile taught
me the value of contentment with a life well lived, a life that
had run its course. Coretta Scott King lived comforted by her
belief that despite the turbulence of her journey, she had lived
on course with a destiny far more important than the waves of
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When we watch people fully engaged in their purpose, its
confirmation that God has given each of us a destiny. How
else could one person be so fascinated by the accuracy of
numbers while another is totally obsessed with the accuracy
of words? What allows you to have great interest in some
thing that bores other people to tears? Why are you able to
pick up anything and fix itfrom a clock to an a utomobile
hile other people should be arrested for even picking up a
hammer? Why are you able to devote countless hours to read
ing a book while other people will never know the story line if
its not on video? The gift or desire that God has wired you to
express is unique to you. Others cant understand how you do
what you do, but neither can you understand how they act in
their gifts.
Why do you get angry when you see certain things not done
properly? Its your instinct. You are irritated by the fact that you
know it could be done better.
I remember reading a story about an Olympian who was
charged with a serious crime. After he was released on bond,
the first thing he did was resume his workout routine. As I was
reading his story, I thought, If I were under the public micro
scope for that kind of crime, no way would I be spending my
time working out. But then I considered the fact that this man
was a champion athlete, and real champions cannot help but do
what they are gifted to do. It is their therapy. It is how they for
tify themselves. You are a champion when you overcome adver
sity and go back to doing what you were doing before.
The drive to do what youre good at is instinct. Its what God
has created you to do. The kind of instinct given to Gods high
est creation is not the same as the instinct that causes a sea tur
tle to make her way to the ocean shoreline to lay her eggs and
then return to sea. Human instinct in action is a pure joy to
behold. Its like a work of art in motion, like watching Michael
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how, but Destiny reveals why you are wired. I felt particularly
compelled to write this book because the why is always more
powerful than the how of life. Im excited about this book as
an opportunity to move beyond the how and explore the why.
Both connect to direct you to Destiny.
Its a powerful life transition to unleash what lies inside you,
but that unleashing only becomes viable when it can be vali
dated by the why. We know how babies are made and, as mys
tical as the science of procreation can be, we can absorb that
miraculous information much easier than the why of life. Why
are we born? Why were you born?
One of humanitys central life questions relates to the why
of life. All of us have grappled with the question of a personal
purpose that confirms our destiny: Why am I here? For some
people, the question is little more than a short-lived intel
lectual pursuit. For others, it is a lifelong quest. Yet the mere
fact that the question has been posed through ceaseless gen
erations affirms that there is an internal quest that pricks the
human heart. That quest is fueled by humanitys need to know
that our efforts and actions are congruent with our passion and
As we follow the instinctive path of our passion molded into
action, we connect to Destiny. As we explore the path to Des
tiny, we gain a barometer by which we may measure authentic
purpose, otherwise known as success. One cant define success
in dollars or cents. It can only be quantified by the accomplish
ment of a predestined purpose! This need to answer the why of
life cannot be satiated solely by fame or wealth or notoriety, or
even education, as none of these acquisitions guarantees that
action has aligned with purpose in our lives.
Destiny is the push of our instincts to the pull of our pur
pose. That push-pull is what keeps the sun, moon, and stars
from crashing. It causes the seasons to change from planting
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rare performances and heard her trying to sing like the Queen
of Soul? Youd know something was wrong. The performance
would not ring authentic.
Entertainers, scholars, preachers, and athletes alike all have
admitted to being influenced by the skill and style of someone
who came before them. Michael Jackson and Prince were clearly
influenced by the performances of the Godfather of Soul, James
Brown. Many preachers a generation ago were influenced by
the oratorical styles of Martin Luther King Jr. and Billy Gra
ham. Exposure to others who are good at what they do can be
highly motivating and instructional; it helps us understand the
manifestation of our own gifts. Observing others can help us
set the bar of excellence high for ourselves. But there must be a
point where one respects, admires, and learns from others, and
then turns inward to connect to his or her authentic expression
of talent. Robert Frost and Maya Angelou were great poets, but
each had a distinctive style. Your instinct will draw you to the
unique expression of your gifts.
You can prosper effectively only by drawing on what is
authentically in you. The drawing process starts from your
core. You can only be fruitful out of your understanding of and
connection to what is in your core. In the movie Ray, as singer
Ray Charles tries to establish a recording sound, he mimics
the styles of his contemporaries until he hits upon a style that
is uniquely his own. In real life, Charles was criticized for his
innovations in music, but he carved out a new blend in music
and found his authentic sound.
It can be frightening to own your authentic self. What if
other people dont approve of the authentic you? What if they
criticize or make fun of who you really are? Thats a painful
prospect to consider, especially when disapproval or criticism
comes from the people who mean the most to you. Are you
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rooted inside. No matter how gifted you are, you need a place of
expression. That place is Destiny.
Your instinctive gifts are the metal inside you. Your destiny
is the magnet that draws you to its predestined arena. People
who have instinct with no apparent destiny are waiting to be
lifted by something higher than what led them to tune in to
instinct. We must be drawn by something deeper. Destiny pulls
us beyond the familiar toward our future.
Even if youre not a Bible reader, youre probably familiar
with the biblical story of Moses at the burning bush. This great
leader of Israel was drawn to a bush burning in the wilderness
because he noticed the leaves did not burn off. Destiny is the
fire that attracts us to come toward her. She ignites our curi
osity. Moses entire world had been turned upside down. He
was a fugitive who fell from sultan to shepherd. His traumatic
ouster from Egypt helped connect Moses to his instincts. When
he was no longer a pampered prince, he got in touch with the
gifts and abilities that God had given him to survive a wilder
ness existence and prosper in a life of hard work caring for a
flock of animalsexposure that would be essential to Israels
survival when God used him to deliver Israel from slavery in
There at the burning bush was the cross point at which
Moses former life met his future life. It was the place where the
instinct that pulled him to the burning bush connected with
the destiny that would push him back to Egypt and beyond and
connect to his destiny. Like Moses at the burning bush, we may
not comprehend why we are thrust beyond our familiar sur
roundings, but we can trust that we are being drawn by Des
tiny. Instinct and purpose often operate like a marriage. Its not
always a fifty-fifty proposition. Sometimes you may function
more from a sense of instinct, while at other times the quest
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purpose to give birth to Destiny is important in the life of every
individual. Every person has a destiny to fulfill. It is essential to
craft an environment that facilitates the fulfillment of Destiny.
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Think about a girl or guy you wanted to date. You wanted to
impress that person. If you were still in school, you might have
updated your wardrobe and started wearing makeup and heels.
You might have gotten a part-time job so you could afford to
take her out. You did all of that to get that persons attention.
You did all of that to show the person you were worthy of get
ting close to him or her. Show Destiny that youre worth getting
close to. Show Destiny that you wont mess up the opportunity
to travel in the same circles with her. Destiny is a fastidious
companion that is rarely, if ever, stumbled upon. But until you
find her, she will tease and taunt you. She will call out to you as
you endeavor to discover the why of your life.
Destiny will sometimes be elusive and guide you on a circu
itous path as you follow her in search of why. But led by instinct
as you pursue purpose, you will discover the why of your life,
and then you will know that fulfillment of Destiny is the great
est kind of success you can ever hope to attain.
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book titled I Had No Father but God. What I said during that
clip inspired him to share aspects of his story that he had wres
tled with taking public.
As I stepped into my car to leave Mrs. Kings building,
I thought that if the late Paul Crouch had walked away from
the TV to get a ham sandwich, he never would have seen that
brief video clip that moved him to invite me to appear on TBN,
and later inspired him to offer me a network time slot. With
out owning a camera and with only one person on staff, I was
about to broadcast on the worlds largest Christian television
network and be drawn more deeply into my destiny. All of this
was thrust upon me without me ever inquiring about a tele
vision show or passing a business card to anyone. You have a
purpose and a destiny.
Maybe your destiny is being birthed through a failed busi
ness or bankruptcy. Perhaps the downsizing of a company
was really meant to shake you free to a life of purpose. It is not
always the best or joyous moments that direct us to Destiny.
Sometimes deep pain and torturous emotions later help to
maneuver, mold, and position you into your lifes purpose.
The overarching pull of Destiny helps you accept events and
circumstances that, examined in isolation, may look like fail
ure. Upon deeper reflection, however, those seeming tragedies
are the catalysts that shift you into your place of destiny. The
Bible rightly says in Romans 8:28, And we know that God
causes everything to work together for the good of those who
love God and are called according to his purpose for them. The
things that are working together may not feel good. They may
not even seem fair. But if you allow them to, they can usher you
into arenas and opportunities that shift your life into a pattern
of focus and purpose that work together for your good and the
good of humanity. Perhaps we all can lessen Destinys learning
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