Volatile Organic Compound Test, Further Information
Volatile Organic Compound Test, Further Information
Volatile Organic Compound Test, Further Information
AMF produce a wide variety of products in different face patterns, thicknesses, edge details
modules and densities.
It is not possible to test all potential variations, however all of our products are produced from
the same basic mix of materials, and due to this we have selected what we believe will be the
worst case for VOC release, this is the thinnest product we produce the 13mm Ecomin
Filligran other AMF products should have similar or better VOC release figures.
Furthermore there are several different methods in use throughout Europe and the rest of the
world to determine and classify VOC release. The main standard in the UK is BS EN
13964:2004 +A1:2006. This standard is suspended ceilings requirements and test
methods This standard does contain Formaldehyde classes and associated test methods in
Annex F, however the standard they use is EN 717 -1 and EN 717 -2 these standards are
wood based panels determination of formaldehyde release
This standard is primarily for Plywood, MDF and other Wood type materials that release
substantial amounts of formaldehyde but can be used for other building materials.
AMF test to ISO 16 000-3:2001-09-01 and ISO 16 000-6:2004-03-15, there are several
advantages to this test, however the main reason is that it also allows us to classify materials
to the German AgBB Scheme for which our products are rated suitable for indoor use
Both EN and ISO standards are actually very similar but not the same, there is currently a
process underway to harmonise these standards. The BS EN 13964 has a rating of E1 for
products that emit a maximum of 0.124 milligrams/m3 (lowest rating for Class E1) to EN
Our products emit a maximum of 17 micrograms falling to 6.4 micrograms this equates to
0.017 milligrams to 0.0064 milligrams meaning that our products are better than the class E1
(toughest) standard by a whole order of magnitude.
In simple terms although the test methods are not exactly the same our products emit so little
VOCs that they exceed the requirements of BS EN 13964 to be Class E1
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