Strack v. Frey - Document No. 43
Strack v. Frey - Document No. 43
Strack v. Frey - Document No. 43
Case 1:06-cv-04644-RJH Document 43 Filed 02/08/2007 Page 1 of 2
State of New York and in this Court. I am a partner in the law firm of Brodsky & Smith, LLC,
counsel for Plaintiff Michele Snow in these coordinated proceedings. I have personal knowledge
of the facts set forth in this Declaration. If called upon and sworn as a witness, I could and
2. Attached hereto as Exhibit “1” is a true and correct copy of Rust Consulting
firm’s profile.
4. Attached hereto as Exhibit “3” is a true and correct copy of a template for the “A
5. Attached hereto as Exhibit “4” is a true and correct copy of the New York Times
September 6, 2006 article (on the New York Times website) about the proposed settlement.
6. Attached as Exhibit “5” is a true and correct copy of the Google search results of
“A Million Little Pieces” and “Settlement”, as well as the Google search results for A Million
Case 1:06-cv-04644-RJH Document 43 Filed 02/08/2007 Page 2 of 2
Little Pieces Settlement. On February 7, 2008 I personally performed both of these Google
I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.