UIAMS Summer Internship Guidelines 2014-16

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The Summer Internship aims at achieving the following objectives:

To give an insight into the working of the organizations.

Application of knowledge and techniques learnt in the first year to real business
problems and to test out and enrich ones understanding, knowledge and skills.
Helps in exploring career opportunities in your area of interest.
The requirement of writing a project report is intended to develop the students
diagnostic, analytical and report writing skills in the context of the management
related issues.
The topic selected for the project should be useful to the organization
and have adequate management content.
The study done for the summer training must be based on the
primary and /or secondary data and must have relevance to the
organizational realities.

Maintaining healthy and cordial relationship with the people in

Understanding the work culture.
Obeying direct orders from the seniors.
Showing a sense of belonging with the organization.


Do not ask for any favors.

Do not give an impression that you are doing the training just for the sake
of it. Put your heart and soul.
Do not copy any material. Be original.
Do not go for leave unless it is indispensable.

Following things are advised:1. You should take summer training very seriously.
2. Be punctual in your office timings.
3. Formal dress code to be followed on every day of training.

University guidelines stipulate that the Summer Project of one student should be different
from the Summer Project of the other student.

The following information is mandatory to be submitted by all the students during/on

completion of summer training.
1. Synopsis (3-4 pages) duly approved means sent from official maid id of industry

guide or signed and stamped of the Industry Guide hard copy can be scanned and sent (
file name should be <rollno><yourname><Branch> 10th June 2015 (email at
[email protected] ).


2. To register for Final Campus Placements you have to

Provide d ata of 10 companies for Industry interaction and placement. 20/07/2015.
(Fill online, link will be mailed on official id).
Following information is to be provided (fill online link will be mailed on official id). of the
persons in the organization of your summer training or any other reference, who could be
contacted by UIAMS for:
a. Guest Lectures
b. Event Sponsorships
c. Industrial Visits

Note: Submission of Summer Training Project Report ( two copies +

CD) including Feedback (attached format) from the Industry
Guide. - 20/07/2015 (UIAMS Office)
For any topic related queries you may contact the following faculty members:
Hospital and Pharmaceutical


Dr. Ajay Dogra:

Dr. Manu Sharma:

[email protected]

[email protected]

Dr. Manjushri Sharma:

Dr. Nishi Sharma:

[email protected]

[email protected]

Infrastructural/ Operations
Sh. Aman Khera:
[email protected]

Sh. Naveen Kumar:

Dr. Anupreet Kaur Mavi:

[email protected]

[email protected]
Dr. Arunachal Khosla:

IT & Telecom

[email protected]


Ms. Rachita Sambyal:

[email protected]

Dr. Jagandeep Singh:

[email protected]


It is intensive study on a topic. It explores the subject in depth and elucidates information
about the problem investigated, the methods used to solve the problem, the results of the
investigation and the conclusions inferred and a set of recommendations that can be


The project taken for study can be related to a particular organization. It can also be a
comparison study of many organizations, or related to an industry. All projects must be
related to the broad sectoral area either directly or indirectly.


How valuable is the study to be done by you? Does it have application value? Can it be used for
improvement by the organizations? The study should highlight its application in day to day
functioning or in a specific area. The data collected should be primary, i.e., gathered by your own
observation, or it may be secondary i.e. taken from the records of the organization where the
research is being undertaken like balance sheets, control figures, performance reports, sales
reports. Survey of recent publications on the topic will provide comparable secondary data from
other sources. Student must ensure that the project undertaken is an original study. The set of
guidelines for the project work is also given to the guide to ensure that the student abides by the
format or project structure laid down by the institution.

A certificate (attached format) from the industry guide on organization letter head duly
stamped should be submitted along with the project work.

SYNOPSIS: (To be submitted by 10th June 2015 (email at [email protected] ).

A Synopsis is an outline of what the intended research is all about and the general plan of action. It
serves as a guideline for the ensuing research. It should contain the following elements. Before
embarking on the actual study, it is necessary to submit a SYNOPSIS of the intended study
approved by the Industry Guide. The synopsis should be brief - Not more than 4 to 5 pages and
must be submitted in the structured format given below:
Proposed Title of Project
Organisation Name and Address with phone no.s and email ID
Name of Industry Guide
Name of Student
Roll No. of student
Address for correspondence


Brief background of Organisation and Problem, Scope of the Study

Need of the study
Research Methodology
Tentative Chapter Plan

Note: Along with synopsis you have to register for Final placements by filling up the form online
(link will be mailed on official mail by 10 th June.) Fill Information by 15th June 2015


1. Introduction: To the topic under study, Eg. If it is a study on inventory control
practices, an introduction as to what is inventory control and its practices, and
other introduction should be given.
2. Introduction








company/organization where the study will be conducted, like name, location etc.
and also relevant details like organization structure, existing systems related to the
particular subject under study.
3. The problem under study: This section should contain:
a. Background of the problem task undertaken ( i.e. how & why the project
was selected)
b. Rationale of the study
c. Scope of the study: Scope should indicate the broad area taken up for study or
investigation and indicate limits within which the study is being conducted.
(E.g. the time period, geographical area, departments of an organization etc.)

4. Review of Literature: indicating the research done so far with regard to the
particular subject.
5. Objectives : This section should contain:
a. The Main Objective you have to accomplish through your project
b. Specific Objectives i.e. what all you need to in order to achieve your main
6. Methodology: This section would include the plan of the study method of data
collection, instruments used tools & techniques of analysis, limitations of study.
How and where will the study be conducted? Where will the data for the study be
collected? Is it primary or secondary?

7. Observations, Analysis & Discussion: This part can be covered in more than one
chapter, depending upon the coverage of the study. (try to make use of the relevant
management techniques / skills / policies; data presentation and statistical analysis in

the project report). The relevant data gathered should be presented in the form of

Tables, graphs, flow charts etc. What type of analysis is being done on the data
gathered? Is it qualitative or quantitative? Qualitative analysis is done on data
collected from marketing research, product development etc. It mainly consists of
subjective inputs and rarely uses precise numerical description. In Quantitative
analysis the data gathered is quantified in terms of numerical or figures and
suitable statistical analysis is done. Quantified data is more reliable and precise
than qualitative data.
8. Conclusion & Recommendations: The project should be summed up with a
rundown of the project in its entirety. (Based on the study done)
Recommendations are based on the conclusions of the study. It is important to
indicate that a set of recommendations should follow from the conclusion inferred.
These should be based on the usefulness of the study, applicability in business
industry, in decision making, in system development and so forth.
If possible, quantify the benefits that can be gained from following the
recommendations. Indications as to what other techniques can be applied to
improve the systems viz. cost saving techniques, precautions.
Limitations of the study if any, should be highlighted.
9. Appendices: Should include Questionnaires (if any), Company Balance sheets (if
any), etc.
10. References / Bibliography: Should be presented in the proper Format as depicted
a. For Books:
Author(s) (Surname, First Name); Book Name, Publisher, Place of Publication,
Year of Publication.
b. For Journals / Magazines / Newspapers:
Author(s) (Surname, First Name); Title of the Article, Journal Name, Vol-, No.-,
Month-, Yr of Pub, pp (pages referred).
c. Web Pages: Full URLs of the web page (including the domain name & ending
with *.org / .htm / .html and so forth)


(1) Students should use simple and good English while writing the report.
Avoid grammatical errors.
(2) The problems and objectives should be specific and clearly stated. Avoid ambiguity.
(3) No aspects of the structure of the report should be omitted.
(4) Important to include Bibliography, List of tables, Certificate from guide
and acknowledgements.
(5) The report should be in about 60-70 pages.


1. Acknowledgement to all those who have helped the student to complete the
2. Abstract of the study. It should not exceed 500 words.
3. Table of contents, chapter wise with the appropriate page numbers.
4. Actual project content following the given format.
5. Bibliography It is important to the students to list out Books of reference. It
should follow the order. Authors name, Title of the Book or Journal, page
nos., and year of publishing.

(a) The front cover should contain the following details (Sample design Attached:

The Title of the report in block capitals


Full name of the candidate in block capitals with Roll No.


Name of the institute, year of submission.

(b) BLANK SHEETS At the beginning and end of the report two blank sheets of paper
shall be provided one for the purpose of binding and another after
the blank sheet.
(c) TITLE SHEET The title shall be the first typed sheet and shall follow immediately
after the blank sheet.
(d) PAPER The report shall be typed on A4 bond paper.

(e) TYPING The typing shall be in 12 pt Times New Roman. One and a half spaced
on both sides of the paper.
(f) MARGIN The typed sheet shall have the following margins: Left 1.5, Top 1,
Right 1.5, Bottom 1.
(g) PAGE NUMBER Each page shall be numbered at the bottom of the page (centre) .
(h) BINDING The report shall be Hardcover Bound.

The candidate is required to make three (3) copies of the project report, which should be
complete in all respects.
1. Two copies must be submitted to UIAMS office along with soft copy in word
format in CD for evaluation. Student will be intimated about his viva voce
test after the evaluation.
2. The above two copies will be retained by the Institute.
3. One copy must be retained by the student for his/her record.

The submitted project report will be sent for evaluation. The project report will be
evaluated on the following criteria: CRITERIA

Clarity of objectives, scope and coverage.

Methodology for data collection.
Analysis of data, tools and techniques.
Understanding of the subject and conceptualizing of the key areas.
Innovative techniques/approach to problem scheme.
Conclusions drawn.
Recommendations, usefulness implementation scheme.
Linking of recommendations to the objective.
Report writing and presentation.

If the student is successful in the project work, then he/she will be eligible to appear
for the viva voce exam. In case of a students project not being approved, he/she is
not eligible to take up the viva-voce. The Project can be disapproved on the basis of it
not being a original study i.e. if it is copied or rewritten from an earlier project,
incorrect data, insufficient discussion & analysis, typographical errors, improper
presentation of the project matter, mismatch between the problem studied at hand
and the methodology i.e. design, insufficient subject matter etc.

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