PNNL (2009) Country Report India

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Country Report on

Building Energy Codes in


M Evans
B Shui
S Somasundaram

March 2009

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Country Report on
Building Energy Codes in

M Evans
B Shui
S Somasundaram

March 2009

Buildings account for about 30% of all energy consumption globally and a significant
share of greenhouse gas emissions. Building energy codes help ensure that new buildings
use energy efficiently, and this can reduce building energy use by 50% or more compared
to buildings designed without energy efficiency in mind. This is important because
buildings typically last 30-50 years, and it is much less expensive and time-consuming to
design for energy efficiency than to retrofit a building later. Based on the experience of
the Asia-Pacific region, it is clear that building energy codes, when implemented, save
energy and improve comfort in new buildings. By design, most building energy codes are
cost-effective, saving consumers significant amounts of money on their energy bills.

The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Energy and Climate (APP) is a public-private

collaboration to accelerate the development and deployment of clean energy technologies.
APP partners include Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, and the
United States (the U.S.). APP countries account for more than half of the global economy,
energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions. APP’s Buildings and Appliance
Task Force (BATF) provides a forum for APP partners to work together on energy
efficiency in buildings and appliances. This report was prepared under the framework of
BATF, in particular a BATF project called “Survey building energy codes and develop
scenarios for reducing energy consumption through energy code enhancement in APP
countries” (BATF-06-24).

At the request of the U.S. Department of Energy, the Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory’s Joint Global Change Research Institute has prepared a series of reports
surveying building energy codes in the seven APP countries. These reports include
country reports on building energy codes in each APP partner country and a comparative
report based on the country reports. This particular report is the country report on
building energy codes in India.


This report owes its existence to the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and
Climate. We would like to thank all the APP partner countries and experts who
collaborated on this project. We are particularly grateful to Dr. Seung-Eon Lee at the
Korean Institute of Construction Technology for his oversight of the APP project under
which this report was prepared (BATF 06-24). We would also like to thank Mark
Ginsberg, Jean Boulin and Marc LaFrance from the U.S. Department of Energy for their
leadership and financial support of this work.

Diana Shankle, manager of the PNNL Building Energy Codes Program, has provided
moral and intellectual support for this project. Mark Halverson reviewed this report.
Kate Williams and Alison Delgado helped the editing. We would also like to express our
gratitude to several other individuals who supported or participated in the APP building
energy code assessment in various capacities including Joe Huang, Bipin Shah, Satish
Kumar, Kapoor Ravi, Bajpai Anurag, Liz Malone, Kay Killingstad, Paulette Land and
Kim Swieringa.

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................ i

Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................................................... ii

1. Introduction and Background ............................................................................................................ 1

1.1 A Glance at the Economy and Energy .......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Buildings Sector............................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Relevant Regulations .................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Implementation ............................................................................................................................. 3

2 Energy Conservation Building Code.................................................................................................. 4

2.1 Overview....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Climate Zones ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Envelope ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1 Mandatory Requirements.......................................................................................................... 6
2.3.2 Prescriptive Requirements ........................................................................................................ 7
2.3.3 Building Envelope Trade-Off Option ....................................................................................... 7
2.4 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) .................................................................... 7
2.4.1 Mandatory Requirements.......................................................................................................... 7
2.4.2 Prescriptive Requirements ........................................................................................................ 8
2.5 Service Hot Water and Pumping................................................................................................... 8
2.5.1 Mandatory Requirements.......................................................................................................... 8
2.6 Lighting......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.6.1 Mandatory Requirements.......................................................................................................... 9
2.6.2 Prescriptive Requirements ........................................................................................................ 9
2.7 Electrical Power ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.7.1 Mandatory Requirements.......................................................................................................... 9
2.8 Whole Building Performance Method .......................................................................................... 9

3 Other Developments .......................................................................................................................... 10

3.1 The Indian Green Building Council and LEED-India................................................................. 10
3.2 The Energy and Research Institute and the GRIHA System....................................................... 11

4 Conclusions......................................................................................................................................... 12

List of Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................ 13

References ................................................................................................................................................... 14

Useful Websites........................................................................................................................................... 14

List of Figures
Figure 1 Energy Consumption by Sector in India, 1995-2005 ....................................................................... 1
Figure 2 Climate Zones in ECBC................................................................................................................... 6

List of Tables
Table 1 Essential Features of ECBC (May 2008 revised version) ................................................................. 5

1. Introduction and Background
1.1 A Glance at the Economy and Energy
India has seen strong economic growth in recent years. In 2007, its gross domestic
product was US$1.1 trillion1 on a nominal basis, though on a purchasing power basis, it
was the fourth largest economy in the world at $4.7 trillion (IMF, 2008). As the fifth
largest energy consumer in 2006, India emitted 1,293.2 Mt of carbon emissions, or 4.4%
of the global total that year (EIA, 2008).

1.2 Buildings Sector

Construction is a major economic driver in India. Between 2004 and 2005, about 22
million square meters were added for commercial buildings, and 19 million square meters
for residential buildings. Most new commercial buildings are equipped with air
conditioning (Mathur, 2006).

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the buildings sector accounted for the
largest share of India’s final energy use2 between 1995 and 2005 (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Energy Consumption by Sector in India, 1995-2005


1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Industry Sector Transportation
Residential Commerce and Public Services
Building Sector Others

Notes: Energy consumption in this figure refers to final energy use, which includes consumption of
renewable and waste energy; the sector “Others” includes agriculture, forestry, fishing, and non-
specified and non-energy use.
Source: IEA, 2007

In current U.S. dollars.
Final energy use includes consumption of renewable and waste energy.

In 2005, this sector consumed 169 million toe (Mtoe)3, or 47% of the total final energy
use, compared to the next largest sector, the industrial sector, which consumed 28% of
the total. Residential buildings accounted for the lion’s share (93%) of the total building
energy use the same year (IEA, 2007).

Air conditioning and lighting are the top two energy end uses within the buildings sector.
Studies have indicated that energy efficient lighting, air conditioning and electrical
systems could save about 20% of the energy used in existing buildings. In addition, some
simulation studies also indicate that new buildings can save up to 40% of energy with
design interventions and stronger building energy standards (BEE, 2007).

1.3 Relevant Regulations

Recognizing that energy use and air pollution are important issues in India’s buildings,
India issued the National Housing and Habitat Policy in 1998. The Policy acknowledged
the importance of construction techniques and materials in energy conservation. It also
emphasized that the government should specify energy efficiency levels for different
categories of buildings (IEA, 2008b).

In 2001, the Indian government enacted the Energy Conservation Act (ECA 2001), which
promotes energy efficiency and conservation domestically. ECA 2001 mandated the
creation of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), which was established under the
Ministry of Power in 2002. ECA 2001 also authorized BEE to establish an Energy
Conservation Building Code (ECBC).

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) issued National Building Code of India (NBC) in
2005, or NBC 2005, which covered a range of structural, safety and other design issues.
Energy efficiency was marginally addressed (IEA, 2008a).

Under the direction of the Prime Minister, the government’s Planning Commission issued
the Integrated Energy Policy in 2006. This document identifies major areas with large
potential for energy savings. Five of the thirteen areas are related to the buildings sector,
including building design, construction, HVAC, lighting and household appliances.

In 2007, the Ministry of Power and BEE issued ECBC —the first stand alone national
building energy code in India. While it is currently voluntary, ECBC establishes
minimum energy efficiency requirements for building envelope, lighting, HVAC,
electrical system, water heating and pumping systems. To develop ECBC, BEE
collaborated with a diverse group of domestic and international technical experts.

The term of “million toe” means million tones of oil equivalent and is based on the energy content of the

1.4 Implementation
BEE is supporting efforts to implement ECBC, including policy formulation and
technical support for the development of the codes and standards. As noted, ECBC is
currently voluntary, but in the future, either the central or state governments can decide to
adopt it as a mandatory standard. State governments that choose to adopt ECBC can
modify the code to adapt it to local climatic conditions, and inform BEE accordingly
(IEA, 2008a). No states have adopted it yet. The ECO III project of the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) is providing technical assistance in support of
implementation. BEE also works closely with national and state-level government
agencies to promote ECBC.

Once ECBC becomes mandatory at either the central or state level, one can assume that
the implementation and enforcement approach will be similar to that employed for other,
mandatory building codes. The mechanism for enforcing existing mandatory building
codes is well-established in India. Municipal authorities review all building designs for
compliance with the code. Municipal inspectors must visit all building sites during the
construction phase to ensure that construction matches the approved design. While these
mechanisms all exist, in actual practice, there are many challenges with enforcement and
monitoring: the existing enforcement system needs strengthening. In addition, inspectors
would need additional training and experience in the energy aspects of buildings.

India is in the early stages of implementing the new building energy code. Few buildings
in India today meet the code. Effective implementation of the code is hindered by the
lack of (Hong et al., 2007; Huang and Deringer, 2007):

ƒ Implementation guidelines,
ƒ Local administrative infrastructure for energy code enforcement, including field
inspectors for code checking and inspections,
ƒ Incentives from the government,
ƒ Technical expertise to assist in compliance,
ƒ Technical support materials and equipment to help meet the code requirements,
though the USAID ECO III project has prepared several ECBC awareness documents
and put them in the public domain (, and
ƒ Supply of suitable building materials (linked in part to the lack of demand currently).

BEE is considering developing code compliance software and training programs for code
inspectors and enforcers. Also, to increase interest in ECBC and experience in its
implementation, BEE is considering mechanisms to make compliance with ECBC
mandatory in all new government facilities.

2 Energy Conservation Building Code
2.1 Overview
In India, national bodies have developed three different building codes (Hong et al.,

ƒ BIS developed NBC, a comprehensive national instrument providing guidelines for

regulating the building construction activities across the country. It serves as a model
code for adoption by all agencies involved in building.
ƒ BEE developed ECBC which is the only national building energy code. ECBC is
currently voluntary (Subsections 1.3 and 1.4 of this country report).
ƒ Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) developed the Environment Impact
Assessment and Clearance (EIA). Builders and developers need to obtain an EIA
clearance before construction.

NBC contain some provisions that are relevant to energy efficiency, although it does not
specifically aim to improve energy efficiency. For example, requirements for sounder
structural materials also typically mean more energy-efficient materials with lower U-

As the first stand-alone national building energy code, ease of the use, in terms of both
code requirements and language, was the major consideration for the ECBC development
(Mathur, 2006). In addition, the development of ECBC involves broad stakeholder
participation. For example, several members of the ASHRAE 90.1 committee
participated in the development of ECBC.

The structure of ECBC is patterned against that of the ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004. The
contents of ECBC (Table 1) cover building envelope, HVAC, service hot water and
pumping, lighting, and electric power. The word “mandatory” in Table 1 is directly from
ECBC, referring to those provisions that should be satisfied regardless of whether the
designer opts for the prescriptive or trade-off approach to the rest of the code compliance.
In practice, of course, all the provisions of ECBC are voluntary today.

Building designers can take several approaches to compliance with ECBC. While they
must ensure compliance with the mandatory measures, they have flexibility in meeting
the prescriptive requirements. They can comply either by directly meeting the
prescriptive criteria, trading off these criteria in a particular section of the code, based on
the trade-off options of that section, or by using the Whole Building Performance Method.
The Whole Building Performance Method sets an energy budget for a building design, so
a building complies as long as it stays within the budget, even if it does not meet the
prescriptive requirements or trade-off options within any given section of the code. The
budget is set based on the average annual electricity use (in kWh) of a building with the
standard design as outlined in the code. For example, a building could have more
windows than otherwise allowed if it had more insulation in the roof.

BEE released a revised version of ECBC 2007 in May 2008. This report draws on that
revised version of ECBC 2007 in most instances as a complete version of the May 2008
document was not available at the time this report went to press.

Table 1 Essential Features of ECBC (May 2008 revised version)

Section Number and Title Description
1 & 2. Purpose and Scope Minimum requirements for energy-efficient design and
construction of buildings and building complexes with a
connected load of 500 kW or greater, or a contract demand of
600 kVA or greater and a conditioned area of >1,000 square
3. Administration and Mandatory5 compliance for all applicable new buildings,
Enforcement additions and major renovations to existing buildings
4. Envelope Mandatory provisions and either the prescriptive criteria or
trade-off options
5. HVAC Mandatory provisions and prescriptive criteria
6. Service Hot Water and Mandatory provisions, including solar water heating for at
Pumping least 1/5 of design capacity, unless systems use heat recovery
7. Lighting Mandatory provisions and prescriptive criteria for interior and
exterior lighting features
8. Electrical Power Mandatory requirements for transformers, motors, and power
distribution systems
9. Appendix A – Definitions, Definitions of terms, abbreviations and acronyms in the
Abbreviations and Acronyms context of this code
10. Appendix B – Whole An alternative to the prescriptive requirements of the code
Building Performance Method
11. Appendix C – Default Values Procedure for determining window efficiency (also known as
for Typical Constructions fenestration product U-factor), and the Solar Heat Gain
Coefficient (SHGC), as well as typical thermal properties of
common building and insulating materials (from ASHRAE
Fundamentals Handbook, 2001)
12. Appendix D – Building Procedure for calculating envelope performance factor (EPF)
Envelope Tradeoff Method and tables for EPF coefficients for the five climate zones and
the two building occupancy schedules6
13. Appendix E – Climate Zone From the National Building Code 2005, Part 8, Figure 2
Map of India
14. Appendix F – Air-Side Construction inspection and procedure for equipment testing
Economizer Acceptance
15. Appendix G – Compliance Envelope summary, building permit plans checklist,
Forms mechanical summary, mechanical checklist, lighting
summary and lighting permit checklist
Sources: ECBC 2007 and correspondence with ECO III

Such buildings are typically for commercial use or are large residential facilities.
The use of the word “mandatory” in Table 1 and texts of the Sections 2.2 to 2.8 comes directly from the
text of ECBC 2007. Despite the use of this word, ECBC is voluntary at present.
BEE is currently reviewing the possibility of adopting tables with default values for U-factors for typical
roof and wall construction.

2.2 Climate Zones
ECBC covers India’s five climate zones (Figure 2), including (1) composite, (2) hot and
dry, (3) warm and humid, (4) moderate and (5) cold.

Figure 2 Climate Zones in ECBC

Source: NBC 2005

2.3 Envelope
ECBC aims to improve the energy performance of building envelopes in new
construction through better building design, such as day lighting and natural ventilation.
It also emphasizes the integration of construction practice and local conditions (Mathur,

In ECBC, the building envelope should comply with the mandatory provisions and either
the prescriptive criteria or the trade-off options. Building designers can also use the
whole building performance provisions of the code to compensate high performance in
one area of compliance, such as the envelope, with somewhat lower performance in
another (for example, lighting).

2.3.1 Mandatory Requirements

The mandatory requirements cover provisions for fenestration (U-factors, SHGC, and air
leakage for fenestration and doors), opaque construction (U-factors) and building
envelope sealing (to minimize air leakage).

2.3.2 Prescriptive Requirements
The prescriptive requirements (which are open to trade-offs with alternate paths of
compliance) cover requirements for roofs, opaque walls, vertical fenestration and
skylights. The code provides the requirements for roofs and opaque walls (maximum U-
factors of the overall assembly and minimum R-values of insulation alone) for the five
climate zones and two different building occupancy schedules (24-hour use and daytime
use only). There is also a requirement for a “cool roof” (initial solar reflectance of no less
than 0.70 and an initial emittance of no less than 0.75) for roofs with slopes of less than
20 degrees.

Requirements for vertical fenestration (such as windows and glass doors) are given in
terms of maximum area weighted U-factors and maximum area weighted SHGC
requirements in two categories: (1) window-to-wall ratios (WWR) of less than 40%, and
(2) WWR of between 40% and 60%. There are certain minimum requirements for visual
light transmittance (VLT) of vertical fenestration as a function of the WWR (ECBC
Table 4.5).

Skylight requirements are also provided in terms of maximum U-factors and SHGC for
the five climate zones. In addition, skylights cannot take up more than 5% of the gross
roof area (ECBC Table 4.6).

2.3.3 Building Envelope Trade-Off Option

The building envelope complies with the code if the building envelope performance
factor (EPF) of the proposed design is less than the standard design (which exactly
complies with the prescriptive requirements). Appendix D provides an envelope trade-off
equation to calculate whether a design using the trade-off options has a lower EPF than
the standard design. BEE is reviewing the possibility of setting EPF coefficients based on
climate zone.

2.4 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

All heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment and systems should comply with
both the mandatory provisions and the prescriptive criteria.

2.4.1 Mandatory Requirements

The mandatory requirements are for natural ventilation, minimum efficiency levels of
chillers, controls, piping and ductwork, system balancing and condensers. The building’s
specifications for natural ventilation7 and cooling equipment8 should comply with related
design standards or minimum efficiency requirements. In addition, there are specific
Indian standards (IS) that are applicable to each of the specifically listed types of
equipment, namely: unitary air conditioners (IS 1391, Part 1), split air conditioners (IS
1391, Part 2), packaged air conditioners (IS 8148) and boilers (IS 13980).

See NBC 2005 Part 8, 5.4.3 and 5.7.1.
See Tables 5.2.2-1 through 5.2.2-5 of ECBC.

There are requirements for time-clock controls and temperature controls (thermostats) for
all heating and cooling equipment. In addition, all cooling towers and closed circuit fluid
coolers should have two-speed motors, pony motors or variable speed drives controlling
the fans.

There are piping insulation requirements for heating systems with a design operating
temperature greater than 40°C (104°F), cooling systems with temperatures less than 15°C
(59°F) and refrigeration suction piping on split systems. Piping insulation exposed to
weather and cellular foam insulation should be protected appropriately. Ductwork
insulation requirements cover supply and return ducts depending on their location.

System balancing requirements for air and hydronic9 space-conditioning systems call for
a written balance report be provided to the owner (or designated representative) for
HVAC systems serving zones with a total conditioned area exceeding 500 square meters.

Condensers should be located such that their heat sink is free of interference from heat
discharge by nearby devices and systems. All high-rise buildings using water-based
centralized cooling systems should use soft water for the condenser and chilled water

2.4.2 Prescriptive Requirements

HVAC systems comply with the prescriptive requirements when they: (1) serve a single
zone, (2) use a unitary packaged or split-system air conditioner, heat pump, fuel-fired
furnace, electric resistance heater, or baseboards connected to a boiler, and (3) use less
than 1,400 liters/second of outside air, and this air is less than 70% of supply air at design

All other HVAC systems must comply with ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004, § 6.5,
“Prescriptive Path” under § 6 HVAC Systems.

There are also additional requirements about economizers and variable flow hydronic

2.5 Service Hot Water and Pumping

All service water heating equipment and systems should comply with the mandatory

2.5.1 Mandatory Requirements

The mandatory requirements in this section of the code cover solar water heating,
equipment efficiency, supplementary water heating systems, piping insulation, heat traps
and swimming pools. Residential buildings, hotels and hospitals with centralized water
heating systems should have solar water heating or heat recovery to meet demand for at
least 1/5 of the design capacity. Wherever gas is available, electric hot water heating can
cover no more than 20% of the demand.

Hydronic space-conditioning systems use water to cool or heat the space, instead of forced air.

Water heaters should meet or exceed the minimum efficiency requirements given in
Indian standards. Supplementary water heating systems should incorporate maximum
heat recovery from hot discharge systems, like condensers of air conditioning units, or
use gas-fired heaters wherever gas is available, and use electric heaters only as a last

Swimming pools should have a vapor retardant pool cover. Pools heated to more than
32°C (90°F) should have a pool cover with a minimum insulation value of R-2.1 (R-12 in
imperial units). Exceptions are for pools deriving more than 60% of their energy from
site-recovered energy or solar energy sources.

2.6 Lighting
Lighting systems and equipment that apply to interior spaces of buildings, exterior
building features and exterior building grounds should comply with the mandatory
provisions and the prescriptive criteria.

2.6.1 Mandatory Requirements

Mandatory requirements address lighting controls, exit signs and exterior building
grounds lighting.

2.6.2 Prescriptive Requirements

Prescriptive requirements describe interior lighting power (based on a building area
method or a space function method) and exterior lighting power requirements. These
follow the format of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004. In fact, ECBC and ASHRAE
Standard 90.1-2004 have identical requirements for lighting power densities.

2.7 Electrical Power

Electric equipment and systems must comply with the mandatory requirements.

2.7.1 Mandatory Requirements

Mandatory requirements cover transformers, energy efficient motors, power factor
corrections, check metering and monitoring, and power distribution systems.

2.8 Whole Building Performance Method

This is an alternative compliance method to the prescriptive requirements of the Code. It
applies to all building types covered by ECBC. (It follows the format of Appendix G of
ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004). A building complies as long as it meets all the mandatory
criteria and when the estimated annual energy use of the proposed design is less than that
of the standard design, calculated as per the procedure described in Appendix B of the

3 Other Developments
3.1 The Indian Green Building Council and LEED-India
The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) is IGBC: Snapshot of
actively promoting green buildings in India. As a Accomplishments
part of the Confederation of Indian Industry,
IGBC is comprised of construction companies, 464 members
architects, product manufacturers and research 300 registered buildings
institutions. 34 certified buildings
170 million square feet green
Similar to the Leadership in Energy and (IGBC, 2008)
Environmental Design (LEED) rating system,
developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), LEED-India promotes a
whole-building approach to sustainability by addressing performance in the following
five areas: (1) sustainable site development, (2) water savings, (3) energy efficiency, (4)
materials selection and (5) indoor environmental quality.

In addition, LEED-India has adopted several benchmarks for building performance. The
rating levels “Platinum,” “Gold,” “Silver,” and “Certified” indicate the extent to which a
building excels the requirements of the national codes. LEED-India rated buildings would
meet the specifications of ECBC, the NBC 2005, the MoEF guidelines and the Central
Pollution Control Board norms (IGBC, 2008).

There are two specific LEED-India programs: (1) LEED India for New Construction
(LEED India NC) and (2) LEED India for Core and Shell (LEED India CS).

Source: Confederation
Source: of Indian
(Confederation Industry,
of Indian 2008
Industry, 2008)

For more information, please see

3.2 The Energy and Research Institute and the GRIHA System
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), established in 1974, is a renowned energy
think tank in India, with comprehensive national and international R&D experience.
TERI developed the Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) to
encourage design, construction and operation with green building principles for new
commercial, institutional and residential buildings (Majumdar and Kumar, 2006).

GRIHA aims to integrate various national standards and policy frameworks into one
building rating system, including ECBC, IS codes such as NBC, IS codes for concrete,
steel, water quality and functional requirements, guidelines of Central Ground Water
Board, solid waste handling rules and local regulations (Majumdar and Kumar, 2006).

GRIHA has developed a rating system with a set of 34 criteria, totaling 100 points. The
100 points are grouped into a five-star system. A one star rating equates to 50 to 60 points,
and receiving five stars requires 91 to 100 points. The rating criteria are categorized
according to three aspects:

ƒ Site selection and site planning, including conservation and efficient utilization of
ƒ Building planning and construction, including designing for efficiency use of energy
and water, embodied energy use in the building materials and construction activities,
use of renewable or recycled materials, the reuse of water, waste management, and
health and well-being, and
ƒ Building operations and maintenance, including energy audits and validation,
building operations and maintenance, and innovation.

Innovation covers up to four bonus points. These points are awarded based on the
integrated options for alternative transportation, environmental education, company
policy on the green supply chain, lifecycle cost analysis, enhanced accessibility for the
physically or mentally disabled, and any other criteria proposed by the client.

For more information, please see

4 Conclusions
The ECA 2001 led to the creation of ECBC, which was released in 2007. ECBC is an
important milestone as it is the first stand-alone national building energy code for India.
The structure of ECBC is patterned against that of the ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004.
ECBC aims to maximize the energy performance of buildings through better building
design, such as day lighting and natural ventilation. It also emphasizes the integration of
construction practice and local conditions.

ECBC is currently a voluntary code. The national government or the states must adopt it
as a mandatory regulation before the government can begin enforcing it. That said, the
government is considering ways to begin introducing ECBC in practice, for example, by
requiring the new government buildings comply with it. In recent years, the Indian
government, research institutes, universities and building industries have been working
hard towards the improvement of building energy efficiency. With concerted domestic
efforts and broad collaboration with international communities, India has a great
opportunity to help improve its building energy efficiency in the near future.

List of Acronyms

APP Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Energy and Climate

ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
BEE Bureau of Energy Efficiency
CII Confederation of Indian Industry
ECA 2001 Energy Conservation Act of 2001
ECBC Energy Conservation Building Code
ECO III Energy Conservation and Commercialization Program (a joint effort between
USAID and the Government of India)
EIA U.S. Energy Information Agency
EPF Envelope performance factor
GRIHA Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
IEA International Energy Agency
IGBC Indian Green Building Council
IMF International Monetary Fund
IS Indian standards
kW Kilowatt
kVA Kilovolt-amps
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (India)
MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forest
Mtoe Million tons of oil equivalent
NBC National Building Code of India
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
R&D Research and development
TERI The Energy and Resources Institute
USAID U.S. Agency for International Development
USGBC U.S. Green Building Council
VLT Visual light transmittance
WWR Window-to-wall ratios

1 BEE, 2007. Annual Report 2006-07. Bureau of Energy Efficiency.
2 Confederation of Indian Industry, 2008. LEED-India Green Building Rating Program (Green
Habitat March 2008),, January 2009, (Accessed).
3 EIA, 2008. World Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Consumption and Flaring of Fossil
Fuels,, January 2009, (Accessed).
4 Hong, W., Chiang, M.S. and Shapiro, R.A., Clifford, M.L., 2007. Building Energy
Efficiency: Why Green Buildings Are Key to Asia's Future. Asia Business Council, Hong
5 Huang, J. and Deringer, J., 2007. Energy Efficiency Building Standards in China, September 2008,
6 IEA, 2007. Energy Balances of Non-OECD Countries (2007 edition).
7 IEA, 2008a. India Energy Efficiency Policies and Measures: Energy Conservation Building
Code,, October 2008,
8 IEA, 2008b. National Housing & Habitat Policy,, December 2008, (Accessed).
9 IGBC, 2008. LEED-India Green Building Rating Program,, December 2008,
10 IMF, 2008. World Economic Outlook Databases,,
January 2009, (Accessed).
11 Majumdar, M. and Kumar, P., 2006. Green Building Rating,, January 2009, (Accessed).
12 Mathur, A., 2006. Current Status of Energy Efficiency Building Codes in India,, January 2009, (Accessed).

Useful Websites
1. Energy Conservation Building Code 2006, www.bee-
2. Bureau of Energy Efficiency,
3. Energy Conservation Act 2001,
4. Indian Green Building Council (IGBC),
5. The Energy Research Institute (TERI),
6. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy,
7. USAID ECO III Project,

The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate
The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate is an innovative new effort to accelerate the development and
deployment of clean energy technologies.

Partner Countries
APP partners Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, and the United States have agreed to work together
and with private sector partners to meet goals for energy security, national air pollution reduction, and climate change in ways
that promote sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. The Partnership will focus on expanding investment and trade
in cleaner energy technologies, goods and services in key market sectors. The Partners have approved eight public-private
sector task forces covering:

• Aluminum
• Buildings and Appliances
• Cement
• Cleaner Use of Fossil Energy
• Coal Mining
• Power Generation and Transmission
• Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation
• Steel

The seven partner countries collectively account for more than half of the world's economy, population and energy use, and they
produce about 65 percent of the world's coal, 62 percent of the world's cement, 52 percent of world's aluminum, and more than
60 percent of the world's steel.

Buildings and Appliances Task Force

Reducing our use of energy for buildings and appliances decreases the demand for primary energy and is a key means to
deliver better economic performance, increase energy security and reduce greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions. Partner
countries have recognized for some time the importance of cooperating on energy efficiency for buildings and appliances, and
have already taken a range of bilateral and other collaborative actions in this area. As the Partners represent a majority of the
world’s manufacturing capacity for a diverse range of appliances, we have the potential to drive significant regional and global
improvements in energy efficiency in this sector. The Partners will demonstrate technologies, enhance and exchange skills
relating to energy efficiency auditing, share experiences and policies on best practices with regard to standards and codes, as
well as labeling schemes for buildings, building materials and appliances.

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