7-4 PD Guide
7-4 PD Guide
7-4 PD Guide
Media into
A Professional Development Workshop
by Operation Education
Caitlin Bullard, Stephanie Jarek, Vanessa
Cobb, Mackenzie Massey, Valerie
Thompson, Laura Ng
Professional Objectives
Todays workshop is designed to help teachers understand how
and why to incorporate technology throughout the school
curriculum. We will use the International Society for Technology in
Education (ISTE) Teacher Standards to ground our work today,
focusing on Standards 2 and 3. For more information about ISTE
and additional resources, visit their website at www.iste.org.
ISTE Teacher Standard 2: Design and develop digital age
learning experiences and assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning
experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and
resources to maximize content learning in context andto develop the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the ISTE Standards for
a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate
digital tools and resources to promote student learning and
b. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that
enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and
become active participants in setting their own educational
goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own
c. Customize and personalize learning activities to address
students diverse learning styles, working strategies, and
abilities using digital tools and resources
d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and
summative assessments aligned with content and technology
standards, and use resulting data to inform learning and
ISTE Teacher Standard 3: Model digital age work and
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes
representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital
a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of
current knowledge to new technologies and situations
How do you think students would react to or benefit from this type
of instruction?
Table Work: Using the ISTE Standard 2 Model and the resources
page, develop a lesson that would incorporate digital age learning
experiences and assessments. Identify a CCSS that you will teach
in the coming month and specific resources that you could use to
teach and assess that objective.
Content area:
CCSS Standard:
Digital Age Learning Tools:
Digital Age Assessment Tools:
How do you think students would react to or benefit from this type
of instruction?
Are there any other parts of the website that exemplify ISTE
Standard 3, beyond those discussed in the model?
Get Started: Using your laptop, the ISTE Standard 3 Model, and
the resources page, further develop the lesson that you discussed
with your table. Remember that this lesson should address a
specific CCSS objective. You should use this time to design at
least one digital age learning or assessment tool for this
objective, which you can show your table and share out with our
Ideas that I like from my table:
Final Reflection
1. What did you learn about the ISTE standards?
3. What is one new way that you will incorporate the ISTE
standards into your classroom after this professional
Summative Assessments
Discovery Education-Builder Tools: Build and store assignments, writing
prompts, assessments for your students that use Discovery Education
curriculum content. (https://tools.discoveryeducation.com/myTools.cfm)
Quiz Revolution: Create interactive or multimedia quizzes with this
innovative site and embed them easily in any website or blog.
FlexiQuiz: With FlexiQuiz you can quickly create great looking online
quizzes, tests or exams. You can publish both public and private
quizzes for free (https://www.flexiquiz.com/)
ClassMarker: The ClassMarker online testing website, is a easy to use,
online quiz maker that marks your tests and quizzes for you.