Stigmergic Planning: Information and Variations in Architecture. Aaron Sprecher, Shai Yeshayahu and
Stigmergic Planning: Information and Variations in Architecture. Aaron Sprecher, Shai Yeshayahu and
Stigmergic Planning: Information and Variations in Architecture. Aaron Sprecher, Shai Yeshayahu and
Tim Ireland
Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London, UK.
[email protected]
Published in Proceedings of 2010 Association for Computer Aided Design in
Architecture (ACADIA) conference
To cite this article:
Ireland, T. (2010). Stigmergic Planning, in LIFE in:formation: On Responsive
Information and Variations in Architecture. Aaron Sprecher, Shai Yeshayahu and
Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa (eds.). Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the
Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA 2010), New York,
USA. Pp 183-189.
This paper presents an application of swarm intelligence towards the problem of spatial
configuration. The methodology classifies activities as discrete entities, which selforganise topologically through associational parameters: an investigation of emergent
route formation and spatial connectivity based on simple agent and pheromone
interaction, coupled with the problem of loose rectangular geometric assembly. A
concept model sniffingSpace (Ireland 2009) developed in Netlogo (Willensky 1999),
which established the self-organising topological capacity of the system, is extended in
Processing (Fry and Rea 2009) to incorporate rectangular geometry towards the problem
of planning architectural space.
The model presented takes precedence from Kurt Lewins theory of Hodological space
(1959), which defines the variable conditions a person faces moving between two points.
Lewins notion was a concept of psychological space; an analytical concept in which a
subjects behaviour is perceived a result of a dynamic subject-environment relation. This
behavioural notion of space is extended computationally in a generative process, in light
of work in ecological psychology (Barker 1968), cybernetics (Pask 1969) and Uexklls
theory of Umwelt (2001), to a pragmatic notion of the practical configuration of space:
coined here as concrete space, in reference to O.F. Bollnows spatial theory (Shuttleworth
& Kohlmaier forthcoming). Architectural space is the manifestation of the built form, and
as such, concrete space is a particular aspect of architectural space--being the space of
activity created in dialogue between the subject and its environment.
The work looks to swarm intelligence (SI) and established computational methods based
on the behaviour of social insects and animals, to approach the configuration of
Stigmergic planning
Opposed to the geometrical line which connects two points as an abstract representation
of a persons journey, the German social psychologist Kurt Lewin studied the problem of
movement and how in reality paths do not follow the mathematical rule, that the shortest
distance is the straight line: as demonstrated by the Peploid model (Helbing 2001).
Spatial thinking.
The authors focus is of a subject embedded in its environment going about its business,
and this activity perceived as spatial patterning: a dynamic unfolding process, which is
self-organising, defined through performance. This notion, stemming from the thinking
of Simmel (1997), Lefebvre (1992), Hillier (1998), Perec (1999), and de Certeau (1988),
considers every-day, social activity as spatial patterning, a dynamic relationship between
people and the environment: a concept of concrete space as social geometry.
Hilliers elucidation of the relationship between user and context (1998), Lefebvres
critique (1992), and the concept of a building as a spatial system (Hillier and Hanson
1984) signify the problem of spatial configuration as complex.
A distinctive property of concrete space is low-dimensionality. Spatial relations constrain
one another and consequentially spatial organisation exhibits patterning: making space
productive. Reaction-diffusion, self-organisation, swarming and flocking, stigmergy,
habits, etc., are all enabled by spatiality (Bullock 2009). AL and AI research has
successfully transposed the above into mathematical models and the computers capacity
to emulate such dynamic systems provides the potential to generate and unfold
architectural patterns of spatial configuration (Coates 2010).
Research into the behavioural and cognitive mechanisms underlying numerous collective
phenomena observed in animal groups and societies offer interesting principles and
methods which may be applied architecturally (Theraulaz 2009). Swarm intelligence
offers an alternative way of designing intelligent systems, in which autonomy,
emergence, and distributed functioning replace control, pre-programming, and
centralisation (Bonabeau et al. 1999). The emphasis is on these principles being applied
architecturally from a perspective of the user rather than towards the manifestation of
form and not used on the premise of simulating human behaviour. It has been
demonstrated that spatial organisation is an important aspect in the life of social insect
colonies. Their stigmergic nature defines an intimate relation between insect, colony, and
the environment: for example building of the nest, brood-sorting, corpse-aggregation and
food foraging (Theraulaz et al. 2003). Lefebvre (1995) noted that space affects people
and people affect space. Similarly, Hillier (1998) proposed that space affects behaviour
and behaviour affects space. These are basically notions of a feedback relationship
between space (the environment) and people, a relationship which is stigmergic,
providing an alternative process of spatial configuration.
Stigmergic planning
Models of social insect behaviour have been well documented and been applied to the
design and modelling of complex systems (Bonabeau et al. 1999). These are generally
towards optimisation problems, such as routing in communication networks and tend to
rely on or have some form of a-priori knowledge planned into the behaviour of the
system to promote optimisation: i.e., a global governing routine helps guide an agent on
its return journey, and control the evaporation and depositing of pheromones in the well
known ACO heuristic (Dorigo and Stutzle 2004). In Reznick's (1994) Ant model the
nest emits an alternative pheromone defining a compass by which to guide the agents
back to the nest. Such methodologies provide a generally predictable outcome and
thereby serve to illustrate what may be achieved manually; deemed tautological within
the terms of this work (Ireland 2008a). See figure 1.
Image1. Top: nests emitting pheromone direct agents back home: defining an
orthogonal representation of connectivity. Above: Two trail method; the later
sequence illustrates the connectivity between colonies changing through different
connotations of full connectivity.
Optimisation is not the purpose of the model presented here, indeed the behaviour of the
emergent trail system impedes the formation of a unified solution. The system displays a
state of self-organised criticality (Jensen 1998) whereby formed trails endure a lifespan:
the formation of trails is constantly refreshed, thereby forcing agents to reinstate new
Stigmergic planning
routes. This behaviour is due to a threshold of the reinforcement of trails through the
behaviour of agents and their interaction with the environment. This results in a break in
reinforcement, coupled with agent behaviour, the diffusion and evaporation of
pheromone prevents trails forming and converging to an optimised route between
destination points; instead, trails emerge, converge, fluctuate, and expire. (See figure 2.)
Thus, if optimisation is defined as the search for the best element from some set of
available alternatives or as performance improvement, then this model does not facilitate
optimisation. Secondly the method is based on Lewins notion of Hodological space,
defining a locus of action whose scope is defined by the field of force generated as the
subject reacts with its environment--a variable state conditioned by the affect of a
dynamic environment. The author is not adverse to optimisation; it is a necessary
engineering. The point being made is the distinction between comparative models and
the epistemological approach.
Image 2. Series showing the formation and cessation of trails, between fixed nests.
and Luke (2004); a response to the complicated nest discovery devices employed by
algorithms such as ACO. The method relies on two pheromones: one applied when
searching, the other when returning to the nest. The principle being a simple mechanism
with no hard-coding, used as a method of distributed representation.
In essence, the model is very simple, taking Mitchel Resnicks model Ant (1994) and
revising the return-to-nest mechanism of the ant following the trail emitted by the nest to
a second trail laid by the ants: See 4.2 above.
The nest-ant-food relationship is revised here to nest/food-ant. One colonys nest is
another colonys food, and vice versa; therefore, the eventual pheromone trail which
emerges amongst the colonies becomes a communication network through which the antagents traverse between associated colonies. A colonys nest represents an activity,
thereby a specific space or area requirement in terms of an architectural brief. This
method is the basic mechanism of the model, described briefly below in 5.1. The nests
are represented geometrically as a rectangle. The rectangular form was employed due to
the flexibility of packing that rectangular geometry allows: See Steadman (2006) for a
thorough explanation.
The notion of concrete space as outlined effects the reconsideration of standard spatial
templates typically assumed in architectural practice, on the premise that users are
generally obligated to conform to an imposed spatial pattern or to remodel accordingly.
Here activities are defined according to associational parameters: these may be defined
relative to a specific behavioural pattern in order to investigate the emergent spatial
configurations and explore the resulting unconstrained spatial patterning. To date the
model has not been tested to this degree; it is presented here in terms of the system, its
reasoning, mechanics and behaviour.
Deconstructing typical spatial templates identifies an array of activities, which will
inherently own some measure of association with each other, may be asymmetric, have
associations to activities typically located in other areas or have varied and ambiguous
associations, relative to the particular behaviour pattern explored. The premise is that the
dynamic association of these associational parameters may develop spatial topographies
previously obstructed by the traditional hierarchical definition of rooms in typical plan
arrangement: a spatial template.
Spatial configuration is not an exacting or finite production. As such, the task here is to
determine the loose arrangement of spaces, bringing them together in an agglomerated
whole. The approach takes precedent from the LOOS program (Flemming 1986) which
focused on loosely packed arrangements, in which rectangles describing crucial spatial
relations between the primary elements were allocated, and remaining gaps or holes used
Stigmergic planning
to allocate auxiliary spaces or added to previously allocated spaces once the shape of the
circulation area was determined.
Sniffing Space
The nests rectangular geometry is created with a random x and y dimension, satisfying
their specific area condition. As nests are drawn together, their boundary conditions
conflict. A nest therefore has three behavioural traits to accommodate geometrical
assembly relative to its relation with its neighbours: adapt boundary conditions, move
away or overlap.
1) Adapt boundary conditions: A nests x and y dimensions are variable, so it will
alter its configuration in order to nestle.
A playful term by the author to distinguish the rules extending the sniffingSpace model, to incorporate
rectangular geometry.
Stigmergic planning
Image 4: Nest relations between 5 colonies. Blue line signifies connection between
associates, red line between adversaries.
Two versions of the model were produced taking into consideration the soldier-nest
encounter condition: a nucleus version, where a soldier must locate the central area of the
nest and a boundary version where the soldier must just cross the boundary before
detecting a find and returning home. These were tested with five colonies, with varied
associations. (See figure 4). The behaviour of the two systems differs.
The nucleus version has a tendency to result in an agglomerated whole. In operation, it
generally takes longer to form conspicuous paths and for the system to get going. Once
a connectivity network has formed and the nests start to gravitate, they appear to move
around more, changing position a number of times in the process rather than getting
straight into position. The nests appear to fight and tussle jostling for position and every
so often one appears to give up, trying an alternative course.
Stigmergic planning
The model incorporates two systems of agents working in parallel. These agents form a
colony of which there is an array. A colony has associational parameters reflecting the
spatial parameters contained in an architectural brief. Information is transmitted
throughout the system via a communication network which emerges as a result of local
interaction between soldiers and pheromone and the associational parameters between
colonies. A gravitational pull between associated colonies causes the nest sites to selfassemble their spatial configuration. The use of agents in a process of distributed
representation generates a diagram in which the geometry of the system is an emergent
property of the model, resulting in a spatial structure that emerges as a consequence of
the behaviour of the system.
The approach to the formation of concrete space outlined is the design or description of
Stigmergic planning
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Stigmergic planning