Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Level : Intermediate
Theme : Investigating The Cell as A Basic Unit of Living Things.
Topic : Cell Division
Chapter : 4 Cell Division
Subtopic : 4.1 Mitosis
Objective : Understanding Mitosis
Learning outcomes : At the end of this lesson, students should be able to :
1. Explain the process of Mitosis and Cytokinesis.
2. Arrange the various stages of Mitosis in correct sequence.
Moral values : Grateful of having cell division process in our body as this process help us to
recover from injury, wound and replace damage cell due to radiotherapy
Educational emphasis : 1) Creative and critical thinking skills.
2) Manipulative skill by the use of psychomotor.
Instructional aids : Marker pen, handouts, double-tape glue, story board of Mitosis, plasticines,
strings, fur worms & photos of Brad Pitt.
Previous knowledge : Students know from the previous class session that Mitosis is an important
process in human as it is necessary for the cells to keep on dividing for the
sake of human growth and health.
References : Azmah Rajian, Manoharan Subramaniam & Gan, W.Y (2011) Cell Division :
Understanding Mitosis.
In Azman Azlina Azmar, Ng.L.L & Stella. M (Eds), Biologi Tingkatan 4 (89-92).
Petaling Jaya, Selangor : Bakaprep Sdn. Bhd.
Teaching procedure :
Set induction
(5 minutes)
- Teacher shows on the
whiteboard a current photo of
Hollywoods famous actor, Brad
Pitt and a photo when he was
- Students look at the photos.
(10 minutes)
Activity 1
(10 minutes)
(5 minutes)
Follow up activity: Teacher distributes handouts of the exercises on Cell Cycle phases, Mitosis
and Cytokinesis to the students as their homework.
Self Evaluation :
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