Visual Literacy Picture Analysis Lesson Plan

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The lesson plan aims to teach students how to analyze pictures in Spanish through describing people, objects, and activities seen in photographs using academic vocabulary. Students will work independently and collaboratively to complete a worksheet analyzing three photos.

The lesson plan aims to teach students how to analyze pictures in Spanish through describing people, objects, and activities seen in photographs using academic vocabulary. Modifications are made for students with special needs, gifted students, and English language learners to meet their individual needs.

Accommodations include seating arrangements, individualized work, use of translators, and providing extra materials for a student with vision problems. Gifted students may work independently at their own pace and analyze other artworks. English language learners can look up unknown words.

Lesson Plan

Lesson 2 of 5
Subject/Grade Level: Spanish 3/4
Topic: Picture Analysis

Student: Jennifer Neilsen

Content Standards & Correlating lesson objective

Oregon State Standards for Foreign Language
SL.PS4.IS.01 Create simple sentence and questions to exchange ideas and to obtain
and provide information.
SL.PS4.IS.02 Participate in simple conversations on a range of familiar topics in
everyday situations
SL.PS4.PW.01 Create/compose simple original sentences and questions on very
familiar topics
(ACRL) Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education
Standard Three: The visually literate student interprets and analyzes the meanings
of images and visual media.
Students will be able to use the academic vocabulary provided to describe and
analyze images shown on the board in writing.
Students will be able to complete Qu ves? worksheet through collaboration and
oral discussion with partner.
Assessment(s): Completion and accuracy of Qu ves? worksheet
Consideration of Technology Use:
This lesson could have integrated technology, but it was not considered to
be an effective pedagogical choice for this content.
XX This lesson integrates technology as an effective pedagogical choice for
this content. It has been integrated in the following way(s): (list ways)
PowerPoint with academic vocabulary and pictures will be displayed using the
overhead projector. The song fotografa will also be played using the
computer and speakers
Meeting all Learners Needs:


Description of
Student 1 (male) has
vision problems and
struggles to see the
board when not in the
front row.

His regular seating assignment is at the
front of the room. Due do the nature of
this lesson, I will have a print out of the
slideshow with the pictures so that he can
have them and not be confined to sitting
at the front of the room with his partner.


Student 7 (female) is
considered gifted in


Student 9 (female) is a
level 4 student moved
from the pacific islands
prior to starting her
freshman year.

She will be given the opportunity to work

independently so that she may work at a
pace that is appropriate for her level.
Also, if she would like to analyze critically
acclaimed pieces, work of Hispanic artists
will be provided.
Because this is a Spanish 3 class, her
abilities in Spanish are quite developed.
Should we come across a word that she
does not understand in English or Spanish
she will be allowed to look it up using her

Materials Needed:
Teacher: Computer, copies of worksheets(appendix B), PowerPoint (appendix A),
projector, internet connection, speakers, extra copies of fotografa lyrics, copy of
pictures for student 1
Students: pencil, fotografa lyrics, notes from previous day on hay, ver and
location words
Lesson Opener: Role call to review yesterday's lesson regarding the verbs
hay, ver and location vocabulary to re-teach and review conjugations
before moving on to todays lesson.
Summary of Lesson
What will teacher do?

What will students do?

Call roll using questions regarding the

verbs hay, ver and location vocabulary.

Answer questions using the

notes from yesterday's class.

Play fotografa for students.

Follow/Sing along with song

Give lesson using PowerPoint, pause to

give students time to take notes on
vocabulary words

Take notes on vocabulary words

Write down answers

Once on the Practica slide ask students
to write down what they see and which
artistic elements they see. Model example
for class (say two sentences aloud)
Ask students to share their thoughts with
the class
Break students into pairs using cita

Hand out Qu ves? Worksheet

Instruct students to work
independently for the first 5
minutes. Then allow students to
collaborate and exchange ideas for
another 5 minutes before changing
to the next picture.

Share with class

Get into partners based on cita

Complete worksheet
Attempt first on own then
share/collaborate with partner

Volunteer answers

Ask students to volunteer answers for the

worksheet photos 1 and 2 (wait to show
photo 3 until tomorrow unless there is a
surplus of time)
Closure: Ask which photo the students preferred and why Allow the first six
students to give an artistic element to stand by the door to leave class first

Appendix A

Appendix B

Qu Ves? - Anlisis de Fotos

***Usa palabras diferentes para cada fotografa

Fotografa 1


Mira la foto por 2 minutos. Forma una impresin de la foto. Examina

las cosas individuales. Despus, divide la foto en cuartos y estudia cada
cuarto y pon atencin a los detalles.
B. Usa la tabla abajo para enumerar las personas, objetos y actividades
que se encuentran dentro de la imagen.




C. Segn lo que has observado, enumerar las cosas que puedes deducir de
esta fotografa.

D. Usando lo que sabes del arte, describe los elementos artsticos de esta

E. Cmo sientes cuando ves esta foto?

Fotografa 2


Mira la foto por 2 minutos. Forma una impresin de la foto. Examina

las cosas individuales. Despus, divide la foto en cuartos y estudia cada
cuarto y pon atencin a los detalles.


Usa la tabla abajo para enumerar las personas, objetos y actividades

que se encuentran dentro de la imagen.




A. Segn lo que has observado, enumerar las cosas que puedes deducir de
esta fotografa.

B. Usando lo que sabes del arte, describe los elementos artsticos de esta

C. Cmo sientes cuando ves esta foto?

Fotografa 3


Mira la foto por 2 minutos. Forma una impresin de la foto. Examina

las cosas individuales. Despus, divide la foto en cuartos y estudia cada
cuarto y pon atencin a los detalles.


Usa la tabla abajo para enumerar las personas, objetos y actividades

que se encuentran dentro de la imagen.




A. Segn lo que has observado, enumerar las cosas que puedes deducir de
esta fotografa.

B. Usando lo que sabes del arte, describe los elementos artsticos de esta

C. Cmo sientes cuando ves esta foto?

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