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Lesson Cycle

Lesson Title/Topic: 5th Grade Poetry

Target Concept: Students will be introduced to formal couplet poetry.
Standards/Rationale: (4) Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text/Poetry. Students
understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry
and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. Students are expected to analyze
how poets use sound effects (e.g., alliteration, internal rhyme, onomatopoeia, rhyme scheme) to
reinforce meaning in poems.

Lesson Objectives:


TSW will be able to identify and produce a

ten line couplet poem.

Exit slip: completed ten line couplet poem.

Large piece of Paper, and sharpie.

Lesson Cycle: (Direct instruction)

The teacher will:

The student will:

Focus/Mental Set:
Today, we will will continue our Poetry
Unit and identify what a couplet is,
understand how poets use them and will
create a formal couplet. The teacher will
show a video on couplets.

Students will be seated in their current

groups. They will be expected to work with
their groups throughout this lesson.
Students will watch Writing a Couplet

Teacher Input:
Have poem on chart paper. Teacher reads
poem aloud.
Green Eggs and Ham
Do you like green eggs and ham?
I do not like them, Sam-I-am.
I do not like green eggs and ham!
Would you like them here or there?
I would not like them here or there.
I would not like them anywhere.
I do so like green eggs and ham!
Thank you! Thank you,
Sam-I- am!
-Dr. Seuss.
Teacher will allow students to analyze
poem within their group. Teacher will guide
discussion on student observations.
This type of rhyme scheme is called a
couplet. A couplet is defined as: two lines
of verse, usually in the same meter and
joined by rhyme, that form a unit. In this
poem lines 1, 2, and 3 are a rhyming
couplet and lines 4, 5, and 6 are another set
of rhyming couplets.
Teacher will describe the steps of creating a
1. Start with whats on your mind. .
Ex.Food, Sports, and TV shows.
2. Next, brainstorm ANY words.
3. Then Brainstorm rhyming words.
4. Assemble your couplet.
Teacher will check for understanding and
provide another example if needed.

Students will compare and contrast within

their group what they observed in the poem.

Guided Practice:
The teacher and students will create a
formal couplet together, utilizing each step.
The teacher will ask students to brainstorm
topics. Teacher will ask students to
volunteer words that support the topic
(these words do not have to rhyme). Next,
the teacher will ask students to brainstorm
words that rhyme with the supporting words
(they dont have to go with the words,
however they must rhyme). The teacher will
instruct students to assembly words into a
couplet. The teacher will ask groups to
share their formal couplet poems.
*Optional: Students put their poems to a
*Optional: Teacher and students write
another poem this time with emotion.

Students will participate in group

discussion. Students will in their groups
organize words into a formal couplet poem.
Students will raise their hands to share
when their poems are complete.

Independent Practice:
After group discussion, the teacher will
instruct students to write their own ten line
couplet poem independently. The teacher
will monitor as they work.

Students will construct a couplet poem


The teacher will check for understanding.
Will review the steps to writing a formal
couplet. Allow students to read their poetry
aloud. As final activity, have class mad-lib
formal couplet poem.

Students will ask questions as needed. As

final activity, students will mad-lib couplet
poem. As students leave, they will recite
and turn in their formal couplet poems.

Enrichment: The teacher will instruct
students to research another figurative
language tool to include in their formal
couplet poem.

Reteach: If student shows lack of

understanding; will review steps and then
write another formal couplet poem.

MP will be given copy of notes in larger
print, and preferential seating close to

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