Credit Rating: Prof. Rahul Mailcontractor
Credit Rating: Prof. Rahul Mailcontractor
Credit Rating: Prof. Rahul Mailcontractor
Prepared by
Credit rating
A credit rating estimates the credit worthiness of an
individual, corporation, or even a country. It is an
evaluation made by credit bureaus of a borrowers
overall credit history.
Credit ratings are based on financial history and current
assets and liabilities.
Typically, a credit rating tells a lender or investor the
probability of the subject being able to pay back a loan.
Commercial credit risk is the largest and most
elementary risk faced by many banks and it is a major
risk for many other kinds of financial institutions and
corporations as well.
Many uncertain elements are involved in determining
both how likely it is that an event of default will happen
and how costly default will turn out to be if it does occur.
Credit Rating agencies are regulated by
Registration with SEBI is mandatory for
carrying out the rating Business.
A registration fee of Rs. 25000 should be
paid to SEBI
Eligibility Criteria
Is set up and registered as a company
Has specified rating activity as one of its main
objects in its Memorandum of Association.
Has a minimum Net worth of Rs 5 Crore.
Has adequate Infrastructure
Promoters have professional competence,
financial soundness and a general reputation
of fairness and integrity in Business
transactions , to the satisfaction of SEBI.
Has employed persons with adequate
professional and other relevant experience,
as per SEBI directions.
Grant of Certificate of
SEBI will grant to eligible applicants a
Certificate of Registration on the
payment of a fee of Rs 5,00,000
subject to certain conditions.
Monitoring of rating
The CRA should continuously monitor
the rating of securities rated by it
during their life time .
It should disseminate information
regarding newly assigned rating and
its changes in the earlier ratings
through press releases, websites and
inform the same to stock exchanges.
The first rating agency Credit Rating Information
Services of India Ltd. , CRISIL, was promoted jointly in
1987 jointly by the ICICI and the UTI. Other shareholders
included ADB, LIC, HDFC Ltd, General Insurance
Corporation of India and several other foreign and Indian
It pioneered the concept of credit rating in the country
and since then has introduced new concepts in credit
rating services and has diversified into related areas of
information and advisory activities.
It became public in 1993.
In 1996, it formed a strategic alliance with S&P rating
Information and Credit Rating Services (ICRA) has been
promoted by IFCI Ltd as the main promoter and started
operations in 1991.
Other shareholders are UTI, Banks, LIC, GIC, Exim Bank,
It provides Rating, Information and Advisory services ranging
from strategic consulting to risk management and regulatory
The main objectives of ICRA are to assist investors both
individual and institutional in making well informed decisions
To assist issuers in raising funds from a wider investor base.
To enable banks, investment bankers, Brokers in placing
debt with investors.
To provide regulators with market driven systems to
encourage the healthy growth of capital markets.
It provides rating services, information services and advisory
Rating services
ICRA rates debt instruments issued by manufacturing
companies, commercial banks, NBFCs, financial
institutions, PSUs and municipalities.
The instruments rated by it include bonds/ debentures,
fixed deposits commercial papers and certificate of
deposit. It also rates structured obligations in
accordance with the terms of the structure based on
risk assessment of the instrument . It rates sector
specific debt obligations issued by power, telecom and
infrastructure companies.
It also provides corporate governance rating , rating of
claims paying ability of insurance companies, credit
assessment of large medium and small scale companies
to obtain assistance from banks, FIs. It also provides
services of general assessment of companies.
Information services
The information services division of ICRA focuses
on providing authentic data and value added
products used by intermediaries, financial
institutions, banks, asset managers, institutions
and investors.
Value added services include equity grading
providing a critical input on a company's earning
prospects and inherent risks in decision making
process of equity investors and equity
Other services include corporate reports, equity
assessment, mandate based studies (customized
research) and sector/industry specific publication.
Advisory services
The advisory services division of ICRA offers wide
ranging management advisory services. Under
advisory services ICRA provides its understanding on
the business processes and relevant organizational
issues to different players of financial markets such as
investors, issuers, regulators, intermediaries and
The advisory services include 1.strategic consulting/
strategic practice 2. risk management (credit risk,
market risk and operations risk) 3. regulatory practice
4 transaction practice 5. information( content
It focuses on sectors like banking and financial
services, infrastructure sector, manufacturing and
service sector, government and regulatory authorities.
Credit Analysis and Research Ltd or CARE is promoted
by IDBI jointly with Financial Institutions, Public/Private
Sector Banks and Private Finance Companies.
It commenced its credit rating operations in October,
1993 and offers a wide range of products and Services
in the field of Credit Information and Equity Research.
It also provides advisory services in the areas of
securitisation of transactions and structuring Financial
It offers services like 1. Credit rating of debt
2. Advisory services like securitization
transactions, structuring financial instruments,
financing infrastructure projects and municipal finances
3. Information services like providing information to
companies, industry and businesses. 4. Equity research
Rating Process
Rating Methodology
The rating methodology involves an
analysis of industry risk, issuers
business and financial risk. A rating is
assigned after assessing all factors
that could affect the credit
worthiness of the entity. The industry
analysis is done first followed by the
company analysis.
Rating symbols/Grades
Rating symbols are a symbolic
expression of the opinion/assessment
of the credit rating agency regarding
the investment, credit quality, grade
of the debt, obligation instrument.
CRISIL rating symbols: The rating
symbols of CRISIL with respect
debentures, fixed deposits, short term
instruments(CPs), credit assessment,
structured obligations, bond funds,
bank loans, collective investment
schemes, Indian states, real estate
developers are as follows.
Speculative grades
BB(Double B)- Inadequate safety- These
instruments carry inadequate safety of
timely payment of interest and principal.
B( High risk)- Instruments rated B have
greater risk of default.
C( Substantial risk)- Risk of default.
Repayment can only be expected in
favorable conditions.
D (Default) Such instruments are
extremely speculative and default risk is
Economic Risk
Economic structure of the state and its
Macroeconomic performance
Sector studies
Whether revenue and expenditure patterns
are sustainable.
Deficit Management
Degree of dependence on Central support
Tax policy of the state
Performance of Public sector undertakings and
their effect on the states finances.
Political Risk
Relations between the state and the Centre and
its impact on transfer of resources as well as
centres influence on political stability in the
Various political parties in the state, their
economic policies and their effect on the states
Quality of the current leadership and
Ability of the Government to take decisions that
are politically difficult.