Discuss The Relationship Between Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour
Discuss The Relationship Between Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour
Discuss The Relationship Between Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour
reproductive behaviour
Natural selection favours the survival of the fittest however, this explanation
doesn’t explain characteristics that do not help survival. For example a
peacock’s tail is detrimental to its ability to fly. Darwin therefore suggested
sexual selection, that said that any characteristic that benefits reproductive
success will become the norm over time as it is consistently selected.
Sexual selection involves the competition with other members of your sex for the
best mates to continue reproduction (intra-sexual competition) and choosing the
best mate of the opposite sex (intersexual competition). In humans, it tends to
be the females that are more choosy and the males that have to compete more.
On the contrary, Buss found that men valued youth and physical attractiveness
as more important as these signify fertility. This evidence supports the link
between sexual selection and human reproductive behaviour, as males need
fertile females in order to maximise their reproductive success.