Tsl3111 Mynotes: Advantages Disadvantages
Tsl3111 Mynotes: Advantages Disadvantages
Tsl3111 Mynotes: Advantages Disadvantages
No t e b o o k:
C re at e d :
A u t h o r:
U RL :
23/05/2014 11:15 PM
Suhaimi Shaarani
U p d at e d :
24/05/2014 12:41 AM
Resource centre
Language games
Language lab
NITE (Newspaper in Teaching English)
Blackboard Sketches
Use of Radios, T.V. for teaching English
Internet for Teaching English
Use of ICT for Teaching English
3. The advantages and disadvantages of using Teaching and Learning Materials for ELT classroom
Student Difficulty
Ways of overcoming
usability factor.
generalizability factors.
adaptability factor.
flexibility factor.
Supporting Sentences:
The refractor telescope uses two lenses.
Second, there is the reflector telescope which makes use of a concave mirror.
The radio telescope gathers waves with a wire antenna serving as a parabolic reflecting surface.
Introduce students to thesis statement, topic sentence and supporting statements.
Guide in writing 1:3:1 design- Introduction, body & conclusion
Expose sts to process writing
Expose sts to diff. types of writing: narration, process, cause and effect, comparison, etc.
25. Grammar
is not a boring system for labelling parts of a sentence, but rather that it can give you an insight into how we
present ourselves and our view of the world to other people.
the way a language operates and unites words in order to form longer units of meaning.
a learner who knows grammar is one who has acquired the rules and can apply these rules to express him or
herself in an acceptable language forms.
Expose sts to the use of grammar items in written and oral form
Expose sts to the use of grammar in context
Allow sts to explore the use of grammar in interacting and communicating meanings.