Candice Gorremans - Wellness Consultant Resume

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[Candice Gorremans]

[Atlanta, GA] | [[email protected]]

Mission & Objective

Obtain employment as a full time Wellness Consultant. Use my strongest qualities to excel in this
position. Provide exceptional and effective, face-to-face service to clients. Provide guidance, resources
and education in nutrition, fitness and overall wellness. Consult with clients regularly to ensure that
they stay on track with their specific plans for healthy living.

Skills & Abilities

My strongest general skills include, active listening, time management, motivational, organizational,
leadership, problem solving, cognitive and analytical.
My specific skills include, designing individual and group fitness schedules, creating and modifying
activities based on safety risks, monitoring changes in physical health and applying the correct
medical interventions when appropriate.

Work History
[Medic] | [U.S. Army] | [June 2005 - Present]
As a Medic in the Army I have a great deal of healthcare experience in both military field hospitals
and outpatient civilian clinics related to health and wellness. Ive worked with every age group, from
infant to older adult. I have performed rapid trauma assessments and more thorough medical
assessments. Ive provided basic yet essential medical treatment. My experience also includes
assisting with the evaluation and rehabilitation of individuals with orthopedic injuries. Ive provided
patient education to help prevent illness and injury and to aid in managing symptoms.

Army Pregnancy/Postpartum Physical Fitness Program [January 2015 June 2015]
While working at the local Army Medical Center, I was designated to be the Exercise Leader for the unit
pregnancy/postpartum physical fitness program. I managed a group of twenty-four Soldiers. It was my
responsibility to create weekly exercise plans and then implement them. Demonstrating proper form
was imperative, as well as observing the group to ensure they mirrored my form. I worked hard to
ensure that each exercise session met the needs of each individual while maintaining a low to
moderate intensity level. I was also successful at introducing a variety of exercises while varying the
routine to keep the sessions fun and engaging. Safety was my number one priority while managing this
specific group of Soldiers, since exercising while pregnant can present a number of physical
challenges. For this reason I also conducted numerous risk/hazard assessments to ensure that the
Soldiers could safely participate in the program.

Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness
June 2015
Kaplan University (online), Fort Gordon, GA

Associate of Arts in Pre-nursing

May 2012
Pierce College, Lakewood, WA

Training and Certification

Health and Wellness Consultant Training and Certification
National Association for Fitness Certification (NAFC)
June 2015

Basic Emergency Medical Technician Course and Recertification

March 2015

Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Course

October 2014

Available upon request

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