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ScLass| 5 ROUND - SUMMER 2012 - Ugg exo)o) fat} \) | easels | cis SLU SY NAO acti TINES Ae Tore Miva evel Rivsciieiee ie sys cei ae Tee aye Vee iat INSTRUCTIONS Nee ea Cot Tn acy on Mo fein leone eae Rita Each Wer nie) NG PENCIL ONLY. Tokay eo Tater a Cente aes, Coen oneal ue ee Minn es mtn ate) Re MucDel imme mcod Yai Chau WO en emcee yaa ty nett Aa ee Saat ea Rion cuore Te Ossie ne geen en Aen Rta arias Geass ceaa anes ue oe een GSU Nea RU Ce ange UME MUTA WVIeRN Sens SUNS nna MURR KU aeatcayBl Hello friend! Ready forthe test? Take @ deep breath and relax. Don't forget to read the ‘uestions very carefully - sore questions that look tough, will be quite easy Sifter you have read them properly, Do not spend too much time on any ‘question - and do your best. Have fun, and best of luck! Just before the summer’ vacation, Harish forgot his lunch box with some things in it at school. The box remained in his desk fortwo months. Inthe two months, which of the things in the box would have changed THE MOST? A. sandwich B. plastic bowl €. steel spoon D. chocolate wrapper ona visit to a farm Pranoti and her friends saw plants with bunches of brown underground pods being dug out of the soil. part thatis eaten ‘They found they could open the pods and eat what they contained! Here are some of the things they said about what they had eaten, Whois CORRECT? A. Pam: They areseeds because new plants can grow from them. B. Pratibha: They are roots because they are brown in colour. C. Puja: They are roots because they grow underground, D. Pranoti: They are seeds because they can beeaten. s April! | am surprised that | don’t see mangoes in the shops yet!” says Chaitra's mother. What could have made her say that? {A, Itisthe time of the year when mango trees produce fruit. B. Alltypes of fruits ripen only during this time of the year. C_ The government has ordered mangoes to be sold in April D. During April, we can eat mangoes without becoming sick. SET ISNEl There are many public buildings, like hospitals, malls and some office buildings, which are at a raised level. In such buildings, to reach the higher level from the ground level, there are stairs AS WELL AS a sloping path. The sloping path is called aramp. What could the use of aramp be? A. togive more support to the building B. to sweep water out ifthe flooris washed C, toallow easy movement of heavy objects on wheels D. to stand in line when there is a big crowd of people The chart below tells us about different ice creams sold In a school canteen during one week in March. ee. tea flavour 4 | Vanilla 150 2 | Strawberry 269 3 | Chocolate 203 4 [other flavours 96 Which of these can we say based on this chart? A. During summer, ice cream is good for the health of children. B. Children like strawberry more than other ice cream flavours. C. Vanilla ice cream has the best taste of all. D. Many children eatan ice cream everyday. [4 A rack (as shown in figure) does not fall over easily when itis filled with heavier things at the bottom. | — shelf 4 Which of the following is the best arrangement of Shelf2 objects so that the rack does not fall over? Shelf 3 ‘Shelf 4 |Shelf 4 | teddy bear ‘Shelf 1 | big books ea [Shelf 2 | bowls and spoons| @ [Shelf 2 | teddy bear [Shelf 3 | mugs and plates ‘Shelf 3 | mugs and plates Shelf 4 | big books [Shelf 4 | bowis and spoons| [Shelf 1 | mugs and plates [Shelf 1 | big books @ [Shelf 2 | big books e [Shelf 2 | mugs and plates [Shelf 3 | bowls and spoons) Shelf 3 | teddy bear [Shelf 4 | teddy bear Shelf 4 | bow! and spoons Cases ScienceShown below is an example of a leaf insect. It looks like a leaf and is also green incolour. What advantage would the insect have in looking like this? A. Itcan stay cool in hot and sunny weather. B. Itcan hide in plants from insect-eating animals. C. Itcanmake its own food like plants with its green colour. D. Itcan use water taken up from the soil by the roots of plants. Eh In the food chains shown below, each arrow points from the food to the consumer. Pp ———» GOAT ———> TIGER a“ 0’ GRAs§ ———> R ———> DEER ———> LION S, ™ ‘LIZARD ———> HAWK. Which of these could bea grasshopper? ALP. B.Q CR DS EX Hereisa picture ofa baby crocodile hatching from its egg. baby crocodile From where does the baby crocodile get food while it is growing inside the egg? A. Ababy crocodile does not need food, B, The mother feeds the baby crocodile with milk. . The egg has food stored for the baby crocodile. D. The baby crocodile can make its own food. ASSET SNIn many parts of the world, the source of water is far away from the homes of people. A lot of time and energy gets used to transport water for household use. Shown, here is an image of a boy transporting water to his house. He is using an invention called ‘Q-drum’. It is made of plastic and can hold 50 litres of water. Inthe image below you can see what a ‘Q-drum’ looks like inside. opening through: which water is filed rope is passed through here water is filled here What makes it easier to transport water in a 'Q-drum' than in a pot that is carried onthe head? A. itssize B. itsshape ©. itsweight D. itscolour Ria put some cotton wool and bean seeds in two saucers, as shown Inthe picture. Tap water was used to make the cotton wet in one saucer. Sea water was used in the other saucer. f After five days she checked to see if the seeds had sprouted. What was she trying to find out? A. ifseeds need lightto make them sprout B. thenumber of days seeds need to sprout C, the amount of water needed by seeds to sprout D. ifseedscan sprout in both tap water and salt water Chass ScienceASSET IN Termites usually live in moist places that stay cool in summer and warm in winter. They eat materials like wood, paper and cardboard, especially when these are damp or wet. Which of the following materials used ina house are MOST likely to be attacked by termites? A, the metal frames of windows wet by rain B, the wooden furniture in the bedroom C. the plastic water tanks in the toilets D. the wooden door of the bathroom Saroj has some vegetables that she has divided into two groups as shown below. GROUPA | ‘Spinach [Cabbage Tomato Brinjal [Beetroot Onwhat basis has she grouped the vegetables? ‘A. Group 1-Vegetables thatare leaves; Group 2- Vegetables thatare not leaves B. Group 1 - Vegetables with seeds in them; Group 2 - Vegetables without seeds in them C. Group 1- Vegetables that are green in colour; Group 2 - Vegetables that are not green incolour D. Group 1- Vegetables that are not dug out from the ground; Group 2 - Vegetables that are dug out from the ground Adil sees this picture of a green leaf ina magazine. Which of these can we say by ONLY LOOKING at the image of the leaf? . Itis eaten by worms. |. Itfalls offin summer. . Ithasa pointed tip. leaf . Itgrows ona tree. goop Simon was making a list of things that are man-made. Rama was making a list of things that sink in water. Which of the following can be put in both the lists? A. feather B. glass rod C, wooden ball D. thermocol sheetAmit took 4 ice cubes of the same size and weight. He placed them inside four empty bottles that he closed with lids. After 30 minutes, he measured the amount of water produced by the melting of the ice cubes. i Given here is the amount of water found in each bottle. o|2]0] 0 3m Amit is going on a school picnic. Which bottle should he use to carry fruit juice, so that it stays cold forthe LONGEST time? A, bottle P B. bottleQ C, bottleR D. bottles What can be said about the weight of the water melon? A B. c. D. . Itweighs exactly 4kg. . Itweighsa little less than 4kg. . Itweighsa little more than 4 kg. |. Itweighs exactly as much as 1 orange. When people go camping, they collect and boil water from small ponds. This wateris used for drinking and cooking. It is safer to collect water from those ponds that have many fish and other living things in them. Ponds and streams in which very few living things are seen should be avoided. What could the reason for this be? A. Living things can be caught and used for food. B. Polluted water will have very few living things init. C. Living things stay away from deep dangerous ponds. D. Water with no living things is pure and should be saved. oS Class 5 ScienceGita takes equal pieces of four different types of ‘cloth-P,Q,Rands. She spreads each over the mouth of a beaker and ties it with a string as shown inthe picture. She pours an equal quantity of water on each cloth sample as shown. After 10 minutes, she notes the amount of water that collects in each beaker. allwaterstays all water passes all water absorbed some water stays on cloth, ondioth info beaker by cloth sample some passes into beaker cloth sample: tied to beaker beaker- P Q R s Gita wants to make a new school bag. Which cloth should she use so that her books stay dry during the rainy season? ALP B.Q aR DS Bt Abdul's father has two pairs of spectacles. He wears the ‘one with dark lenses when he goes out on sunny daysand the other pair when he Is reading or watching television. frames lens Spectacle lenses can be made of glass or plastic and they canbe of any colour. What is the MOST IMPORTANT THING for all materials that are used as spectacle lenses? A. They should be light in weight. B. They should be difficult to break. C. They should let us see through them. D. They should shine when it becomes dark. Rajneesh describes an animal that he has seen as follows: has wings runs fast does not fy _| (fff has feathers Which of the following could it be? A. bat B. swan C. ostrich penguin SRS SERENE ETTESTT Eee TEETER Sener PEER eM oR\ \pH) The figure shows a penny-farthing bicycle, It has a large wheel and a small wheel. Ifa person rides this bicycle for a distance of 50 metres, which of the following willbe true? A. The larger wheel will make more rotations than the smaller wheel. B, The smaller wheel will make more rotations than the larger wheel. C. Both the wheels will make the same number of rotations. D. None of the above. The number of rotations depend on the speed of the bicycle. Shown below is a special kind of electric lamp. It shines automatically ONLY when someone enters or moves in the in the area nearby where it is fitted. It helps to reduce the use of electricity. In which of the places listed below will it be MOST useful? A. inamovie theatre B. insidea cupboard C. ontop ofa building D. onabusy mainroad Madhu works in a garage. He has to fix car engines, which have many steel screws. For this he uses a screwdriver. — Many times, when the screws are being fitted, they fall on the ground and are lost. What kind of screwdriver would help Madhu to drop fewer screws while working? A. onewitha biggertip B. onewithasmallertip C. onewith glue onitstip D. onewitha magnetic tip Case 5 ScienceFEL Shambhuisa farmer who grows onions. He has four different fields. Inwhich field should he sow the onion seeds to get a good crop? A, field with rocky soil B, field with soft soil C. field full of weeds D. field with many insects Anand finds a beetle near his house. He catches it and puts it into a bottle as shown in the picture. al holes in the id glass jar leaves that the beetle eats beetle From the points given below, choose the reasons why he uses a bottle made of glass, with a tight lid that has small holes? (Ai{[s0 thatthe insect cannot escape 1931 so that the insect will got enough ai to breathe A. only1 (3; [so tha the insect can be seen without being taken out | B, only2 . only3 D. all-1,2and3 Hamsa takes three glasses of the same size. In two of the glasses, she puts marbles as shown in the picture. The third glass has no marbles. Allthe glasses are filled to the top with water. Which of the glasses will have the MOST water? All will have the same volume of water. 2 marbles 4 marbles no marbles @ @ e @ RSET SNMr. Suresh wants to make his children a swing like the one shown in the picture. He wants to make sure that the swing can bear the weight of his children. What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing that he should check before buying the rope? A. itsage B. its cost . its weight D. itsstrength A block of wood floats on water, such that part of it is above the surface of water and part of it below the surface of water. The part of the block above the water is cut off. How will the block of wood look now? @ @ Butterflies have a special tube-like part in front, with which they suck nectar from flowers, butterfly’s head tube-ike part flowers For them to be able to feed like this, their food MUST be . A. fresh B. liquid C. sweet D. natural Glass S ScienceIn March, Anna bought a fish tank with fish and snails like the one shown in fig. She fed the fish. The air pump supplied air to the water in the tank. After a month, in April, she rioticed that the water in the tank was at the level shown in the fig.2. |— water level fish on Sth March water level alr pump. on Sth April snail rock fig.1 plants ‘sand and pebbles. fig.2 Questions 31 and 32 are based on fig.1 and fig.2. The air pump supplies air to the water. Which of the living things in the water need air to stay alive? A. onlythefish B. only the fish and the snails C. only the fish and the plants D, all-fish, snails and plants What could have happened to the water? A. The pump used up water. B. Thesand sucked up water. C, Some water became water vapour. : D, The fish and snails drank the water. Shown here is a cooking gas cylinder which is used in homes. Anita attaches a new, unused gas cylinder to her stove. She uses the gas for cooking for 5 days. Which of the following changes will be observed after 5 days? A. The size of the gas cylinder increases. B. The size of the gas cylinder decreases, C. The weight of the gas cylinder increases. D. The weight of the gas cylinder decreases. FSSET IBNMany scientists from Europe travelled to new places along with explorers. When they saw new and interesting creatures and plants in distant places, they made detailed and beautiful drawings to show people backhome, Shown below is one such drawing of an animal called capybara. Scientists in the past were usually good at drawing, but that Is not necessary anymore. Whatis the reason for this change? A. Cameras are used to take pictures. B. There are no new organisms tofind. C. Scientists have started using computers. D. There are no more places left to explore. EB) An old T-shirt can be torn into smaller pieces and used to clean the house. An empty jam bottle can be used to store spices, These are examples of how. ‘A. everyday materials can be reused B. glassisa cleaner material than cloth ¢. using old materials can be dangerous D. old waste materials should never be thrown EE aT wo Cass SconceTHIS PAGE HAS NO QUESTIONS.THIS PAGE HAS NO QUESTIONS. —_ ir+e LEARN (LOVE MATHS with @MINDSPARK™ An Interactive product, from the makers of ASSET, Mindspark is an online self-leaming program to support and help students to do better in Mathematics Mindspark helps students in 15 to 208% improvernant is seen in On an average a stuciont attempts the performance of students doing ‘about $000 Mindspark questions Mindspark Ina year Mindspark questions promote real Interesting and engaging Mindspark questions helo in 50,000+ students registered for MINDSPARK To know more or subscribe to Mindspark, please visit Q@ASSET Ue egy nn Me teen Magu fin ees ee oat aa ures li rotate Eure
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Grade V Sciece Revision Worksheet 5 Answer Key
Grade V Sciece Revision Worksheet 5 Answer Key
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