Exploring Print-Making: Grade 2 Unit Summary

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Exploring Print-Making: Grade 2

Unit Summary
Students will explore the process of Frottage, stamping, stenciling and wax crayon
transfers. They will also experiment with different printmaking materials to create
different prints.
Once students have made their final composition and all of the works have been
added to a class mosaic, they will partake in a partner critique with ready-made questions
for them to answer to get them used to participating in a critique and respecting other
peoples artworks.
After completion of this unit, students should feel comfortable with applying the
printmaking techniques for future artworks, using printmaking material/objects properly,
safely and effectively, and have gained an insight into the Inuit printmakers and their art.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Frottage
Class Length: 30 minutes
Learning Objectives: Students will:
1) Understand how to make frottage prints through demonstration.
2) Understand that different surfaces will create different prints.
! SMART Board
! PowerPoint
! Paper
! Pencil or graphite
! Textural object
! Texture - senses, quality
! Medium
! Materials - Ready-made objects, found objects, created objects, organic objects
! Tone light, dark
! Frottage
! Rubbing
! Value

Introduction: (5 minutes)
Pre-Assessment Questions:
! Does anybody know what Frottage is?
! Does anyone know what texture rubbing is?

Activity #1: (2 minutes)

Introduction to Frottage / Rubbing. Using a PowerPoint slideshow, explain what
Frottage / Rubbing is.
Activity #2: (10 minutes)
! Show different pictures of frottage prints.
! Explain that each different object will create a different print because of the
different texture. Just like the plates have different images on them, so they will
create different prints.
Activity #3: (7 minutes)
Demonstrate how to make a frottage print using different textural objects.
- Use the cinder blocks on the wall to create a frottage print and then pass the
print around.
- Use a textural object to create a different frottage print and then pass the
print around.
Once the prints have been passed around:
! Ask why some parts of the print are darker and other parts of the print are
lighter? Explain Value
Closure: (6 minutes)
! Can someone point out what would not be a good object to use to make a frottage
Lesson 2: Frottage Scavenger Hunt
Class Length: 30 minutes
Learning Objectives: Students will:
1) Create their own frottage prints by using found objects within the
2) Demonstrate the understanding that different textural surfaces / objects
will create different prints.
! Paper
! Pencil or graphite
! Textural objects or surfaces
Introduction: (7 minutes)
Sensory Game:
Placing different objects in opaque bags, ask students to stick their hand in the bag and
feel the object. Using their sense of touch, describe the object. (This will help students to
further explore texture using their senses.)

Have students answer questions on ready-made sheets to explain what they are feeling in
each bag.
Is it.....
Smooth surface


Are the edges:






It does not have any.

What do you think it is? _______________________________________________

Activity #1: (3 minutes)
! Go through each of the bags that had the textural objects in them. Before taking
the object out, ask the students which word they circled to describe what they felt
by taking a poll of hands.
! Show the objects so the students can make a connection between the object and
what they felt without seeing the object.
! Explain that these are kinds of textural objects that they should be looking for, for
their activity today.
Activity #2: (2 minutes)
! Hand each of the students a pack of 8 small sheets.
! Ask each of the students to write their names on the back of each sheet of paper.
! Explain that they are going to find 8 different textural objects within the classroom
to do a frottage print.
! They will use one object for each sheet.
! Demonstrate visually so students can understand better.
! Tell them they have 15 minutes to complete the activity.
! Once they are done they are to hand in their prints to me and gather on the carpet.
Activity #3: (15 minutes)
! Have students go on a scavenger hunt to make their 8 different prints.
o Monitor noise level
o Help any students who may need help finding different textural surfaces or
Lesson 3: Introduction to Stamping and Stenciling
Learning Objectives: Students will:
1) Understand how to make stamping and stenciling prints through
2) Understand that found objects will create different transfer prints.
3) Explore the different materials used for printmaking.

! SMART Board
! PowerPoint
! Stencils (and or objects for stenciling)
! Stamps (and or objects for stamping)
! Brayers
! Paintbrush
! Paints / ink
! Paper
! Styrofoam plates
! Pens
Introduction: (5 minutes)
Create a class discussion based on these questions:
! Who has used stencils before?
! Has anyone used stamps before?
! Did you ever think that it is a form of printmaking?
Activity #1: (5 minutes)
Introduce stamping and stenciling.
Activity #2: (7 minutes)
! Bring up different pictures and guess if it is stamping or stenciling.
! Have students guess which is which.
! Show the answers on the next slide and then repeat.
Activity #3: (10 minutes)
Demonstrate how to make stamping and stenciling prints.
- Using everyday objects to create a transfer print (stamping) from the surface
of the object to the paper using paint or ink.
- Use stencils with a paintbrush for an example of stenciling.
- Make a drawing on a Styrofoam plate using a ballpoint pen. Use the brayer
and ink to make a transfer ink stamp print.
- Hang up the print once you are done so it can dry.
- Do a gallery walk of each demonstrated print.
Lesson 4: Printmaking Centers
Learning Objectives: Students will:
1) Create their own stamping and stenciling prints through student center
based learning.
2) Understand that found objects will create different transfer prints.
3) Explore the different materials used for printmaking.

! Stencils (and or objects for stenciling)
! Stamps (and or objects for stamping)
! Brayers
! Paintbrush
! Paints / ink
! Paper
! Styrofoam plates
! Pens
Introduction: (7 minutes)
! Explain that todays class will be a center-based class.
! At each center there will be a different materials to do a different type of print.
! Everyone will get to go to each station. Introduce each of the 4 centers
! Have students follow you to each station and demonstrate what to do at the
Activity #1, 2 & 3: (16 minutes)
! Split students up into 4 equal groups for each station.
! Each station will have enough supplies to accommodate multiple students at each
! Allow students to work in centers for the remaining of the period.
! Switching stations every 4 minutes, switching 4 times.
! Students will be required to make at least one print at each station, so a total of 4
- Station One: stenciling using a paintbrush and paint
- Station Two: using a textural object (everyday found object) to transfer ink on to paper
with paint to create a print
- Station Three: using a brayer and a made stamp with using Styrofoam plates to make a
transfer print
- Station Four: using rubber stamps to create prints
Conclusion: (5 minutes)
! Ask the students to write their name on the back of each print that they made and
hand them in.
! Clean up all materials and centers and put the classroom back to the way it was.
Thank the class for their cooperation and participation.
! Ask some students to share what their favourite station was if time allows.

Lesson 5: Introduction to Wax Crayon Transfers

Class Length: 30 minutes
Learning Objectives: Students will:
1) Understand how to make wax crayon transfers / lifts through
2) Understand how colour affects the overall composition.
3) Understand that different pressures will create different tones, values and
line in the print.
! SMART Board
! PowerPoint
! Crayons
! Pencils or pens
! Paper
Introduction: (5 minutes)
Create a class discussion based on these questions:
! Has anyone heard of a wax crayon lift print?
! What about a wax crayon transfer print?
Body: (Based on the answers to the questions in the introduction, will help to know what
needs to be addressed more thoroughly)
Activity #1: (5 minutes)
Introduce wax crayon lifts and transfers prints. Using a PowerPoint slideshow to show an
example of what the overall idea is.
Activity #2: (7 minutes)
! Explain the difference between a lift and a transfer using the definitions and
showing picture examples.
! Talk about colour. (Warm colours vs cool colours Primary colours)
Activity #3: (10 minutes)
! Demonstrate how to make wax crayon lift and transfer prints.
- Make two different prints.
One using warm colours
One using cool colours
! After both prints have been made, again show the difference between the lift and
the transfer of each print.
! Ask students what feeling the warm colour print gives.
! Then ask students what feeling the cool colour print gives.

Make them aware of the feeling that they want to portray in their own prints and
that every decision they make affects this.

Lesson 6: Practice Creating Wax Crayon Transfers

Learning Objectives: Students will:
1) Create their own wax crayon transfer / lift prints.
2) Experiment with different colours and how it affects the composition.
3) Explore how different pressure will create different tones, value and lines in the
! Crayons
! Pencils or pens
! Paper
Introduction: (4 minutes)
Review what a lift is.
! When talking about wax crayon transfer / lift prints what part of the print is the
lift print?
Review what a transfer is.
! When talking about wax crayon transfer / lift prints what part of the print is the
transfer print?
Review colour.
! What are the primary colours?
! What is considered cool colours?
! What is considered warm colours?
Activity #1: (4 minutes)
Explain the activity of practicing wax crayon lifts and transfers.
! Everyone will be practicing how to make wax crayon lift and transfer prints like I
demonstrated last class.
! Everyone will make two different prints.
! One using warm colours and the other using cool colours
! You can choose any image you want to make your wax crayon lift and transfer
! Each of you will get 2 sheets of paper to make your prints on.
! When you are finished, please put your name on the back of them and hand them
Activity #2: (10 minutes)
Make their cool colour wax crayon lift and transfer prints.
(If they start with the warm colour print then activity #3 will be their cool colour print)

Activity #3: (10 minutes)

Make their warm colour wax crayon lift and transfer prints.
(If they start with the warm colour print then activity #3 will be their cool colour print)
Lesson 7: Final Project
Learning Objectives: Students will:
1) Create a final composition using the wax crayon lift / transfer printmaking
2) Reference Pudlo Pudlat and Kenojuak Ashevak artwork as a reference to Inuit
3) Reference My Artic 1,2,3 to reference different Artic animals that live where
the Inuit people live.
! Crayons
! Pencils or pens
! Paper
Introduction: (4 minutes)
! Read My Artic 1,2,3
! This book will help the students reference different animals that live in the Artic.
Activity #1: (10 minutes)
! Show Pudlo Pudlat prints and share his biography and story. In the book Artic
Adventure; Tales from the Lives of Inuit Artists.
! Show Kenojuak Ashevak and share her biography and story. In the book Stones,
Bones and Stitches; Storytelling Through Inuit Art and Artic Adventure; Tales
from the Lives of Inuit Artists.
Activity #2: (10 minutes)
Explain the final project.
! All students will create a final composition of their choice while referencing Inuit
! All prints will be an Artic animal of their choice or a rendition of an Artic animal.
! Like the Inuit prints we have seen they do not need to be realistic and they can
show transformation or tell a story.
! The prints can be any colour that they choose.
! It will be a full page of computer paper (8.5 x 11)
! Both their lift and their transfer will be included in the final project.
! Once everyone has completed their prints we will put all of the prints into a class
! Allow for time to start on their prints if there is time.

Activity #3: (10 minutes)

Once the mosaic has been created students will participate in a partner critique.
! With ready-made questions, students will answer questions with their partners
about the final composition of the mosaic.
Ready-made questions for the partner critique.
1. How do people represent the Inuit culture and Artic animals differently?
2. What do you like about the mosaic as a whole?
3. Is there something about the mosaic you wish you could change? Why?
4. What emotion / mood do you feel when looking at the mosaic?
Conclusion: (2 minutes)
Have a class discussion:
! About what they liked best about the printmaking unit.
- Which techniques did they like the most? (Frottage, stamping, stenciling,
wax crayon transfer prints)
! About other critique questions that can be discussed with the whole group.
Conclude the unit by thanking them, for their participation throughout the unit and that
you are really impressed with the way the mosaic turned out.

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