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Astm E605

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Aly Designation: E 605-92 (Reapproved 2000) Standard Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materi (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members! 1.4 These st metods cover proces for dering thkner and ent of opane sie aetl SEND edn sutra ssarce. These ile spayed her ind enitontpss The lest methods se apes oo Ibo an eld procedure In Seton 7 12 These test tds fog the spat of SRM in seivice withthe mutcare® pice lnc ‘The appara, matey and rece el 1 apt te SFM fortron to shal Bethe sa tao consrton of eer of he et serbiesGserd in Test ‘Meta B19 eo E84 13 Thee fs en tes st eto eb 1A Ths nda docs nat purport w aes al of te safe concer, ny soled iD Hs el the reaponibiliy of he ae of ths sda 0 cabs ep ‘rl wen heath prt and ets te ep bit of eat tatoo 2 Referenced Documents 2 ASTM Stender E84 Test Mebod for Sudaze Burning Chances of Budi Matra E119 Tex Methods for Fire Test of Buin Contction E61 Teomncogyof Buiting Coosrtions® 31 Defniions For detistions ors ound in these test natode ero Termipoogy E631 32 Defnitons of Terms Specie 0 Thi Sandon S21 dentin othe weigh per nt volo of he SFRM ‘esate 80 Boca ise bt 322 sprayed fie resisive materials, m— materia ht we sprayed cto sustats to povde re-resti poecton oF 323 shes, nthe distance measured fom the sb ste sprayed wih he SFRM, toh the SFRM, tthe cue ‘rac ofthe SERB. 4 Summary of Test Meo “4.1 Te bse popes of density and thickness ate dtr vine wing a hicks ug, cls, steer, emplat. Siguicance and Use 51 Cenain popes, nmol thickness and densi, of SHRM website intent of es tent mato fo vide rocedres 10 detrmine hese popes 61 et Ae, ratte so at tm ras 152 Thitner Gage, consiing of «oodles pin and sing disk perpendicular ote nasil Gre Pig. 1) The pt ‘hal be suite length for he kos of theater to te mcasted. Tis eae sl be pated oI um (ie a) inva This sc sal be perpendicular ote ole oa ties and shal hea con device to grip te in wns arpoely moved. Tos damete shall be asim of 22 tm (ln) abd asin of 30 mm (1 t,o prt ‘St with te safe af he specinen be sae Fo rmvaleot ealilypnceatd bythe depth age ve 82 163 Sealer_of suet capacity and sestviy to weigh hein specimen to an cane of tee 1 4 Recungular”Tenpiate of prestemined. length and wid having a minmem area of 310 ea 8 in’). No ‘dimension sl be les than 76 Qn). 165 Ke, oot sul devs for ating he specimen, {6 Drang Oven, or athe device capable of mataling tempat and tity condos daring the specimen ‘arg eel, im ascordace ith the SFRM manus oquremont (Soe Sesion 7.2) (G7 Unespanded Pobstrene Beas, 10 m-—Designtion Bead wth + nominal diameter of 10" tan (004 Jn) (pec rtd shatters), Contig by ASTM in Gi eh exe, ‘cfodse arn ots Age wh CHRISTOPHER CHAN CHICAGO TESTING LABORATORY. IN); 22173838 1 BP) € 605-08 (000) es Dak ee 68 Graduated Cylinders, 90 250 cm? {9 Punnal—Polypopylee foe ving stp danse of 150 mm (Sin) an atom dumeter of 38mm (1 in), ‘810 Banter, 400 ml sooth wall ype {611 Seed minima 150 rm (6S) lng ii steht co, (612 Partai pane minima 150s (Gin) ante ‘vi nia 50 me igh 7, Test Specimen 1 Laboratory Te 71.1 The tet ypesnens hal be SFRM apps 01 mm (0.06 i. (1 2431400 by 400 mm (16 hy Tin) bar or "L12 The specimen stl be cniond fora eid of ot Jes than 72 ht wom temperate, 20° = °C (68 °F) nd ‘latte humiiy soe peter than 60%, vol scceses ‘tig eats taken nya ery es tha 1 1B Pel ie 721 Asan alcmate 7.12, the specimens sal be fos id 3 temperate of 4° = GC (1D IP) and a Felative hum be grea hn 0 6 aa uci rad ings taken at 8h iterval fe by less than 1% Procedure 1 These: {S11 Sete areas toe mens fr hicks shal be preieoine, pte patent nate oii epee fave average tikes. ‘312 Deernige th thickest hy inserting he pontotng pin of the thickness gage perpendclar 1 and trough the SFRML tothe subs When he point othe pn ches the subse, move the siding ds to the SRM surface with Safi! ce on te ds io regiter te sverige plane of ie sare. Withdraw the gage oral the tschness nT ie in) incense bythe ponder ofthe siding ip ‘S12 For the purpose of sverige meen, any imesivement 6 mn (+ i) o a, oe he eed design Picky shall te recoded se de tists pln [No individual measured ticks ball he tore th 6 tay Tess or ore tha 28° es than the required sg hk he NE TDS Ste ee ipigh by ASTAL HC a is ov Repco bars er ens gst lh CHRISTOPHER CHAN (CHICAGO TESTING LABORATORY, IN} J22 173838 re 2nd ey 7m i i soem Erma ent Titans rcenocs Sect arenes a er fs aaa ee ere a ty reo Bt Te ere cee eae ee ees ora comms bees et fat SNS oe Sines Si ican ge pe ligne at ophle {14 Tet forthe Dek ad Wal Seton SLA Flot Dectr—In the preselected rea. ay out «300, rom (1 i) sq Tike four dom symetical ease Ines wth da gure and rope an aveage (Se NO Q 142 Fle Decke—tnthe preset ars you 1300, rom (13 i) aga Tks fou dor syne! mast Ie ih hat sque,one each ofthe foaming valley, ‘estan ides, and vopot a a average (Se Noe 1) ‘SS efor Boon fost Trses, nd Calan S15. Beamo—For cach preset beam yo one 300 sm (12 48) length an tae nie thickness messes ae Fig. 2) at each end of the 200 man length ce Fig 3) (See Notes 1 amt2), ‘8152 Jolt (rases)—For each proslee jit rs) lay ot oe 300mm (1) Tenth and ake seve thes rmeourmonts Se Fg. 4) at ea nl ofthe 300 rth (se ig. 5) (See Notes and 3) 3.135 ColumnaFer ach preselected esl yo one 300m (12 fn) fenath and ake twelve tka measure mets ee Fig 6) aca en he 50) length se Fs 1h (See Notes and) ‘S184 Beane Jos (Trust) and ColunnsAveie, sepuntly. the 16 hikes mesa fo the Pee the 1H tcoess mesure othe joe (ruses) a he 24 {Gy © 605-99 (2000) wt ET fet nae om oot roes} = thine measurements for th ols (A sample dat shot is shown In Fg 8) (See Notes 1 and 2). RL Thickness DfleneyAn fet (deck colin, beam, ot dase L@T An individual mesued tikes i more than 6 sm (i ess, orth 25 es than the eid fe ‘iste desin hicks. (See Nos 3) ‘162 ‘The clad average hicks ofthe SFRM ie estan that egied bythe digs, xt itn ag sit i = soe Sit Cony by ASTM al is eve ‘eon ee! prt eet Now Le 7 memes che 2 et os the 2 emt of 12 eh S17 Proved in Cte of Defieney— If a tem is eco, thn i stall be comeed ond eee, lang with Snot of tat specie tom Ot s nother coin 8 falar fs fed te) sled dom 2.1 Conduct one deny tes t random on cach of the folowing prgectedlenens per for or per evry 930 ‘(10 TT, whichever proves the reat mumber of {Ett at portion of th deka, ins th atom of ih CHRISTOPHER CHAN (CHICAGO TESTING LABORATORY, IN i122 1758 8E ye 608—99 (2000) Data Sheet i ‘Thickness of Material on Bear or Column | ee ee — oe FIG. © Sample Data Shoot ee ‘he beam wer Bangs orthe Beam web; an ol, des the colin wa or te cute of os the coh anges. RZLT When desi fails tween the minum syed snd mini nial vals of te fre estan espn, ‘Sha anol sled sloment inthe same me sal be tested If the average deny af the to lana hen, thearca pass Ite mea snot met fea hos hemes in that aca ust be cones. 22 Length ond Wth—Scoe the specimen aud the piste of te tape, R23 Thichsess—Uilcng the proce dese in 7, tate amie of ele fines mena yam ‘ally Determine thickness messuesets put the ena St SFRQG Consider he average of thse ele menses {0 be the hens of the speinen. ees Ata ate rere 1824 Weigh*cuv se specimen tough 0 the state, long he petite of he rps Cael remove al oft Inplace tial fom the ssa and care in sodas 825 Calculation of DensyCalelat density 9 lows: Pon w i ens afr), ‘sh othe spesme mak 5 sverge tsk ofthe seca, (2, 3 Diplacanent Mead teres ioe Apt with CHRISTOPHER CHAN (CHICAGO TESTING LABORATORY, IN) Fi 217383859 {ly ©6089 000) 31 This san aerave mtd to 82 for determining the in-place density of specimens with gue sacs oF

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