Healthy Eating

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healthy eating


Ministry of
Health Planning

healthy eating


ating healthy foods is one of the best things you can do for
yourself and your family every day. When you eat well, you feel
better. You have more energy. And you lower your risk of heart
disease, diabetes and some types of cancer.
Many healthy foods like breads, cereals, fruits and vegetables cost less
than other foods like chips and pop. So you can eat well without
spending a lot of money or a lot of time.
Thats what this booklet is about. It covers the basics of planning
meals, shopping and preparing foods. It also lists some places in your
community that can help you save time and money on food, and tells
you where you can find recipes for healthy meals.

For more information

on healthy eating,
call 1-800-667-DIET
(732-9191 in the
Lower Mainland) and
talk to a dietitian.
There's no charge
for the call.



healthy eating
doesnt mean
forcing kids to
eat things they

Eating well means getting enough foods

from all four food groups:
grain products (breads and cereals)

don't like, or

vegetables and fruit

making them eat

milk and milk products like milk,

cheese and yogurt, and

everything on
their plate. The
important thing

meats and alternatives like chicken,

fish, nuts, beans and peanut butter.
You can help your children eat well by:

is to feed them

setting a good example

well, and help

eating healthy foods more often

them learn about

offering meals and snacks at regular

times, and

healthy choices,
so they can do
the same thing
for their kids.

Children need the right foods to grow

and to stay healthy. They also need you
to teach them how to eat well.

giving your kids a variety of foods at

meals and snacks.

planning meals
One of the best ways to make sure
you eat well is to plan your meals
ahead of time. Planning ahead
can help you:
get enough of all four
food groups
add variety, so youre
not eating the same
things day after day
save money by buying only what
you need
use up foods that you already have on hand, and
save time by shopping less often.
Planning is also a good way to get your kids involved in learning about
healthy foods and making the right choices. Plus, theyre more likely
to enjoy eating foods they pick out themselves.

...get your kids

involved in learning about
healthy foods, making the
right choices and helping
with food preparation safely.

budget tips


Think about healthy recipes you like.

Look at grocery flyers and newspaper ads and plan
some of your meals around things you like that are on
sale, or seasonally less expensive.
Build the main part of your meal from rice, noodles or
other grains.

Choose whole grain products more often. Use small amounts

of meat, poultry, fish or eggs, and make sure you include some
vegetables. For example, you can make a healthy casserole by
mixing rice, vegetables and a small amount of meat or beans.
Add grated cheese and you have all the food groups covered!
Add variety by trying new recipes.

For example, if you normally make mashed potatoes, try baking

them or making potato salad instead. Its a good way to make
your familys meals more interesting.

Save time
and money
by planning
for leftovers.

Save time and money by planning for leftovers.

For example, if youre cooking chicken on Monday, plan to

use the leftovers in a stir fry, a casserole or in sandwiches on
Tuesday. You can also freeze leftover meats and use them later
in soups or stews.
When you have extra time, cook in larger batches.

If you find ground beef on sale and can afford the extra cost,
make an extra big pot of chili or spaghetti sauce. Have some for
dinner one night and divide the rest into meal-sized portions
to freeze for later. Save large yogurt and margarine containers
for freezing meals.
Plan for healthy snacks as well as healthy meals.

Fresh fruits in season, raw vegetables, cheese, popcorn, crackers

and whole wheat bread all make good, healthy snacks. Theyre
also more affordable than candy or potato chips.
Plan for school lunches. Think of things to pack.

Include fruits such as apples and bananas and vegetables like

celery or carrots and other produce in season. Dinner leftovers
(like pizzas and burritos) also make easy lunches. Pack them up
and put them in the fridge when youre clearing up the kitchen
in the evening.
For information about what produce is available seasonally,
check out the Availabilty Chart at the Canadian Produce
Marketing Association web site:


...before you go

Make a list of all the foods you need. Do this in your kitchen so
you can check what you have on hand.
Ask your kids. For example, if youre planning to buy green
vegetables, ask them what theyd like best. Broccoli, peas, green
beans, spinach, lettuce, celery or cabbage? Give them a choice.
Look for grocery sales in flyers and newspaper ads for the stores
where you shop.
Save coupons for the foods you plan to buy. But make sure you
check other prices, too. Coupons dont always give you the best deal.
Usually "no-name" brands are cheaper.

Ask your kids what

theyd like best.

Have a good meal or a

healthy snack before you
go. If you shop when youre
hungry, you might be
tempted to buy foods you
dont need.

Broccoli, peas, green

beans, spinach,
lettuce, celery or
cabbage? Give them
a choice.

Find out about food

buying clubs, cooperatives,
and farmers' markets. Check
your community newspaper or
call the nutritionist at the public
health unit.


...while youre at the store

Ask about becoming a member for price deals. Ask about free
Keep to the outside edges of the store. That's where most of the
fresh food is found.
Whenever you can, stock up on healthy, low-cost foods that
keep well. These include rice, potatoes, noodles and frozen
orange juice. Watch for case-lot sales.
Stick to basics instead of prepared foods like frozen packaged
meals and vegetables in sauces. Prepared foods may save you
time but they cost a lot more.
Try no-name labels or store brands. They are just as healthy
but cost less.
Buy fresh fruits and vegetables in season. Look for ones that are
locally grown. They are fresher and usually cost less.
Dont be fooled by big displays. Signs
dont always mean theres a special price.
Buy only as much as you need of foods
that can go bad. Otherwise it is a waste
of money.
Choose foods that pack well for school



Compare prices on similar items.
Look for the unit cost. It shows you how much something costs
(usually per 100 grams) so you can tell which size or brand is
the best deal. Many stores show the unit price on the shelf below
the product.
794 mL

= 21.3 /100mL

540 mL

= 20.2 /100mL

Look for best before dates furthest away to help you buy the
freshest foods.
Read the nutrition labels on packages. This can help you choose
foods that are lower in fat and have more vitamins, minerals
and fibre.
Avoid foods that contain a lot of sugars. And remember, they
don't always call it sugar or syrup. Glucose, fructose and other
words that end with ose mean sugar.

Remember... glucose, fructose

and other words that end in ose
mean sugar.



Look for bargains on day-old bread and
bakery products.
Buy plain rice, oatmeal and pasta
instead of the instant and
flavoured kinds. Add your own
flavourings such as
cinnamon or applesauce
to oatmeal.
Avoid fancy pasta shapes.
They cost more than
spaghetti or macaroni.
Buy grains, pasta and cereals in bulk and stock up
when theyre on sale.
Try brown rice and whole grain breads and cereals to make your
meals healthier and more interesting.


Buy fresh milk, cheese and yogurt in the largest
size you can use.
Buy skim or 1% milk except for children
under the age of two. They should have
whole milk.
Avoid prepared products like grated
cheese, cheese strings and yogurt in tubes.
They cost a lot more.


Buy fresh fruits and vegetables when they are in season.
Dont buy mushy fruits or vegetables. Pick firm ones.
Buy small pieces of fruit to avoid waste.
Buy frozen fruit juice. Its cheaper and keeps longer in the
Buy 100% fruit juice. Fruit drinks and fruit punch are mostly
sugar and water.
If you buy canned fruit, pick a kind thats packed in water or
unsweetened juice instead of sugary syrup. Read the label.
Buy large bags of frozen vegetables. Cook what you need and
keep the rest in the freezer.
Avoid buying frozen vegetables with sauces or flavours added.
They cost a lot more. Add your own seasoning or sauce
Avoid buying prepared raw vegetables like carrot and celery
sticks. They cost a lot more. Buy them whole, and cut your own.

Buy fresh fruits

and vegetables
when they are in



Avoid buying meats that come with sauces, stuffing or
flavourings. They cost more.
Compare meat prices based on the number of servings you get.
For example, a kilogram of beef short ribs serves two. But a
kilogram of ground beef can serve up to 10 people.
Buy chicken backs and necks. They are very cheap to buy,
and give you enough meat for a big soup or stew.
Buy plain frozen fish instead of the kind with batter.
Stock up on dry or canned beans, peas and lentils when you
can. They give you the same food value as meat at a much
lower cost, and have less fat. They keep for about a year.
Instead of buying stewing beef, buy a cheap steak such as round
steak and cut it up yourself.

Buy plain
frozen fish
instead of
the kind
with batter.




Go easy on fat, salt and sugar. You dont have to leave them
out, just use less.
Cook vegetables so that they remain firm or serve them raw.
Don't overcook them.
Bake, broil, roast or steam your food. Avoid frying.
Always cook ground beef to brown it and drain off the fat before
adding other ingredients.
Use herbs and spices for flavouring. Theyre less expensive,
quicker, and better for you than rich sauces or gravies.
Serve fruit for dessert. You can add yogurt or ice cream. Or
make a fruit crisp by putting oatmeal and sugar on top of sliced
apples or peaches and baking them in the oven.
Take the skin off chicken or turkey before you cook it. That way
you eat less fat.
Save the water from boiled vegetables and use it for soups or
Ask for help if you need it. Advice from family, friends, your
local neighbourhood house or the nutritionist at your local
health unit can help make cooking easier and more fun.

Use meat as a side dish,

instead of a main course.



Wash your hands with soap and warm running water before you
handle food.
Use hot, soapy water to clean cutting boards, knives and
anything else that touches meat.
Wash the countertop, cutting board or plate used for raw meats
before using it again. Spray with a bleach mixture* and rinse.
Regularly wash dish cloths and towels with hot, soapy water.
Thaw frozen foods in the fridge or microwave, not on the
counter or "thaw" pads. Foods thawed in the mocrowave need
to be cooked right away.
Cook meat and poultry well. Juices run clear when well cooked.
Cook fish until it flakes with a fork.
Put leftovers in the fridge right away.
Never reheat leftovers more than once.
Throw away mouldy foods such as bread and cheese. These are
not safe to eat.

*Bleach Mixture:
Combine 1 litre
water and 5mL
chlorine bleach in
a spray bottle


menu check

fruit 1
grain product (breads
& cereals 1
milk product 1




grain product 2


meat & alternatives 1

carrot sticks &

vegetables & fruit 2

milk product 1

plain yogurt dip

oatmeal cookies & juice
Cheese & crackers


one dish



Meat and meat



Grain products

About 112 cups

112 to 2 cups

1 to 112 cups

1 to 112 cups

mixed vegetables

tuna fish


canned meat


cooked meat:
lean sausage

green beans
cooked and

cream soups:

bread, cubed

cheese soup

cooked spaghetti

tomato soup

cooked noodles

tomato soup

cooked barley
cooked bulgar

cooked lentils

shredded cheese
plus milk

cooked split peas

evaporated milk

cooked rice
cooked macaroni

hard cooked eggs


cooked navy,
pinto or other

1) Choose one or more ingredient(s) from each list above

2) If you like, add other optional flavour: onions, spices, herbs.
3) Mix ingredients together.
4) Bake: place ingredients in a covered casserole dish. Add optional
toppings: bread crumbs, craker crumbs, parmesan cheese. Bake at 3500
for 45 minutes. Uncover last 15 minutes to brown topping. Serve hot.
Or cook in large skillet on top of stove. Simmer till bubbly. Serve hot.

food ideas
Most families have a few favourite recipes that they make again and
again. Here are some ideas for making the basics more interesting, and
more nutritious.
replace half the white flour in any recipe with whole wheat flour
double the beans in your chili, and use half as much meat
add canned tomatoes to macaroni and cheese
add tuna or celery to macaroni and cheese
add fresh or frozen vegetables to packaged noodle soup
add frozen corn or leftover cooked vegetables to chili, soup or stew
add raisins or other dried fruits to cookies or muffins
add raisins, grated carrot or canned pineapple chunks to grated
cabbage to make a salad.
cook twice as much rice or pasta as you need. Use leftovers in
cooking or freeze.
Slightly thaw frozen fruit, add milk and sugar, and mix with an
electric mixer or blender (tastes like ice cream but costs less and
has less fat).


finding more ideas

Phone your library to ask for "budget"
or "low cost" recipe books such as:
Eat Well for Less, by The
Corporation of the District of
100 Meals Under a Loonie per
Serving, by Nanaimo Community Kitchens
The New Thrifty Kitchen, by the Surrey Food Bank Advisory Council
Many Hands: Community Kitchens Share Their Best (Recipes)
by Community Kitchens Publishing
Also look for books on healthy eating at used book stores and thrift shops.
Contact the nutritionist at the health unit for local resources.

(you can use a computer at most public libraries)
Vegetables and Fruit Campaign

Dietitians of Canada

Dial-a-Dietitian Society of BC

BC Vegetable
Marketing Commission recipes
using seasonal B.C. vegetables

BC Tree Fruits

BC Dairy Foundation

Shop Smart! Food Tips


nutrition resources
There are many ways you can work with other people in your
community to save time and money on food. The nutritionist at
your local health unit is a good contact for more information.
This is a small group of
people who get together once a month and cook three or
four big batches of healthy, tasty food. Then they divide it
up and take it home for future meals.
Join or start a community kitchen.

For basic food and household

items you can buy in bulk and divide groceries between
you. If you don't have a car, find a store that delivers.
Go shopping with friends.

If you don't have a car,

Check if there is a number to call about food resources in

your community, e.g. Grow-a-Row

Go on a grocery store tour led by a dietitian. These are available

at no cost in Overwaitea and Save-on-Food Stores

Get to know farmers and local food available in your community.

There may be farmer's markets or roadside stands for local foods.


Join a community garden. This is a group of people
who get together and grow their own fresh fruits and

Call your local city hall or the parks and recreation

department to find out if theres a community garden
where you live.
You dont need a lot of space. A
small balcony or even a sunny windowsill will do. Heres
Start your own garden.

how to get started:

Get some containers that will hold dirt and water. You can
use plastic buckets, milk cartons, wooden crates or even an
old dresser drawer.

Punch holes in the bottom for drainage. Put something

underneath to catch water.

Line the bottom with small rocks.

Fill the container almost to the top with soil.

Plant your seeds. "Tiny Tim" tomatoes, "Munchkin"brocolli,

Lemon cucumbers, Kale and Mesclun work well in a small
garden. Follow the directions on the package.

Water your garden.

Make sure it gets some sun.

Watch it grow!


Ministry of
Health Planning

Visit our ministry website at:

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