Joanna Damian EDU-225 6/7/15

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Joanna Damian

Raft Task Card

ROLE (student)
Competitor in a

Judges at a

Tri Fold Project

You are explaining

Science Fair

Science Fair


why smoking is so

Row 1

bad for the body

and why people

Rain Clouds


should quit.
Explaining why
plants need the

Row 2

rain to come. And

how they use their


Job Description

Row 3

Explaining when
the correct time to
use a comma is.

RAFT Row 1
You will be able to explain why smoking is so bad for the body and why people should stop
TX State Standard- 115.6. Health Education, Grade 4. (4) Health behaviors. The student
understands and engages in behaviors that reduce health risks throughout the life span. The
student is expected to: (C) describe the short-term and long-term harmful effects of tobacco,
alcohol, and other substances such as physical, mental, social, and legal consequences; (2013)
Student Role:
Competitor in a Science Fair

Judges at a Science Fair

Tri Fold Project Board
Explaining why smoking is so bad for the body and why people should stop smoking.


Visit The Real Cost to learn more about the dangers of smoking
Use a trifold project board to show facts and pictures on this topic
Make sure to use pictures to make your board more appealing.
Practice presenting your project in front of family to feel comfortable with the material.

The Real Cost
Freedom from Smoking
How to Quit Smoking
Prepare a report and a project that will be approximately 5 minutes in length to explain the
dangers of smoking and why people should quit. You will receive 100 points for the report, 25
points for your look of trifold project board, 25 points for facts on your board, 25 points for
length of presentation, and 25 points for actual presentation and how you do.

RAFT Row 2
You will be able to explain what a plant uses water for.
TX State Standard. 112.15. Science, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2010-2011. (9)
Organisms and environments. The student knows and understands that living organisms within
an ecosystem interact with one another and with their environment. The student is expected to:

(A) investigate that most producers need sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make their own
food, while consumers are dependent on other organisms for food; (2010)
Student Role:
Why the plants need the rainclouds to do their job and how their rain helps them.

1. Visit Why Plants Need Water
r.html to read more about why plants need water.
2. Take notes using the tablets offered in class to then use to write your speech.
3. Also use the tablet to write your speech.
4. Practice reading your speech so that when it comes time to present, you will be clear and
Why Plants Need Water
Growing Your Guide to Organic Gardening and Landscaping
Why do Plants Need Water?
Gardening Know How
Prepare a 4 minute speech on why plants need the rainclouds to do their job and what they need
their rain for. You will receive 25 points for your notes, 50 points for you speech and 25 points
for the length of your speech.

RAFT Row 3
Student Role:
Diary Entry
If only you knew how to properly use me.

1. Visit Rules for Comma Usage to
correctly see how the comma is supposed to be used.
2. In a journal write an entry that is explaining the ways to properly use a comma, but write
it in the first person, as though you are writing in a diary.
3. Give 9 examples on how to properly use the comma.
4. Give 9 examples on how to incorrectly use of the comma.
Rules for Comma Usage
Extended Rules for Using the Comma
How to Use Commas Correctly
Prepare a journal entry that explains the right way to use a comma. Your journal entry will be in
first person, as if you are writing in a diary. You will receive 25 points for correct usage
examples, 25 points for incorrect usage for the comma, and 25 points for creativity.

Section Four: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

Using technology to differentiate technology has become a major role in the education
process. Schools are being given the tools they need to better the education of all their students.
The internet, and things that you are able to access on the internet would not be available to
everyone if it werent for some of these tools. Computers, tablets, and laptops are making it
possible for these students to utilize all of these things.
Technology to Differentiate Instruction
Computers are the number one technology that has helped in the classroom. You can do so many
things not only as the student but as the teacher as well. You are able to surf on the net if you
need to do research, you can find different lesson plans on any subject, and you can find help on

any subject you need as well. Students can use computers to type up papers, make power points,
and edit photos, there is not much you cannot do on the computer. Teachers are even able to load
their gradebooks on computers, much easier than it used to be when you would have to keep
books on your students grades. The computer has opened up a different way on how to learn
and has helped countless students to succeed in their education. In my Task Cards, I did specify
what websites should be looked at in order to learn more about that certain subject and also
assigned the student to find pictures on some of the assignments. ISTE wants students to apply
digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information, so the computer is an amazing tool.
(Research and information fluency, 2015)
Cameras are an amazing way for students to show their creative side. Some students are able to
show their work through photos and videos, and cameras allow them to do so. Subjects like
Science are a great way for students to get that camera out to capture moments that they may
need for an experiment. Because cameras today are so high tech, they are also able to take video
on them. There are many times when showing videos to the class may help a student get over
their fear of getting in front of the class to present a project. It will slowly help their level of
comfort as far as public speaking goes. ISTE wants students to use digital media and
environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support
individual learning and contribute to the learning of others, so cameras are a great tool.
(Communication and collaboration, 2015)
Audio Recorder:
Though this might seem a little old school, having something to record lessons is another great
tool to use in the classroom. Some students would much rather record their teacher during their

lessons and take it home to go over as many times as they need to understand the material.
Writing notes is not always the easiest thing to do for some people, some people write faster than
others and have no problem jotting down everything the teacher is saying, while others cannot
keep up and miss some of the material. Having the recorder is a great tool to help them catch all
the material so that they are able to review when they get home. ISTE wants students to
communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats, so the recorder is a great way to do that. (Communication and collaboration, 2015)
Pros and Cons
There are always pros and cons to everything in life. Using technology to differentiate
instruction is no different. Using technology to differentiate instruction is a great way to really
help your students be the best they can be. There are so many different kinds of tools that you
can use that are able to help all of your students, even those that struggle in the classroom.
Because there are so many choices, it is hard to not find the right fit for each student. But
because there are so many different choices, teachers may have a hard time keeping up with all
the updates. There could also be a problem with how many tools you can use in one lesson.
Because students are so different, and each student may need a different way of learning, it could
be overwhelming for a teacher to have to use so many different tools.
Concluding Paragraph
Using technology to differentiate instruction has made teaching so gratifying because you
know that all your students are getting the education they deserve. Though it may be hard to
keep up with all the updates and tools that are coming out, no teacher can deny that because of
technology, their students are thriving. It is amazing to see that we have come so far as educators
and are able to really utilize all these tools. At the end of the day, all that matters is that we are

doing are job and our students are walking out of our classrooms with all the knowledge they

International Society for Technology in Education. (2015) ISTE Standards Students. Research
and information fluency.
International Society for Technology in Education. (2015) ISTE Standards Students.
Communication and collaboration.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skill for Health Education. (2013). Subchapter A. Elementary.
115.6. Health Education, Grade 4. Austin, Texas: Texas Education Agency.
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Science. (2010). Subchapter A. Elementary. 112.15.
Science, Grade 4, Beginning with School Year 2010-2011. Austin, Texas: Texas Education
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for English Language Arts and Reading. (2008).
Subchapter A. Elementary. 110.15. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 4, Beginning
with School Year 2009-2010. Austin, Texas: Texas Education Agency.

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