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ASME STD B16.42 Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (1998)
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UTP EL (Revision of ASME/ANS! B16.42-1987) Waa eI Pea as HERI AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS Classes 150 and 300 ASME B18.42-1998 (Revision of ASME/ANS! B16.42-1987) IME Purchased on $u Transaction order ntDate of Issuance: Api! 26, 1999 ‘The 1998 edition of this Standard is being issued with an automatic addenda subscription service. The use of addenda allows revisions made in response to public review comments or committee actions to be published on a regular yearly basis; revisions published in addenda will become effective six months after the Date of Issuance of the addenda. The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2003, ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Standard. The interpretations will be included with the above addenda service, ASME is the rogistered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ‘This cod or standard was developed under procedures acsredited as meeting the ertera for “American National Standards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standord was balanced to assure that individvals rom competent and concerned interests have had an ‘opportunity ta participate. The proposed cade or standard was made available for pubic review fandcamment, which provides an opportunty for additional public input fromindustey, academia, Fegulatory agencies, and the publica large 'ASME doct not “approve,” "rate," or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, "ASME does not take any position with raspect tothe validty of any patont rights assorted in connection with any tems mentioned i this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone Ublizing a standord aginst laity for infringement of any applicable Letters Patent, nor assumes ‘any such liability. Users of 2 code or standard are expressly advised that determination of the Naldty of any such patent rights, and the rik of infingement of such rights, i entirely thee own responsbiity Paricipation by federal agency representatives) or person(s affliated with industry is nat to be interpreted 2¢ government oF industry endorsement ofthis code or standard "ASHE accepts responsibility or only those interpretations ssuedin accordance with governing [ASME procedutes and policies which precludes the issuance of interpcetstions by individu volunteers, No par ofthis document may be reproduced in any form, nan electronic retrieval system or otherwise. without the prior writen permission ofthe publisher. ‘Tne American Society of Mechanical Enginaors ‘Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 Copyright © 1999 by ‘THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All Rights Reserved Printad in USA ‘Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number: $FOREWORD (This Foreword is not part of ASME 816.42-1998) In 1921, the American Engineering Standards Committee, later the American Standards Association (ASA), now the American National Standards Institute (ANSI, authorized the ‘organization of a Sectional Committee on the Standardization of Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, with the following organizations as joint sponsors: Heating, Piping, and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (later the Mechanical Contractors Association of America, MCAA), Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valves and Fittings Industry (MSS), and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Cast iron flanges and flanged fiuings are within the scope of Subcommittee No. 1 (now Subcommittee AA), with standards approved by ASA as early as 1928. In 1957, piping components of ductile iron (also called nodular iron and, in Europe, spheroidal graphite iron) first appeared in the market, Controversy immediately developed ‘ver proper pressure-temperature ratings, and this was further aggravated by the use of casting. patterns for both gray iron and carbon stec! for producing the components Conflicting philosophies, which emerged from that controversy, thwarted efforts by MSS to develop standard practices in the early 1960s; the conflicts persisted during a study of ratings, starting in 1966 by American National Standards Committee BIG (as the Sectional Committee was called afier eeorganization of ASA as ANSI. The conflict continued to delay acceptance and approval of this Standard, which ultimately originated with a draft developed by MSS (taking advantage of earlier efforts) and submitted to Subcommittee A. in 1977, Combining that draft with the rating basis developed in the B16 Committee, the first edition of this Standard was found acceptable and was approved by the Standards Committee, cosecretariat organizations, and ANSI, and was published with the designation ANSI B1642-1979, In 1982, American National Standards Committee B16 was reorganized as an ASME Committee operating under procedures accredited by ANSI. The 1981 edition of the Standard ‘updated the referenced standards and specifications and established U.S. customary units as the standard. Following approval by the Standards Committee and ASME, ANSI granted its approval as an American! National Standard on July 13, 1987, with the new designation ASMBJANSI B16.42- 1987, In the 1998 edition of ASME BI6.42, Reference Standards are updated, a Quality Syster Program Annex is added, and several editorial revisions are made, Following approval by ASME B16 Subcommittee B and B16 Main Committee, ANSI approved this American National Standard on November 20, 1998. Requests for interpretation or suggestions for revision should be sent to the Secretary, B16 Committee, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 Salles Namo: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number:Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction ordar number: StASME B16 COMMITTEE in of Valves, Flanges, Fittings, Gaskets, and Valve Actuators Standar (The following isthe roster ofthe Committe atthe time of approval ofthis Standard) OFFICERS W.N. McLean, Chair H.R. Sonderegger, Vice Chair P. A. Reddington, Secretary COMMITTEE PERSONNEL WL Bali, Consultant, London, Ohio RW. Bares, Anic Enterprises, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada R.R. Brodin, Fisher Controls International, Inc, Marshalltown, Iowa, M.A. Clark, Nibco, Inc, Elkhart, Indiana [A. Cohen, A. Cohen and Associates, Albuquerque, Now Mexico CE. Floren, Mucliar Co, Decatur, Ilinois .R, Frikken, Solutia, Inc, St. Louis, Missouri Henrich, Minnegasco, inc, Golden Valley, Minnesota J.C. Inch, Mucilor Refrigeration Products Co., Hartsville, Tennessee G.A. Jolly, Voot Vaive Co., Louisville, Kentucky W.G. Knecht, BW/IP International Inc, Willamspon, Pennsylvania Koester, The Wiliam Powell Co, Cincinnati, Ohio IN. MeLean, Nowco Valves, Palos Park, linois LL Nayyer, Bechtel Power Corp., Gaithersburg, Maryland 'A. Reddington, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New Vork, New York A. Schmidt, Trinity-Ladish Co., Russellville, Arkansas R ™, Sonderegger, Grinnell Corp, Cranston, Rhode Island Stephan, Flexitalic, Ine, Mount Laurel, New Jorsey F. Stroud, Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association, Birmingham, Alabama D. Wasicek, ABS Americas, Houston, Texas . White, Richard E, White and Associates, South Bond, Indiana {A Williams, Southern Company Services, Birmingham, Alabama a. R Witis, The Dow Chemical Co., Freeport, Texas, ‘Werlay, Union Carbide Corp., South Charleston, West Virginia PERSONNEL OF SUBCOMMITTEE B — THREADED FITTINGS (Except Steel) H.R. Sonderegger. C&S Char, Grinnell Corp., Cranston, Rhode Island B.P. Feder, Secretary, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, New York K. Barron, Ward Manufacturing, Blossburg, Pennsyivania M.A. Clark, Nibco, Ine, Elkhart Indiana ‘A. Cohen, A. Cohen and Associates, Albuquerque, New Mexico ‘A.A. Knapp, Canadian CopperfBrass, Ontario, Canada B.L Larkin, American Daring Valve, Birmingham, Alabama PL MeGrath, Consultant, Birmingham, Alabama W.IN, MeLean, Newco Valves, Palos Park, limos 4. K. Schutte, Conine Manufacturing Co, Tyler, Texas ‘Sellar Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number:Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction ordar number: StCORRESPONDENCE WITH B16 COMMITTEE General. ASME Standards are developed and maintained with the intent to represent the consensus of concerned interests. AS such, users of this Standard may interact with the Commitee by requesting interpretations, proposing revisions, and attending Committee meetings. Correspondence should be addressed to: Secretary, B16 Main Committee ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ‘Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 Proposing Revisions. Revisions are made periodically 1 the Standard to incorporate changes that appear necessary or desirable, as demonstrated by the experience gained from the application of the Standard. Approved revisions will be published periodically ‘The Committee welcomes proposals for revisions to this Standard. Such proposals should bbe as specific as possible, citing the paragraph number(s), the proposed wording, and a detailed description of the reasons for the proposal, including any pertinent documentation. Inverpretations. Upon request, the B16 Committee will render an interpretation of any requirement of the Standard, Interpretations can only be rendered in response to a written request sent (0 the Secretary of the B16 Main Commitee. The request for interpretation should be clear and unambiguous. It is Further recommended that the inquirer submit histher request in the following format Subject: Cite the applicable paragraph number(s) and the topic of the inquiry Edition the applicable edition of the Standard for which the interpretation is being requested. Question: Phrase the question as a request for an intespretation of @ specific requirement suitable for general understanding and use, not as a request for an approval of a proprietary design or situation, The inquirer may also include any plans or drawings, which are necessary to explain the question; however, they should not contain proprietary names or information, Requests that are not in this format will be rewritien in this format by the Committee prior to being answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request. ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additional ‘information that might affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by ‘an interpretation may appeal to the cognizant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not “approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, ot activity, Attending Committee Meetings. Tae B16 Main Committee regularly holds meetings, which are open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meeting should contact the Secretary of the B16 Main Committee ‘Soller Name? ASME Purchaead on $0 Transaction order number: $tSoller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction ordar number: StCONTENTS Foreword Standards Committee Roster Correspondence With the B16 Committee 1 12 Quality Systems 1.3 References 22 Ratings of Flanged Joints 23 Rating Temperature 2.4 Temperature Considerations 2.5 Variances From Ratings Size 3.1 Nominal Size 3.2 Reducing Fiving Sizes 3.3. Reducing Flange Sizes Marking Materials 5.1 Castings 52 Bolting 5.3 Gaskets Dimensions - 6.1 Conter-to-Contact Surface and Center-to-End 62 Facings 6.3 Flange Bolt Holes 6A Spot Facing 65 Reducing Flanges : 666 Threads for Threaded Flanges 67 Sud Bolts, Bolts, and Nuts 68 Gaskets 69. Drains Tolerances 7.1 Wall Thickness 7.2 Center-to-Contact Surface and Contact Surface-t0-Contact Surface ‘Soller Name? ASME Purchaeid on $0 Transaction order number: $t73 Facings . 7A Flange Thickness TS Bote of Flanges 76 Drilling and Facing 8 Testing 8.1 General 82. Flange Testing 83 Fitting Shell Tests ..... Figures 1 Method of Designating Outlets of Reducing Fittings 2 Method of Designing Locton of Tapped Hole for Drie When Specified . cones . Tables Pressure-Temperature Ratings, U.S. Customary Units Reducing Threaded Flanges for Class 150 and 300 ‘Templates for Drilling Class 150 Ductile Iron Flanges Dimensions of Class 150 Ductile Iron Flanges Dimensions of Class 150 Elbows, Double Branch Elbows, Tees, Crosses, Laterals, True Ys (Straight Sizes), and Reducers Dimensions of Class 150 Base Elbows and Base Tees ‘Templates for Drilling Class 300 Ductile Iron Flanges Dimensions of Class 300 Ductile Iron Flanges Dimensions of Class 300 Elbows, Tees, Crosses, Laterals, True Ys (Straight Sizes), and Reducers 10 Dimensions of Class 300 Base Elbows and Base Tees Annexes A. Methods for Establishing Pressure~Temperature Ratings B References Quality System Program ‘Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number: St 10 n B 7 15 " 19 20 2 23 25ASME 81642-1998 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS Classes 150 and 300 1 SCOPE 1.1 General ‘This Standard covers minimum requirements for Class 150 and 300 cast ductile iron pipe flanges and flanged fitings. The requirements covered are as follows: (a) pressure-temperature ratings (b) sizes and method of designating openings (c) marking (4) materials (€) dimensions and tolerances () bolts, nuts, and gaskets (g) tests 1.2 Quality Systems Requirements relating to the product manufacturers” Quality System Programs are described in Annex B. 13 References 1.3.1. Referenced Standards. Standards and spec ifications adopted by reference in this Standard are shown in Annex C, which is part of this Standard. It jis not considered practical to identify the specific edition of each standard and specification in the individual references. Instead, the specific edition reference is identified in Annex C. 1.3.2 Codes and Regulations. A flange or flanged fiting used under the jurisdiction of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, the ASME Code for Pressure Piping, or a governmental regulation is subject to any limitation of that code or regulation. This includes any maximum temperature limitation, any tule governing the use of a material at low temperature, or provisions for operation at a pressure exceeding the pressure- temperature ratings in his Standard, 2 PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE RATINGS iron pipe flanges and flanged fitings covered by this Standard shall be designated as one of the following: Class 150 or 300. Except as provided in para. 2.5, ratings are maximum allowable noashock working. pressures, expressed as gage pressure, at the service temperature from ~20°F to 650°F. Ratings in Table 1 are in U.S. customary units. For intermediate temperatures, linear interpolation is permitted. Methods for establishing pressure-tempera- ture ratings are given in Annex A. 2.2 Ratings of Flanged Joints Ratings in this Standard apply to flanged joints that conform to the limitations on bolting in para, 5.2 and fon gaskets in para. 6.8, and which are made up in accordance with good practice for alignment and assem- bly. See also para, 24. Use of the ratings for flanged joints not conforming to these limitations is the sole responsibility of the user. Requirements for alignment and assembly of joins are not given in this Standard, If the two flanges in a flanged joint do not have the same pressure-temperature ratings, the rating of the joint at any temperature is the lower of the «wo flange ratings at that temperatuee 2.3 Rating Temperature ‘The temperature shown for a corresponding pressure rating is the temperature of the pressure-containing shell of the flange or flanged fiting. In general. this temperature is the same as that of the contained fluid. Use of a pressure rating corresponding to a temperature ‘other than that of the contained fluid is the responsibilty of the user, subject to the requirements ofthe applicable ‘code oF regulation, Soller Name: ASME Purchased on $u Transaction order number; $tASME 81642-1998, TABLE 1_ PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE RATINGS, U.S. CUSTOMARY UNITS. 200 100 250 a0 200 235 600 300 25 565 200 200 525 500 170 495 600 40 465 650 15, 450 Application of the ratings in this Standard to flanged joints at both high and low temperatures shall take into consideration the risk of leakage due to forces ‘and moments developed in the connected piping or equipment. The following provisions are intended to inimize these risks, 24.1 Flange Attachment, Threaded flanges are rot recommended for service above SOO°F if severe thermal gradients or thermal cycling is involved. ligh Temperature Service. When used above 400°F, Class 150 flanged joints may develop leakage unless cate is taken to avoid imposing severe external loads and/or severe thermal gradients 2.5 Variances From Ratings Except as provided herein, ratings are the maximum allowable nonshock working pressure for the ponding temperature 2.5.1 Safety or Relief Valve Operation. Under conditions of safety valve, relief valve, or rupture disk operation, the pressure on a flange or flanged fiting may exceed the rated pressure at the pressute relieving temperature by no more than 10%. Such conditions are necessarily of short duration, Overpressure greater than the aforementioned under pressure-telieving cond- tions is the responsibility of the user, subject to the requirements of the applicable code oF regulation 2.5.2 Other Variances. Operating variations (tran- sients) that subject a flange or flanged fiting to pressure in excess of the rated pressure at the corresponding temperature are the responsibility of the user, subject to the requirements of the applicable code or regulation DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS. 25.2 System Hydrostatic Test. Flanged joints and flanged fittings may be subjected to system hydro- static tests at a pressure not to exceed the hydrostatic shell test pressure specified in para, 83. Testing at any higher pressure is the responsibility of the user. 3 SIZE 3.1 Nominal Size The size of a flange or flanged fiuing covered by this Standard is its nominal pipe size (NPS). The diameter of a bolt is its nominal size. Use of nominal indicates that the sated size or dimension is only for designation, not measurement, The actual dimension ‘may of may not be the nominal size and is subject to established tolerances. 3.2 Reducing Fitting Sizes Reducing fitings shall be designated by the size of the openings in their proper sequence as indicated in the sketches, Fig. 1 3.3 Reducing Flange Sizes Reducing flanges shall be designated by the two nominal pipe sizes. See examples in Note (4), Table 2. 4 MARKING Except as modified herein, flanges and flanged fittings shall be marked as required in MSS SP-25. (a) Name. The manufacturer's name or trademark shall be applied. (b) Material, Toe word “DUCTILE” space does not permit “DUCTILE") (c) Rating Class. Numerals shall be applied giving the pressure rating class for which the product is designed, (d) Designation. ‘The designation “BIG” shall be applied, preferably located adjacent tothe Class desiga tion, t indicate conformance 10 this Standard D.L” where (e) Temperature. No temperature markings are re quired on flanges and Aanged fitings, but if marked, the temperature shall be shown with its corresponding tabulated pressure rating. ‘Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number: StDUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS (A Size. The nominal pipe size shall be given, but may be omitted from reducing flanges and reducing flanged fitings. 5 MATERIALS: 5.1 Castings Ductile iron castings covered by this Standard shall conform to ASTM A 39S. The castings shall not be repaired by plugging, welding, brazing, or impregnation 5.2 Bolting Bolting listed in paras. 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 shall be used in flanged joints covered by this Standard. Bolting of ‘other material may be used if permitted by the applicable code or governmental regulation. 5.2.1 High Strength Bolting. Botting materials having allowable stresses not less than those for ASTM ‘A 193 Grade B7 may he used with any flanged joint at all listed temperatures, The strength of the nut shall be not less than specified for ASTM A 194 Grade 2H. 5.22 Low Strength Bolting. Bolting materials with yield strength equivalent to ASTM A 307 Grade B are considered low strength and may be used for flanged joints at temperatures no greater than 400°F and only with gaskets described in para. 6.8. 5.2.3 Bolting to Cast Iron Flanges. When Class 150 ductile iron flanges are bolted to Class 125 cast iron flanges, or Class 300 ductile iron flanges are bolted to Class 250 cast iron flanges, itis recommended thi low strength boltings be used within the limitations in para, 5.2.2. If high strength bolting is used, it is recommended that the mating flanges be flat faced and that fullfaced gaskets (ASME BI6.5, Fig. El, Group a materials) extending tothe O.D. of the flange be used. 53 Gaskets ‘Materials listed in Fig. El (ASME BI65, Annex B) shall be used. The user is responsible for selection of gasket materials that will withstand the expected bolt Toad without injurious crushing and which are suitable for the service conditions For low strength bolting described in para. 5.2.2, only gaskets listed in Group la (ASME BI6S, Fig. El) shall be used ASME 816.42:1998 6 DIMENSIONS’ 6.1 Center-to-Contact Surface and Center-to- End 6.1.1 Standard Fittings. Centerto-contact surface dimensions are shown in Tables 5 and 9. 6.1.2 Reducing Fittings. Center-to-contact surface fr centerto-flange edge dimensions for all openings shall be the same as those of straight size fitings of the largest opening. The contact surface-to-contact surface dimensions for all combinations of reducers and eccen- tric reducers shall be as listed for the larger opening 6.1.3 Side Outlet Fittings. Side outlet elbows, side outlet tees, and side outlet crosses shall have all ‘openings on intersecting center lines, and the center to-contact surface dimensions of the side outlet shall bbe the same as for the largest opening. Long radius elbows with side outlet shall have the side outlet on the radial center line of the elbow, and center-to-contact, surface dimension of the side outlet shall be the same as for the regular 90 deg elbow of the largest opening 6.1.4 Fittings With Bases. Dimensions of bases for base elbows and base tees are shown in Tables 6 and 10, 6.1.5 Special Degree Elbows. Special degree elbows ranging from I deg to 45 deg. inclusive, shall hhave the same centerto-contact surface dimensions as 45 deg elbows; those over 45 deg (0 90 deg, inclusive, shall have the same center-to-contact surface dimensions. as 90 deg elbows. The angle designation of an elbow is its deflection from straight line flow and is also the angle between the flange faces. 6.2 Facings 6.2.1 General. Class 150 fitings and companion flanges are regularly furnished Alt or with a. 0.06 in. raised face, Class 300 fittings and companion flanges tare furnished with a 0.06 in. raised face. The raised face is included in the minimum flange thickness Q. 6.2.2 Facings of Blind Flanges. Blind flanges rneed not be faced in the center if, when this center partis raised, its diameter ig at least 1 in, smaller than the inside diameter of the corresponding pressure class fiuings, as given in the tables. When the center part " Linear dimensions expressed in decimal factions of an iach ate ‘Scilly common fractons rounded tothe nearest wor place doi ‘Salle Name: ASME Purchased on $u Transaction order number: $tASME 81642-1998 is depressed, its diameter shall not be greater than the inside diameter of the corresponding pressure class fitings, as given in the tables. Machining of the de- pressed center is not required 6.2.3 Flange Facing Finish. Contact faces shall be finished in accordance with MSS SP-6. 6.3 Flange Bolt Holes Bolt holes are in multiples of four so that fitings ‘may face in any quadrant. Pairs of bolt holes shall straddle the center lines. 64 Spot Facing Spot facing is required on ductile iron flanges and flanges on fitings if the flange thickness at any point exceeds the required minimum thickness Q as given in Tables 4, 5, 8, and 9 by more than the following ‘Nominal Pipe Size cess Thicke, in, Max ais 8. 22 019 Diameter of spot facing accordance with MSS SP-9, when required, shall be in 65 Reducing Flanges 6.5.1 Drilling, 0.D., Thickness, and Facing Di- ‘mensions. Flange drilling, O.D., thickness, and facing are the same as those of the standard flange of the size from which the reduction is being made, 6.5.2 Threaded Flanges. The hub dimensions shall be at Teast as large as those of the standard Range of the size from which the reduction is being made. ‘The hub may be larger or may be omitted, as detailed in Table 2, 6.6 Threads for Threaded Flanges ‘Threaded flanges shall have American National St ‘dard Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch) conforming, to ASME BI.20.1, The thread shall be concentric with the axis of the flange, and variations in alignment shall rot exceed 0.06 inst (0.5%). 6.6.1 Class 150 Flanges. Class 150 flanges are nade without a counterbore. The threads shall be chamfered approximately 0 the major diameter of the thread at the back of the flange at an angle of approxi- mately 45 deg with the axis of the thread of afford DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS easy entrance in making a joint and to protect the thread. The chamfer shall be Concentric with the thread nd shall be included in the measurement of the thread length, 6.6.2 Class 300 Flanges, Class 300 flanges may be made with a counterbore. The threads shall be chamfered to the diameter of the counterbore at the back of the flange at an angle of approximately 45 deg with the axis of the threads (o afford easy entrance in making a joint. The counterbore and chamfer shall bbe concentric with the thread. 6.6.3 Length of Threads. The minimum length of effective thread in reducing flanges shall be at least equal to dimension T of the corresponding pressure class threaded flange as shown in the tables, but does not necessarily extend to the face of the flange. See ‘Table 2 for reducing headed flanges. 6.6.4 Threading Tolerances. The gaging notch of the working gage shall come flush with the bottom oof the chamfer in all threaded flanges, and shall be considered as the intersection of the chamfer cone and the pitch cone of the thread. This depth of chamfer is approximately equal to one-half the pitch of the thread, ‘The maximum allowable thread variation is one tun large or small from the gaging notch, 6.7 Stud Bolts, Bolts, and Nuts 6.7.1 Alloy Botting. Alloy stel stud bolts, threaded at both ends or full length, or heavy hex bolts may bbe used. Heavy hex nuts shall be used with all alloy steel bolting 6.7.2 Carbon Steel Bolting (a) Bolts smaller than % in. hall have square heads cv heavy hex heads. Nus shall be heavy Bex (0) Boks % im, and larger shall have square heads or fet heads. Nuts shall Be hex or heavy hex 6.7.3 Bolt Dimensions. Dimensions of all bolts shall conform to ASME BI8.2.1 6.7.4 Nut Dimensions. Dimensions of all nuts shall conform to ASME BI8.2.2. 6.7.5 Threading of Bolts (a) Carbon steel bolting shall be threaded in accord ance with ASME BIL1, coarse thread series, Class 2A for bolts and stud bolts, and Class 2B for wuts (b) Alloy steel bolting shall be threaded in accordance with ASME B1.1. Nominal diameters 1 in, and smaller ‘Soller Name: ASME Purchasad on $u Transaction ordar number:DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS shall be of the coarse thread series: nominal diameters 1% in. and larger shall be ofthe 8 thread Series. Bots, studs, and stud bolts shall have Class 2A dimensions; tuts shall have Class 2B dimensions 68 Gaskets Gaskets for Class 150 flat face Manges shall conform (o the dimensions shown in ASME B16.21. For flanges With raised face, gaskets shall conform (0 limiting dimensions of ASME B16, Annex E. 6.9 Drains 6.9.1 Pipe Thread Tapping. [Toles may be tapped in the wall of a fitting if the metal is thick enough to allow the effective thread length specified in MSS 'SP-45, Where thread length is insufficient or the tapped hhole needs reinforcement, a boss shall be added 6.9.2 Bosses. Where bosses are roquited, the diam eters shall be as specified in MSS SP-45. 6.9.3 Designating Locations. The means of des- ignating the locations of tapped holes oF sockets for drains in fitings is shown in Fig. 2 Each possible location is designated by a letter so that the desired locations for the various types of ftings may be specified without using further sketches or descriptions. 7 TOLERANCES 71.1 Wall Thickness Te wall thickness values for fittings listed in Tables 5 and 9 are minimum, Equipment shall be designed to produce greater nominal wall thickness so that manu facturing variances will not fll below these minimum values. See para. A1.2 in Annex A for the basis used {o establish these values, 7.2 Center-to-Contact Surface and Contact Surface-to-Contact Surface 7.2.1 Center-to-Contact Surface (a) Sizes NPS 10 and smaller, £0.03 ia, (b) Sizes NPS 12 and larger, £0.06 in, 7.22 Contact Surface-to-Contact Surface (a) Sizes NPS 10 and smaller, +0.06 in, (b) Sizes NPS 12 and larger, £0.12 in. ASME 616.22:1908 7.3 Facings Outside diameter, 0.06 in, raised face, £0.03 in, 7.4 Flange Thickness (a) Sizes NPS 18 and smaller, +0.12 in. -0 (b) Sizes NPS 20 and larger, +0.19 in. -0 7.5 Bore of Flanges 7.8.1 Lapped Flanges (a) Sizes NPS 10 and smaller, +0.03 in. (b) Sizes NPS 12 and larger, +0.06 in, ~! 7.5.2 Counterbore of Threaded Flanges (a) Sizes NPS 10 and smaller, +0.03 in. -0 (b) Sizes NPS 12 and larger, +0.06 in. ~' 78 1g and Facing (a) Bolt ciecle diameter, +0.06 in (2) Center-to-center of adjacent bolt holes, £0.03 in. (c) Becentrcity between bolt circle diameter and machined facing diameters: (I) Sizes NPS 2'% and smaller, £0.03 in. (2) Sizes NPS 3 and larger, 20.06 in, 8 TESTING 8.1 General Flanged fittings shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance with para. 83, 82 Flange Testing Flanges are not required to be hydrostatically tested, Flanges attached 10 (or integral with) piping, pressure vessels, of other equipment may be subject to system hydrostatic test (see para. 2.5.3). In such cases, attention should be given to gasket selection because of possible excessive deformation of the flange 83 Fitting Sholl Tests ‘The hydrostatic shell test for flanged fittings shall ‘be mot less than 1.5 times the 100°F rating rounded ‘off to the next higher 25 psi increment, The test pressure shall be 400 psi for Class 150 and 975 psi for Class 300, ‘Soller Name? ASME Purchaeid on $0 Transaction order number: $tASME 816.42-1988, DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS. (a) The test shall be made with water, or with other suitable fluid provided its viscosity is no greater than that of water, at a test temperature not above 125°F. (b) The test duration shall be a minimum of 15 see for fitings NPS 2 and smaller, 60 sec for fittings NPS. 2% through 8, and 3 min for fitting NPS 10 and larger. (c) No visible leakage is permitted through the pres- sure boundary wall Seller Name: ASME Purchased on $u Transaction order number:DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS: ASME 81642-1998 ® > 2 6 7 iz 7 —> Raducing on Reducing on Feducing on Reducing on Both Over ‘One Rn (One Run aod Outlet ‘une (Bullhead) Reducing Crosses ‘ - | _ | | Faducing on ducing on Reducing on Reducing on One Run One Outer Both Outlet: (One Run and Outlet tnd Both Outlets Reducing Lateras . 2 ° pS pS Reducing on Reducing on Trey ‘Branch ‘One Run Side Outlet Toe GENERAL NOTE: In designating the outets of reducing tings, the openings should be read in the order ncicated by the sequence ofthe ate fang dn designating the outlets of side outlet reducing tings, the side outlets named last, and inthe cage ofthe ede Outlet crous (Guhich is pot shown), the sie outlet fe designated by the letter & FIG. 1 METHOD OF DESIGNATING OUTLETS OF REDUCING FITTINGS ‘Solar Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number:ASME 816.42-1098 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS el tho 3 e iy 2 EL ES Babe eter vette ae = e ; Te TS ES Seema tee oom — @&e && AH Ae GENERAL NOTE: ‘Tho above sketches snow two views ofthe same fiting ad represent stings wth symmetrical shapes, with the xcoption ofthe side utlet elbow and te side outlet toe (staight sizes). FIG. 2. METHOD OF DESIGNATING LOCATION OF TAPPED HOLES FOR DRAINS WHEN SPECIFIED ‘Seller Name: ASME Purchased on $u Transaction order number: $tDUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS ASME 81642-1998 vote (1b ipa 2 Note (3) Now note) | Blind Flange TABLE 2_ REDUCING THREADED FLANGES FOR CLASSES 150 AND 300 1 2 3 + 5 é Nominal Smallest Size (Note (2) Nominal Smallest Size [Note (2!] Nominal Smallest Size [Note (2 Pipe Size of Reducing Outlet Pipe Size of Reducing Outlet. Pipe Size of Reducing Outlet Note (41 _Requiring Hub Flanges [Note (4)]__Requiring Hub Flanges (Note (]__Requiring Hub Flanges Fl % 3% % 2 3% M% % 4 1% 1“ a4 "% 4 5 % 6 a 2 1 6 2 18 4 2 M% 8 3 2 4 2 M% 10 Ey 24 4 Notes: (1) Ciass 180 flanges so not have a counterbore. Class 300 flanges wil have a depth of counterbors q of 0.28 in. for NPS 2 and Smaller tapgings and 0.38 in. for NPS 2"; and larger. Tha diameter of caunterbore Sls the same as that given in the tabs Of threaded flanges for the corresponding tapping. (2) The hub dimensions shal be atleast as largo as those ofthe standard flanges of the sizo to which the reduction is being xcept flanges reducing to site smaller than those of columns 2,4, and 6 ray be made from blind flanges. See cy Minimum length of effective threads shall be atleast equal to dimension T ofthe corresponding pressure class threaded flange os shown in tabes, out dows not necessarily extend to the face af the flange. For tread of threaded fanges, see para. 66 (4) For method of designating reducing threaded flanges, see para. 33 and examples 1 and 2 below. Examole 1: The see designation is NPS 6 x 2/4 ~ Class 300 reducing treaded flange. This flange has the following [NPS 2% — taper pipe thread tapping (ASME B1.20.1) 125 in. — diameter of regular NPS 6 Class 300 threaded flange 1.44 in. — thickness of regular NPS 6 Class 300 threaded flange 7.0 in, — diameter of hub for regular NPS 6 Class 200 thraadnd lange (082 in. — height of hub for regular NPS 5 Class 300 threaded flange ‘Other dimensions the same as for regular NPS 6 Class 200 threaded flange, Table 6 Example 2: The size designation is NPS 6 x 2 — Class 200 reducing threaded flange. Use regular NPS 6 Class 200 blind flange tapped with NPS 2 taper pipe thread (ASME 8120.1) Soller Namo: ASME Purchased on $u Transaction order number: $,ASME 61642-1998 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS: e = 4 oe la porcicte ———ol GC nN _ Machine Bolt With Nut +6 ——_ Point height (Nore (1, Fngod Fitting Stud Bok With Nuts TABLE 3_ TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING CLASS 150 DUCTILE IRON FLANGES {Length of Bolts, Outside Dring tNotes (2. (9 t Diameter ein tNonen 8 of Diameter Diameter Pipe Fange, of Bolt of Bo = Number Stud Bolts Machine Size ° Circle Holes of Bolts {Note (31 Boks 1 425 31 82 4 % 278 225 % 62 330 os ‘ % 275 250 1% 5.00 38 082 ‘ % 3.00 250 2 800 475 075 ‘ % 325 275 2% 7.00 550 075 ‘ % 350 300 250 6.00 075 ‘ % 378 325 50 700 078 8 % 378 328 8.00 750 075 8 % 378 325 10.00 850 098 8 % 4800 325 11.00 950 088 8 % 4400 350 1350 nn78 098 8 % 425 375 1600 1425 1.00 2 % 475 400 18.00 1700 00 2 % 475 425 2.00 1875 ue 2 1 525, 450 2350 225 a2 6 : 550 475 8 25.00 2275 125 6 % 6.00 500 20 2750 25.00 125 2 % 625 550 2 32.00 2350 138 20 % 700 600 GENERAL NOTES: {a1 Dimensions are in inches. (6) For other dimensions, see Tables 4 and 5 NoTEs: G3} Length of stud bolts does not inchide the height ofthe point (2) For fiange holes, see para. 6.3 (2) For spot facing, see para. 64 ‘Soller Name: ASME Purchased on $u Transaction order number: $tDUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS ASME 81642-1998 r oa rt r = =o pa 7 ao = al Y Ser Relationship to Flange Thickness TABLE 4 DIMENSIONS OF CLASS 150 DUCTILE IRON FLANGES ‘Comer Length of Radius Diameter Hub and Diameter of Bore Diameter Thickness of Hub Threads _ Wall of of Hub Nominal Diameter of of Flange (Note(tI] [Note (2]] TNckness Raised Lapped Lapped Length Pipe of Port. Flange, Min, Min, = Min, = Min, Face, Min, Flange, Lapped, Size t @ x Y v w s - ¥ 1 a a) 198069 200413802089 % 138 «462022 250 «172019 Oat MB oo fo 288197025088 2 200 600-075 8081.00 Seq ree 011 2100) Pe a 297 ste 3 S00 ee Oe a 500 360 oss .19 3h 380 B50 e ast, 550 410038125 ‘ ac oo ost cs at cer | oa 5 00 = 0G) | nese oes | iad 731869 0ae 18s 6 600 ©7100 1.00788 1.56 cn) crs oes 80 8 Bo 3503285 wer 87500178 10 1000 1600419120019 1275 1092080198 2 1200 1900425438219} t500« 292 aso 2.19, ao 200 Gee ier ame | Oe eee iam) | ont = nD 18 18002380 1ak 18.00 2.50 100 ©1850-1619 «050 8 1800 2500186198826 106 21001820050 2 zo00 7750189 2002.88 z300 2025 «0504.08 mam tae 828 27252428 0504.38 GENERAL NOTES: (a) Dimensions are in inches, (©) For tolerances, see Section 7, (c) For facings, see para. 62 (a) For flange bolt holes, see para. 63 and Table 3 (e) For spot facing, see para. 6.4. {t) For reducing threaded flanges, see Table 2. (g) Blind flanges may be made with or without hub atthe option ofthe manufacturer. NOTES: (1) This dimension is for large end of the hub, which may be straight or tapered. Taper shall not exceed 7 deg on threaded land lapped flanges. (2) For thread of theaded flanges, sce pare, 6, n ‘Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number: StDUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS ASME 81642-1998 NOWWuLsNTH § a1avL ee oe Gy Hy Hf Zi ‘Ol fr | | (O) Nom FE < oy NA vee Wah | Ey ‘toon ros meas 8706 beeen og ‘Seller Name? ASME Purchated on $u Transaction order number: $ASME 81642-1098 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS 159 “bed 898 suleyp 404 1:9 eued 22s ‘smog aai6ap jtoeds Jo suossueunp pus-orsuao pue dep 1981U09%01 161409 105 1:9 eued 298 ‘s6unuy foto apis Jo svo|suauulp pus-o}setuea pue ‘aaene 3281U00-01 101089 ‘S9Ul 101099 BuD9sz0IU) 104 '9 eued aes ‘siaonpay auve200 24 pue £9 elke 95's 79 ‘end 998 SBUr90} 103, ‘Luotioag 296 “s20089101 103, figeu soueiajo'sayou! ur Je suOIsUoW 'S3LON TW#3N39 ‘Bed sry uo won iso or ooze owe 008 for oor —~—=«ve ooze wee ve oso oot osu voz 008. cose «oss oo ovat sve a wo ost oosz oot aoe ze Ose ose ost seu at wo wr osez oot os9 cove = we cove ost sest a to eet ootz ovat 009 oz ose osiz oor sve BL aco svt oot ont os. osre Os cost oozt oot a veo et oot coz 00s. os0z 089 ost out oot o te0 ze ose oot os ora oss oot oo oo. 8 exo oon oot ove ose ose os. ost cos. oo. ° azo 760 ooo ove ose. ose os szor ose os. s sco 60 096 ove oe. oozt oor 006 os oor ’ sto wo ose oss oe. ost ose ose 009 ose. ue zo sco ose 09 oe. ooo oe. sce oss coe. e wo 60 oo os ose. os oe oot cos uz zo 200 008 oo. osz. 008 oz, 059 ost. z sto oso os ory oz oo sez 009 oor ue sto oso 2 ose set sco oz oss see we ovo vo sz oy sc scs scl 003. ose. t “ond 3 a a 2 a v seep, “UW 1° 1onpo ‘moa ‘moa ‘moat Hem Busi Jo ewig =e ‘Sep smipe youerg " su oveoe sreseg “Buoy sjgnog pus, ep 6 snus “s0ss019 weg soe swe ‘SuFONGaY GNV ‘(S3ZIS LHOIVULS) ‘SA NUL ‘STWHALVT 'S3SSOHD ‘SIL ‘SMOBTA HONVUS J1EN0G ‘SMONTA OSL SSV19 JO SNOISNSWIG ¢ STavL 13 ‘Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number: StASME 816.42:1908 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS ew w fe] at wet ote He | ohh Bae “eos sa porthole “Ss gee ae Elbow TABLE 6 DIMENSIONS OF CLASS 150 BASE ELBOWS AND BASE TEES Diameter of Round Base Dring {Note (1 Base or ae width of Nominal Bott Centerto- Square Size of Circle Diameter Nominal Base ‘Base ‘Thickness Thickness Supporting —or Bolt of Fipe {Note (2, tNote(3n of B of Fibs, Pipefor Spacing, Drilled size a B 7 Gi w Holes 2 an 482 050 050 % 350 0.62 2 450 482 080 050 % 350 082 3 488 500 056 050 % 388 062 3 525 5.00 086 050 4 388 062 ‘ 550 600 062 050 2 475 078 5 625 7.00 069 ase % 550 075 6 700 7.00 0.69 asa 2% 550 075 8 338 3.00 094 oe ‘ 750 075 0 975 300 os oe ‘ 750 075 2 1125 1100 100 1.00 6 9.50 086 4 1250 1100 1.00 1.00 6 9.50 ose 6 1378 1.00 00 00 8 950 088 18 1500 1350 cr 1 8 75 088 2 1600 1350 mz ue a 175 088 26 1850 7350 a 1 a 175 0.8 GENERAL NOTES: (2) Dimensions ae in inches. {0} Bases are nt finished uriess so ordeved Notes: (3) Bott hole template hown for round base is the same as fr the flange ofthe supporting pipe sie, except using ony four tole ina cages 90 pated eo ade cenar lines. The asea ofthese fags are ended far support in compression Sand are aot to be used for anchors or suppors in tnsion or shea. For reducing tings, the size and cenertoace dimension of base are determined by the siz of the largest opening of fing. in te case of reducing nase elbows, orders shall specity whether the base shall be opposite the large or smaller pen ‘Te bate dimensions aply to all straight and reducing ses ) %) “ ‘Soler Namo ASME Putchiatod on $4 Transaction order number: $tDUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS. ASME 816.42-1998 |b ——“cotrere ol q DN Flange ‘Machine Bolt With Nut aim pp Point height (Note (11) Flanged Fitting ‘Stud Bole With Nuts TABLE 7 TEMPLATES FOR DRILLING CLASS 300 DUCTILE IRON FLANGES Dring (Notes 2), (3 Length of Boks, Outside | ora owes 2) ___ t Nominal Diameter _—~Diameter_—=—‘Diameter — Pipe of Fang: of Bolt ‘ofBok ——Number_—‘Diameter «Stud Bolts Machine Size ° ‘Circle Holes of Bolts of Bolts——_Note (3). Bots 1 498 350 078 4 % 3.00 250 M% 525 388 078. 4 % 325 275 M% 612 450 ome 4 % 350 3.00 2 650 5.00 075, 8 % 350 3.00 2% 750 588 oa, 8 % 4.00 325 a 228 662 088 8 425 350 3% 9.00, 125 08s. 8 425 375 4 10.00 788 088 8 450 378 5 1.00 9.25 088 8 478 425 6 i280 1082 028 2 475 425 8 15.00 12.00 1.00 2 % 550 475 0 1780 15825 una 6 1 625 550 2 2050 1778 125 6 % 675 575. “4 73.00 2025 125 20 ve 7.00 625, 6 25.50 22.50 138 20 v% 750 650 18 28.00 2478 138 2 % 775 675 2 30.50 27.00 138 24 % 800 725 2 36.00 22.00 182 24 M% 9.00 8.00 GENERAL NOTES: {a} Dimensions are in inches. (©) For othar dimensions, see Tables 8 and 9 Notes: (3) Longth of stud bolts does not inlcude the height of the points (2) For flange bot holes, see para. 63. (3) For spot facing, see para 64 ‘Sellar Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number:FLANGES AND DUCTILE IRON PIPE NOWWYLSNTH 8 3TaVL F eu s01 Ts a wal 4 i t Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction ordar number: StASME 61642-1098 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS “sa6uey paddey pue pape 1 wo B9p 1 posoxs You 1s sade “pavoder 10 ay veme;nuew axa yo uorido aye qny inom 40 "Zoige) 998 90vey papeeiat 1s apeui 0g Aew seBuey pullg ‘SBLON 1W¥IN3D enypey 10409 e ssiewerg ‘S3ONVTY NOU! FTL9NG O08 SSVI9 4O SNOISNAWIG 8 a1avL sive wee oso weve eee wr oe sy cece sce ove ——ovez % evo ooez ovo soz gaz oss | sce tLez_—S 08 stoe «ost o seat cove oso oe sez ws ose = iz, Sez tee a ose oso er. az fee cy fecxt 0G | ore) ose | ara a sty szat ost anos eee sty ove]! oral cre: towed crcl) mt vezi cost oso zz | (aez or oo} wz Sez gtz az z aero sez oso wo | lz eee che foci coe ea 0st | e000! oO see 290 ost sce 00 wz we seo zt co 8 seo ose oso we soz oz ost coo 2 eos wee wo as oz = ovz avlt oo 5 coy a9 wo oo eet ae ooo: cow ® ery oss sco ove ser set 08 EE coe 03 seo oe. erat see € zy leo wz ost ost ree re ee ze eo ove ey a os9 oz z ez so ist cm uo LHL ose evo zw sor got ocd ei ee coz zo eet sor oot wy OL 1. m a a a 0 7 aoe epee Gy ‘aueig “04 70 pesey pede ssML ani io seawe) yomewng —jowiogjo 0g mo widuey goH ye sseuyan, seeweg 7 ‘Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number: $NOUWULSNTH 6 TT8vL. DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS betes ‘ASME 81642-1998 rm sa pen = | i) = weaker || eee ‘ll GA (mo tes ‘hoy tras ous P08 { YY : y | OK bys ‘Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number: StASME 81642-1998 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS. 159 “eed 905 sul6yp 403 19 e1ed aes ‘emogia 2460p j\20d8 40) suo|suowup pu-oyoqu09 pus aoepins y2eU0> v9 ‘Larges pur €9 esed 998 'so}04 79 ‘eed 005 s6u 1, uonoag 99s ‘seouesajot so: ‘960d snojnoid uo uonesiny g eige, souaieos ‘savant ae eUOIeUEWIG {i ‘SLON 1WU3N39 60 sce oe owe nor way oz ‘ove ose ‘ooez % wo ose ose oz os os0r = ost oor ost oot o 30 eee owe vost ove osue 0008 ose ovat oot at 60 st ossz ooet ove ove ose ove oso sest a 290 ze ooez oot on cole ose ogiz ost see m 90 coz ogee dove og oz = 008 oor ooet coz a oso ae ost oot os cove = 00% ose ost oor a wo wt ost oot os osaz 009 oom ovat coe 8 seo wh ose cos oor oss ov ose oo ° 80 eet oo coe oe 008 sco 008 oo 3 ico scl oot oz ove. os 008 oon coy y zo out 006 os ove. oor ose. 089 ose ue azo wv se 009 ove. ose. st 009 oe a ose. oor oss. ose 4a oe 059 00s. oz z sez 009 os. os i oz, 053 sce set mL sre os oor oo t 2 2 “a ‘woug “moa Sep sy smpey Buoy pu oni eoeg — sniueg —aseycr © Bopogesey “S001 mona “eyieueg caewieg —-etseweg Bap 06 9205 04s “ey see99 ‘SUBONGTY GNV (S3ZIS LHDIVULS) $A 3NUL ‘STVHALVT ‘S3SSOUD ‘S441 ‘SMOATA 00E SSVID JO SNOISNSWIG 6 FT1aVL 9 ‘Soller Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number: St‘ASME 816.42-1998 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS Sen ae eres | iC u\ & 4 : TABLE 10 DIMENSIONS OF CLASS 300 BASE ELBOWS AND BASE TEES ~ Base Dring (Note (1) Diameter of Round Base of Conter-to- ‘Width of Diameter Nominal Base Square Base Thickness ‘Thickness Supporting of Pipe Note (zi, Note (3, of Base, of Ribs, Pipe for Drilled Ste a s T uv Base Holes 2 “450 528. 075 050 Me 075 24 475 525 075 050 M% 075 3 525 er ost osz % 088 3h 562 12 ost 062 vs os 4 6.00 650 83 ose 2 075 5 675 780 1.00 075, % S28 oa 6 750 750 1.00 075, mh 5.88 ows a 9.00 10.00 125 as 4 788 os 0 1050 10.00 125 ous 4 788 os 12.00 1250 aa 1.00 6 1082 ona 1“ 1350 1280 waa 1.90 6 1082 0.88 6 1475 1250 1a un 6 1082 088 8 1625, 15.00, 192 a2 8 13.00 100 20 1788 15.00 162 125 8 13.00 100 24 2075 1750 188 125 10 15.25 ae GENERAL NOTES: {) Dimensions are in inches. A} Bases are not finshed uniess so ordered. NOTES: (1) Bolt hole template shown for round base isthe same as forthe flange of the supporting pipe size, except using only four holes in all cases so placed as to stradale center lines, The basos of thes fitings are intended for support in compression and are not to be used for anchors or supports In tenon or shear (2) For reducing tings, the size and center to-faca dimensions of bases are determined by the sie ofthe largest opening of fitting. In the case of reducing base elbows, orders shall speciy whether the base shal be opposite the larger ar smaller opening. (9) The base dimensions shall apply to straight and reducing sizes. 20 ‘Soler Namo ASME Putchiatod on $4 Transaction order number: $tDUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS ‘ASME 816.42-1998 ANNEX A METHODS FOR ESTABLISHING PRESSURE-TEMPERATURE RATINGS (This Annex i an integral part of ASME 816.42-1998 and is placed after the main text for convenience.) Al GENERAL 1.1 Introduction Pressure-temperature ratings in this Standard have been determined by the procedures in this Annex. The primary consideration in establishing ratings is adequate wall thickness to sustain stresses due to pressure and. other loadings. See para. A1.2, Other considerations affecting or limiting the ratings include (a) stresses in flanges resulting from bolt-up neces- sary {© maintain gasket seal; (b) distortion of flanges and flanged fittings due 1 loadings transmitted through the pipeline; (c) limitations applying primarily to valves but im: posed also on flanges in order to maintain compatible ratings A12 Wall Thickness Wall thickness requirements for flanged fitings are set forth in para. 7.1, and minimum thicknesses tq are listed im the tables designated in para. 7.1. These values are all greater than those determined by Eq. (1). 5 P.d/(25~12P,) o calculated thickness, in, P= pressure rating class designation expressed in Psi (e.g. Pe = 150 psi for Class 150) 4 = inside diameter of the fiting, in. S = stress factor of 7000 psi Equation (1) gives thickness $0% greater than for 4 simple cylinder designed for a stress of 7000 psi when subjected to an internal pressure equal 10 the pressure rating class designation in psi. Actual values in the dimension tables listed in para. 7.1 are approxi- mately 0.1 in, 0 0.2 in, heavier than those given by the equation a ‘A2 RATINGS IN CUSTOMARY UNITS A2.1 Ambient Rating Equation Ratings for -20°F to 100°F temperatures for al pressure classes are established by Eq. 2) Py = P.5/8150 Q where Pr = rated working pressure, psig, for the material at temperature T pressure rating class index expressed in psi (P, = 300 psi for Class 300 and P, = 11S psi for Class 150) Si = selected stress, psi ‘The selected stress S; shall be the lowest of the following values: (a) 60% of specified minimum yield strength at 100". (b) 1.25 times the allowable stress at 100°F. The allowable stress shall be determined by the cules of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 1, Appendix A-150, P, S| = 31,300 ~ (77/4985) 8 Using 100 as the value for 7, Eq. (3) establishes an upper limit for bolt loads approximating 125% of allowable stress for ASTM A 193 Grade B7 bolting A2.2 Ratings for Class 150 ressure-temperature ratings for Class 150 flanges and flanged fitings are determined as follows. (a) The value for pp at temperature T CR) for temperatures from 400°F to 650°F shall be that given by Ea. (4), ‘Sellar Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number:ASME 81642-1998 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS pr = 320-037 ® “The limits of T are 400°F min, and 650°F max. (6) The values for pr between 100°F and 400°F shall be determined by linear interpolation of the values. calculated for py at 100°F using Fas. (2) and (4). A2.3 Ratings for Class 300 Pressure-temperature ratings for Class 300 flanges and flanged fittings are determined as follows. (a) The value for py at temperature T (°F) for temperatures from 400°F to 650°F shall be that given by Ea. (5) pr = 645-037 o ‘The limits of T are 400°F min, and 650°F max. (b) The values for pr between 100°F and 400°F shall be determined by linear interpolation ofthe values calculated for pr at 100°F and 400°F using Eqs. (2) and (5) 2 ‘Soler Name? ASME Purchated on $u Transaction order number: $DUCTILE IRON PIPE FLANGES AND FLANGED FITTINGS ‘ASME 816-42-1998 ANNEX B REFERENCES (This Annex is an integral part of ASME 816.42-1998 and is placed after the main text for convenience.) ‘The following is a list of publications referenced in this Standard ASME BI.1-1989, Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN ‘and UNR Thread Form)! ASME B1.20,1-1983 (R1992), Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)! ASME B16.5-1996, Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings! ASME B16.21-1992, Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges! ASME BI8.2.1-1996, Square and Hex Bolts and Screws (Anch Series)! ASME BI8.2.2-1987, (R1993) Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series)! ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1995 Edition, Section T, Power Boilers! Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engi- neers (ASME), Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 ASTM A 193/A. 193M-97a, Specification for Alloy- Sicel and Stainless Stee! Bolting Materials for High- Temperature Service ASTM A I94/A 194M97, Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High-Pressure and High-Temperature Service ASTM A 307-94, Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60 000 PSI Tensile Strength ASTM A 395-88 (R1993), Specification for Ferriic Ductile Iron Pressure-Retaining Castings for Use at vated ‘Temperatures "May aso be obtained fom Amencan Nato Stan tstione (ANSD, LI Wert 2nd Stet Now York, NY 10036. 2 Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Consho- hhocken, PA 19428-2959 TSO 9000-1: 1994, Quality management and. quality assurance standards — Part |: Guidelines for selection and use 180 9000-2: 1997, Quality management and quality assurance standards — Part 2: Generic. guidelines for the application of ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and 150 9003 180 9000-3: 1991, Quality management and quality assurance standards — Part 3: Guidelines. for the application of ISO 9001 to the development, supply, and maintenance of software 150 9001: 1994, Quality systems — Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, instal~ lation, and servicing ISO 9002: 1994, Quality systems — Model for quality assurance in production and servicing 150 9003: 1994, Quality systems — Model for quality assurance in final inspection and test Publisher: Inernational Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1 rue de Varembé, Case postale $6 CH-1121 Genéve 20, Switzerland/Suisse MSS SP-6-1996, Standard Finishes for Contact Faces ‘of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings MSS. SP-9-1997, Spot Facing for Bronze, Iron and ‘Steel Flanges (MSS SP-25-1998, Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions MSS SP-45-1992, Bypass and Drain Connections Publisher: Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS), 127 Park Street, NE, Vienna, VA 22180 ‘Seller Name: ASME Purchased on fusTransaction order number:‘Soler Name? ASME Purchated on $u Transaction order number: $ANNEX C QUALITY SYSTEM PROGRAM (This is a nonmandatory part of ASME 816.42-1998 and is provided for informational purposes only.) The products manufactured in accordance with this Standard shall be produced under a quality system program following the principles of an appropriate standard frem the ISO 9000 series.’ A. determination of the need for registration andéor certification of the The series i also available fom the American National Siandards Insitute (ANSI and the Armenian Society foe Quality Cont (ASQC) as American Nation Standards tht are sented by 8 ‘refx "Q" replacing the pref °TS0." Each sandal o he sent [8 isted under Amex C product manufacturer's quality system program by an independent organization shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer. The detailed documentation demon- strating program compliance shall be available to the purchaser atthe manufacturer's facility. A weitten sum- ‘mary description of the program utilized by the product, manufacturer shall be available to the purchaser upon request. The product manufacturer is defined as the ‘entity whose name or trademark appears on the product in accordance with the marking or identification require ments of this Standard. ‘Sellar Name: ASME Purchased on Su Transaction order number:AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PIPING, PIPE FLANGES, FITTINGS, AND VALVES ‘Scheme forthe Identification of Piping Systems... .se-0. a A12.1-1996 Pipe Threads, General Purpose (inh. '8120.1-19831a1992), DDryseal Pipe Tareads (Inch) 31203-1976(81991), ‘cast ron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fitings: Classes 25, 125, and 260. cover B16.1-1998 Malleable fon Thveaded Fitings: Classes 160 and 200. 816.1098, Gray iron Threaded Fitings: Classes 125 and 250 CII pnee-1998 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (NPS Y Through NPS 24) 3165-1096 Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings : : B169:1993, Face-to-Face and Endto-End Dimensions of Valves '816.10-1992 Forged Fittings, Socket Welding and Threaded. SOLE 816.11-1996 Cast ron Threaded Drainage Fittings : 16-12-1998 Ferrous Pipe Prugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe Threads me 16.14.1991 Cost Bronze Threaded Fitings: Classes 125 and 250 a 6.15-1986(71994), Cont Copper Alloy Solder Joint Prassure Fitings. ei *B16.18-1984(1994) ‘Metalic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges: Ring-Joint Spiral Wound, and Jackoted.- = 1316.20-1998 Nonmetalic Fat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges : 1B16.21-1992 Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Solder Joint Pressure Fitings [816.22-1995 (Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fittings — OW. '916.73-1992 Cast Copper Alloy Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fitings: Classes 150, 300, £00, 600, 900, 1600, and 2500 .-....--. 81624-1991 Bunwelding Ende i" aes 1816.25-1992 Cast Copper Alloy Fitings (or Flared Copper Tubes oo : Tee 26-1968 Wrought Stoo! Bunwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns : '816.28-1994 Wrought Copper and Wrought Copper Alloy Solder Joint Drainage Fitings — OWV 21816.29-1994 Cast Copper Alloy Solder Joint Fiting for Sovent Drainage Systems. UT ew6.2 1992 Manually Operated Metalic Gas Valves for Use in Gas Piping Systeme up to 125 psig (Sizes % Through 2) a : 5 816.33-1900 Valves — Flanged, Threaded, and Welding End EEE : q 1816.34.1996 Once Flanges '816.26-1996 Large Metalic Vaives for Gas Distribution (Manvally Operated, NPS 2¥; to 12, 126 psig Maximum) »-....876-38-1885(R1994) Malleabe Icon Threaded Pipe Unions. 76.39.1998 Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gos Shutotts and Vaives in Gas Distribution Systems r6.40-1985197994) Functional Qualification Requirements for Power Operated Activa Valve Assemblies for Nuclear Power Plants... Br6.41-1983197909), Ductile ron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 180 and 200, 1316.42-1998 Manually Oporated Matalic Gas Valves for Use in House Piping Systeme '316.48-1995 Cast fon Fittings for Savent® Drainage Systems cess 1316.45-1998 Large Diameter Stee! Flanges (NPS 26 Through NPS 60)... mt : 1316.47 1096 Steel Line Blanks vss.sesee 2 816.48-1997 Power Piping CIENT SO gst-1906, Fuel Gas Piping (not an ANSI standard) aon ret 5312-1968 Process Piping SONI [8313-1996 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids ae Sigsi¢-1982 Refrigeration Piping 8315-1982 ‘Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems. i 18318-1995 Building Services Piping. . 8319-1988 Slurry Trensportation Piping Systems a 31.11-1989 Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength af Corraded Pipalines 8916-1991 Welded ond Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe mee 86.10n-1995 Stainless Stee! Pipe... 1536.19M-1985(R 7994) Solf Operated and Power Operated Safety Reited Valves Functional Spaciication Stendard 1NZ78.1-18751R1992) The ASME Publications Catalog shows 2 completa lst ofall the Standards published by the Society. For @ complimentary catalog, oF the latest information about our publications, call 1-800-THE ASME (1-800-843-2763), ‘Soler Name? ASME Purchated on $u Transaction order number: $SBN 0-7938-25 wu
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