Verbal Seduction Tips: Increase Her Sexual Arousal and Make Her Want You

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Verbal Seduction Tips: Increase Her

Sexual Arousal and Make Her Want You

The power of seduction is in your voice. Use it to seduce women into your arms and
into your bedroom...
When you use my my verbal seduction tips, women will feel more sexual attraction for
you. This approach allows you to seduce a woman with your words and then with your
body, so it's a double-attack on her senses!
Have you ever approached a random woman who made it obvious that she liked you
and wanted to talk to you? Then, after you began speaking, she suddenly looked
disappointed and walked away, leaving you wondering what you did wrong.
Often, its because the way you are using your voice is unattractive to women. Good
body language, eye contact and conversational skills are not enough to seduce a woman
into your bedroom. You also need to know how to use verbal seduction.
If youre ready to put some of verbal seduction tips to use in your own life, let's get

Record your voice: Use a handheld voice recorder, your answering machine or
computer software to get a voice sample. Just use your natural voice to get an
idea of how you sound when talking to women. Start a conversation with an
imaginary woman. Then, try to keep it going and keep it interesting.
Listen to the results: Be honest to yourself about what you hear and make a
note on what you need to change. Maybe you tend to speak too fast or too slow,
or do not take the time to clearly pronounce words when talking.
Practice changing your vocal tones: Work on the areas of your voice that need
improvement by repeating a statement or phrase with different vocal tones, rerecording as needed until you have improved your skills.
If your voice sounds nervous, unemotional or boring, make your tone of voice
warmer and sometimes a little more sexual. You can do this by lowering your
tone and little and smoothing the rhythm of your voice out as you talk.

You can use my verbal seduction tips to:

Turn up her attraction: Whenever you are speaking to a woman, you can use
certain verbal seduction techniques to increase her attraction. It helps when you
are on the telephone, in person, on a date or in the bedroom.
Make yourself more confident: Your tone of voice will often determine
whether a woman says yes when you ask her out, or suggest something. The
more confident you are the better. Just make sure that its relaxed confidence.

Make her want you and only you: The texture and tone of your voice is
different from anyone elses in the world. Your voice is a personal signature that
you carry around with you, helping you connect with women in a unique way.

Change her perception of you: Maybe you dont make the best first
impressions with women. Use my verbal seduction tips to make her feel like you
are the perfect man she has been waiting for.

Verbal seduction may be the key to help you finally break free from being just friends
with the girl you secretly love, getting youre a woman that youre dating casually ready
to have sex with you, or helping you to feel confident and relaxed while talking with
and interacting with women.
I want to teach you so much more about verbal seduction and if click below, I'll show
you how you can access my BEST verbal seduction tips.

Alpha Male Voice Resonator

Alpha Male Voice Resonator As promised, from my post about Alpha Body Language',
I offered techniques on how to achieve that deep booming voice' that most of the gurus
talk about. And since the only people I enjoy teasing are women, I'm going to deliver
the goods.
Background: I consider myself a good/ very good actor. I don't have problems getting
work, but if there is one area where I outclass mostly every other actor in, it is with my
voice. I make my living doing cartoon voices and dubbing movies.
Okay, so you're in a club, you're opening a set, and you have to keep their attention
with, among other things, a voice that can project over the loud music. Now, a simple
method would be to lower your voice by talking deeper. Many people try this by just
lowering their Adam's apple. This is wrong. Many may find by the end of the night, that
their voice is totally fucked after yelling for a bunch of hours in a smokey environment.
If you want to permanently fuck up your voice for years to come, then keep doing this.
However, if you want to develop a voice where you don't have to yell, and you just
naturally speak in an Alpha voice, then read on.
1. Breath placement/ resonators.
First, let's locate the proper resonator placements. A resonator is basically where your
voice vibrates from. Say this out loud "Ahhhhh" for about five seconds. Try to notice
where your voice is vibrating from. There are four major resonators we are going to deal
with here.

a. Head voice. Say "Ahhh" again, and try to make it resonate from the top of your head.
Place your hand on the top of your head, and heighten your voice so that you feel the
vibration on the crown of your head. You will notice this voice is far more high-pitched
than your normal voice. Feel it? Good. That's your AFC voice. Use it only in comical
b. Throat voice. Saying "Ahhhh" again, try to make it resonate from your throat voice.
Now, you will notice that you have much more range here, but even when you lower
your voice to a deeper tone, it will seem a bit forced.. almost like a newscaster or an
informercal announcer. This is where most guys are resonating from. It's natural, but
this must be fixed.
c. Chest resonator. Many times when I see an HB, my physiology reacts, and I begin to
hold in my breath. My breath is held in the upper chest. All the air is in that upper area,
and I stifle the full quality and range of my voice. I think a lot of us do this. If you are in
this area, you are not relaxed. You want your deep, booming voice to come from a place
where you are relaxed, as this will be congruent with your body language. Now, try to
resonate your voice downwards so that it vibrates from your sternum. Your sternum is
that vulnerable place center and downwards from your pecs and above your ab muscles.
Say " ohhhh" to find this resonator.
d. Gutteral resonance. Okay, here we are: the Alpha resonator. Stand with your legs at
shoulder width apart, and resonate the word "uhhhh" until you find it resonating from
your lower belly, or your gut (guttural). You will find it to be much deeper than the
others, and in fact, you will have to take a deeper, more relaxed breath to access this.
You should be able to feel it resonate in your upper groin, and through your anus as
well. It should feel good. In fact, when having sex, when you resonate your moaning
from here, it increases the experience. Many tantra experts advocate this. As this is the
place where you should be talking from, you will notice no strain on your throat, your
adam's apple is centered, and you feel more relaxed. As well, you will notice that your
lower belly will stick out somewhat. Notice how guys like Pavorotti are fat? His
resonator is huuuuuge. Most operatic singers do NOT work their abs, as those tight
muscles are too tight and inflexible to access this resonator. This also might seem
conflicting with your Alpha body posture, but you will find that it flows with the
curvature of your spine.

Okay, great, now that we've located this, it's time to sustain it. Your voice is built up
with muscles, and as a lot of guys here go to the gym to work their biceps and pecs, you
need to build these muscles as well on a day-by-day process. When I'm doing any
performance, including call a chick on the phone, or going out to a club, I do a thrity
minute routine to locate my voice and to center and relax myself. I don't have the time
to give you my entire workout right now, but I will concentrate this small tutorial with
the basic exercises that you will need to obtain, maintain and sustain the Alpha Male
2. "Glottals Times Three : Ed Is An Odd Egg Up On An Eve"

Okay, you see that weird phrase up there that starts with "Ed" ? I want you to only use
the vowels in each word. Sustain this sound, and resonate it three times, stopping briefly
between each sound. Huh? I'll demonstrate:
a. "Ed" would be said as: "EhhhhEhhhh Ehhhhhh". Make sure you feel your belly
resonating. Do not take an inhale between each one. Do it all on one breath, pausing
briefly between each one, and sustaining the breath in the same position. Some of you
may notice you are jutting your belly out, and your sound comes out choppy or forced.
Keep doing this until it comes out smoothly, almost like a song.
b. "Is" would be "IhhhIhh Ihhhhhhh". Remember to sustain the last one longer than
the first two.
c. "An" : This is what is called a "flat" a, as in "Apple" or "Aveue," or "Alpha". It is not
the same "A" sound as "Apartment", "Always" or "Also". You notice this because as
you watch the formation of your mouth you will see the shape inside your mind's eye
changes. Try it. Feel where your mouth changes inside.
d. "Odd" This vowel sound sounds like "Awe". Like the o' in God. You will see it's easy
to access the lower resonators here. Try this sound, as well as the "O" sound in words
like " Owe" and "Over".
e. "Up" This sound is "Uhh.. uhhh.. uhhhhhhhhhh".
f. "An". Notice this vowel sound? It's the exact opposite as the one I spoke about in c.'
g. Eve' - (the stage name of my ex-girlfriend who's a stripper.. hehe). Notice this "E"
sound to be totally different from the E' sound in Ed'. This resonator will resonate
higher, more like in the chest.
As it is important to access the Alpha male resonator, try ALL of these in ALL of
resonators. This is because in order to tell an interesting story, you need to use all sorts
of different tonalities. As you begin to repeat these exercises on a daily basis, you will
notice your higher resonating areas will begin to vibrate and resonate more loudly.
Let me just clear up something: Projecting your voice does not mean yelling. Amateur
actors do this. When you go to the theatre, the actors are not yelling at each other, but
they are speaking in a hightened voice so all can hear. As long as your voice resonates ,
you will not have to worry about yelling. The resonation takes care of this for you. It's
like when an AFC driving his car by you booming his loud music. What do you hear
when he drives off in the distance? The bass. Why is that? Most sound engineers and
muisicians will tell you that bass travels farther than all other sounds because it vibrates
through the ground. When my parents used to come into my room to tell me to lower
my music, I wouldn't actually lower the volume. I'd just lower the bass, and they
wouldn't complain again.
The goal here is to plug the bass' into ALL of your resonators so you can be heard
clearly, and conscisely. As well, when doing your phone game, you will be astounded at
how many girls will get turned on by your phone voice. I have f-closed so many girls

over the phone over the years that I can't even count them anymore. This makes it so
much easier to f-close them in real life, because they've already pictured doing this with

Have fun, practice these, and above all, let me know how it's going and if you need
more clarification. I will post more exercises in the coming days/weeks as you master
these. Some of these will blow your minds at how effective they are.
All the best.

Become the Intelligent Conversationalist

by Brian Follow me on Twitter

Its 10:30pm. The radio plays your

favorite song as you sing at the top of your lungs in the shower. The date is set for
11pm, as you run through your mind the possible outcomes of the date.
Last night you and Sarah hit it off at the club, youre feeling good about the evening.
The only problem was that you were pretty drunk, and you hope that you can bring the
same energy that you brought last night. The date is set! Dinner and a movie, seems
casual, right? Thats what they did back in the 60s, it must work now.
You drive up to Sarahs house and she jumps into your car. You start talking to her, but
your nerves begin to get to you. Your voice is quiet when you speak, your eye contact is
weak throughout the date. You speak with uncertainty, and the date rolls by with an
awkward aura.
The date seems to crawl by, but Sarahs hot and you want another shot at her. When
dropping Sarah off, you ask for a second date.
Sarah: Thanks! This was fun, but Im really not feeling it.

That girl was a bitch, bro..

I always find it funny when guys ask me what to say to girls. Fumbling for words is
never a good thing, but its not the words that makes it bad, its the fumbling.
If you havent read my first book, check it out here. In the book I talk about how 93% of
communication is nonverbal, and only 7% is verbal. Thats awesome, but how do you
talk to girls and apply this knowledge? I can speak from experience by saying that when
I wrote the book, I didnt fully understand how to apply the concepts.
This week has been extremely good. Social Gym has brought a lot of valuable lessons,
and Ive learned more about the other 93% of communication in these past two weeks
than I have in the past 10 months.
Over the course of the past 10 months, Ive been avid in improving my body language. I
have daily posture exercises, and I ensure that my movements are calculated and
confident. The external actions have an effect on the internal state. A lot of people feel
confident, so they have confident body language as a result. You can feel insecure, and
have confident body language, and it will work its way outside in.
Ive never understood the tonality part, though. 93% is nonverbal. Of that 93%, 55% is
Body Language, but were still left with the dreaded 38% of communication that has the
ability to make or break your social interactions.
Tonality can be broken down into four basic categories. These categories have room for
development, but these are the basic four as a starting template. Each one of these four
categories is circumstantial based on the way we act through our emotions, but you can
use these different kinds of pitch ranges to elicit different reactions.

There is Breaking Rapport tonality, Neutral tonality, Seeking Rapport

tonality, and Monotone.

Breaking Rapport
Dogs dont understand what youre saying, but they understand how youre saying it. If
your dog takes a shit on your bed, youre not going to welcome him in with your voice.
Comeere boy!
Youre going to scorn him for shitting on your bed.

Think of when your dad isnt yelling, but hes raising his voice. Breaking Rapport
tonality means that youre communicating with the other person that you dont want
something from them, in a way you want to scorn them. The vocal pitch in your voice
curves downwards when you say something. Hey!! You pooped on my bed!As the
dog runs and hides. Breaking rapport tonality comes out through emotion when one is
angry, annoyed, pestered.


I hate talking to people with no vocal

fluctuation. Think of the teacher that lectured for hours without raising or lowering his
vocal pitch. He says the same thing, as if reading it directly off of a piece of paper. You
may recall using this tonality when your parents told you to clean your room.
Yeah, yeah, Ill do it.
Monotone responses convey that youre not at all interested in what the other person is
saying, or in what youre saying. Monotone tonality naturally comes out when one is
disinterested, or distant.

Seeking Rapport
Youre in the store at 5 years old and you see the toy that you want.
Moooooommm! Cann I please have that??
Seeking rapport tonality communicates that you want something from the other
individual. Think of calling your dog with a warm, welcoming tone. Think of when you
were young and you wanted something from the store, think of when your having a
fight with your girlfriend.
Babe, Im sorry.

Seeking Rapport tonality naturally comes out in times of nervousness, or when youre
anxious, and tends to be spoken from the throat instead of the chest. Seeking Rapport
tonality always communicates that you want something from the other individual. It
comes across weak and beta.

Neutral tonality is the best tonality to have. Neutral tonality fluctuates between breaking
rapport, and seeking rapport. Neutral tonality is best communicated with a strong voice,
speaking from the chest. Neutral is the best of all worlds. Neutral communicates that
youre emotionally stable.

Breaking rapport, seeking

rapport, and monotone tonality is all based on emotional responses to situations.
Breaking rapport communicates that you are angry, monotone communicates that you
are disinterested, seeking rapport communicates that you are nervous and wants
Neutral tonality means that you are in control of your emotions, and although we tend to
act through them, neutral tonality communicates that one is emotionally stable. You
have a wide range of emotions, and being in control of your tonality at all times allows
you to communicate the tonality that you want, instead of letting your emotions dictate
your tonality.

Tonality in Conversation
Each one of the different types of tonality has situational relevance. Ill go into other
articles on this topic, but some quick examples are this.
Breaking Rapport tonality is best used in the club, when communicating with high
value individuals. Hey. I just had to meet you, spoken with a bit of sternness
communicates neutrality. By saying hey, I had to meet you, youre communicating
interest. The way you say it though, communicates that you dont need something from
them. This is best in nightclub scenarios, because high value individuals are usually
approached with individuals seeking rapport. The weak vocal pitch mixed with an
opener of interest communicates that one is a low value individual.

Neutral Rapport tonality is best used in 90% of social interactions. Staying

emotionally stable is an attractive quality. Fluctuate between seeking rapport, and
breaking rapport tonality. (Raise your vocal pitch, and lower your vocal pitch in
Try it right now. Say Hey, come here with a stern voice, then say Hey, come here
with a warm, welcoming voice. Then meet in the middle with a neutral tonality. Hey,
come here. Approaching people in the day, neutral tonality is the best kind to use,
because no one wants to be scorned (breaking rapport) when awoken from their daze,
but nobody wants to talk to somebody who wants something from them (seeking
rapport). You need to be making sure youre calibrating your energy to the environment.

Seeking Rapport tonality always

communicates nervousness. This is the tonality that 99% of men fall into when theyre
first out meeting new people, or when theyre on a date and the nerves get to them.
Their vocal pitch fluctuates upwards; and this communicates one is nervous, or uneasy.
Avoid Seeking Rapport, and Monotone tonality. 99% of men communicate by seeking
rapport. Become aware of this flaw, and fix it in your voice right now. Anytime
someone rejects you, isnt listening to you, or turns away from you, this means that your
tonality isnt communicating the right amount of value to them. Tonality and body
language is the easiest way to communicate value to another individual, for a man who
speaks up with the thoughts on his mind is a man who is always listened to.

It Actually IS How You Say It

The words that come out of your mouth are only worth 7% of communication. This
means that as long as you arent being crude and vulgar, the words are nearly irrelevant.
Its how youre communicating those words, that makes or breaks your social
interaction. 55% of communication is body language (message me for help here), 38%
of communication is tonality, and 7% of communication is words.
These three elements of conversation combine into 100% which creates your vibe.
Everyone talks about vibes, but no ones been able to define them. Your vibe is all three
elements of communication combined into one. Get a handle on the 93%, and the 7%
will be nearly irrelevant. You want to send those good vibrations, and leave people

feeling with positive emotions? It starts with the way youre saying the things that you
are saying to them. Fix your vibe, apply the theory in this article.

Delivering patterns - tonality

How To Lay Girls Guide (Original Free Version)

Delivering patterns - tonality

Back to the Table of Contents

The way you deliver the patterns determines the difference between making
her feel wonderful deep inside or you sounding like a phoney or a pathetic
clown reciting some weird-sounding monologue or script.
Presenting her with the text accomplishes you nothing, the words itself will
not make her feel anything. You have to be the text you deliver, you have to
feel it with her, be with her every step of the way until the final eruption:)
(Yes, women have been reported to have orgasms simply by listening to
patterns being delivered the right way:). So memorising the patterns
presented in this guide does nothing for you, unless you really live out and
not simply recite every word to her.
The patterns that you can find on or in this guide are
mere examples of what pattern-talk is like, they are not spells that make
magic things happen just because they are mumbled out loud. You can
certainly start by memorising some patterns, but you will start having real
success only when you'll be able to make up a pattern on the fly about
anything, that is exciting and close to heart for that one specific girl you are
talking to. It helps if you have a soft, low, mesmerising and a slightly
hypnotic voice, and if you don't try to modulate your voice to become as
such while delivering your patterns:)
(ASF:) "Using a low, seductive voice may seem unnatural at first, but you
must practice. Try tape recording your own voice so you get an idea of how
you sound in general. Then tape yourself reciting a scripted pattern. You'll
hear how stilted and unnatural it sounds. Now tape yourself while

improvising that same pattern, but this time work on making how you say
the words sound soothing and, well, seductive. Don't worry about screwing
up the word order, just concentrate on HOW YOU SAY IT. Also - pause midsentence to create a sense of anticipation and mystery."

Update. Adapted from Ross Jeffries' public seminar tanscript no 1:

Ross: Some of you, your tonality, up until tonight sucked. It just sucks. You
need to practice. You've got to make a commitment to practice these skills.
How many people here walk? How many people here talk? How many
people here can stand up? How many people here are toilet trained? Keep
your hand down, Bruce. Just teasing, ok. Do you think those are all things
that you acquired immediately? Did you pop out of the womb being able to
do it? You had to practice. You must practice these skills on a consistent
basis. I don't know why I have to continue to hammer on this point before
you get it and incorporate it. So let's work on controlling tonality, let's put
your notes down. I dont want to see anyone writing or holding notes, anyone
with a pen in their hand will find their gentile is shrinking. And some of you
have no time to waste. How many of you know what the vowels are? What
are the vowels?
Audience: A,E,I,O,U
Ross: Wrong, here are the vowels. AAAA, EEEE, IIII, OOOO, UUUU. Those are
the vowels. So we're going to do an exercise. Put one hand on your chest so
you can feel the residence of your voice, take a deep breath, put your head
back and say with me. AAAA, EEEE, IIII, OOOO, UUUU. Welcome to the five
hour orgasm. Ok. When you speak to a woman, you should be speaking
such that your voice resinates. When you practice these patterns out loud,
and you must practice every pattern OUT LOUD. Not in your head. Out loud,
because you're speaking these out loud. So, we must learn to control our
tonality. Ok, let's try another exercise. Let's pick a neutral word like
watermelon. Ok. Let's all just say watermelon.
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Try it one more time
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Ok, now. I want you to remember a time when you were angry, really
pissed off and say watermelon as if you were expressing that angry feeling.
Audience: Watermelon

Ross: Again
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Alright, can you remember a time when you were curious? I want you
to say watermelon with a tonality of curiousity. Ready?
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Watermelon, and now seductive and sexy. Say watermelon. Let's start
with this row, ok guys. Let's hear you do your watermelon seductive and
sexy, are you ready?
Audience: Watermelon
Audience: Laughs
Ross: Do you see what I mean? Look, ok, let's hear you say the words,
seduce me, let's hear you say seduce me.
Audience: Seduce me
Ross: Louder, put your hand on your chest, get the resident, no these guys
only, put your head back, take a deep breath and go, seduce me, make it
resinate. Say it out loud.
Audience: Seduce me
Ross: Better, a little louder. This is not observant. Do it. Seduce me, better,
ok, now do watermelon.
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: Suck it in like this and go watermelon.
Audience: Watermelon
Ross: He's got it. Nicky, come on in and have a seat. Ok, do you guys want
to try it? Let's hear it. Let's hear the sexiest watermelon in the world. Are we
Audience and Ross: Watermelon
Ross: That's good. He's got it, go ahead, one more time.
Audience: Watermelon

Ross: Very good. Ok, all together, ready. 1, 2, 3,

Audience and Ross: Watermelon
Ross: If you guys need extra help on doing this you have my permission to
call two 900 numbers. I'm serious. Take them and listen to how these
women speak. Ok, if necessary, call a gay 900 number.
Audience: Laughs
Ross: I'm serious, I'm serious and listen to how they speak. Here's a good
way to make sure you say it right, get the feeling for yourself right here. And
then as you're speaking to the woman, the feeling that you want her to feel
will guide your tonality. Do you get that? So imagine the feeling that you
want to feel right here and then allow that feeling to guide your voice. So as
the warmth of that voice just wraps itself around you like a pair of legs
around your neck, you'll know, really know, on the inside, just exactly what's
happening, you know. You must learn to control your tonality. I can't
emphasize this enough. It is the single biggest stumbling block. Some other
ways to learn to control your tonality. Get a dictionary. Pick out words at
random and experiment saying those words with the right tonality. Pick out
loaded words like troop, love, seduction, connection. Write these words
down. Troop, love, seduction, connection, desire, lust, absolutely fascinated.
Ok. And work on saying these in the right tonality. I just cannot emphasize
this enough. Trying to learn this without getting master of your tonalities is
like trying to drive your car without gasoline. It's just not going to work.

Voice Tonality
The way you speak conveys a tremendous amount of information about who you are
and how much value you have. Using your voice properly can help you hold a womans
attention, and make what you say more attractive, almost regardless of the words
coming out of your mouth. Follow these simple guidelines to improve the way women
respond to your voice.
Speak Low

Women are attracted to masculine traits, and men tend to have lower voices then
women. Therefore, it follows that women will respond better to your voice if you speak
lower in pitch. This doesnt mean that you should speak in your best Barry White
impression, rather, that you need to find the lowest natural part of your speaking voice
and emphasize that.
Singers are often taught about singing from their belly, and you want to do the same
thing. Experiment repeat a simple phrase, and see if you can feel it coming from your
nasal cavity, your throat, your chest, and your belly. As you get used to those different
feelings, youll notice that you can emphasize one or the other. You want to be speaking

from the chest and gut, which will sound lower and more resonant than speaking from
your throat or head.
Speak Slow

When someone panics, they usually speak faster. Theyre in a rush, worried that theyre
not going to be able to say every thing they want to say. This is especially true with
guys approaching attractive women. The words tumble out of them in a rush because
theyre afraid the girl wont let them finish. What they dont realize is that the rushed
speech communicates low value.
Alpha, dominant males speak slowly. They know that they can take their time because
people will listen even hot women. Therefore, slow down. Take your time, and trust
that what youre saying is worth your targets time.
Mystery even takes this to an extreme that can seem almost ludicrous. He will insert a
pause before a key word a pause that sometimes seems big enough to drive a truck
through. So my friend opens the package and inside is a book. Practice this
technique, and notice how people tend to be drawn in by that little pause.
Be aware of the tendency most people have to speed up when they get nervous, and
squash this habit. In fact, when you notice yourself getting nervous, feel free to just
stop, take a deep breath, and then continue at a slower pace. Itll make you sound more
in control, and that will help you feel more in control. As a result, youll be far more
attractive to women.
Be Direct

Ums and Ahs and words to that effect are brutal value-killers. They make you
sound uncertain and weak. Work to eliminate these from your diction. Luckily, when
you feel yourself saying these things, you can usually just say nothing. The delay can
function the same way as the pause Mystery intentionally inserts into his dialog.
Speak Loud

An alpha male is not afraid of the sound of his own voice. He knows that what he is
saying is worth listening to. AFCs, on the other hand, tend to be constantly worried and
afraid to speak up for themselves. Practice speaking just a little louder than youre used
to. Project your words so people can hear you easily.
Following these simple tips loud, low, direct, and slow will have a huge impact on
the amount of attraction you can build in a woman just by talking to her. Start working
on your voice today and see your results skyrocket!

1. Body Language and Tonality for Attraction

Good body language means having no nervousness or tension in your body.
There are 3 types of body language: Macho, Good guy, and Nice guy. The
Macho guy takes up LOTS of space, and looks like he's overcompensating for
something. A Nice guy takes up as little space as possible and looks insecure and beta to
others. The Macho guy faade will get you rejected just as much as
the Nice guy faade. A "Good guy" is somewhere in between and projects a cool,
relaxed image.
Using your body
Lean back
Take up space
Don't fidget, and be relaxed
Smile occasionally but not all the time, it looks insecure if you're constantly smiling
Slow down your movementseven BLINKING and looking around. Relax your
Always eye contact, eye contact, eye contact! Use triangular gazing to amplify
sexual state (looking softly from one eye to the other, to her lips, repeat)
Lean away from women when talking. Rarely lean in.
Use body language as a reward or punishment/take away. If she says something you
approve of, move in closer or touch her briefly, or turn your body more to face her. If
she says something that you disapprove of, lean back, cross your arms or take a step
back, or turn your body more away from her.
Move into her and "slightly" intrude on her personal space. Move in and whisper in her
ear if the place you're in is too loud. Have your lips "accidentally" brush her earlobe
when you go to whisper in her ear.
If youre in a loud club, hold your drink close to your chest when talking to her. When
you lean in to talk into her ear make it so that the outside of your forearm brushes
against her breast gently and momentarily. You might find her starting to ask stupid
questions just to have you lean in again!
If you're walking outside, have her lock elbows with you. This is powerful because it
assumes that you're together.

Get noticed by your body language alone. Walk slowly, with your shoulders thrown
back. Dont just walk, STRUT. Imagine the power youd be walking with if you were
the King of France, walking on a red carpet just for you. Hold your head high and make
eye contact with people frequently Moving in set Always remember that you need to
keep MOVING while you're in set. Don't just walk up, plant yourself in front of the set,
and game them stuck in place like a treeyoull come off weird. One thing that ALL
good PUAs do is simply that they are ALWAYS MOVING while in set. Backturns,
taking a few steps back then forward (as if youre about to leave), sitting down, moving
the set around, etc.
Voice tone and projection
The Macho/Nice/Good trinity also applies to voice quality. For instance, a low voice
(Nice guy) shows meekness and nervousness, whereas an overly loud voice (Macho
guy) shoes overcompensation and insecurity. Also, when it comes to voice and speech
matters, you want to try and cut out "placeholder" words (words that you throw in while
your brain tries to think of what to say next).
Examples of this are "right," "um," and "you know."
Projecting your voice communicates strength and security, and people will take notice
of you. It will allow you to take control of groups better, and is a very useful skill to
have in a loud environment like a club or bar.
Also, work on speaking slower and deeper, andusingPAUSES.
Body language and tonality troubleshooting
There are four major cues that show a lack of confidence:
1. Speaking too quickly. You want to speak powerfully and clearly, projecting your
voice. If you speak too quickly, it looks like you're just running your mouth and don't
really know what to say.
2. Nervous energy. Having lots of nervous energy shows a serious lack of confidence,
almost like you're not comfortable in your own body or nervous about talking to the
girl. If you have this nervous energy, clasp your thumbs in you back pockets and lean
back. This will make you look more laid back and relaxed even if you are screaming
with terror on the inside.
3. Laughing at your own jokes. The last cue that gives away a lack of confidence is
laughing at your own jokes. Laughing at your own jokes undermines the humor and
makes it look like you're trying too hard to be funny. Allow others to determine what's
funny and judge them on it. If you laugh at stuff that isn't funny, you look like a tool.
4. Nervous ticks and fidgeting. You may APPEAR calm and confident when talking to a
woman, but if your foot is shaking, youre gritting your teeth, or youre tapping the
table itll give away the fact that youre nervous. Work to eliminate these habits from
your normal behaviors.

Tonality shifts are huge in all interactions with chicks at any stage. You dont want to be
that boring guy. Change things up!
2. Being a Challenge
When a girl asks you what you did yesterday, never say, "Oh, I just sat around and was
bored." Better to say, "I was up early to run errands and take care of business, then
worked out, met a friend for supper, and went to work." Lie if you have to. And don't
worry, you'll get used to it! "Fake it til you make it"
If a girl calls and asks what you are doing, reply with, "I just walked in the door" or "I'm
just on my way out to take care of some things."
Don't hang on the phone for hours talking to girls indicating you don't have anything
else to do. Get the business of the call over, be pleasant, then excuse yourself. Always
try to get off the phone first.
By not calling a girl every night or contacting her every day, you show that you are busy
and have other things that are important in your life besides her. This lets her know that
she is going to have to compete for your time. Don't always return calls promptly.
If you run into her in public, be pleasant and friendly. Show her that you have an
interest in her, but then excuse yourself because of having things to do. In this way, you
show her that she is going to have to work for your time. You are not "easy."
By letting people know that you are a person doing things and active, you suggest a lot
to a girl. Certainly, you must be someone who knows where you are going, hence,
leadership. You play on her sense of wanting what she can't have because she will have
to compete for your time with all of your other activities. You will appear to be different
from all the other guys who are hanging on her begging for her time. She will suspect
that there are other girls in your life or you wouldn't be so busy. And finally, she is going
to have to use her charms to seduce you away from all these other activities - and girls
just love a challenge.
Make her miss you. But in order for scarcity to be effective you have to be sure of one
thing. The time she does spend with you must be absolutely amazing, and without a
doubt the best time she could have with anyone. You need to be able to create an
awesome, MEMORABLE experience with anyone, anywhere, especially when it really
Also, she can NEVER be the first priority in your life. Always put her second to
something, whether it be your family, career, friends, whatever, but leave a small piece
of hope in her mind that she could become #1.
When dealing with women, DONT OVERSELL! Don't try too hard to attract and
impress. When it shows you're trying too hard, bragging, etc, you're not a challenge,
you're the one trying to prove your worth! Stay relaxed, and make the few actions and
words you use COUNT. Try not to say more than two sentences in a conversation before
you allow her to respond, and no more than five when telling a story.

3. Engaging the Competitive Instinct

Part of being a challenge is bringing out womens natural competitive instinct. Women
want what other women have! Married men will tell you that they get more attention
from women than when they were single. Theyre a CHALLENGE!
If you have a hickey, claw-marks on your back, get caught with lipstick on your collar,
etc., say to the woman who noticed "Well, the ladies are marking their territory". Don't
be all embarrassed and apologetic for it. You don't have to be exclusive with a woman to
whom you have no commitment.
Create competition in the eyes of girlfriends by telling them when meeting their friends
"I think your friend has a crush on me".
In your small talk, discretely drop hints that you have women in your life, possibly as
more than friends. "My friend is supposed to come over tonight. *SHE* wants to watch
a movie or something. But if she can't make it, I'll probably be going downtown."
If the conversation gets on dating and relationships (Which it will, because you will
LEAD it there), throw in: "When I'm talking to girls and they ask me if I have a
girlfriend, they seem really shocked when I say that I'm single." Shell pick up on the
subcommunication: She KNOWS that when a girl asks a guy if he has a GF, thats an
Indicator of Interest. She understands that these girls are attracted to you. This creates
When asked if you see other women, never answer directly. Deflect with humor and say
something like "No, other MEN" or "THOUSANDS. In fact while you were just in the
bathroom I banged one of them." If she just won't leave you alone about it: "Well, yes I
do go out with a lot of girls because I'm picky". Wait for her to talk. She'll most likely
say: "How can you be picky if you go out with a lot of girls? It doesn't make sense."
This is where you'll win her over by saying: "When I find the girl who can keep me
interested then I'll stay with her. I need to go out with different girls to give myself a
chance of finding her. Otherwise I'd have to just stay at home and I'll never meet my
dream girl will I?" By ending this with "will I?" you put her in a position where it is her
turn to answer and any reasonable, thinking woman will agree with what you're saying.


Sub-Communication: Voice Tonality

Posted by Aladin in Uncategorized

According to a whole bunch of sources, over 90% of our communication is non-verbal.

What does that mean? Weve all heard the phrase Its not what you say, its how you
say it! and the reason why is because our body language, hand gestures and voice
tonality (among many, many other things) actually speak louder than our words do.
Why tell a girl youre confident, when conveying this through confident body language
and slow speech is so much more effective? Thus, understanding sub-communications
is important, and voice tonality is a good place to start.
Voice Tonality
Your tone of voice can be categorised into three types:
1. Seeking Rapport
2. Neutral Rapport
3. Breaking Rapport

Seeking rapport can be recognised in most situations where a

subordinate is addressing someone of higher value (like the guy who
tells the jokes with his eyes lit up, craving a reaction from the
audience). The tone of voice travels higher, indicating uncertainty and
an implied desire to connect with the other person (seeking approval).

Neutral rapport is less reaction- seeking. It doesnt imply any kind of

emotional attachment and is seen in most situations where the
interaction is one of social politeness instead of emotional
investment. If you asked someone for the time, or directions to a
Starbucks, they would probably answer in a neutral tone not seeking
a reaction but not cutting off communication either.

Lastly, breaking rapport implies that you do not care whether the
other person likes you you have no concern for their emotional
response to you. This is the total opposite of seeking rapport usually
you are expressing yourself through statements and have no interest
in the other person.

How does this relate to game?

There are certain voice tonalities you want to be using, and ones you definitely dont.
For example, few things will murder your attraction faster than using seeking rapport
to talk to girls. In fact, the only time a seeking rapport tonality would be OK is when
you are mocking her or another guy.
E.g. Youre too nice for me, you need a what-are-we-guy, like that guy over there! I
should introduce you, he would be like *in a seeking rapport tone* Oh wow, a girl!
Talking to me! This is so awesome. Just so you know Im a really good guy, Ill take you
out and buy you nice things I wont try to get in your pants like those other guys.

For the most part, you want to alternate between neutral-rapport and breaking-rapport.
Even though you like the girl, youre still a high value guy with options and selfconfidence you dont emotionally overreach or seek reactions or approval. Its subtle,
and most guys have no idea about this, but your voice tonality comprises a solid piece
of your sub-communications use it to your advantage.

How to Develop a Confident, Attractive Voice

Great orators have the power to inspire the world. They lead with a strong presence and
a confident voice that commands attention.
Could you imagine if Martin Luther King or John F. Kennedy mumbled with timid
How you speak determines how people respond to you. Not just women youre
interested in, but friends, strangers, employers, and everyone you come in contact with.
You can dress well and have the best opening lines but you wont get far without a
strong voice.

Understand Dominant and Submissive Vocal Tonality

There are two main types of vocal tonality: dominant and submissive.
Dominant voices express leadership, assertiveness, and security. They show youre not
trying to impress anyone else. People will trust and respect you more.

Submissive voices express uncertainty, passiveness, and doubt in yourself. They show
youre seeking approval or validation from others. People will distrust and forget about
what you have to say.
What makes a dominant voice and how do you achieve one?
You dont have to sound like a screaming douchebag. But you do have to change the
inflection you place on your sentences, especially towards the end.
Dominant voices stay the same or lower in pitch when finishing a sentence or phrase. It
sounds like youre speaking your mind without hesitation. Submissive voices rise in
pitch almost as if youre asking a question (when youre not) or looking for a response.
Timothy Marc has a helpful video that showcases the difference between the two.
Recognize and catch yourself when you revert to a submissive voice. The two most
common instances are with women and higher-ups at work. Your voice naturally
weakens when nervous or in a position where you feel inferior. Be proactive and work
against it.
Exercise for developing a dominant voice:
Practice by recording various phrases in a dominant and submissive tone. Pay attention
to how the subtle changes in inflection make you sound. Feel the difference in emotion
youre conveying. Repeat until this becomes second nature in your daily conversations.
Use Your Chest, Not Your Head Voice

Now that you understand the difference in vocal tone, we need to make sure your voice
projects correctly. This will aid in building a dominant, authoritative voice.
There are two mediums of vocal projection: your chest and your head.
The chest voice uses your diaphragm to talk. This produces a more resonant, deep, and
attractive tone that carries. It cuts through loud environments without having to yell or
The head voice uses your throat to talk. This produces a thin, light, and grating tone that
falls short. It will not go far and is the reason why guys struggle to be heard. Then they
compensate by yelling which actually hurts their vocal chords.
Start by learning how to diaphragmatic breathe. Most people breathe too shallow which
forces them to use their head voice during conversation. Once you learn how to breathe
correctly, your best voice will come through.
See this article on diaphragmatic breathing techniques to get started. There are tons of
instructional YouTube videos as well.
Exercise to find your chest voice:

Hum at a comfortable pitch. Move the pitch slightly lower; pay attention to how your
chest feels. Hum until you can feel the vibration in your chest. Continue humming and
try to increase the vibration. Next, move the pitch slightly higher; pay attention to how
your nose and mouth feel.
Open your mouth. Hum until you feel the vibration in your tongue and lips, behind and
above your mouth. Continue humming and try to increase the vibration again. Finally,
return to your chest once more. Repeat the whole exercise, always ending with your
chest in order to develop a full, luscious sound.
Exercise to develop your chest voice:
Sitting straight or lying down, put one hand on your stomach. Breath in, attempting to
move your hand out as far as possible. Your stomach should rise while your chest stays
relatively still.
Notice how it feels; this is how you want to breathe when you speak in order to use your
entire lung capacity and get the fullest, strongest, and richest sound.
Exhale quickly but make no sound as you do. Sound is an indication of tension. Breath
in again. Now, when you exhale, say the first letter of the alphabet. Continue until you
reach Z.
As you progress through the alphabet, pretend that with each letter you are speaking to a
target farther and farther away. By the time you reach the end, you should be very loud
and strong.
Take 5 Steps to Build Your Best Voice
1. Speak slower. Nearly every person talks too damn fast. They believe
rushing to say everything will keep the listeners attention. In fact,
talking fast is difficult to understand, distracting, and will get tuned
out. Annunciate your words clearly and fully. Take your time to speak
with purpose.
2. Speak louder. You might think youre loud enough youre not. If
you ever have to lean in or have someone asking What? then youre
too quiet. From the above exercises, use your chest voice to aid in

Another tip that helped me tremendously is to speak through people instead of

at them. Imagine someone standing 3-6 feet behind them and project your voice
toward that.
3. Dont rush to respond. Give yourself an extra second or two to
process what they just said. A confident man isnt afraid to collect his
thoughts. Rushing to blurt out answers makes you seem anxious and
like youre trying too hard.
4. Use pauses effectively. In the same light of not rushing, pace your
words. Pause not only at the end of sentences, but in the middle of
them as well. Think where commas fall as points where you can and
should wait an extra second. Especially with stories, this builds

suspense and engages the listener. Look at how Don Draper

captivates a room with patience.
5. Speak with passion. Get excited damnit! Flat, monotone voices put
people to sleep. Emphasize words in your sentences to reflect your
emotions. Utilize animated facial expressions and expressive hand
gestures to further enhance your conversation. If youre passionate
about what you say, your audience will be passionate about it, too.

Growing up, I was always the kid with the soft-spoken, light voice. I would get down on
myself that I didnt have a deep tone like some of my friends. One day I stopped the
self-pity and put the effort into changing.
I used the advice above combined with a Roger Love vocal warm-up CD and practiced
regularly. I still dont sound like Barry White, but I do have a richer, deeper and more
attractive voice.
It completely changed the way people perceived me. I got taken more seriously. I
received promotions in my workplace. Women responded with raw attraction and my
dating success skyrocketed. Lastly, I became an accomplished, confident public speaker.
Change your voice for the better and itll change your life.

Let me introduce you to the first element of T.E.A.S.E., tonality. Tonality is very
important when you go out and engage with women because tonality can actually sub
communicate a lot of things.
It can sub communicate whether you are a confident person or you are an insecure
person. It can reveal a lot of stuff about you, and tonality has strong effects on how the
person is going to feel.
So lets say, for example, if I tell you I love you, would I say I LOVE YOU in a
loud, assertive voice? Youre not going to feel I love you, right? But if I sit here and
jokingly say, Oh my God, I wanna kill you, youre not going to think Im going to kill
you. Youre not going to feel danger.
Whats happening is tonality. Tonality is actually sub communicating my intentions to
you. I could be talking to you about any stuff here, but how I communicate to you is
going to make all the difference.
So, for example, if youre a big guy and you use very powerful, aggressive tonality, its
going to turn women off, or theyre not going to feel comfortable around you. Whereas,
if youre a small guy and youre using a really submissive tonality, shes not going to
feel attracted towards you either.
I was watching a show this morning on the T.V., and the same thing was happening.
This woman wanted her guy to be very sensitive. And she was like, Oh, I like

sensitive guys the guys who cry, you know, when they watch movies. And then after
he cries, she starts seeing a big, grown baby every time she sees him. And thats what
You want to sub communicate the right image to the woman. Cause if you sub
communicate something wrong, its all gone, its all over.
And its going to be different for everybody else, you know. Like one of the things that
really works for me that I usually tell people is when a Caucasian guy dresses like me,
its no big deal. Okay, there are a hundred thousand other Caucasian guys who dress up
like me. But when an Indian guy dresses up like me and has this accent, it becomes
really cool. People question who the guy is because Indian guys dont dress up like
this. He must be someone really confident, someone really who believes in himself. He
has the accent, so you know that he came from another country, but he can still pull off
this look.
Now I know the accent and tonality are different, but Im trying to give you the
The concept is you convey your identity, you convey everything about yourself with the
tonality you use.
How you are going to feel is exactly what Im going to make you feel by using my
There are some students who dont even recognize that they pretty much sound gay
when they talk. These are straight men. There is nothing gay about them, but somehow
they have picked up this tonality which is very gayish. You know, they would talk to
you like, Oh, you know, you can do this to me and Im serious, girl, we can make it
happen, and what happens is an instant attraction killer. When you use that tonality,
its gone, its gone.
One example that I give to a lot of my students, and this is something people can use, is
think if you have smoked two joints of marijuana right now, how would you feel? You
would almost feel like, Oh, Im so relaxed, ya know, I dont even want to talk right
now. But now, this is too lousy. You dont want to talk like that when you go out
because women will be like, What the hell is going on?
So, I say now inject some coke into your system. So what is going to happen with coke,
like cocaine? So whats going to happen is now the marijuana is pulling you back, so
youre like, Oh, I dont wanna talk, but you know what, at the same time, I am really
pumped up because cocaine is making me want to talk to you. But Im not gonna talk
fast to you because its not just cocaine, and Im not gonna be like oh dude, I dont
wanna talk to you.
So now Im really relaxed, and when I come to you, there are no signs of nervousness. I
dont come and start talking fast to you like, Hey, I just wanted to ask you a question.
No, no, no. And Im not asking like, Hey dude, Im so drunk, so let me ask you this
question. Its like, I am really relaxed when I talk to you. I just wanted you to know
you are really beautiful, and you just caught my eye the minute I saw you.

Now thats a confident tonality, and it can instantly have a very strong, powerful impact
on women. And thats something you want to use.
So thats what tonality is about. And tonality will be different at different levels.
When you go into the set, the tonality you use depends on who you are. Lets assume
youre someone who needs to go with high energy. You would also use that high
tonality to go with that energy.
You cant go and continue to say with high energy and high tonality, Oh I love you!
Lets go home and have sex! Its not gonna happen. Its not gonna have the same
impact as lowering your energy and tonality.
When you reach that level where sex is going to happen or seduction starts to begin,
thats when you start saying, You know what, Im gonna do things to you that no man
has ever done. So my tonality, again, has changed. Its not like, Oh Im gonna do
things to you that no man has ever done with high tonality because it wouldnt work.
Notice all these people around you, like, if you go into the classroom, or to your
friends. Notice how everybody says things differently, and even saying the same thing
has a different impact from different peopleand thats what we do. So, one big thing
of our whole program is fix your tonality, and fix your tonality for who you are, and for
every different level of your interaction with people.
If you can master that, people are going to feel really good about you.
I dont want to pick on any community, but Indians in general, as in Asian Indians,
people who come from India, usually are way more aggressive with their tonality when
they start talking. So when people talk with them, people always feel like theyre
fighting. It almost sounds like, Oh my god, why are you fighting? Why are you in my
face? when theyre not trying to fight with you. Its just theyre aggressive, and they
dont even realize that they need to be a little more relaxed and mellow with their
tonality in order to come across more friendly.
So, its just those small tweaks. When you make that small tweak in a person, theres an
instant change, an instant advancement in this person that you can notice. You can
notice how now women enjoy their conversation, how they can introduce the real side
of them, so they can show how they are confident, but not aggressive, or not
And thats where tonality comes in. If you have the right tonality, and when you know
how to switch tonality from high to low and sexual to non-sexual to confident, you got
it. Youre going to get everything you want.
The difference between tonality and energy is that tonality is more vocal. Energy is not
vocal. So, energy can be your whole body, right. I dont have to say anything. I can
stomp my feet and shake my body and this could be my crazy high energy. But
tonalityI could be totally sitting here like this and say, Dude, Im telling you. This is
going to happen.

Tonality is how you project your voice. Its not only just the volume. Its also how you
project your voice. Its the combination of volume and your voice projection.
Notice the times people would say in order to be alpha, you always have to roll your
shoulders back and stick your chest out. But thats a really bad thing to do because if
you are always rolling your shoulders behind you, youre not subcommunicating the
right messages.
For example, when women get attracted to men, they start preening their hair. Thats a
sign we read. Similarly, when men start rolling their shoulders forward, thats how we
subcommunicate to women that we are getting attracted to them. Now if we force
ourselves to do this hold our shoulders back and chest out, we are never going to be able
to convey those emotions to them.
So, a lot of the times people ask me about that. They say, Oh, but Im gonna lose my
alpha body language if I do bring my shoulders forward, and its not true. Look at
movies like Rock with Sean Connerywith the guys all shackled in chains. There is
nothing alpha about him, but his tonality makes him alpha. His eye contact makes him
alpha, so he can be all shackled, and he can just look up and say, This is how its going
to be. And that tonality, that projection, how you say that message, is what gets the job
done. Thats what tonality is.
And energy is a state of being. Energy is your whole body state. You could be someone
who doesnt even say a word, but you can convey high energy. I can give a high five
with high energy, or if I just do raise my hand up slowly for high five, it is low energy. I
dont have to say anything, but I could be doing this and still have good tonality. So
thats what tonality is.
Are you getting the idea? Its more how you project your voice, and its also how you
convey the message. Not just projection. You have to convey your message within a
certain pitch range, so people feel it or interpret it in a certain way.

Tone of Voice

by Carlos Xuma

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Editor's Note: While this article was written from a male viewpoint, tone of voice
applies to both men and women out there in the world of, arrggghhhh, dating.
I have a very important question to ask you, and it relates to voice tone. I know that the
correct tone of voice to display is one that indicates that you're confident.
Now, when being cocky & funny, teasing a women, etc., should you maintain the same
voice tone throughout the conversation, regardless of what you are saying?
What I am trying to say is that when you communicate with a woman, should you
change your voice tone at certain times when you say different things?
I don't understand this. What is the correct voice tone to project?
Please help me solve this mystery Carlos.
P. S Is voice tone really that important? I mean I am not the type of guy that speaks
with a weak voice tone whatsoever. I speak with a normal voice tone that I think sounds
pretty confident. The reason I say this is because I cant find much information on this
topic. What do you think?


Tone of voice is VERY important. It's something that a lot of guys overlook. And,
unfortunately, it's one thing that women can use to read you in a heartbeat. You see,
every guy out there tells more about what he's made of by HOW he says something
more than WHAT he says.
Yes, you must definitely vary your tone of voice as much as possible.
One of the worst things guys do with their voice is ....
They simply don't vary their voice from a monotone, and as a result they sound ... well,
A woman is interpretive, not literal. She knows that people seldom mean what they
SAY. She's learned this from growing up in social interactions instead of football
huddles. So almost every woman has about a 20 year head start on most guys in terms
of reading between the lines and figuring out the real social dynamics of a situation.
Women grew up having to be indirect with their requests and interactions with other
girls (being too direct was frowned upon), so they learned very early how to understand
when another girl wasn't saying what she really thinking.
And that means women have it all over guys in terms of her ability to read tone and hear
what a guy is saying UNDERNEATH his words. Guys need to develop this ability, too.
Let's use an example where you asked a woman to go out on Thursday.
She says: "I'm busy that night."
Now, if she emphasizes the word "busy," she's probably blowing you off and doesn't
want to get together. If she emphasizes the word "that," she's telling you that particular
night is not available, but you might need to suggest another night. You have to listen
for these small subtleties and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Remember that when a woman first meets you, she doesn't know what is joking and
what is not. Only people who have known you a while can figure out when you're being
serious and when you are being sarcastic ... or trying to be funny. (This is especially true
in emails, so be careful!)
For you, there's one very simple rule for your voice: Vary your tone enough to sound

The best exercise for this is to try your voice out on your pet. If you've got a cat or a
dog, you should try telling them a story in a way that will keep their attention, and by
also using hand gestures. If you can keep your pet from walking off in mid-sentence,
you're probably using good variation in your tone of voice.
Another way to improve your tone of voice is to join a local club, like Toastmasters, that
will help you with speaking in public, and has the added benefit of improving your selfconfidence in the process.
You really need to HEAR the proper delivery to understand it, which is why I cover
voice tone in almost every one of my Advanced Audio Coaching sessions. Let's face it,
there's no way I can adequately demonstrate tone of voice in this column, but you can
hear how voice and delivery SHOULD be performed by listening to examples, like old
Cary Grant and James Bond movies. Listen to how they use their tone to be funny and
even seductive at the same time.
So let me say it once more . . . Tone of voice is VERY important.
Take the time to cultivate an interesting voice and women won't be able to resist your

How To Develop A Flirtatious Voice Tone

Your voice tone plays a crucial element when it comes to flirting.
Like body language, your voice tone can tell a person a lot about you. With the right
tone of voice, you can sound confident, attractive and self-assured. But with the wrong
tone of voice you can appear shy, unsure or yourself, and boring.
Your first step towards developing a more flirtatious voice is to make a fair assessment
of how you normally sound. The best way to do this is by recording yourself as you
If youre like most people you probably hate hearing your own voice. But remember,
this exercise is to help ensure that other people dont hate the sound of your voice as
well. Besides, as you keep doing this exercise, and work on improving your tone youll
eventually learn to love the way you sound.
Get a sample of your voice by recording yourself talking about something interesting
thats happened to you. Speak like you normally would, as if there was someone there in
front of you. When youre done play back what you just recorded.

Now its time to be a little critical. On the whole, did you like the way you sounded? If
you were someone else would you find what yourself interesting and captivating based
on your voice tone?
Were you too quite?
Too monotone?
Did you use a lot of ahhhhs and ummms what you spoke?
These are just a few of the things youre going to want to look out for when youre
critiquing your voice.
Now that you have an idea of what it is you sound like, its time to give your voice tone
a more flirtatious vibe.
Dont Rush
One of most common issues I notice with people who are trying to flirt, is the speed at
which they talk.
Most people speak way too fast, almost to a point where you have a hard time keeping
up with what theyre saying.
Talking too quickly is a flirting no no.
It makes you sounds nervous and
Instead, slow things down and speak at
a relaxed pace. In fact, as youre flirting
with someone, and building a deeper
and deeper connection, youll want to
try and speak at an even slower pace.
Remember, slower equals more
Know Youre Surrounding
Different environments and situations call for different tones of voice. For example if
youre at a loud club with lots of noise and excitement, your voice can easily get
drowned out if youre not talking loud enough.
At some venues you may feel like you have to yell for the other person to hear you. The
key though is to make sure that youre loud and have a very high energy level. Use a lot
of expression and enthusiasm in these sorts of environments.
In contrast, when youre at a coffee shop or a library, youre going to want to tone down
your energy level so that people dont think youre a nutjob. You should still use a lot of
expression in your voice tone so you dont sound boring, but just dont overdo it.

Project Your Voice Properly

There are a lot of mechanics involved in speech, and it seems as though everyone has a
different way of using these mechanics. If you listen closely to people talk, you can kind
of tell where it is their talking from. Some people sound very nasally when they speak.
Other peoples voice projects through their throat. Talking from your nostrils or throat is
what I call lazy speech.
When youre speaking your voice should generate from deep down in your diaphragm.
Thats how you get your voice to project loudly and clearly.
Another part of lazy speech is not moving your mouth enough. Moving your mouth to
help articulate your worlds, will add an extra level of richness and clarity to your voice.
Now I realize that all of this wont happen overnight, but simply paying more attention
to how youre speaking can oftentimes be enough to help bring on a bit of an
Express Yourself
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who had no expression in their voice?
Chances are that you found that person either very boring or very annoying.
Speaking in a monotone voice is a surefire way to lose someones interest.
The only real way to fix this is to put some passion and energy into your voice. A simple
way to do this is to use your hands while you talk.
You may have heard the expression that motion creates emotion. Using your hands and
moving around a bit while you communicate will make you sound more captivating and

Why an Attractive Voice Means a Good

Mate: The Science of Sex
By Brie Cadman

We often think of a deep baritone voice as a sexy one, but it seems too clich to think
that a romantically-inclined crooner like Barry White would actually look the part. Yet,
although most peoples voices dont seem to strike a chord one way or the other,
research has shown that a persons voice can influence whether others find him alluring
or unattractive. But once you connect the face with the voice, does the sound actually
correspond to a knockoutor a letdown?

The Sound of Good Looking

Just as symmetry and scent are important yet subtle indicators of genetic fitness, a
persons voice can also give clues to his reproductive ability. For instance, its no myth
that good looking men often have deep voices. A study done at Northumbria University
in the UK recorded men speaking and had both men and women rate their voices based
on attractiveness, dominance, confidence, and sexiness. The listeners then looked at
photos of the men and rated them. Researchers found that men with deep voices were
rated higher than those with high voices and the deep voices also corresponded to more
attractive faces.

Voices can gives clues to physical characteristics and listeners might be better at relating
the two traits than they think they are. A 2002 study showed that people are able to
match a speakers voice with a photograph over 75 percent of the time and that those
people with symmetrical traits (a sign of genetic fitness) were rated as having more
attractive voices.

The Sound of Sex?

Voices can tip us off not just to how people look, but perhaps to their level of sexual
activity as well. A 2004 study looked at the relationship between voice attractiveness
and body dimensions. In men, an attractive voice was correlated with a higher shoulderto-hip ratio (broad shoulders, narrow waist); in women, voice attractiveness was
correlated with waist-to-hip ratio (waist narrower than hips). The authors speculate that
because testosterone influences both voice and physical development, a mans deep

baritone can indicate more muscle mass and strength, and hence, greater genetic fitness.
Likewise, estrogen and progesterone influence a womans voice as well as her body
dimensions, which can indicate her reproductive status.

Since voice is correlated with symmetrical proportions, which play a large role in
attractiveness, its no surprise that a persons voice also corresponds to her sexual
activity. The study also found that men and women with more attractive-sounding
voices reported having more sexual partners, had their first sexual intercourse at a
younger age, and were more promiscuous.

Ch, Ch, Changes

However, our voices may not stay static throughout our lifespan, or even throughout the
month. For instance, a 2008 study published in the journal Evolution and Human
Behavior recorded womens voices at four different times during their menstrual period.
Results of voice ratings found that a womans voice was most attractive during
ovulation, when conception risk is highest and least attractive sounding during
menstruation, when risk of conception is lowest. The authors speculate that hormones
affecting the larynx could be the source of these changes.

Though a changing voice due to hormones is something generally beyond our control,
other factors can alter how our voices are perceived. People tend to find confident
voices more attractive and level of confidence can change over time. Similarly, bright,
generous voices can increase interpersonal attraction and receptivity toward another

What Else Do You Hear?

Research has also shown that listeners can detect peoples socioeconomic status,
personality, and emotional/mental state from their voice, and that they can estimate age,
height, and weight about as accurately from voice clips as they can from photographs.

While I dont consciously register voices that fall within a normal-sounding range, it
seems as if a persons voice may be making more of an influence than I think. Its
speculated that voices correspond to attractiveness because our forefathers had to find a
mate without the help of artificial lighting, trying to garner critical information while
wandering around the pitch dark forests. Though I cant say that Im happy for
fluorescent lighting, I am happy we have other aspects of mate selection to work with
than just how someone sounds. (Although I like Barry Whites voice, hes definitely not
my type.) And although we cant completely change our voices, knowing that they
make an impact is a good lesson for dating; whether or not you fit the part, speak with
confidence and cheer when talking to a new potential partner on the phone.

5 Body Language Secrets to Attract Women

By Scorpy Pua April 27, 2012 No comments

90% of communication is non-verbal. That means that people especially women get
over 14 times more information from your body language and your tone than from your
Ill tell you a secret successful men use this to their advantage all the time. Its a myth
that the top pick up artists never get tongue-tied or nervous. Were human; it happens.
But it doesnt matter because we understand the 93% rule and that those messages are
14 times stronger than the words we choose.

Know how you can smoothly escalate physically (click image)

Great body language and tonality gives you SO MUCH freedom. E.g., when a woman
asks what I do for a living, I sometimes start with Im a loser and I dont have a job.
Game over, right? Actually, no. She knows from body language and tone that I am a
confident, successful guy. So, she interprets my words as me just messing around.
(Tip: Only give a silly answer like this once to a question. If you keep on avoiding the
question, shell think youre avoiding it for a reason.)

What kind of confident, successful guy tells a girl hes a loser when she asks what he
does for a living? A confident, successful guy who is playful and isnt desperate for her
approval, thats who. In other words: a guy she really wants to get to know.
Here are 5 simple, easy body language or vocal tonality tips that you can practice 24/7.
Theyll improve every area of your life. And if you practice and internalize them, theyll
become natural to you so you wont ever have to think of them anymore:

Slow it WAY down. Confident people dont talk a mile a minute. Plus, if
you slow down your talking, youll be much easier to understand
(especially in loud clubs).
Dont fidget no wasted movements. Arms, legs, fingers, eyes,
hands, head none of these should move at all unless there is a
reason. Men who have presence dont fidget.

Speak up. 99% of bootcamp students are too quiet. Practice being
louder until you start getting bad reactions from people you talk to.
Then dial it back 5%.

Smile. Smiling releases chemicals that put you in a better mood, even
if its fake. It also puts her in a better mood. Dont keep a fake smile
plastered on, but smile consistently.

Get your f**king hands out of your f**king pockets. The only time your
hand should be in your pocket is when youre getting your keys. It
looks very weak. (So does holding your drink in front of your chest,
but you can only really practice not doing this one at a bar.)
Your voice is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal. It can be
used to attract, to seduce, to build intrigue and capture a womans
If you listen to women talk, youll notice first off that some women
have appealing voices; youll also notice that other women have
unappealing voices. Some women have voices that make you think,

Wow, shes cute, but she mustbe a nerd. And other women have
very sexy voices.
Its the same with men. Theres a great deal of variation in voices; in
fact, every mans voice is in fact surprisingly flexible in how it can
change and evolve. Your voice is most likely the result of the way
people around you spoke as you were growing up. If you were raised

in Northern England, vs. Southern California, vs. Australia, vs. South

Africa, you will have a different accent, for instance. And within each
of those accents, there are even different voices.
Before we get into the deeper stuff though, first lets cover some of
vocal basics:

Basic Vocal Technique

Hyoid: Does speaking ever seem difficult or tiring, almost like you
have to force the words out? Youre most likely depressing your hyoid
as you speak. The hyoid is a bone in your throat the only bone in the
body that doesnt touch any other bone in fact that some people get
into the habit of pushing down on with the back of their tongue while
speaking. It has the result of making speech more work, and makes
the voice fuzzier and harder to hear.

The solution recommended by voice coaches is to make or feel the

back of your tongue floating upward. Then, while still doing this,
begin speaking. It takes a little practice, but youcan train yourself to
speak without putting so much pressure on your hyoid. One side note:
there is no way to not put pressure on your hyoid, but you can always
train yourself to involve less pressure. So you canalways be working
on having a louder, clearer, more effortless sounding voice.

Purr: Sexy men have a certain guttural purr to their voice (as do sexy
women). A good contemporary example in film of thisis George
Clooney. Listen to how he speaks, and the purr that seems to
his voice. Add this to your voice, and watch women begin to swoon.
You will likely want to practice deepening and slowing your voice
down first, and add a purr or rumble to it after and of course, be
careful to avoid getting tooguttural we dont want you sounding

like a caveman! Throw a slight purr in your voice, and youll do great.

Depth and Resonance: When you speak, you should be speaking from
the bottom of your chest and lungs. Focus on addingthat depth and
the resonance it brings. Your voice will sound muchmore masculine
and intense, creating a more desirable impression.

Boredom: Again, a degree of boredom makes you sound more worldly

and experienced. It also tends to unconsciously encourage others and
compel them to want to impress you and keep you engaged. The way
you make certain remarks like, Oh, really? or, Is that right?
while someone else is speaking can quite often spurthem to work a
little harder to make you more interested. This technique is useful
particularly if the conversation is about somethinguninteresting or
that does not move the interaction forward in any way. Its important
to not overdo this, as you can run into problems with attainability
(covered in the last chapter of this section). Use it as one of your
rather than the only one.

Advanced Vocal Technique

Once youve mastered the basics of having a good voice, you can
further develop your vocal techniques. The following are a few tips to
get you started:
Make your voice unique. That means getting a unique style
all your own. Study men with unique speaking patterns.
Robert Downey Jr. is a good example, as are many other
actors and even some politicians. The objective is to have a
voice that is not only appealing, but also different
something that will catch womens ears and be distinctive in
a positive way.

Use uncommon Use uncommon, colorful , colorful , colorful words

words words. People who are captivating
speakers use interesting words. Practice using words that are
both hip and uncommon words you dont hear every day.
You will make listeners pay more attention to what you are
saying, and you also present yourself as someone who is
educated, experienced, and wellversed.

Add a hint of accent to your voice Add a hint of accent to your

voice. Unless youre French,
Italian, or Latin, you likely dont have a very romantic,
appealing natural accent. What you can do is add a hint of
accent to your voice. This is a little difficult todo you need
to have an ear for accents, and you need to add just a subtle
inflection, which will make your accent tough to pin down.
Your accent should be sufficiently interesting thatpeople will
seem a little puzzled and ask you where youre from, but not
so much that they refuse to believe you when you say, Oh,
Im from here.
Add bounce Add bounce. This is one of the limits of trying to
vocal tonality in text. Theres a way of playing out your voice
in a way that only very attractive, confident people use; you
can say couple of words with this bounce and prettygirls
nearby will turn completely around just to check you out. It
sounds like a word, drawn out long, that dips down and
comes back up again; thats about the best description of it I
can give on paper. All I can say is, play around with tone and
be very aware of how strong, sexy men speak and keep an
eye out for this. So when you see women turning to look at a
man because of the way hes speaking thats bounce.

How A Hypnotic Voice Drives Women

Crazy, And How To Develop It
Most of us take our voices for granted. Yet the resonance, speed, and tone of your voice
are some of the most important factors in creating sexual rapport with women. The
words you say to a woman are not so important as HOW you say them and HOW you
project yourself. The womans limbic brain is sexually stimulated based on the
nonverbal you, not your words.
For example, if you have a resonant, sultry, sexy voice, women will often become
sexually intrigued as soon as you open your mouth. The sound of your voice alone can
change her state from neutral to captive and intrigue. Of course, what you say CAN
affect the outcome of creating sexual rapport; but it is much more important to learn to
sound good.
Think about it, what do you want to convey with the sound of your voice?
Do you want to convey fear or power? Do you want to convey submission or
dominance? Do you want to convey nervousness or relaxation?
Now what if your voice starts out strong when youre speaking, but then tends to peter
out at the end? Or what if you speak really soft and quiet like? Or what if you speak
like this with a nasally tone of voice? Or sound squeaky?

If you speak in any of these ways, no one will want to listen to you. And it wont matter
what you say to a woman because shes already judged you as insecure or fearful based
on the sound of your voice. Its not going to turn her on. Its not going to make her feel
sexual rapport with you no matter what verbal lines or languaging youre using.
But with a sexy voice, its almost like youre a walking talking hypnotist. Thats
because when you have a sexy voice, everything you say is hypnotic. After all, what
does a hypnotist need to do to put someone into a trance they need to speak with
authority, relax their patient, and put to sleep that critical part of the mind that makes
judgments and resists suggestions.
Now you dont need to speak to a woman like a hypnotist, like, You will deeply relax
now and follow the suggestions of my voice.
If the tone and quality of your voice is already relaxing, deep, commanding, and
resonant, you fulfill all the requirements of hypnosis. When someone hears the kind of
voice that makes them stop, relax, listen, and assume youre an authority, then theyll let
what youre saying enter in and affect them. They will go into trance. In fact, most
people are walking around in a relaxed, trance-like state ALL the time and its just your
job to make them to listen to YOU.
After all, your voice IS your identity and you must speak to other people; you cannot
hide your voice. Your voice is something that you have to use all the time. Your voice
is communicating the kind of person you are all the time. And yet, most of us dont
even consider how we may be projecting ourselves to the world around us through our

Speaking Loudly Is Like Growing A Huge Pair of Tits

I just want to drive home the point of how important your voice is to generating hard
attraction in women. How by making that one small tweak in your overall profile
makes you so much more attractive.
Lets say youre sitting in a coffee shop at Starbucks and in walks a woman whose
relatively attractive but you dont look at it twice. This woman shes wearing a baggy
shirt nothing special and she orders her coffee. And no one else in the room seems to
notice or.
But then you look up to see that shes lifting up her sweater, up over her head. And now
its suddenly revealed, as her sweater is removed, that she has these large voluptuous
breasts underneath the Titan are a waste she takes her coffee her breasts just jiggle up
and down. And all the guys in the coffee shop turned their heads to check out this
woman with the fantastic breasts.
And this woman, she just went from being a 7/10 do like being a 9/10. And what was it
that made the difference.
Just the change of that one curve from being flat in front, to having a big S shape is
what made all the difference in how attractive she was. By making one small change in

her silhouette, this woman went from no one noticing her at all, to all the men in the
room drooling over and other women in the room blistering with jealousy.
It took just that one small change, that one small tweak, in her physical appearance that
made all the difference.
And speaking loudly with your voice is exactly the same. Its like growing a huge pair
of tits.
And when you speak with a very loud voice you suddenly go from being a nobody and
needing approval, to generating hard attraction on a primal level with women.

3 Awesome Hypnotic Voice Tips To Attract The Ladies

I want you to think for a moment, what turns you on? What makes you horny? What
makes you randy baby, yeah!
Chances are, youre thinking to yourself something like Im a legs man or I like
blondes or something else you wouldnt want your momma to read.
Thats alright. Men are DOGS, of course youd think something like that.
Nah, Im kidding, its not that men are dogs, its that men are VISUAL. For most men, it
is what we SEE that initially triggers attraction. Its not the be-all and end-all, but it
dominates our first impressions.
Duh, you say? Obvious, you say? Well smart guy, how often do you think about what
turns a woman on? You may be fooled by listening to ladies occasionally hooting cute
butts or swooning at Antonio Banderas. Dont be.
Youve probably heard the phrase It aint the size of the wave, its the motion of the
ocean. Well, it aint the shape of the gut, its the way you strut. Women are MUCH
more in tune to body language and non-verbal communications, and thats where their
buttons are pushed.
Sure, a handsome man with a good body is ATTRACTIVE to women, but he wont
Attraction is created by style and attitude, by CHARISMA, what women often call
CHARM. If you dont look like Brad Pitt, this is good news, because it can be learned.
And just as BODY LANGUAGE trumps BODY SHAPE in attracting women, your
VOICE will trump your WORDS.
Lots of guys, when they are trying to learn how to be more successful with women, turn
to pick-up lines. Men seem to think the RIGHT WORDS will move a girls heart.
Maybe its because weve seen guys get a girl by talking to her. Maybe she changed her
attitude after he spoke to her.

Maybe we just cant get the difference between the JOKES we tell and WHAT
If at some point youve thought that pick-up lines were the key to breaking the ice with
a woman, you may be forgiven. You should give yourself a number of numbing slaps to
the face, but then forgive yourself and lets talk about what DOES work.
It doesnt really matter what words you use you could have the best pick-up line in the
world and, with poor delivery, it will fail.
But if you deliver your words well, it doesnt really matter WHAT you say. Hello can
be the sexiest word in the language.
No, really, trust me.
Controlling your voice the right way will have a positive affect on MANY aspects of
your life, but right now, we care about how it affects women.
There are three keys to speaking in a commanding, confident way that women find sexy
and attractive.

Hypnosis #1. Speak Loudly

The easiest one is volume. Speak LOUDLY.
That doesnt mean you should YELL at a woman. Your volume has to come naturally,
from the chest. If you sound strained when you speak you sound, well, STRAINED.
I know, I know, you can thank me later.
Your volume should be the sort of thing that fills a room with your confidence. When
you speak quietly, it communicates that you DONT BELIEVE what you say has
WORTH. Youre telling women (and anyone else in your teeny hearing radius) that
youre a WUSS.
Thats the last thing you want someone thinking. Especially an attractive woman. In an
instant youll splash into the NEXT category, and you probably arent getting out. Once
a woman passes, the best thing you can do is move on.
So, dont YELL, dont WHISPER, just speak from your chest in a voice loud enough
everyone can hear.

Hypnosis #2. Resonate

That brings us to the next point; you need to speak clearly. Resonate. Sound picky?
Think of the dorkiest possible person you can. Pocket protector, coke bottle glasses,
nose turned up, OBNOXIOUS laugh what does that person sound like?

Ok, yes, Erkel. Whats Erkel sound like?

Yeah, he speaks through his NOSE. Unless you are British royalty, you arent getting
away with a NASAL voice. It just well, if you want a little peace and quiet, talk like
this and people will run from you like from fingernails on a chalkboard.
Speaking of which, avoid squeaking too. High voices they arent manly. What, you
want her to think your testicles havent dropped?
Theres a reason Barry White is the sexiest singer out there, and it isnt his body. The
man can TALK! He can sing too, but its that deep resonant voice which gets everything
The key, again, is to speak from the chest. You want to feel vibrations in your torso, not
your nose.

Hypnosis #3. Slow Down

Finally, you want to slow your speech doooowwwwnn.
Especially if youre speaking loudly. Think Regis. Not sexy.
But if you take.. yooouuur time breeeaath deeeeeeply speak from fuuuuuull
luuuuungs you sound confident. Even hypnotic.
Ok, its freaking annoying to read. But try reading it out loud. Take your time. No rush.
Youve got ALL the time in the WORLD.
You sound like a man in control of himself. Hell, you BECOME a man in control of
himself. The more carefully you consider your words and slow down your cadence
the more sure of yourself you will ACTUALLY become.
If only because youre LISTENING to YOURSELF for once. Its worth it.
Alright, youve got this negative nag in the back of your head. I know you do. Its
saying something like My voice is my voice. Barry White is sexy, great, but I cant do
Its fine. We all have the nag sometimes.
Now is the time when you go Fight Club on his ass and shoot your nag in the head.
Yes, your voice is your voice. And your bicep is your bicep.
Just as you can change your bicep with exercise, you can do the same with your voice.

The biggest key is PAYING ATTENTION to what youre doing, and WHAT YOU
WANT to be doing. Get a recorder. Listen to your voice (and dont worry, we all hate
our own voices).
Then remember how you want to sound, think about what you want to CHANGE. Work
on it.
The simple act of PAYING ATTENTION will slow your speaking down, which is great.
Youll sound more deliberate and in-control just by listening to yourself.
Watching your BREATHING is another great key. Not only will you be one step closer
to Buddhahood, you also will avoid RUSHED or WINDED deliveries. Breath deeply
and youll CALM yourself and youll KNOW youre calm.
That calm will quickly translate into COOL someone in control of situations, a leader.
An alpha.
The guy girls want to be with.
Do those two simple things PAY ATTENTION and BREATH and youll improve
Those are the keys to having a hypnotic, attractive voice so practice them.
~ Jesse

12 Great Voice Exercises For Developing

A Sexy, Seductive Voice
To practice improving the sound of your voice as a sexual cue for creating sexual
rapport, youll need to get a sound recorder.
The voice that you hear when you speak is not the voice that other people hear. When
you speak, the sounds of your voice vibrate through your head and chest. But a listener
only hears the sound vibrations from your voice that travel through the air, which
sounds more stripped down and flat compared with the warm, resonant sound that you

The only way to have an objective ear about your own voice is by recording it. Its the
easiest way to listen to your own voice and accurately assess it.
Once you have a sound recorder, realize that the only thing keeping you from having a
sexy, attractive voice that women will respond to is your own set of habits. Fortunately,
poor speaking habits can be unlearned and you can develop new ones that will
dramatically improve the sound of your voice so that its no longer merely a voice, but
acts as your sexual cuing magic wand at your command.

Voice Exercise #1: Voice Assessment

Your first assignment is to find out what you actually, really sound like. Again, the voice
that you hear when you speak is not the same voice that everyone else hears. What other
people hear is more thin and flat because theyre only hearing that part of your voice
traveling through the air.
Find a book, magazine, or newspaper and read a few paragraphs aloud into your sound
recorder and listen to the playback of your voice.
Once youve listened to your voice, ask yourself these questions. Do you like the sound
of it? Do you imagine that your voice would create sexual rapport and attraction in
women when they hear it?
Now before you become overly paranoid about the quality of your sound, keep in mind
that even the vast majority of professional singers dont like sound of their own voices.
Even most professional singers will admit that their voices are full of flaws.

Just Relaaax
But even if you do feel that your voice is relatively smooth and nice to listen to from the
recorder, a lot of us will choke up when talking to other people, particularly choke up
when speaking with an attractive woman. Out of excitement or nervousness we start
speaking faster and we dont breath as deeply as we normally would, so we dont get
enough air to make the sound of our voices as resonant or as clear as we normally
would sound.
Thats why to keep a resonant, calm and steady voice that expresses emotion and
sexiness, you have to be relaxed. If youre not relaxed then youre not breathing
properly and youre speaking too quickly which makes you sound high-pitched, nasally,
and nervous.
So of all the techniques Im going to show you for developing the sexual cue of voice,
being relaxed is the number one way to improve the sound of it.

And one of the simplest ways to relax is to learn to breathe smoothly and deeply as a
matter of habit. Breathing smoothly and deeply calms your mind, relaxes your muscles,
and keeps a consistent airflow necessary to project, resonate, and keep a consistent
Since sound is caused by the vibration of sound waves in the air, the more air you
breathe in and breathe out to form the sounds of words, the more projection and
resonance you can attain.
However, a lot of people breathe very shallow breaths throughout their day which
precludes them from having a sexy voice. What you want is to get into the habit of
breathing more fully and deeply.

Posture and Breathing

To begin with, to breathe more deeply, you want to keep a straight posture. Slumping
forward even a little partly collapses the upper rib cage and prevents the lungs from
being able to expand with air.
To feel for yourself what Im talking about, and how important it is for speaking
purposes to have a healthy volume of air going in and out, sit down in a chair with your
back straight, in proper alignment, and your shoulders down. Make sure that youre not
slumping forward or that you have your shoulders rounded forward.
Begin to count slowly from one to ten, and as you continue to count, slowly round your
shoulders and move them toward your knees as if youre bending down to look at
whats under your chair. As you curl down, youll begin to notice your voice begin to
choke, until its nothing more than just a husky wisp.
Once youre hunched all the way down to your knees, try taking a deep breath and
youll notice that your lungs just physically cant expand but a little.

Even a small amount of slouching will constrict your breathing, thats why you want to
keep a good straight posture at all times.

The Relaxed Breadth

However, keep in mind that when I say to breathe deeply, you dont want to unnaturally
force deep breaths. The key to good breathing for speech is that its not forced. You
want to maintain deep, but RELAXED breathing. You shouldnt feel any self-induced
pressure to inhale or exhale.
A good, deep breath should almost feel more a like a relaxed sigh. So go ahead and
sigh right now. (SIGH) Youll notice as you sigh, you become MORE relaxed. A sigh is
taking a deep breath that relaxes you, its not something thats forced or feels laborious.
As an exercise, pick up a book or magazine to read aloud. As you read, experiment with
breathing more deeply than you normally would. Dont force the breaths; you should
remain relaxed and natural as you read. The point is to get out of the habit of that
shallow breathing youre used to taking.
Practice this breathing exercise every day and write down your results in your journal.

Voice Exercise #2: The Breathing Exercise

For this next breathing exercise, I want you to slow down your speaking pace and
become more intentional about your breathing.
Read the following passage from your exercise booklet aloud into your recorder. But
take the time to stop and breathe, so that every sentence has full breath support behind
it. It should sound something more like this:
When the sunlight / strikes raindrops / in the air, / they act like a prism / and form a
rainbow. / The rainbow is / a division of / white light into many / beautiful colors. /
These take the shape / of a long round arch, / with its path high above, / and its two ends
/ apparently beyond / the horizon. / There is, / according to legend, / a boiling pot of
gold / at the end. / People look, / but no one ever finds it. / When a man looks / for
something beyond his reach, / his friends say / he is looking for / the pot of gold / at the
end / of the rainbow.
And so on. Spend time reading while taking extra time to breathe. Its a great way to
overall improve your breathing in general.
And pay attention to your breathing all week. Monitor it throughout the day.
Everywhere you go, be conscious of it. In different situations, spontaneously ask
yourself how youre breathing. Whether youre working, reading, watching television,
or spending time with a friend, pay attention whether youre breathing shallow or
deeply and adjust it. And notice how, when youre speaking on full, relaxed breaths,
how the difference in your new voice effects those around you differently.

Voice Exercise #3: The Volume Exercise

Now, lets do some exercises that deal with the volume and projection of your voice. Of
course, there will be times when youre in an intimate situation with a woman, when
youve already developed some sexual rapport with her, and a soft, almost breathy voice
can be good for creating a sense of allure and intimacy. But when youre speaking softly
like that, I only want you to do it because you consciously CHOSE to speak softly for
creating a particular effect not because its the normal way you speak.
Because, the fact is, many of us run around speaking as if were talking privately to
ourselves and to no one else, as if what we have to say isnt all that important, as if
were afraid others might judge us based on our words.
Take for example, Michael Jackson. On stage he belts out his songs with feeling, with
emotion, with projection. However, when hes speaking in an interview he speaks very
softly as if hes full of fear and self-doubt.
Having volume and projection is usually purely a matter of breathing fully and a matter
of letting go of that fear of being heard by others. Even if youre not shy per se, you
may be holding back your voice so as not to make waves, so as to blend into the crowd
and not be noticed. If you dont speak very loudly it could be your breathing, but most
likely, psychologically, something is holding you back. Most likely youre afraid to be
To remove fear and doubt, and allow your voice to energize your whole body as you
speak, its good to keep in mind to be playful. Have fun with your speaking voice. Let
go a little, and dont take yourself so seriously.
For this exercise, start laughing out loud. Just laugh. Go ahead and laugh out loud.
Really laugh. Theres no need to worry about looking dignified. Just laugh out loud and
become comfortable not only with the way you sound, but also with the volume of your
If you find that you gave a half-hearted or weak laugh, or didnt laugh at all, it probably
means that on some level youre shy of using your voice. Youre shy of being heard.
And you have to get over that. I want you to really laugh now, laugh out loud, laugh so
that your neighbors can hear you.
Dont be afraid to play. I dont care how stupid or unnecessary this exercise may sound,
you need to get used to making noise. This is an exercise you should repeat every day
for a few weeks until youre not shy about the sound of your own voice.
Now pretend your Tarzan of the jungle. Beat your chest and make that Tarzan animal
call. If you dont know what Tarzan sounds like, pretend as if youre the king of the
jungle and imagine the kind of animal call Tarzan would make to call the other animals.
I want you to come away from these exercises with the idea that you need to make a
conscious effort to speak more loudly with volume to speak as if what you have to
say is important to speak as if to be heard by others. Remember, that speaking is
suppose to energize the whole body the more you speak the more energy youll have,
and the more people will stop and listen to what you have to say.

Voice Exercise #4: Volume Exercise #2

For this next volume exercise, read the following passage, found in your exercise
booklet, out loud into your voice recorder. It goes like this,
You know what I find really interesting about different people. You know when you just
meet some people, and theyre nice and friendly, and you seem to get along with them.
And yet, theres something missing. You dont feel that spark. But then, with others,
theres something about them that you just cant quite put your finger on. Theres
something about them that you find mysteriously attractive. Maybe its the way they
smile. Or maybe its the way they look at you. Or maybe its the way their voice seems
to penetrate you with its command and presence. Whatever it is, you dont meet this
kind of person very often. But when you do, you feel that spark. You feel that spark start
here inside your chest and it just spreads out all over your entire body, until you just
cant resist that feeling of attraction and you just want to talk to that person more and
However, when you read this passage, focus on projecting your voice as if youre
talking to someone across a table in a noisy restaurant, so that others would pay
attention to what youre saying, as if you have something important to say.
Now, this doesnt mean shout or make your voice hoarse. If you breath properly with
deep, relaxed breathing, your voice shouldnt become sore.

Voice Exercise #5: Chest Resonance

Now lets move on from volume and projection to creating warmth and resonance in
your voice. You dont want to sound nasally or squeaky, that will turn a woman off and
hijack any chance of creating attraction.
To practice speaking with resonance, make a long uhhhhhh sound out loud.
Where do you feel the physical vibration when you say uhhh? Most likely, if your
resonance is poor, youll only feel the vibration in your throat. Touch your throat for a
moment, say uhhhh and youll feel the vibration there on your fingertips. Now touch
your chest and say uhhhh and you probably dont feel much vibration there at all.
When you speak only from your throat, you dont get much resonance in your speaking
Now try to move the vibration of the uhhhhhh down to your chest. You may have to
play around for a while to get it there. But youll know you have it when you feel a
strong vibration there. Your chest and throat should both have that vibration when you
Repeat this exercise every day for a few weeks and throughout the day, monitor your
speaking so that you can feel the sound vibration not just in your throat, but in your
chest as well. At the same time, ask yourself throughout the day how your much
resonance your voice has and adjust it.

Voice Exercise #6: Resonance and the Larynx

Another method of making sure you have resonance is to keep your larynx positioned
down. Often, that nasally, pinched voice that you sometimes here can be eliminated by
lowering your larynx.
To lower your larynx, hold your Adams apple, which feels like a bump in the front of
your neck, between your two fingers. Gently hold the end of it where it extrudes the
farthest out thats where your Larynx is.
Now say a e i o u Youll notice that you can feel with your fingers that
your larynx moves down about a quarter of an inch when you speak.
Now practice speaking a e i o u into your recorder, making a conscious
effort to keep your larynx positioned down in this new placement.
Then practice speaking a e i o u into your recorder, making a conscious
effort to keep your larynx positioned up. Youll notice that your voice sounds much
more nasally.
So one of the tricks to developing resonance, is to speak with your larynx positioned
down. Try practicing speaking with your larynx positioned down with the resonance
exercise found in your booklet.

Voice Exercise #7: Resonance: The H Sound

Now that you know how to create resonance in your voice through, number one,
breathing relaxed and deeply, two speaking so that you feel vibration in both your chest
and throat, and three positioning your larynx down, Im going to give you a few verbal
exercises for developing your resonance.
Practice speaking out loud into your sound recorder the following sequence of vowels
which start with an h.
Breathe deeply like a sigh and say Ha, ho, hu, hi.
and again, breathe and say
ha, ho, hu, hi.
and again. Breathe and say ha, ho hu, hi for a few minutes.
Record your voice into the sound recorder and notice how it changes or improves over
the session.
Voice Exercise #8: Resonance: H Words
Now practice speaking aloud into your sound recorder the following one syllable words,
using relaxed deep breathing, a lowered larynx and vibrating from the chest and throat.
Breathe how, have, hoe
Breathe head, him, hear

Breathe her, help, hen

Breathe hide, horse, hay
Breathe high, hound, who
Breathe hill, half, hand
And again how, have, hoe
Head, him, hear
Her, help, hen
Hide, horse, hay
High, hound, who
Hill, half, hand
By the way, the reason the words begin with an H is because thats the normal sound
you produce when breathing naturally. Spend a moment now to pant like a runner, like
this (demo). Youll notice that the sound of your breaths naturally starts with a soft H.
Continue to produce the one syllable H word sequences for five minutes or so, playing
with the amount of resonance you can get in your voice.

Voice Exercise #9: Resonance: ng words

Now the English language has three commonly occurring nasal sounds: ng as in
sing, m as in swim, and n as in win.
Try it for yourself right now. Say swim but prolong the m sound. Like this
As you prolong the m sound, hold your fingertips up to your lips. Where do you feel
the vibration? Around your lips? Around your nose? Or perhaps your forehead.
Continue to repeat the words swim, sing, and win but prolong the end nasal
sounds of m, ng, and n. Then concentrate on feeling the vibrations, not just on
your lips, but throughout your entire head.
Again, repeat sing, swim, and win over and over again for a few minutes,
focusing on feeling the vibrations throughout your head. Then, once you can do that, see
if you can start to move and feel the vibrations in your chest as well. You want to
gradually practice expanding the field of vibration of these naturally nasal sounds from
your lips, to throughout your head, to down through your chest.
And gradually, with practice, this exercise will give your voice more resonance that is
sexy and attractive to listen to.

Voice Exercise #10: Speaking More Slowly

Now lets move on from resonance of the voice to practicing tempo, the speed at which
you tend to speak. Its really important not to speak to others too quickly. Speaking
quickly conveys nervousness and prevents you from breathing deeply and often enough
to speak with a resonant, warm voice.

However, when you slow down your speech, not only can you speak with resonance and
warmth but it helps people to understand what youre saying. When you slow down
your speech, you can place added emphasis on words and create drama and interest in
your speech with pauses and silences.
Take the line for instance, Excuse me, but I just had to take the chance to tell you that I
find you absolutely beautiful. Now this line itself is not very powerful as I just spoke
it. In fact, any line you use, no matter how good it supposedly is, will lose its power if
you speak it too quickly.
Now imagine we slow this line down and say it to a woman slowly. Slowing it down a
little gives the line more emotional impact and makes you sound more relaxed and
However, we can slow it down even further, by adding powerful silences. For example,
a pause after excuse me, a pause after tell you and a pause after I find you. With
the three pauses it sounds like, Excuse me. but I just had to take the chance.. to tell
you that I find you. absolutely beautiful.
Notice how much more powerful that sounds with anticipation and drama than when
read fast like, Excuse me, but I just had to take the chance to tell you that I find you
absolutely beautiful.
Now you try saying the line, which youll also find in your exercise booklet, into your
sound recorder. Record it once aloud speaking quickly, and then record it again
speaking slowly and then a third time with the power pauses. Listen back to your voice
and notice how all the recordings sound different. And decide which one you think
sounds the most powerful.

Voice Exercise #11: Tempo Exercise

In general, when speaking, make a conscious effort to take your time. Dont be hurried.
Make others wait for you to gather your thoughts and to speak clearly.
For this next tempo exercise, read the following passage at a normal pace, which is also
found in your exercise booklet, into your recorder.
What I find really interesting about listening to a persons voice, is the pace at which
they speak. Because when you meet someone who speaks clearly, so that you can catch
every word they say, so that every word is enunciated and clear, you just find yourself
intrigued and fascinated by every word they say. Like take the word chocolate. Its so
much sexier when you say chocolate. Eating rich, dark, chocolate and drinking delicious
red wine. And its almost as if, the warmth of that voice just wraps itself around you like
two strong arms giving you a great big hug.
Read the passage once at normal speed into your recorder. Then read it again, but this
time slow it down and add the pauses. When read more slowly, it should sound more
like this,

What I find really interesting about listening to a persons voice, is the pace at which
they speak. Because when you meet someone who speaks clearly, so that you can
catch every word they say so that every word is enunciated and clear you just find
yourself intrigued and fasc-in-ated by every word they say. Like take the word
chocolate. Its so much sexier when you say choc-co-late. Eating rich, dark, choc-co-late
and drinking de-li-c-i-ous red wine. And its almost as if the warmth of that voice
just wraps itself around you like two strong arms giving you a great big hug.
Then play back the recorder back and notice which of the two recordings you prefer.
What sounds more like a sexual cue for creating attraction when you read the passage
at your normal pace, or when you slow it down and add the pauses? Record it again and
play around with the speed. Notice, what speed gives you the best sound of voice. What
speed makes you sound sexier? What speed makes you sound cool, calm, and collected?

Voice Exercise #12: Putting it All Together: Harvest Moon

Now were going to put all of these elements of the TREV system together tempo,
resonance, and volume. Find the poem Under the Harvest Moon by Carl Sandburg in
your exercise booklet, and read the poem along with the following emphasis.
First, read Under the Harvest Moon as you would normally into your sound recorder.
Then read Under the Harvest Moon into the recorder focusing on projecting enough
volume, as if youre reading to be heard.
Next, read Under the Harvest Moon into the recorder focusing on resonance, so that
your voice doesnt sound squeaky or nasally, but has a nice resonant warmth to it.
Next, read Under the Harvest Moon into the recorder but this time focusing on having
a slow, sexy tempo and making sure to enunciate all of the words properly.
And lastly, record the poem into the recorder a number of times playing with all the
elements of TREV. When youre done, play the recordings back and write down in your
journal how your voice sounds through all the variations. Note which reading you like
the least, and which reading you like the most. And practice getting into the habit of
speaking the way that sounds the best to you, all the time, everywhere you go.

The TREV Formula

So, to conclude the sexual cue of voice, remember the TREV formula tempo,
resonance, and volume.
Dont take your voice for granted. Its a critical sexual cue for creating sexual rapport.
How you say your words is more important than the actual words themselves. How you
say your words is what will bypass a womans critical mind and directly stimulate her
limbic brain into feeling attraction or not.
Be that hypnotist, that special person who can hypnotize people just with the sound of
your voice, no matter what youre saying. Be that person who can grab peoples
attention in an instant, relax them, make them feel good, and do it all with an aura of

confidence and authority. Your voice is a Porsche under the hood, waiting to come out
so use it.
Youll find however, that even though when youre practicing, your voice sounds
resonant, smooth, sexy, and pleasant to listen to, in the real world bad habit can throw
you back into your old way of speaking.
And keep practicing with time, your voice will improve and youll be able to move
people emotionally and sexually with the sound of your voice alone in ways you didnt
think possible.

Giant List of Tips For Hot Body

Language, Voice, Eye Contact, And A
Sexy Smile For Men

The womans limbic brain is responsible for lust, desire, and mating- light it and shell
feel attraction no matter her reasons not to date you. Heres my ultimate list of
nonverbal attraction game tips to get cute girls.

Jesses Manly Voice Tips

Resonance, speed, and tone of voice are the most important nonverbal cues for creating
sexual attraction with women
With resonant, sultry, and sexy voice, women will become sexually excited as soon as
you open your mouth

Your voice betrays you- with it do you convey fear or power, submission or dominance,
nervousness or relaxation
If you sound timid, soft, or squeaky women will judge you weak, insecure no matter
how clever your tongue is
With a sexy voice, youre a walking talking hypnotist- everything you say is a trance
and women will fall for its spell
You cannot hide your voice, you cannot escape it. Your voice IS your identity. How you
speak creates your very being
To hold and engage a woman, speak at a listen to what Im saying volume. Grab hold
of the words and direct them outward with intention
If you talk quickly and pause only enough to take a short breath, you come across as
insecure and unsure- slow down!
If you speak fast, women will miss what you say and the importance will be lost- but
pausing after a word gives time for the idea to sink in
When nervous, you dont breathe properly and speak too quickly- which makes you
sound high-pitched and nasal- slow down and relax!
Breathing shallow prevents you from having vocal resonance- get into the habit of
breathing fully and deeply

Jesses Smile Tips

A smile shows that youre an open, friendly, relaxed person. Its an attitude that says
without words, Im in a good mood. Im approachable
Ever notice how much more friendly and inviting a woman is whose smiling? Likewise,
your smile makes you the man
Smiling is infectious- women naturally smile when they see yours, making THEM feel
open, friendly, and relaxed
Women enjoy the ACT of your smile rather than its physical perfection- the ACT of
smiling shows women that youre friendly and confident
When you shut your mouth with a stern expression you communicate to women, Stay
away from me. Smile, smile, smile!
Money and a fancy car may excite the societal programmed woman- but your smile
excites her soul
Get into the habit of smiling- all the time. When meeting a woman, any women,
approach with a smile and leave with a smile

Give the sales lady a wide, open smile. Pause a beat and hold- until she smiles back.
When her eyes glow, ask her name

Jesses Body Language Tips

Strength, success, and sexiness are the signs of good posture- tension and weakness the
signs of poor
Dont fidget on the date- move in a measured and controlled fashion, slowly and
deliberately and with purpose
No playing with your hands, no pacing. No shifty eyes, no looking around the room. No
crossing and uncrossing your arms and no tapping your leg
If your body is tense, relax it. If your arms crossed, uncross them. If your feet pace,
ground them. Mental confidence follows physical relaxation
In unfamiliar situations like a date fight your instinct to speed up- slow down the reality
around you and relax
Open your body uncross your arms, keep your hands apart, open the stance of your
legs like a peacock spreading its bright feathers
When you sit down spread your arms out and lean back like youre the owner of the
club with not a care in the world- thats PIMP sexy
When talking to a woman, dont lean in to hear her- its needy. Motion the woman to
lean into you

Jesses Getting Physical Tips

A simple touch, even a casual touch on the arm, sends a clear message of electric
fireworks to the lust center of a womans brain
You can easily talk to a woman for an hour and not have as intense an effect if you put
your hand on her shoulder or stroke the back of her neck
A womans body is covered with thousands of sensory receptors that trigger off like a
thousand hot torches all at once at the slightest touch
Casual touches shows a woman that youre not afraid to touch because, likely, women
like to be touched by you
Dont underestimate how one or two well-placed touches on the shoulder or back can
make a woman think of you as a sexual crush
Physically cut just slightly into a womans private, intimate space 18 to 12 inches away
to trigger a palpable sexual tension

Come close enough to a woman for her to be uneasy in a way that she cant quite put
her finger on what it is, but not close enough for her to object
As long as she doesnt back away and the more rapport you have, the more you can
move in further into a womans intimate space to turn up the heat

Jesses Smelling Sexy Tips

Women smell a little body odor from 3 feet away whereas a man smells none- pretty
flowers want a man with a morning shower
Womens sense of smell is x100 more powerful than a mans- safer to be a little
paranoid of your scent then a little lax
Womens smell glands pass directly to her limbic brain which feels either attraction and
lust, or revulsion and disgust- smell nice!
Researches have found that odor influences peoples opinions and that its one of the
quickest ways to change a womans emotions
Women have a visceral, primal response to scent on a deep level. Nothing attracts a
woman like a man with cologne

Jesses Eye Contact Tips

Your eyes can do far more talking than your words. Your eyes can make a woman feel
uneasy and excited
Any wuss can make eye contact from far away; only a romantic hero can make eye
contact up close and hold the sexual tension
Eye contact by definition is mutual- when shes actively avoiding you and not
reciprocating eye contact back youre staring
Dont dart your eyes or look away- linger longer on her eyes than you would normally,
almost as if your eyes stick to hers like soft glue
Continue eye contact with a woman during silences in the conversation. Strong longlasting eye contact that stays overtime electrifies
When you do look away, look away reluctantly. Drag your eyes away slowly, as though
theyre stuck with soft glue

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