Grammar8&9 2 A

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Name ________________________________________ Date _________ Grade:__________

Consolidation b) Escriba las definiciones de las

siguientes palabras. Use dictionary.
a) Realice el crucigrama de acuerdo a los 1. bow __________________ 2. hug
siguiente: ________________
Across 3. clap __________________ 4.
3. to touch someone with your lips as a greeting, Whisper_____________
to show them love 5. point __________________6. spit
5. to raise your arm and move your hand from side ________________
to side in order to make someone notice you 7. cheat __________________8. Ruin
6. to produce tears from your eyes, usually ________________
because you are unhappy or hurt
Down Responda las preguntas sobre las costumbres de
1. to make your mouth curve upwards, in order to estos países.
be friendly or because you are happy or amused Saudi Arabia Japan (x2) Morocco India
2. to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply United States Britain Portugal
because you are tired or bored
4. to look at something or someone for a long time
without moving your eyes because you are, for 1.In which country do people bow when they meet?
example, surprised, angry, or bored ______________________________________

1 2. In which country do people usually shake hands

when they meet?
2 3 4
3. In which country is it polite to eat your soup noisily?
5 _______________________________________

6 4. Where can you only eat ice cream in the street?


5. Where must business people shake everyone’s

hands when they arrive at work?

6. In which country is it usual to eat with your fingers?


7. In which country should you never kiss someone in

the street?

8. In which country do business people always call

people by their first names?

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