Map Reading
Map Reading
Map Reading
Content Area/Topic:
Grade Level:
Lesson Title:
Lesson Overview
Write a brief, yet concise, description of what occurs in this lesson (50 words).
What will students learn during the lesson? In this lesson, the students will
In this lesson, the students will learn and read maps by relating different spaces to maps. Students will be
able to navigate directions using a map. Students will also be able to get onto the world wide web and
search out different sites finding their own landmarks and virtually visit them.
State Standards
Go to the NEW NETSS standards select grade level (K2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) appropriate standards/profiles that are being met in this lesson.
Copy and paste here.
Clear, Specific, and Measurable NOT ACTIVITIES. Student-friendly. The
objective for this lesson [learning outcome] should identify the A, B, C & D.
The students will be able to take a treasure map and be able to read the map and find the desired area that
they will be looking for.
Prior Knowledge
What prior knowledge will the students have to have to be able to do this lesson?
You might look at the year before state standards to see what they were suppose to
learn before doing the state standard you chose.
Students will need prior knowledge of surfing the internet, but they will be doing
it with assistance from the teacher. Once the students find their landmarks then
then the teacher will use the Promethium board to do a virtual tour of different
places around the world.
Need or Purpose
Every student needs to learn how to navigate using a map and how to browse the
Teacher Preparation
Explain what the teacher has to do to get ready for the lesson including activities
such as gather materials, bookmark websites, create research guides, schedule
labs, gather parent permission for fieldtrips, etc
The teacher needs to make sure all computers are ready and on the correct website to be able to search out
different landmarks. The teacher also needs to have 3-4 different treasure maps created and the treasures
placed in the correct places for the students to be able to find. The teacher also needs to have the virtual
tour ready on the Promethium board.
Explain what the students do in this lesson that puts them in an active learning
Students will be put in the active learning situation by browsing the internet and finding different
landmarks. They will be able to search the World Wide Web that will benefit them throughout the rest of
their school.
The criteria should directly align with the instructional objectives and standards.
How will you monitor student progress? Also describe your plan for providing
feedback to your students during the lesson?
Oral assessment of landmarks from the childrens home town/city, county, state, and country. Students will
be given examine in small groups so their feedback will be immediate.
List all materials and include how each will be used during the lesson. Must align
with the Instructional Objective
Handmade treasure maps of the school courtyard or playground.
Treasures for the children to find.
A computer/Ipad for each child to use small groups
Wheres is my State? by Robin Nelson
Instructional Procedures
Essential Question
An Essential Question encourages students to put forth more effort when faced
with complex, open-ended, challenging, meaningful and authentic questions.
Students will understand and read maps by relating different spaces to maps. Students will be able to
navigate directions using a map.
Lesson set
Motivator/Hook - How will you open the lesson to motivate the students? How
will you relate this lesson to previous learning & to real life experiences, to
explain the importance of the learning to the students? (student involvement
Teacher hooks students: By asking the students if they want to go on a treasure hunt?
Techniques &
How will I provide modified instructions for gifted students? I call this Gearup. Extensions are additional activities to expand the learning on the lesson. If
students finish early what will the supplemental activity be? - I will have them
Students build/draw a map of the classroom or school. If making a map of the
classroom is to easy then students will then build one of the school.
How will I provide modified instructions for below average? I call this - geardown. Remediation activities include methods to re-teach the learning for
students who need more instruction. If a student falls behind I will ..
Students will be paired with higher achieving students if they fall behind to help
them learn pupil to pupil.
How will I provide modified instruction for special education? How will you
adapt the learning for learners with special needs? Choose one disability and
tell me how you would adapt this lesson for that disability.
Johnny has a vision problem. I would also provide Johnny group with an enlarged copy of their map to
make sure he has no problems seeing the map or its directions.
Reflection / Wrap-Up. How will you close the lesson, summarize the lesson
content, relate the lesson to future lessons & tie it to previous lessons? (studentinvolvement required). How will I review subject-matter and purpose with
To finish out the lesson I would ask the students what they have learned today. Give a few of them the
chance to respond and see if any of them get the I CAN objectives. If no students get the I CAN
objectives then I will review them to make sure all students understand what they were expected to learn.
I would then go over the state standards that we covered in this lesson Social Studies 1.15 and 1.24.
Then I would transition this lesson to the next one. Since we all know how to use a map to find different
landmarks in our town/city we are next going to talk about the major cities and state capital of Tennessee
and the 3 different sections of the state. Everyone go home and finish out your maps for homework, do
the best you can on this and I will take it up tomorrow first thing before we get started tomorrow.
Describe the assessment process that you will use to measure whether the students
achieved the instructional objectives. How will you assess the student
performance/mastery of skill? What are the criteria for achievement, and
performance level? How will you assess that students have learned? How will you
monitor student progress? The criteria should directly align to the instructional
objectives and standards. Also describe your plan for providing feedback to your
Achievement will be assessed when students are able to find the treasure from the treasure map that each
small group had been given. Students will also be given an oral assessment over different landmarks and