Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Lesson 4
Purpose: In this lesson, students will find alliteration in poetry. This lesson is part of
a unit on Poetry that involves both fifth and fourth grade students. This lesson aligns
with the 4th and 5th grade school curriculum for English Language Learners and 4th
grade New York State Common Core Standards.
o The teacher will ask the students to observe the picture and ask them,
What do you notice about this poetry line that might look different?
o The teacher will have on student share the answer. (The answer is
almost all of the words begin with p or sound like p.)
o The teacher will highlight the words that begin with P and count the
number of words that begin with P. The teacher will also explicitly
explain that these words also make the (puh) sound.
The teacher will explain to the students that this is an example of alliteration.
The teacher will display the definition of alliteration on the Smart board and
read it aloud to the students. The teacher will add to look for the repetition of
sounds and remind the students that alliteration does not need to rhyme. The
teacher will also explain the example from the board and highlight the words
that begin with the first consonant as S.
Procedure: 20 minutes
The teacher will display the first model of alliteration on the Smart board. The
teacher will read aloud the poem. The teacher will explicitly explain the first
alliteration of the poem. The teacher will explain that there is a repetition of
the sound j or (juh). The teacher will also point out that the words also begin
with the letter j.
The teacher will continue to read the next stanza. The teacher will explicitly
explain the second alliteration in the poem. The teacher will explain that there
is a repetition of the sound p or (puh). The teacher will also point out that the
words also begin with the letter p.
o The teacher will ask the students to sound out the p and notice the
repetition in the words.
The teacher will read the remaining part of the poem and explain that there are
no words that have a repetition of the first consonant.
The teacher will display another example of alliteration on the Smart board.
The teacher will ask the students to work with a partner and find the
alliterations in the poem , Crazy Words. The teacher will give the students
about 1-2 minutes. The teacher will ask the students to underline or highlight
the alliterations.
The teacher will ask a student to share the first alliteration in the poem that
they found with their partner. The teacher will display the answer on the
board. The teacher will show how the first consonant of each word sound the
o The teacher will ask a student to share the second alliteration, then the
third alliteration and then the fourth. The teacher will display these
answers on the Smart board for the students to check their work.
The teacher will display another poem on the board. The teacher will ask the
students to work independently to find the four alliterations in the poem, Eat
Wisely. The teacher will ask the students to underline or highlight the
alliterations. The students will have 1-2 minutes to work on it.
The teacher will scaffold the answers by each alliteration. The teacher will ask
explain why does cool and kids alliterate, but not candy and Cindy? The
teacher will direct the students to do a turn and talk with their partner. The
students will have 1 minute to discuss with their partner.
The teacher will ask the students to share what they discussed with their
partner. The teacher will explain that Cindy makes an S sound and kids
makes a similar sound to c.
The teacher will display the next assignment on the board. The students need
to make their own alliteration poem. The teacher will explain the assignment
to the students. The teacher will distribute the checklist to the students.
The teacher will ask the students to self assess themselves by raising their
hand if they are a 1 or 2. These students will be asked to sit at the small group
table. The teacher will ask the students to raise their hand if they think they
are a 3 or 4. These students will work with a partner or independently.
The teacher will help the students that self assessed themselves as a 1 or 2.
Closure: 5 minutes
The teacher will ask the students to share their poems to the class.
Teacher Materials:
Smart Board
White board
Student Materials:
Writing notebook
Evaluation/Assessment: The informal assessments used to evaluate students
understanding are student responses during class discussions, group work,
independent work. The formal assessments will include students identifying the
alliterations in the poems and creating their own alliteration poem.
This lesson incorporates several different ways of differentiation for at risk and
disabled students.
Checklist will be provided for all students during the lesson and practice.
Partner work.
Self Assessment
Small groups after instruction