Fem Dems Bylaws
Fem Dems Bylaws
Fem Dems Bylaws
Section II
1. Structure
The Fem Dems shall be governed by its members and it shall do so via this provision:
The vote of the membership of the Fem Dems shall supersede all other votes or
decisions by any committee or persons within this organization.
2. Law
The Bylaws shall govern this organization and the members shall govern the Bylaws
through the process provided to them herein. In cases where the Bylaws shall conflict
with the decisions of any part or whole of the Fem Dems, the Bylaws shall supersede all
until changed as described in ARTICLE IV, SECTION II.
3. Service
The Fem Dems shall work to meet its mission as outlined in the Mission Statement. It
shall place primary priority on the people who avail themselves to the club and its
members. Responsibility of directing this organization towards the fulfillment of this
mission shall rest with the President.
Section I
1. Members
Membership in the organization shall be open to any person who supports the mission
of the Fem Dems; and, if eligible to vote, is a registered Democrat. If not eligible for
registration, the intent to register as a Democrat is required.
2. Voting Members
All members are permitted to vote in the manner prescribed for the vote they are
present for as described in ARTICLE II, SECTION II, NUMBER 1.
Electronic votes of the General Membership may occur in the rare cases where the
President calls for them and this shall be done by the means the President declares
acceptable when calling for the vote. Only the means through which the President
outlines a vote shall be considered acceptable will be accepted as valid votes and only
those members compliant with the Good Standing Clause will be permitted to vote
The President or Acting President is permitted the privilege of calling for an electronic
vote of the Executive Board via the means the President declares acceptable when
calling for it (i.e. E-Mail, Voting Buttons on the website, etc).
In cases of voting by electronic means, there must be a thorough effort to notify all
eligible to vote in a timely manner. The President will consider the amount of notification
time given when considering how long the voting shall be open.
Regular stated meetings adhere to a flexible order of business - however, all meetings
must begin with a brief round of introductions of all people present in which each person
states their name, Fem Dems membership status, and answer to the selected ice
breaker prompt. The prompt is at the discretion of the President with all suggestions
Committee meetings occur in accordance with the guidance of the Committee Chair.
Standing committees meet a minimum of once a quarter and special committees meet
frequently enough to allow for adequate time to effectively accomplish its assignment(s)
by its deadlines. A quorum for these meetings shall be that of those present and voting.
Special Meetings shall occur under the following circumstances:
When called by the President or Acting President.
When requested by any member in writing for any reason found by the President
or Acting President to be valid.
When voted by the Membership to occur for the replacement of a cancelled
Regular Stated Meeting.
Special Meetings must meet the same requirements of Regular Stated Meetings.
2. Notice of Meetings
All members eligible to attend a meeting shall be informed of that meetings occurrence
a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting. All meeting notices must contain
information pertaining to the time and place of the meeting, the purpose of the meeting
and any needs from potential attendees.
3. Rules of Meetings
The Fem Dems may consult the Newly Revised Roberts Rules of Order as a reference
for the conducting of the meetings in an organized manner.
4. Activities
Activities outside of the Regular Stated or Special Meetings are encouraged where they
are found to be appropriate, in agreement with the furthering or maintaining of the
mission of the Fem Dems.
Section I
1. Officers of the Fem Dems
With the exception of the Immediate Past President and General Counsel, officers are
elected during the Annual Election of Officers for a term of office lasting one (1) year,
from the first club meeting in March to the next election. They are elected by current
members who meet the Good Standing Clause by simple majority vote in a voice or
ballot voting process.
New Officer positions may be created at the President's discretion by a majority vote of
the board. Position descriptions may be amended in the bylaws as described in
The Fem Dems will have the following officers:
Vice President
Communications Director
Member Services and Outreach Coordinator
Immediate Past President (may not vote on board decisions)
General Counsel
Description of Elected Officer Positions:
1) President
Set monthly and yearly goals, agendas, and projects.
Lead monthly Executive Board and membership meetings and events.
Coordinate with the PAC.
Lead club growth and community involvement
2) Serve as the Fem Dems representative to the Sacramento County Democratic Party
and attend meetingsVice President
Identify and oversee community and social projects for the club to promote and
Innovate ways for Fem Dems to grow membership and be more involved.
Support and be the alternate for the President in functions and meetings as
Serve as the Alternate to the Sacramento County Democratic Party and attend
Support and be the alternate for the President in functions and meetings as
3) Communications Director
Chair the Communications & Outreach Committee.
Manage communications to, and the maintenance of: membership and email
Utilize social media to promote Fem Dems and keep members engaged.
Work with the President to maintain the: website, blog, facebook, and twitter
pages for general information and event updates.
Design and create regular newsletters for membership.
4) Secretary
Responsible for notes and minutes of all membership and event meetings.
Create and distribute agendas for meetings.
5) Treasurer
Manage club account, fund collection, and allocation.
Chair of Fundraising Committee.
normally members who were appointed by the President to fill a vacancy. They are
entitled to all powers afforded the elected officer once appointed.
Presiding Officers are those who are currently acting as the President or Chair during
the meetings, as needed.
Acting President is a member who is serving as the President in place of the elected
President either at the request of the same or in the absence thereof. Acting President
is a temporary situation where the powers of the President transfer to the person acting
as President until they are taken back by the elected President or they are removed
permanently from the President.
Should the office of President be vacated, the Executive Board shall appoint a member
of the board to fill the term with the newly appointed President appointing a current
member to fill their board position vacancy.
The President is given the power to appoint the Club Representative to the Democratic
Party of Sacramento Countys Central Committee as well as the alternate. These
people will be given all the same powers of an elected or ex-officio member of the
Central Committee and will have full rights to perform their duties in this capacity as
they feel are fitting to both themselves and the Fem Dems.
2. The Executive Board
This committee consists of all of the elected officers and immediate past President. It is
a planning committee that meets at least monthly for the purposes of planning the next
months agenda, processing of any resolution proposals, and the management of the
overall function of the Fem Dems.
3. Standing Committees
Standing Committees serve in their assigned capacities to handle specific elements of
the Fem Dems. They meet a minimum of once per quarter and consist of a minimum of
5 regular members including the officers.
The following standing committees exist within the Fem Dems for the purposes stated
Endorsement Committee
This committee will handle the endorsement process, questionnaire formation
and all other aspects of screening candidates and issues for endorsement
consideration by the Membership. The Chair will inform the Fem Dems PAC of
endorsed candidates with the knowledge that any financial support for an
endorsed candidate comes from the PAC.
b. Fundraising Committee
This committee is tasked with the planning of events for fundraising purposes,
and management of the fundraising plan. It will also handle all other tasks as
assigned in this Bylaws, or by the Executive Board.
c. Volunteer Corps
Members are expected to disclose in good faith any conflicts of interest. Should a
member have a conflict of interest they should recuse themselves from participating in
the questions and discussion portion of the process. They may still cast a vote on the
candidate or measure.
Section II
1. Amendment of The Bylaws
Any member may propose an amendment to this Bylaws. Such amendment proposals
go through the following process:
The amendment is proposed on the floor of a membership meeting. A vote is
taken on the amendment proposal to be approved for proceeding through this
The amendment proposal is given to the Executive Board, who drafts the final
language of the amendment proposal and approves the same. This process
carefully ensures the final language of the amendment does not place the
amendment in contradiction to the rest of this document.
The approved amendment draft becomes an amendment upon the approval of
no less than two-thirds of the members present for the vote and meeting the
Good Standing Clause.
Where circumstances require, Bylaws may be amended by the Executive Board
through a two-thirds vote. If done this way, any changes to the Bylaws must be
communicated to the membership within 72 hours.
Care shall be taken to not approve amendments that unnecessarily redirect the Fem
Dems away from its original mission. More than one amendment may be considered at
a time.
These Bylaws automatically stand for review on an annual basis. The current President
shall determine when best to fulfill this review during their term.