Tchoukball Rules

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The key takeaways are that Tchoukball encourages avoidance of conflicts and perfection of play through not allowing interference with opposing players. The goal is to bounce the ball off the rebound surface in a way that the opposing team cannot catch it before it hits the ground.

For the team that has possession of the ball, the objective is to throw the ball off the rebound surface after a maximum of three passes. Their goal is to score a point by having the ball touch the ground outside the forbidden zone after hitting the rebound surface. The defending team's objective is to catch the ball before it hits the ground to prevent the scoring team from getting a point.

The special zones on the court are the forbidden zones, which are semi-circles with a three meter radius in front of each rebound surface. Players cannot be in the forbidden zone unless they just shot or passed the ball, and their feet cannot be in the zone if they are still holding the ball.


Tchoukball encourages one aim, the avoidance of conflicts and the perfection
of play. During the course of the game the players are not permitted to
interfere with players of the other team; they may not intercept a pass,
interfere with the person carrying the ball or stop a player from taking a shot.
The defending team instead positions themselves to defend the ball against the

Rules will follow the International Rules of Tchoukball (listed below) with the
following changes to make the game more playable:

There will be 6 players on the floor at one time: 3 girls and 3 boys. A
maximum of eight players may be on a team. Every player must play
equal time.


Play will be continuous straight time (2 x 7 minutes straight time



If a player of the attacking team misses the frame, or if the ball touches
the ground outside the court before or after the bounce, then the
defending team takes posession.


There is no limit to the number of passes that the attacking team can
make before shooting.


Touching the ball with ones feet or legs below the knee is forbidden

How to play tchoukball?
To play tchoukball, two official tchoukball rebound surfaces and
a handball ball are needed. The game is played on a handball
court (20X40 meters, or about 66 feet by 132 feet) between two
teams of nine players or on a basketball court between teams of
six or seven players. The rebound surfaces (which can be used
by both teams) are placed at each end of the court, and each
one is within a semi-circle line, with a three-meter (9.9 feet)
radius, which defines the forbidden zone.

The team that has possession of the ball has a three-pass limit before being forced to shoot
the ball at the rebound surface on either end of the court. Members of the other team must
place themselves according to where they expect the ball to land, so that they can catch it
before it touches the floor. Meantime, members of the other team look to position themselves
to recover the ball after it rebounds from the rebound surface, before the ball can touch the
floor. During the course of the game, the players of each team are not allowed to interfere with
players of the other team: they may not intercept passes, interfere with the movements of the
person carrying the ball or his team-mates, or stop a defender from positioning himself to catch
the ball after the rebound.

A player scores a point for his team if he bounces the ball off the rebound surface in such a
manner that it cannot be caught by an opponent before it touches the floor.
A player gives a point to the other team if:
He misses the rebound surface when he shoots the ball.
He makes the ball bounce out-of-bounds.
He shoots the ball and it bounces back, touching him.
He sends the ball into the forbidden zone, before or after it hits the rebound surface.

A player commits a penalty if:
He moves while dribbling the ball on the floor or juggling it in the air.
He takes more than 3 footsteps on the floor while in possession of the ball.
He plays using parts of his body below his knees.
He makes a fourth pass for his team.
He makes contact with the floor out-of-bounds or in the forbidden zone while holding the
He drops the ball after it is passed to him.
He voluntarily, or by error, catches a pass from the other team.
He catches a ball off of the rebound surface that was shot by one of his team-mates.
He blocks his opponents from moving or stops them from freely passing the ball once
they have gained possession.
After a penalty, the ball is given to the other team and the game continues from the spot
where the penalty was committed. A pass must be made before throwing the ball at the
rebound surface.
If the ball hits one of the edges of the rebound surface and the path of the ball changes,

the team may not receive a point. This is a penalty and the game continues from the spot
where the ball hit the floor. The ball is given to the team that was defending at the time of the
In a bipolar game (with two rebound surfaces), it is illegal to shoot the ball more
than three consecutive times at the same rebound surface.
A player must throw the ball in-bounds from behind the base line, next to the rebound
surface. This throw does not count as one of the teams three passes.

The court and the players

Size of the court Number of players Length of time
1st Solution

40 x 20 m

9 players / team

Men: 3 x 15 min

2nd Solution 20 x 12 m

7 players / team

Women / Mixed : 3 x 12 min

Materials needed
1 handball
2 rebound surfaces (1 m x 1 m frames with 55 degrees incline)
The rebound surfaces are places at opposite sides of the court.

Special zones
In front of each rebound surface is a semi-circle with a three-meter radius, which is called
the forbidden zone. A player may not be in the forbidden zone unless he has just shot or
passed the ball. Either case, the player's feet may not in the forbidden zone if the ball is still in
his hands.

For the team that has possession of the ball: throw the ball off the rebound surface after a
maximum of three passes. After the ball hits the surface, the ball must touch the floor outside
of the forbidden zone to score a point. If the other team catches the ball before it hits the floor,
neither team scores a point and the game continues.

Particular rules
There are no designated sides (each team may shoot the ball at either rebound).
It is illegal to intercept a pass from the other team.
No more than three passes before shot.
No more than three steps by a player holding the ball.

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