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Drug Study

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Felodipine Treatment of Inhibits calcium ion Peripheral edema, Sick sinus syndrome; Caution patient to
(Dilofen ER) hypertension influx across cell hypotension, syncope, second- or third degree AV avoid hazardous
-anti- membrane, resulting atrioventiculat block, block except with activities until
hypertensives in inhibition of myocardial infraction, functioning pacemaker; stabilized on drug.
excitation/contraction. arrhythmias, angina, hypotension with systolic
tachycardia, headache, BP <90 mmHg. Instruct patient to limit
dizziness, light- caffeine consumption.
nervousness Urge patient to comply
in all areas of medical

Lansoprazole Treatment of Suppresses gastric Hypersensitivity Those in whom constipation Advise patient not to
(Pylison) duodenal ulcer, secretion by reactions, flatulence, must be avoided, acute exceed recommended
-acid-peptic gastric ulcer, inhibiting abdominal pain, dysentery. Children less dosage.
disease stomal ulcer, H. hydrofen/potassium distention or than 1 year.
Pylori ATPase enzyme discomfort, nausea and Hypersensitvity. Abdominal Advice patient to
associated system located in the vomiting, constipation, distension and acute avoid hazardous
peptic ulcer, secretory surface of tiredness, drowsiness ulcerative colitis. Patients activities.
reflux the parietal cells of or dizziness, with anti-biotic-associated
esophagitis, the stomach. unexplained fever, dry pseudomembranous colitis, Inform patient that dry
Zollinger- mouth with diarrhea caused by mouth
Ellison Salmonella, Shigella and can be relieved by
Syndrome and campylobacter infections. frequent sips of water.

Fluticasone It is used by Glucocorticoid with a Candidiasis or dryness Primary treatment of severe Advice patient that
(Flixotide) inhalation for high topical anti- of mouth and throat. acute asthmatic attacks or drug is for long term
-drug for the prophylaxis inflammatory Hoarseness. status asthmaticus when maintenance.
asthma/COPD of the symptoms potency. It has a Paradoxical intensive measures are
of asthma; also, strong affinity for and bronchospasm. required. When applied Tell the patient not to
is administered agonist activity at Cutaneous topically: rosacea, acne stop oral or inhaled
by nasal spray in human glucocorticoid hypersensitivity vulgaris, perioral dermatitis, long acting beta
the prophylaxis receptors. reactions. Possible perianal and genital pruritus. agonist.
and treatment of systemic effects Cutaneous viral infections.
allergic rhinitis. include suppression of Instruct patient on the
It is applied adrenal function, proper way of drug
topically in the growth retardation in inhalation and not to
treatment of children and exceed dose under any
various skin adolescents, decrease circumstances.
diorders. in bone mineral
density, cataract and Instruct to rinse mouth
glaucoma. after inhalation.

Acetylcysteine Treatment of Nausea, vomitting and Instruct the patient to

(Fluimucil) respiratory Decreases viscosity of other GI symptoms, Hypersensitivity. follow directions
-cough & cold affections respiratory tract generalized urticaria Phenylketonuria. exactly.
preparation characterized by secretions and accompanied by mild
thick and promote their removal fever, hypotension, Teach patient how to
viscous wheezing, dyspnea and use and clean
by breaking disulfide
hypersecretions: stomatitis. nebulizer.
acute and bonds. In
chronic acetaminophen Inform patient that
bronchitis and overdose, it protects drug may have foul
its exacerbation, the liver from injury smell or taste.
pulmonary by restoring
emphysema, glutathione levels or Tell patient to avoid
mucoviscidosis driving or other
by acting as alternate
and hazardous activities.
substrate for
bronchiectasis. acetaminophen
Antidote in metabolism. Duavent
caused by

Do not self prescribe

Kalium Hypokalemia. Provides a direct N/V, ECG changes in Those who are Renal laxatives.
Durale As prophylaxis replacement of Hyperkalemia. insufficiency.
during treatment potassium in the Hyperkalemia. Report weakness,
drug for with diuretics. body. fatigue, polyuria,
polydispia could be
sign k+ deficit

Advice patient that

tablet carcass may
appear on stool- do not
be alarmed.

Avoid licorice, large

amount cause both
cause hypokalemia
and Na+ retention

Ansimar Treatment of Bronchodilator Nausea, vomiting Those who are May be taken with or
bronchial epigastric Hypersensitivity, Acute MI, without food
drug for asthma and pain,cephalalgia hypotension, Lactation
asthma/COPD pulmonary Pregnancy and elderly, Store at room
disease with insomia, tachycardia, temperature not
spastic bronchial Hyperglycemia, succeeding 30c
component. albunuria
Duavent Management of Treatment of Headache, pain, Hypertrophic obstructive Drugs should be given
reversible obstructive airway influenza, chest pain, cardiomyopathy or only if the potential
Plasma volume bronchospasm diseases. nausea.Bronchitis, tachyarrhythmia. benefit justifies the
expanders associated dyspnea, coughing, Hypersensitiviity to atropine potential risk to the
obstructive Bronchodilator pneumonia, and its derivatives. foetus.
airway disease bronchospasm
pharyngitis, sinusitis, Position patient on
Patient with rhinitis, edema, high back rest
chronic fatigue, position.
obstructive hypertension,dizziness
pulmonary , nervousness, Do back tapping
disease on a paresthesia, tremor, after you nebulize
regular enhaled dyspepsia, vomiting, the patient.
bronchospasm arrhythmia,
and who palpitation, do not give a food
required a 2nd tachycardia, arthralgia, immediately it can
bronchodilator cause vomiting
angina, increased
sputum, taste
perversion and
UTI/dysuria, allergic-
type reactions.

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