ACI 117 Dan ASTM E 1155 PDF
ACI 117 Dan ASTM E 1155 PDF
ACI 117 Dan ASTM E 1155 PDF
TDS 233
Concrete contractors will bid and pour floors to a specified American Concrete Institute (ACI) floor flatness (FF)
requirement under Division 3 of the project specification(s). Tile and stone installation contractors bid and install the
specified finish in accord with in plane surface tolerances under Division 9 of the project specifications. Even if the
concrete contractor pours the concrete and finishes it to the specified floor flatness requirement, as stated in ACI 117
Specification for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials, the FF must be measured within 72 hours of the
concrete pour. However, it is commonly known that concrete will continue to undergo change (e.g. shrinkage, curling,
creep, etc) over time. This means that even if the concrete slab meets FF requirements within 3 days after the pour, by
the time the tile contractor shows up on the site, more often than not, additional surface preparation is required. Design
professionals must consider the effects of FF change and how that change affects the ability of the flooring contractor to
effectively install the specified finish to meet the expectations of the of the design professionals. The design professionals
should specify a higher FF rating and/or include an allowance for surface preparation in the specifications.
The proper preparation of substrates to receive most any type of finish flooring is critical to the aesthetic and functional
performance of the floor. The substrate must meet certain requirements, again depending upon the finish material, for
floor flatness and floor levelness. Installation of vinyl tile over a substrate which is not perfectly flat will be visible
through the vinyl tile. Installation of tile or stone over a floor which is not flat can create low spots, lippage (a safety
concern) and uneven grout joints. Installation of carpet over a floor which is not flat creates easily visible low spots. For
tile or stone applications, the maximum allowable variation in the substrate, for tiles with edges shorter than 15 (380mm),
is in 10 (6mm in 3m) from the required plane with no more than 1/16 variation in 12 (1.5mm in 300mm) from the
high points in the surface. For tile or stone with at least one edge longer than 15 (380mm) in length, maximum allowable
variation is 1/8 in 10 (3mm in 3m) from the required plane with no more than 1/16 in 24 (1.5mm in 600mm) when
measured from the high points in the surface.1
Installation of certain types of finishes (e.g. tile, stone, vinyl tile, carpet) require surface preparation to ensure that certain
floor flatness and floor levelness requirements are met. There are two standards for determining floor flatness and one for
determining floor levelness. These standards are as follows;
1. ACI 117 Specification for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials - This specification
provides standard tolerances for concrete construction and is intended to be used as the reference document for
establishing tolerances for concrete construction by specification writers and ACI committees writing standards.
The 2010 revision of ACI 117 greatly expanded the straightedge method for determining floor flatness (Note that
levelness cannot be determined using a straightedge).
ACI 117 sets minimum sampling requirements to help ensure a statistically representative set of measurements
which is that one sample must be taken from each 100 ft2 (9.3 m2), and samples must be taken parallel,
perpendicular, or at a 45angle to the longest construction joint of the test area.
The following chart shows the maximum gap between the floor surface and the bottom of the 10 (3 m)
straightedge. It is important to note that 90% of the samples must not exceed Column 2 and 100% of the samples
must not exceed column 3.
Floor Surface
Maximum Gap
90% Compliance
100% Compliance
1/2 (12mm)
3/4 (19mm)
Moderately Flat
3/8 (10mm)
5/8 (16mm)
1/4 (6mm)
3/8 (10mm)
Very Flat
Super Flat
Table 1 Floor Flatness Tolerance Compliance
The familiar 1/8 in 10 (3mm in 3 m) tolerance is not an option with ACI 117, which may present some difficulties for
specifying slab tolerances for certain types of floor coverings. Consult the finish flooring manufacturers instructions for
acceptable substrate flatness tolerances.
2. ASTM E1155 Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers
ASTM E1155 addresses a quantitative method of measuring floor surface profiles to obtain estimates of the
floors characteristic FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Profile Numbers (F-Numbers). This standard
establishes the method for measuring F-Numbers by using a statistical analysis of measured points which are 12
(300mm) apart taken along straight lines in a prescribed pattern within each sample area. A sample area must not
exceed 320 ft2 (29.6 m2), must be at least 8 (2.4 m) wide, and must not cross a construction joint.2
ASTM E1155 provides statistical information concerning floor surface profiles and the results of this test method
are used primarily to establish compliance of randomly trafficked floor surfaces with specified FF Floor Flatness
and FL Floor Levelness tolerances, evaluate the effect of different construction methods on resulting floor surface
flatness and levelness, and investigate the curling and deflection of floor surfaces.3
These F-Numbers use dimensionless symbols to designate both flatness and levelness and are designated as;
FF Floor Flatness variation from surface plane (bumpiness)
FL Floor Levelness variation from horizontal plane (pitch)
To specify F-Numbers correctly, two values are required for flatness and levelness:
Specified Overall (SO FF and SO FL) these are the numbers as specified in the construction documents.
Minimum Local (ML FF and ML FL) these are the minimum tolerances for the floor or slab to be usable
(usually 60% of the Specified Overall value). Defects which exceed the Minimum Local value normally
require some type of remediation (typically grinding, or, the use of a self-leveling underlayment).
F-Numbers must be measured within 72 hours of placing the slab because it ensures that the quality of the concrete
contractors quality is being measured. If the measurements are delayed, shrinkage, curling and other factors
which are outside of the concrete contractors control can influence the results. Levelness tolerances apply only to
slab-on-grade and suspended slabs which are shored when tested.4
Floor Surface Classification
Moderately Flat
Very Flat
Super Flat
Table 2 F-Number Method Reference Chart
Conventional floors are not suitable for applied finishes and are normally used for utility spaces and left exposed.
Moderately flat floors are suitable for carpeted finishes in commercial buildings and low speed vehicular traffic in
industrial buildings. Flat floors are suitable for tile, vinyl tile and similar finishes as well as for conventional fork lift
traffic in warehouses. Very flat floors are usually used for high-end industrial applications where high speed fork lifts and
other production equipment are used. Super flat floors are appropriate for very limited applications with random traffic
such as television studios to minimize camera vibration.
The information on tile size and grout joint width, provided below in Tables 3 & 4, is not exact. The information is
provided to show general guidelines on how to reconcile subfloor requirements contained in Division 3 and Division 9 of
typical project specifications.
Tile Size* (+/- [12mm])
TCNA Handbook for Ceramic, Glass and Stone Tile Installation 51st Edition, Tile Council of North America, Anderson,
SC, 2014.
Stutzman, David. Floor Slab Flatness & Levelness, Conspectus, Inc.,
ASTM E1155 Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers, American
Standard for Testing and Materials, Conshohocken, PA, 2008.
Stutzman, David. Floor Slab Flatness & Levelness, Conspectus, Inc.,
Technical Data Sheets are subject to change without notice. For latest revision, check our website at
TDS 233.doc
R 22 July 2014