Siberian Tigers Weigh Pirate
Siberian Tigers Weigh Pirate
Siberian Tigers Weigh Pirate
Tigers are big cat. Tigers are carnivore . Tigers have a orange fur with black stripes, and a
white belly. The stripes are used to keep them camouflaged while hunting. Tigers have a keen
sight and strong legs it can help tigers to hunting. The front paws of a tiger have five toes
each. for their thick, orange-tawny coats, gleaming amber-gold eyes, black to rich brown
stripes, and long, whip-like tail. Most cats dont like to swim, but on a hot day Tigers love
to swim. A tigers night vision is six times greater than a humans. A tigers canine teeth can
grow up to three inches long and would be capable of crunching through the vertebrae of any
creature on this earth. Adult tigers have thirty teeth.On average a tigers tail is around four feet
long or half the length of its body. The tail gives the tiger extra balance when running and is
also used to communicate to other tigers. Siberian tigers are the largest. Males can grow to at
least 6 feet (1.8 metres) long (body length) and weigh about 500 lb (230 kg). Females are a
bit smaller. Tigers usually prefer to eat prey they have caught themselves, but are not above
eating carrion in times of scarcity and may even pirateprey from other large carnivores.
Although predators typically avoid one another, if a prey item is under dispute or a serious
competitor is encountered, displays of aggression are common. If these are not sufficient, the
conflicts may turn violent; tigers may kill competitors asleopards, dholes, striped
hyenas, wolves, bears, pythons and crocodiles on occasion. Tigers may also prey on these
competitors. Attacks on smaller predators, such as badgers, lynxes, and foxes, are almost
certainly predatory. Crocodiles, bears and large packs of dholes may win conflicts against
tigers and in some cases even kill them.