Part3 Evidence1 Silva
Part3 Evidence1 Silva
Part3 Evidence1 Silva
Making students stand up and say the pledge each morning is not a jingoistic act of
American imperialism or a violation of a students rights, as some would argue. Its
simply a statement of patriotism.
Yet today, in our politically correct world, its almost a crime to require children to state
the pledge it often results in lawsuits and recrimination. Recently, a Florida teacher
was suspended for making her middle school children do so.
Theres got to be a common-sense balance when teaching patriotism.
Its still important for children to learn to respect and even love the liberty and freedoms
afforded to American citizens. Reciting the pledge, learning the provisions of the
Constitution and taking a basic civics course should be mandatory in public schools.
And because America is a nation of individual liberties, making kids say the Pledge
should be tempered to respect a students right to not say it because of religious
mandates, a belief in not displaying allegiance to anyone or any entity, or simply
because they dont feel like it.
Thats called respecting individual freedom.
So if they choose not to do so, they should still have to stand and listen, showing
respect to the students who do recite it.
Theres always a danger in making patriotism and pledges compulsory.
This week is the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg and President Lincolns
Gettysburg Address.
For decades, history students were made to memorize Lincolns 270-plus-word
message that commemorated the few days of battle that claimed almost as many
American lives as the entire Vietnam war.
The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget
what they did here, Lincoln said.
Because generations of history teachers taught those words, the world did remember in
great detail what Lincoln said there.
The recitation of patriotic words and speeches captures the reverence of American
But we must recognize the last few words of the Pledge as the most important too
with liberty and justice for all.
That means that while making it mandatory for students to learn and say the pledge, our
laws should not require a dissenting child from saying it with the others too.
Loyalty should not be something forced on an American. It should be studied from the
start of ones education and participation in our society, whether it be a kindergartener
or an immigrant seeking citizenship.