Felony Complaint Against Ryan Michel

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FELONY DR# 14-450821, ‘COMPLAINT Docker (GENERAL INFORNATION Criminal Court of the City of Syracuse STATEOFNEW YORK) People ofthe Stat of New York COUNTY OF ONONDAGA) ss * RYAN F. MICHEL (02.24.1999) Defendant 1 Syracuse Police Detective Anthony Colavita #027 "the COMPLAINANT heeds, esi at Syicise Police Criinal nvestgations Division, Publi Safety Building 51S. State St. Syracuse, NY 15202 “ACCUSE yun F. Michel 1 the DESENDANT in thi sctio, and charpe that on oc aboutte 12" dayof _ September 2” _14 at 1 Destiny USA Drive Lord & Taylor inthe CITY OF SYRACUSE, COUNTY OF ONONDAGA, STATE OF NEW YORK, Gland 648 sFeock in the ier ‘noon, std DEFENDANT did commit don and Misdemeanor fof ___Ctiminal Possession of = Forged Isteument 1 degre (4 coun and Pest Larcen ‘contrary to the provisions of Sections ___17030 and 155.25 ofthe Penal Lay of the STATE OF NEW YORK by ‘A person is ui of eriminal posession ofa forged instrument in the frst degree when, with knowledge that itis forged and with the intent to defaud, she uters or possesses any forged instrument of a kind specified in section 170.15 (part ofan issue ofmone), A person is gully of petit larceny when she steals property To wit; On the above dat, time and location the defendant, Ryan Miche, did knowingly possess forged instruments, said instruments beirg counterfeit United States Federal Reserve Note One-Hundred Dollar bills Ieaeing serial numbers EAS6307020A, IABS402028A, HFO486248P. and F15S00609SI purportedly issued by the Treasury Deparment ofthe Urited States, Based upon my training and experience sei items were examined and determined to be counterfeit de othe lack of Several security features. The defendant with intent to defraud fand deceive Lord and Taylor did present the same to purchase merchandise totaling $387.44. As a result, the defendant did fraudulently obtain property from Lord and Taylor, all contrary to the provisions of the'taute ‘made and provided, S Criminal Possession ofa Forged instrument inthe I degree is aclass C felony. Petit Larceny iva class A misdemeanor. % That the source of deponents infomation and boli and the grounds of his bli ast all mates fin ised upon information and belie are bed upon and derived frm annexe affidavit of Greg CampbglPan pice vestigation us (©) WieREroRE 1 REQUEST THAT CRIMINAL PROCESS BE ISSUED TO COMPEL, THE DEFENDANT TO [ANSWER THE AFORESAID ACCUSATION. NOTE: False sates made hrc re punishable ta Css A misdemeanor pursuant o Suction 210.48 of the Perl Law ofthe State OF New Yok APFIRMED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY this 1 Colavia VOT COMPLAINANT ee a; 7 Syracase Police Department DR 14450821 on re ge AFFIDAVIT. sect Yo ete Spam ps Daponen: Greg Campbell wet 9629 Destiny USA Dr, ‘Syracuse NY 13290 Ss Asset anal 1, Greg Cumsbell, being caly sworn depose and sat the following to Detective Anthony ‘Golavita of the Syracuse Police Department: sjghat on Fléay, Septeser 12, 288, while employed by Lord & Taylor a + "Bice assee Protection tanager, and uhile working 8t Lord & Tylor, located at 9623 Destiny USA or. in the City of syracuse, I received call fron 8 ates Associate in the Fragrance departnent. The associate Informed ne that her she thought two 1 Bilis that were Just taken nat the cash ‘eplster vere fake, T Ineediately proceeded to the Fregrance departnent dd Inspected the iyo b101s, The associate tnforved me that a male ond ‘enale sinject had Just given the bls as a form of payment, within the Inst 20 ninates, to caplete a purchase. uhile tnspecting the bills, lth the recent increase ir counterfett money being passed in the area and with the training t have received and through past exgeriences T vas able to determine the Dis were counterfeit, 1 then ‘ove possession oF the bis. then proceede! to the AP office to reviex video oF the subjects. White reviving video T'was able to detersine that both subjects, the male tha Female sade'a purchase in th fare deportnont prior to the purchare they‘ nade in the Fragrances dopartaent. That trensaction was iso paid for vith two 160 Bilis. I then proceeded to the Kens departnert to dnspect thote bis a5 weli. Tos eble to determine thet those bills were also Counterfeit. I then tox possession of those bills as well. then rnotitied oetctive Colaita of the Syracuse Police Department and notsfied Nin of the ineidone. Z then continued to review video of the subjects as they proceeded throigh the store, prion to and Lmediately folioving the purchases, The to subjects, Light skined black nsle wearing what appeared +0 be a. dark blue or Black sweater or fleece with 0 Ped, greey and yellow ‘tripe seross the eras and chest) and a darker sttned black female 1° Ihave ad thi statement whih consist of en page andthe fats contained therin are rue and correct tothe best ofmy knoledge,

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