Hela Paper
Hela Paper
Hela Paper
Aaron Davis
Mr. Geist
Performance Enhancers In Sports
As the generation of sports goes on and becomes more advanced so do the
problems.Performance enhancing drugs, and blood doping have been around since the ancient
olympics which dated back from 776 to 393 AD. In the 1960s the east german olympic team
used performance enhancers to have an advantage going into the olympics ("Historical Timeline
- Drug Use in Sports - ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2015). Young
athletes today take these drugs to make them better for the future so they can then further their
career in what they love, little do they know that these drugs are just shortening their careers and
potentially their lives.
Steroids, Androstenedione, HGH, Erythropoietin, the list goes on. All of these
performance enhancers all play a different but similar role in young athletes today. Steroids are
the most popular because some of the most famous athletes have been caught with them. They
are used to increase muscle mass and testosterone levels. Androstenedione is used to increase the
production of the hormone testosterone to enhance athletic performance, increase energy, keep
red blood cells healthy, enhance recovery and growth from exercise. These drugs all play the
same role of boosting an athletes performance so they think. Some cases have been reported with
aggravated assault on steroid overdose and even strokes and heart attacks from malnutrition
while taking steroids. The father of anabolic steroids in the United States was John Ziegler, a
physician for the U.S. weightlifting team. Ziegler learned from his Russian days that the Soviet
weightlifting team's success was due to their use of performance-enhancing drugs.
Although steroids are taken to have an athletic advantage what if everyone was given
steroids to even out the playing field? If steroids were allowed then scientist could further study
how to make them more safe and make them not so life threatening. Even though every athlete
would be super human at least the competition and playing field would be even. There could be
contracts signed and age restrictions created so that when a new athlete furthers his or her future
professionally then they would have the choice to juice or not to but in the contract it would be
almost required. Steroids and doping will help pitchers to throw harder, home runs to go further,
cyclists to charge for longer and sprinters to test the very limits of human speed (Smith). At the
same time, legalizing PEDs would make life much easier for professional sports organizations
currently tasked with managing anti-doping policies. The real question to think about is how can
steroids be illegal when tommy john surgery makes the tendons stronger and gives almost the
same effect as steroids? (Klosterman, Chuck. "There Are No Sound Moral Arguments Against
Performance-Enhancing Drugs." The New York Times. The New York Times, 31 Aug. 2013.
Web. 19 Feb. 2015.)
There is a blurry line, for instance, between what is and isnt an improper performance
enhancer. Major League Baseball has strict limits on stimulants like ephedrine and
methamphetamine, but no restrictions on caffeine use. Athletes are also barred from human
growth hormone, which reputably helps with injury recovery, but they have free use of musclebuilding creatine. Not only would legalized PEDs help avoid the area of deciding what might be
too enhancing, but they would save the bureaucratic trouble and possible embarrassment that
accompanies disputed tests like Ryan Brauns last December (Smith).
Athletes today all want the same thing, advantage and success. Their belief is that if they
work harder then they will be more successful which is a true philosophy, but some athletes tend
to think doping illegally is the route to greatness. Steroids are good for a short amount of time
but once they are done the side effects are not very pretty. We have many organizations against
steroids and they are constantly fighting athletes to stop taking them, if these organizations
allowed steroids in sports then there would be no hassle on outlawing them because the playing
field would be even for everybody. Doctors could work on purifying it so the side effects would
be less drastic and more healthy to the players. To stop steroids either make them legal and stop
all the drama or continue to punish athletes very harshly.
Work Cited
Clear argument
and Ideas
Sequence is logical
looks good.
use of vocabulary.
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/10 final grade from teacher