5e Lesson Plan Genetics Review
5e Lesson Plan Genetics Review
5e Lesson Plan Genetics Review
Marissa Beaith
Janelle Ruiz
Strand 4: Life Science
Concept 2: Reproduction and Heredity
Understand the basic principles of heredity
Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT explain the basic principles of genetics (dominance, recessive, genotype, and phenotype, punnett
squares, probability) by using punnett squares to create and mate minions.
Collection of the worksheet will demonstrate students knowledge on how to set up and interpret punnett
Small group/ partner discussions will demonstrate students understanding of the basic principles of genetics
Engage (10min)
The teacher will ask the students the essential question; why do living things look alike? Allow students to give
examples. If students do not have examples or are reluctant to share, give the example of dogs. A puppy tends to look
like its parents. Ask the students if they would like to have a pet minion (like their pet dog). Inform the students of that
days activity, which will allow them to create their own minion using genetics. Put up the list of vocabulary words
(stated above). Have the students get into groups of three with a whiteboard. Assign each group 1-2 vocabulary words.
Tell them that they need to write everything they know about that word, by drawing a picture or diagram, providing a
definition, giving a definition, ect. Have each group share their words with the class.
Teacher Will:
Students Will:
Explore (15min)
The students will work on the worksheet. They will begin by making a minion, by choosing its traits from a designated
list. For example, do they want their minion to have two eyes (dominant trait- EE or Ee) or one eye (recessive traitee)? After they create their minion they will find a partner and mate their minions. To do this the students must set-up
and solve a punnett square, using the genotypes from their minion and their partners minion.
Teacher Will:
Students Will:
Make a minion:
Listen to lab directions
Decide on the desired traits from the list of
given possibilities
Record the genotypes and phenotypes (given)
in data table on the worksheet
Mate minions:
Find a partner to work with
Set-up a punnett square with the two minions
Solve punnett square
Co-Teaching Strategy
One teach- one assist- The lead teacher will pose the essential questions, give directions, and manage time. Both
teachers will circulate the class, answering questions, providing assistance when necessary, and keeping students
focused and on task.
Differentiation Strategy
Explain (20min)
The students will use the punnett square results to pick the desired genotype and phenotype of the offspring. They will
intrepret the probability that the desired genotype and phenotype will be expressed. The students will record the final
genotype, phenotype, and probabilities in their worksheet.
Teacher Will:
Students Will:
Interpret and explain punnett squares:
Use the punnett squares to determine the
desired genotypes and phenotypes
Record the desired genotypes and phenotypes
in the worksheet
Determine the probabilty that the desired
genotype will be expressed
Record probabilities in worksheet
Co-Teaching Strategy
Co-teach: Both teachers circulates the classroom offering help, answering students questions, making sure students
are staying on task, and managing classroom behaviors.
Differentiation Strategy
Grouping allows students to learn form their peers through collaborative skills.
Directions on the PowerPoint allow students the opportunity to go back if needed.
Punnett square model allows for a visual and gives students the opportunity for multiple learning styles.
Elaborate (5min)
The teacher will pose new questions for a class discussion: What would happen if a mutation occurred that caused the
minions to have purple skin? How might something like this happen? What would happen if a mutant minion mated
with a normal minion (and the mutation was expressed/not expressed). Guide the students to use scientific
vocabulary to connect dominant and recessive mutations. Relate this mutation to everyday illnesses caused by
mutations, such as sickel cell anemia and hemophilia. Close by asking the students to think of their own examples.
Teacher Will:
Students Will:
Co-Teaching Strategy
One teach-one assist: One teacher guides the class discussion, while the other circulates the classroom to manage
classroom behaviors.
Differentiation Strategy
Evaluate (done at same time as elaborate/ turn in worksheet at the end of class)
Collection of the worksheet will demonstrate students knowledge on how to set up and interpret punnett
Small group/ partner discussions will demonstrate students understanding of the basic principles of genetics
Teacher Will:
Students Will: