Simmons-Project 4 Body
Simmons-Project 4 Body
Simmons-Project 4 Body
This white paper provides a usability analysis on two mathematical computational programs,
MathCAD and MATLAB. The two programs solve mathematical expressions and systems of
equations, which is especially useful in engineering applications. Engineers often develop
mathematical models for projects and use MathCAD and MATLAB as a resource in the
computation, graphing, manipulation, and analysis of the complex models. For this usability
analysis, the user is assumed to be an engineer proficient in mathematics (or a user with a similar
skill set). The study is an assessment of ease of use for various facets of each program performed
by an engineering student, focusing on tasks common in engineering applications. Additionally,
this analysis considers how easily calculations and results are interpreted and understood by
other engineers.
The study is performed on a laptop with the most recent version of each programs installed.
Typical engineering tasks are performed in both MathCAD and MATLAB; the following
processes will be considered for the usability analysis:
Ease of:
1) Familiarizing with interface
2) Defining an equation
3) Plotting an equation
4) Interpreting expressions and symbols
5) Revising parameters
Presentation of:
6) Equations
7) Plots
8) Results
Versatility of:
9) Customizing plots
10) Notation
Each of these analyses will be quantified using a Likert scale as displayed below:
Neither 2
Agree nor
1. Ease of Familiarizing with Interface:
MathCAD: Likert Scale (4):
When MathCAD opens, a blank document similar to a Microsoft Word document is
displayed. Typing changes the plus-shaped cursor into the familiar vertical line cursor
often used in word processors. In this mode, the user can enter keyboard shortcuts to
construct mathematical equations, systems, and graphs. The program is structured
with a placement hierarchy from most important to least important of left-to-right
then top-to-bottom, so variables must be used below, or to the right of their definition.
The structure and use of MathCAD is intuitive, but some of the keys used to perform
tasks arent. For example, the equal sign key is not always used to assign a value. In
some instances colon : must be used.
MATLAB: Likert Scale (2):
When MATLAB is opened, a text prompt appears. To get similar results to
MathCAD, a script or .m file will need to be generated, which is not very intuitive
when first starting the program. MATLAB uses its own coding language, with
commands that perform mathematical operations and basic loops (a for loop for
example). MATLABs code language makes learning and familiarizing with the
interface difficult due to the time and effort required to understand it. Simple
commands are easy to pick up, but creating more complicated, realistic programs
requires much time and practice with the language. Starting to use MATLAB after
familiarity with other coding languages is advised, as abstract concepts that present
themselves when coding with MATLAB may be more easily understood. Users can
search concepts with MATLABs built in help and learn by example with
corresponding code snippets.
2. Ease of Defining an Equation:
MathCAD: Likert Scale (4):
Equations are defined using traditional mathematical notations. The user types the
desired function name and variables followed by a colon. The following symbol
appears, showing the definition has been made: :=. Defining equations takes some
getting used to, as the equals sign is not used to define equations.
Example: f(x):=x+3
MATLAB: Likert Scale (5):
Unlike MathCAD, MATLAB uses the equal sign to assign variables and functions.
The user types the name and variables, but uses the equal sign instead of the
semicolon to define the equation. This process is straightforward and simple.
Example: f(x) = x + 3;
3. Ease of Plotting an Equation:
MathCAD: Likert Scale (4):
To create a plot, the user selects graph from the toolbar or uses the keyboard
shortcut @. A blank graph will appear with blank inputs for the x and y axes. The
user defines the range for the axes and equations to put on the axes by clicking the
empty box and typing them in. By typing , on the left-middle blank multiple
functions on the same graph can be plotted. The interface for the graphing procedure
is intuitive, but plotting too many functions on one graph causes readability to suffer.
(a) MathCAD
Figure 1. (a) Two functions in MathCAD. (b) Two functions in MATLAB
7. Presentation of Plots:
MathCAD: Likert Scale (4):
Plots in MathCAD are resizable and a few options exist such as surface plots and
polar plots in addition to traditional x-y plots. However, MATLAB provides more
outright information from the terminal than MathCAD does from the graphs, although
most of this data can be accessed through MathCAD as well through more advanced
MATLAB: Likert Scale (5):
MATLAB allows a vast amount of control through simple commands for plotting,
and even allows the user to decide which windows contain which plots. The default
resolution for graphs in MATLAB is superior to that of MathCADs plots as well.
8. Presentation of Results:
MathCAD: Likert Scale (5):
Calculations and equations are displayed in common mathematical syntax (the
function is on the left of the equal sign, the equation is in the middle, and then the
results are displayed after a second equal sign is placed after the middle section on the
right of the second equal sign. Results are easily read and often simplified to simplest
form by the software. MathCAD also allows the user to see several values of a
function if desired by simply typing the function name and then an equal sign.
MATLAB: Likert Scale (3):
Calculations appear in a terminal window below the current script. Functions that
have a numerator and denominator are presented in a conventional way, but
presentation is limited to basic text only.
s^3 -12s^2 + 2
Y(s) = -----------------------------------s^5 + 22s^3 + 7s + 11
9. Versatility of Customizing Plots:
MathCAD: Likert Scale (4):
Graphs can be resized, the range of each axes is adjustable, grid lines can be
activated, and plot trace colors and lines are adjustable. All of these parameters are
adjustable from one window.
MATLAB: Likert Scale (5):
Each option present in MathCAD is also present in MATLAB. However, MATLAB
allows specific, user defined gridlines on the x and y axes, which can be very helpful
in verifying and interpreting data. Additionally, MATLAB contains a subplot
function, allowing multiple plots in the same window.
MathCAD and MATLAB are each powerful tools for complex mathematical computation and
simulation, each with advantages and disadvantages. For a user just starting out with
mathematical software, MathCAD is recommended because it is much easier to learn and work
with. The ease of interfacing with the software and vast notation possibilities also makes
MathCAD documents easy to review to parties other than easier. However, MATLAB
completely outclasses MathCAD in terms of plotting. Although, learning the coding skills
necessary to interface with MATLAB makes it more difficult to use than MathCAD. Each
program is very situational, overall the best is a matter of personal preference and application.