Understanding Tight Oil

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Understanding Tight Oil

What is Tight Oil?

Crude oil, also known as petroleum or fossil fuel,
is found in some rock formations deep below the
earths surface. Crude oil forms the foundation
for the petroleum industry and is relied upon for
fuels as well as feed stocks for the petrochemical

Tight oil is conventional oil that is found within

reservoirs with very low permeability. The oil
contained within these reservoir rocks typically will
not flow to the wellbore at economic rates without
assistance from technologically advanced drilling
and completion processes. Commonly, horizontal
drilling coupled with multi-stage fracturing is used
to access these difficult to produce reservoirs.

This information booklet

discusses light to medium
crude oil and does not address
heavy crude oil.

Heavy Oil

Medium to light oil

Oil is commonly defined as either heavy or

medium-to-light grade dependent on the density
of the hydrocarbon and its ability to flow. Heavy
oil generally refers to crude oil that is too viscous
for pipeline transport without
dilution, or oil that is mined
Low-Permeability Reservoir
in the oil sands in Northern
Alberta. Conventional oil,
which is referred to as light
Tight Oil
or medium in grade, is found
in reservoir rocks which have
Horizontal Drilling
enough permeability (the
ability for a fluid to move
through a rock formation)
to allow the oil to flow to a
vertical or horizontal well.

Immature Oil
Oil Shale

High-Permeability Reservoir

Conventional Oil
Vertical Drilling

Heavy Oil
Bitumen - Oil Sands

Source: Wisconsin Geological

and Natural History Survey

What kind of Oil is Produced from a Tight Oil Reservoir?

Crude oil has a number of characteristics or properties that allow it to
be classified into different types. One of the main properties of oil is
its density. The higher the density, the more resistant it is to flowing
in the reservoir. A measure of a fluids resistance to flow is termed
viscosity. Most tight oil produced is of the medium to light variety,
with a lower viscosity.

Connected pores provide pathways for

fluid flow

Source: Blue Ridge Group Inc and University of Texas

Example of a
core sample.
Typically 12
inches in length
and 8 inches in
diameter. The
pitted surface
represents visible
pore space.

Source: Kocurek Industries

What is Tight Oil?

How is the Oil Stored and Released from the Rock?

Oil is trapped within the open spaces in the rock (called porosity).
This porosity may be in the form of the small spaces between grains
in a sandstone or as small, open vugs, or cavities, within carbonates
(limestone or dolomite type rocks). For the reservoir to flow oil to
a wellbore, the rock must have some form of permeability either
in interconnected pathways between pore spaces or in natural
fractures found in the rock. The percentage of pore volume, or
void space, within the rock is generally less than 30% and in tight
oil reservoirs is commonly less than 10%. The amount of oil stored
within a reservoir is directly related to the porosity of the reservoir
and other geological characteristics.

Why Explore for and Produce Tight Oil?

The world has relied extensively on the production
of oil for many years and continues to be dependent
on it as the primary source of transportation fuels. As
countries continue to produce oil resources, there is
a natural decline in production as the easy to access
resources are depleted. Essentially, our conventional
oil and gas resources are like low hanging fruit;
produced utilizing existing technology such as
vertical wells and small scale stimulations.

Conventional Oil resources are the low hanging fruit

Extensive oil and gas resources are known to

be present in tight oil reservoirs, however, they
require additional technology to enable them to be
produced. Tight oil is of high quality but commonly
found in regions where reservoir properties
inhibit production using conventional drilling and
completion techniques. The oil itself requires very
little refinement and, in many cases, existing surface
infrastructure can often be utilized, reducing both
surface impact and capital investment.

Unconventional Oil resources are large but require

advanced technology to harvest

Industry and Government often report the Original Oil in Place (OOIP) resource for regions or geological formations
that are believed to have, or are proven to contain, oil and gas potential. The OOIP is simply the amount of oil that
is trapped within the reservoir underground. This amount is often many times larger than the actual amount of oil
industry is capable of recovering. As the chart below illustrates, the potential for additional recovery from existing
oil and gas fields is significant if new technologies can be applied. With the application of horizontal drilling and
multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, industry is successfully extracting additional oil from these reservoirs.












Recovery factor - %

(millions of barrels)







ND Bakken





Cumulative Production (mmbbl)



Original Oil in Place (mmbbl)


Recovery Factor (%)

Source: Macquarie Group

Oil bearing formations in Western Canada illustrating the amount of oil recovered to date compared to the estimated original oil in
place (OOIP). The percentage value reflects the amount of oil that has been recovered from the reservoir to date.

Why explore for and produce Tight Oil?

What is the Size of the Resource?

Where is Tight Oil Found?

Tight oil is found throughout Canadas
known oil-producing regions as well as
numerous basins in the United States.
The industry has explored for and
developed conventional oil reservoirs
for many years. As these resources
have diminished, companies have
expanded their search to look at new
sources of oil, such as shale oil and
other tight oil reservoirs. Drilling and
completion technologies used to produce
unconventional resources are also being
applied to increase oil production from
some conventional oil reservoirs where
recovery has been low.

Western Canadian
Sedimentary Basin

Williston Basin

Anticosti Basin

Central Maritimes

Niobrara Basin
Monterey Basin
Bone Springs

Cleveland Basin
Ft Worth Basin
Eagle Ford Basin

Major basins with potential for tight oil development are illustrated above.

Major basins with potential for tight oil development are illustrated above.

Conventional Reservoirs

Tight Gas or Tight Oil


Extremely Tight


Conventional Oil or Gas Reservoirs


Very Tight


*Natural Gas from Coal





Permeability (mD)



Quality of Reservoir


Sidewalk Cement

Volcanic Pumice

* Natural Gas from Coal reservoirs are classified as unconventional due to type of gas storage
Modified from US Department of Energy

Where is Tight Oil Found?

Unconventional Reservoirs

Types of Tight Oil Plays

In the oil and gas industry, the types of oil and gas deposits are generally classified into different categories called Plays.
Plays are differentiated based on geology and the technology required to produce the oil.
There are numerous play types associated with tight oil:
Horizontal Well
Vertical Well (historical production)

Conventional Oil Play

Unconventional Oil Play

Halo play
In some existing oil fields, the fringe
regions, or halos, surrounding the
areas of historical production, are
known to contain oil. The reservoir
properties in the halo are not
as favorable as those within the
previously developed area. Applying
new technologies, such as horizontal
drilling, allows oil to be recovered from
the halo or fringe regions. Examples of
this type of play are the Cardium and
Viking Formations in Western Canada.

Halo Zone

Upper Bakken - organic rich shale unit

Middle Bakken - fine grained dolostone

Lower Bakken - organic rich shale unit

Shale Oil Play

In shale oil plays, the rock material is predominantly organic-rich shale which contains oil. The rock is not only the source of the
oil but also the reservoir. Shale reservoirs tend to have tighter permeability than sand or carbonate tight oil reservoirs and
may require a different type of completion technique. An example of a shale oil reservoir with potential to produce would be
the Exshaw Formation in southern Alberta.

Types of Tight Oil Plays

Geo-stratigraphic Play
This type of play describes a geological formation known to contain significant oil resources over a large geographic region.
This type of play also requires the use of advanced technology to yield economic oil production. The Middle Bakken Formation, which occurs in parts of Saskatchewan, North Dakota and Montana, is an example of this type of play. It contains oil that
has been sourced from the overlying and underlying organic rich shale units.

What does Tight Oil Exploration and Development look like?

The Canadian Society for Unconventional Resources has developed a schematic time chart for the various stages of
unconventional resource development. These stages are based upon the premise that certain types of oil and gas exploration
and development are undertaken at specific stages in the life of a project. Continuation of the project to the next stage is
dependent on successful results from the exploration activities as well as a positive economic and investment environment.
The stages, along with a brief description of typical types of industry activity, are illustrated in the figure below.

Approximate time (in years)


Identification of the
Oil Resource

Pilot Production

Stage 1:
Identification of the Oil Resource

Stage 2:
Resource Evaluation

Stage 3:
Pilot Production Evaluation

Subsurface information from existing wells

as well as archived seismic data can provide
the key indicators of a potential tight oil

Land Acquisition and the securing of

seismic data lead to drilling location
permits and land use agreements. Initially,
vertical wells are drilled to evaluate the
reservoir properties and resource potential
commonly core samples are collected.

Drilling of initial horizontal well(s) and

potential completion techniques to
determine production potential. Some
level of multi-stage fracturing may
take place at this point. Planning and
acquisition of pipeline right-of-ways for
field development also occurs during
this stage.


In contrast, Greenfield exploration activities lie within regions where the resource potential of the oil bearing formations has not
yet been established and requires more structured exploration planning. In these areas, Stages 1 and 2 are often undertaken before
proceeding with pilot projects (Stages 3 and 4).

Pilot Production
Stage 4:
Pilot Production Testing



Project Completion
and Reclamation
Stage 6:
Project Completion and Reclamation

Stage 5:
Commercial Development

Drilling of multiple horizontal wells from Drilling and completion proceeds based
upon the field development plan as
a single pad as part of a full size pilot
defined by regulatory well spacing,
government approvals for construction
Optimization of completion techniques of facilities and applicable technologies
identified during the evaluation stage(s).
including drilling and multi-stage
Optimization of completion techniques,
fracturing and micro-seismic surveys.
including multiple horizontal wells,
Planning and acquisition of pipeline
multi-stage fracturing and micro-seismic
right-of-ways for field development.
monitoring also occur at this stage.

Completion of a project and reclamation

of development sites and well pads to
regulator standards occur as part of this
final stage.

Tight Oil Exploration and Development

Tight oil development can be categorized into two types of exploration and development; Halo (Infill) and Greenfield. In regions
where existing historical conventional oil wells have been drilled, much of the new activity is classified as Infill or Halo. In these
areas, tight oil development usually begins at Stage 3, Pilot Project Evaluation, where unconventional technologies are applied to
a known reservoir. Companies are looking to utilize these advanced technologies to improve the overall productivity of the new oil

Technologies Used to Recover Tight Oil

The oil which is produced or extracted from tight reservoirs is the same type of oil which can be produced from conventional
reservoirs. It is the application of advanced technologies which make these developments unconventional. Different technologies
are used for different plays but the most common methods used today are horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing.
Horizontal drilling
The purpose of drilling a horizontal well is to increase the contact between the reservoir and the wellbore. Wells are drilled vertically
to a predetermined depth (typically 1000m to 3000m below the surface depending on location) above the tight oil reservoir. The
well is then kicked off (turned) at an increasing angle until it runs parallel within the reservoir. Once horizontal, the well is drilled to
a selected length which can extend up to 3-4 km (2-2.5 miles). This portion of the well is called the horizontal leg.

Step 1
Drill vertically until the wellbore
reaches a point above the
targeted reservoir.
Step 2
Kick off and begin to drill at an
increasing angle until the wellbore
runs horizontally through the
targeted reservoir.

Targeted Reservoir

Step 3
Drill horizontally to desired length.


To create the fractures, fluids are pumped under pressure from

surface into the reservoir, many hundreds to thousands of meters
below ground. The type of fracture fluids used will vary depending
on the reservoir characteristics. Commonly, water is used as a base
fluid. Generally, three to twelve additives are added to the water,
based on the characteristics of the source water and also of the
formation to be fractured. These additives represent 0.5% to 2% of
the total fracturing fluid volume. Their purpose is to reduce friction,
prevent microorganism growth/biofouling and prevent corrosion.

As part of the stimulation process, once the fractures have been

created, sand or ceramic beads (proppants) are pumped into these
small openings to hold open the fractures created. The volume of
fracture fluid and proppant used for each hydraulic fracture varies
dependent upon the anticipated production rates following the
In tight oil wells, the hydraulic fracturing process typically involves
multiple stages along the well bore. Each stage is isolated using
packers or plugs to contain the fracturing fluids and ensure that the
fracture grows in the direction and distance that was planned.
For more information on hydraulic fracturing see Understanding
Hydraulic Fracturing at www.csur.com.

The image to the right shows two fracture stimulations; the

darkened fractures were completed as one stage and are
temporarily isolated while those shown in yellow occur as the next
stage. The number of fractures required in a wellbore will vary
based on the characteristics of the target formation.

Technologies Used to Recover Tight Oil

Hydraulic Fracturing
Tight oil reservoirs require some form of stimulation once the well
has been drilled. The most common type of stimulation used by the
oil and gas industry is referred to as hydraulic fracturing or fracking.
This process applies pressure by pumping fluids into the wellbore
which opens existing, or creates new fractures or pathways in
the reservoir through which the oil can flow to the wellbore. In
conventional oil reservoirs the reservoir permeability is sufficient
that hydraulic fracturing may not be needed to achieve economic
production rates. In unconventional oil, the reservoir permeability
is typically very low and additional pathways must be created to
enable the flow of hydrocarbons.

A seismic event may occur from natural or man-made (induced)
causes that create sound waves in the earth. A seismic event may
be caused by an event ranging from a devastating earthquake to
something as common as dropping an object from your hand.
Micro-seismic events, as the name suggests, are approximately 1
million times smaller than any tremor that may be felt by a human.
Micro-seismic events associated with hydraulic fracturing are manmade events generated during the process which creates pathways
for hydrocarbons to flow to the wellbore. These micro-seismic
events are very small; they release energy roughly equivalent to a
gallon of milk falling from a kitchen counter and their detection, as
explained below, requires sensitive and sophisticated equipment.
The fractures, or cracks, are generally only wide enough to allow a
grain of sand or small ceramic bead to become lodged within these
cracks; providing the path for hydrocarbon flow.

During fracture stimulation operations, it is important to know
where the fractures are being created in the reservoir. Monitoring
of the fracturing process in real time can be accomplished using
a variety of techniques. Pressure responses and micro-seismic
monitoring are two such techniques.
Measuring micro-seismic events that are occurring as the fracture
stimulation takes place provides industry professionals with visual
evidence that fractures are being developed both vertically and
horizontally. Because these micro-seismic events are measured
in real time, immediate adjustments can be made during the
operation to ensure that the fractures created stay within the zone
that has production potential. The magnitude of seismic events
created using hydraulic fracturing techniques is many times smaller
than events which can be felt at surface.
Following completion of fracturing operations, the micro-seismic
model can be used to define the limit and reach of each fracture
stimulation in the wellbore(s). The horizontal and vertical model
is also used to define recoverable resources, areas of insufficient
stimulation and a visual assurance that potential groundwater
sources are protected.

Schematic diagram illustrating fractures created during the multi-stage

hydraulic stimulation process


Initial Production
Once pathways have been created within the tight oil reservoir,
allowing the oil to flow to the wellbore, conventional methods are
used to produce the well. These can include pump jacks which lift
the oil to the surface, storage tank facilities (commonly referred
to as batteries) and pipelines and trucks used for transport. Well
production is commonly robust in the early stages of production but
will decline over time.

Adapted from StatOil

Initial horizontal wells are shown above in white.

Infill Drilling
In many cases, tight oil development is used to increase the overall
recovery of oil from an existing field. Infill wells are located amongst
existing conventional wells. The purpose of these
wells is to extract additional oil which has not
been recovered using conventional production
technology. In contrast, Halo wells are located
on the fringes of the existing field and
rely upon the utilization of new
technology to expand the
boundaries of the productive
zone or sweet spot within
the oil bearing formation.

Red dashed lines indicate infill drilling activity.


Wellbore Construction and Groundwater Protection



Proper well construction isolates the wellbore; a

critical step taken by the oil and gas industry to
protect potential groundwater sources which may
be encountered during the drilling process. There are
typically three different sets of steel casing which are
individually cemented into the wellbore to provide
barriers which isolate wellbore fluids from the rock
After each string of casing is installed in the well,
cement is pumped down the center of the casing
(surface, intermediate or production) and circulates
back to the surface in the space outside of the
casing. This space is commonly referred to as the
annulus. After each of these steps are completed, the
cement is allowed to set prior to the continuation
of drilling and, in some places, a cement bond
geophysical log is run to determine the integrity
of the cement that surrounds the casing. This extra
measure is taken to ensure that the wellbore is
adequately cemented and capable of withstanding
the pressures associated with hydraulic fracturing.
Prior to stimulation, the well is pressure tested to
ensure the integrity of the casing system that has
been installed in the ground.
To learn more about water protection and use see
Understanding Water and Unconventional Resources
at www.csur.com.

Municipal water well


Shallow groundwater aquifer

Deep groundwater aquifer


Protective steel casing:

Steel casing and
cement provide well
control and isolate
groundwater zones









Induced shale










Note: Buildings and

well depth not to scale


tal b






Adapted from Canadian Natural Gas


Adapted from Questerre Energy Corp.

Economical production of oil from low permeability

reservoirs has been made commercially viable through
the application of technologies such as horizontal
drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. Companies
are striving to reduce environmental impacts and to
minimize costs associated with tight oil development.
The application of multiple wells from a single pad has
been recognized as an opportunity to achieve both
of these objectives. While the size of a multi-well pad
is slightly bigger than a regular oil and gas lease, the
cumulative footprint for a tight
oil field development is much
smaller than it would be
using vertical wells. Fewer
access roads are required
and the concentration of
facilities and pipelines
within the pad minimizes
surface disturbance.

Source: Encana Corp.

During the drilling and

completion of the well,
there is a significant space
requirement for the equipment
used. Once the well has been
completed and commercial
production initiated, the lease
site requirements are typically
reduced by as much as 50%. The
space, which had been required
for drilling and completions
activities, is reclaimed to the
condition that it was found prior
to industry activity.

Horizontal multi-well pad in production

Source: Encana Corp.

Source: Trident Exploration


Wellbore Construction and Groundwater Protection

Horizontal multi-well pad

during completions activity

Minimizing Footprint

Glossary and Terminology

Annulus: The space between two concentric objects, such
as between the wellbore and casing or between casing and
tubing, where fluid can flow.

Formation: A formation consists of a number of rock units that

have a comparable lithology, facies or other similar properties.
Formations are not defined on the thickness of the rock units
they consist of and the thickness of different formations can
therefore vary widely.

Aquifer: The sub-surface layer of rock or unconsolidated

material that allows water to flow within it. Aquifers can act as
sources of groundwater, both usable fresh water and unusable Horizontal Drilling: A drilling procedure in which the wellbore
is drilled vertically to a kick-off depth above the target
saline water.
formation and then angled through a wide 90 degree arc such
that the producing portion of the well extends horizontally
Casing: Steel pipe placed in a well and cemented in place to
isolate water, gas and oil from other formations and maintain through the target formation.
hole stability.
Hydraulic Fracturing (aka Fracking): A method of improving
the permeability of a reservoir by pumping fluids such as
Carbonates: Sedimentary rocks that are rich in calcium or
water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen or propane into the reservoir
magnesium carbonate such as limestone or dolomite. The
at sufficient pressure to crack or fracture the rock. The opening
dissolution spaces (vugs) associated with these types of rock
of natural fractures or the creation of artificial fractures to
can contain oil or gas.
create pathways by which the oil can flow to the wellbore.
Completion: The activities and methods of preparing a well
Multi-stage Fracturing: The process of undertaking multiple
for the production of oil and gas.
fracture stimulations in the reservoir section where parts of
Flowback: The flow of fracture fluid back to the wellbore after the reservoir are isolated and fractured separately.
the hydraulic fracturing treatment is completed.


Play: The extent of a petroleum-bearing unit within a formation.

Porosity: The free space within the fine grained rock that can
store hydrocarbons.

Stimulation: Any process undertaken to improve the

productivity of the hydrocarbon bearing zone (e.g., formation
Sweet spot: The specific area within the reservoir where a large
amount of gas is accessible.
Tight Oil: Oil found within reservoirs with very low permeability
which typically will not flow to the wellbore at economic rates
without assistance from technologically advanced stimulation
treatments or recovery processes.
Vug: A small cavern or cavity within a carbonate rock.

Propping Agents/Proppants: Non-compressible material,

usually sand or ceramic beads, that is added to the fracture fluid
and pumped into the open fractures to prop them open once
the fracturing pressures are removed.
Reservoir: The rock that contains potentially economic amounts
of hydrocarbons.
Reclamation: The act of restoring something to a state suitable
for use.

Glossary and Terminology

Permeability: The ability of the rock to pass fluids or oil through

it. The higher the permeability number, the greater the amount
of fluid or oil that can flow through the rock. Permeability is
measured in a unit called Darcies. Conventional reservoirs
may have permeabilities in the 10s to 100s of milliDarcies or
occasionally Darcy range. Unconventional or tight reservoirs
usually have permeabilities in the micro to nanoDarcy (one
millionth of a milliDarcy) range.

Canadian Society for Unconventional Resources (CSUR)

Suite 420, 237 - 8th Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 5C3
Phone: 403-233-9298; Fax: 403-233-9367
Email: [email protected]; Web: www.csur.com

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