Chapter 5
inventories and Related Expenses
Le 2 ZA 46 oa
60 TAL A [so 40.0
Problem 1 (Goodwill Company)
Inventories 88,800
Cost of Sales 88,800
16,000 + 13,200 + 26,100 + 19,200 + 14,300 = 88,800
‘Accounts Payeble 15920
Costof Sales 15,920
Inventories 13,500
Costof Sales 13,500
Costof Sales 13,500
‘Accounts Payable 43,500
Cost of Sales 4,200
‘Accounts Payable 4,200
Inventories 22.200
‘Accounts Payable 72,200
16,000 + 6,200 = 22,200
‘oF two separate enti for purchases and inclusion in
ending inventory
Cost of Sales 85,000
Inventories 65,000
Sales 98,000
‘Accounts Receivable 98,000,
Inventories 65,000
Cost of Sales 65,000
Cost of Sales 17,800
Inventories 17,600
Problem 2 (Vietory Enterprises)
Inventory, per client P i500
Goods shipped to customer on Dec 31, 2010 (presumed in Wanalj, FOS
sestination 38,000,
Goods in trans, shipped by a supplier FOB shipping point [agente
[Correct inventory emount, December 3
Inventories :
Coctof Sales
89,000Chapter 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
Problem 3 (Raindrops Company)
(2) Correct inventory, November 30
Purchases in November 12,000 + 14,000
‘Units sold (50,000 - 4,000)
Correct inventory level, December 31
(0) Adjusiing entries:
(Cost of Sales (unrecorded purchases)
‘Accounts Payable
14,000 x 90 = P1,120,000
Sales (,000 x 126)
‘Accounts Receivable
Inventories (18,000 x 90)
Cost of Sales
{nventores, November 30,
Received in December
‘Shipped out
Goods reported
Correct inventory evel
Understatement in units
Problem 4 (Bulls Company)
(2) Net agusiment to inventory = 21,096 nei debit (See audit adjustments)
Inventory, per count
"Net adjustment to inventory
Inventory, per auelt
o) Adjusting entries
< ‘Accounts Receivable
5.641 +7,922 +2010,
Cost of Sales / Purchases
‘Accounts Payable
Cost of Sales / Income Summary
Inventory (12,700 /125%)
Cost of Sales / Income Summary
‘Accounts Receivable
Inventory (19,270/125%)
Costof Sales
28,000 ~
15.416Chapter $
Inventories and Related Expenses
Miscellaneous Receivables (ram Carer) 12,600
Inventory 11,250 1,350, 12,600
Problem 5
Tnventory | Accts Payable Net Sales,
ina aunts 400,600 800,000 40,160,000,
a (0000)
b. 65,006, 35,000,
a 50,000
4 32,000 (5000)
a 64,000,
1. 27,000,
[o. 36,000,
h. 200 8,000
Netagustrent 239,000 729,000 (105,000)
Corrected balances 2839 000 829,000 | P0,046,000
a Sales 60,000
‘Accounts Receivable 60,000
b—_loventory 65,000
‘Accounts Payable 65,000
Inventory 50,000
Costot Sales 0,000
4, Sales Retums and Allowances 45,000
‘Accounts Receivable 45,000
Inventory 92,000
Costof Sales 32,000
&—_leventony 64,000,
: Costof Sales 61,000
t toventory 7.000
Costof Sales 27,000
@ —Costof Sales 6,000
‘Accounts Payable 56,000
bh Costof Sales 4,000
Inventory 4,000
Accounts Payable 8,000
StChapter 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
Problem 6 (Firenze Fashions)
[ a ‘General Physical Count
Unadjusted balances P 221,020 P 212820
‘Goods hed on consignment (68,000)
‘Goods purchased FOB shipping pom in Fansit 12,000
Goods shipped out FOB destination, in vansit 724,000 24,000)
‘Goods purchased and received, bul not yet recorded 77,300)
‘Goods sod, sl unrecorded (63.000)
Unsalable goods (28,500)
Balance per auc P 162,820 P20
‘Aut Adjustments
Sales 39,000
‘Accounts Receivable 39,000
Inventory 24,000
Costof Sales 24,000
Inventory 27,300
‘Accounts Payable 27,00
‘Accounts Receivable 96,000
Sales 96,000
Cast of Sales 63,000
Inventory 63000
Loss rom Inventory Obsolescence 26,500
Inventory 26,500
Problem 7
No enty onthe P100,000 shipment
Unvntory (75% x 80,000) 60,000
Costof Sales 60,000
‘Accounts Receivable 60,000
Sales 0,000
Sales 40,000
Accounts Receivable 40,000
Inventory 20,000
Costof Sales 30,000Chapier 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
Problem 8 (Maligaya Corporation)
Overall Gross Profit Ratio
‘ventory, January 1, 2011
‘Net Purchases 2011 and 2012 (2,800,000 + 2,360,000) 8.160.000
‘Goods avilable for sale 5,810,000
Less: inventory, December 31,2012 750.000
Cost of goods sol, 2005 and 2008 75,060,000
Sales ~2011 and 2012 (6,300,000 + 3 900,000) 9,200,000
Less: Cost of goods sold 5,060,000
Gross Profit ‘P4.140,000
Gross Profit Ratio = 4,140,000 9,200,000 Sh
Inventory Fire Loss
Inventory, January 1, 2013 P 750,000
‘Add; Purchases January 1 to Apr 15, 2013
January to March 31 P 520,000
Apri t0 15
Paid 34,000
pucteoe at 106,000
urcheseretums 9.500) _ 659.500
“oial goods avalible for sale P1,400,500
Less; Cost of goods sold, January 1 to April 15
‘Accounts Receivable, Afi 15 380,000
Wits of 0,000
Collections (129,500 - 9,500) 120,000
‘Accounts Receivale, March 31 { 400,000)
Sales, Apri to 15 P 160,000
Sales, January {to March 31 -1.360,000
Sales, January 1 April 15 1,510,000
Cost rato (100% - 45% ) 55% _ 830,500
Inventory, Apr 15, before the fre P'570,000
Less: undamaged goods (in tansi P 23,000
Proceeds from see of damaged goods (lower than cos) __30,000 __ 53.000
Inventory fire loss, P5170
Problem 9 (Bily Corporation) -
] 1 montis ended May | Year ended Jone 30
Purchases peraient P_ 6,750,000 P 8,000,000
‘Sioments received in Way bul recorded in June 75,000
Credit mernoranda not recorded 170,000), (15000)
Deposit for July purcnases recorded as Apri purchases: 20,000) (20,000),
Deposit in May, recorded as purchases (65,000), 55,000.
Purchases, pet uit 6,740,000 8,020,000,
(2) leventory, Jui , 2011 875,000
Purchases, duly 1, 2011 lo May 31,2013 6,740,000
Tota gocds avaiable for sale 7,615,000
Less. ventory, May31,2013 (960,000 ~ 85,000) 895.000
(Cost of goods sold July 1, 2011 to May 31,2013, 5.720.000
33Chapter 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
Gross prot 8,400,000 - 6,720,000 = 1,680,000,
Gross profit ratio = 1,680,000/ 8,400,000 2%
(0) Sale in tune at normal seling price
(P800,000 ~ 8 400,000) - 100,000 100,000
Costratio : “i
Cost of goods sold in June at normal seing price P 60,000,
Cost of merchanclse sod at cost 00,000
Cost of goods sold in June ‘P360,000
(2) Inventory, May 31.2012 896,000
Furchases in June (8,020,000 - 6,740,000) 4,280,000
Goods avalatle forsale 2,475,000
Cost of goods sod in June “380,000
Inventory, June 30 £195,000
Inventory, July 1, 2011
Purchases July 4, 2011 — June 30,2012
Total goods avaliable forsale
Casta gods sal (8,600,000 100,000 x 80% =7, 600,000
Inveniory, June 30,2012
Problem 10 (Chi FiFal)
‘Ait Ajusing Ents:
‘Accounts Receivable 50,000
Sales 0,000
Cost of Sees (50,000 x 80/120) 33.333
Inventory 33,333
(Other Operating Expenses ~Loss fom Inventory Contamination $00,000
Cost of Sales 200,000
Costof Sales 36,000
‘Accounts Payable 35.000
(The company credited Coc of Sales on December 29 to adjust the stock cards inventory to
inventory st, per physical count)
Dectne in Net Realzable Value of inventory 90,000
‘Alowance to Reduce Invetay to Net Reaizabe Value 90.000
Cost of Sates (400,000 — 0,000) 320,000
‘Accounts Payable 320,000
(1+) Inventory is overstated by P33,333 as a resut 2f goods out on consignment.
(2) The Accounts Receivable is understated by P80,000, asa result of goods out on consignment.
(3,) The net income is understated by P16,667, asa result of goods cut on consignment
(4.) The accounts payable shall be increased by £320,000.
(5) The gross profits increased by PBO,000, which in effects the commission income.
(G.) Inventory at cost, per auclt = P890,000 ~ P33,333 = PB56,667.
(7,) The inventory shall be presented at P766,667, which isthe ons of 856.667 reduced by the allowance for decine in
net realizabie value of PS0,000
54Chapter 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
Problem 11 (Global Company)
Aut Adustments
Seling and Administrative Expenses 16000
Receivabies from Employees ~ 4,500
Paty Cosh Fund 17.500
Cashin Banks - B00 32.000
Value Added Tax Payable 32,000
Notes Payable - Bank 50.000
Interest Expense 18.000
Cashin Banks ~ Asian Bank 68,000
Sling and Administrative Expenses 200
‘Cash n Banks ~ BF) 200
Equipment Acquisition Fund 4,400,000
‘Cash in Banks ~ PNB 4,100,000
‘Alowance fr Doubt Accounts 168,000
‘Accounts Receivable (70% x 240,000) 168,000
Finished Gocds Inventory 60,000
Cost of Sales 60,000
200,000 x 80% x 50% = 60,200
Sales 75,000
‘Accounts Receivable 60,000 80% 75,000
{inventor of Spoiled Goods end Sorap Materials 42000
Cost of Sales 38,000
Work in Process Inventory 80,000
Inventory of Spied Goods and Soap Mates 55,000
Costof Sales 85,000
Selng and Administrative Expenses 152,260
‘Alowance for Doubtful Accounts 152,260
Accounts receivable, percient 3,400,000
Adjustments ( 168,000)
Balance per audit 3,157,000
Account of Bue Rige
240,000 ~ 168,000 72,000)
Remaining accounts 3,085,000
Provision rato on remaining 5%
Required Alowanoe for D. A. Pie4250
Balance ofalowance
170,000 ~ 168,000 2,000)
‘Additional doubtful accounts expense P 152.250
55Chapter 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
(1) Petty Cash Fund = 2,500
(2) Cash on deposits with Asian Bank = 400,000 - 68,000 332,000
(3) Cash on deposits with Security Bank = 350,000 - 50,000 P300,000
(4) Cash on deposits with Banco de Oro = (12,000) + 32,000 P 20,000
(5) Cash on daposits with BPI = 200,000 ~ 200 P%99,800
(8) Cash on deposits with PNB 1,100,000
a Total Cash in Bank - Current Assets = 332,000 + 300,000 + 20,000 + 199,800 = 851,800
(8) Accounts Receivable 3,187,000
(9) Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts 154,250
(10) Uncotectible Accounts Expense = 80,000 + 182,250 232,260
(11) Finished Goods Inventory = 600,000 + 60,000 ‘860,000
(12) Work in Process Inventory = 1,000,000 = 80,000 ‘920,000
(13) Raw Materials Inventory ‘400,000
(14) Inventor of Spoied Goods and Scrap Matera = 60,000 + 42,000 + 56,000 177,000
(15) Sales = 6,000,000 - 75,000 5,925,000
(16) Cost of Sales = 4,200,000 - 60,000 + 38,000 - 55,000 ‘4,123,000
(17) Seking and Administrative Expenses = 500,000 + 16,000 + 200 + 152,250 ‘P668,450
(18) Other Operating income 120,000
(19) Interest Expense and Finance Costs = 200,000 + 18,000 218,000
TA [rs ae we
2c 8B 44.8 20.
3c aC 45. A 21.0
4 40.C 46. C 2A
Ba 11.0 17.8
6. P6566 112A 48.A
1. ‘Cash = 240,800 ~ 163,650 + 90,000 P167,150
2 Accounts Receivable = 663,500 + 77,500 ‘P641,000
3 Inventory = 1,512,500 + 68,750 + 54,375 - 159,375 + 32,500 P1,508,750
4. ‘Accounts Payable = 1,050,250 + 93, 100 + 64,375 - 43,750 ‘P1153,975
5. Inventory, January 1 P 450,000
Purchases 3.150.000
Goods avalable forsale 6,609,000
Cost of goods sold (4,000,000 x 70%)
‘Inventory, based on gross proft test 600,000,
Inventory: per count 750,000
Missing inventory P_39,000
6 Cost Retail
Inventory, January 1 14,200 'P20,100
Purchases 32,600 50,000
Additional markup 1,800
Markdown ae {2.200}
Goods available for sale Pag 69,800
Cost ratio = 46,800 / 69,800 = 67%
Sales 0.000
36Chapter 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
Ending inventory at retail
Cost ratio
Inventory, December 31
Inventory, December 31, 2011
Purchases 1,410,000 + 10,009 20,000
Goods avaiable for sale
Cost of goods sold
‘Accounts receivable, December 31
‘Accounts receivable, January 1
‘Sales on account
Cash sales
Total sales
Cost rato
Endig inventory before shortage
Inventory, per count
Inventory shortage
tems 8 and 9
(Overhead = 26% x P900,000 =
Direct labor cost = P225,000178%
Direct materials 900,000 - 225,000 - 300,000
Total manufacturing cost
Let x be the ending workin process inventory
S xis the begining inventory
x + $00,000 — x = 800,000
400,000 = 4x
‘Sales per client f
Retumed goods
‘Goods shipped in December
‘Goods shipped in January
Correct sales
Per audit:
P 320,000
Per client
(25,000)Chapter 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
Items 11 through 14
Tiveniory | Accounts Payable Saee Eliton Catt
Per cient i 725,000 4,000,000 {000,000
Parts hed on consignment, recorded as (155,000), (15000) =
Purchases and included in inventory 3
Pars sold sti inuded in inventory (22000) 22,000
Paris sold FOB shipping point ian 40,000 |
‘Goods out on consignment 210,000. (210;000)
Goods “purchased in Wansi, FOB 25,000 000
| shipping point
Freight bil, unrecorded, relaing to 2.000 2000
unsold goods
Cash discounts avaiable T 300) (6300)
Per audit 7,304,700 866,700 9,040,000 (188,000)
tems 15 through 18
am ‘inventory Purchases Sales Netincome
‘rch purchases recorded in Ape = P17,940 (17,940)
‘Shien in Apa 3a) (1,380)
‘Goods shioped on March 31 (280) L (12,150)
‘Goods not counted 18,200 16,200
Understate (overstternent) 6,050 PHT (34,380) P(r. 390)
19. Cashbalance, December 31, 2010 363,300
Payment on accounts payable 474,703
Payment for operating expenses 720,000
Total cash avaiable 1,048,000
Cash balance, December 31, 2008 (100,000)
CColecion on notes receivable £25,000)
Sales 823,000
Unit sales price rae
Units sold 18.480
20, Average cost of purchases 32.60 + 32.60 x0,10(11 months) P3815
~ Accounts payable, Beginning. P 75,000
Purchases 1,500 x 12 months x P33.15, 596,700
Payments on accounts payable (474.700)
‘Accounts payable, ending P197,000
21. Unisin the beginning inventory 190,875 13250 6.150
Units purchased 1,500 x 12 48,000
Unis sla 18.460)
22. Units in the ending inventory 5080
Valued as flows
1,500 x 33.70 50;550
1,500 x 33.60 50,400
4500x3350 50,250
4190x3340 39,748
\nventory, December 31, 2012 P190,.946
58Chapter 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
Per count
Coins and currencies 4,700
Checks. 4,200
Petty cash vouchers
December 2012 Pi,900
January 2013, 500 2400 +
Advances to Officers and Employees
December 2012 P 900
January 2013 300 1.200
Total per count
Cashier's accountability
Peity cash fund 10,000
December collection P1500
January 2006 collection 2.700 4.200 14.200
Cash shortage P1700
Cash in Bank
Per Bank ——_Per'Bocks
Unadjusted Balances 252,742 247.870
Deposits in transit 10,700
‘Unrecorded and undeposited collections (see above) 1,500 1,500
Unreleased checks 5,750
Stale checks 4,280
Outstanding checks (22,630 ~ 5,750 - 4,280) (12,600)
Uneollected note from Sergio Garcia
Principal 3,600
Interest 08 @,708)
DAIF Check from customer 2,850)
Service charges (450)
Adjusted balances 7252342. 252,342
: Adjusting entries
Selling and Administrative Expenses 1,900
Receivable from Officers andl Employees (900 + 1,700) 2.600
Peity Cash Fund 4.500
Cash in Bank 11,530
Accounts Receivable 1,500
Accounts Payable (5,750 + 4,280) 10,030
Accounts Receivable (3,708 + 2,850) 6558
Selling and Administrative Expenses 450
Cash in Bank 7,008
Sales 8,000
Accounts Receivable 8,000
59Chapter 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
Cost of Sales
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable
Cost of Sales
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
Selling and Administrative Expenses
Accounts Receivable
Per client
Per Audit
Provision rate for uncollectibles
Required allowance
Existing allowance
Deductions from uncollectible accounts expense
Notes Receivable
Notes Payable
Interest Expense
Interest Payable
10,000 x 229% x 30/360 = 183
Interest Receivable
Interest Income
20,000 x 18% x 77/360 = P770
13,000 x 20% x 59/360 = 492
8,000 x 1596 x 46/360 =_153
Total PLAS
Income Tax Payable
Income Tax Expense
35,065 — 32,135 =
P 16,368
2,930Chapter 5
Inventories and Related Expenses
Petty Cash 5,500
Cash in bank 252.342
‘Accounts receivable 327,358
‘Allowance for doubtul ccounts 16,368
Notas receivable 43,000
Interest receivable 445
Merchandise inventory 221,300
Receivables ftom offcers and Emsloyees 123840
Accounts payable 397,030
Noles payable 73,070
Interest Payable 11,363
Income tax payable 10,162
Sales 1,889,000
Costof sales 114,700
Seling and administrative expenses 530,300
Bad debis expense 12553
Interest income 9,820
Interest expense and bank charges 58,703
Netincome 72,838
Total assets 2.224.490