Final Group Project
Final Group Project
Final Group Project
Table of Contents
List of Illustrationsii
Cost... 1
How it works...1-2
Endless Possibilities2-3
In Contrast.3
Works Cited...6
List of Illustrations
As Science Major Students, we are pursuing advanced research in Organ transplants. Currently,
we are working on creating complex organs and are unable to do that because the bioprinters we
have are outdated. A 3D bioprinter would help us research advanced methods to perform organ
transplants. We hope to be able to work with certain cells that are needed to perform research
that would be relevant to current problems with bioprinting. The importance of this innovation is
crucial to studying the ability to create organs and advance in the field of medicine in the future.
The purpose of our report is to explain our choice of the MMX NovoGen Bioprinter, and how it
will help us research advanced methods for organ transplants. This bioprinter will allow us to use
certain cells that are needed to perform research that would be relevant to current problems with
bioprinting. The importance of this innovation is crucial to studying the ability to create organs.
Currently, we are working on creating complex organs and are unable to do that because the
bioprinters we have are outdated. We currently use a micro extrusion bioprinter, which has a
much lower cell viability rate and a much slower print speed compared to Organovos NovoGen
MMX Bioprinter, a laser assisted bioprinter. The much lower cell viability rate and much slower
print speed makes performing research more time consuming and difficult.
Cost: Currently, Organavo 3D bioprinters are not sold. Organavo, however, is collaborating with
Yale School of Medicine, Department of Surgery to develop bioprinted tissues for surgical
transplantation research. This research will be made possible thanks to non-profit medical
charities. For example, The Methuselah Foundation has contributed important funding for this
collaboration to Yale and other universities (Milkert, Heidi).
Features: The NovoGen MMX
Bioprinter (shown in figure 1) has
two separate print heads. One is for
placing cells and the second can
either be used for placing hydrogel
or support scaffolding. It also has a
laser-based calibration system that
assists cell placement, giving the
printer high precision (Organovo:
NovoGen MMX Bioprinter).
Figure 1. The NovoGen MMX Bioprinter.
How it works:
"Organovo: NovoGen MMX Bioprinter." Life Sciences Invetech.
1. In order to create the
N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.
biological ink needed for
bioprinting, scientists must
first take human cells from biopsies or stem cells and have them multiply in a petri dish.
The resulting mixture is fed into the printer to be rearranged into the desired shape. Once
placed in the body, the cells should integrate into the hosts tissues (Giggs, Brandon).
2. 3D bioprinting utilizes a bottom-up approach in which the individual components of the
tissue are patterned to allow for the formation of complex tissue architecture. By utilizing
computer-aided design (CAD) tools, researchers can carefully control the placement of
the cells, materials, and morphogens to replicate the types of organization found in the
human body. These strategies often draw on the self-assembly and growth factor-driven
mechanisms of cells to allow for the formation of functional biomimetic tissues
(Juursema, Jonathon).
3. During the printing process, a frame is printed first, as shown in figure 2. The frame
holds together the cells of the organ as they are printed. Next, the hydrogel is printed
along with the cells. The hydrogel provides nutrients to the cells and allows them to stay
alive during the printing process. The printer then builds the organ by putting layer on top
of layer until the organ is complete (Harris, William).
Figure 2. The Bioprinting Process. Shows the step-by-step process used to print an organ.
Shim, Jin-Hyung, Jung-Seob Lee, Jong Y. Kim, and Dong-Woo Choo. "Bioprinting of a Mechanically
Enhanced Three-dimensional Dual Cell-laden Construct for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering Using a
Multi-head Tissue/organ Building System." IOPScience. IOP Publishing Ltd, 5 July 2012. Web. 20 Apr.
Endless Possibilities:
1. Bioprinting Human Tissue Models for Testing. Organovos Bioprinted Human
Tissue Models are multicellular, dynamic, and functional 3D human tissue models.
The tissue models can be used for preclinical testing and drug discovery research to
support more predictive outcomes (3D Human Tissues for Medical Research &
2. Bioprinting Tissues for Therapy. Engineered tissues can someday be used to treat
patients with damaged or diseased tissue. The flexibility of the tissues engineered by
the 3D bioprinter allow the printing of many different tissues. The source of the cells
can be the patients own cells, which could allow researchers to avoid transplant
rejection and the need for life-long immunosuppressant drugs (3D Human Tissues for
Medical Research & Therapeutics).
3. Eliminating transplant waiting lists and saving lives in the future. Larger
replacement tissues remain a future goal; however the insight that is gained through
the development of supplemental tissues can serve as key guideposts for the ultimate
development of functional organ replacements. More Americans have died in the
process of waiting for an organ than in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan
and Iraq combined (Collins, Sam P.K). Ending the deadly shortage of organ donors is
a vision researchers are passionate in pursuing (3D Human Tissues for Medical
Research & Therapeutics).
Opposing Views:
In contrast, there are many questions being raised about the printer. It has provoked a great deal
of discussion over the ethics of 3D-printed tissues. These concerns range from general objections
to worries about construct quality and the role of intellectual rights in the world of 3D bioprinting. In particular, the question of who can produce 3D organs must be addressed before
further clinical developments can proceed (Adhikari, Richard).
Another issue of concern is that the first patients to undergo transplants with 3D-printed organs
will be desperate, and because their doctors are breaking new ground, they will serve as guinea
pigs. Most patients in clinical trials believe that the intervention has a chance to help them; even
though that may not be the case, there will most likely be some failures before scientists discover
the right methods, cells, and techniques (Adhikari, Richard).
The most pressing ethical concern would be money or the lack of money. Some of the new
products could become cheaper and more accessible alternatives to current technology, but other
products, such as functioning organs, which will be extremely complex to build or print, will
likely be only accessible to those willing to pay for personalized treatments. Patients who don't
have the money might be left on the organ transplant waiting lists (Adhikari, Richard).
One cannot deny the ethical questions and the concerns dealing with the first patients. However
when it comes to the production and testing of 3D tissues and future organs, experienced staff at
Organovos testing laboratories will perform and coordinate the services. For anyone having
ethical concerns, the Medical Engineering Society approved a code of ethics in 2004. Medical
consent laws and medical ethics have come a long way. For first patients, there are guidelines
that handle patients being exposed to new medical technologies. Hospital oversight boards would
regulate donor issues, cells and tissue for informed consent. In addition, the FDA has strict safety
and efficacy standards for implants made from a patient's own cells. As of now, the concern for
financial coverage is not clear. Actual printed organs have not yet been transplanted and tested
on a patient. If a successful case were to occur the financial cost for a person would depend
greatly on the persons health insurance including Medicaid, Medicare, and Obamacare
(Adhikari, Richard).
The NovoGen MMX Bioprinter will be a major help in our research for creating organ
transplants. A partnership with Organovo will allow us to obtain the bioprinter we need to make
this possible. This bioprinter presents a much faster printing rate as well as being compatible
with a larger array of cell types. The separate print heads will allow the simultaneous printing of
cells and hydrogel and the laser calibration system will provide more accurate placing of cells.
The main issues are possible restrictions on bioprinting that may be invented in the future. Its
highly possible that as we gain the ability to create human organs, ethical debates will control
who may produce these organs. While this will likely slow research, there are already guidelines
in place to protect recipients of new medical technologies. Despite these issues, we should
continue in research for organ transplants, and the MMX NovoGen Bioprinter is best equipped to
perform this research.
Complex Organ An organ that is difficult to print due to requiring a variety of cells or having
components too small to accurately print with current bioprinters.
Hydrogel A gel used in bioprinting to keep cells alive during the printing process.
NovoGen MMX Bioprinter An advanced bioprinter that utilizes two print heads and a laser
calibration system. It is faster than most printers and able to print a wider variety of cells.
Organovo A company that develops bioprinting technologies and created the NovoGen MMX
3D Bioprinter A special type of 3D printer that uses cells as ink in order to print tissues and
Works Cited
Collins, Sam P.K. "Why More Than 120,000 Americans Cant Get The Organ Transplant They
Need." ThinkProgress RSS. N.p., 20 Nov. 2014. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.
" : Bioprinting." : Bioprinting. N.p., 07
Nov. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.
Giggs, Brandon. "The next Frontier in 3-D Printing: Human Organs -" CNN. Cable
News Network, 5 Apr. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.
Harris, William. "How 3-D Bioprinting Works" 17 December 2013.
<> 01
Apr. 2015.
Juursema, Jonathan. "The 3D Bioprinting Revolution." Harvard Science Review. Harvard
Science Review, 01 May 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.
Milkert, Heidi. "Organovo and Yale Announce Collaboration on 3D Bioprinting for Organ
Transplantion." N.p., 3 Dec. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2015.
Moody, Michael. "Advancing Tissue Engineering." 3D Printing News. University of Iowa, 23
Nov. 2014. Web. 6 Apr. 2015.
Murphy, Sean V., and Anothony Atala. "3D Bioprinting of Tissues and Organs."
Nature Publishing Group, 05 Aug. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2015
Murphy, Sean V., and Anthony Atala. "3D Bioprinting of Tissues and Organs." Nature Biotechnology.
Nature Publishing Group, 5 Aug. 2014. Web. 1 Apr. 2015.
"Organovo: NovoGen MMX Bioprinter." Life Sciences Invetech. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr.
The Bioprinting Process. Organovo. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2015
3D Human Tissues for Medical Research & Therapeutics. Organovo. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr.
Adhikari, Richard. Bioprinting, Part 2 The ethical Conundrum. Bioprinting, Part 2. N.p., 27
Mar. 2014. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.