785 - Life Science Gs
785 - Life Science Gs
785 - Life Science Gs
Describe how your lesson planning skills have improved and why.
I am more focus on establishing objectives and questions that elicit higher order
thinking. My science lessons are focused on the desired results of the lesson and
what I want to students to get from the lesson content. When writing a lesson I am
focused on using more though-provoking questions with students that challenges
them to think critically about the concepts presented. The types of questions used
can impact how much students learn. I learned to avoid using questions that begin
with can or do that elicit yes or no responses. It is also important to give
students time to think and reflect when answering questions. The 8 seconds rule
gives students a moment to think before they respond. These are some of the ways
my instructional planning skills have improved after taking this course.
Explain what you have learned about the elements of lesson plans from this
The elements of lesson plans I learn during this course are the different stages of
lesson planning. Stage 1: Desired Results, teachers have to establish goals and
essential questions for students that help them understand the content by the end of
the lesson. Stage 2: Assessment Evidence: performance tasks, teachers must assess
students learning through formal and informal assessments; tests, labs, journals,
and group activities are some of the ways I would assess my students when
teaching science. Stage 3: Learning Plan: instructional strategies: WHERE- What
students know, Hook and hold your students, Experiences that engages students,
(students) Reflect on learning, (students) Exhibit their understanding. These
elements of learning are crucial to teaching as it guides the lesson and helps
students stay focused when there is a plan and procedure that is logical and
Describe the features from this course that have allowed you to grow in the
area of instructional planning and delivery. (i.e. questioning, cooperative
learning, article presentations, etc.)
Throughout the semester I read articles related to teaching science to at-risk
students, went on field trip to the New York Botanical Gardens and worked with a
partner on creating a science unit and 6 lesson plans. These tasks allowed me to
grow as an educator as I learned how to develop a science lesson and deliver the
The articles were very useful as it discussed effective strategies and how to teach
science content to at-risk students. Some of the highlights presented in the article
were how to teach students to organize their science notebooks, record, keep track
of their science experiments, and notes. The field trip and lesson presentation
taught me more about the important parts of planning a lesson and how to deliver
science concepts. In particular, effective questioning and cooperative learning
activities in lessons needs to be incorporated during instruction.
During the class trip to the Botanical Gardens we discussed how students learn in
different ways. Creating things, making observations and taking part in hands on
Content Knowledge:
Describe the specific content you have learned during the course.
During the field trip I learned about the ecosystems and the organisms. Using a
pond model we learned more about the energy transfer of animals and the
learning process.
Future Personal Growth:
Did you meet the objectives you set for yourself in your retrospective?
The objective I set for myself at the beginning of this course was to learn how to
teach science concepts. Through the field trip and planning a unit and lesson plan I
learned how to develop science objectives. In working closely with another student
on the science lesson I applied instructional strategies that formulated a cohesive
lesson. I learned how to use the WHERE- What students know, Hook and hold
your students, Experiences that engages students, (students) Reflect on learning,
(students) Exhibit their understanding. This was a useful tool that helped me learn