Jenny Duncan Wood, NBCT: Objective

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Jenny Duncan Wood, NBCT

402 Shelwood Circle Apartment H

Asheville, NC 28804
(828) 505-0930 home
(828) 989-4678 cell
[email protected]
To obtain a job teaching high school English in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth school district for the 2010
-2011 school year.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC)
Master of Arts in Teaching, June 2004
Bachelor of Arts in English, May 2003
Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, Performance Concentration, May 2003

English Teacher, North Buncombe High School, Weaverville, NC (August 2006 present)
Instructed ninth, tenth, and twelfth grade English classes. Taught genre study, reading, writing, spelling, grammar,
and research skills. Taught British and world literature.

Facilitator, Course Recovery Program, North Buncombe High School, Weaverville, NC (August 2006-present)
Ran the online course recovery computer lab. Helped students on course work in Math, Science, and English. Kept
records of student achievement and attendance.

English Teacher, East Chapel Hill High School, Chapel Hill, NC (August 2004 June 2006)
Instructed ninth and tenth grade English classes from the honors level to the collaborative courses geared toward
providing support to students with learning disabilities and special needs.

Instructor, SAT Prep Course, East Chapel Hill High School, Chapel Hill, NC (August 2005 June 2006)
Instructed weekly SAT preparation course during the evenings.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC (Spring 2003)
Assisted Professor Paul Ferguson with large lectures and performance demonstrations in his introductory course in
performance of literature. Managed a performance laboratory. Prepared, rehearsed, and performed poetry and short
fiction for small audiences and large lecture halls.


Stage Manager/Artistic Associate, StreetSigns Center for Literature and Performance, Chapel Hill, NC
(2002-2004) Controlled and directed large casts. Organized props, costumes, schedules, and actors. Led group
activities, maintained theatre facilities, and accommodated audiences and special guests.

Performer, Tar Heel Tale Tellers, (Spring 2003) Performed stories for children in Chapel Hill at local libraries and

Performer, Southern Writers in Performances Series, (Spring 2003) Performed contemporary Southern literature
for writers and local audiences.

Building Teacher Leadership, NC Teacher Academy, Appalachian State University, June 21-25, 2009
Moodle Training for course recovery facilitators, Buncombe County Schools, 2008
Moodle Training for classroom teachers, Buncombe County Schools, November 2008
SAS Curriculum Pathways Training, Buncombe County Schools, September 2008
Balanced Literary for High School English Teachers, Buncombe County Schools, June 2008
Folger Shakespeare Teaching Shakespeare Mini-Institute, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma July 30-August 4 2007
Big Six Summer Institute, Buncombe County Schools, July 2007
Balanced Literacy Summer Institute, Buncombe County Schools, July 2007

Senior Project Institute, Myrtle Beach, June 2006

Framework for Understanding Poverty, Phase Two, NC Teacher Academy, Buncombe County Schools, 2006
Step Up to Writing, Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools, 2004
Project CRISS, East Chapel Hill High School, 2003


Teacher of the Year, North Buncombe High School, 2009-2010
National Board Certification Adolescent and Young Adult English Language Arts, November 2008
Special Initiative Award, UNC-CH Department of Communication Studies, May 2003
ETS Recognition of Excellence, PRAXIS English Language/Literature Content Knowledge
Deans List, Seven Semesters, UNC-CH


Debate Team Sponsor/Coach Started the debate club at NBHS. Taught students debate basics. Organized students for
Buncombe County Schools 21st Century Visionary Leadership Committee (2009-2010) Provided feedback to central
office staff about the vision on 21st century learningin BCS. Part of a pilot group that used the Dell Latitude
netbooks during the 2009 2010 school year.
USTEP Induction Committee Member (2008 present)
Helped build connections between schools and the university in the University School Teacher Education
Partnership. Participated in new teacher orientations for late hires. Helped develop new ideas for collaboration
between experienced teachers, beginning teachers, and pre-service teachers.
School Improvement Team Representative (2008 present)
Represented my department on the School Improvement Team.
Big Six Research Team (2007 2008)
Participated in the Big Six summer institute and will teach Big Six information to my faculty. Working on a
Big Six implementation project and new lesson plans.
Balanced Literacy Team (2007-2008)
Attended the Balanced Literacy summer institute and faithfully implemented practices into my classroom. Started
ninth grade Self-Selected Reading and Classroom Library Programs at my school. Presented to my faculty about
literacy methods and research.
Media and Technology Committee (2007-2008)
Approve purchases for new media and books for our school.
Future Teachers of America Sponsor
Sponsor the FTA club. Help students coordinate fundraisers and run the club.
Online Course Recover Mentor for English (2006 present)
Help students in the course recovery program with their English assignments. Teach mini-lessons and assist
students after school so that they may recover failed credits.

UNC Asheville DI/UbD Learning Circle Participated in a learning circle at UNCA. We discussed differentiated
instruction and how to help student teachers/cooperating teachers use techniques in planning better. 2008
Participant USTEP Planning Partners Attended two days of planning time at UNCA before the 2008-2009 school year.
Worked with a colleague to improve instruction and plan together. 2008

National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE)
North Carolina English Teachers Association (NCETA)

Presenter, Moodle Module 3, Buncombe County Schools Nov. 16, 2009, Instructed teachers on how to make quizzes,
asssignments and choices in Moodle.
Presenter, Buncombe County Schools English 9-12 Professional Development Day Presented a session about using
Moodle in the high school English classroom.
Presenter, Buncombe County Schools BEST Mini-Conference Presented a session about using Moodle in the high
school classroom. Presented a session on building teacher leadership. August 2009.
Presenter/Collaborator, Balanced Literacy for High School English Teachers Worked with literacy coaches, district
language arts specialist, and other English teachers to plan and present a balanced literacy workshop to high school English
teachers. 2008

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