Red Chicago Communism
Red Chicago Communism
Red Chicago Communism
Editorial Advisors
James R. Barrett
Alice Kessler-Harris
Nelson Lichtenstein
David Montgomery
Red Chicago
331.88 6097731109043dc22
It has taken over ten years for this project to transform from an idea
to a book. Along the way, I have had the support of key people for whom I feel
a deep sense of gratitude.
I will be forever indebted to Jim Barrett, who introduced me to the world
of working-class history and socialist politics. Despite his busy schedule, Jim
always made time to listen to a new idea, critique chapters (over and over), and
suggest ways to make my work better. Through his balanced commitments to
family, friends, history, and politics, Jim has been an incredibly important role
model for me. This book has benefited from his attention to detail and his pas
sion for good history, and I have benefited from his lessons on life.
At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Jim led an inspiring dis
sertation committee (Mark Leff, Leslie Reagan, Diane Koenker, and Steve Rosswurm), whose members sent me off to the real world with excellent critiques
and ideas for revision. Special thanks to Steve, who opened his home and his
heart to this project; his generosity continues to be unceasing. Illinois also
provided me with lifelong friends who help keep me grounded. Thanks to the
gang (Kathy Mapes, Toby Higbie, Steve Vaughan, Lisa Gatzke, Tom Jordan, Julia
Walsh, Caroline Merrithew, Robert Merrithew, Loretta GafFney, Steve Jahn, and
Mary Vavrus) who nurtured me with their intellect, good humor, love for home
cooking, and Graduate Employees' Organization adventures. Kathy, especially,
has continued to be the backbone of my support structure, reading everything
I write, telling me what I really mean, and sharing her humanity through the
highs and lows that come with new life and tragic death.
Researching and writing this project allowed me to work with people who are
incredibly good at their professions and generous with their time. Some stand
out. The late Archie Motley and the staff at the Chicago Historical Society made
doing research enjoyable and easy. Jeffrey Janusch's open-door policy and love
for Chicago and its workmg-class history made research trips affordable and en
tertaining. I was particularly lucky to meet Michael Plug at the Carter Woodson
Library Michael knows just about everything about Chicago and happily shared
ideas for sources and leads. Joy Kingsolver and the staff at the Spertus Library
kept me abreast of new acquisitions and accommodated my hurried visits. Galina Khartulary and Valery Klokov helped me get past the armed guards at the
Russian archives and once inside to comb through party collections. Heather
Coleman got me out of a number of jams along the way and made excursions
outside of Moscow fiin. Eric Fensters study-abroad program made it possible
for me to live in Moscow and attend cultural and educational events with ease.
Daria Lotareva helped me locate materials once I returned to the States. The
folks at the University of lUinois Press, and especially Laurie Matheson, have
been patient, kind, and calming forces throughout this process.
Steve Rosswurms first piece of advice was to start interviewing people yes
terday. I was lucky to speak with several activists who participated in the events
described in this book.Some opened their homes; others talked over the phone.
Thanks especially to Vicky Starr, Herb and Jane March, Yolanda and the late
Chuck Hall, Les Orear, Molly West, Mimi Gilpin, Earl Durham, Gus Vavrus,
Helen Balskus, Richard Criley, the late Gil Green, and the late Jack Spiegel.
I was fortunate to have feedback from a number of scholars. Many people
read all or parts of the manuscript, listened to ideas for chapters, gave a tip on a
source, and/or offered suggestions for revisions. Special thanks to David Mont
gomery, Bryan Pahner, Ken Fones-Wolf, Maurice Isserman, Beth Bates, Kathy
Mapes, Julia Walsh, Caroline Merrithew. Heather Coleman, Toby Higbie, Mary
Mapes, Steve Vaughan, Tom Jordan, Karen Pastorello, the late Steve Sapolsky,
Paul Buhle, Glenda Gilmore, Tom Gugliemo, Rick Halpern, Roger Horowitz,
Toni Gilpin. Dan Letwin, Paul Young, Robert Cherny, Rosemary Feurer, Don
Watson, Dan Katz, and the two anonymous readers for the press.
SUNY-Cortland affords me supportive colleagues. Thanks especially to Girish
Bhat, Gigi Peterson. Sandy Gutman, Brett Troyan, Kevin Sheets, Laura Gathagan,
John Shedd, Luo Xu. Frank Burdick, Roger Sipher, Don^ Wright, and Judy Van
Buskirk for reading some or all of the chapters, sharing strategies for balancing
teaching and research, and making me proud to be a historian. Don needs to
be singled out for his incredible work ethic and willingness to help me edit line
by line he is that good. Judy took me under her wing, along, and
came over to play with the kids just because she wanted to. I am also fortunate
to know Howard Botwinick in economics, who has shared with me his library,
stories, and progressive vision. Susan Wilson, in recreation and leisure studies,
wishes I were a presidential historian but still regularly asks about Chicago's
Communists and makes really good pretend pancakes out of our kids. Betsy
Meinz and George Manning share my passions for research methods, teach
ing strategies, politics, parenting, and cooking. Matt Lessig and Mary Patroulis
helped by sharing the magic that was Illinois and the GEO over good wine and
grown-up conversation. Through Cortland's history department, I also had
the good fortune of working with excellent research assistants. Daniel Smith,
Anthony Natale, and Michael Archambauh stand out. Martin Smith from the
University of Illinois graciously offered his time as well. David Miller, in geog
raphy, introduced me to his student Lezlie Button, who worked tirelessly on
the book's maps. Dawn Van Hall kindly digitized and cleaned up many of the
book's photos. Bella Gorelaya fine-tuned my Russian reading skills and prepared
me for my second research trip.
I was also able to fund much of my research, travel, and production costs
through SUNY-Cortlands various in-house grants as well as the generosity of
the dean of arts and sciences, provost, and president. Our faculty union, the
United University Professions, helped with grants, travel funds, and a Nuala
Drescher Fellowship. The National Endowment for the Humanities' Interna
tional Research Exchange Grant made it possible for me to return to Moscow's
archives and complete the research for the book. Other support for this project
came from the Newberry Library, the University of Illinois, and the Illinois State
Historical Society. The views expressed in this book, however, are my own.
My family has always helped me keep things in perspective. My parents,
Hyman and Adrienne, and my sister, Jenelle, have been cheerleaders and fi
nancial supporters during each stage of this long journey, even though none
of us was sure where it would lead. My in-laws and the whole Miller clan have
graciously welcomed me into their pack and their pinochle games. Merrill is my
biggest critic and most loving supporter. He has read every word I have written,
talked through the arguments, and reminded me that the glass is half full. He
has given new meaning to the notion of being on a team. That partly has to do
with the expansion of our own team. In the time I have been working on this
book, Merrill Anne and Henry have become their own people with incredible
hearts and minds. I only hope that by the time they come of age, they will inherit
a spirit of struggle and in their own ways work to make a better tomorrow.
those of the ranks and that whatever party leaders ordered, local activists served.
Those in this school interpret all aspects of the party's organization and structure
as determined by Moscow and therefore not relevant to people and politics in
the United States. They remove Communists from their neighborhoods, work
places, and networks in order to show, with condescension and disdain, that
Communists in the United States acted as Soviet puppets.^ Theodore Draper,
writing in 1960, determined that by 1929, "nothing and no one could alter the
fact that the American Communist Party had become an instrument of the
Russian Communist Party."' Such beliefs led him to the conclusion that "a his
tory of the Communist Party is chiefly a history of its top leadership." Echoing
Draper nearly four decades later, Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and Kyrill
M. Anderson argue that "the dictates of the Comintern almost invariably su
perseded policies offered on the basis of local conditions."
Revisionist scholars in the 1980s and 1990s collected oral histories, combed
published party records, and studied party-influenced organizations' archives
to create a more nuanced approach to the study of American Communism.
These scholars contextualized the American party and wrote some excellent
studies that used social-history methods, fleshing out how individuals and
groups experienced Communism in places as disparate as the midwestern shop
floor, southern farm, and eastern city; but in their enthusiasm they tended to
romanticize the Communist movement, understate the party's bureaucratic
structure, and downplay the movement's sectarianism. They also emphasized
the party's Popular Front heyday, when the culture of the movement supported
their broader arguments.^
Lurking behind these various methodologies and interpretations are assump
tions about StaUnism and how it operated in the United States. Revisionist
scholars downplay Stalinism's effect and depict Communists as idealized, or
ganic radicals. Draper and those writing in his tradition see Soviet Russia's
domination over the American Communist project as the only relevant piece
of the story and the fact of Soviet control as a foregone conclusion. More re
cently, Bryan Palmer, a socialist historian, has challenged Draper's teleological
argument and yet agrees that, in the end, foreign domination fundamentally
shaped the American party. To him, Stalin's brutal control of the Soviet party
and the international movement destroyed revolutionary socialism, narrowed
the Communist project to revolution in one country, and dominated the priori
ties of the Comintern and its international parties. "Only if we are capable of
seeing Stalinism's degenerations, and how they registered in the transformation
of Soviet politics and the role of the Coniintern over the course of the 1920s,"
Palmer argues, "can we appreciate what was the foundational premise of the
American revolutionary left."^
Of course, Stalinism did matter to the American Communist movement;
They put a human face on American Communism and thus allow scholars to
tell a detailed story that places the personal and political choices Communist
activists made into the social and political context in which they lived.'^ Many of
the recent studies that use Soviet records emphasize Communist espionage and
intrigue with an eye toward rehabilitating the tactics of red hunters, like Joseph
McCarthy.'^ And while spying did occupy some party members between the
years 1935 and 1945, and mfl>' have during the Third Period, Chicago's local re
cords do not reveal espionage. Instead, they record Communists' daily struggles
facing police repression, mobilizing mass organizations, and raising workers'
political consciousness. Instead of intrigue, local sources reveal the efforts of this
revolutionary party to make itself relevant and provide a clearer understanding
of the way the majority in its orbit experienced American Communism.
While Moscow's sources provide a uniquely candid view of party life, they
are best interpreted when supplemented with newspapers, published records,
and Chicago's own archival sources. The combination helps explain the period's
broader social and political context and calls attention to the social, political,
economic, and cultural forces that shaped American working-class life from the
1920S through the mid-1930s. It also helps explain another central theme of this
book; why and how ordinary people became radicalized. On the one hand, these
questions are essential to understanding the local character of American Com
munism; they draw attention to the ways individuals understood Communism,
the circumstances that brought them to the movement, and how they lived it.
On the other hand, they go beyond party history and place Communism in the
broader context of working-class history. How people make a living, their social
ties, their neighborhood politics, their workplace cultures, and their political
outlets shape their ability and desire to create social change. Between 1928 and
1935, the nation underwent significant shifts between Herbert Hoover's laissezfaire administration and Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal, between prosperity
and Depression, between balanced budgets and deficit spending, and between
individualist, private solutions and collective, national ones. The effects of these
changes made their way into homes, worlq)laces, and street corners throughout
the nation. Excellent studies examine how America's workers responded to these
changes but often dismiss as less viable their most radical choices.^^
A community study allows for a more comprehensive understanding of
American Communism than is possible using other methodologies.*^ The inclusiveness of a community study allows one to compare experiences across the
sexes, industries, neighborhoods, and ethnic groups that inhabit the city and
to recognize local quirks, personalities, and cultures in ways that are difficult
to see from a national perspective or by studying one group of people. It also
allows one to consider how (in)completely national and international policies,
structures, cultures, and institutions made their way down to the ranks.
Chicagos West Side, the Black Belt, Packing Town, the North Side, and South
Chicago, where the Depression's effects hit with devastating force.
Chicago's Communists were heir to the city's radical traditions. The city was
the site of the 1886 Haymarket tragedy, the eight-hour movement, and the 1894
Pullman Boycott, as well as the birthplace of the Industrial Workers of the World
and the American Communist party. In what ways did Chicagos party represent
continuity with radical movements of the past? What challenges did Chicago's
radical past present? Chicago's Communists built on local, leftist cultures and
developed their own enclaves that dotted the city's working-class neighborhoods.
In some important cases, individuals followed the historical trajectory of radical
ism in America and moved to the party after stints in other leftist organizations.
They brought with them a commitment to a workers' revolution and lots of other
political baggage. Rather than a unified and completely Stalinized movement,
the following chapters show how difficult it was for disciplined party members
to get others to followeven, and sometimes especially, when the others were
seasoned radicals. In these early Depression years, Chicagos party successfully
held together and built upon a group of otherwise loosely affiliated acti\dsts,
and did so with a limited ability to micromanage, decide, and direct.
Red Chicago argues that at the local level, a wide variety of Communists
coexisted in Chicago. Some, even among the lowest-ranking members, were
Stalinized, but they organized, socialized with, and married Communists who
were not. Working in a community with as many neighborhoods, industries,
and ethnic groups as Chicago, the party encountered all kinds of people, with
various priorities and interests. The Soviet Union and party policy mattered a
great deal to these people, but neither precluded their acting in ways that also
made sense in their local union, community, or club meetii^s. The international
Communist movement was centered in Moscow, ruled over byStalin, and gov
erned by Leninist principles. But these facts leave much of the story of the Com
munist experience in a place like Chicago untold. Red Chicago is an attempt to
explain how Communism came to matter to a wide assortment of people and
how they experienced this particular version of American radicalism.
Sam Hammersmark's Chicago
of overcoming the hurdles that stymied radical movements of the city's past and
worked to unify Chicago's labor militants and working-class ethnics under the
Communist party's banner. They would find, however, that in the initial pro
cess of affiliating themselves to the international Communist movement, Soviet
leadersand the policies they setalienated Chicago's Communists from their
non-p^rty labor allies and encouraged an inwardly focused, factional feud.
Chicago's Early Growth and the Development
of RadicalTraditions
Chicago's rich labor and radical traditions that greeted Hammersmark and
thousands of others like him were inexorably tied to the city's heritage. In the
short time between 1774, when Jean Baptiste Point DuSable, a Haitian trader,
became the first non-Indian settler to the city, and Hammersmark's arrival in
1882, Chicago had grown into a thriving industrial center. Opened to the Erie
Canal in 1825 by mostly Irish hands, Chicago developed into a center for trade,
slowly at first and then with increasing speed when railroads arrived. Its access
to the West made Chicago the nation's railroad center in 1856: its nearly one
hundred daily train arrivals helped attract all manner of industry to this rapidly
growing city. The 1871 fire caused havoc, homelessness, and destruction but also
stimulated a wave of industrial development. By the time Hammersmark arrived,
Chicago had become not only the Midwest's commercial and transportation
center but also one of the nations leading manufacturing centers, dominating
the agricultural-implement, livestock, lumberyard, and sawmill industries. In
terms of number of employees, total wages, capital invested, gross value of
products, and value added in manufacturing, only New York and Philadelphia
had Chicago beat.^
Employers' insatiable need for labor attracted a fast-growing population of
working people to this once swampy tradingoutpost. When it was incorporated
in 1843, the city housed under five thousand people, but by 1860, it had 109,260
residents and would multiply to 503,185 in 1880, only to double again in the
next ten years, making it the third largest city in the nation. Such immigrants
as Hammersmark and his family caused the city to brim with foreign-speaking
newcomers, many of whom arrived with little but the willingness to work. By
1890,78 percent of the city's residents were either immigrants or their children.
From the 1880s through the early 1920s, newer arrivals from Italy, Greece,
Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and the American South joined older settlements of
Germans, Irish, Scandinavians, and Czechs, distinguishing Chicago as a work
ing-class city of immigrants and black migrants.^
Such diversity made unified activity among these working-class ethnics dif
ficult. In fact, from the earliest days of settlement, immigrants nestled into fa
English, German, French, and Czech workers. Chicago anarchists, the largest
such concentration in the country (roughly a thousand, with five or six thou
sand sympathizers), supported a vibrant social life of picnics, parades, dances,
and concerts. Most members were either skilled or unskilled workers and were
led by craftsmen and independent artisans.*^
As new arrivals filled the city and competed for work, anarchists' lively culture,
disdain for the ballot, and encouragement of direct action attracted a growing
number of people, including Sam Hammersmark In Europe and America, it was
men like Hammersmark's father, a skilled tradesman, who populated anarchist
movements. They saw the aggregation of wealth and power created through
industrial capital, the use of mechanization benefiting^employers while exploit
ing workers, and the dehumanization associated with the deskilling of trades
and crafts. Professions being modernized by factories and machines had strong
representation among Chicago's anarchists. The Pulhnan railroad-car fectory
and McCormick and Deering agricultural-machinery plants were sites where
anarchists regularly set up soapboxes and drew crowds.*^
As members of local unions, Chicago's anarchists and Socialists nurtured the
indigenous militants in the ranks of the city's labor movement. In 1884, that
labor movement was divided into three organizations: the Knights of Labor, the
Trade and Labor Assembly, and the Central Labor Union. Reflecting workers'
fragmentation by ethnicity, skill, and ideology, each represented various work
and ethnic cuhures. Generally speaking, skilled Anglo-American workers sup
ported the Trades and Labor Assembly, while Irish Americans dominated the
Knights. Other semiskilled and unskilled European immigrants with connec
tions to socialist and anarchist groups formed the Central Labor Union. De
spite this organizational division, over time the membership ofthese groups
overlapped, and they occasionally cooperated openly In 1886, there were 307
strikes in the city, a ninefold increase from each of the prior five years, showing
that Chicago's workers were more organized and militant than they had ever
Instead of 1886 inaugurating a new era of labor activism, however, the radi
cal potential of the year's militancy was squashedin light of labor's demand for
an eight-hour day. What began as a powerful and united labor movement of
about eighty thousand demonstrating publicly in Chicago for an eight-hour day
ended two days later when an unknown person threw a bomb into a crowd of
protesters and police in Haymarket Square, killing seven police officers and four
workers. In the bomb's aftermath, tremors of fear and hysteria rocked the nation,
shaking Chicago with particular force. Police rounded up labor and anarchist
leaders, shut down labor and radical presses, and arrested eight suspects for
what would become an internationally followed trial resulting in the suicide of
one, the acquittal of three, and the hangings of Adolph Fischer, George Engel,
Albert Parsons, and August Spies, a group who became honored in Left circles
as the Haymarket martyrs."
People such as Hammersmark were deeply affected by the state killings of
these labor radicals and joined with thousands of the city's labor boosters, in
cluding singing societies; members of die carpenter, baker,saddler, wagon maker,
cooper, brewer, and furniture-worker unions; unorganized groups of workers;
sections of the citys Central Labor Union; and bands, in a march to protest
their hanging, but such a display of sympathy for radicals was to become unique
during the repressive months that followed. Quickly and with force, the city's
clergy, newspapers, and public opinion turned against labor agitation of all kinds.
Meanwhile, the Knights of Labor and Trades and Labor Assembly took strong
stands against anarchism, driving a wedge between Chicago's more traditional
labor unionists and those who hoped to spark militancy. For a time, radical
movements and their adherents in the city seemed defeated.*^
Hammersmark was one among several who spent the following years look
ing for answers outside of organized labor and radical movements. From 1889
through 1893, he studied in a seminary. As it turned out, though, religion was
not for him: just before becoming ordained as a minister, he did an about-face
and joined a generation of Chicago's working-class radicals in declaring himself
an atheist. In his continuing search for answers, Hammersmark began mingling
with Chicago's progressive literary world. Hie written word and its distribution
would become the focus of his activism for years to come, joining him to those
throughout the country who maintained this labor and leftist tradition.'
In the midst of Hammersmark's soul searching, the 1894 Pullman strike
again focused the nations attention on Chicago's labor movement. This time
Hammersmark joined anarchists and Socialists, who watched from the sidelines
as skilled and unskilled workers united against Chicago's industrial magnate
George Pullman. Thousands of Chicago workers in and around the railroads
ensured that at least between June 29 and July 8 no trains left the city As in the
railroad strike of 1877. the power of the government through the military even
tually subdued their efforts, but this time workers had managed a greater feat,
as the thousands of skilled and unskilled workers represented a broader ethnic
mix. The potential of workers from different ethnic and skill backgrounds to
join and challenge industrial capital would carry into the imagination of labor
radicals of the next century.
Before then, strength returned to the Socialist movement when workers began
to rally behind such new leaders as Eugene V. Debs, who, fresh from the Pull
man conflict, directed militant workers toward the revived Socialist Party of
America. With such activity, Chicago remained at the center of radical gather
ings, and new labor movements formed. Hammersmark made his contribu-
tion to the rebirth of the Socialist movement through his creation in 1904 of
the Hammersmark Publishing Company. He printed and distributed works by
Clarence Darrow, Edgar Lee Masters, and John Altgeld, the governor of Illinois
who pardoned the last of Haymarket's victims. And he eventually made his way
to Washington State to help Lucy Parsons, the widow of the Haymarket martyr
Albert Parsons, put out Why? from Tacoma. In the few years he spent in Tacoma
before returning to Chicago, Hammersmark extended his activities and inter
ests, like the Haymarket anarchists before him, to include the labor movement.
He helped organize retail clerks in Seattle and Tacoma and eventually became
head of Tacoma's trade council.'
In 1905, Hammersmark reinforced his interest in labor by attending the
founding convention, in Chicago, of a new anarcho-syndicalist organization, the
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). This convention brought together the
nation's leading labor radicals: Bill Haywood, secretary of the Western Federa
tion of Miners; Eugene V. Debs, leader of the American Socialist party; Mother
Jones, the fighter for miners' rights; Daniel De Leon, the leader of the Social
ist Labor party; Lucy Parsons; and hundreds of others from various Socialist
and anarchist organizations. The IWW's purpose was to launch a dual form of
revolutionary unionism that would challenge the American Federation of Labor
(AFL), the main labor federation dedicated to the organization of skilled craft
workers. That radical workers were frustrated with the AFL was not surprising.
Even though some AFL locals had a Socialist presence, the AFL as an organiza
tion lacked interest in the unskiUed, unorganized, and nonwhite. These IWW
members hoped to build a separate, competitive, militant labor organization
open to workers of all backgrounds and skill levels.'
the IWW s dual-miionism strategy. These activists believed that the IWWs tac
tic of creating militant unions in opposition to AFL unions isolated militant,.
con&sed rank-and-file workers, and hampered the ability of activists to inspireteW RVA CTadvocates
of the need to work within es
tablished AFL unions was William Z. Foster, a future leader of the American
Communist party. Unable to convince the IWWs leadership of dual unionism's
mllTn T
modeled after a revolutionary syndicalist organization he had seen at work in
Syndicahst League of ^^orth America (SLNA) in Chicago, where the heart of its
embership was based. SLNA members, about two thousand of whom were
drawn from the IWW and fledgling anarchist organizations, joined local AFL
unions and focused on organizing the unorganized.
Meeting WiUiam^ Foster made an imprint on Hammersmark and affected
^th h
Hammersmark quickly joined Foster and became friendly
th his SLNA group, a core of whom, like Hammersmark. had connections to
brl^MZ Vh
'he city
tW , I
prominent among Haymarket anarchists, with
tnem into the new organization.
The SLNA only survived two years before its overly decentralized structure
tionTxrad t J
organization, the Interna
tional Trade Union Educational League (ITUEL). Although small and ineffec
tual, these organizations succeeded in important ways. They brought together
a core of activists who had experience in Chicago's distinct radical labor milieu
and were committed to making established unions mihtant centers of revolulonary activity They found themselves in the center of what would be some
of the nations biggest wartime labor conflicts. When they finally joined the
Communist party fteir leadership, contacts, and experience in Chicago's labor
In the meantime, these activists' poor record in the SLNA and the ITUEL in
no w^ readied them for what was to come, first in the packing industry and
then through the nations steel miUs. Part of their success was certainly due [o the
economic and political context of the wartime period, but credit for Chicago's
w^ime labor activity also needs to extend to the support ofthe CFL andfhe
rs ip 0 John Fitzpatnck. In his writings. Foster credits ITUEL militants
with making the CFL the most progressive labor council in the United States."
beginning only in Chicago and the Calumet region rather than in the fifty or
so steel towns in which Foster had hoped to organize. In Chicago and Calumet,
steel workers turned out to mass meetings, signed union cards, and showed'
the promise of a winning campaign. But its slow start, the end ofthe war, and
steel industrialists' determination to keep their industry largely unorganized
resulted m a stunning defeat. Despite the fact that the 1919 steel strike resulted
in over 365,000 steel workers striking in fifty cities around the country, state
violence and employer intimidation resulted in the strike being called ofl'with
few victories.^^
The ability ofthe steel industry to stave off union organization hinted at the
successes industriaHsts were to enjoy in the 1920s. Corporate welfare policies
and company unions put a damper on the ability of militant unionists to make
^ange through labor organizations. The Palmer Raids, named for Attorney
General A. Mitchell Palmer, were government attacks on Socialist and union
offices and homes and resulted in the deportation of suspected foreign-laneuage2>eaking threats. These federally mastered events, like the repression following
Haymarket. quieted militant voices in political movements and union organi
zations alike and provided the context for the underground orientation ofthe
Communist party in the early 19205.^
Eniployer and government efforts to stomp out militancy and unionism
were furthered by conflicts among workers themselves. In the summer of 1919.
Jack Johnstone, on behalf of the SLC, organized an interracial march fi-om the'
neighborhood adjacent to the stockyards, the Back ofthe Yards, through to the
neighborhood populated predominately by African Americans, the Black Belt.
Unfortunately for labor militants, this event's success was short-lived. Three
weeks later, a race riot exploded on the city's South Side. Even though the riot
started m response to violence on a beach rather than in a factory, racial tensions
spilled over with devastating effects on interracial militancy in the labor movement. At the same time, patriotic fervor and nativism tore at the progressive CFL
leadership, quieting any hopes of new, ambitious campaigns.^^So defeated and
divided for a time they might be, but Chicago's labor radicals, symbolic ofthe
tradition of labor militancy that characterized the city, were not obliterated.
The Birth of Chicago's Communist Party
Just as Hammersmark spent the years between the Pullman strike and the birth
ofthe IW rethinking and operating in new political circles, a core of Chicago's
hbor militants spent the 1920s regrouping and readying for upcoming battles.
Ihey would do this through a new organization that many of them helped build
Like many ofthe radical organizations before it. the Communist Party ofthe
United States was born in Chicago. Inspired by the triumph of the Bolshevik
Revolution, members of the Socialist party's left wing organized an American
Communist party. These left-wing Socialists, dominated by semi-autonomous
foreign-language federations, came to American Communism with their own
newspapers, cultural groups, institutions, and willingnessto quarrel. Their early
enthusiasm to create an American Communist party quickly disintegrated,
however, into wrangling over the timing of the new organizations birth. One
group, which included most of the foreign-language federations, argued that
an American Communist party must be established immediately in June 1919.
The other, which included more native-born radicals, wanted to wait ten weeks
until the Socialist party's convention, in hopes of gaining its support. Resent
ment, hubris, and personality conflict resulted in the formation of two parties in
1919: a Communist party and a Communist Labor party Through 1923. their
members seemed to do little else but disagree over internal questions facing
their organizations. Moving from the issue of unification between the groups to
the feasibility of maintaining an underground organization, those interested in
creating an American Communist party remained a small, internally focused
bunch. By 1923, with the aid of Communist leaders in the Soviet Union, Ameri
can Communists settled on an above-ground organization called the Workers
(Communist) Party of America, a name they would use until 1929, when they
switched to the Communist Party of the USA.'
Once in the party, recruits foimd an elaborate, hierarchical structure awaiting
them, which fit them in at its bottom while connecting them to a leadership in
the Soviet Union, who sat at its top. There stood the Communist International,
or Comintern. Founded by Lenin in 1919, the Comintern was the international
headquarters of the Communist movement, the place where party leaders the
world over met to make strategy, solve problems, and receive orders. Stalin's
rise to power in the 1920s consolidated Soviet government control over the Co
mintern and the policies of Communist parties around the world.'' The Ameri
can party, with its offices in New York, was always one of the smallest and less
significant ofthe international movements. Regardless, its leaders maintained
the same organizational structure found in other party headquarters. A Central
Executive Committee (CEC, known as the Central Committee from 1929 on)
represented the party's top national leaders. A smaller committee, the Political
Committee (or Polcom), oversaw party policy between CEC meetings, and an
even smaller secretariat ran the party's daily activities. Small departments in
the national office oversaw such specific activity as women's work, propaganda,
and organizational efforts. Jay Lovestone led Americas Communists as the gen
eral secretary from 1927 through 1929, when he was expelled and replaced by
Earl Browder, who served in that capacity through the Popular Front period.
/ /
x , - " /
/ ; 1
-'-J I
/ I
I '
General structure
of the American
Communist party as
illustrated in the April
1931 issue ofthe
Party Organizer.
experience, especially in the meat-packing and steel campaigns, the need for
political action had been gradually dawning upon me and I began more and
more to feel that it was not a wise policy that tried to restrict the struggle ofthe
workers solely to the economic field."^ Before leaving for Moscow, Foster joined
the Chicago-centered movement for a Labor party. Watching the weakening
of syndicalism in Europe; the collapse of the London Triple Alliance among
miners, railroaders, and transport workers; the success of the Russian Revolu
tion; and syndicalists' and anarchists' attacks on the Soviet government and the
RILU when he was in Moscow, Foster secretly joined the party in the summer
of 1921 and waited until the spring of 1923 to make public his move.^^
Back in Chicago, Hammersmark was also unsure of Soviet Communism.
Moving in CFL circles and having also served as the secretary of the Cook
County organization of the Farmer-Labor party when Fitzpatrick ran for mayor
as a Farmer-Labor candidate, Hammersmark, like Foster, had already begun to
question his purely syndicalist attitudes and had tested the waters of political
activism by the time the American Communist party was founded. In FarmerLabor party circles, Hammersmark befriended Charles Krumbein, a product of
the Socialist party's left wing, who joined the Communist Labor party in 1919
and worked with radical Chicago unionists to build the Farmer-Labor party.
A future delegate to the CFL from the Plumbers' Union, it was Krumbein who
most effectively made Hammersmark "see the need for political action."'^'' Dis
cussions like this and observations like Foster's resulted in most ofthe labor
TUEL mUitants joining Chicago's Communist party, where they would continue
their project, which was undermined in the aftermath of World War I, of bring
ing a multiethnic workforce into multiethnic unions.
Initially. American Communism represented a conglomeration of leftist culmres, traditions, and experiences not too different from those that came before
it. The Bolshevik revolution in Russia of November 1917," writes Theodore
Drapef, did not immediately displace these older traditions.'"^^ This was the
case in Chicago, where TUEL militants mingled with an assortment of ethnic
and native-born radicals. Alfred Wagenknecht, the son of a German shoe
maker, fled from Germany with his family to avoid antisocialist laws. Joining
the left wing ofthe Socialist party, Wagenknecht played a crucial role in form
ing the Communist Labor party, the United Communist party, and finally the
Workers (Communist) party. Nicholas Dozenberg, an immigrant from Riga,
Latvia, and a member ofthe International Association of Machinists, became'
business manager for the Communist paper The Voice of Labor in 1921. They
were joined in the party by Joseph Podulski, a former member of the Socialist
party in Poland and the United States, who was also a member ofthe Inter
national Ladies Garment Workers Union. Ellis Chryssos, born in Turkey to a
family whose members became refugees in Greece, edited Empros, a weekly
organ of the Workers party's Greek Federation, and acted as the federations
secretary Arne Swabeck, a Danish immigrant and former IWW and Socialist
party member, became a leader in Seattle's 1919 general strike before coming to
Chicago. Swabeck served as head of Chicago's Workers party at the same time
that he acted as a CFL delegate from the Painters' Union. Vittorio Vidali came
to Chicago in the early 1920s fresh from antifascist batdes in Italy and eager to
become involved in the Italian American Communist movement.^^
Vidali commented on the diversity of experience he found in Chicago. One
cold and snowy morning, he made his way into the party's main office on North
State Street: "The desks were scattered around the room without any definite
plan. The Yugoslavs, the Greeks and the Latin-Americans were next to us Ital
ians. The richer sections which had their own headquarters in Chicago or in
New York, daily paper and periodicals, such as the Russians, the Jews, the.Finns,
the Poles and others, had their own desk also in this big room where all the
nationalities were represented. In one corner sat the general secretary of the
Party, C. E. Ruthenberg with his secretary. There was a constant buzz of voices
in all the languages of the world, sometimes interrupted by a laugh, exclama
tions and the clicking of the typewriters."'*^
The international buzz among the city's national leaders hinted at the clamor
audible whenever Communists assembled at their citywide social gatherings.
Communist events, like the one organized in Wicker Park for about fourteen
hundred Scandinavian and Jewish people in 1923, represented the international
unity and cultural dynamism that Soviet Communism represented to many of
its adherents and sympathizers. Here, in the words of a Scandia reporter, "a
string orchestra, consisting mostly of mandolins, played revolutionary music."
Next, the Freiheit singing society, a group of one hundred, sang classical Jewish
songs. These musical numbers culminated in the reading of "The Last Revolu
tion," a text written by Michael Gold that was musically accompanied by a Jose
Ramirez score.**^
By the time of Vidali's visit in 1923, the party's national headquarters had
moved from New York to Chicago, where it would remain until 1927. In Chicago,
working-class ethnics with their own cultural connections to leftist movements
were joined by a core of veteran American trade unionists, some of whom had
made their way from labor struggles m the West. Earl Browder had been active
in Kansas City's labor and socialist organizations since 1907 and had recently
served a prison sentence for resisting the draft. William Dunne worked as a
union organizer for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers on
the West Coast before becoming involved in a strike near Helena, Montana,
where he was a leader on a strike committee and editor of the Montana State
Federation of Labor's newspaper. After the strike's defeat, Dunne was elected
as a state legislator on the Democratic ticket. He also served as vice president
who also mamtained seven neighborhood branches The
including a former Socialist club known as their
Karl Marx branch, one in Lakeview, and one on the South Side TVo
anches met, one on the North Side and one on the South Side. The Ukraini
spe'atrs ^dH.
Rumanians, Spanish
Thirtv fir W H
Communists. Others in the
Thirty-first Ward and m Cicero still had to be contacted individuaUy
Establishing strong connections between this heavily ethnic and foreien-born
community and the American labor movement became a central concern of
party leaders and one that overshadowed the fluctuation of women in the partv.
was not that women were inactive at the dawning of Chicago's Commrakt'
HS TM Oa' SidT' f
LWia Beidel, Dora Lifshitz. Clara Rodin,
^d ktt if^l" r. ' :
P^" of party reports, minutes,
and letters. In these early days of party organization, however, women's oar
tapation was not a central concern ofthe male leaders. Most p oleTwomen
Com^numsts, such as Lifshitz and Rodin, were active in garLnt or ne^^e
es. ome, such as Lydia Gibson, were married to partyleaders Others such
as Fl^el, continued the work they had done in SociL federations onty now
under the Communist partys banner.^
Heten Kaoir"
dropped away from the movement during the party's reorganization, leaders
were not overly concerned. One report indicated that in 1925 about 50 percent
of the members from two Chicago Finnish branches had come into the newly
reorganized party. The report's author indicated that 50 percent is "what we
can expect at best... since these two branches had a far greater share than did
any other branches, of housewives members, who were merely attached to the
former language units because their husbands were."^
Equally marginal to the central concerns of this early party were the hand
ful of African Americans who attended its meetings. The majority came out
of the African Blood Brotherhood (ABB), an organization whose members
expressed national revolutionary ideas and rallied in opposition to Marcus
Garvey and his pro-capitalist United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA).
Those twenty-five or so in the ABB who gravitated to Communism had a strong
presence among black building tradesmen, plumbers, electricians, bricklayers,
and stockyard workers. Edward Doty, a plumber, led Chicago's ABB and had
already organized the American Consolidated Trades Council, a federation of
black unions in the building trades that collaborated widi Foster's TUEL. He
was joined by Herman Dorsey, an electrician; Alexander Dunlap, a plumber;
Norval Allen, Gordon Owens, and H. V. Phillips from the stockyards; and Otto
Hall, a railroad porter. Some had spent time in the Garvey movement; others
were associated with the Free Thought Society, an organization that held forums
and participated in a political challenge to the old-guard Republicans in the city.
Harry Haywood remembered first seeing these black Communists at open-air
forums and at the Dil Pickle Club. According to Haywood, African Americans
who joined the party "were the types who ... kept abreast of the issues in the
Southside community and participated in local struggles."^^
When they got to the party, however, blacks found that its members did
not recognize their problems as being any different than those of white work
ers. Public support won by the UNIA and prodding by members of the ABB
encouraged white Communists to rethink the connection between capitalism
and race. But it was leaders in Moscow who really gave the American party a
push. With support from the Soviet Union, American Communists focused on
the building of the American Negro Labor Congress (ANLC), an organization
dedicated to organizing black workers. American party leaders hoped to build
an organization led by black workers and open to whites with connections to
civil rights groups throughout the black community The organization hobbled
along into the early 1930s but never reached a level of stabilization or success.
From the onset, organized labor and conservative black leaders attacked the
ANLC as Communist and therefore duplicitous. Black Communists did not
help matters. At the ANLC's opening meeting in the heart of Chicago's black
neighborhood, a Russian drama group performed a play in Russian. There
were no black performers on the program. Robert Minor and his wife, Lydia
ibson, kept the ideal of interracial organization alive by opening their South
Side apartment to serve as what Harry Haywood remembered as a "virtual
gather to discuss the issues ofthe
day But as for the ANLC. its Chicago membership, one ofthe largest in the
country, hovered around fifty members.'
Thus the diversity of opinion and culture that grew from its members comphcated efforts to build a Communist movement in Chicago. Compounding the
problem was ^e Soviet party and its leaders' authority in settling conflicts and
setting priorities. In its earliest days, the Comintern did not have much effect on
American Communists. "Except for references to 'Soviets' and 'dictatorship of
the proletariat, writes Theodore Draper, the American party's programs "still
reflected more ofthe movements of the past-socialism and syndicalism-than
ofthe movement ofthe ftiture, Communism." But by the summer of 1920, the
Commtern established itself as the ultimate authority on political questions and
beg^ issuing orders to the American party to unify its members and begin
working wiAm the AFL. The increasing role ofthe Comintern in settling dif
ferences and setting priorities distinguished American Communism from the
radical movements that preceded it. In the early 1920s, the American party's
relationship to the Commtern resulted m systematic consideration ofthe"Ne^o
Question in the United States, but it also fanned factional flames among party
leaders and isolated Chicago's trade unionists from their former allies.
Wilham Z. Foster and Chicago's group of trade-union activists were at the
center ofthese early factional fights. From Foster's earliest days as the leader
ot the partys trade-union efforts, a major split developed, pitting Foster and
his proletarian supporters against Charles Ruthenberg, Jay Lovestone, Bertram
Wolfe and other mtellectuals based largely in New York. In the decade to come
party leaders understood all manner of differences of opinion between members'
to be a result of one's aHgnment with the "majority" or "minority" groups. One
Chicap party member explained."Charlatans have a hold of our Party. All mat
ters ofthe Party are considered by them from the point of whether or not the
present majority will benefit." Viewing each political assignment and leadership
appointment througli the perspective of factionalism, one Communist pleaded
with Lovestone to "find some way of settling down this district. This transition
penod IS not very healthy and should not be prolonged minecessarily."
These factional struggles complicated Communists' relationship to Chicago's
labor movement The main debacle centeredonthe formation ofaFarmer-LaLr
party Successful unions throughout the country developed the idea for a na^ November 1919 Chicago conference. By 1922. John Fitzpatrick.
who had become a leader in the Farmer-Labor party movement, invited Foster
and his trade-union activists to participate. Alongwith Foster, the Communists
Jack Johnstone, Arne Swabeck, Charles Krumbein, and Earl Browder responded
positively. But what began as a unified effort between party and non-party labor
activists quickly broke down due to Communist tactics and pressures from an
increasingly repressive environment. The formal split occurred when Fitzpatrick
asked for a delay in a 1923 Farmer-Labor party convention in order to better
organize a following. While Foster and his supporters understood the need for
mass support, the Communist party's New York leadership saw no reason to
wait. With Comintern backing, they engmeered a split between Chicago's Com
munists and Fitzpatrick. The convention, which initially seemed to be a success,
resulting in the formation of a nationally federated Farmer-Labor party with
Communists in control of most positions, ended as a fiasco with little support
outside of party circles. Without Fitzpatrick's support, Chicago's Communist
trade unionists became exposed to conservative attacks from Gompers and AFL
unionists who shared their leader's disdain for Communists. Foster and James
Cannon wrote, "In Chicago, which was once our chief stronghold, our alliance
with the progressives has been broken
[0]ur comrades are largely isolated
and face a united front of all other elements against them."^
The Bolshevik Revolution sparked the imagination of liberals and radicals
throughout the United States. Immediate postwar uprisings across the country
suggested the possibility that the revolutionary fervor that swept Russia might
enliven American workers. Militants rooted in Chicago's Socialist, anarchist,
and militant trade-union traditions were swept into the American Communist
movement and believed that their activity had a new urgency. This new radical
organization, peopled by militants of older movements, quickly became the tar
get of government attack and AFL animus. To most party members, this was the
stuff of radical political undertakings. What was new, however, was the depths
to which their leaders were now entangled in the realities of a centralized orga
nization where priorities were set and disputes settled in Moscow. The willing
ness and enthusiasm of American Communists to hitch their movement to the
Soviet Union might seem nonsensical to the twenty-first-century observer, but
to many Chicago labor radicals it seemed the only rational course. The Soviet
Union was the site ofthe only successful workers' revolution in the world and
the only country predicting a continuation of their revolution in other nations.
It was the home ofthe Comintern, an international arena for revolutionaries to
meet and plan, and the only nation willing to support revolutionary education
and training of its party's ranks. And for Hammersmark and his close allies in
the party. Communist leaders in the Soviet Union were the only ones on the
left who supported the kind of militant labor activism they believed most likely
to lead workers to revolution.
In December 1927, five thousand people packed Chicago's Ashland Audito
rium, listened to Communist speeches, and celebrated the ten years of struggle
that had ensued since the Russian Revolution No revolution had so far developed m the United States, and yet the core of Chicago's Communists who
stuck with the party, such as Hammersmark, had been raised in an environ
ment where radical movements had their highs and lows. As members ofthe
American Communist party, heirs to the workers' revolution that transformed
the Soviet Union, and protectors of Chicago's militant labor traditions, they
believed that revolutionary change was surely right around the corner As it
turned out, the party's current fiink that kept its members at odds with one an
other and isolated from American workers was about to be challenged While
no sociahst revolution ensued, the years 1928 through 1935 witnessed a rebirth
of Chicagos party, inundating its roUs with newcomers and sparking militant
activity among workers. To veterans such as Hammersmark, it would be worth
the wait.
Revolutionary Recruitment:
Numbers and Experience
BiU Gebert, ca. 1936. (Chicago Historical
Society, ICHi-39210. photographer unknown)
people figured prominently in
eaA party plenum, recrmtmg buUetin. and organizational outline
The way Communists categorized people offers a sense of whom they fa
vored and attracted. Local records make clear that Chicago's Communists were
isproportionately unemployed, foreign-born or African American, and male
The party wanted to bring in women, youth, and employed workers but never
succeeded to the extent they believed possible. Occasionally they attracted unincernelrT''
intellectuals, Jewish recruits conerned them because Jews and intellectuals were not generaUy thought to work
m industry, where party leaders hoped to recruit their highest numbers ^
Party cataloging tells something of leaders' priorities and Commmiism's allure
ong certam groups but the party's statistics and categories do not provide
oLof T
? members. What appeal did Communism have for
people who were unemployed and ethnic, for example? Where were the party's
To^nn^ K '
implement statistics and gain insight into
not only who became a member but also, occasionally, why
Between 1928 and 1935, numbers of Chicagoans who Joined the Commu
ms party jumped from hundreds to thousands' Their compositeSe never
leadjs mandates, but it did reflect the demography of the city, its tradi
tions, and the struggles of its activists. Chicago recruits were rooted in ethnic
over the years, emphasized recruiting new members as part of all party activity.
"What is necessary now" Williamson directed,"is to intensify the recruiting drive
and keep it in the forefront of aU activities." Leaders assigned each city section
a quota of new members and reminded all low-level leaders that recruitment
numbers "must be checked up at every nucleus meeting."''
To Williamsons dismay, in the early 1930s, Chicagos party never approached
his recruitment goals. In an August 1932 organization letter, he warned that
early results of a recruiting drive "don't show the slightest sign of an intensive
drive for members." If they were going to double their numbers, everyone
had to act. But quotas were hard to fill because the extraordinary expectations
of party leaders were based on the unrealistic assumption that an economic
Depression would turn workers into revolutionaries. Workers' need for em
ployment during the early Depression years discouraged many from publicly
protesting their conditions, and even those willing to protest were not neces
sarily proto-Communists.
And yet, compared to previous years, enormous growth in membership char
acterized Chicago's Third Period. In 1928, Chicago had 650 members. In 1930,
the number grew only slightly, to 683, despite increased recruiting. By 1931, the
Lenin recruiting drive and small successes organizing among the unemployed
brought the party its first leap, to 1,963 members. This total made Chicago
home to almost one-quarter of the nation's Communists, second only to New
York.^ In 1932, membership in the party's neighborhood and shop organizations
grew again, this time reaching 2,513 members and causing national leaders to
recognize Chicago as the party's "most important district."'^ By 1934, the city's
membership had increased five times from its 1928 size, and the number of
sections in the city grew from six to thirteen. In November 1934,3,303 people
paid party dues in Chicago."
National and city membership statistics obscure the actual number of people
who joined the Communist party over time, since turnover was great.'^ Chi
cago felt this acutely. In 1930, the district issued nearly two thousand member
ship books from January through September but only received a third of that
amount in dues sales in September.'^ In 1930, half of all new party applicants
remained members less than a year. From July 4,1931, through November 28,
1931, monthly turnover ranged from a low of 30 to a high of 97 percent. The
greatest number of those leaving were new recruits; a good number of them
would become vocally anti-Communist, but the majority would serve as allies
and, ironically, even future recruits.'^ Party leaders took turnover seriously. Wil
liamson called the city's high fluctuation rates "the most scandalous situation
that could exist in the Party."'^
Recruitment methods sometimes caused such high turnover. Nathan Glazer
found on a national level that "when the Party made the strongest efforts to get
2 513
members, the members it got were the least satisfactory,"" Chicago's recruit
ment drives reflected this phenomenon. One Chicago bulletin complained,
[CJomrades approached recruiting merely to make a record, regardless of
whether the worker was the best type for the Party or not. Others handed in
application c^ds which had never been written by the worker whose name ap
peared on It but by a friend.... The entire atmosphere was a hectic one, with
everyone working to make records-with the result that we recruited application cards but not class conscious workers."'^
Even when class-conscious workers were legitimately recruited, they were
sometimes lost m the party's bureaucratic shuffle. Chicago's leaders pointed to
e bad experience of one city section, where out of 178 applications received
over a few months of 1932, the party made members out of only twenty No
report existed for 101 ofthe applicants; four could not be located; twenty-three
moved; and flve changed their mmds. The remainder were "no good for the
nfher party section, or. oddly "too
Those who did join sometimes quickly reversed their decision for the same
reasons found in party districts throughout the country According to Wil. i^son, unsatisfactory political life within party units plus poor recruitment
methods added up to 90 percent of their problem. Units where new recruits
were supposed to have their first formal contacts with the party were not yet
oriented toward the neophyte. They were notorious for not stLing on time aid
for running well after n P.M. They were also known for not engaging members
on concrete daily issues but instead for focusing on technical work that needed
to be accomplished. Williamson complained: "[I]n one unit, a sincere and well
meaning new member, only a few months in the Party, is made organizer, but the
Section Committee never gave the nucleus personal attention
The meeting
is called for 8 but there are only three members plus the District Representative
present at 8 P.M. Gradually others come and the meeting opens at 9 P.M. The
Section Representative finally arrives at 9:30 and another leader,' the District
Woman's Director, also does the nucleus a 'favor' by coming in at 9:30. A fine
example. The nucleus organizer brings in an agenda of 15 pointsall dry rou
tine. No political content to the proposalsjust a mere presentation that such
and such must be done."^ Unit members were also known to talk about party
issues and campaigns in shorthand, using partylingo, and did not, according to
Williamson, discuss "the content and basis of [a] campaign as well as all various
aspects and also the political questions connected with it."^'^
If 90 percent of the problem had to do with recruiting methods and the life of
the unit, perhaps the remaining 10 percent involved joiners talked out of party
membership by what leaders referred to as "hostile influences." Certainly there
might have existed any number of these influences discouraging new members
from keeping their membership active. One organizational bulletin instructed
Chicago's members to "[f]ind out what hostile influences he has around him
which might drive him away from Party. Carefully help him overcome this."^^
And while instructions in the bulletin emphasized helping "him" overcome these
influences, female recruits also had pressures from family and friends to spend
less time with the party. A letter from a member of Chicago's ranks explained
how a combination of these internal and external problems made itself felt: "I
will be criticized next Tuesday night at the organizers' meeting because the
unit is not larger; because I have not done more; because I did not attend some
meeting or other. I work hard every day in a building as a painter.... I have a
few there who read the Daily Worker and subscribe to it. I cannot break down
the Catholic faith there and start a shop unit. I do the best I can. However no
matter how much I do, I always hate to show my face because there are things I
do not do that I was told to do. Directives, directives, directives
I am getting
tired. I am just as much a Communist as ever, but I am not 10 Communists
I must sleep sometimes
My wife won't stand for it either."^^ In dealing with
these frustrations, those who stayed had to be particularly committed. In 1931,
73 percent of the party's members had joined within the past year, 12 percent
between 1925 and 1929, and 15 percent between 1919 and 1924.^^ With only
27 percent of its membership base stable in this early period, many more Chi
cago workers shuffled through the Communist party than simple membership
statistics suggest.
Uese high turnover rates troubled party leaders, especially when they re
flected the loss of American-born workers. After all, if the American Communist
party was suposed to be the vanguard of the American working class, then
the peop e who joined and stayed should have been American working people.
ationally though, scholars have determined that the organization failed to
meet these goals and that during the Third Period, the party was overwhehningly composed of the unemployed and foreign-born.^^
The Chicago party's own records show that its membership matched these
national trends and also reflected some of the city's unique population. William
son and Gebert kept tabulations of what they believed to be Chicago Commu
nists most important characteristics. Such records obfuscate certain identities
Jews were the only religious group mentioned, even if it was done to identify a
particular ethnicity rather than religious behef. InteUectuals were not ofiicially
recorded because they were not particularly valued for their creativity. Despite
24.9 percent had been born in another country, while 52,3 percent of Chicago's
party members were foreign-born.^^
From available figures, it is clear that Russians, South Slavs. Lithuanians,
Hungarians, and Finns were overrepresented. whUe Poles, Germans, Italians,
and Me^acans were underrepresented.- Activities and traditions among some
groups of ethnic workers made their membership in the Communist party more
hkely than others. Charles Karenic, for example, a Slovak machinist, had been
a member of the citys Socialist party. Already a politicized worker, Karenic
became a Communist in June 1925. Knowing he had worked in industry since
Was twelve, party leaders encouraged Karenic to help them organize there,
mile Karenic wiUingly extended his party activism out of his ethnic workersclubs to mdustry others were less eager to do so. Karenic also worked with felow fraction members within his Slovak Workers Society to bring new recruits
to the party. Lhese fractions, consisting of members who worked together in
mass organizations to voice party policies and positions, were the party's lifehne
to all ot Its mass organizations.^^
Table 2.2. Nationality Breakdown of Chicago's ForeignBorn Population and Foreign-Born Communist
Membership, 1930-31'
South Slavic
Chicago's CP
1. This table looks at each nationality's percentage ofthe total foreign-born population listed in the party's 1931 membership registra
tion and comparesit to the corresponding percentageof foreign-born
n Chicagos population Usted in the 1930 U.S. Population Census
identified in the part/s registration and were
Med within the party as a nationality rather than as a religious
2. The category "Jewish" doesnot appear in the 1930 Census. However according to Irving Cuder, in 1931 approximately 16 percent
ot ChiMgos population was composed of foreign-born Jews. He esf
population of three hundred
thous^d ^s foreign-born. See Irving Cutler. The Jews of Chicago:
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1996).
Communists were expected to engage in politicd work. No doubt. Communists in the party's John Reed Clubs believed they
were domg just that. Thirty dubs around the United States beckoned proletariat
writers and artists to gather, read, and publidy discuss and display their work
artick frorch
^roughout the nation rose to the call." One'
Tmtnt ff
newspaper explained how these activities were ftind^entally dilTerent than one could expect from mainstream writers and artistsAt the bourgeois Art Fair, the artist is forced to become a petty shopkeeper At
the revolutionary exhibit, he becomes an active propagLS, revolutfolry
painter, and mass pedagogue."^^
Michigan Avenue,
S coltfl
dgarette butts and decorated
mele reach t'h
S-'eeted about a hundred
members each Tuesday evening for discussions and each Saturday night for
tJks by invited speakers, some by such established writers as James T. FarreU
''r w t
Pront. and sold the national
leftist journal New Masses in the dub office. Over time, the Chicago dub would
boast of Its own accomphshed leftist literary and visual artists, induding Richard
right, who at fte time was beginning to publish in New Masses and another
leftist journal, ae Anvtl: Nelson Algren, whose gritty depictions of Chicago's
on the pages
of 4e NewRepubbc; Howard Nutt, a poet and future editor ofDireaion-MeriLl
Le Sueur, a writer of short stories, poems, a novel, and essays that appe^
mencan Mercury Dial. The Anvil. New Masses. New Republic, Scribmr's. and
SwZ Ch
described a'a
painter with a Chnst-like air whose work exalted the unity of the proletariat
and appeared regularly in Left Front.
The John Reed Club provided a space for leftist writers and artists to support
Tf - r
be a writer. The left was very severe on you. It had its own orthodoxy.
rt also summoned us forth.... We wouldn't have tried without them
' the
aneTaTd d'
^"^ht. who later left the party
Chicago's club as his "first contact with
the modern world. It also served as the vehide to bring out his ideas Wrieht
-ote, "Indeed, we fdt that we were lucky. Why cowerl toweL ontoS
squeeze out private words when we had only to speak and miUions listened?
.S p a n i s h .
Wright was "impressed by the scope and seriousness" ofthe dub's activity."
The pages of Left Front reflect this ambitious agenda. Club members wrote es
says and poems dealing with proletarian life and revolutionary hope. They also
reported on political events of interest to revolutionary intellectuals, such as
the French author Henri Barbuss's visit and speech in downtown Chicago on
fighting war and fascism, and the Midwest John Reed Club conference held
in Chicago's office.^ Articles also departed into journalism, covering unem
ployment rallies and campaigns for racial equality in the city Reports, poems,
and articles reflected the political struggles in which Chicago's club members
engaged. In its May-June issue of 1934, Chicago's club reported that members
Mitchell Siporin and Ray Breinm created Public Works art murals, Henry Simon
designed and painted scenery for a Chicago Workers' Theater production, Mor
ris Topshevsky's drawings appeared in Farmer's National Weekly, and Jan Wittenber traveled around southern Illinois with the ILD.^ Like club members in
cities around the country, Chicago's members examined questions of justice and
humanity as they set up art exhibits, wrote strike pamphlets, and participated
in union pickets, party rallies, and neighborhood protests.^^
Chicago's Communists organized as a fraction within the club and pushed
party policy. Occasionally conflicts emerged between those with party con
nections and those without. Wright recalled that the painters in Chicago's club
dominated the leadership and club policies; they were also the ones with party
connections. The non-party group, dominated primarily by writers, thought
the party made too many demands. Not only did the club have to sell the Daily
Worker and the New Masses at each meeting, but the party taxed the clubs' re
sources for money, speakers, and people to paint posters. According to Wright,
non-Communist club members learned how to use the party's lines against
Communist club members. One time they successfully ran Wrighta nonCommunist at the timeto lead the club, knowing that Communists would
not vote against an African American. There were some things, however, that
non-party members could not influence; even though club members preferred
putting their energies into building Left Front, the party did not support it and
eventually insisted that it be dissolved. Under Wright's protection, it continued
through 1934, longer than most other cities' pubKcations."
Club members knew that party leaders valued industrial organizing more than
the work of painters and writers. A Chicago club member, Abe Aaron, wrote to
the writer Jack Conroy "'that the J.R.C. is regarded disdainfully and with toler
ant amusement by a great number of comrades.'"^ And while a few party club
members, like Jan Wittenber, enjoyed time on the front line of class struggle,
most were reluctant to participate in the party's work among the masses and
were happier keeping their energies focused and contained in the artistic world.
Algren, for example, never seemed comfortable at party meetings. "'Going to
a meeting seemed to be painful for him,'" Meridel Le Sueur commented. '"He
component of their organization and recruit them through shop work and
neighborhood organizing." Working Woman addressed specific problems of
women, and Chicago'sleaders encouraged their members to use it as a recruiting
tool.* In neighborhoods, the party also set up the Working Women's Federa
tion, an organization designed to mobilize working women from a-variety of
women's organizations, and had some success building on the federation's work.
On March 8,1930, for example, a thousand women showed up for the party's
International Women's Day rally. Women organizers also brought thirty-nine
women together for the Trade Union Unity League's first conference of work
ing women. Half of them non-party, these women came from Western Electric,
Majestic Radio, and various clothing, food, and chemical plants.^^
These supportive showings turned out to be one-time events, though, because
Chicagos party never put its resources into women's organizing, nor did the
momentum to organize women ever build in this period. A 1931 city mem
bership tally showed that only 262, or 15.5 percent, were women. Of these,
126, or 48 percent, identified themselves as working women. Williamson and
others desired a better representation among working women, but the sup
port women felt in the party, as women, varied. Often men participated in the
women's department and on women's committees, but women found that they
themselves were the only ones with enough interest to keep projects going.^
Women like Anna Schultz criticized district leaders. She thought that as far as
they were concerned, women could stay in the "toilet and play with the baby."
Consistent placement of women's articles and reports next to youth pages and
reports in newspapers and at meetings confirmed the secondary role women
played in Chicago's party Their representation in party iconography as hardedged, industrial, masculine fighters betrayed the realities of the majority of
them. And the fact that older and more respected men, like Alfred Wagknecht,
were known in certain circles as womanizers made clear the reality of women's
second-place status in the party.^
Not that organizing women was an easy task. Most working women lived out
side early 1930s union culture.^ AFL unions organized relatively small pockets
of them, and Communist membership, heavily male, did not have many con
nections with women's departments in industrial workplaces. Party membership,
moreover, became superfluous to women involved with Unemployed Councils
or other party-affiliated groups because their spare time was already spent. Re
gardless, the party's male presence and style, through its language, iconography,
and agenda, left a legacy that women activists would fight against through the
next period of the Popular Front.
Surprisingly, in their categorization schemes, party leaders did not distin
guish ethnic or racial characteristics among their female recruits. Certainly,
Chicago's African American women, for example, participated in Third Period
variety was a hallmark of those who joined the Communist party or traveled in
circles with its members, and reasons why it appealed to one or another differed
with the individual. Examination of the Chicago neighborhoods where most
Communists lived in the late 1920s and early 1930s and of a few individuals
from these regions who were involved with the party suggests the messy and
complex story of who Chicagos Communists were and what attracted them to
Communist ranks.
The greatest number of recruits came from the section on Chicagos South
Side that embraced the Black Belt and Packingtown. In 1931, this section re
corded 342 members.^" At hunger marches in the stockyards, hundreds of dem
onstrators turned out to support efforts against unemployment and for food
rations from the packers. In the 1932 pfesidential election, the Communist vote
was most concentrated (at 7 percent or higher) in the area directly north of
Washington Park, and from Forty-third to Pershing between Wentworth and
State. In these areas, votes for the Communist party not only reflected peoples
support for its black vice-presidential candidate, James Ford, but also recognized
work the party did in these neighborhoods.'"'
This work centered on organizing employed workers and extended into un
employed organizing, campaigns for racial equality, and Marxist education.
Black Belt shop work included Ben Sopkins and Sons clothing factories, the
community's Capitol Dairy plant, and local laundries, whereas Packingtown
activity centered on the stockyards and was only secondarily channeled into
the Crane Company, just west of the Back of the Yards. The two neighborhoods
were racially divided, but many blacks populated the stockyards workforce,
encouraging Communists to push for interracial activity in both communi
ties. They advocated that whites travel mto black neighborhoods in the South
Side and march with blacks during hunger marches, funeral processions, and
Labor Day demonstrations. They also embraced local community institutions
by calling their meetings in both the Odd Fellows and Forum halls and holding
their public protests at local parks, such as Washington Park, where traditions
of open-air political discussion and debate ran deep. For diose stimulated by
Communist speeches and activism, a Workers' Book Store on Indiana and Fortythird, at the heart of the black community, provided supporting literature/^
The party was also successful in these areas because they were two of the
poorest and most segregated communities in Chicago. The Black Belt had some
of the most unhealthy conditions. Located three miles from many of their co
workers in the Back of the Yards, blacks, who made up 30 percent ofthe pack
inghouse workers in 1930, lived in a world separate from white Back ofthe
Yards. By 1930,90 percent ofaU of Chicago's blacks lived in census tracts where
more than 50 percent of the inhabitants were black. Bordered by Thirty-ninth
Street on the north and Sixty-fifth Street on the south, Wabash on the west
Party Schools ^
Union Stockyards
Crane Company
Packing Plants
Alfred Decker and Co.
Meeting Halls Cl
Lithuanian Auditorium
South Side Community Center
Pythian Hall
Forum Hall
Communis, party sites of activity. South Side neighborhoods. (Created by Lezlie Button)
and white, middle-class communities such as Hyde Park on the east, the Black
Beh housed an astonishing thirty-five thousand people per square mile. Allan
Spear explains that in the core of the Black Belt, between State and Wentworth,
"two-story frame houses, devoid of paint, stood close together in drab, dingy
rows, surrounded by litters of garbage and ashes." Here, residents living in run
down and overcrowded apartments and kitchenettes paid exorbitant rents. Spear
found that "ordinary conveniences were often non-existent: toilets were broken
or leaked; electricity was rare; heating and hot water facilities failed to function."
In the more affluent section of the Black Belt, east of State, housing was better,
but Spear explains that many homes "had begun to deteriorate and frequently
were in need of repair or lacked necessary sanitary facilities." Residents of sur
rounding neighborhoods violently enforced segregation. With separate and
unequal facilities, blacks struggled to maintain their own segregated schools,
hospitals, recreation facilities, movie theaters, restaurants, and taverns.^^
The Back of the Yards also had poor housing and environmental conditions,
but here, white ethnics and Mexicans peopled the dilapidated area, bordered
on the north by the Belt Line Tracks and on the east by the stockyards. As part
of an industrial belt that ran through the city's southern edge, the Back ofthe
Yards offered residents poor living conditions. The pungent odor ofthe stock
yards, pollution, and congested housing led to high rates of infant death, and
tuberculosis. Unskilled Slavs and Mexicans lived in decaying and bug-infested
two-story wood homes where loud noises and the stench-filled air continually
reminded them of their proximity to cattle arriving daily for slaughter. Only
skilled and semiskilled Slavic workers could afford to live in brick or better
wood-constructed homes south of Forty-seventh Street, just below the neigh
borhood's worst area. Scott Hearing found in 1928 that little had changed in
the twenty-two years since Upton Sinclair exposed these poor conditions in
The Jungle: "the same stench," dirt, and dilapidated housing still existed.^''
In addition to sharing poor living conditions, both neighborhoods had their
own subcultures of activism that the party tapped. In the black community,
spontaneous, direct-action mobilization; a Garveyite movement; and such in
dependent community institutions as the National Association for the Ad
vancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Urban League, churches, and the
Chicago Defender provided experience and structures that the party built on
and organized through. Here, antilynching meetings and Scottsboro rallies
drew on a large activist population. In the Back of the Yards, Mexicans and
Mexican Americans identified with radical movements in Mexico and brought
these traditions into the party. Whereas most Polish skilled workers attended
Catholic church rather than join the party, a small group actively responded to
the party's actions against unemployment in the Yards.^
meetings at peoples homes and apartments. They picked a topic, such as ways
rrir white racism with scientific truth, and then gave volunteers a week
STfew months, talk was not enough. Leading members of the group,
including Haywood, wanted to get more involved m broader political activity.
After attending open forums in Washington Park, Haywood wanted to connect
Oril ofthe Family, and Marxs Value. Price, and Profit. He recalled The first
Smy political search was near an end. In the years since I had mu^ered
out of the Army, I had come from being a disgruntled Black ^-soldier to being
a self-conscious revolutionary looking for an organization with which to make
TnlTplg of 1922, Harry decided to join the
the black Communists he knew, such as the Owens brothers and Edward Doty
in addition to his brother Otto, and was impressed by such white leaders as Jim
Early, Sam Hammersmark, and Robert Minor. But what sold ""'y
on the party was its relationship to the Bolshevik Revolution. Even though the
party was mosUy white in its composition, Harry believed that it comF^sed
L best and most sincerely revolutionary and internationally minded element
amongwhite radicals and therefore formed the basis for the revolutionary unity
of Blacks and whites.... Hit was a part of a world revolutionary
uniting Chinese, Africans, and Latin Americans with Europeans and North
Americans through the Third Communist International.
'hat the Bolshevik Revolution received in the white
press further convinced Haywood that it "couldn't be aU bad." Ham was first
accepted mto the African Blood Brotherhood, the YCL, and then finally the
ommunist party, where he was groomed for leadership and sem to study in
Moscow. Spending four and a half years in the Soviet Lon an"tSre"
policy and theory. Harry found that he
had httle experience with the masses. His itch for face-to-face organizing led
him to return to Chicago in 1934. He became the leader ofthe city's South Side
where new recruits found his political approach, in a word, irritating
who d
wood h f'1
Nealson/Haywoodhada ft'rtivemanner."greasy,sweatylook,with"thicklips.Haywoodl
thma caused him to snort at unexpected intervals." Such a characteristic
Haywood's insistence
Aa Wright do community organizing for the party rather than spend his time
tmg exacerbated Wright's dislike. But Haywood was simply applying partv
wood and Wright concerning what it meant to be a Communist was represen
tative of those that occurred throughout Chicago's ranks.
its JolS ReeTciub Iff
keott^st At
'^g^'^'ed the club with
skeptici m. At open forums m Washington Park, he had greater affinity for the
G^eytoand &eir racial pride than for the Communists, whose professed
working tth T"
I Sll
^^e South
in a small coal
Communist who grew up in the only Jewish family
m small coal-mmmg town m Pennsylvania, was an aspiring writer who had
WifhTd to
Chicago's John Reed Club.ght s desire for inteUectual mteraction with writers overcame his concern
abom party control over the dubs. Besides. Aaron assured him he would not
ave to;oin the party to be a member of the dub. Skeptically climbing the club's
A"-. Wright wondere'd. "Wat on earth oftsourer^
that racism would
perience. Instead, he found whites interested in blacks' experiences
Readmg poetry and short stories from such leftist journals as New Masses In
mterested m the problems of common people. Through his mteractions at the
club with the likes of Nelson Algren, he discovered that many of the writers
were also poor. Hooked by his creative drive and the intellectual energy of the
club, Wright became one of its most avid members. Only when he was elected
to the position of executive secretary was he taken aside and told that as a leader
of the club he would have to join the party. Convinced that his leadership in
the club would serve as his party duty, Wright signed on and found out that he
was expected to do more.
The anguish Wright experienced at his first Communist party meeting dem
onstrates a strain of anti-intellectualism that persisted through the party's ranks
and speaks to the alienation he and other writers and artists experienced. In
his suit and tie, Wright sent awkward ripples through the room of a few working-class whites and approximately twenty southern blacks with less then three
years of education among them. When Wright pulled notes out of his pocket
and read them, snickering and giggling became audible. As if his suit were not
enough, VVright introduced himself as the executive secretary of the John Reed
Club and as a writer who was published in a number of proletarian literary
magazines. Wright did not realize that many in the ranks thought of the club
as a "playground for white artists."' So even as one of its members, Wright
remained skeptical of the party.
One member whom Wright and others found inspiring was David Poin
dexter, a southerner who brought with him to Chicago the chilling experience
of having witnessed a lynch mob in Nashville, Tennessee. Poindexter hoped
one day to take revenge on whites, but working with them on odd jobs in
Chicago and Detroit, he began to see white workers as his "'class brothers."'
This vision took time to develop. Like Wright, Poindexter first gravitated to the
Garveyites, but, listening to debates in Washington Park, he eventually found
Communists more convincing. William Patterson, an African American party
leader, recalled that the party's belief that blacks and whites needed to work
together ultimately caused Poindexter to leave the Garvey movement. Once
there, Pomdexter proved "fearless," even "reckless." Harold Gosnell explained,
"His face was scarred as a result of rough handling by the police, but his spirit
was unbroken. He was clearly a masochist type seeking martyrdom, since most
of the injuries which he received might have been avoided if he had been less
hot headed."^" Claude Lightfoot, a fellow African American party leader, re
membered Poindexter as "'a frustrated preacher.'" As it turned out, Poindexter
grew up in the Baptist church, "'could talk pretty well,'" and led a protest at a
National Baptist convention before becpming a party member. Spoken before
unemployed crowds, Poindexter's words took on a life of their own. Lightfoot
recalled,"' [W]hen he got through preachin' everbody'd be ready to go on into
the lake with him. That's how much power he had over people.'"^'
Poindexter's charisma almost overwhelmed Lightfoot. A young African
United by the party's organization on the South Side, these new black recruits
represented diverse bacl^rounds, political leanings, interests, personalities, and
kvds of commitment. They lived the unemployment, racism, and oppression
white Communists discussed and debated. For a time they would agree to join
the party and overcome their differences.
Rivaling the South Side's 342 members were the West Side units.'which
T r
^ "^ighboAood bordered by
H^boldt Park on the west, the north branch ofthe Chicago River on the east.
West Kmzie Street on the south, and Bloomingdale on the north, unemployed
organizing received widespread attention and support. Here the party used
community institutions as the settings for their meetings, such as the Labor
hh T 1
People's Auditorium. Relying on the fact that
this neighborhood was home to the largest Polish community in the city, party
org caUed meetings of the Polish antifascist committee in this neighbZ
hood. They also drew heavily on the large Jewish community and org^ized
relef(22.88 percent) Communists successfiillyrecruited many to their protests
a t
sion, jobs were hard to come by, and destitution was widespread. West Town
housed unskilled laborers, a majority of whom were Poles, Italians, Jews, and
Norwegians. They shared frame cottages, shanties, and dilapidated apartment
buildings. In 1935, 302 buildings needed repair, and 502 were recommended
for demolition. In 1934, 22.88 percent of the families in this neighborhood
were on relief. Near West Side workers of Italian, Russian, Greek, Polish, and
German descent lived in multifamily units. This neighborhood included a large
Jewish population that supported eleven synagogues. Hit hard by the Depression,
43-74 percent in the Near West Side were on relief in 1934; A less run-down
and poor area, the Lower West Side was composed mostly of Czechs and Yu
goslavs. Poles, Lithuanians, Italians, and some Germans also lived in the area.
Only 18.54 percent of the Lower West Sides residents collected relief in 1934,
but the residential area was congested.'^
In addition to living conditions, leftist traditions in several of these ethnic
communities help explain party successes. Ukrainians and Poles brought so
cialist traditions to Chicago, and for both the plight of thpir homeland figured
prominently in their activities. Rather than join community churches, these
Socialists and Communists identified with the secular and ethnic culturesleftist
movements offered. The West Side Ukrainian People's Auditorium, one ofthe
Chicago party's most important meeting halls, competed with the Ukrainian
churches and fraternal organizations for activists. Polish Communists had an
even tougher battle against the Polish church, which had considerable sway
over Chicago's Poles. In 1929, the party held a counterdemonstration in Wicker
Park's Schoenhaffer Hall to protest what party leaders called the "fascist Pulaski
day celebration." With sixty thousand attending the official Pulaski Day event,
the party's four hundred protesters demonstrated the challenges Communists
faced in the Polish community.'
Like Ukrainian and Polish Socialists, Jewish Socialists brought their beliefs
and culture with them on their journey to the United States, developing a rich
leftist enclave complete with newspapers, theaters, and restaurants. Building on
Jewish interests and populations on Chicago's West Side, Communists, begin
ning in 1929, held meetings on the question of Palestine, the issue on which
much of the party's antifascist work began in 1933. Whereas many West Side
religious Jews responded to calls from philanthropic organizations, workingclass Jews often responded to socialists' and Communists' pleas:196 registered
with the Communist party in 1931.''
Mollie West, a Polish-born Jewish immigrant from the town of Soklov, settled
with her family on Chicago's West Side and was taken by the modern luxuries
available in the United States. In Poland, about twenty of Mollie's family mem
bers plus a boarding watchmaker and violin player occupied a small three-story
house with no running water or central heating. Her father was an Orthodox
Party Schools
aty Schools^
12, Tuley High School
34. Marshall High School
Factories 3
Mctins Halls O
6. Northwest Hall
7. Labor Lyceum
9. Workers' Lyceum/Folkets Hus
10. )ewish workers'Club
17. Schoenhoffen Hall
22. Mirror Hall
23. Hungarian Hall
25. Ukrainian People's Home
Temple Hall
Carmen's Hall
West End Club
Musicians' Hall
Low e t
South Lawndale
West ,
36. Freiheit
39 Party Section Meeting
47. Daily Worker Publishing Company
51. Unit Meeting Site
52. District Office, 193^
54. Ludowy Renrtik
Jugoslav Labor Defense
II. Slovak Workers' Society and Rowstt udo
57. language Office
61. lugoslav Buro Office
"It changed my
the Trotskyists. I was
^mmrniity like
promptly removed from class and threatened'v^ra^feil"'' "T"''
several teachers came to hpr Hpf
^ j i.
^^^^8 grade. Only after
the school's budget was tight andTh ' I,
and physical eS lom th. " ,
player, JVIollie decided to call a sti^rshe""'
making banners, but the night before the stri"w t""
arrested the committee. As the pvp t' i j t>
Chicago police
detention center, where her father refoL^to^^'
taken to a juvenile
was anti-Communist to the cnrp lu n
Zionist, he
picked her up. These early oreanmother and a neighbor
membership in the YCL.
Party Schools X
9fkctories 2
3. Stewart Warner Plant
4. Oeering Plant
Adria Printing Co
German Speakers'Fraction Meeting
John Reed Club
American LeagueAgainstWarand Fascism
House Party
Shoe Strike Headquarters
Dil Pickle Club
Communist party sites of activity, North Side neighborhoods and the Loop. (Created by
Lezlie Button)
nization. Military intelligence records report "Kjar had the reputation of being
one of the most rabid of the radical leaders."'^
Kjar and other first-generation ethnic radicals mingled in the party with
those of the second generation, including sons like Jack Spiegel. The child of
Jewish immigrants from Poland, Spiegel's hopes of attending the University of
Chicago's law school were dashed when the Depression hit in 1929. Taken by
North Side neighborhood discussions of Marxism and the depiction of workers'
equality and socialist justice in the Soviet Union, Spiegel soon disappointed his
parents' wishes for him to become a lawyer. Instead he joined the Communist
With the nation's economy seeming on the brink of collapse, Spiegel became
convinced that Communists had the answers to society's problems. This belief
and party education led him, as he recalled, to become "overzealous," "mili
tant," and a bit "too sectarian," as he was swept up in the fight to bring justice
to unemployed Chicagoans. A regular sight at relief offices on the city's North
and Northwest Sides, Spiegel was the target of many a swung police club and
a regular occupant in Chicago's jails. As he recalled, some party members did
not mind spending the night in jail because that meant they would at least get
one free meal. Since he received no pay from the party for his efforts, Spiegel's
wife, a garment worker and feUow party activist, supported his work as a revoutionary wiA her own wages. Such dedication resulted in Spiegel's becoming
the kader of the party's unemployed organization, the Unemployed Councils
on Chicagos North and Northwest Sides.^"
But not aU Jews had the same path to Communism through educational disap
pointment. Instead of youthfol hopes of attending law school, Jack Kling had to
woA. Born Jack Bainghoffer in 19 u on the Lower East Side of New York Kling
was raised among Jewish working people. The oldest of five children, he grew up
m an Orthodox home, the son of a fur worker who was a strong unionist and
re^arly voted for SodaUst candidates but did not identify himself as a politi
cal person. Lacking interest in school, Kling got involved with the Pineapple
Gang, a group of Jewish youth who fought Polish gangs, raided peddlers, and
eventually mugged and stole from people. Kling believed that the YCL helped
him get [his] head on straight."'5
Hing was introduced to the YCL at a 1928 May Day parade in New York. He
ad landed a job as a sewmg-machine operator, joined the Needle Trades Workers Industrial Union, and held die union's banner as part of the large contingent
that showed up for the march. Kling recaUed. "Young Communists were in the
line of march, speaking to young people on the sidewalks and inviting them to
pm the Young Communist League. I was impressed, and decided to iom So I
signed a card on that Day-May ist. 19.8. right at the demonstration-for me.
M historic day John WUhamson, the presiding party official in New York at
the tme. signed off on Kling's card and marched next to Kling in the parade
Believing Klmg to be a natural leader, partysuperiors eventually sent him to
a national YCL school m Cleveland. After a short stint organizing in New York.
Klmg was asked to go to Chicago to work with the YCL. Arriving with no money
or place to stay Kling slept in Grant Park with other homeless people. When
party leaders learned of Kling's accommodation, they arranged for him to stay
with a party family the Boyers. For several years he shared a room with their
son who was also active in the YCL. He ate at a Russian cooperative restaurant
on ivision near Ashland run by party sympathizers who offered party activists
one free meal a day- In 1931. at age twenty. Kling was elected YCL organizer
of Chicago's partymembers listed
as toenty-five or younger, Kling had his work cut out for him.
These individual narratives show that other stories lay beyond party statistics
strongly rooted in time, place, and experience. Some of ChLgo's Comn^rtl'
clubs, and political and social groups, they offered their varied temperaments,
dispositions, and personalities to the party. Held together by the party's struc
ture and the culture it exuded, Chicago's Communists were able to look out at
a striking assortment of people in any given party demonstration, picnic, and
mass meeting. Some marveled at the diversity and solidarity among its follow
ers. And yet, the various ways they lived Communism chafed those in charge.
On the one hand, throughout the Third Period, questionable recruitment
techniques, stifling party bureaucracy, and overwhelming demands proved too
challenging to all but the most committed of Chicago's Communists. A vast
majority who signed up quit after the first year. Those who stayed were over
whelmingly male, unemployed, proletarian, and ethnic. Even though leaders
hoped for native-born, employed industrial workers, they took what they could
get and instructed their newly minted members to bring party policies to the
masses within the city's ethnic, unemployed, labor, cultural, and leftist organi
zations. Those who stayed, some assume, must have been the most hardened
and committed Communist revolutionaries.
The problem for party leaders, however, was that Communism meant dif
ferent things to those who came through its ranks. Just because someone was
"unemployed," "native-born," or "ethnic" did not mean that they would under
stand the party and its policies in the ways that its leaders expected. People's life
histories, experiences, and cultural connections shaped the reasons they came
and stayed and the way they lived Communism.
"True Revolutionaries":
Chicago's Party Culture in Thought
and Action
ft. toi.
schiSb.*S"3'r jt >
the charges After aU Poi'nH t ,
Most f f a l v p Ih " r
counts. Since HaywooVdroppeTthT
) ~ " " i .
Haywood rescinded
combination of the two ac-
ing feature of party culture at all levels of the party. A letter to John Mackovich,
the head of Chicago's Czech buro, from party member Fero Bury conveyed the
sentiments of other Slovak immigrants. "Russia is OURS," Bury wrote. "[W]e
Slovaks have always looked upon Russia as to our savior, as to our strong broth
erly protector." Now Bury was writing to inquire about sending a delegation of
Slovaks to Russia because he beUeved that "newborn Russia in its progress, in
its famous ability of action will bring regeneration to the whole world so that
all antagonism of the enemies of poor people will be in vain.""*
Carl Hirsch, a writer born and raised on Chicagos West Side, remembered
the importance of the Soviet Union to him as a young party recruit. Com
munist friends gave him books that described Russia as a country without
unemployment. He recalled reading that "[i]t was a planned society and all
of these things could be planned out." With their economic problems solved,
Hirsch read, Russia's citizens shared better mental health than was possible in
capitalist societies. Through the Depression's early years, Hirsch watched his
half-dressed and unemployed father sit in the family's living room day after day
rather then dress and head out to find employment. His mother regularly was
in tears. This was a stark contrast to the Russia of his readinga more perfect,
planned society, where human relations were on a higher plane.^
Bury and Hirsch were not alone. Communist memoirs and internal party
records allude to members admiration of the Soviet state, its leaders, and its
people. Some admirers even took to mimicking Russian dress and speech. Rich
ard Wright, for example, recalled his frustration with some of Chicago's black
Communists, who "in order to resemble Lenin,... turned their shirt collars in
to make a V at the front, and turned the visors of their caps backward, tilted
upward at the nape of the neck." "When engaged in conversation," Wright reciled, "they stuck their thumbs in their suspenders or put their left hands into
their shirt bosoms or hooked their thumbs into their back pockets as they had
seen Lenin or Stalin do in photographs." Lovett Fort Whiteman was probably
one of these who so annoyed Wright. Tuskegee-schooled and trained in the
rWW and in Harlem's Socialist party, Whiteman by 1924 was a leading black
member of the American Communist party, confidently writing angry protests
to Soviet party leaders from Moscow's Lux Hotel because they had not yet con
vened a World Negro Congress. As a delegate to the Fifth Congress, Whiteman
established himself as a rising star in American party leadership. His enthusiasm
for the Soviet Union was apparent in his dress. In August 1932, the Chicago
Tribune featured a photo of him walking Chicago's streets in tall, tight boots,
riding pants, and a Russian-styled coat and hat.
Wright remembered that a few black party members even "rolled their r's
and mispronounced some words, like... they heard in the Party."' Black com
rades were not the only ones to use Russian speech patterns. All party members
borrowed from Russia when they referred to such organizational units and
functions as W "nucleus,- and
^''P''7,"tXlr'.eos e"
their comfort with such jargon as "proletarian, vangu^d, and bourgeo .
to the discomfort of newcomers. Carl Hirsch recalled when he first heard this
last term at a party meeting when a leader from another P;"
"a good part of the evening ... about something he called
Jy "talked and talked about the BoorGois and." accordmg to Hirsch, nobody
in the room knew what the hell he was talking about.
Wma^slftoW h
of concentrated work
rnuiamson told his peers that in the first case the term confused those who
the use of "Red
Sunday" was simply incorrect.' He assured his comrades. "[TJhere is nothing
-ongwith [tran^orting terms from the Soviet Union)." He sim^iy wanJL
that thrsovi^n
Aat the Soviet Umon was worth modeling. In fact, emulation of thmgs Soviet
tho sTw
who saw such a connection as strange and foreign.'"
Em^ation of the Soviet Union was not enough for some party loyalists who
anted desperately to visit. Party offices became so inundated with requests
to transfer to the Soviet Union that American leaders developed arekborat
^plication process. After compiling a detailed biography and accounting for
fteir labor and partyactivities. applicants were required to findpeople to vouch
for them m front of the district committee, whose members would mX a
recommendation to New York's Central Committee." City and national party
aders hoped that such barriers would discourage applicants One mandat^
_fom Chicagos leaders, which was to be read at all nuclei meetings, explained
mile the Soviet Union needs a few skiUed mechanics, they are not indeed of
mu~en V 7
^ Com
munist, then you stay m the USA. The Soviet Union needs the mechanics but
More common than those applying to leave were those wanting to remain
n the United States where they could defend the Soviet Unionlen Z7a
Ukrainian Jewish immigrant, believed the Soviet Union had to be defended
because,twastheonlysocialistcountryinexistenceatthetimeand. because
[of] the constant danger that the Soviet Union was in of bemg attacked bv the
ome Sot Union as a countermodel to American capitalism. Gray and others
remembered. [I]n some cases it was really tragic because we did it in a verv
' J"'"'"'"
fhe W 1 r'"
April 1931 issue of
the Working Woman appears the caption, "Fathers Deported; Children Starve"
kev imr"^V.''"'"
'heir chUdren's vuhierability were
key images the party-ironically-used to appeal to women Orleck IreueTT
Orleck argues, the party increasingly politicized women's roles as mothers
housewives, and consumers in the 1930s.- Mothers occasionally1^^^
women and children in the fight for lower bread prices and ren and ir^as
such mothers as those of the young African AmLan men accused 'frj
Zt^rs to o
who appealed to other
m^ers to organize against racism and state brutality.'"'
The party's varied image of femininity speaks to the Communists' difficulty
protection. In the
language and behavior, however Com-
"not to bring the movement into her personal affairs." Hanging out with a new
recruit, whom some had deemed a bad character, caused a stir in her family
as well as in her local unit. When her party-member stepfather objected, her
fling became party business. And while Chicago's leaders found it necessary to
admonish Miller, there is no record of their calling any man to task for being
promiscuous or spending too much time at socials. Party leaders also felt free
to charge women for being "gossips." Men simply spread rumors.^'
Yet despite women's differential treatment and the difficulty the party had in
constructing a unified feminine ideal, Communists created one of the few public
spaces for working women to lead, learn, and advocate a radical agenda. While
their numbers were small, the women who participated bravely challenged
the place that mainstream society had created for them. Dora Lifshitz led the
party's fight in Chicago's International Ladies Garment Workers' Union against
David Dubinsky and other anti-Communist union leaders. She was one of the
few women elected to Chicago's district committee and its secretariat. John
Williamson remembered that not only did "many a policeman's truncheon hit
her head," but she often directed her "sharp tongue for fellow leaders if she felt
they were wrong, and especially if they appeared to be swellheaded."^^ Katherine Erlich was a similarly feisty woman who, like Lifshitz, organized women
workers, suffered police beatings, and challenged male party leaders. In an
interview, Erlich revealed what drew her and most likely the cohort of women
who joined with her: "The thing that impressed me the most was the stress on
education, culture, respect for others, devotion to a movement that would by
its' example win the masses to the cause of Communism."'*^ Such women were
not motivated by feminism. And yet, by becoming active in the .party and its
campaigns, they would begin to develop a feminist critique of Communism, its
leaders, and its program, bringing them to build a network of women's activists
that would sustain them in the years to come.^
In addition to the lessons Communists learned about gender, socialism, and
class through reading, discussion, and schooling, they also picked up party
beliefs and behaviors through participation in Communist activities. Watch
ing veteran members, new recruits got tips on organizing, socializing, and
With the belief that each party event might be the one to tip the scales, Bill
Gebert and John Williamson encouraged others to think big every time they
planned a demonstration, and they were regularly planned. Williamson in
structed members to stencil sidewalks; to sell special-edition newspapers, but
tons, pamphlets, and leaflets; and to talk about each event's political significance
at neighborhood and mass meetings. For example, Gebert reported that prepara
tion for 1930's May Day demonstration, while not as thorough as it might have
been, resulted in the distribution of more than two hundred thousand leaflets
and shop papers and ten thousand Daily Worker newspapers. He was dad to
report thatparty members also held a nmnber of shop and street meetings May
Under this May 2, X910. Chicago Tribune plioto read tlie following caption: "Chicago Reds'
Communism on the
fit in there thLIril ^iZd
Dempsey Travis brounht tLc. i,
South Side, Travis believed that
was a Comm"
disciplfne. V^etheTdtthSr"rno^ce''
leader or follower thmncrli
Aj Atrican American or immigrant,
themselves to
their roles to make sure
'deals, and they were expected
^^^munists were
got Up and showed the weakness of the comrades, their defects, their strong
points." Bill Gebert proudly announced at a cityvride meeting, "Today it is a
living example that Party comrades understand what self-criticism means, and
they fully and completely exercise it. We must make self criticism the instru
ment for cleansing the Party."^
The idea of such strict party discipline originated in the Soviet Union with
Lenin's emphasis on verifying whether comrades followed instructions. Mos
cow's party heads assigned these responsibilities to an international Control
Commission. Communist leaders in cities throughout the United States estab
lished local Control Commissions and directed their members to enforce not
only party ideology but also the keeping of sound financial records and ethical
operations. Members'suspected of wrongdoing in any of these areas were called
before their cit/s Control Commission and subjected to disciplinary action.^"*
Individuals or groups could bring charges from anywhere within the party's
structure, and Chicago's Control Commission listened even when non-party
members brought charges. Units in neighborhoods and factories lodged the
most common complaints, and section leaders usually supported them. When
not emanating from an individual's unit, complaints sometimes came from
his or her fraction. Discipline in the local context meant that close friends and
political allies were responsible for keeping one another in line.^
That such duties would get mired in personality conflict as well as ideologi
cal difference is no surprise. Once someone brought charges, it was up to the
various party units to make a recommendation on which discipline to enforce.
The most common rulings involved dropping members from party rolls or
expelling them. A member might be dropped from the rolls for inactivity, not
paying dues for more than three months, or not showing up at unit meetings.
Once dropped, this individual might still be considered a "good sympathizer and
left winger" and still be relied upon in trade-union work and mass organizing.
If their former units approved, these people might even be readmitted when
prepared to invest more time. Acts of expulsion were more severe and implied
that party members had done more than shirk activity, payment, and attendance.
Some of the expelled were considered "anti-party elements" and became pariahs
who were forced to sever former friendships, social networks, and political ties.
Others jnight still be useful to the movement if they came around on.this or
that point. Like rehabilitated criminals, they might be encouraged to reapply
after a period during which they would have to show they were redeemed and
worthy.^ Sections and units were not allowed to expel members on their own.
This serious gesture needed the support of the city's Control Commission."
Through their Control Commissions, local party leaders had the responsibil
ity and power to see that their members pushed priorities and followed policies
articulated by higher-ranking Communist officials. It is no wonder that during
the Third Period, Control Commissions were occasionally used for factional
purposes. The roots of Third Period factionalism originated in the aftermath of
the 1923-24 Farmer-Labor party debacle. John Pepper, a Hungarian Comintern
representative, won the body's support and forced William Z. Foster, against
his better judgment, to lead a Communist takeover of the Farmer-Labor party,
causing a rift between Communist party trade unionists and mainstream, pro
gressive labor activists. The ensuing battle to win control over the part/s future
direction pitted Foster and James P. Cannon against Charles Ruthenberg and
Jay Lovestone, two leading American supporters of Pepper's positions. While
different visions of Communist policy drove the leaders and some members
of the two factions apart, some of Chicago's Communists aligned themselves
with personalities. Al Glotzer, a youth organizer in the city, remembered siding
with the Foster-Cannon group. His reasoning was "perhaps because of proxim
ity ... I tended to lean to groups that were more American and more Chicagoan, people who were midwesterners." Portraying the Ruthenberg-Lovestone
group as smart New Yorkers, big college New Yorkers, not working-class types,"
Glotzer aligned with Foster. Glotzer was joined by entire language fractions in
the factional bitterness. According to city leaders, "instead of making them
selves instruments of the Party to mobilize for Party work." foreign-language
fractions also "made themselves instruments of a faction to mobilize against
the Party leadership."
The Comintern finally stepped in when antagonism between factions esca
lated to a fevered pitch. In 1925, the Comintern established a Parity Commission
to settle questions of party control. Even though Foster's faction had a majority
of the delegates at the convention and hoped to consolidate their control of the
party, the Comintern ruled for Ruthenberg. Foster and his supporters could
either submit to the decision or leave the party. They submitted. Ruthenberg
took control and began to install his supporters on key committees throughout
the party's hierarchy, but divisions persisted at the local level. Chicago's party
leaders continued to identify as members of "majority" and "minority" groups
and to interpret committee appointments and policies as factional acts.
These divisions simply worsened in 1928 when the Communist party expelled
Leon Trotsky, and the American leader James P. Cannon rose to his support. In
The Draft Program of the Comintern International: A Criticism of Fundamentals,
Trotsky had leveled a fundamental critique of the Comintern's Stalinist direc
tion and its effect on the party's European and Far Eastern policies. "It was the
document." Cannon recalled, "that hit us like a thunderbolt."'The details of his
attack focused on theory and international concerns, but the visceral appeal of
Trotskyism to people like Cannon was the belief that Trotskynot Stalmwas
right and by following Stalin's lead. Communists were actually betraying the
revolution and Lenins wishes. What to Cannon was a revelation screamed of
heresy to the unconverted. Turning on his former ally, Foster brought charges
against Cannon, whom the party expelled in October 1928. Fewer than one
hundred members left with Cannon, but Chicago lost about a dozen, includ
ing such key union and party activists as Arne Swabeck, the former district
organizer, and Martin Abern, a Rumanian Communist active among youth, the
city's leadership, and the ILD.^ These defections exacerbated older divisions
between those identified as "majority" and those identified as "minority." As the
national party attacked Cannon, the majority faction within Chicago's Political
buro pointed to "a dangerous manifestation of Trotskyism" among its minor
ity members. In response, minority leaders banded together and denied these
"wild accusations," arguing that it was members of the majority who needed to
be self-critical and better follow Comintern policies.^ In this battie, neither side
wanted to be painted as a follower of Trotsky, and both asserted their loyalty to
the Comintern.
When they were not pointing fingers at one another, Chicago's leaders sent
word to members at the nuclei level to fight against Trotskyism and Cannons
followers. Joe Giganti, a barber by trade and head of the city's ILD, remembered
attending a North Side nuclei meeting during the party's purge of Trotsky
ists. It was one of many meetings held to spread the word that the party stood
against Trotskyism. Giganti remembered the speakers railing "against the dire
criminality of the Trots and their collusion with the bourgeois and the counter
revolution." He was not sure what to think. A few weeks later, his indecision
brought him expulsion. Denying his support for Trotsky and his American
followers, Giganti sent a protest to the city's leadership, which he hoped they
would publish in the party's press to clear his name. It was one thing in 1929
to be expelled for not having issue with Trotskyists and another to be a known
Citywide meetings continued in February 1929. That month, the city's leader
ship pledged to combat all "Trotskyist manifestations" in the district. Holding
more meetings, especially in Jewish and Russian neighborhoods, where interest
in the issue was strongest, party leaders instructed members to be firm with
"Trots": no fraternizing, no audience, no contacts.'^
Chicago's Communists continued to scorn followers of Trotsky even as Co
mintern politics began to shift battle lines. Stalin turned his attention away
from the Trotsky issue in 1929 and toward a "right danger" in the Soviet party.
Nicolai Bukharin became associated with this danger, and in America, national
party leaders found their "right danger" in the person of Jay Lovestone, who
took charge of the majority faction after Charles Ruthenberg's death in 1927.
Lovestone made the mistake of aligning himself with Bukharin. The two sup
ported the notion of American exceptionalismthe idea that class relations
in the United States were unique and that revolution was less likely because of
the Stable nature of American capitalism. With the official Third Period line
being that capitalism was in crisis and that revolution was imminent, Lovestone,
Bukharin, and American exceptionalism became party pariahs.
Gebert enforced these policies ruthlessly and was joined by the other districtlevel leaders Sam Don and Clarence Hathaway, who supported Foster's caucus.
They used expulsions and their threat to remove Lovestone's and Trotsky's sym
pathizers from the party's ranks to move against anyone who was not prepared
to move to the left in their thinking and actions.^^ In the city's political commit
tee, Hathaway, Don, and Gebert exposed die "right" mistakes of fellow leaders
Cline, Held, and Feingold and pointed out others who lurked at lower levels
of the hierarchy Ensuring distance between themselves and Trotsky, Cannon,
and now Lovestone, Chicago's Communist leaders hoped to make it clear to
America's workers that the Communist party was the only leftist group capable
of providing revolutionary leaderships^
For this reason, Communists quickly broadened their attack outward, from
the deviants in their midst to those reformist and Social-Democratic forces
outside the party. These groups were called "social fascist" because Commu
nists believed them to be "socialist in words and fascist in deeds."^ American
Communists modeled their social-fascist campaign on Comintern teachings
that directlylinked Germany's turn to fascism with Social-Democrats' counter
revolutionary nature. In the early years of the Third Period, Chicago's Commu
nists scorned any non-Communist leftist and liberal organization that spoke
on behalf of American workers because, they argued, these groups distracted
workers from the real class fight, just as Social-Democrats had in Germany A
"class versus class" slogan became popular during the period and left no room
for any non-Communist group in the struggle between the working class, led
by Communists, and the bourgeoisie, led by capitalists.^'
Instead of making alliances with social fascists, party leaders promoted a
deceptive tactic that they called "the united front from below." It required party
members to create coalitions with workers in Socialist and other non-party
organizations in an attempt to win them over to the party and to turn them
against those in charge of their group. The leadership of other organizations
was bankrupt, Chicago Communists argued; the Communist party alone pos
sessed solutions to workers' problems.'
The party loyalist Jack Spiegel took this task to heart. Successfully disrupting
non-party meetings of the unemployed, Spiegel heckled Socialist and reformist
leaders and "exposed" the fact, as he believed, that "when the chips are down
and we [workers] have a confrontation with the enemy, they won't be on our
side." To Spiegel, the leaders of other "lesser" parties were not "genuine," not
"true revolutionaries," and as a Communist he needed to reveal their ulterior
motives to workers everywhere.'^
Party newspapers furthered the fight. One issue of the Northwestern Shop
News railed against the Socialist party, arguing that it was not a workers' party
but one of "petty shopkeepers, longhaired intellectuals, and wealthy morons."
The paper exposed one machinist, John Collins, as a Socialist and a person to be
disregarded. Like others in the Socialist party, the paper argued, Collins "never
comes to the front when there is a fight against railroad bosses for better wages
or working conditions." It was the Communists, the writer insisted, who stood
up against "police clubs and blackjacks" to lead workers."
Foreign-language Communist papers also carried the fight against social
fascists. Radnik exposed the "Jugoslav Educational Association leadership as
one that supports the Republican Party and is counterrevolutionary." Its editors
offered proof that the association was not a worker's organization but "the tail
end of the most corrupt bourgeois Party in America." A later edition discred
ited Hrvatski Radisa and Srbski Privrednik, two organizations established to
raise money to care for orphans of the First World War m Serbia and Croatia
that, Radnik accused, "corrupted" their initial mission. Including quotes from
students in Serbia, the paper accused the organizations of forcing children to
slave for masters in an unquestioning and brutal fashion.'
Occasionally, non-party foreign-language papers turned the tables on Com
munists and exposed party tactics to their non-party readers. A Hungarian
paper, Otthon, revealed Communist attempts to take over the Rakoczy Sick
Benefit Society. "They [Communist members] started a whispering campaign
against the officers of the Rakoczy with the intention of getting them suspended
from office and enabling them to put their satellites in place." In another case,
a Russian paper belittled Communists' "revolutionary spirit" when about two
hundred party members stood on the platform of an elevated train and waited
for columns of Ukrainians demonstrating against "Soviet terror" in their home
country to pass below them. As they did, theyfelt "a sudden hail of rocks, bricks,
and pieces of iron... fall upon their heads." Rassviet applauded the Ukrainian
counterattack that ensued and successfully gave the Communists "a good whip
ping." Just imagine, the paper asked, "how many victims there would have
been among innocent people if the Communist hooligans had been superior
in number?"^ Such thoughts and tactics convinced many that the Communist
party was not for them and bolstered anti-Communist sentiments throughout
the city. Communists justified such actions because they were convinced that it
was their duty to lead workers away from such organizations and their leaders
and toward the Communist party, the only party actively defending the Soviet
Ideas about the Soviet Union, education, activism, race, party discipline, fac
tionalism, and social fascism sat at the intellectual center of Chicago's party
culture. They reveal positions of party leaders that were occasionally embraced
by those lower ua the ranks and make left-wing anti-Commtmism during this
period untoandable. Viewed together, they help create a picture ofparty ac
tivists m the Third Period as idealistic, committed, militant, serious, and ambi
tious. Of course, they also show Communists to have been sectarian, pompous
and overeager to please Comintern and national leaders. At the neighborhood"
evel. party culture embraced all of these tendencies and encouraged others
In park forums, neighborhood meetings, language fractions, and shop groups
where most Communists experienced the party, an even more diverse set of
behaviors and attitudes coexisted and sometimes contradicted those modeled
and envisioned at the highest levels, revealing Chicago's party's quirks and particularities and the inabihty of its leaders ever to stamp them out.
True Revolutionaries
contact occurred among the party's tiers. A 1930 organization department let
ter argued that district leaders had made mistakes in coming "in touch mainly
with the section committees" while ignoring the nuclei.^" With little personal
contact, district and section leaders consistently lacked basic information about
the neighborhoods. In the party registration of 1931, 90 percent of the city's
section leaders were unable to tell the district which revolutionary trade union
or AFL local existed in their section and which fractions "worked."^
Williamson, in vain, reminded section and unit leaders to carry through or
ganizational directives. For over a month, district leaders tried to collect money
for the national office from section members. Rather than responding, one
frustrated section leader wrote, "[I]f you want the assessment in a hurry, send
someone to collect them
This attitude was carried over into other areas
of activity, including sending reports, mobilizing for party functions, selling
literature, and attending meetings. In October 1930, the party's section that in
cluded part of the West Side was in a bad state. Even though its minutes showed
that its leaders addressed party issues, its members neglected at least half of the
section's decisions. The section buro rarely met to plan the work of the section
committee, and the committee meeting started about an hour late and lasted
until midnight, by which time all workers had left.' In the summer of 1931, 50
percent of the citf s unit members disregarded district leaders' warning agamst
taking more than two weeks' simimer vacation, nor did they find replacements
to take over their responsibilities or pay their dues in advance as instructed.
Throughout this period of revolutionary hope, leaders and members at all levels
were pulled between expectations of revolutionary responsibility and everyday
economic and social realities, which sometimes caused them to falter.
Inefficient departments and changing leadership added to the confusion.
Department leaders among youth and women at the section level sometimes
called meetings only to find that their counterparts did not exist at the unit level.
City leaders of the anti-imperialist committee refused to meet, causing district
leaders to replace them. Confronted with the lack of work at the lowest levels,
some section leaders would just "shrug [their] shoulders and say what can I
do?"' Even when leaders were in place, individuals moved around and some
times dropped out. In 1932 the district complained that one section changed
its unit functionaries without explanation. In 1933 the secretariat criticized
another section for changing its functionaries and committee members without
holding elections, and when another section did not produce results in 1930,
district leaders called a section conference to elect a new committee."'
Rookie and veteran leaders struggled with the amount of work that party
responsibilities required. Often unit members faced too many meetings and
obligations. The district constantly demanded a reduction of meetings, but
the problem continued.'' The district hoped that each person would hold only
one leadership post, but this was seldom the case. One nucleus member held
six job titles in 1930." Not surprisingly, these overloaded people ignored some
work. In 1934. the leaders in one section focused so heavily on their union work
that they neglected their section duties, and the district leadership eventually
replaced them." Instead of balancing study groups with activism, some units
cut out political discussion entirely and concentrated on action.'"'
WhUe the party's internal problems generated conflict, negligence, and conf\ision, they also created opportunities for members to circumvent party or
thodoxy. One member held unit meetings in his home that were continuaUy
mterrupted as he sold bootleg liquor to supplement his income. In 1934, a sec
tion committee voted down a motion that Herbert Newton, a leader from the
Political buro. act as its section organizer.'^ One member lied about another
members famUy finances so that the family could pay reduced dues; he did
not thmk that they should have to pay the ful! amount. When district leaders
held an internal investigation of one of their sections, they found that section
leaders hid information that the district wanted. Other section leaders, who
had to fill newspaper sales quotas set by the district, ordered larger bundles
of reading materials than they could sell in an effort to show the district that
they could reach their goals, then failed to pick them up. Some sections inde
pendently dropped members who did not pay dues in order to convince the
district they were doingwell with collections. These actions show that Chicagos
Communists resisted party hegemony and hint at a local culture cultivated bv
the party's ranks.'^
At times this local culture of resistance extended from basic organizational
issues to those related to policy. Ethnic Communists were some of the worst
offenders. The diversity of people in the party confirmed to some that it was a
truly international organization with the right answers for the world's work
ers But the Internationa] and diverse nature of the party also created strains
and stresses for party leaders. In the sense that people from all over the world
came together under the banner of Soviet Communism, internationalism made
Chicagos leaders proud. Statements of support to the revolutionary movement
m Lithuania during a Lithuanian buro meeting, or plans of Chicagos Yugosla
vian buro to correspond with Yugoslavian Communists in Vienna, confirmed
such mternaUonal ties." But white ethnics' lack of party discipline, particular
mternational loyalties, and prejudices violated party policies and suggest that
ethnic subcultures existed in Chicago's party.
The party's own structure supported these subcultures. Beginning in 1925.
national Communist leaders created a campaign of "bolshevization" in part
to move their organization away from the foreign-language-federation model
of the Socialist party and toward the streets and shops of America's workers,
in 1929, party leaders decided to modify the organization once again and this
time organized each language group into its own buro, with representation at
the national, city, and neighborhood levels. Language-buro leaders at the city
level assigned rank-and-file ethnic counterparts to work in fractions. As editor
of Radnik and leader of the city's language groups, S. Zinich liked to remind
Chicago's Communist ethnics, "Fractions are organs of the Party \vithin non
Party organizations. They are not independent, fully authorized organizations
but are subordinate to the competent local Party committee." As fraction mem
bers, ethnic Communists were to gear these mass organizations toward the
issues and activities Communists supported, like union building, protection
of foreign-born activists against deportation, and unemployment campaigns,
while fighting social-fascist tendencies among their leaders and all the while
bringing foreign-language masses "closer to the American revolutionary labor
One of the problems in seeing these tasks through was that many of Chi
cago's ethnic Communists came to the party from the Socialist party's foreignlanguage federations, organizations that functioned autonomously from the
Socialist party's English-language organization. Within their federations, foreign-language-speaking Socialists talked about their own concerns, handled
their problems internally, and became involved in whatever activity they chose.
"Federationalism" frustrated Communist party leaders. They regularly tried to
rid their ranks of its tendencies and to bring foreign-language members closer
to party discipline, party activity, and self-criticism.
But federationalist tendencies persisted. Party records reveal leaders' frus
tration with the Greeks for being "hard to control" and with the Czechs, who
were unable to shift from a federationalist way of organizing themselves. "I
doubt if [the Czechs] have re[a]d the instruction sent to them from here," one
party leader complained." In one case, the leader of the Finnish buro got into
a battie with a worker who was new to the Communist party, but who had been
a member of the Socialist Finnish federation. Each blamed the other for deviat
ing from the party line and causing disruption in the federation.The battle had
its roots in a struggle back when they were members of the Socialist federation.
Such internal debate carried on in the Jewish buro as well, particularly around
the question of Palestine.
As late as 1931, groups of Lithuanians were violating party policies. Before
a meeting of party and non-party shareholders of the party's Lithuanian paper,
Vitnis, a group of Communists tried to convince those assembled that the party
had wrongfully expelled one of their fellow ethnic comrades and that accusa
tions made concerning the danger of racism at the paper and among Lithuanian
Communists were exaggerated. Lithuanian-language leaders saw this airing of
dirty laundry among non-party members as a "gross violation of Party discipline."
Differences among loyalists escalated to such a degree that national leaders
veteran of ten years, became the scapegoat, and after appearing before an open
trial, arguing that his bad English was the cause of the mishap, he was expelled
in the M of 1933 "with the right for readmission after six months." By May1934,
Ptasek was reinstated. His fellow comrades unanimously supported his appli
cation. While it is possible that Ptasek rid himself of racist beliefs, he probably
did not. More likely others in his group shared his racist views and supported
canceling the dance but were never brought up on charges.'
In the context of a rigidly segregated city where race relations were gener
ally bad, white ethnics who challenged racial mores had their work cut out for
them.'' Party leaders hoped that their white ethnic members would rise to this
challenge, and they did make examples of people, such as Ptasek, when cases
became public. But sometimes lower-ranking leaders refused to report viola
tions, allowing some of Chicagos Communists to keep their racist attitudes
below higher-ranking leaders' radar.
Details of Camel's experiences support this observation. At a YCL dance, a
leading white member of the YCL, according to Camel, accused a white boy
of "falling" for '"crow jam" when he danced with a young black female member.
This comment shocked Camel and the other black attendees. Leaving the event,
the YCL leader gathered "every hoodlum she could get and had them line up"
outside the dance hall. When black members came out of the hall and walked
down the street, "[T]hey were call all kind of names and some of owrold Party
member had to guard these negro home [sic]'' While such racist behavior dis
turbed Camel and the other black recruits at the dance, more upsetting was the
fact that the incident was never reported to city leaders. Even when the issue
"was taken up with some of the leading YCL members" in the neighborhood.
Camel reported in anger, "they suggested we forget about it."
Camel believed in the party's racial program and wanted it and the YCL
to "be clean of hiding white chauvinism," but a lack-of reporting and leniency
meant that such a cleansing was impossible. Camel wrote about a man who
would "walk up to you and put his arm around you and pat you on your back
andsaycom[rade]. Yb know we Communists must stick to^ef/ier. Ybw know
there arent any different in me and you [51c]." But when this man's daughter fell
in love with a black man, married him, and had a baby, the man had a change
of heart. Camel wrote, "I know not any of her family ever come to see her. And
the Bad Part of it is that her dad and brother are Party members [5ic]."'
Racism endured among some Communist groups because leaders largely fo
cused their attention away from them. It was not that Williamson, Gebert, and
other partyleaders did not care about the character of their ethnic members, but
they were even more concerned with recruiting native-born industrial workers,
which meant that language work, in particular, got short shrift. With Chicago's
party leaders offering more lip service than actual supervision and oversight, it
was up to S. Zinich and others on the city's language buro to oversee the daily
checking up on and supervising of ethnic work. But three to five people could
not handle the work alone, especially when, in Zinichs estimation, "many Party
officials are not considering this [language] work as important
Ihe result was
that subcultures were allowed to coexist within Chicago's Communist party.
As party leaders diverted ethnic ranks into general party work, more isolated
and independent language groups were left behind. In July 1934, members of
the Scandinavian fraction complained about the way Chicago's party leaders
raided their fraction, assigning their members to work among the unemployed
and unions and perform other nonlanguage party work, leaving nobody to carry
out fraction work in the Danish-Norwegian Karl Marx Club. "The anarchistic
method now exercised by sections, units, etc., in the appointments of comrades
to other duties must stop for the good of the movement." The authors noted
that the few Communists who remained active in language work had party re
sponsibilities heaped on them. Many became overwhelmed, inactive, and the
subject of talk among non-party club members who began to question Com
munists' leadership skills."
Such realities meant that leadership was a general problem for ethnic Com
munists. Gebert himself had been plucked from the Polish buro, leavmg a glaring
hole that leaders found impossible to fill. One report from the language buro
stated that the Yugoslav buro was "politically clear" but had "little forces left."
John Mackovich, the leader of the party's Czechoslovaks in Chicago, had more
troubling problems; his small number of leaders were politically unclear at best,
and yet he counseled caution when disciplining them; "I advise the greatest'
tact with dealing with their unCommunist stand. They are loyal workers of the
Communist Party.... At present would be very hard to fill the place of anyone.
The lack of leadership is a very burning issue in our fraction. The two speakers
what we have, are not much closer to the line of our Party than the socialist.
The worst thing is that they have a real following m the mass organization. The
workers naturally believe them to be the best Communists."'"
With a scarcity of trustworthy leaders. Communists expressed independence.
When city buro and language leaders demanded that Comrade Hohol, the busi
ness manager of the Ukrainian Labor Home and manager of its soda-fountain
store, stay in his positions, Hohol refused and resigned. Another competent
party manager took over the home, but the store, a party headquarters of sorts
where Communists left literature and made phone calls, was sold to a non-party
member. Cityleaders agreed that Hohol did not "understand discipline," yet his
blatant disregard of party leaders' direction only resulted in his being "severely
criticized and "warned" that he must "become subject to Party discipline at
all times. In another case, J. Semashko, a member of a Polish fraction and Un
employed Council, found that his fellow comrades filed numerous complaints
against him. A report reads that Semashko ignores his unit leaders, "styles
himself as an 'Old Bolshevik,'" and thinks himself "above" them. In one case
he led a group of unemployed workers to an eviction without any plan. City
leaders agreed that his actions created a problem, but not one big enough for
expulsion or even suspension. In the end, Semashko was simply "criticized for
the attitude and action he has taken.""^ In these cases, the decision not to expel
left behind individuals who willfully defied the rules.
In addition to individual resistance, entire foreign-language fractions marched
to their own tune. In 1930, John Williamson counted approximately sixty lan
guage fractions in the city. He labeled their functioning "still insufficient and
in some cases weak"''' His negativity was justified. The South Slavic fraction
faced a wide field of possibility, with more than two hundred thousand work
ers in ethnic organizations and a majority of those employed in mass industry,
but party fractions were disorganized, did notsupport party campaigns among
South Slavic workers, and did not promote the party paper, Radnik}^* The Yugo
slavs, in particular, did not understand fraction work and had to be reminded
that Communists "are not in these mass organizations to take up the inner
questions but to connect them up with the problems of the class struggle."'^ The
South Slavs were not alone. The Lettish buro reported that its fractions were
"functioning very weakly; are not taking a real hold of Party campaign, and
are losing membership instead of gaining it."" Lithuanian Communists were
not active in general party work, and in Gebert's words, they refused to "carry
on real Communist work in the mass organizations.""^ As late as 1935, Polish
fractions also were reported to be "functioning very badly, meeting irregularly,"
and not providing "real political leadership.""
Chicago's ethnic party members shared problems with those elsewhere.
Harvey Klehr found that across the country, "foreign-language groups, which
monopolized many members' time and energy, were insular and inward-looking." In a 1930 Organization Conference, leaders in Michigan, New York, and
Pennsylvania lamented the exclusiveness of their language groups. Some were
afraid of outsiders, while others were simply more comfortable working with
their own. Regardless, party leaders had a hard time getting their foreign-lan
guage-speaking members to extend their interests into nonlanguage work."'
In general, Zinich reported, Chicago's foreign-language-speaking Commu
nists were active in language organizations but violated the Third Period's revo
lutionary spirit. He saw these tendencies as part of larger "right wing" problems
that language members needed to "liquidate." Examples included fractions that
were "afraid to come openly as a fraction but hid themselves and in that way
lose the respect of the progressive workers who have much confidence in the
Party." They also included ethnic Communists who were "afraid to insult the
feelings of non-progressive workers [in mass organizations] with Communist
of'undermining' the paper," or more simply because "the editors do not agree
with them."'^
Instead of party directives, the contents of party papers reflected the interests
of foreign-language-speaking members. The Ukrainian newspaper printed a
thesis that did not mention the TUUL of the Worker's International Relief orga
nization but did include a discussion of comrades concerning an international
Ukrainian Emigration Congress. Zinich doubted "whether the CEC knows
anything about this thesis."'^ While the Ukrainian comrades debated an inter
national congress, Polish Communists printed advertisements from religious
publications and for "capitalist candidates for mayor in the city of Hamtranck."
When called on this lapse of good Communist acumen, Kowalski, the paper's
editor, stated that he simply disagreed.'^ Ethnic papers also balked when asked
to lend money to the party. In one case, members associated with Rovnost Ludu
agreed that they could not give the party money while their paper was in such
a bad condition.'^^
This incident and others like it suggest that party control was never unilat
eral and always had to be negotiated with particular personalities. Even when
leaders had the power to relieve editors like Kowalski, which they did when
he continually proved politically unreliable, they still decided to keep them on
the membership roles. Gebert always believed that Kowalski, for one, could be
"saved."'^ In this case, Kowalski's independent behavior was not enough to cause
him to be expelled, suggesting that there was a place in the party for people
who strayed.
In addition to recalcitrant ethnics, there was room in Chicago's party for those
who were ambivalent about the social-fascism policy. Communists' social-fascist line taught that Communists were the only true revolutionaries capable of
leading workers to revolution. But non-party papers pointed out that occasion
allylike the time that party members attacked Ukrainians from the elevated
tracksCommunist activity involved "assaults upon workers."*^ If Communists
were supposed to be the leaders of these workers and not their assailants, such
assaults probably made some Communists uncomfortable. Evidence exists that
Communists, even at the highest level in the district, were conflicted about this
policy. They sometimes left it out of their relationships with other workers and
their organizations, and their behavior was reflected in the ranks.
Albert Goldman explained to party leaders that he agreed that members
should act in accordance with Communist decisions, but he wrote, "[I]t does
not demand the Party members believe in accordance."''^ Some did neither.
In 1933 the Communist leader of the party's antifascist committee refused to
retreat from his position that when in coalition with non-party groups, Com
munists should not expose social fascists. Party leaders removed him as the
committees lead organizer but allowed him to remain m its larger leadership
circle Goldman scorned a fellow comrade for railing agamst leaders of the
Socialist party at a mass rally against a relief cut. Goldman was later expelled,
ut only after one whole year of haranguing against the party's position in the
ommunist classes he taught. The decision to expel him probably satisfied
pwty leaders, but the fact that it took so long meant that classrooms of activ
ists met at least one party representative who disagreed with the social-fascist
me. Another was Alfred Loge. a Communist and president of the Maywood
branch of the Nature Friends, an eco-friendly group with roots in nineteenthcentury Vienna. He would not let the party use his organization to promote
activity among German workers in the fight against social fascism
Rank-and-file Communists regularly saw their leaders resist party policy. In
1928, Carl Sklar, a young district leader, was sent to Milwaukee to organize an
elector^ canipaign under the Communist banner. He refused these orders, or
ganized for the Socialist party and opened Communist headquarters to a "capitahst candidate for office, whose flyers party members distributed. His feUow
district leaders found him to be "tactless" and "incompetent," but factional fight
ing m the city s leadership allowed even these kinds of blunders to be protected
by those m Sklar's faction at the city's highest levels. By 1930, he was reassigned
to anoAer part of the country, and his Chicago comrades reported that he was
doing good work
In another case, a debate between a party leader and a
Trotskyist resulted m the leader making "serious" ideological mistakes. Instead
of shomng how entirely opposite" the Trotskyist's "bourgeois pacifism" was,
the leader made the point of showing how simUar the two positions were In
1931. party leaders were setting counterexamples once again. Gebert reported
that m the old traditional way in spite of the definite decisions of the district
tero comrades Browder and Hammersmark" rounded up ten "typical liberals"
an brought them as spokesmen to a party protest at city hall. Arthur Maki a
carpenter and member of the district Control Commission and the Commu
nist party smce its fomiding and the Socialist party before that, made the same
blunder. At a state convention of the unemployed. Maki was responsible for
allowing George Voyzey, a Trotskyist, to speak openly.'^s
Party leaders' wavering actions affected the kinds ofpeople aUowed to remain
m the party In i928 William Kruse sent Lovestone a hst of Cannon's supportand five others who "lean in that di
rection. Yet that year, only five members were expeUed. Party leaders did not
go on an expiUsion spree; they only picked ofi^the most vocal, or least hopeful
membjs of the opposition. Leaders' inconsistent enforcement of this policy
allowed members to continue identifying as Communists even if they were not
completely convinced of social fascism. For example, four party members atended a functionary meeting and "publicly protested" expulsions of Trotskyists.
calling for "full freedom" in the expression of Trotskyist views in the party. At
first, the four were not even called before the city's Control Commission but
instead were invited to a meeting with a few party leaders. Only when leaders
learned that three of the four were circulating an anti-party petition did they
agree to suspend (and not expel) them. The fourth agreed to make a statement
against Trotsky in his nucleus meeting. For this reason and the fact that he was
a "rank and filer," no action ensued.'^ Another rank and filer, however, was
expelled for selling the Trotskyite paper The Militant. Party leaders admitted
that no one objected to that expulsion for the arbitrary reason that "everyone
knows he is a nut."*^^
Relations between Communists and social fascists continued informally. At
a Communist New Year's party in 1929, a recently expelled Trotskyist sold
drink tickets in the place of the unit's financial secretary because the party
members "didn't think her Trotskyist view would hurt anyone."'^ Trotskyists
were also known to hang around the party's bookstore and various headquar
ters throughout the city. Local party leaders insisted that Communists needed
to crack down on these contacts."^' The ranks needed reminding.
Despite the priority put on party discipline and the fight against social fas
cists, there were surprisingly few expulsions for this behavior in Chicago. David
Bentall, in charge of expulsions in the city, carefully monitored members who
were brought up on charges but only expelled those he believed could not
be won back to the party. Bentall's Control Commission examined each case
separately and considered personal factors in making its decisions. In 1930, the
party expeUed eleven for following either Lovestone or Trotsky, but by 1932 the
fervor had died down: only one Trotskyist sympathizer was expelled in 1932 and
two in 1933.''' Once expelled, people were not forever severed from the party,
and a few were readmitted. When the Political buro readmitted one former
renegade, it agreed to do so based on his trade-union work and swallowed the
fact that he had not completely fallen back in line.'*" Some complained about
the weak actions of the Control Commission, but party leaders did not want
to lose promising members. It was not that leaders did not apply Third Period
formulations, but they did so selectively and were ineffective in r-ooting out all
the shades of noncompliance in their ranks.
This was particularly true among African Americans, who were recruited
from such race-based organizations as Marcus Garvey's United Negro Improve
ment Association. In the early 1920s, Communist leaders were impressed with
Garvey and the lower working-class composition of his following. There is even
evidence that Garvey's notion of black nationalism influenced party leaders'
conception ofblack self-determination.'^^ But in the context of the Third Period
and Communists' open competition with Garvey for an African American fol
lowing, party leaders threw Garvey and Garveyites into the same scorned group
as Trotsky and Lovestone. Whereas the latter two had come out of Communist
traditions, Garvey was easily seen as an evil capitalist and outright betrayer of
the black masses. His Black Star line was the essence of capitalist enterprise,
and his Back to Africa program, however vague, was particularly troubling to
party leaders, who encouraged an interracial struggle for black freedom within
the United States.'^
The bitterness that characterized American Communist leaders' feeling to
ward Garvey did not penetrate to Chicagos ranks. This was particularly true
among Chicagos African American Communists, who were recruited from
Garvey's UNL\. Once in the party, Garveyites came into conflict with its leaders.
Sol Harper, a leading member dealing with "Negro issues" and an ex-Garveyite,
argued that Garvey had duped black workers and stolen from them. A debate
ensued within Chicago's party over the meaning of Garveyism in the party
The Communist members Anna Schuhz and Marie Houston argued that the
movement may have wronged blacks, but they were still fond of Marcus Gar
vey the man. These ex-Garveyites and newly made Communists believed that
the party would help them achieve racial equality, but they were not willing to
betray Garvey, a man who theyfelt had awakened their political cbnsciousness.
The feud resulted in one section losing several former Garveyites. Interestingly,
though, those Garveyites who left remained neutral to the party, and relations
between the groups continued. In fact, relations were so good between some
Communists and members of other groups that the party leaders had to contmually remind members to distinguish between those in the party and those
who were not when passing on confidential information."^
While those who were offended by the party's treatment of Garvey left, the
party never ridded its black units of African American religious culture. Within
one of their organizations, the American Negro Labor Congress, party mem
bers and sympathizers prayed and sang hymns. And on the South Side, Michael
Gold described the experiences ofblack cadre: "At mass meetings their religious
past becomes transmuted into a Communist present. They follow every word
of the speaker with real emotion; they encourage him, as at a prayer meeting
with cries of'Yes, yes comrade' and often there is an involuntary and heartfelt
Beginning in the early 1930s, Chicago's Communists organized in black
churches around the Scottsboro case and against unemployment. One section,
composed mostly ofblack members, called a meeting for those who attended
church. Thelma Wheaton taught and trained women workers out of Chicago's
South Parkway branch of the YWCA. In an interview with Beth Bates, she re
called, I never knew a Communist who was not also a Christian. I'll bet over
a third of my church was Communist." While perhaps an exaggeration on both
accounts, Wheaton's memory is revealing of Communists' efforts in black Chi
cago. The district's political committee was so concerned about members' church
activity that it ordered the agitprop department to organize special classes to
make black comrades "clear on the question of religion.""
As religious influences became part ofblack party gatherings, the party's
own formulation of self-determination shielded those who pushed less for in
terracial action than for a black nationalist perspective. Rallies for Nat Turner
were held on the South Side, alluding to an armed rebellion with nationalist
overtones. Rank-and-file Commimists like Henry Ray, who joined the party
in 1930, were attracted to these displays of nationalism. According to David
Bentall, the leader of the city's Control Commission, Ray professed nationalist
ideas and "fostered distrust of Negro workers against white workers." He also
accused an entire section of the party leadership of being white chauvinists
without providing evidence. Yet, typically regardless of such transgressions,
Bentall and others viewed Ray as a "capable comrade," and rather than expel
ling him, they simply encouraged him to "overcome his weaknesses." The party
member Oscar Hunter had a similar experience when he referred to blacks as
"my people" when appealing to white party leaders on the South Side. A black
party member came to reprimand him. "So he comes right out and says what is
this shit MY PEOPLE
There's no such a goddamn thing.""^ Hunter believed
that there was a difference between the interests of white and black workers
and that he represented the black ones. According to party mandates, he was
wrong. He took his scolding but did not change his mind.
Another telling display of a black party subculture occurred in 1932, when
members in a mosdy African American section rejected the district's ruling
on interracial leadership and insisted on all-black leadership. Because white
party members wanted blacks in the party and in leadership roles and actively
sought to rid their ranks of prejudices, district leaders explained to their secre
tariat why they overruled them and agreed with their black members. A lead
ing comrade explained that "from the formal point of view this was incorrect,
but this question cannot be looked upon formally, but from the point of view
of the realities of the situation." And in 1932 the realities were that interracial
leadership would not always work in majority black sections."
Not all black Communists were overeager to identify as "Negro," however.
Some, in fact, resisted the party's insistence on seeing all blacks as "Negroes"
rather than as simply native-born Americans. It is no wonder that when asked
to fill out a registration survey in 1931, some blacks registered as "American" in
stead of "Negro." Others resented whites' use of the term "Negro." One black unit
voted unanimously to use the word "colored" instead, demonstrating that some
challenged the part/s homogeneous idea of Negroes as an oppressed nation."^
Chicago's Communists brought with them shades of commitment and vari
eties of experiences, attitudes, and behaviors. Instead of acting as a small army,
Red Relief
found himself geared up for what he beUeved was going to be the start of the
revolution on Chicago's South Side. "If there is shooting," Grey reportedly said,
"I expect to be killed, because I shall be on the front rank."
After the procession reached Gross's residence, police arrested council lead
ers, including Gardner. Just as the police car he was in turned a corner, Gardner
heard gunshots. In a letter to the national party leader Earl Browder, Bill Gebert
explained that Grey and others had disarmed and beaten three policemen, caus
ing other police to attack and fatally shoot Grey in the arm. After being shot,
Grey threw a police revolver into the crowd, calling on the people to continue
fighting. An eyewitness Margo interviewed told a less heroic story: Police tried
to arrest Grey, but he escaped and began to lead the group after Gardner and
other leaders were arrested. At one point, Grey had his hand in his pocket, which
caused the police to jump to the "conclusion that he had a gun and [they] shot
him five times."
Two other deaths soon followed. In response to Grey's murder, John O'Neil,
an unknown African American man who had joined the group at the park,
took a gun from a police officer or picked one up that was dropped (as several
were) and tried to shoot. If not for the safety, he would have fired. Instead, a
policeman shot him. Frank Armstrong, Grey's dose friend, was also killed, but
witnesses do not recall his being slain at the demonstration. Late that night,
some neighbors found his body in Washington Park, "shot through the head
and badly mutilated." To party members, the conclusion was clear: "[Q]uite
evidently he had been taken for a ride by the police."'
Within twenty minutes, word of the first two murders reached downtown
party headquarters, where Gebert and a few others were working. Eight of them
hurried to the South Side to learn details while the rest stayed to plan a meeting
for top party leaders. While leaders planned, neighborhood organizers acted. The
South Side party members David Poindexter, Squire Brown, Claude Lightfoot,
and Marie Houston joined at least fifty-three council sympathizers, organized a
neighborhood meeting, and turned out seven to ten thousand people that night
in Washington Park. The following week, Washington Park forums ran every
evening with between five and ten thousand sympathizers listening, questioning,
and cheering as Communists and others struck verbal blows against the capitalist
state, racism, and police violence. By the following Tuesday, Communists and
sympathizers set up a committee to arrange a mass funeral.
With council support, the group made the slain workers* funeral a huge
demonstration that brought Communists' critique of the city's administration
(and capitalist state power more generally) together with their advocacy of
such issues as civil rights and racial equality. Party members distributed fifty
thousand party leaflets, seventy-five thousand funeral leaflets, twenty thousand
League of Struggle for Negro Rights leaflets, and twenty thousand Unemployed
View down S,.te Street of .he funeral procession for ^ee men Mid
not be able to sustain itself while granting the kinds of socialist remedies they
demanded. This overriding idea pro\dded a rationale for Communists through
out the country to put to work Third Period beliefs about capitalism, race, and
fascism. Throughout the Depression they did so by connecting their convic
tions about capitalisms imminent decUne, the system's racist tendencies, and the
threat of fascism to the problems of the unemployed. In work through a group
of their own making, the Unemployed Councils, Communists perfected the
fight to improve conditions for the unemployed and their families by tailoring
their tactics to the problem at hand. This meant that from city to city, council
activity varied. In Detroit, councils organized unemployed autoworkers and
built an organization within the auto unions, while in Birmingham, councils
focused on womens activism and blacks' rights.^ Chicago's councils responded
to the unemployed neighborhood by neighborhood, causing their structure and
solutions to reflect the variety of the city's population and their problems.
Although such events as those that occurred in early August show the consid
erable support that Unemployed Councils and the Communist party received
in Chicago, to party leaders, the results from their unemployment campaigns
were decidedly mixed. Most people who participated in Unemployed Council
activity shuffled in and out of the movement and never joined the party. To
these people, reforms won at the flophouse, relief station, and in city government
were sufficient, undermining party leaders' Third Period assumptions. Women
did not participate in Unemployed Council activity as much as leaders pushed,
and leaders were unable to translate their sense of widespread support into elec
toral victory. Lizabeth Cohen's study found that in the early Depression years,
Chicagos working people changed their views concerning government's role.^
Their shift from relying on private institutions in periods of crisis to expecting
government assistance was revolutionary. It was not the kind of revolution that
Communists envisioned, however. And yet Communists were a part of the force
that brought about these changes.
If this situation was not grim enough for party leaders, new members' po
litical bent caused them further concern. As the events of August 3 suggest.
Communists and their councils brought people into the party's orbit who were
not born and bred on socialist politics. How much were Unemployed Councils
creatures of Communism, and how much did they represent an indigenous
movement? How did Communists affect the activity and character of the coun
cils, and how did council activity affect the character of the party? During the
Third Period, Unemployed Councils become the main arena for recruitment,
and overall Communist membership numbers followed the pattern of unem
ployed-campaign successes. As a result, Communists found it easier to recruit
in the hardest-hit areas of the city than in other neighborhoods, but such trends
concerned leaders who wanted stronger recruitment among the employed. Un-
Building a Structure
ci^de ~nist gatherings suggest optimistic direct.ves ordermg Ch.
cago Communists to join the TUUL through their former or present places of
" w Z c M e
"' " ' ' " f t b e l i e v e d ,
ch wUl become one of the most important means of dosing the gap between
the growmg political influence of the Party and its organizational isolation"'"
The limited nature of the TUUL dashed these inflated hopes, however In
ad of working to build a mass movement uniting the city's employed and
thTmemh T
workplace issues and
Ae menabership of small, revolutionary unions. Occasionally delegates from
fraternal groups homeless workers, and residents of flophouses joined elected
delegates from fte TUUL to discuss the unemploymentLation, butlncre
T^co^ds Wf
^e one exception was the first national Communist-organized response
of the unemployed on March 6,1930. initiated by the Comintern and dubbed
International Unemployment Day "The economic crisis in tlie u'ted SMes
res'^vJt of it 0TC7 00""''
one party paper explained, "and as a
unemployed in the capitalist countries"
n a call to action the TUUL and its affiliates called on "American worw2
class employed and unemployed to demonstrate in solidarity with the worker^
in dl capitalist and colonial countries."'^ Local conferences of delegates from
Sroups culminated in a regional meeting in Chi
irty to fifty thousand marchers participated in the demonstration and that
sideWks^'mik w
windows or
sidewalks, mile city papers estimated marchers in the hundreds rather than
city got^nme""'Chicago's
Due to party members' organizing inexperience, the TUUL's preoccuoation
with industry, and most workers' lack of interest in becoming members how
ba e for tie TrnT^Tr" t''
^ '^">bership
ase tor the councils, let alone the party. A report of the event reveals other
weateesses from the perspective of Third Period expectations. Party members
potm! ftr^
''t different
points in the demonstration; and instead of convincing people on the sidewalk
o ,om the marchers, they called them "scabs" and "yellow." Most dishearten
ng was the low turnout of the party's own numbers: only three hundred Com'
Zf a
.a n dt h o s ew h o
dd faded to hold together their groups of eight. CommunL in charge ofte
demonstration got separated from one another, and a few ignored Z uai^
members whoassembledfortherallyThisdemonstrationreiledieneedfc
new organizing structures and tactics if the party was going to lead Chicagos
unemployed workers.^^
Despite the problems this march uncovered, Chicago could boast that it had
twelve councils with one thousand members, the largest outside of New York.
Coimcils in Milwaukee, Duluth, and Indianapolis were only beginning to grow
and already differing from those organized by the TUUL. Instead of working
on an industrial basis, they organized members around neighborhood issues.
In Chicago, some early councils were based in existing ethnic and fraternal
organizations rather than the workplace. Steve Nelson, a national party leader
sent to organize in Chicago, attended his first Unemployed Council meeting
at a Greek workers' club on Halsted Street, with Greek furriers, garment and
stockyard workers, waiters, cooks, and busboys in attendance. According to
Nelson, "[A]lmost all were single and very militant. Actually, they knew what
to do better than 1."^
Similar experiences in seventeen other states led to preliminary talks among
party leaders, members, and sympathizers concerning the formation of a na
tional organization. The result of these talks brought 1,320 delegates to Chicago
in luly 1930 to organize the Unemployed Councils of the USA. The convention
adopted a program that highlighted the councils' demand that federal relief and
unemployment insurance come from funds appropriated for the military and
that representatives of the unemployed administer relief. At the convention,
delegates declared their opposition to racism and pushed for black and white
organizers to work within black neighborhoods. As a final act, the convention
created a new council structure.''^ From this point forward, the Unemployed
Councils' structure would be separate from the TUUL and the Communist
party. From the Comintern in Moscow to the party's district office in Chicago,
leaders agreed that unemployed activity had more potential to reach a wider
audience through neighborhood councils than through Communist trade
unions.^^ Within Chicago, the new councils first organized the unemployed
within branches, covering areas of the city similar to the ones organized by party
sections. By1931, council members were building block committees within each
branch to mobilize around neighborhood issues. Block committees covered
residents in neighborhoods hardest hit by the Depression. Chicago^s Hunger
Fighter, a biweekly publication of the city's Unemployed Councils, explained: "A
block committee is composed of three or more workers who canvass the block,
going from house to house to get the support of the workers, employed and un
employed, for the relief of the desperate cases in the block The block committee
calls the neighbors together to decide what action to take when some family in
the block is to be evicted or is starving
If the committee needs assistance
or the advice of more experienced workers, they can go to the neighborhood
council to which the block committee sends delegates."' The Hunger Fighter
highlighted the ease with which these committees could be buUt, reporting on
such successful cases as the one in April 1932, when a woman organized twentyone men and women on her block in one day.'^
Even though the Unemployed CouncUs had a separate structure and localized
executive committee of the Unemployed Councils comrepi^resentation. Steve Nelson was put in charge of organizing at its first meeting
Vd Councils.^" Difct leaders worked with Communist council leaders to pick fiiture represen
tatives from the partys ranks. They handed down decisions that changed the
ouncils structure, creating a city center responsible for coordinating fcfivS
andbloAcouncUsthatwould increase neighborhood concentration.-Iheyorgl
nized cit^de ralhes and conferences, staffed councils with unpaid CommLsts
cSn for'
insurance in the councils' name But ci^de leaders were not always able to implement their decisions be
cause only rarely were they involved in the councils' day-to-day work Most
Tmro^r r'
unhappy with their leaders' hands-off
approach and encouraged them to become more direcdy involved. OccasionaUv
l^^ders' commitment to unemployed
Kiar f
"'''^^ders responded to Such criticism by hiring Nels
Kjar to oversee council work and report to them on it They paid him when
y CO
with funds raised jointly by the party and the TUUL
Kjar proved to be an effective, if short-lived, organizer. Jack Spiegel, a loweron1
Kjar struggling with police and rehef ofEdals
n the third floor of a MUwaukee Avenue relief station. During the skirmish
Kjar and his wife held tightly to the railing as unemployed delegates and supporters occupied the stairway "The police had a hell of a time dislodging u^
Spiegd recalled. As a result of Kjar's militant action, he was arrested Lid for
eighteen months, and then deported to Denmark
t h e n T w t T r ' '' " f r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s ,
^en It was Communist section leaders and unit fraction members who were
r"nk 'anT ffle r"
fctionig. Section leaders assigned
rank-and-file Communists to work within the councils; and when they noticed
that council work had fallen off in their area, they asked their respect"
Unemployed Council fraction members, who were supposed to meet re^larly to discuss the political education of unemployed worL
ers. Of^ course, although section leaders were supposed to keep closi tabs on
council fi-action members, contact frequently broke down."At the end of 19, i
75percentofaUcouncilshadanactivepartyfractionworkinginthem providing"
many rank-and-file Communists their first experience of mass organizing
Ben Gray was six years old in June 1914 when he, his mother, and three sibUngs landed on Ellis Island. Born to an Orthodox Jewish family in Kiev, Gray
retained his religious practices in the United States. When his father died in
1925, Gray attended synagogue three times a day for an entire year. It was not
until Bens brother Dave went into business with a "fast operator" who was also
"philosophically... a Communist" that Ben encountered any political thinking.
This partner shared his ideas with Dave and Ben, and soon Ben found himself
connecting these teachings with his own work experiences. Before long he was
By the tune the Depression hit, Ben Gray had surrounded himself with friends
who were "attuned to what was going on." So when he heard that nine black
young men had been sentenced to death in Alabama for raping two white
women and that it might be a frame-up. Gray attended a protest meeting in
Grant Park. Reading the protest signs and listening to speakers, Gray got caught
up in the rally, and "all of a sudden [he] had the sign {he was holding] framed
over a policeman's head." In jail. Gray met YCL and Communist party members.
He "made up [his] mind that this is what it means to ... not having liberty to
express yourself or declaring your protest against what you thought was wrong,
that there really must be something wrong with things in this country and per
haps these Communists were right [sic]" Somebody gave Gray a YCL card, and
he signed on the spot."
As an unemployed worker in Depression-era Chicago, Gray found himself
looking for shelter in Chicago's municipal lodging houses. Within a half-mile
west of the Loop, they dotted the streets along with pawnshops, secondhand
clothing stores, taverns, and poolrooms. Twenty-three percent of shelter resi
dents were casual workers, migratory laborers, and homeless who claimed this
area of the city as their permanent residence. What stuck out most in Gray's
memory, however, was that "those flophouses which ordinarily housed the
'bowery bums' and those people, found people with college degrees, former en
gineers, college professors, people like that who were really down and out."^'
It was among these people that Gray and others like him began an intense
eifort to organize. Timing was important. Lawrence Moen, a council organizer
in one flophouse, reported, "We don't give a damn for a man after he has spent
six months in the flophouse. It does things to him. He loses his guts. He doesn't
care. He forgets who he used to be. His scrap is gone."^* Before their inhabitants
lost their spirit, Gray, Moen, and other council members hoped to channel their
eneipes into protest.
One recruit, Car Kolins, a former steam-shovel operator, was the kind of per
son they sought. He had only been in a city shelter for four weeks and already
had a "great hobby" in following party activity. Repeatedly offering "Communis
tic principles... gleaned from the Daily Worker, which... he always carried a
copy of," Kolins was convinced that Chicago's mainstream papers had it wrong.
"To read the Tribune," he argued, "you would think Communism was a kind
of deadly poisoning
They've got ail the money they wantthat's why they
don't want Communism or a liberal government. They want to keep us on the
bum." A University of Chicago student deemed Kolins "not a type to mix well
with people," but fellow council members likely thought differently^^
Flophouses provided lodging, meals, facilities for recreation, and ample cause
for complaint. According to one war veteran, at his flophouse "you are handed
a circular tray caked with rust on top and covered with a black smudgy smear
on the bottom." The cornbread hash, he claimed, was made from bread brushed
off tables with a broom that was also used to sweep the floors.^ At 1210 South
Morgan Street, all beds touched one another. Thirty-seven men had to be re
moved from a Salvation Army flophouse on Union Street due to an influenza
outbreak. In June 1932, the city forced flophouse residents to work on county
roads if they wanted to stay in the shelters.^^
According to Gray, these concerns made it "very easy to organize a demon
stration because all you had to do was send word through the flophouses that
something is taking place and inside of a half hour you had ten thousand people
out in the streets."" While probably an overstatement, large demonstrations did
flow from the city's shelters. On one occasion in January1932, five thousand men
left their flophouses and marched to the Clearing House for Men at Monroe and
Grant Streets to present demands.^' Not all demonstrations were so dramatic.
Most often, Unemployed Council committees won official recognition from
a shelter's staff, who would then listen to council members' demands. While
such a hearing may not seem like much, it often resulted in concessions. In one
case, an unemployed committee was given the right to hold daily meetings, to
have three meals a day, to get free medical attention, and to use tobacco twice
a week.*
Sometimes the stakes were higher. In May 1932, a Morgan Street shelter was
closed, shutting out four hundred homeless people. Organized by the Unem
ployed Councils, they sent delegations to the Central Clearing House for Men
and to emergency relief offices. A writer for the Hunger Fighter reported that
Robert Beasley, in chaise of men's shelters, realized that workers would not be
"bulldozed" so easily and offered to take them all back,*'
Unemployed workers should not be punished, council members explained,
for problems created by capitalism. When the city threatened to dose another
shelter, a delegation of council members drawn from the city's shelters met be
hind a closed door with state representatives and Beasley. "They were not going
to sleep in the streets," the Hunger Fighter reported. "They had nothing to do
with the Depression. ... [Bjosses, like (Samuel] Insuil and [Ogden] Armour,
would have to come across and provide for the homeless and unemployed.""^
Insuil and Armour had no intention of providing for the needy as council rep
resentatives intended,and this meeting did not change their views. Still, council
members succeeded in articulating the view that Chicago's wealthy owed their
fortune to the citys workers, who were not lazy, as these state representatives
believed, but simply victims of a failing economic system.
The party and its council members wanted ^vorkers to embrace the notion
that they had created the wealth of the rich, and therefore taxes on the wealthy
were rightfuUy due to the unemployed. While this logic attracted some, the draw
for most councils was the specific benefits won. When trucks from the county
highway department carted men from shelters to work for their keep, Unem
ployed Council members tried to sabotage the effort. They believed it unjust
to make victims of the Depression work for shelter, and to them, forced labor
seemed ludicrous at a time when so many needed a paycheck. Two thousand
congregated at one protest, but only five hundred willingly rushed the crews. A
few threw projectiles at what they viewed as misguided workers who boarded
the trucks, but in the end their efforts were unsuccessfiil. As one report indi
cated, "[F]rom that day there was definitive diminution in the council's activi
ties within the shelters."'" Former council members admitted that their recent
failure in winning concessions was the reason they lost interest and let their
memberships lapse, but certainly the physical attack on those willing to work
alienated groups of workers from the councils and the party, making enemies
among those who were only doing what shelter officials instructed them to
do. To Communists, they were betraying their class. But at least some of those
willing to work must have been relieved at the idea that they would be allowed
to be productive.
Council activity in and around shelters brought Communist ideals to home
less people gathered in facilities scattered throughout Chicago's downtown. In
April 1932, party leaders reported that 1,700 homeless people held memberships
in flophouse committees.^'' Questions ranging in importance from whether
residents could smoke to whether the city should support a shelter's existence
became the fodder that fed council activity. Council and party activists did not
always win, and occasionally their aggressive tactics gained them new enemies.
Most often their encounters created a supportive following among shelter resi
dents, who could then becounted on to demonstrate at relief stations throughout
the city. One unemployed demonstration in Union Park brought ten thousand
workers, gathering flophouse residents with workers leaving their jobs in the
that the unemployed and the poor were demonstrating and agitating for jobs
and food all over the globe. We were millions. We couldn't lose."^
City authorities expressed concern that Communists were gaining influ
ence in the black community and that "fundamental institutions of the coun
try" were in jeopardy. Examining these accusations firsthand, Cayton joined
an "unkempt"-looking group that was marching in a "serious and determined
fashion" through the heart of the Black Belt. "Instead of trying to destroy our
splendid and glorious institutions," Cayton reported, "these poor black folks
were simply going over to put a fellow race member back into the house he had
been unceremoniously kicked out of This was indeed a come-down for one who
had expected to witness the destruction of constitutional American principles,
such as, for example, 'due process of law.*After the group returned a woman's
"miserable belongings," Cayton observed another black woman speaking to the
group from a soapbox. Rather than offering empty phrases or Marxist theory,
he reported, she talked the "talk of a person who had awakened from a pleasant
dream to find that reality was hard, cold, and cruel." Before the woman could
finish, Chicagos Industrial Squad arrived and began beating the observers, who
ran in fear for their lives. Such an experience made Cayton wonder if American
institutions were not in trouble, but for different reasons than he had when he
began his investigation. He also wondered if this incident, like many others,
would be billed as a "red riot."^
The black community's response to the councils* activities heartened Com
munists, who did not let public attacks bother them too much. Instead, they
worried about the predominately black composition of the Black Belt's coun
cils.^' An unemployment demonstration on February lo, 1931, where councils
mobilized four thousand white workers to march down South State Street from
Thirty-third to Forty-third Street, was encouraging. What began with twenty
whites to one black ended in a mass rally, half white and half black. Party
leaders pushed councils to organize future interracial demonstrations in other
They had particular success in the Back of the Yards, where men, women, and
children lived in some of the city's worst conditions. Stockyard pollution fouled
local creeks, and wafting odors filled the air in the congested streets. The Yards'
business cycles gave an ebb and flow to employment of the resident Lithuanians,
Poles, and Mexicans.^ In the Back of the Yards, interracial councils combined
anti-eviction work with demands to help unemployed packinghouse workers.
The council that began meeting regularly in the neighborhood toward the end
of 1930 organized a march on the stockyards to demand jobs, the abolition
of labor spies in the plants, and weekly supplies of meat for unemployed yard
workers. In April 193 2, the Hunger Fighter reported that some twenty thousand
black and white workers participated in a "mighty hunger march*' where over
six thousand marched for three miles, the first interracial rally in the area since
the pre-race riot "checkerboard crowd" that had gathered in 1919 when Com
munists worked to organize stockyard workers. The party proudly recognized
that this was the first time that black workers had marched into the white ter
ritory around the Yards in such large numbers.^
This emphasis on interracial work brought blacks and whites together in Chi
cago's councils, often for the first time. Lowell Washington, an African Ameri
can member of the Unemployed Councils, remembered,[I] never really even
talked to a white man before, and I certainly hadn't said more than two words
to a white lady, and here I was being treated with respect and speakin my mind
and not having to worry about saying something that might rile 'em up Let
me tell you it changed the way I thought about things.*"^'
The frequent, unprecedented displays of interracial solidarity on Chicago's
streets sparked the city's administration into action. After the shootings and
arrests of August 3,1931, the municipal court bailiff temporarily stopped serv
ing eviction warrants. City officials seemed to begin to recognize the high rate
of evictions that had been carried out for some time. After meeting with
business leaders and welfare officials, city officials arranged for three hundred
people to work in the city's parks. Mayor Cermak, who had told workers that
demonstrators would be arrested, now acquiesced to a "moratorium" on rents.
Tenants began hanging signs reading, "We Do Not Pay Rents" and "Please Do
Not Ask Us to Pay Rent."
These were temporary measures, and the desperate situation accelerated
throughout the city in 1932 as landlords began turning oflf gas, water, and elec
tricity to evict tenants in arrears. Jobless workers found it increasingly difficult
to find housing because landlords refused tenants on relief State funds released
in March 1932 loosened relief agencies' purse strings and even specified shelter
as an acceptable form of relief, but charities continued to delay rent payments
until eviction was "imminent," and even then, fund distribution remained at the
agent's discretion.^ Regardless, the Communist party and their Unemployed
Councils succeeded in raising peoples expectations regarding government sup
port, and they made an inroad into Chicago's African American community.
Ben Gray remembered that if you walked on the South Side and wanted to
hand out a leaflet at someone's home, all you had to do was say "'hello comrade'
when you never saw the person before... that was the 'open sesame,* you said
you were from the Unemployment Council or the Communist Party. 'Hello
comrade,' that was the password."'*
Just as council members used the ILD to protect them from police prosecution.
J^oseph Moss, thedirector of public welfare, increasingly felt that he and his weliare agents needed protection from councU members. After Sposob's murder in
1932. council demands became increasingly difficult to answer. Within relief
stations, council members were resisting local agents' talk and demanding words
with Moss. In one case. James Allen threatened relief workers and "obstructed
office routine by entering case workers' offices." In another, a Mr. Huszar ofthe
council refused to wait in line and had to be removed by police. When council
representatives did meet with Moss, they were, in his words, "no longer satis6ed
wjth my statement that certain matters are beyond my jurisdiction."^
In December 1932, Moss received a report from an Unemployed Coun
cil member who was upset with the character of his fellow council members
Louis McCann, the author, insisted that ofthe seven hundred members in his
branch, 70 percent were not radical and only went to the council when they
had grievances. Communists exploited the situation, according to McCann,
and hooked people on the party once they solved their problem. Three dif
ferent Communists approached McCann and asked him to join. He refused
and then asked Moss for support in the creation of an alternate organization,
which McCann thought at least four hundred would immediately join. There
is no evidence that Moss endorsed such an organization, and it is impossible to
verify McCann's claims. His letter does suggest, however, that in his neighbor
hood organization, Communists worked with hundreds of non-Communists
in building their local council and attempted to recruit party members from its
leadership. If his numbers are correct, it would mean that over two hundred of
them were "radicai." Placed on its head, McCann's plea hints at a local Depres
sion-era phenomenon whereby his neighbors were becoming politicized.Their
local Unemployed Council was the main organization in that neighborhood
competing for their attention and loyalty.
By January 1933, Moss had had enough ofthe council's tactics and admitted
it was no longer possible to deal with them effectively because their members
were "one hundred percent obstructive." As a result, district offices no longer
fielded complaints. Instead, all activity was centralized into a single office in
the citj?. Communists were particularly upset with this changed policy, and in
Elmwood Park one hundred people rushed the relief station, refusing to let
relief workers leave. One of the workers fainted, and another clerk deserted
the office and refused to return. At the Lawndale relief station, demonstrators
fought against police ^vith rocks and stones.Buckshot from one officer's shotgun
seriously hurt four demonstrators.'
The centralizing of the procedure was a hard blow for council activists, since
they would no longer be able to assist such a varied population in a public man
ner. Also, for a time, the police would not let council members hold as many
public demonstrations as they would have liked. Relief-station activit)' attracted
thousands of Chicagoans to the councils as rent, utilities, and food bills got paid.
Communists not only began to prove their ability to lead and stand up against
racism but also succeeded in providing humanitarian assistance. If some took
advantage of their newfound power by charging for their services or threaten
ing relief workers, the majority were happy simply to point to the holes in the
system that they could begin to fill
Communists were pleased with the attention they received in shelters, among
renters, and at relief-station rallies, but as the Depression wore on, they looked
for new ways to organize the unorganized. In neighborhoods like Cicero, little
council activity had taken place as late as September 1931.' In this neighbor
hood, where families tended to own small bungalows, party organizers needed
a new hook if they were going to raise any interest. By the end of the year, they
found it and began advocating an end to mortgage payments for small home
owners who suffered from the Depression.
The campaign to organize small homeowners was small and largely ineffec
tive, but it did have some successes. Communist papers asked homeowners to
"think it over." After all, workers were "asked to borrow, or in plain words, to
jeopardize the homes they have saved and scrimped to get." Councils asked
homeowners to organize to "force the city and state to grant a moratorium on
tax and mortgage payments! No Foreclosures!" To a group of revolutionaries
who largely did not own homes themselves, this appeal was a stretch. Not much
effort went into the campaign, and yet, according to police files, at least one
branch formed in Berwyn to deal with foreclosures, and the Back of the Yards
group took on the issue as well. In both cases, little resulted, short of increased
education and membership numbers.
Despite such setbacks, council membership throughout the city confirmed
in many Communists' minds that their party was the true leader of Chicagos
workers. A party registration in 1931 showed that the city had seventy-eight
branches and 104 block committees, representing 11,234 council members, 442
of them Communists. No strict accounting appeared again, but council activity
strengthened throughout early 1933, bringing thousands more into its mem
bership. This large representation meshed with Third Period expectations and
encouraged council members onto soapboxes, into apartments of the evicted,
and through relief-station doors.
Large membership numbers also reinforced party activists' Third Period
belief that Communist-backed organizations were the only organizations that
represented workers' interests. When other organizations tried to speak for the
unemployed, Communists' Third Period teachings prepared them to attack. The
most important Chicago group the party faced was the Chicago Workers' Com
mittee on Unemployment (CWC), led by Karl Borders until 1934 and then by
Frank McCulloch. About twenty-five members from the League for Industrial
Democracy, a Socialist party offshoot, began this group in 1931.'' At first mainly
meeting to talk about issues, the CWC later formed locals in settlement houses,
organized an advisory committee of professionals, and began holding meet
ings in 1932 on living conditions of the unemployed, advising relief stations,
and calling conferences of relief workers. If the Unemployed Councils were
displeased with the encroachment, the CWC's leadership found the councils
equally irksome.^
As their locals grew. Communist party and CWC leaders developed a tense
working relationship. At times it was not clear whether the groups were more
upset with each other or the paltry system of welfare. But events like the Octo
ber 1932 march against the 50-percent rehef cut suggest they could overcome
group rivalry.^ As soon as Cook County announced a 50-percent cut in relief
payments, all representatives of the unemployed realized a great organizing
potential, and they worked together. In what even military intelligence marked
as an "unusual feature" of the planned demonstration, the CWC and Unem
ployed Councils joined forces and marched with an estimated fifty thousand
demonstrators through the Loop, stopping traffic for an hour."*
Not that all contact between the groups was easy. In typical Third Period
fashion, Communist leaders felt determined to discredit the CWC and win the
loyalty of its members. In a session with seven hundred party and non-party
delegates, John Williamson read from a prepared speech that denounced the
AFL and Karl Borders as betrayers of the working class. WiUiamson and other
Communists in attendance also insisted that councils be allowed to carry politi
cal banners in the march, and even though conference attendees voted down
the banners, Communists showed up to the march with signs.
Despite such impolitic behavior, the union between the two organizations
proved to be a success, and the groups' leaders planned future united actions.
Although the party encouraged attacks on Socialists and liberal reformers, Com
munists found that they sometimes needed to work with these other groups.
In addition to such party veterans as Bill Browder, Sam Hammersmark, and
Arthur Maki working publicly with liberals and Trotskyites, even sectarians
such as Jack Spiegel remembered at times reaching out to Borders and leaders
of other groups because he needed their support.'^
Protestors gather downtown for the Hunger March of October 31,193 a, cosponsored by the
Communist party's Unemployed Councils and the Chicago Workers' Committee on Unem
ployment. (Chicago Historical Society, ICHi-20955, photographer unknown)
Throughout their ranks. Communist leaders found that their members were
not consistently following their line against working with liberals and Social
ists. In South Chicago, council members burst into a meeting of the CWC,
denounced the leadership as "misleaders, hypocrites, capitalists in disguise,
liberals, socialists, etc.," and urged spectators to join the councils and find out
the "truth about everything."^ But council members often turned up working
with these same "misleaders." On the South Side, party members recruited in
churches and met with leaders of reformist groups. This was especially true in
places like Washington Park, where relations with community leaders ran hot
and cold. On the North Side, when a council tried to present the alderman and
vice president of the Chicago Federation of Labor, Oscar Nelson, with a list of
demands, police stymied the action. Leaders of the Swedish National Society
responded by agreeing to work with the council on issues involving meal tick
ets and housing, and the council accepted the offer. While Communist party
leaders castigated the offer as a "demagogic trick," council leaders saw things
differently.' Liberal supporters also helped to obtain parade permits for the
party and helped get people out of jail. These institutions and leaders were
important gateways to masses of workers, and rank-and-file Communists were
not always willing to scorn them. Party leaders recognized that the Depression
brought them a "new" party and that they could not expect the same discipline
from these new members as from older ones.'" But they were continually ag
gravated by their members' willingness to work with people whom party leaders
viewed as social fascists.
Mingling with liberals was only part of party leaders' problem. New recruits
simply demonstrated less commitment to party discipline. Expulsion records
reveal cases of individuals who lived as Communists on their own terms.Some
were expelled; others were permitted to remain. Through most of the Depres
sion years, such independent thinkers represented the face of Communism to
Chicago's unemployed workers and demonstrated its shades of red. One report
for October and November 1932 tells of Charles Banks, an Unemployed Coun
cil leader and party member who for a year was the subject of his-comrades'
complaints of carrying on "activities on his own hool^ and remaining "isolated
from the Section." Banks even disagreed publicly with his section leader and
made the leaders' decisions "matters of debate amongst individual Party mem
bers and in his unit." Since Banks was "sincere, devoted, and [a] fearless fighter,"
party leaders agreed not to suspend or expel him.''
In South Chicago, L. Reuter, a machinist and former member of the SocialDemocratic party in Germany and current Communist party member in Chi
cago who rose to leadership in the South Chicago Unemployed Council, con
tinually questioned party decisions and exposed party weaknesses in public.
While his campaign against the party began in September 1932, he was not
brought before the discipline committee until April 1933- Disciplinary committee members gave him three weeks to shape up. He decided not to and was
finally expeUed. In March 1933. another councU/party member, an electrician,
used the "prestige of being a Party member amongst the masses" to develop
an individual racket, charging two dollars for each light he Ulegally turned on.
Six months after this behavior began, the party expeUed him."^ Whether they
were "isolated." combative, or crooked, individuals joined the party and acted
in the councils in ways that did not fit party notions of discipline. This was
especiaUy true on Chicago's South Side, where Unemployed CouncU recrmtment was the highest. Chicago's Control Commission warned these members
that their numerous acts of "financial irresponsibility and drunkenness, loose
talk and general Party irresponsibility" caused a surge in disciplinary cases.''"
While leaders were not happy with the political level of these new recruits or
their lack of discipUne, they were pleased that they were the first interracial
organization to reach into and mobUize the city's black community.
Communists also made limited inroads into mobilizing women. Through a
maternalist model that argued for women's political demands on the basis of
their roles as mothers, leaders encouraged women to join the protest.'" In this
capacity, women existed in the twenty or so women's committees, which were
established in 1933 and coordinated by an executive committee that included
three party women borrowed from Cook County's Unemployed CouncU execu
tive committee. They varied their struggles between demanding pots and pans,
bed linen, and clothing from relief agencies for famUies with schoolchildren
and organizing neighborhoods for strikes against rising prices.
As a rule, the Comintern and national party did not permit separate womens
councUs. but in Chicago, some councils did not draw women into leadership and
instead used them for technical work or for house-to-house canvassing, causing
groups of women to organize separately. In the October 1932 demonstration
against the government's proposed 50-percent cut in-relief, nine womens com
mittees ofthe unemployed sent delegates to the conference that planned the
demonstration to convince other organizations "to help in the fight around the
schools for the bettering of the conditions of our chUdren." Yet. whUe breaking
party rules in terms of their wUUngness to organize separate women's commit
tees, these women's committees followed party policy when it came to Third
Period ideas against social fascism. "Karl Borders' [socialist] movement, reads
a letter from a women's committee leader, "[has]... proven to be nothing more
nor less than a faker, in the United Front for the fight against hunger." Theletter
urged "aU women in the City of Chicago as weU as in the whole ofthe United
States, to affiliate with the Unemployed CouncUs, and help carry on the fight
against hunger."'"
In addition to populating the enclaves ofwomen's committees,some women
in the South and West Sides worked arm-in-arm with their male comrades.
Kate Eriich, Marie Houston, Romania Ferguson, and Dora Hucklberry appear
m police or party reports as "militant" participants in eviction protests, and
other reports suggest women's participation at relief-station rallies. For some
women, coimcil work provided a place to learn the basics of mass organizingj
and women's participation, attitudes, and beliefs began slowly to change the
character of Chicago's party.
The historian Van Gosse argues that Unemployed Councils rhetorically
opened a new space for women activists. Yet while Chicago party leaders prod
ded Communists in councils to "embrace" women, young workers, and children,
a July 1932 report recognized that Chicago's unemployed movement was "pri
marily based on adult men workers."'"^ While the movement's language may have
been more woman-friendly, in Chicago, council activity never took this turn as
sharply as it might have, and the party was not able to translate what women's
unemployment activity there was into an increase in female membership to the
same degree that they were in black and white male unemployed communities.
Margaret Keller, the party's director ofwomen's work in 1933, complained, "[I]t
is terrible difficult work among the women, they are very narrow, due to the
majority being housewives and can't see anything else but the relief, we hope
through education to convince them this is a political struggle. It is slow but
we will get there. The interesting part is that we have very few Party members
among these women and yet I am sure they will.eventually be very loyal to our
movement, provided they are handled carefully."'* Chicago's party and council
members were keen to involve women in children's relief, but they were unable
to offer these women, whose primary concern was household issues, a role to
play with issues of the employed. Women with children, moreover, could not
devote time to party work, and time was what party activists needed.
These were not the concerns of Chicago's male party leaders, who largely
ignored the councils' problems reaching women and instead focused on their
belief that unemployed activity would result in support for Communists at the
polls. Beginning in 1932. the party increased the number of their candidates
run in elections. Whereas Freeman Thompson, running for U.S. Senate, was
the only candidate in 1930, Communists in 1932 ran candidates for president
and vice president, senator, governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state,
auditor of accounts, state treasurer, attorney general, and representative in Con
gress. Thompson polled only 1,325 votes in the city in 1930, but Communist
candidates in 1932 polled between 11,879 and 8,359, with most receiving over
nine thousand votes. And while most Communist candidates did not fall too
far behind Socialist candidates, who averaged about fifteen thousand votes, the
Communist candidates for president and vice president fell behind the Social
ist vote for Norman Thomas's ticket by almost twenty thousand votes. In any
hoped to work with non-party groups to get support for its unemployment
and social-insurance bill, introduced to Congress on February 2,1934."^ Even
though non-party leaders were hesitant to act in unity, their local branches
were less inhibited. Several former CWC locals participated with the Unem
ployed Councils in a 1934 May Day rally, and others agreed to work with the
Unemployed Councils afterward. Joint pickets tried to prevent the closings of
a River Grove relief station and North Side WPA project. And a year later, a
joint committee on relief action, created by members of both organizations,
unanimously authorized a letter to the Illinois Workers' Alliance and the Illi
nois Unemployed Councils urging a united-front demonstration in Springfield.
Communists were determined to smooth over past problems and create a pow
erful, united movement."^ Work like this led the way to an eventual merging of
the two organizations in 1936 to form the Workers' Alliance of America.
The party and council member Lydia Bennett, speaking before a labor council
gathering in 1932, reported the party's intention of showing the inability of the
system to support its citizens. She apparently believed that such exposure would
result in its collapse. But ironically, in their daily work Communists helped
Chicago's unemployed navigate the shaky welfare system, and their individual
victories for the needy diminished any resolve these people might have had to
launch a revolution. Instead of a revolutionary movement, then. Communists
and council members, working closely with needy people as they experienced
personal devastation, developed organizingskills and widened the Communist
movement. More than a few party council members would eventually build
on their organizing skills in the labor movement: the council leader Joe Weber
would find his way into steel. Jack Spiegel would work with the boot and shoe
union, and James Samuel and Richard Tate organized packinghouse workers.
Herb March recalled borrowing tactics from unemployed organizers when he
and others built the packinghouse workers' union in Chicago. One evening
a week, employees forced their employer to set aside time to deal with their
grievances. "Beginning at 4 or 4:30 P.M., one by One a hundred or so aggrieved
workers would take their turn confronting the plant bosses with their problems."
Hieir focus was now on employers rather than relief workers, but their line was
the same: "Nobody's'getting out until we settle all these cases. These guys have
all been waiting here all this time and you can't treat us this way."^
Unemployed Council activity occurred in multiple venues, called for various
measures, and incorporated a wide array of people with different backgrounds
and dispositions. Some, like Louis McCann, who worked with Communists,
were repelled by party tactics and alerted authorities to their activity. Others,
like Irving Meyers, also remained outside the party while working with councils
"Abolish Capitalism":
The Trade Union Unity League's
Potential and Problems
One problem was that rank-and-file Communists were not unified behind the
TUUL's goal of organizing unorganized workers into revolutionary unions:
some opposed dual unions, others preferred working with Unemployed Coun
cils rather than with revolutionary unions, and still others were unwilling to
do the difficult, daily work of union organizing. Chicago's party leaders would
also eventually confront another issue: even when Communists were enthusi
astic, focused, and committed, they had a very difficult time gaining the trust
of Chicago's workers, whose interests in union militancy and Communist lead
ership waxed and waned in relation to their own personal, political, and ecoilomic calculations, the culture and climate of their particular workplace, and
the historical and political context in which their grievances arose. In 1933,
when Franklin Delano Roosevelt suggested his support for union organiza
tion, more workers in Chicago's large and small industries joined unions. They
did not, however, choose the TUUL as the organization to represent them as
often as they turned to the AFL. By that year, some of Chicago's Communists
already had begun reconsidering the TUUL as the most effective tactic; within
two years, the Comintern abandoned it altogether.
In the context of a raging economic depression and an injured union move
ment, plans to build the TUUL seem quixotic. And yet. Communists' unyieldmg
belief in revolutionary unions and persistent plans to see them through resulted
in several breakthroughs for the party and industrial trade imionism. They made
inroads into unorganized sectors of Chicago's workforce, pushed for interra
cial, industrial organization, and reached out to women workers. The TUUL
became a training ground for union activists, who learned practical lessons
about how to organize workers; and through it. Communists laid groundwork
in several of Chicago's major industries by listening to workers' grievances and
promoting racial equality. Through TUUL newspapers, Communists shared
shop news, grievances, and shop-committee successes with wide audiences,
preparing workers to expect responsive and democratic unions, and in these
ways laid important groundwork for the Congress of Industrial Organizations
(CIO) and industrial unionism. That the party officially disbanded the TUUL
only five years after they founded it can divert attention from the concrete and
successful work that was accomplished in the face of such dispiriting odds.
Some historians have described the TUUL as purely an expression of party
policy and there can be no doubt that party directives mattered a great deal in
the life of the TUUL. Yet other historians argue that following party policy did
not preclude TUUL union members from being effective and legitimate trade
unionists.^ In Chicago, party policy encouraged a more militant and democratic
form of union organization than existed in most AFL locals. When workers
supported TUUL organizations, they found willing and active party union
ists who were often veterans of labor struggles informed by Marxist teachings
Ladies Garment Workers, or Cap Makers' unions.'^ This sentiment was not
entirely accurate: in the early 1920s, Communists provided important leader
ship in these unions. But at the end of 1923, trouble began. Mayer Perlstein,
the ILGWU vice president, arrived in Chicago with the single mission to rid
its locals of Communists. Eleven old-time party union activists were expelled,
including the city party leader Dora Lifshitz. Refusing to go quietly, the group
gathered two thousand ILGWU members at Ashland Auditorium to protest
their expulsion. They braved gunfire aimed at the speakers' platform, where
the TUEL and party leader William Z. Foster stood, but had to wait until 1925
to be readmitted.*^ One year later, party members took over the union's joint
board and bucked the wishes of its international leaders by supporting NewYork
cloakmakers' Communist-led strike. The result, according to the union's histo
rian, Wilfred Carsel, was "a virtual state of war between the Chicago Joint Board
and the International." Fights broke out at local union meetings and spilled
onto the streets. A new election that year secured the right-wing leader's posi
tion back on the board. The CFL's support of the right and an injunction from
the Superior Court of Cook County sealed the left wing's fate. By 1927, a small
group still organized in the dress trade, but they had lost their momentum.'^
Within the Cap Makers' Union, internal political fighting came to a head in
1927 during a lockout of the union. Communists won workers' support to lead
the union but antagonized other political factions within it. When party mem
bers walked picket lines, a group of thugs, locally known as the Miller street
gang, attacked them. In response, the party fraction issued a leaflet on the role
of the right wing in the strike and called a meeting of all cap makers, which
attracted 250 gangsters. Clarence Hathaway believed some of these gangsters
were responsible for breaking windows in the building where the Jewish Com
munist daily Freiheit was published and for stabbing and beating "dozens" of
comrades. In the wake of these attacks, anti-Communist unionists succeeded
in breaking up the left-wing strike committee and initiating what Max Bedacht
referred to as "bitter warfare" against the left wing.'^ These attacks led to a de
cline in the willingness of Communists in the needle trades to speak out and
organize. Dora Lifshitz, at a meeting of the party's industrial committee in April
1929, observed that TUEL forces in the needle trades were "weak."'
In such large industries as the stockyards, where organization lagged, party
members succeeded by the late 1920s in agitating through the TUEL in and
around factories, but they were not so successful in one-on-one organizing or
recruiting established union members into the TUEL. In 1928, party organiz
ers held twenty neighborhood meetings around the stockyards and formed
one nucleus of five members, who sent out a leaflet announcing a meeting
to which 250 workers, sixty of them non-union, turned out. That same year,
though, party leaders complained that the nucleus was "systematically killed"
from lack of attention.'^ In March 1929, the nucleus was rebuilt when a call for
a mass meeting resulted in sixty-two workers offering their names to the TUEL.
At its peak, only two months later, 175 workers signed up with the TUEL, but
a plan of work never got off the ground.'
TUEL reports were not always so grim. Between late 1921 and 1923, organiz
ers advanced on several fronts. TUEL members published an impressive radical
labor magazine, Labor Herald; supported a labor party based on unions; and
developed a wide network of labor militants who pushed for the amalgamation
of craft workers in the same industry into the same union. According to James
R. Barrett, between 1922 and 1923 the TUEL succeeded in getting their amal
gamation resolution adopted by "perhaps half of organized labor in the United
States."" TUEL organizers also made inroads into the ILGWU, Amalgamated
Clothmg Workers', Cap Makers', Furriers', and Miners' unions. And they suc
cessfully sponsored a national amalgamation conference for railroad workers
out of ie ashes of the failed 1922 shop-crafts strike. This conference, held in
Chicago, resultedin the gathering of 425 machinist and railroad delegates com
mitted in some way to amalgamation.^"
But in the immediate aftermath of Communists' domination of the FarmerLabor party and their isolation from John Fitzpatrick and other labor progres
sives, such victories gave way to an unrelenting tide of conservative unionism. At
its 1923 convention in Portland, Oregon, AFL leaders expelled William Dunne,
a Communist organizer and credential-carrying union member. Such action,
David Montgomery observes, represented the first time a person was expelled
from an AFL convention based solely on their political beliefs.^' Throughout the
country, city central bodies and individual AFL unions followed suit, purging
Communists from their membership rolls. Those who were not expelled often
behaved like Chicago Communist machinists, who "simply dropped out of the
union without telling anybody, forgetting to pay their dues.""If the point of the
TUEL was to use the AFL to reach working people, the purges and attacks on
party members rendered this strategy useless. Instead of focusing on working
within established unions, the TUUL would allow Communist trade unionists
an independent and wholly revolutionary organization from which to work,
while still permitting activity in independent and AFL unions where the local
context warranted it.
In 1928, the leader of the Comintern's industrial organization, Alexander Lozovsky, announced the Communist party's new trade-union policy in Moscow
at the fourth congress of the party's international trade-union organization, the
Red Internationd of Labor Unions. While it took such leaders as Foster some
time to get in line with Moscow's leadership, Edward Johanningsmeier's work
shows that significant support for the new policy came from Communist trade
unionists who were stymied by the AFL and those who came from an "indig-
red chicago
gerin, the party leader in charge of organizing railroad workers, reported that
party organizers had distributed a railroad paper with TUUL union application
blanks and "expected to take in many members shortiy"^ Wayne Adamson
helped call a conference among food workers attended by a small number of
party members but "quite a few outsiders." A few months later, Alma PolkofF
reported on "great progress" made among Chinese food workers, "who must toil
from 10 to 16 hours a day for 7 days a week for the small wages of $20 to $30
per month." TUUL organizers signed up over a hundred Chinese members.^^
Not all groups were doing well, however. In November 1929, the party's in
dustrial committee lamented small numbers at International Harvester's McCormick and Tractor plants, Western Electric, and the stockyards; the legacy of
1920s anti-Unionism, segmented labor markets, and labor defeat plagued their
effort. In response to Rubicki's comment that he had a hard time reaching the
party's shop committee at Harvester, other industrial committee members heck
led, "[TJhere... [is] no such animal as the Harvester shop committee."^ In the
stockyards, party leaders placed a Spanish-speaking member, "Jiminez," to assist
with the committee of mostly Spanish-speaking workers. These laborers came
out of a small Mexican community in the Back of the Yards, largely composed
of single men who had been in the city less than five years. Most had worked
in the packinghouses of Omaha and Kansas City in the 1920s before settling in
Chicago, so even though the city's South Side steel mills had offered Mexicans
their first opportunity in the city to work in heavy-industry, and a small Mexican
community settled there, by the mid-i920s, their packinghouse numbers were
on the rise: Mexicans were 5 percent of Swift and Armour's workforce and 3
percent of Wilsons. Rick Halpern found that within these plants, "they held the
least desirable jobs, working m the hide cellars, freezers, glue houses, and fertil
izer departments." He also found that as a group, Mexicans tended to be "more
left-leaning and politicized than other workers." Some remembered the Mexican
Revolution, were influenced by the radical campaigns of Zapata and Villa, and
held membership in the Chicago affiliate of the Confederaci6n de Trabajadores.
And yet the party could not hold on to them. By mid-November, Communist
organizers reported that only one and a half members belonged to the league.^'
It was clear that party trade unionists had hard work ahead of them.
How to Build the TUUL
"abolish capitalism"
red chicago
Warner, Western Electric, and Illinois Steel; the meatpacking plants of Swift,
Armour, and Omaha; the Northwestern Railroad; and the apron and dress shops
of Sopkins and Sons. With the exception of Sopkins', a majority of the workforce
chosen was male.^''
Williamson's organization department outlined steps for organizing these
factories. In theory, at least some party members would already be working
within the chosen plants. They were the shop nuclei. Once they got non-party
members to join them, party members became known as the party fraction,
which one party union leader referred to as the "effective cells for the carry
ing on of Communist activity within the trade unions." In theory, nucleus and
fraction members did not make policy but carried out plans created in counsel
with section, district, and national fraction leaders. Work in these fractions was
so central to Communist organizing that one Chicago resolution explained,
"Without Party fractions, the TUUL cannot be built."^^
Once organized into fractions and/or nuclei, party members were to bring
workers together around concrete issues in the plant: Within factories, an "el
ementary" stage of organizing was the grievance committee, which was to be
composed of as many workers as organizers could gather to present grievances
to management. By acting on problems in the plant with broad worker support,
these committees would provide a challenge to management and any AFL or
independent organization already estabUshed in the plant. Party fraction mem
bers in successfiil grievance committees were directed to push these committees
to a higher level of organization, the shop committee, which brought together
delegates from throughout the factory and was intended to lay the basis for a
strong TUUL. Once a shop committee formed. Communist leaders could be
assured that the TUUL organization had the support of workers in the plant and
that strikes would develop. To party leaders they represented "the ftill fighting
force of the workers in a given factory and form a basis for the revolutionary
industrial unions."^*^ While trying to get other workers to join, shop committee
members were to pay dues and affiliate with the TUUL.^'
An article by a packinghouse worker in the Communist journal Party Orga
nizer demonstrated how these structures worked in practice. A worker in one
of the larger packinghouses attended a meeting of the Packinghouse Workers
Industrial Union (PHWIU) and shared his grievances with the group. For the
next meeting, he brought fifteen fellow workers from his department. Out of
this group a committee was issue a leaflet that would express their
grievances. The committee also decided to write slogans on factory walls that
denounced a cut in work hours and wages. Superintendents scurried around
the plant washing the walls clean, but it was too late. Once workers read the
slogans, they began to talk about union and the need to settle their grievances.
"abolish capitalism"
red chicago
Communists' decision. In Chicago, however, the ranks did not wait for support
from Moscow's leaders to work within AFL and independent unions. To do so
would have been folly in a city where the AFL and independent railroad brother
hoods had a strong presence, even in the late 1920s and early 1930s.'' In fact, in
1931 more Chicago party unionists were members of reformist and AFL unions
than of the TUUL. A report by a leading member of America's Political buro in
November 1931, two years before international Communist policy encouraged
AFL work, confirms that organizing m the AFL and independent unions was
a focus of Third Period union work in Chicago. In addition to organizations
formed under the auspices of the TUULthe 167 members of the Metal Work
ers Industrial League, twenty-four members of the Food and Slaughterhouse
Workers Union, eighty-four members of the Building Trades Industrial Union,
165 members of the Railway Workers Industrial League, and 450 Needle Trades
Workers' Industrial UnionistsChicago's Communists built a strong opposition
movement in the printers' union and in a few needle locals. They had also built
smaller groups in two painters' locals, six carpenters' locals, five metal workers'
unions, and two food workers' unions. In the milk drivers' union, fifteen party
members and eight non-party members succeeded in building a broad move
ment and putting five thousand milk drivers "into motion" against established
union leaders."^'
The structures party leaders established and industries they focused on put
men at the center of their drive. Women workers were always an important
part of party rhetoric during this period, but inadequate follow-up and separate
organizational structures usually marginalized women activists, who neverthe
less persisted within the party to push the need to organize women workers.
Despite insuring they had lesser power, the party provided these women a base
where they honed their organizing skills and fought battles in the labor move
menta significant accomplishment in the late 1920s and early 1930s, when
political and cultural pressures pushed against women in the workplace and
undermined their fight for rights as workers. In this way, the party offered an
unusual space for the Woman Question to be hashed out and for women ac
tivists to be trained. Still, even in Communist circles, women found that their
victories were usually of their own making.^
TUUL structures and strategies did not preclude women's involvement, but
party organizers did. As early as 1926, the Comintern insisted that party work
among women shift from a focus on housewives to one on female industrial
workers, but as late as 1930, Chicago's mostly male leadership still had not
made efforts to follow this directive. One Chicago women's leader berated local
party officials at a district plenum for their notion that the "work of organizing
women into revolutionary movement [is] a joke." She observed, "No serious
discussion [of organizing women] even [occurs] in leading committees." Hop-
ing that TUUL leaders would place a capable person in charge of women's work,
she found instead that they suggested someone "loaded down with other work'
and thus unable to direct attention to the work needed among women.'
Too often party leaders treated women's issues as a separate and not integral
part of the activity in which all party activists participated. At one citywide
meeting of section and unit womens-work directors, a member moved that
women's work appear on every unit meeting agenda to show its importance.
Katherine Erlich argued against such an approach, suggesting it was too "me
chanical" and created the erroneous impression that "work among women was
a separate struggle that the Party had to carry out, something apart from the
daily work of the unit." Instead of isolating and generalizing women's work,
Erlich argued for a niore concrete approach: "When taking up recruiting, the
unit should take up how all comrades will help in getting working women for
the Party, from the shop of concentration and the mass organizations in the
territory, how individual comrades in the shops where women are employed
will recruit women for the Party^^^ Erlich's suggestions were practical but ahead
of her time. Not enough party people thought this way, and it proved easier
to simply make gestures. Few were willing to take the time to develop strate
gies focused on women. One woman leader complained to the national party
leadership, "Until last week I ran around like a chicken without a head trying
to get someone to work on the department with me that would work not just
have their name on it."^
A resolution that came out of the 1930 plenum described the place of women's
industrial work in Chicago's party. "The entire burden of bringing the masses of
women of the working class into the Party falls on the shoulders of the womens
committee which is often composed entirely of women comrades who are not
trained organizationally or politically for the carrying on of Party work and
who receive very little if any political guidance from the Party in its work.""
Instead of members of TUUL shop nuclei, Communist contacts in women's
organizations were responsible for the thirty-nine delegates, half of them nonCommunist, who attended Chicago's TUUL Conference for Working Women.
Reports on the conference sent to the women's department resulted in warm
replies, whereas those sent to the TUUL went without any response."
Erlich recalled similar problems relating to organizing women in industry
when she explained how section leaders appointed women to women's work
and then neglected them. In her section, the woman appointed to lead the area's
women's work called a meeting with other women's-work directors elected from
each nuclei in her section. Together they waited in vain for a citywide or section
leader to'come and tell them what they needed to do. The sections women'swork appointee had no idea what tasks to take up with her fellow unit directors.
Erlich hoped the party would have "overcome our old rhethods (the bad ones)
"abolish capitalism"
of work so that at the next plenimi we will [not] have to say again that we are
still working in the same old bureaucratic ways."
Despite the party's neglect of women. Communist women activists argued
that women workers were a vital part of the working class and needed to be
organized. On behalf of the Central Committee, Pauline Rogers toured the
nation and met with party leaders concerning women's work in their districts.
She commented on the willingness of Communists to see the importance of
organizing working-class women in terms of the effect they would have on their
husbands, sons, and brothers, but she encouraged them also to see organizing
women as an important goal on its own terms. Industries across the country
were hiring women and paying them half the wages of men for the same work.
It was true, Rogers conceded, that women did not work in some basic sectors
of industries such as steel, but they did work in tin mills and aluminum plants
for low wages. Rogers agreed that women's auxiliaries were important structures
for organizing women, but they operated as support for male workers and did
not reach into the plants where women worked.^
Women organizers like Rogers believed there was great potential in wom
en's industrial work, particularly in Chicago. As early as 1930, Ukrainian and
Swedish women's organizations participated in the party's call for May Day
demonstrators. Several women showed their bravery and commitment when
they were arrested and beaten for handing out literature in front of the gates at
Majestic Radio. The TUUUs 1930 conference for Chicago's working women
succeeded in bringing together thirty-nine women, many of whom had never
attended a meeting, to take up shop-floor questions. Even though women lead
ers reported that many attendees were "shy" when asked to give reports, they
were encouraged by women's participation. Still, most Chicago Communists
joined comrades in cities like Pittsburgh and Cleveland in viewing women's
work as an aid to organizing men and not as inherently valuable.
Part of the problem was that existing structures for organizing women largely
focused on housewives, not factory women. The Working Women's Federation
(WWF), for example, was the party's umbrella organization intended to unite
women from mass organizations behind various Communist campaigns. By
1931, one report indicated that it lacked a "definite program of action," was
"merely being used as agency for bazaars and selling tickets," and was largely
composed of party members from various language and mass organizations
where Communists already had support. Women's Councils of Housewives
and Mothers' Leagues also existed in the city, but these tended to get bogged
down in internal squabbles over leadership rather than working together against
"high rents, food prices, and bad conditions in the schools." The eight to ten
Housewives' Councils in Chicago had no centralized program and did not
coordinate their activities, as did those Analise Orleck described in New York.
red chicago
Chicago's party work among women resisted turning to factory workers. It was
no wonder, then, that Rogers reported: "In Chicago, the idea still prevails, even
among some of the leading section functionaries, that womens work consists
of building housewives' councils [instead of TUUL groups]."^
Thus, by 1930, some were arguing that the TUUL did not take enough inter
est in women or in retooling the WWF to more effectively organize industrial
women. But others disagreed. In the midst of the confusion, the Central Com
mittee handed down "Directives for Work among Women," which offered a nod
to women's auxiliaries in steel and coal mining but emphasized the delegate
meeting, a new form of organization in other industries. Whereas in many
ways, women's auxiliaries were a natural extension of the party's success orga
nizing housewives and women, they did not offer a means to reach women in
the workplace. The Central Committee believed that delegate meetings could
offer Communist women an opportunity to mobilize women workers in a sepa
rate space from their male comrades (and housewife gatherings) and provide
them an opportunity to recruit among women workers. Proponents of women's
delegate meetings voiced their hope that "[t]he development of delegate meet
ings around the factories will gradually dissolve the [working women's] federa
tion and will orientate women's work in Chicago to shops and not to women's
The delegate system brought together women from a particular department
in a particular factory. In Chicago, women's efforts centered on Western Electric
and the stockyards. Communist organizers were to contact sympathizers and
then talk with them about shop issues and the need for "united work." Once
enough contacts were made, the organizer set a date for a meeting, in a private
house "to guard against exposure." If a number of these contacts came to the
meeting, then they would elect delegates. Ideally, the same delegates would
meet regularly, report to the women who elected them, and build increasingly
large groups of supporters in their workplaces. Party leaders hoped that "[t]he
delegate meetings will... draw all the women in the given factory into active
social and political life." They believed that these meetings could serve as "the
school for developing cadres and drawing women into the party and into the
revolutionary mass organizations and trade unions."^
Beginning in 1932, though Chicago's male party leaders had begun speaking
more to the need of organizing women, the delegate system was not operating
well. One report indicated that successful organizing among black women work
ing in dress shops had been accomplished and that a number of shop nuclei did
the author of the report, party leaders' better attitude toward organizing women
resulted in an unprecedented number of women's organizations joining with
"abolish capitalism"
red chicago
abolish capitalism
party directives and refused to offer union motions against wage cuts, accord
ing to Otto Wangerin, because they felt that railroad workers would not sup
port them; organizers insisted that these workers took the cuts as a "matter
of course."^' Les Orear, a young Communist employed at the Armour plant,
remembered thinking, "You had to break down this belief that the company
was God and you did it by revealing all the faults and hypocrisy You did it by
convincing the people that together they were just as strong, maybe stronger,
than the bosses." Cohen demonstrates that in the late 1920s and early 1930s,
Chicago's workers did resist their employers through quitting, being absent,
turning to family resources, and enacting what she describes as "subtle forms
of collective action," but Depression conditions made them skittish about mili
tant action. Herb March, a Communist organizer in Armour who grew up in
the YCL and organized unemployed workers in Kansas City before coming to
Chicago, optimistically remembered that "people ... had gone through a real
period of suffering and oppression and they were ready to revolt," but it was
clear that, in part, fear held them back and overpowered sustained, organized
solidarity in the early i930s.^^
Physical segregation of workers along ethnic and racial lines inside and out
side the plant bolstered the power of employer paternalism to quell solidarity.
Chicago workplaces and trades employed different mixes of ethnicities, races,
and genders. Asking party organizers to use their local knowledge about these
conditions, John WiUiamson reminded section leaders that when assigning
rank-and-file members to industry they should take into account "the compo
sition of the workers employed in the shopAmerican, foreign born. Women,
Negro, and young workers ... so that they can have a better approach.""
Fitting in with workers in a given plant was one thing, but getting men to
overcome their fear of women or blacks replacing them for lower wages or rally
ing black and white workers to fight against racial segregation was quite another.
Wayne Adamson, an mdustrial organizer among food workers, experienced this
difficulty firsthand. Calling together workers on the TUUL's behalf, he found
that nearly all supported segregation and openly opposed the league's stand on
racial equality. After he condemned them for their position and promoted the
party's position of black and white solidarity, the food workers still "seemed to
stick with us and many of them joined our group. They did not however say
whether they were convinced or not" on the race question.^"
Racial segregation was perhaps most pronounced in the building trades,
where white AFL unionists refused to organize African Americans.^ The prob
lem predated the party and provides a good example of a historic local union
struggle that the Communist party incorporated into its trade-union efforts. The
way this was done also reveals Communist tactics and the independence indi
vidual Communists often had organizing outside of the party's main campaigns.
red chicago
"abolish capitalism"
i 5 i
red chicago
complete equality."^ With formal support from the party, the ACTC turned
its attention to integrating building-trades employees on federal housing and
South Side school projects. It also worked on relief for blacks, continuing to
work within black churches and community organizations. By this time, though,
ACTC leaders were apparently excluding Doty. Claude Lightfoot agreed to work
with two other ACTC leaders until they were able to find "one comrade to take
over the job."^
Despite its commitment to interracial activism in other areas, it took until
1934 for the party formally to become a part of the struggle for interracial
unions in the building trades. Communist leaders' preoccupation with the
ANLC prevented them from attacking racially exclusive AFL unions sooner
and in different ways."* It did not, however, preclude their members from doing
so. Chicago party leaders initially had no control over the ACTC, even though
party members were m leadership positions. When Doty fell away from party
circles, he remained active m the ACTC. His work and continued relations with
such party leaders as Lightfoot speaks to Communists' willingness to work with
non-party activists and their ability to overcome party politics. But even more
than internal party developments, the story of the ACTC reveals black workers'
difficulty in creating interracial unions, a situation that the AFL and Illinois
Federation of Labor's own leaders exacerbated.^
White unionists were not solely to blame for this segmentation of the work
force. At home, workers also segregated themselves. Life in the Back of the Yards,
. Bronzeville, South Chicago, Cicero, and on the North and West Sides provided
workers rich cultural lives. But in the 1920s and early 1930s strict lines divided
racial and ethnic enclaves, and in the case of Chicago's race relations, violence
backed the divisions. The bloodiest battie before the Depression occurred dur
ing the summer of 1919, but tensions surrounding this conflict persisted into
the 1930s. Jack BCling, a YCL leader in Chicago, recalled the fights and arrests
that surrounded YCL attempts to integrate the city's beaches and the violence
that ensued when two YCL families bought homes on Peoria Street and invited
"blacks and other friends" to visit them.
In addition to enforcing segregation, violence prevented new forms of union
organization in Chicago. When Communists tried to form a TUUL opposi
tion in the milk drivers' AFL union among "militant milkmen," union "thugs"
watched closely. Nate Schaffher, a loyal party member from 1925, was often their
target. Schaffher became interested in the Communist party as a young man
witnessing open-air debates on the street corners of his West Side neighborhood.
As a milk-truck driver and party activist, he wanted to help build the union, but
union hit men, attending meetings with guns, helped ensure the status quo.'
Milkmen were not alone. Thugs also terrorized Communist newspaper pub-
"abolish capitalism"
Ushers so much that some feared printing Communist papers. Nathan Green,
a party member in the needle trades, reported that three Amalgamated shop
committees set up before the TUUL convention were not functioning because
"in the Amalgamated everybody seems to be afraid of the terror." Police beat
ings intimidated Communist organizers around Western Electric, and a fear of
spies prevented work elsewhere because employers simply fired employees who
openly pushed for new union alternatives. Even when violence was not used,
union bureaucracies were often so firmly established and worked so closely
with employers that it seemed impossible to get around them.'
In Chicagohome to Al Capone's underworldlabor politics turned to vio
lence frequently. Union corruption and labor violence were accentuated from
1919 through 1933, during the Prohibition period. By the late 1920s, gangsters
had made their way into a number of trade unions, making racketeering a
profitable and violent characteristic of the city's labor scene. Beyond the milk
drivers' union, where one Communist observed "machine guns on the table
when the meeting is called to order" and where in 1932 a bomb shook the
union headquarters, syndicate influence permeated the Motion Picture Opera
tors' Union, the Hotel and Restaurant Employees International Alliance, and
Bartenders' International League. While these were the unions best known for
connections to gangs, violence for hirewhether acid, bombs, shootings, or
hijackingswas, according to Barbara Newell, "tailored to various industries."'''
A North Side mob organization even offered its services to party leaders who
rented offices in the same Division Street building as the mob. Steve Nelson
remembered that at least one party leader thought it a good idea to befriend
them, but others believed that they had enough problems without attaching
themselves to gangsters. "No thanks," replied Clarence Hathaway, a city leader.
"That's not our style." Communists were careful not to alienate such powerful
friends, and "every once in a while an irate immigrant woman would get the
floors mixed up and begin banging on the door, of the loft, yelling in Polish
about eviction and police brutality. The gangsters had a little peephole that they
would slide open, saying, 'The Reds are one floor down.'"'*
Of course, corrupt unions and syndicates were not the only organizations
responsible for Chicago's tumultuous scene. If Chicago's Employers' Associa
tion stressed union gangsterism to smear the overall union movement, at the
same time it participated in labor violence and corruption. Edward Nockels
explained how this worked: members of the association met with employers
who honored union contracts and offered "to supply such employers with strike
breakers, detectives, and other racketeers" to break the unions. According to
Nockels, when an open-shop drive was hatched, Employers' Association mem
bers brought the state's attorney, the chief of police, and city judges into their
red chicago
racket and in this way ensured "the cooperation of the city authorities." Such
collusion meant that Communists worked in the context of shootings, beatings,
and death threats.'^
Communist trade unionists struggled to find an adequate way of dealing
with labor spies, police violence, thugs, and entrenched union bureaucracy. The
main question was whether or not to openly organize as Communists. Aflier
all, they were supposed to lead workers to the revolution. How would workers
know who they were if they kept their politics a secret? As early as 1930, the
Party Organizer laid out the party's formal position on the issue, which allowed
room for (mis)interpretation. "It is necessary for every Party member to be a
Communist all the time, but it is not necessary for a Party member always to
advertise that he is a Communist." "When organizing in a shop," members were
told, "a Party member may tell a sympathetic worker that he is a Communist, but
when the boss or the foreman is around, he keeps that information to himselfT' If
Communists wanted to keep their jobs to be able to organize workers, then they
had to consider the realities of labor spies. Red Squads, and anti-Communist
workers who reported names and caused Communists and their supporters to
be fired. Directives to rank-and-file party unionists to let sympathetic workers
know their identity and to keep bosses in the dark could be tricky business.
More often than not, party activists simply denied or hid their Communist
affiliation. A national party leader, Harry Shaw, admitted he could not come out
as an open leader of a union movement because "leaders would have enough
material to discredit me as a red, not a railroad man." That, according to Shaw,
was the problem with Otto Wangerin, who directed the party's national and
Chicago-based railroad campaigns from "behind the scenes." Such distance
from the workers affected union work. When directed to bring together five to
seven railroad workers to form a local rail committee to push for unity among
the various railroad trades, Chicago's party activists had to admit they did not
have enough comrades for the committee.'^
Railroad organizers seemed paralyzed over how to lead from behind the
scenes, and they were not alone. Those in the building trades were so afraid of
violating their union's constitution that they avoided openly building the party
and its fractions within the AFL.^ One former Illinois Steel employee and
party organizer argued, "If you want to do some work in the mill, you are not
able to keep still inside. In my department I kept quiet but was fired anyway."
Four leading members of the YCL in packing also learned a lesson for being
too "loose" in organizing. The superintendent called each one into his office
and told them they were known Communists. This time only one lost their
job. Vicky Starr recalled that when organizing. Communists had to be "very
underground because if you even talked union you were fired.... You didn't
have the law which guaranteed people the right to organize. So we actually
"abolish capitalism"
had secret meetings. Everybody had to vouch for anyone that they brought to
the meeting, that they were people that we could trust, because as soon as the
company found out that people were trying to organize, they would try to send
in stool pigeons." Despite aU this, Joe Weber, an organizer in the TUUL's Steel
and Metal Workers' Industrial Union (SMWIU), remembered, "We had small
underground unions" that operated through "very close-knit departmental
groups." According to Weber, an organization in "department A" had "no con
nection" with "department B groups, except with the heads of each of these
groups, so that the company stooges would not fire our people."'^
By 1933, Communist leaders began to change opinion on their private ver
sus public nature. In November of that year, the national leadership met and
concluded that hiding the party's face in industry was a way to stab the' party
in the back, "creating the feeUng that Communism is something to be afraid of."
To one organizer at Western Electric, it also caused confusion. Putting together
a secret organization meant that "half the time we didn't know what was going
on in the shop."' But the reality of the organizers' situation still prevented many
from being too public. The decision to hide party ties would later encourage
anti-Communists to be suspicious of anyone who supported progressive issues,
driving a wedge between the Left and Right in the city's unions. In the context
of the early 1930s, however, some party members felt they had little choice.
In addition to fear of dismissal, fellow Communists' resistance, inconsistency,
and apathy also contributed to the slow growth of Communist unions. National
leaders complained that even though Communists worked in concentration
industries, they resisted actively building TUUL unions. The problem did not
stop there. Across the country, they argued, "capable comrades... [were] totally
inactive in the unions, [and]... many Party functionaries do not even belong
to the TUUL."''
Chicago's leaders warned, "If our comrades cannot get connections in the
shops after working there months and years they are not yet Bolsheviks." But
threats did not improve the situation. At a district convention in 1930, leaders
complained that "TUUL and shop committees are practically nonexistent" and
noted "resistance among Party members toward building TUUL." Party leaders
berated Communists in unions who saw themselves as privilegedthinking
that all party work must be done for them as opposed to by themand who
waited for party leaders to act. In a 1932 district letter, leaders' frustration was
apparent. "Although we have some connections, and here and there shop nuclei,
our work is not proceeding in building up shop committees, grievance com
mittees, etc."'
Problem solving was difficult when party leaders could not get organizers to
attend meetings. For a meeting on why Western Electric workers were inactive
in the union, only one of the ten Communists concentrating there showed up.
red chicago
"abolish capitalism"
Others did not attend a meeting for planning concentraUon work in the stock
yards. The International Harvester section organizer S. Yandrich wrote that
even though a nucleus had been in place in Harvester since 1925, its members
seldom met. When they did, "there was no life in the nucleus, no perspective
whatsoever and as a result the unit was losing members" More embarrassing
than missed meetings were missed public gatherings. Leaders learned that they
could not depend on party activists in stockyards and steel plants to show for
mass meetings that they themselves had called.^ Communists in metal unions
had similar problems. Of the fifteen who belonged to the metal league, only
three organized. Ironically, a metal organizer reported, this metal league was
the only one in the TUUL that was growing.
When Communists did decide to work on unions, inconsistent practices
exacerbated their inability to build the TUUL. Such tendencies can be seen
through the use of shop bulletins, the primary way Communists communi
cated with workers inside a factory. Occasionally shop bulletins served their
purpose, educating workers and bringing grievance committees to life. George
Patterson, a non-Communist steel worker, remembered becoming "engrossed"
with Communist party leaflets. In trying to talk about the issues raised with
feUow workers. Patterson found himself labeled a Communist. Regardless, he
remembered that workers read party literature to keep current on labor issues.
Though a few men talked openly with Patterson about these things, he quickly
made friends with them because, he recalled, he "learned from them." Leaflets
like the one Patterson read could get small grievances solved and bring clout to
organizations. Communists learned that whether involving dirty toilets or an
overbearing foreman, leaflets about shop-floor problems could have positive
Shop papers were problematic in part because they appeared erratically The
organization department berated section leaders because in the four months
since January 1931, only one section had issued any shop bulletins. Section
leaders had difficulty finding members to make stencils and run mimeograph
machines, but organizers had little sympathy'"^
Even before the TUULs formation, shop papers had problems. According
to Jack Stachel, they initially looked like trade-union papers without political
content. They also claimed to be created by "workers in the plant" rather than
the Communist party nucleus.'"^ By 1928, leaders had corrected these circum
stances. Now the problem was that the papers were going too far in the other
direction. They were too theoretical and. according to party leaders, "appear[edl
completely divorced from the problems of the workers in the factories where
die shop bulletin is published." Beatrice Shields, a Chicago Communist leader
in workers education, argued, "Our bulletins only speak of the Soviet Union
during the time of anniversaries. The achievements of the workers in the USSR
Even though the party's leadership warned against such behavior, it recurred.
Five months later, in 1930, when the AFL and the TUUL ran opposing dem
onstrations, twice as many workers attended the AFL's, even though the TUUL
demonstration was free and the AFL charged admission. Party leaders scorned
their members who did not raise the differences between the two organizations
at union meetings.'"
In other situations, Communists went overboard in their revolutionary rheto
ric and Third Period tactics. Some Chicago leaders worried that Communists
had the "illusion of fighting police in battle and forgetting to organize." Occa
sionally when they connected with non-party members, Communists' control
of bulletins, resolutions, and meeting agendas stifled non-party participation.
In some industries with AFL locals. Communists refiised to work because they
saw the AFL as a fascist organization.'
As TUUL organizations grew, however, so did the tendency of Communist
trade unionists to focus less on the party's political ends and more on the con
crete demands of the workers. But even then, there were problems. Party leaders
were concerned that by focusing too much on economic issues, Communists
would lose their revolutionary appeal and fall away from the movement. In
fact, once small groups formed inside the plants, Communist activists in them
tended to avoid party leaders and Communist groups outside of the plant. Such
neglect left city leaders uninformed about union activities and prevented Com
munist neighborhood organizations from supporting the TUUL in the plant.
By demanding that Communist union leaders not separate trade-union work
from party work, leaders hoped to check local autonomy.
These tensions pulled at Communists working in unions. They were to focus
on the issues that concerned workers but not get too lost in business unionism.
They also were to agitate and raise these demands to a higher level while building
fighting organizations. And all the while, they were to maintain relationships
with the party's district leaders."
Communists' public actions revealed the strain of these tensions. At first,
Communist leaders hoped that agitating would build the movement, and on
May Day 1930, they organized a demonstration that would result in a citywide
strike and the beginning of a strong TUUL organization. Not a single shop
nucleus organized a May Day committee in its plant. Communists neglected
to organize a conference to raise the strike question, and rank-and-file Com
munists even raised doubts about the strike strategy. Instead of a citywide stop
page and TUUL growth, some party members held noontime meetings, and
one brought a small group of fellow workers to the demonstration. To party
functionaries, this was a "sad picture."'"
In 1932, after three years of organizing, TUUL leaders had little to show. That
year, the Yards' TUUL still lacked leadership and active cadres. When news
tactics of their lodge officials but, as one party official explained, were "deathly
afraid of becoming connected up with any red' movement." Suspicious of the
league's leadership, they refused to turn over leaflet funds and bulletin control
to league officials. Party leaders, in turn, agreed that they would support the
publishing of a few leaflets but would discourage permanent publication plans
until they were able to "secure more control over it.""^
Such tactics speak to the lack of growth of this rank-and-file group. At one of
its meetings, forty-one workers showed up and passed a resolution that party
members had prepared beforehand against the wage cut and for a referendum
on the issue. This meeting was repeated on four other occasions in the city, each
with the same result. Turnout was small, workers were unwilling to discuss,
and, according to Wangerin, "little militancy [was] displayed when they were
called upon to express themselves." Communist unionists' expectations and
behavior likely exacerbated non-party league members' skepticism. Despite
railroad workers' disgruntled state, the TUUL organization remained small. A
Northwestern shop boasted eight members, and one in Burnside, six."
Steel workers were also suspicious of TUUL organizers. One party organizer,
Morton, had spent time organizing in Chicago's steel region and was known
as a Communist among steel workers, which, according to reports, gave him
a "bad reputation." Party leaders agreed that they would need new blood. The
problem was that even though the SMWIU reported two hundred members in
South Chicago, not a single Communist organized for the union. When they
did union work, league members held mass meetings and issued leaflets. The
problem with these strategies was that workers did not like coming to small
public meetings. An organizer explained that one Friday night the league orga
nized a meeting, and three workers went home "because there were not enough
there." Focus on spectacular gatherings also meant less concentration on work
within the mills."
Meanwhile, opposition work in the AFL slogged along. An industrial report
on Chicago's activity suggested that work was limited to building trades, milk
drivers, needle workers, and laundry workers but that none of it was coordi
nated or centralized. Approximately 350 Communists worked in AfL unions,
of an estimated three hundred thousand in the city. Party leaders agreed that
they would have to "give a lot of attention to Chicago because it is one of the
most important trade union center[s]." But the effect of purges and attacks on
union activists stifled rank-and-file enthusiasm."^
For workers in the early years of the Depression, fear of unemployment was
more tangible than revolutionary unions, and unemployed workers were more
willing to act militantly than those in tenuous jobs. The party's numbers show
that members were more interested in working in Unemployed Councils, where
their revolutionary activities matched the party's rhetoric. One party organizer
red chicago
admitted that even though he was assigned to organize Western Electric work
ers, "I did not do anything in that factory because I was impressed like every
one else with the importance of unemployed work. I devoted all my time to
unemployed work. Factory work is more difRcuh."" Another Western Electric
organizer reported that workers from International Harvester and Crane would
say to party members, "You fellows go down and fight for relief, you have an
organization. You get relief. But if we have a fight in the shop, how much are
we going to gain?" He had to admit, "Direcdy we have got more relief by our
fight of the unemployed than with the employed workers.""' The huge funeral
for workers slain in the August 1931 eviction riot drew thousands, yet Com
munists working the next neighborhood, where the stockyards operated, were
not able to build their organization from such successes. To Communist leaders,
the overlap between the population in the Yards and those at the funeral and
demonstrations should have eased this work, but it did not. Through the period,
Communists recruited more unemployed than employed. Between January and
May 1932, Chicago's Communists brought in 2,009 new members; 71 percent
were unemployed.'^
And yet even though Chicago's TUUL never sparked the revolution party
leaders envisioned, nor did it maintain strict party discipline, it accomplished
a great deal. In spite of high levels of unemployment, employer-driven openshop drives, gangster attacks, police assaults, and sectarian party policy, effec
tive trade-union organizers emerged. Working against the conservative and
exclusive traditions of AFL and independent unionists in the city, these Com
munist trade unionists got their first taste of what would be involved in building
industrial unions and made important inroadssettling grievances, making
contacts, creating a common voice of dissentin several factories. Some, like
Nate Schaffner, stood up against gunmen and built a broad movement of re
formers in the milk-drivers' union. Others, like Ed Doty, took the first steps
toward integrating the city's building-trades unions. Such women as Katherine
Erlich sparked the first serious internal party conversations about the best way
to bring women workers into union organizations. There were also bright spots
in the life of Chicagos TUUL. Its leaders successfully represented women gar
ment workers in a 1933 strike against Sopkins and Sons' apron and dress plants
in the city.'^'
And still, by the end of 1933, party leaders faced a predicament. Conditions
for working people were bad and getting worse, yet Communists' union move
ment was not able to convince workers of alternative solutions to their problems.
Organizing against the grain, Communists tested a number of strategies. Their
belief that their organizations had the right answers for Chicago's workers en
abled them to persist in this uphill batde from 1929 through 1933. Such work
positioned them to take advantage of changes about to occur.
abolish capitalism
In 1933, Roosevelt's New Deal program changed the field of labor organizing,
but not in favor of the TUUL. Party trade-union organizers began shifting tac
tics, abandoning the TUUL to work solely within independent unions and the
AFL. In the short term, it seemed as though they abandoned their revolutionary
hopes, and while they did indeed forsake any aspiration of a revolution sparked
by Communist unions, in the long term it became clear that such actions laid
the groundwork for future industrial union drives, with their own potential
to bring about change. In any case, radical trade unionists had few options in
the TUUL if they wanted to have an effect on the city's labor movement. To
some, the appearance of the TUUL was an example of Communist folly. But
for Communist activists interested in mobilizing America's workers, the TUUL
offered real possibilities. Communists' inability to grow their alternative labor
federation speaks to the state of industrial relations in the late Hoover and early
Roosevelt years and to workers' social and economic state, as well as to mistaken
assumptions within Chicago's local Communist organization. When the New
Deal changed the political landscape and workers looked optimistically to AFL
unions, Communists joined them, taking lessons learned from the TUUL with
them and showing their ability to learn from their failures.
"Generals Are of No Use
without an Army":
How and Why Communists
Abandoned theTUUL
claimed over one hundred AFL delegates to the federations 1933 convention,
70 percent from the building trades (90 percent of whom were painters). The
growth of these numbers over previous tallies among AFL workers presented
future-organizing possibilities.
In response to city leaders' AFL push, a Communist machinist named Jurich
reported his own changed attitude. After early failed struggles in the Interna
tional Association of Machinists, he and others "simply forgot that there is a
machinists union and we simply let them do whatever they pleased." But since
party leaders paid new attention to the AFL, Jurich reconsidered his activity
and started attending union meetings and speaking out. "The first question I
raised in the AFL," he recalled, "was the question of relief My idea was that we
should elect a committee in the local and demand relief for the [unemployed]
workers there."^ In response, AFL unionists started a fund to help these workers
out. Such efforts made Chicago party leaders believe it was possible to revive
their oppositional work in established AFL unions.
Communists' opposition also surfaced within established railroad ^nions. The
Communist activist Reva Weinstein boasted of a newly formed concentration
unit on the rails. In addition to unit members making door-to-door visits and
holding open forums, section leaders established study classes. In a short time,
organizers recruited two railroad workers into the party and sold one hundred
copies of the Daily Worker at railroad gates.'''
Workers' mcreased willingness to support Communists extended from Chi
cago's factories out into the communities that surrounded them. In the steel
region. Communist speakers received "the greatest support and applause" in a
debate between the Communist party and representatives from the Republican
and Liberty parties. Chicago's Communists were also involved with non-party
groups in a "united front" conference on unemployment in South Chicago in
which 119 organizations participated, even though Communists controlled
only seventeen. Still more thrilling to Communists was that the Communist
nominee for chair, though disputed because of his Communist connection, in
the end "carried it" and was allowed to lead."
From their belief in impending revolution in 1933, leaders found workers'
increased acceptance of Communist party activists a heady shift, and yet the
limits of even this surge of support quickly became apparent. After three 1933 '
strikes, a core of Chicagos Communist trade unionists organizing the city's
most important industries became convinced of dual unions' limits. Even after
Communists led or supported strikes, won grievances, rallied workers, and
activated members, they still remained organizationally and philosophically
isolated from the majority of Chicago's workers.
Comintern leaders revealed their Popular Front strategy of working with
leftist groups to defeat fascism in August 1935, but in Chicago, as in their
The 1933 strikes of Chicago needle workers, stock handlers, and steel workers
offered Communists examples that their dual-union strategy did not widely
attract pro-union workers. Whether building their own union, as in the Sop
kins and steel strikes, or supporting another, as in the livestock handlers' strike,
Communists could not translate their successes into effective union building,
let alone party recruitment. Communists in one industry after another became
convinced that to succeed, they would have to rethink their dual unions.
Claude Lightfoot led the party section that included Ben Sopkins and Sons'
apron and dress plants, where women, mostly black, worked. An organizer of
the unemployed, Lightfoot found that after one year of working on Chicago's
South Side, Communists' Unemployed Council contacts began to pay off. Sup
plied with a list of potential supporters, the Needle Trades Workers' Industrial
Union began a union drive there and in June 1933 took the six Sopkins plants
out on strike, including its largest, which housed the company's offices. With
the support of women in the plants, the NTWIU fought for increased wages,
better hours, and a union contract. On the strike's third day, police attacked
the striking women, pushing the Chicago Defender onto the strikers' side and
convincing civic leaders to get involved..Strikers' support meetings brought
together community leaders, politicians, and Communists to discuss the situa
tion. At one conference, black strikers convinced Chicago Urban League leaders
to allow James Ford, the Communist party's 1932 vice presidential candidate,
to speak for them. Support for Ford continued into strike negotiations, when
he joined the league and representatives of the Defender in a parley with the
company on the strikers' behalf. When the company pushed Ford out of the
negotiations, the strikers insisted he participate."
The strike was a victory in that the women workers received wage increases,
shorter hours, and the rehiring of strikers, among other concessions; yet Cpmmunists were unable to build on these successes. Party leaders insisted that
members involved in the strike build the party at the same time they built the
union, but Communist union activists hid their political identity in the plants
as they built the union. The Chicago Defender, whose editors criticized Chicago
police for attempting to draw attention from strikers' demands by painting
them all as Communists, supported Communists' downplaying of their role:
"The police are attempting to smoke-screen the issue by calling these women
Communists. Suppose they are! Take some of these same policemen off of the
pay roll for six months and they will be Communists too. This nation is dedi
cated to the principle of free speech, and it is not up to the police to change the
Communists' popularity did not translate into increased party or union
membership. Strikers accepted and defended party leaders, but by the strike's
end, Commimists had recruited only eighteen workers. Once the strike ended,
it became harder to convince workers that the party offered them much. The
nine hundred women who joined the union during the strike quickly fell away.
Three months afterward, party organizers called their work at Sopkins "fruit
less" and tried to revive it by turning to a few female party members who had
assisted during the strike, but they were unable to rebuild the NTWIU.'^
Unlike the Sopkins strike, where Communists were in the limelight, in the
stockyards Communists were isolated from skilled Irish workers' strike actions
and from the bulk of white ethnic and black workers in the plants. Their isola
tion was due in part to the nature of the union organizations in the Yards. In
1933, three different groupsthe independent Stoc^ards Labor Council (SLC),
the AFL-afRliated Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North
America (AMC), and the TUUL-member Packinghouse Workers Industrial
Union (PHWIU)vied for labor's loyalty; and each succeeded in representing
different types of workers.
As a result of the NIRA, non-Communist veterans of the 1917 to 1921 stock
yard organizing drive rejuvenated the SLC, even installing their former president,
Martin Murphy, at the union's helm. In its earlier days, the SLC was a militant
organization that was unable to break from its craft-based structures. Thus,
in 1933, veterans in the organization had little following among black work
ers. Also, activists in the SLC worked mostly in the half-dozen small packing,
plants where the World War I-era union militants were able to find work after
being blacklisted from the larger plants. The SLC's strength lay in plants that
employed white, ethnic workers. In early1934, the union claimed five thousand
Unlike the SLC's tradition of militancy, the AMC was a craft-based organi
zation strong among the Yards' predominately Irish livestock handlers. Even
though such AMC leaders as Dennis Lane had undermined members' interests
in the past, workers looked to the AMC for leadership because it was the only
union with an international organization and access to the CFL's resources. Yet
after a decade of inaction, the AMC was poorly positioned to take advantage
of workers' militancy generated by the New Deal.'^
Rather than speaking for veteran union builders or craft-based meatpacking
workers, the PHWIU represented more recent arrivals to the Chicago stock
yards. After the NRA decreased the number of hours people could work and
companies began to rehire, young Communists were able to get their first jobs
in Chicago's plants. One of these was Herb March. Born in Brooklyn in 1913,
March grew up in a Socialist environment and joined the YCL at sixteen. After
his involvement in the 1929 silk strike near Paterson, New Jersey, he agreed
to organize the YCL in the Southwest and then worked against lynching and
unemployment in Missouri, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. Moving to Kansas City,
he organized workers in meatpacking plants and assisted Unemployed Council
drives. But after meeting Jane Grbac at a party gathering, he agreed in the 'Spring
of 1933 to move to her home in Chicago and begin working in the Yards.'
March's timing was impeccable,and his commitment and energy helped spark
a movement. With March on board, a small group of YCL members, several of
whom were younger women, began an intensive drive to create revolutionary
industrial unions. Their experiences rallying behind the Scottsboro defendants
and Angelo Herndon as well as their commitment to interracial union organiz
ing allowed them to reach black workers, and in a short time they had some
strength among African Americans in Armour's sheep and hog kills. Thus,
while they did not have the numbers of the SLC, they did have a foothold in
the larger Armour plant. In addition, Communists had community contacts,
resources, and support beyond the plants."
From the beginning of their effort, although Communists cooperated with
the SLC in the smaller plants, their major interest was the larger Armour factory.
But there, the AMC kept them isolated to few departments where they were in
effective. Throughout 1933, as companies found loopholes in NRA agreements
and work conditions deteriorated. Communists watched plant executives step
up their attacks on activists. Similar trends occurred at smaller plants. At the
end of 1933, employers at the small packers Hammond and Agar fired union
leaders and activists and at Robert and Oakes closed the plant and laid off their
' Party leaders were unwilling to accept these defeats. Calling the stockyards
red chicago
"generals are of
section the most important area of the city. Bill Gebert argued that stockyards
workers not only shared a tradition of militancy and a composition that re
flected the citys proietariat, but that the dominance of the industry in the city
meant that Communist success there would lead to broader positive political
and economic change,^' Work in the Yards had to be revived.
In their despair. Communists found hope in a spontaneous and unsanctioned
livestock handlers strike. Unhappy over wage cuts, the exclusionary and typi
cally conservative livestock handlers walked o/Tthe job in November 1933. The
mostly Irish composition of the handlers' union meant that Communists had
few contacts among the group, so Communists were able to show support only
by having the PHWIU agree to walk off the job.^^ But the strategic position of
the handlers, who supplied the rest of the plants with livestock, helped make
their strike a success in only two days without Communists' assistance. The
handlers won a lo-percent wage increase, and Communists regretted not hav
ing better relations with AFL unionists."
The second time the AMC livestock handlers struck, this time over a reclas
sification system in the summer of i934> Communists began to consider the
consequences of their isolation. During this second strike. Communist union
ists took a more active role working with the AFL. They sent a "rank-and-file
commiuee of the AFL" to extend greetings and to offer support to win the strike,
and they worked to get strike-endorsing resolutions passed in AFL unions
across the city. They also sought support from the CFL. Party leaders directed
Unemployed CouncUs to send delegations to the livestock handlers and to offer
unemployed picketers to join their picket lines. Within the plants, the PHWIU
raised the question of mass picketing and spreading the strike and organized
department actions. A unit organizer reported that in one department two
hundred workers struck for higher wages. In another, workers refused to extend
their day by half an hour.^*'
Once again, party activity had a limited impact Communists desperately
wanted to spread the strike sentiment, but according to a unit organizer, they
"didn't have an organized opposition in the livestock or butchers' unions."" In
this situation, no leaflets, mass meetings, and department actions could change
the strike's character.
This event represented the ctilmination of a series of experiences in the Yards
that exposed Communists' isolation from workers. Across the Yards, Com
munists led successful actions against speedups, safety hazards, and the lack
of rest periods, but not many workers joined their union. Rank-and-file party
members began to argue that to gain members they would have to play a larger
role in the reformist unions. A unit organizer wrote of learning that "it isn't
enough to have a PHWIU which is weak, we need to have organized opposition
movements with a concrete program of action and demands inside of existing
locals of the AFL." The unit member articulated what many already realized:
"[T)he largest single number of workers in the yards are members of the AFL:
butchers, livestock handlers, electricians, metal men and truck drivers."^^
Communists in steel similarly concluded that the SMWIU did not adequately
allow them to reach the masses. In 1933, SMWIU party members at the Stan
dard Steel Forging plant in Indiana Harbor led workers out on strike. The event
lasted six weeks, and steel workers in the region showed them support, but
party members were unable to consolidate the union. In fact, over the strikes
six weeks, Communists were unable even to fiilly mobilize their own forces be
hind the effort Language organizations failed to respond, and party members
found themselves "isolated from movements in the shops." Without Commu
nists' input, workers in Standard Forging advocated accepting partial demands.
Party leaders agreed that their members needed to be politically reoriented.^'
In addition to their problems at Standard Forging. Communists faced compe
tition in the broader steel industry The most serious contender was the Amal
gamated Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers (AA), formed in 1876 and
best known among steel workers for its unsuccessful union drive in 19x9. This
failure convinced its leader, Mike Tighe, of the futility of mass recruiting work
ers, and as a result, the AA represented only a small number of the most skilled
craft workers in the industry, leaving the majority of steel workers without
union representation. While certainly a ghost of its postwar self, the A A of the
early 1930s had the advantage of legitimacy in the eyes of the organized labor
movement and among some steel workers who hoped an AA-led organizing
drive could be revived.^
In addition to the AA, the passage of Section 7A of the NIRA led some anti
union employers in the industry to promote their own solution to the union
"problem." Management in Republic, U.S. Steel, and smaller mills promoted and
cooperated with company unions or Employee Representation Programs (ERPs),
which, they claimed, would result in shared power between the company and
its employees. Rarely did such democracy prevail.^
The weakness of the A A and ERPs gave inspiration to party organizers, who
looked to the mills in hopes of building their union. Joe Weber was one party
hopeful. A veteran of Unemployed Council struggles, in 1933 Weber was in
charge of work in steel. In the summer of that year, he called a meeting at
Calumet Park, and a large number of steel workers gathered. Joe Germano, a
^ future leader of the CIO in steel and a vehement anti-Communist, remembered,
"Weber was quite an orator. You had to really know the guy If you didn't know
him or felt you knew him, he could convince you; he was a very persuasive guy.
He spoke to these peoplehe spoke to ail of usmaybe half an hour or fort)'
minutes. Everybody listened, and there was quite a bit of applause."^" Weber's
message was similar to one that appeared in a leaflet circulated among steel
red chicago
In 1934, the party listed only 2,010 TUUL members in Chicago. This was espe
cially embarrassing when compared to the AFL^ membership of between fiftythree and sixty-one thousand. In the stockyards alone, one independent union
numbered over 2.500.^ Rank-and-file Communist support for the TUUL drive
did not look better. The twenty-two trade-union nuclei of 124 party members
that the party claimed in 1933 jumped to thirty-seven nuclei and 253 members
in 1934, but this still represented only a small fraction of the 3,303 members in
the city.^ In January 1935, Chicago's leaders reported on the status of the city's
trade-union participation before enacting the shift away from the TUUL. The
report indicated that 41.1 percent of members were active in unions, a signifi
cant leap from the 1930 numbers, but even at this late date only 17.7 percent
were in TUUL unions, while 20.1 percent were in AFL unions and 3.3 percent
in independent unions.^"
Despite Communists' work and agitation, the AFL received a much bigger in
flux than the TUUL following the 1933 labor legislation. Chicago's Communists
found that their isolation in steel, meatpacking, and needle work reflected a na
tional trend. By 1934, the AFL had added five hundred thousand to its national
rolls, giving it a membership of over 2.5 million workers, whereas the TUUL
added only one hundred thousand, bringing its membership to 125,000.^'
Ihese disappointing numbers, combined with Communists' frustrating expe
riences, convinced party trade unionists that if they wanted to havp input into
mass union drives, they would have to change their strategies. Early in 1934,
Communist unionists in two TUUL industries of concentration, packing and
steel, began new tactics. Those in the railroad industry had been moving away
from the TUUL beginning in 1932 and continued to reevaluate their strategies
through the party's Popular Front shift in policy. The staggered timing of these
changes demonstrates the need to consider local conditions when discussing
Communist trade unionism and suggests that issues emanating from rankand-file work were as important as party policy in determining Communist
trade-union activity. National party leaders officially disbanded the TUUL in
March 1935 and did not announce their shift to a Popular Front strategy until
August. In the months preceding these events, Chicago's Communists learned
from their experiences that to be effective trade unionists, they would have to
work closely with established, recognized unions and the reformers who led
them. Their mistakes, plentiful and varied as they were, provided important
lessons for the period that was to follow, which would include the tune of the
building of the CIO.
The earliest shifts in organizing strategy occurred in the railroad industry Ini
tially, Communists interested in organizing railroad workers promoted a sepa
rate revolutionary union, the Railroad Industrial League. By 1932, enthusiasm
for this organization had begun to wane. Party members in California explained
that since most of their active organizers belonged to established craft unions,
it did not make sense for them to emphasize a separate organization.^^
That year in Chicago, a similar sentiment became apparent when railroad
organizers began to build the unity movement, which was the party's attempt
to bring together rank-and-file workers from twenty-one different crafts into
one opposition movement. The purpose was not to destroy existing unions or
to build a dual union but to welcome delegates from established unions into
unity groups where.unionists from all parts of the industry could join together
around specific issues facing railroad workers. Leaders hoped this would also
provide an opportunity to unite white and black railroad workers, a move not
yet attempted in the industry. The fact that it was a separate organization that
individuals and groups from established unions had to join, however, raised
loyal union members' suspicion; they thought that this was going to be a divi
sive organization. The movement's paper. Unity News, worked hard to dispel
such notions."*'
One of Chicago's Communist trade unionists explained how he connected
his shop to the unity movement. First, he organized workers into the AFL. Next,
he formed a grievance committee and began circulating a shop paper. By the
summer of 1934, he began working with the city's unity committee, bringing
issues raised there back to the group."*^
The biggest issue the unity committee faced was the consequence of railroad
consolidation. Overwhelmed by huge economic losses, railroad executives ap
pealed to the federal government for assistance. The Roosevelt administration's
answer was to consolidate railroad facilities by merging lines and decreasing
routes. Once services were slimmed, railroad workers would have to reorganize
seniority lists and watch as thousands of co-workers received pink slips. At first,
chiefs of the railroad brotherhoods seemed content to push for a dismissal wage
to compensate their laid-off members. To Communists, this was not enough.
They wanted to organize workers so effectively that they would be willing to
strike to keep their jobs.^^
To that end, J. E. McDonald, the national chairman of the unity movement,
working in Chicago, wrote and distributed flyers explaining how essential it
was for railroad workers to fight this challenge together. Chicago's workers, he
believed, needed to be particularly concerned since Roosevelt's advisors had
specific plans to merge facilities in the city. As soon as enough lodges supported
the movement's call for a national conference on the issue, the pamphlet an
nounced, a committee would work out the final plans.^ In June 1935, Chicago's
railroad activists reported on a number of smaller conferences of individu
als representing "most [of the city's railroad] unions" (with the exception of
engineers and switchmen, in whose unions battle raged over participation).
Individuals participating in these conferences brought back to their lodges the
question of united action against consolidation and the demand that railroad
executives return employment conditions to 1931 terms, before wage cuts and
speedups degraded their work. On most occasions, the lodges approved the
program for united action and appointed committees to continue the work."*'
The unity movement continued in the railroad industry even after the party
shifted to Popular Front organizing strategies. In the early months of the Popular
Front, leaders of the unity strategy reached out to the Railroad Employees Na
tional Pension Association, which formed as an independent opposition among
railroad workers against established union leaders. The Railroad Employees
National Pension Association was interested in winning a federal pension sys
tem, as opposed to the privately operated one that forced workers to be loyal
revolutionary dual unions, but again the timing and reasoning emanated from
their daily work on the local level. The strength of SLC locals in small shops
caused Communists to form unity groups at the end of 1933. Since joint work
proved more successful than acting alone, in April 1934, party organizers began
planning a joint conference of the three unions to strengthen organizing in the
stockyards and to make better contacts in the different unions." The following
month. Communists increased their work in the reformist unions and divided
thirty Commimists who worked in the Yards among the SLC, the AMC, and the
PHWIU. A Communist leader in meatpacking reported that "some comrades
akeady did join the unions." Two had been members of the SLC, and two oth
ers joined the AMC. Once in the AMC, the small Communist group was still
isolated from most stockyard workers, but Communists made headway in the
SLC with Polish workers. Their penetration seemed so successful that Chicagos
party leaders predicted, "In a period of a few weeks the SLC will be one of our
organizations."^ By November, two YCL members were elected to the SLC s
executive board.'
Given the failures within their independent revolutionary union. Communist
trade unionists began to develop new strategies to work within the reformist
organizations while maintaining their own organization.This was a far cry from
where they stood in early 1933. Before the NIRA, Chicagos Communist lead
ers ordered comrades in meatpacking to use Washington Park's open forums
and party leaflets to "expose" AFL and SLC leaders who hoped to "line up the
packinghouse workers in their ranks." These Communist trade unionists were
to win members out of the reformist organizations and over to the Commu
nists' union. But sentiment the NIRA raised in workers and the activities of
AFL unionists in the Yards caused Communists to rethink their position."
Also, Communists' ability to organize workers, especially women, only exac
erbated their isolation and did not bring them the power and influence they de
sired. YCL officials reported that Communist "girls" built a local of the PHWIU
in a department and won demands. The problem they found was that the "girls"
who "basically composed" party units were "not always the decisive people in
the plants." Even if they did successfully organize a work stoppage, they could
not shut down the entire plant.' Since.women did not directly influence other
more powerful segments of Yards workers, the fact that Communists were able
to organize them did not seem of particular importance to their leaders.
In the case of meatpacking, national party leaders discussed and supported
local trade-union actions after they occurred. At a national Communist lead
ership meeting in August 1934, Jack Stachel explained why he supported trade
unionists' move toward oppositional work within meatpacking unions. In meat
packing, he reported, "we have not a single member in the AFL." Therefore,
he continued, "we had to make a decision that in the skilled departments we
shall not even try to build our union, but to send them into the AFL."" Stachel
hoped that by changing the strategies in meatpacking, the "united front would
really mean something."' A few months later, the PHWIU completed its merger
with the SLC, retaining the SLC's name and keeping a fraternal affiliation to
the national PHWIU. No longer would Communists maintain a separate union
for stockyard workers. Rather than remain divided and isolated, they made the
first move to unite the Yards' organizations, hoping to win workers away from
reformist leaders in the SLC and the AMC and to begin a real drive to organize
the industry. If AMC and SLC members would not join the PHWIU, they left
Communists little choice but to sign up as members of the respective unions.
For Communists in Chicago's stockyards, the decision seemed inevitable.
After all, party forces were too weak to push forward alone; even the leaders
could not romanticize their two small shop nuclei, which by 1934 had grown
to only thirty members.^ Communists in the industry recognized that while
divisions in the three imion groups caused weaknesses overall, the weakest link
in the chain was the PHWIU. Party leaders speculated that the SLC had about
fourteen hundred members, with a solid organization in the smaller shops and
a showing in Armour's, especially among the plants hog butchers. And while
the SLC had more influence than the PHWIU, both paled in comparison to
the AMC, which according to Gebert was developing such a militant campaign
that groups of SLC workers were already abandoning their organization for it.
The AMC had the stock handlers, butchers, electricians, and truck drivers, an
increasing number of SLC members, two party members, and one member of
the YCL. By joining the reformist organizations. Communists began to move
away from separate structures and toward a strategy that would allow them
greater influence over workers' union activities.
Communists were not the only ones to support these developments. Begin
ning in 1934, workers supported radicals in the SLC's leadership positions. Herb
March joined Martin Murphy, Frank McCarty, and Arthur Kampfert on the
executive committee of the SLC. March and other Communist fraction mem
bers raised African Americans' concerns and considered the problems of the
unemployed, moving the council toward a more inclusive model. While business
unionists like Murphy were concerned about the direction that March and the
others were taking the council, such other leaders as Kampfert and McCarty
supported Communists, suggesting that their leftist strategies made sense to a
growing audience. In fact, McCarty eventually joined the party. Thus Murphy
was clearly overstating his case when he told a settlement-house worker that
Communists had no influence in the council and that he "makes them come
right up and kiss the flag every once in a while, just to make sure of them."
Communists, in part, were shaping the council's direction.
In the SLC Communists quickly realized, though, that in order to be "com-
prehensive," they needed the support of the AMC. Official ties to the AMC
would also allow them to built on its increasing militancy. Thus, sometime after
June 1934, Commimists convinced other SLC leaders to approach the AMC to
push for a united organizing drive in the Yards. YCL leaders reported in No
vember that this unity movement "found a very good response on the part of
the workers. In the AFL some people expressed agreement with the proposed
unity." AFL leaders were not interested in unity or broadening their member
ship, however.^ With their belief in the need to unify their movements, the
AFL left Chicago party leaders no choice but to dissolve the SLC and direct its
members into the AMC unions. One way or another, Communists would see
to it that a drive was started in the Yards.
The case of meatpacjdng suggests that local conditions played an essential
role in determining how Communist unionists organized. Before party leaders
dissolved theTUUL, rank-and-file organizers began leaving their dual union for
more established, reform organizations in the stockyards. Such national leaders
as Jack Stachel noted the local situation and agreed with the tactic. After the
TUUL dissolved but before the Popular Front began, Chicago's Communists
in meatpacking changed their strategies once again and joined forces with the
AFL union they had once viewed as anathema to their cause. Party policy mat
tered, but so did local realities.
As did meatpackers, Communist steel workers gradually united with other
unions based on common experiences. The SMWIU boasted fifteen thousand
members at its height, but at its 1934 national conference in Pittsburgh, with
about half that number on its rolls, its delegates argued about what to do next.
They wanted desperately to mobilize workers at the bigger steel plants but found
that their strength lay mostly in light industry. In 1931, party organizers in steel
predicted a general steel strike. By 1934, such a stoppage had not materialized,
and Communist organizers had to focus on the few mills where organizing
conditions seemed favorable. The problem, of course, was that steel companies
and anti-Communist workers succeeded in branding the SMWIU as a Com
munist outfit.'
These pressures help explain Chicago Communists* decision at the beginning
of 1934 to join company and AFL unions in an attempt to convert them into
"genuine shop committees." Partyleaders counseled discretion when taking over
these organizations, but they were encouraged by the possibilities.'" George
Patterson's shop was one in which this policy took effect. When the company
union at South Works held its 1934 election, a number of militants were elected,
including Patterson. Through the ERP, Patterson and his committee brought five
issues to G. C. Thorpe, the president of the Illinois Steel Company, including
a wage increase, an end to foremen's favoritism, a monthly instead of biweekly
paycheck, time-and-a-half for overtime and Sunday work, and paid vacations
for hourly workers. Thorpe refused these demands and the committee's call for
an outside arbitrator. A few more rounds with management convinced Patterson
and his fellow committeemen that they had pushed the company-union format
as far as it would go. They needed a real union.''
What Communists referred to as a "real mass" of workers from South Works
met outside the mill in August 1935 and agreed to form their own indepen
dent union, the Associated Employees (AE), which proved to be a short but
successful venture. Communists numbered only fifteen in the mill but worked
closely with Patterson and others in crafting the union's constitution, which
directed a democratic structure, giving power to members instead of officers
and opening membership to all workers at South Works. The AE held weekly
meetings that featured Spanish, Polish, and Serbo-Croatian speakers, and its
leaders were impressed with their success among Mexican workers, whom they
assisted with work and immigration problems. Party members also encouraged
the building of a womens auxiliary to help organize the men. Patterson's wife
Dorothy visited workers at their homes and women at local churches to build
union support. In November 1935, the AE claimed 1,300 members and by June
1936, over three thousand. That month, the AE nominated a slate to run in the
ERP election, and twenty-one of those nominated won.'^
Along the lines of the Popular Front, Communists inside and outside the
plant encouraged AE members to affiliate with the AA to unify steel workers
in the region and support the struggle within steel to take over its leadership,
but AE members, still grousing about the union's failure in 1919, remained
uninterested. Communists had a hard time convincing the AA to take an in
terest in the alienated AE workers in the plant. One organizer explained that
AA officials were "afraid of the Communists who have applied for membership
in the local union." One of the AA's leaders, a former party member who was
since expelled, worked to keep his union Communist-free. Not until the Steel
Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC) came to Chicago and contacted local
organizers did AE members vote to join the SWOC, beginning a new chapter
in its workers' struggle."
South Works was unusual in that while it had an ERP and an independent
union, the AA stayed away. For those mills with an AA in place. Communists
began to consider the possibility of working within the AA even before the
dissolution of the TUUL. Everywhere it existed, the AA was stronger than the
SMWIU; even in such anti-union companies as Republic Steel, it succeeded in
building locals. Frustration over their lack ofsuccess motivated a minority group
within the SMWIU to push for a new organizing policy that would allow them
to work within the plants' AFL and independent unions. "If laborers thought
the SMWIU was the only good union," one report argued, "they wouldn't flock
to the AFL or independent unions." Dutiful party organizers like Jack Reese
Sheet and Tube. Party activists also worked with a group of one hundred at
Illinois Steel, where the new steel code reduced their hours, forcing them to
take home less pay Party leaders insisted that these union activists bring the
SMWIU forward as an option for the workers, but party organizers were "still
hesitant... knowing it has a reputation of being a red union." Ignoring leaders'
prodding, Communists working at Illinois Steel decided that it would be better
not to alienate their fellow workers.'"*
An unsigned Communist report on steel, dated October 1934, discussed new
directions Communists were taking in the industry At that time, Chicagos
Communists met with five leaders from Chicago's AA. Once there, Communists
proposed a left-wing alliance inside the AA diat would build toward a strike
the following spring, the first step of a rank-and-file takeover. Communists
hoped these leaders would use their positions in the AA to provide "official
auspices" for the rank-and-file movement, which would eventually issue a leftwing newspaper.'
These left-leaning AA leaders agreed to consider the proposal, but Com
munists loyal to Third Period teachings were still not convinced they should
join forces with non-Communists. "How deep can we afford to go into the
movement with these people at the present time?" a Communist Chicago steel
worker wondered. "Some of them are Republicans, some Democrats, some have
, some sort of connections with the Muste movement, not organizationally but
ideologically." Such questioning reveals the pressures Communists felt during
the Third Period. If they were to lead workers, then an alliance with reformist
types was surely a "gamble." But how many choices did they have? Given the
context, reality set in. The reports author wrote, "I think, however, that we can
afford to try this out
I think there is an opportunity to do something seri
ous and there is a possibility some of these people are good types and we may
really win them over in the course of the movement and make real leaders out
of them." Again, the local situation forced a reevaluation of party policy.'
For the alliance to work. Communists had to pull members out of the SMWIU
and have them work inside the AA. Even though Jack Stachel indicated that
Chicago was the weakest center in terms of carrying through a merger, the city's
Communists finally changed their approach." Chicago's steel workers found that
they were not alone. Stachel explained that frustration in dealing with the AA
from the outside resulted in the "same trend among the rank and file" around
the country. In district after district. Communists dissolved the steel sections of
their SMWIU, transferred the union's steel members into AA locals, and began
battling with the AA's national leader, Mike Tighe.'
Pushed by Communist steel workers, district organizations of the AA in
December 1934 planned a drive to organize steel workers and agreed to hold a
conference of all the country's district lodges in February Tighe was noticeably
absent from this December meeting, and just before the February conference
he sent a letter threatening to expel members in all lodges that participated. Re
gardless, the conference went on with seventy-eight lodges represented. Tighe
retaliated by expelling eighteen of them. Lodges that protested in support of
the expelled found themselves in the same boat.
In response, delegations of steel workers appealed to the AAs executive board
and the AFL's executive council in Washington, D.C. The AFL leader William
Green listened but was unwilling to step into the fray. Reports from inside the
AFL indicated there was a "hot fight" in the council on the question of steel and
that John L. Lewis threatened to lead a movement of industrial unions out of
the AFL and into a new federation." Party leaders did not oppose new unions
without question, but they feared that a dual union in steel would run into
the same problems they encountered in their TUUL unions, and that workers
would not support it."Such developments within the AFL leadership, however,
caused Communists to conclude that they would not get the AFLs help and
that "steel workers must fight their own battle with whatever support they can
organize from their own committees, lodges, and the rest of the working-class
Communists were convinced that unorganized steel workers were ready to be
unionized, but they did not want to create the impression that they were push
ing for this through a dual organization. Instead, a group of expelled delegates
got together and, with Communist prodding, agreed to declare an emergency
in the union, establish an emergency committee of the expelled, and continue
to, fight for their readmission through established lodges. While not formally
readmitted to the AA, the emergency committee of steel workers would coordi
nate work of the expelled lodges. Stachel wanted rank-and-file Communists to
understand, "and this is no small point," that the organizing work would have
to be "carried on thru the lodges and districts," not independent and separate
organizations. Already by the end of February 1935, Stachel reported, member
ship increased at meetings called by these rank-and-file committees.^
While the hope was that these rank-and-file committees would channel the
energy of steel workers nationally, in Chicago, workers, including party mem
bers, stood by and waited to see what would happen between Tighe and the
rank-and-file movement. City leaders proposed picking one department to
popularize the rank-and-file movement, sending a delegation to the CFL for
support against the expulsions, creating a leaflet to clarify issues as they arose,
and placing a comrade in language organizations to organize the members. But
little follow-up occurred.'
A summer federal district court decision helped speed the readmission of
expelled lodges into the AA, but Communists' inflated Third Period hopes still
allowed them to downplay the decision in favor of the argument that the rankand-file struggle, the strength of the expelled lodges, and the feeling among the
AA's own ranks resuhed in the executive board taking them back."* When they
returned. Communist leaders recognized that what they had was a "temporary
truce" that could end at any moment. Tighe still fought an organizational drive
and imposed heavy fines and dues payments on the newly admitted lodges.
Such terms made workers feel that their reinstatement was not such a victory
after all. Communists agreed but feh that the time was not right to lead a fight
within the AA. They first had to regroup their forces. In any case, party organiz
ers announced that for the time being they did not sense a "mass sentiment for
union" among steel workers.^ They agreed to lie low. Besides, a battle within
the AFL was brewing. The creation of the SWOC would provide them with a
new set of options.
Experiences in different industries brought Communist trade unionists to the
same conclusion. The revolutionary call for separate unions would not resuh
in a wide working-class following. They needed to work within established and
trusted organizations within each industry.
Back on the Inside
Once inside the AFL, party leaders encouraged Communist ranks to take ad
vantage of new opportunities to push for unemployment relief and champion
labor militancy Communists needed to reach out to their newest members and
teach them proper methods for party work. They also needed to convince each
other to attend union meetings. Work that had been largely neglected under
the revolutionary union model in central and state labor councils also needed
to be restarted. Most importantly, AFL union work could not remove members
from their unit responsibilities. "The comrades in the trade unions cannot bring
the Party and the daily issues to the membership unless they participate in the
work of the units and the sections."
In Chicago, Communist trade unionists quickly shifted gears. In a June 1935
report, leaders indicated that even though comrades found it difficuh to rally
AFL workers behind them on many party issues, on the question of unemploy
ment insurance "they... attract a large number of AFL locals and keep them"
through official local committees of their own unions.^
Party activists also agitated for support of an organizing campaign in the
stockyards. Chicago's Communist trade-union commission discussed the pros
pects and agreed that even though international officers of the AMC supported
a union drive, they did not take it seriously and instead "expect[ed] it to die out."
Chicago's Communist language and trade-union leaders hoped their strategies
to broaden and strengthen the drive woiJd forestall its early death. Using con-
tacts in the Yards' railroad unions, the commimit/s churches, and the party's
language clubs, Communists hoped to launch a real drive in meatpacking.
Herb March and Frank McCarty's election as delegates to the CFL in July
1935 pushed the possibilities further, as they asked the CFL to support a drive.
Frustrated with the inaction of the AMC and bitter over past political maneu
vering of its leaders, Fitzpatrick allowed the body to discuss the drive, and del
egates agreed to support it.' But AMC leaders had no intention of watching
Communists force their hand, and at the drive's kickoff at a Labor Day rally
at Soldier Field, union officials invited Chicago's Red Squad, whose members
proceeded to arrest a number of party members and to raise fears of a Com
munist takeover among union members.'"
Communists also tried to mobilize their forces within the IFL, but work was
slow. The party had only five delegates to work with and a few others with whom
they were "able to influence and work." Ignoring their small numbers, they put
forth resolutions and looked for support wherever they could find it."
Morris Childs, a leading Chicago party member, reported the success of the
party's "limited forces" in getting support from "many unions" for their resolu
tions. In fact, he reported, "A number of these resolutions received the majority^'
These included a resolution against the sales tax, for trade-union unity, against
the expulsion of union militants, and for the Lundeen Bill for unemployment
insurance. The IFL president Reuben Soderstrom and secretary Victor Olander,
however, did not want them aired and ruled these Communist motionis and
resolutions "defeated." Communist delegates reported that IFL leaders took
voice votes, and called them as they liked.'^
The central issue raised through the party's resolutions was the one on indus
trial unionism, which resulted in hours of heated debate. Victor Olander led a
"passionate" offensive against it by raising the threat of Communist subversion
within the unions. Dropping the name of WiUiam Z. Foster and the Com
munists' earlier TUEL poHcy of boring from within, Olander exclaimed that
Communists were expelled back in the 1920s because they were destructive to
the AFL. Industrial unionism would pave the way to their active participation
once again. Olander accused the delegates who introduced the resolution of
being "Reds." The votes for the resolution were not even counted, and instead
the IFL chair announced "what he thought carried" and ruled all appeals out
of order."
Olander was right. Communists were drawn to industrial unionism and
would fight to spark drives based on this model where they could. For the time
being, the most logical place for this fight was within the AFL, where even the
Communists knew a battle was brewing at its highest levels. In November 1935,
a Committee of Industrial Organizations would form within the AFL and take
the labor movement on a new path. Once again, Communists would have to
consider their options and plan their next move. A new chapter of labor history
and radical trade unionism was to be written, and Communists' Third Period
activism positioned them to play an important role in both. The TUUL taught
them organizing strategies, built wide networks of supporters, and pushed in
dustrial, interracial unionism before its time. Such experiences would result in
CIO leaders offering full-time organizing positions in the city's most important
industries to Chicago's Communist trade unionists. Joe Weber, a party trade
unionist in steel, remembered that the party's Third Period organizing resulted
in "skeleton organizations in the major industriesin steel, of course, in packing,
Crane company, and other places.'^ With such structures in place, CIO organiz
ers such as Weber swiftly moved to organize. This time, they found, Chicago's
workers were eager to work with them. A revolutionary shift was under way in
Chicago's labor movement. Communists were not the cause, and yet they were
a crucial element.^
trast between adherents of these two groups while tapping into a larger phe
nomenon of Depression-era youth who increasingly questioned and challenged
1920s assumptions of capitalisms stability, the ease of upward mobility, and a
vapid youth culture. As across the nation, in Chicago the typical young person
did not profess Communism or Socialism. Yet the messages these young radicals
articulated or acted upon resonated among young people who only a few years
earlier were notorious for exerting their energies on sports and fraternity and
sorority gossip. Depression conditions shook young people out of their 1920s
apolitical state, allowing young radicals to move out of their small, alternative
enclaves into the mainstream.
The seeming collapse of capitalism and, after 1932, the increasing threat of
war and fascism caused a generation of young people to question the assump
tions of those who came before them. A vocal segment of the under-twentyfive-year-old demographic became uncertain that adults in leadership roles,
whether school administrators, foremen, police, or politicians, had their best
interests in mind and the answers to society's problems. Robert Cohen's study
of the 1930s youth movement follows this ferment among college students
nationally. In Chicago, youth activism spilled out of universities into factories
and onto the streets. Whether students in the nations leading universities or
workers on the assembly line, these young people assessed their place in 1930s
America and decided to leave the "roaring twenties" behind them.^
They increasingly joined in political coalitions that brought together labor,
religious, and political groups to articulate the voice of young America. Work
ing more flexibly than their adult counterparts, young activists in the 1930s
found their greatest success in mobilizing against war and fascism, rallying
students to question their role in universities, and organizing an American
Youth Congress.
Communist youth were at the center of this ferment, at times questioning
the leadership and authority of their own Communist leaders. Their flexible
approach and liberal/reformist impulse became hallmarks of Popular Front co
alitions and activism, but during the early years of the Depression, YCL activity,
regardless of its success, remained at odds with Stalinist forces and mainstream
Third Period ways.
Communist youth were willing to buck party leaders when creating coalitions,
but theystill strongly admired older Communists' confidence and commitment.
Initially, such admiration caused young Communists to hang around their older
counterparts and participate in party-sponsored initiatives of unemployed work
and union building rather than develop specific youth-oriented ones. The one
YCL-controlled event they did put on, a 1932 coimter-Olympics, was innova
tive but impotent. In time, conditions of the 1930s and the YCL's student-heavy
composition pushed young Communists to get creative. Beginning in 1932,
Charles Hall's family moved to Chicago's North Side in 1929 and supported his
older brother and, a year later, Chuck as theyattended the University of Chicago.
But the Depression's reality quickly set in, and economics forced Chuck and
his brother to drop out because they "didn't have enough money to keep on
going." Les Orear faced a similar change in his life plan. First attending college
in Wisconsin, Orear was forced to leave school and get a job in Chicago to help
support his family." Hall and Orear represent a much larger segment of youth
who by 1932 were no longer able to shield themselves from the Depression by
attending university. As economic conditions worsened, young people were
forced to reshape their outlooks. Some found their way to the youth branch of
the Communist party, the YCL.
As a young student and leader of his Presbyterian church's youth group. Hall
heard radical words his brother brought home from work. Returning home on
FuUerton, HaU's older brother came upon Bughouse Square, where there was
"a free-for-aU where everybody who had a soapbox could get up and spout his
piece." To Hall's brother, the Communists made the most sense, and he signed
with the YCL, which had a branch working around the Finnish Workers' HaU
on FuUerton and Halsted. After a few years working with the YCL, he got his
younger brother interested; Chuck HaU joined the YCL in 1934.^
Orear's path to the party was different. He left college, landing a job in the
plant at Armour's meatpacking company, where he came into contact with such
young Communists as Herb March. Through March, Orear met young people
who shared his way of thinking about the world. As he recalls, "It was the kind
of people who shared an attitude, a broader vision, and so we hung around with
each other." Before long, Orear became a YCL activist, with the task of crafting
the group's shop paper in the Yards.
During the Depression, HaU and Orear foimd themselves in the company of a
growing and increasingly active group of people. Nationwide, the YCL claimed
2,300 in 1929, 3,000 in 1931, 3,750 in 1932,6,000 in 1934, and 8>ooo in 1935.'
Chicago's YCL grew as well, but at a slower rate. Even though its numbers more
than doubled between 1931 and 1935, YCL membership never reached the ex
pectations of party leaders; and yet through the YCL, the party trained many
of its most important future leaders and trade-union organizers.
The young and daring Jack Kling was responsible for Chicago's YCL during
much of the Third Period. Party leaders plucked him from New Yorks YCL ranks
because of his leadership potential and sent him to the national party school in
Cleveland. Led by Israel Amter, the Ohio district organizer; Betty Gannett, the
national YCL director; and Sam Don, a youth leader, Kling immersed himself in
political economy. "In a short time," Kling recalled, "the school made me aware
of how little I knew about our philosophy^'' A quick study, Kling returned to New
York and organized youth sections in needle-trade unions, among unemployed
groups, and in antiwar groups and demonstrations. AFL "goons" beat him, and
city police clubbed him and put him in jail. By 1930, these experiences qualified
him for Chicago's leading YCL post, a position he accepted grudgingly, lacking
confidence in his leadership skills.'"
In Chicago, Kling met the party activists Bill Gebert and John Williamson as
well as the Chicago YCL leaders Gil Green, John Marks, and Ben Gray. Growing
up in the Jewish ghetto on Chicago's West Side, where he and his family experi
enced the degradation of public assistance, Green was politicized on Roosevelt
Road, his "universityr where "one joined friends, scanned store-window displays,
marveled at the glittering marquee above the new movie house, and reveled
in the oratory of soapboxers." Finding himself inclined toward socialist ideas,
Green accepted an invitation to a Young Communist meeting when asked by
a friend's radical piano instructor. By the mid-i930s he would emerge from
Chicago's ranks as a national YCL leader." Marks came to Chicago from Mil
waukee, where he had been a unit fimctionary Twenty years old in 1931, Marks
worked in a machine shop for two years before becoming a YCL organizer.'^
Like Kling, Gray was uprooted from New York, but his move was of his own
doing rather than the party's. Job insecurity drove him to Chicago, where he
eventually landed work as an assistant pickle-truck helper and where he came
into contact with YCL activists. Jailed for his protest at a Scottsboro demonstra
tion, Gray remembers signing his YCL membership card while locked up.'^
As YCL leaders, Kling, Gray, and Marks were responsible for planning and
overseeing Communist youth activity, recruitment, and educ-ation. They were
the conduits between the party and its youth. Their leadership positions some
times put them in difficult straits, needing to answer the demands of party lead
ers and of their own members, which were sometimes at odds. Through their
personalities and activism, these men took on the smoothing over of rough
edges, a large responsibility made even more significant by the YCIi relationship
to the party. As Marks reminded party activists, "The YCL [is] not an ancillary
organizationit is a section of the CP and must be regarded as such."'"
As a section, of course, the YCL ran into the same problems that hindered
other sections of the party. The most persistent one, in leaders' eyes, was its
composition. In May 1930, only fifteen of the city's members were eligible for
membership in the TUUL. Reporting in July that no shop nuclei existed in the
YCL, Marks critically stated that the league's ten units were primarily comprised
of students.' Not until 1932 could the YCL declare any activity in the shops,
and even then it was minuscule. The small number of its 357 members who
were not students or unemployed were divided in small shops and stores, the
only exceptions in the city's large factories being four stockyards workers.' By
1935. twenty-two of the YCL's six hundred members worked in meatpacking,
and while no shop nuclei existed in South Chicago's steel mills, fifty YCLers
organized there through street nuclei. The YCL also had one unit in a radio
department of Stewart Warner, but it had been closed down. Five of the seven
activists stayed with the YCL, and the other two remained sympathizers.'^ By all
accounts, union activity among young workers was not the YCL's strong suit.
Neither was work among African Americans. Even though two of the city's
most charismatic African American activists, David Poindexter and Herbert
Newton, worked among youth, they could not turn the tide. The YCL increased
its black membership to fifty by 1932, but its organizational structure tended to
isolate whites from blacks. As early as 1932, the YCL planned to build a separate
youth organization for African Americans "as a bridge to the league," but they
quickly found that separation of the groups did not need formal recognition:
YCLers simply segregated themselves. Four of the sue groups were either com
posed of all white members or all black members, most likely as a by-product
of where members lived.'
Yet the fact of segregation did not prevent YCL members from taking on is
sues of civil rights and racial equality. YCL members showcased their antiracist
position at a public trial they held at People's Auditorium in August 1932, which
mirrored those held in party units throughout the country between 1930 and
1933 in an attempt to rid the party of racism and publicize its commitment to
racial equality." In this case, the YCL already had expelled Harry Hankin when
about four hundred gathered to watch him be tried for racism. The meeting
opened with the YCL's section leader explaining the importance of the fight
against segregation and the need for "unity of all workers." Then the judge
called for the election of a "workers' jury," before defending and prosecuting
attorneys presented their cases. Was Hankin simply a product of the capitalist
environment? Could he overcome his position in support of segregation? The
trial reached its climax when Hankin took the stand and argued that he was
red chicago
" n o t t h a t t h e s e y o u t h s a r e geniuses"
completely cleared up." But when asked if he would be ready to give his "life in
the struggle for Negro rights" he was unsure. After deliberating for half an hour,
the jury "endorsed the expulsion of Harry Hankin and all white chauvanism'
from our ranks. YCL leaders hoped this trial would have "great significance"
throughout Chicago by showing white workers who "preach segregation for
colored workers" that they are "enemies of the working class."^'' And while the
party press made much of the trial, civil rights work never became the YCI^
major emphasis. Instead, the YCL recruited most of its black members as a by
product of the party's campaign against unemployment rather than through
specific work amdng black youth.
No record exists of women YCL members throughout the Third Period. The
only groups receiving special note were trade unionists and African Americans,
without indication of gender. It is not that women did not distinguish themselves'
among YCL activists. Vicky Starr, Jane March, and Edith Miller stood out for
their bravery and leadership skills. But the party's male culture trickled into the
YCL, so men became its leaders, and male party members failed to recognize
the quality and quantity of female participation, practices that prepared women
for the challenges they faced once they became ftill-fledged members.
With a membership of white students and nonworkers, YCL leaders found
that their culture also chafed party leaders. In the early 1930s, leaders were
perturbed at young Communists' willingness to shield political deviants in
their midst. By 1931, the party and the YCL had already been through a purge
of Trotskyists. Party leaders did not want to repeat it and for some time re
frained from calling the rebeUious and outspoken YCL leaders in their midst
"Trotskyites," but eventually they did. Kling recalled, "It soon became apparent
that the YCL leadership was bucking the Party on almost aU policy questions.
I felt that the diiferences were more than simply minor or mistaken views, but
that the main leadership was Trotskyist in outlook, left over from the time the
Trotskyites had been expelled from the Party and the YCL a few years earlier."^'
High-level meetings among Chicago's leaders confirm the independence of the
YCLs leadership and their willingness to "take up action contrary to the decision
that had just been made by the Party secretariat."^ But a purge of these leading
YCL activists, which resulted in their leaving the party for a national Trotskyist
youth group, simply left a vacuum without changing the YCL's culture. Regular
complaints of "bad attitudes," "right-wing leaders," and "bad tendencies" con
tinued to be heard in party meetings.^^
Upon purging themselves of supposed followers of Trotsky, YCL members
mcreasingly reached out to young Socialists. One party member commented
that the young Cornmunists were not "oriented toward anything except the
YPSL [Young Peoples Socialist League]." Commimist leaders would have liked
to interpret this orientation as subversive, but YCL members developed close
and trusting relationships with young Socialists. One YCL member wrote, "their
[YPSL] people here are on our side.... I believe the fellows are sincere." In
his thinking, these good connections "lay the basis for a national congress of
youth," which could focus on issues of war, homelessness, and unemployment
among youth, a congress that eventually materialized in 1934 in the form of
the American Youth Congress (AYC).^"
Yet even before the AYC, Kling recalled close relations between the YCL and
YPSL. YPSL leaders invited Kling to teach a class to their members on Marxism,
which he did at a borrowed cottage in the Indiana Dunes on Lake Michigan.
Once the school concluded, weekly classes continued in Chicago. These ami
cable interactions led to YPSL members refusing to follow their Socialist party
leaders when they broke with Communists in the planning stage of a "Free Tom
Mooney" congress that the groups were working on in a United Front fashion.
The national secretary of the YPSL, George Smerkin, spoke at the congress
despite the Socialist party's refusal to support it, causing his expulsion. By No
vember 1933, the entire national leadership of the YPSL found itself in the same
boat and joined the YCL. The YPSL may have been responsible for reaching out,
yet it is significant that during the Third Period, the YCL was willing to work
with them.^^
Such amiable relations with Socialist leaders flew in the face of Third Period
orthodoxy but were out of the party's control, since those in charge of the YCL
were themselves tolerant of such relations and uninterested in factional struggle.
Ben Gray was particularly opposed to factionalism. Instructed to attend party
meetings as a YCL representative. Gray witnessed factional attitudes and behav
iors that he felt distracted from the party's main activity. "The faction became
the important thing," he remembered, "whether they would make a victory at
this meeting or at that meeting, or they would isolate this guy or the other, and
I could never understand it and really didn't appreciate it."^ In one of the few
district buro meetings where Gray's words are recorded, he is trying to stop
early factionalism within the YCL and the party.^^
Kling also opposed sectarianism within the YCL. In addition to his tutelageof
YPSL students, he challenged Comintern leaders who accused Chicago's group
as having "a rotten liberal attitude" when it came to differing political views.
In 1932, he, Marks, and Green, who was already a national YCL leader, went
to Moscow to "consult" and "exchange experiences" with others. Working on
a resolution that deah with the American YCL, Kling and his fellow delegates
learned that Comintern leaders did not appreciate the openness Chicago's YCL
showed toward Trotskyists. Kling and the others agreed that they had a liberal
attitude, especially when it came to "shielding" Trotskyite members. But when
told that their liberal attitude was rotten, Kling and his delegation appealed to
the Comintern leader Otto Kuusinen (the former Finnish Communist party
" n o t t h a t t h e s e y o u t h s a r e geniuses"
red chicago
leader), to no avail.^ Such a scolding from Comintern leaders had little effect
on the activity of these YCL leaders, however, and Gil Green came before the
Comintern leadership once again in October 1934 to defend the YCL's partici
pation in the AYC. In Moscow, he found himself in the company of Raymond
Guyot, a leader of the French Communist youth who had also been involved
in broad-based youth movements. After three weeks of discussion, Comintern
leaders decided that Green and Guyot had been right in their work all along.
In this case, local activism predated international policy.^
Before the "correctness" of Chicago's YCL's attitude became the day's order,
the proper cultivation of its members was a regular concern of party leaders.
Their concern did not always translate into specific direction, however. In fact,
Chicago's YCL carried on in its unorthodox manner in large part because the
party paid them little daily attention. In 1931, a YCL representative scorned
party leaders by reminding them that "there was no representative in the league
from the Party, no daily guidance, no actual coordination between Party and
league."^" Bill Gebert admitted in private correspondence, "We did not give any
attention to the league and the league membership did not rise to the height of
the developments."^' By 1932, it seemed as though relations between the YCL
and party members had improved at the lower levels of the city's bureaucracy,
but as one leader commented, "[T]he same can not be said of the district lead
ership."'^ A local activist reported in 1933 that the "league is in a serious situa
Party here seems to be rather contemptuous rather than helping Jack."^'
Lack of party assistance was so well known by 1935 that R Brown, critiquing
the party's inability to grow its YCL, commented, "I am sure that if the Chicago
district had assisted the YCL in all its work... today we would have different
Certainly, party and YCL forces worked on plans to institutionalize a close
relationship between the groups. A series of directives outlined their theoretical
working relationship. Nuclei leaders were to turn names of twenty-three-yearolds in their midst over to party leaders for YCL assignment. At the same time,
leaders from all levels were to be released for full-time work guiding the YCL.
Like party leaders, young Communists had the opportunity to be educated in
a YCL school. Party members were to supervise student recruitment to ensure
representation from "decisive factories." To show that YCL recruitment was
taken seriously, leaders agreed in 1934 to print its recruitment numbers along
with the party's own. For their part, YCL members were expected to attend
party meetings as a way to learn procedures, policies, and plans.'
Yet, however well-intended these proposals, party assistance was not forth
coming. Despite plenum decisions to assign people to supervise YCL work, only
one section turned in names of volunteers, and no section turned in names of
younger members, even though they existed.' By 1934, leaders removed YCL
functionaries borrowed from the party's ranks rather than bolster them and
declined to support YCL members attending party schools.'^ And financial ne
glect of the YCL went further. When approached for any percentage of money
raised from party bazaars or celebrations, the party flatly refused the YCL. Even
the five-dollar weekly subsidy the party had been paying to the YCL stopped.
Leaders did not want the YCL to fail, but the YCL was not its priority. Doling
out their meager resources with care, party leaders left litde for the YCL.'
Tense relations between the YCL and the party did not deter YCL members
from jumping headlong into party-initiated drives. In fact, leaders regularly
criticized those in the YCL for not charting their own course. Making the break
was difficult for them. With little financial backing, a student-heavy base, and
Third Period priorities, YCL members spent a great deal of their time meeting
with one another and working on party-organized activities of Unemployed
Councils and union building. When they did branch out in 1932 to organize a
counter-Olympics in the city, they received little party support, and their efforts
passed with little notice. Not until student activity at the University of Chicago
began to take on a life of its own did the student-heavy base of the YCL begin
to pay off and the liberal attitudes of its members result in new and sustainable
The YCL in Action
Thinking back on their time as YCLers, Chuck Hall and Les Orear remembered
the insularity of their groups. Hall recalled, "We put out a lot of leaflets, we did
a lot of going around to [party] demonstrations. I would say we were rather a
sectarian group. We were not really a part of the flow of life in the community."'^
Orear simply labeled his group "pretty inbred.""*^ Their memories fit with com
ments of league leaders from the period. In May 1930, John Marks told party
leaders, "While the YCL in the district has recently made ideological progress
in its struggle against the right danger, left sectarianism, student ideology, etc.,
the league organizationally is completely isolated from young workers.""^ Two
years later another league leader added, "The activity and life of YCL is internal.
There are no specific youth activities, no development of mass struggles around
youth issues
Comrades don't try to take on youth features from Commu
nist working-class point of view but bourgeois youth ideology is reflected in
the ranks
The YCL tries to copy too much the Party activities and Party
They are trying with a weak apparatus to conduct a dozen cam
paigns, instead of concentrating on one or two.""^
If in the early 1930s league members did stick closely to party activity and
their numbers did not grow significantly, they nevertheless gained experience
for future alliances with non-party youth where adult Communists were ab-
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" n o t t h a t t h e s e y o u t h s a r e geniuses"
words, "marched in at the point of guns." After asking women to leave, the of
ficials, Kling recalled, "lined up the men against the walls, with hands lifted over
their heads and beat hell out of them. Then they arrested die bunch. About 50
were arrested." YCL members were among the group. Before the police had
control of the situation, however, a small number of activists were able to escape
through a back window. They gathered block captains from councils in other
territories for a late-night meeting where they organized a demonstration at
the court the following morning. About four hundred showed up to the dem
onstration, but police were mobilized for twelve blocks around the courthouse,
arresting "every worl^r that walked" past. Kling reported, "[Q]uite a number
of YCL comrades and young workers were also arrested.""^ It was Kling's hope
that such active YCL participation would build YCL numbers, and he happily
reported that directly following the incident, youth attending three South Side
YCL meetings showed a "splendid spirit." In one case, five new young workers
showed up, having only been active in worker sport clubs, but on the whole,
neither this incident nor any single Unemployed Council event resulted in a
surge of membership."
The same can be said of the YCL's union work, although YCL activists distin
guished themselves in the packinghouse campaign in ways party activists had
not. As in their worksupporting Unemployed Councils, YCL activists served as
resources for party unionists. Their influence is evident in shop papers, such as
the piece that appeared in the May 1928 edition of the Northwestern Railroad
paper, which expressed apprentices' complaint that "older workers took a posi
tion against aid to youth in the shop." The article calls on the apprentices to
overcome divisions with older workers: "Employers are united and we should
be." Military intelligence reports also note young Communist support of union
drives. In one case, a University of Chicago student and member of the NSL,
Stella Winn, opened her Hyde Park apartment to the TUUL's office workers'
union for a "studio party," which included portrait sketches, entertainment, and
dancing.'^ Similar attention and support was given in steel, metal, and meat
packing, but it was not until 1934 that the YCL could actually speak of units
within industry, and even then they were concentrated in meatpacking.
YCL activists did participate in the large 1933 strike at Sopkins and Sons, and
while they did not take on a role different than party leaders', their participation
sometimes made strike activity a family affair.' One family, the Holmans, was
both a party and YCL family whose members opened their home to discuss
the strike. One time the police interrupted and began to separate whites from
blacks, placing one Jewish leader with the blacks and a light-skinned African
American with the whites. Both YCL and party members learned an important
lesson on how easUy race could be used to divide workers. Each group got a
lecture attacking the other race. Police bungling foiled the plan to create suspi-
i p s
red chicago
cion between the groups, but the experience confirmed lessons youth learned
through party readings, lectures, classes, and family discussions.^
By all accounts, meatpacking was the industry the YCL best served. Minutes
from the party section that incorporated the stockyards indicate that as late as
September 1933, party members felt a paternal urge to guide the work of YCL
activists in the Yards: "Party member... unable to impress youth in unit with
need for work and not all play. Unit to try to send additional older comrade there
to guide."^^ It is unclear, however, whether this comment reflected conditions
among youth in the Yards or party members' sense of self-importance, because
beginning in 1933 it was members of the YCL who put in gear the packinghouse
union drive. Prior to that time, party members only experienced brief moments
of glory in a demonstration, rally, or organizational meeting. The arrival of
Herb March and the activism of women YCLers in departments in Armour's
plant began to turn the tide. Of course, March and these young women were
not solely to credit. They worked hand in hand with older members scattered
throughout the Yards and had Roosevelt's New Deal momentum working for
them. But youth connections and attitudes made a difference.
March himself was used to a certain amount of independence in his work.
Growing up in Brooklyn, he was exposed to community organizing and leftist
politics at a young age. Watching neighbors come together for rent strikes and
listening to street-corner meetings of radical groups, March made up his mind
to become a Communist because he "didn't think it was right for some people
to be poor and some people to be so damn rich." He signed up with the YCL
at the age of sixteen and supported strikers in Paterson, New Jersey, where he
was arrested during a silk strike. He also worked for civil rights and against
unemployment in Kansas City Quickly making his mark, March became a YCL
organizer for a seven-state region in the Southwest, gaining his reputation of
being "a maverick" and "hard to control." But through his direction, YCL mem
bers got jobs in Kansas City's packinghouses and began to organize workers.
In the early 1930s, he married Jane Grbac from Chicago, who would organize
at the University of Chicago settlement and oversee the YCL in the Back of
the Yards neighborhood. Wanting to start a family with his new wife, March
moved to Chicago, where he was able to land a job working in the stockyards.
His experiences in Kansas City and his independent spirit served him well as
he drew on party and YCL resources that had been largely stagnant before his
March stands out because his energy and determination ultimately resulted
in a successful meatpacking drive and because of his his promotion to director
of the union's districtan indication of the importance that one highly skilled
party organizer could makebut he was not alone among YCL members mak
ing a significant contribution to the drive. A core of YCLwomen working within
" n o t t h a t t h e s e y o u t h s a r e geniuses"
the plants made headway, winning small demands and signing up members to
the PHWIU. In interviews given later in his life, March emphasized the strength
the PHWIU had on the sheep and hog kill in the Armour plant, decisive de
partments with a large number of African American workers. And while the
union might have had its strongest representation in these areas, reports from
the party indicate that party "units [were] basically composed of girls."
One of these young women was Vicky Starr. On her family's farm, Starr be
came friendly with a woman who had spent time with the family for her health
and now needed to return to Chicago to get an operation. Seventeen and needing
work to help relieve her family's financial strain, Starr left with her for Chicago
and boarded with her family in the city. Two of its members were Herb and
Jane March. Through the Marches, Vicky became radicalized. "The Marches
would have meetings of the YCL in the attic and they'd ask me to sit in
pointed out things to me that, in my very unsophisticated and farm-like way,
I saw.... [YCLers] thought that instead of just thinking about ourselves we
should be thinking about other people and try to get them together in a union
and organize and then maybe we would have socialism where there would not
be hunger, war, etc. They initiated me into a lot of political ideas and gave me
material to read. We had classes and we would discuss industrial unionism, the
craft unions and the history of the labor movement in this country"^
Politicized and ready to make change, Starr obtained a job at Armour, where
she began to organize women workers. One floor below her department, a
woman lost her fingers in a meat chopper that lacked safety guards. Starr and
two other women organized a stoppage. Six floors participated in the sit-down,
which resulted in the company adding safety equipment and women gaining
an interest in the union.'
The YCL also made a difference in the ability of its organizers to get shop
papers into the hands of stockyard workers. Drawing on their student strength,
YCL organizers contacted a group from the University of Chicago to help edit
and raise funds to publish the Yards' Worker. They also helped write other leaflets,
and they distributed them at the stockyard gates before the 7 a.m. shift. Vicky
Starr recalled, "They did this because we could not do so, for if we were caught
giving out leaflets we would be fired." Rather than publicly handing out party
materials, Starr snuck papers into the plant on her person and spread them out
in the washroom. "I really think we had a lot of guts," she recalled. Such antics
occasionally paid off. At least two workers turned in YCL applications found
inside the Yards' paper.'
In 1934, YCL leaders announced that they were able to "initiate a move
ment for united action on part of various unions in packing." According to the
report, workers in the PHWIU and the Stockyards Labor Council responded
well to the suggestion of unity. Some individual AFL members agreed to unity.
red chicago
but for a time their leaders "sabotaged" the effort. Regardless, members of the
YCL persisted assigning each shop nuclei member to a particular union. Two
YCL members were elected to the executive board of the SLC.*^ Despite their
small numbers, YCL members made a difference in the Yards drive, gave young
people union-building experience, and placed youth in leadership positions.
Their work organizing a counter-Olympics protest was not as successful. The
organization that planned the protest had its beginnings in 1927, when a United
Front group of Communists, Socialists, and members of the IWW founded the
Labor Sports Union to encourage athletics among workers while winning them
away from boss-controlled athletic organizations, where anti-union propaganda
persisted. By 1929, the party purged Socialists and IWW members from the
organization and affiliated it to Moscow's Red Sports International.^' Put under
the YCLs control, its members held fraction meetings to plan the organization's
leadership and activities. In October 1930, the national executive board fraction
of the LSU put forward Jack Kling, then living in New York, as a member of
the LSU's national council. Three YCL members from Chicago and one party
member were also on the slate.^
The idea of organizing an International Workers' Athletic Meet, or a counterOlympics, built on a European tradition of the worker-sport movement. The
historian William Baker points out how European trade unionists, long tired
of the capitalist exploitation of sports, formed working-class athletic clubs and
sporting events throughout the interwar era. In 1928, four million people be
longed to either the Socialist Workers' Sport International or the Red Sports
International. Between 1921 and 1937, these worker-sport groups participated
in Olympiads and sporting events in Germany, France, Austria, Russia, Norway,
and Czechoslovakia. One year before the Chicago event, over 1,400 athletes
competed before more than a quarter of a million people in Vienna.*^'
The YCL and the LSU had a rich tradition of sport protest upon which to
draw."* The problem was that the party itself did not take an interest in the
campaign, and Chicago's YCL followed its lead. When counter-Olympic com
mittee members approached Detroit's party organizer, he dismissed the national
representative and told them simply to "go to the youth." Chicago's leadership
similarly marginalized the campaign. Its secretariat assigned two party mem
bers to work on the campaign, but one flatly refused, and the other was only
"partially active." Meanwhile, Chicago's leadership"forgot" to invite the national
representatives of the counter-Olympic committee to a gathering so they could
familiarize members with and encourage support for the event.^
Chicago's language and fraternal groups also did not provide much support.
Offering lip service only, none of the groups carried out directives passed on to
them by the national counter-Olympic committee. In a letter from the national
" n o t t h a t t h e s e y o u t h s a r e geniuses"
red chicago
represented on the American track and field team in Los Angeles. As Mark
Naison has shown, this commitment to black athletes became a hallmark of
Communist party race work.''
Despite the working-class flavor of the event, and maybe because of it, Chi
cagos counter-Olympics did not serve as a serious alternative to the Olympic
games as the LSU intended. Nor did the games do much toward freeing Tom
Mooney One indoor meeting held on the games' opening night to protest
Mooney's arrest was all the organizers had to show. If William Baker is correct
that the games underscored the weakness of the workers' sport movement," he
is less insightful when he suggests that they also demonstrated the "marginal
position of the Communist Party."^^ In many ways the counter-Olympic dem
onstration was a remnant of 1920s ethnic-based activism and did not reflect the
changes that were occurring within the party's base. Party members' and youth
activists' lack of interest suggests that they were more invested in the campaigns
that were drawing Communist activists out of the margins and into the center
of political activity. Their involvement with a broad antiwar movement proved
Communists were anything but marginal.
Chicagos antiwar movement blossomed overnight. Young Communists' in
terest in organizing on college campuses and in Chicago's communities against
capitalism, war, and fascism set them apart from young people before them.
Using politics and personal networks to bridge town and gown, young Com
munists would eventually play a leading role in the city's antiwar movement.
In mobilizing this movement, they made lasting connections with youth of all
political stripes and found these peers increasingly receptive to related issues
of academic freedom, free speech, and civil rights.
Scholars writing on youth antiwar work tend to focus on college students'
activities. Certainly such actions on campuses in the city, and especially at the
University of Chicago, represented a high-water mark of party outreach and
influence. But in Chicago, nonstudent youth also participated in antiwar work.
One party report indicated that the YCL was building an antiwar united front
in the Back of the Yards, in the Gross settlement house, among workers at the
National Malleable plant, and within churches and community organizations.'^
Herb March remembered recruiting the YCL member Mary Shukshick, a Polish
woman, and some Ukrainian members direcdy through the peace movement.
Members of the YCL in the stockyards were particularly active in the antiwar
movement. One attended a peace conference in Paris and agreed to report
on it at a local conference on war and fascism.''' Others served as delegates to
the national antiwar organization, the American Congress against War and
Fascism, where they met YCL members from the YMCA and various shops
throughout the city. These YCL members also worked on building community
organizations against war. One report indicated that there were "steps to build
" n o t t h a t t h e s e y o u t h s a r e geniuses"
red chicago
his Communist viewpoint was "but a minority here." Hauser emphasized that
"RepubUcan, Democrat, Socialist, Communist, in short any political brand of
student, is invited to become a member." The only hitch was that members had
to be committed to work toward a "changed social order.""
Of course, the party had an interest in shaping the tone and activity of the
group, but its hands-off approach toward the YCL and the character of YCL
members meant that YCL actions within the NSL were fairly free from direct
party control. One report from 1934 indicated that the YCL had started with a
campus unit of fourteen members that grew to twenty-one, but even in that unit
ideological conformity was ephemeral. After all, at the University of Chicago
YCL members came from different walks of life than those in the stockyards.
A YCL leader explained, "There were all sorts of people in the YCL, daughters
of corporation lawyers, army generals, etc., with such people in a unit, I thmk
it is obvious that it was a difficult thing to fight for a real clear cut line on the
University campus."'
That the- NSL found any appeal at the University of Chicago speaks to the
changes that college students underwent in the early Depression years. As Rob
ert Cohen describes, 1932 was a pivotal year in the attitudes of college students
across the nation. It was the first peacetime year that college enrollments fell,
causing a spiral effect on campus budgets and erosion of the optimistic tenor
on campuses. Cohen notes that faculty found students more interested in un
derstanding the world around them, particularly concerned about why the De
pression started and how it could be stopped. Such concerns extended beyond
campus to working people and low-income students. Student confidence of the
1920s was slowly wearing away as the nation entered its third and fourth years
of economic turmoil. Young peoples futures were uncertain; upward mobility
was not a guarantee.^
These national trends were reflected at the University of Chicago. Drawing
on Chicago-area high schools for its student body, the university served as one
road to opportunity for the city's white youth.^ The entering class of 1932 had
more fathers in middle-class occupations than classes of the 1920s, and far fewer
students were self-supporting. Mary Dzuback argues that the increasingly mid
dle-class character of Chicago's students indicates that they "expected to support
themselves after they finished formal schooling, and it is hi^ly unlikely that
they perceived their higher education in isolation from these ftiture plans."'*
With an increased concern for the world around them, NSL students found
themselves at a campus ripe for organizing. One student commented in the cam
pus newspaper, "There seems to be no question that there is a rapidly growing
radical group on this campus. And it seems to be a group willing to get out and
demonstrate its beliefs
We hail this group of students who are sufficiently
wide-awake and interested in current affairs to organize these movements, be
their political afiiliations what they may. They are at least sincere enough in their
convictions to get out and win supporters. They are at least doing something.
Undergraduates are too frequently not to be found in that category when social
concerns are at stake."
The University of Chicago had emerged in its earliest days as a model mod
ern university with strong research traditions among its faculty, ties to the city's
neighborhood and cultural institutions, and a liberal undergraduate education.
Even before its students became more receptive to leftist ideas, a small core of
its faculty delivered public lectures on Marx and Lenin, brought local leftists in
for talks, and reported on their own observations of Soviet Russia. The Socialist
club, the Cosmos club, a political science club, and the debate club sponsored
lectures and discussions on social, economic, and political questions, but 1932
began a new era on campus where young people acted more than they talked,
and they initiated their own activity rather than relying on faculty or party
Signs that students were willing to back words with action began to emerge
in the spring of 1932, when the Communist party and the YCL planned an an
tiwar demonstration outside of the Japanese consulate in the middle of the city.
Arguing against Japanese militarism and aggression in China, NSL students
distributed leaflets at the University of Chicago and Northwestern University,
with "several groups of students" from each campus attending. Mingling with
a group of five thousand, including fifty Chinese observers, students watched
as "hundreds of police on foot, horse, and motorcycle as well as squad car"
batded to disperse the crowd. Police gunfire resulted in a few injuries; police
arrested twenty-seven demonstrators, a few of whom were University of Chi
cago students.
Shortly after this antiwar protest. University of Chicago students joined with
other college and high-school students in a march on Samuel Insull's home,
protesting his stake in the oppressive conditions in Kentucky's Harlan County
coal mines. Promptly arrested by Chicago's police, these young radicals were
joining in a cause with young activists on the East Coast. Students there desired
to bring attention to the oppressive conditions of the striking Harlan County
miners. Eighty delegates from the East headed out with supplies to aid the
striking miners and witness their conditions. Stopped at the Kentucky border
by a district attorney and armed deputies, the students were accused of being
"revolutionists." Appeals to governors and officials in Washington did not change
the outcome. Concluding that coal operators were able to "keep from the outside
world the knowledge of living and working conditions of thousands of miners,
citizens of the United States," one young activist spoke for a growing pool of
young people who were learning lessons in corporate and state power.'
Shortly after the Kentucky rides and the InsuU picketing, students in Chicago
decided they would survey conditions in lUinoiss coalfields. Some 150 Chicago
students and teachers convened at the University of Chicago and began their
tant recruitment tools for the student movement. Quentin Young, a former YCL
thorities held them off. The sheriff of Browning County gripped a shotgun and
student at Hyde Park High School, where students from the university would
declared that "no agitation is needed in Franklin County just now." This reac
organize. Young recalls looking up to these who "stood the test of courage and
tion was all that most of the delegation needed to turn back, but five members
managed to avoid the sheriff. They were eventually arrested and, according to
connection between the university and the high-school activists was familial.
Julius Hauser, an NSL leader and YCL member, was a former student at Hyde
Park High; his sister Lillian, still attending high school, worked with Julius in
nation's experience in World War 1. As Robert Cohen points out, activists used
reports, two hundred elected student delegates from Chicago's high schools,
lessons from the war as a message that citizens needed to prevent the country's
colleges, and universities attended the conference. Crane Junior College sent
entry into what they saw as another mistaken Armageddon. With their futures
about one hundred students and fifty teachers. Crane's night school was respon
sible for sixty-one of the student delegates. Tuley High School held a student
business leaders and argued that the United States had entered the war for eco
assembly and elected thirty-five delegates, with almost as many teachers from
nomic rather than moral reasons. The contemporary historian James Shotwell
that school attending.Teachers at Hyde Park High let some female students take
noted, "The tendency to find in economics the chief if not the sole cause of war
has grown in the United States in recent years and has almost become an axiom
and Lane high schools also provided delegates, along with the YMCA College,
Joining their?hvo hundred with five hundred students from around the coun
try, Chicago'^delegates listened to Joseph Cohen of Brooklyn College, who four
ternational relations and the prospects of a wara war which they knew could
be even more devastating to their lives than had the Depression itself."'"*
months earlier had attended the Amsterdam World Congress against War as
Activism in high schools continued throughout 1933 and 1934, proving that
the NSL d^egate. He warned that "during the war years college laboratories
heightened political interest was not confined to the college set. According to
were used for gas production; colleges were army training camps." Capitalism,
Chicago police arrest records, ten high-school students were arrested on the
he instructed, was the cause of all wars. They also heard a message sent from
Theodore Dreiser and read by Henry Sloan Coffin of the Union Theological
School, posting leaflets at Marshall High, and general "disorderly conduct." Such
Seminary. Earl Browder and Upton Close debated the merits of pacifism, and
activity led to a demonstration organized by party and YCL groups against the
Jane Addams and Scott Nearing lectured on how to ensure peace. At night,
German consulate the following day on Michigan Avenue, where seven people
delegates broke into study groups and worked on militarism on campus and
That jeers and shouts poured forth when Jane Addams and Upton Close
ing than the fact that the congress, with its large non-Communist participation,
fight for King and Country." In May 1933, editors of the University of Chicago's
went off at all. Despite their prejudice against broad movements, Chicago's
Communist students were willing participants. Even Make Mills, the head of
in which the United States participated. Over twice as many, 746, were not
More likely,
interested in fighting
in any war
ter how provoked. Sentiment at the university differed from national student
opinion. Nationally, more students refused to support war even in the event of
an invasion than did at the University of Chicago. Still, a vibrant antiwar group
coalesced at the university under the NSL's leadership.^
In January 1934, the University of Chicago's NSL announced its formal par
The momentum from the strike resulted in wider contacts between leftist
groups and antiwar groups on campus and in the community. The Student
Union against War and Fascism was opened to anyone on campus who was
ticipation in a national student strike against war, which would occur on April
6, the anniversary of the U.S. entry into World War 1. By March, the Daily Ma
the University of Chicago's campus, the group reached out to fraternities and
roon announced that the strike would occur under a broad coalition called the
the general student body as well as such politically engaged groups as the So
United Antiwar Association, of which the NSL would be only one of the sup
cialist club, a seminary group, the NSL, and the Cosmos club.'"
Meanwhile, the campus's NSL affiliated with the American League against War
and drafted a program that lent itself to inclusiveness among those opposed to
and Fascism, where they made connections to antiwar groups in the city. Locally,
these antiwar groups operated like the national American League against War
On April 6,1934, the United Antiwar Association called for students to leave
their classes at eleven o'clock to join a parade, which would proceed around
munists opposed to war. Chicago's branch of the league included such prominent
campus and stop at the Hutchins Circle. At noon, leaders would burn in ef
figy William Randolph Hearst for vigorously fanning the flames of war in his
including the University of Chicago professor Robert Morss Lovett, the Chicago
newspapers. Student speeches would follow the parade. In the weeks following,
Urban League's Arthur Falk, and the Socialist Ministerial Alliance's Rev. W. B.
Waltmire. The organizing conference for the Chicago branch included twelve
protest when they wrote, "A demonstration of this kind has not been held on
ing, the university administration did a quick turnaround and reinstated the
Student Union.^"'*
Walgreen himself testified that Norton's reading of the Communist Manifesto for
her social science course convinced her that the "family as an institution was dis
In the aftermath of the Student Unions fight for existence, the movement on
appearing." She began questioning the values of business leaders in the country,
campus against war grew and broadened. In January 1935, twelve student groups
was the best model, inquiries that suggested critical thinking and reflected the
the usual political characters, there were representatives from fraternities, the
divinity school, and the campus band. The diversity of their backgrounds did
than any particular indoctrination. A few days before the hearings, Norton told
not preclude a united position against war. The Daily Maroon reporter Wells
a reporter that she had not been indoctrinated but had changed her mind. In
response to a committee member's question about why she changed her mind,
meeting was that one hundred percent of the speakers who gave opinions on the
she replied that when asked she did not know what indoctrination meant and
matter would not bear arms for the United States in time of war!"'^ That April,
a second national strike against war took place. This time, on the University of
"'The pathetic ignorance in her voice could not arouse even the hero-worship
tions club. Social Problems club, YWCA, Socialist club, NSL, Research Union,
Kappa Alpha Psi, and the Student League for Industrial Democracy, organized
munist who saw Soviet intrigue everywhere. Dilling testified, "'Yes, they are
the event.'"^
And while student activism against war united the campus's small core of
Communists with a broad group of the student body in a single cause, the cam
went on to accuse Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis and Senator William
It was not hard for the university's president, Robert Hutchins, and profes
sors Frederick Schuman, Robert Morss Lovett, and Harr)^<jideonse, faculty
and their teachings, the fact that Charles Walgreens accusations of Communist
members fingered
influence at the university appeared only a few days after the student antiwar
Ellen Schrecker and other scholars have traced back the cold-war repression
of leftists in public schools and higher education to such investigations as the
one instigated by the pharmacy mogul Walgreen.^" The fact that the inquiry
did not result in any firings
they ably made the argument that the university is a place where people should
"discuss important problems critically, objectively, and scientifically^"^
Support for academic freedom expanded beyond the halls of the county build
ing. As soon as Walgreen announced his charges, students. President Hutchins,
alumni, politicians, and faculty rallied to the university's cause. One Daily Ma
of altvarieties sets this period apart from that of the 1950s and suggests some
level of acceptance of the idea that the university is a place for the sharing of
Walgreen withdrew his niece, Lucille Norton, from the University of Chicago,
niece was enrolled in a course in the social sciences, Walgreen replies, "Aha!
schools of Communist teachers, ideas, readings, and values, state senators fol
lowed Walgreen's action and launched an investigation into its schools. Led by
Hutchins expressed his more serious approach in a radio broadcast a few days
after Walgreen's initial accusation, making clear that he did not believe that the
downtown Chicago, where Senator Charles Baker promised that his committee
would "go the limit in its efforts to expose the subversive influences undermin
please." To him. Reds were created out of a revolt against "being treated like
all, Hutchins emphasized, the Communist Party of Illinois was on the state
ballot. Should not students learn about political parties running in local and
that grew out of a United Front movement to address youth issues. Eventually
national elections?"^
Taking the probe a bit less seriously, alumni planned their own version of a
with Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, young Zionists, and religious groups and estab
Red hunt. Together with the football team, alumni agreed to carry their own
lished contacts with youth movements that were growing around the world.
"clues, tear gas, bloodhoimds, red bait, and traps" to the field house, where the
Through these contacts, the YCL helped create a national youth conference and
football team would give a preview. Following the game, a Daily Maroon article
the AYC, which in 1936 participated in the first World Youth Congress in Ge
reported, dinner would be served and the alumni chided, "Vodka, caviar, and
black bread will be conspicuously absent from the menu." The evening promised
to wrap up with a report of the "red hunt investigation" and a presentation from
the "professors of Moscow" in the form of the strolling friars."^ In addition, the
Conservation Corps.'^
the farce "In Brains We Trust," which satirized the Walgreen accusation as well
as other campus and national issues."
Support from off-campus sources poured in. In one case, General Assembly
man James Monroe publicly reproached Walgreen for withdrawing his niece
are making greater success than the Party with one-fourth the strength of the
from the university. Arguing that he wanted his five children to "learn all there
Party? They make twice or three times the advances in the united front that the
is to know about Communism, and all it leads to," Monroe called Walgreen a
Party generally does." According to Browder, it was "not that these youths are
"foolish uncle.""' Letters of support for the university's liberal stand and "intelli
gent exploration of all subjects" arrived from the Rosenwald Family Association,
selves to the tasks of the united front."'^' In fact, their adjustment had not been
and testimony from Swift and Company's vice president and director and Uni
as quick as it was about to be for the rest of the party. Youth ha:d been adjusting
throughout the Third Period. The righteousness of their -v^ay was only begin
to Walgreen's accusations."
Since the point of the inquiry was to'ferret out those who indoctrinated
students and promoted violent overthrow of the system, testimony support
ing academic freedom and critical inquiry were appropriate. Some leftists still
criticized those who testified that no Communists taught at the university or
promoted the overthrow of the system, arguing that denial seemed to justify^ the
question. But that a significant core of faculty, administrators, students, and offcampus supporters expressed the value of a liberal education, the importance
of learning about different systems of thought, and the right of faculty to hold
their own political beliefs as long as they did not indoctrinate students with such
beliefs speaks to the fact that the context in which student activists operated in
the 1930s was more open than in the post-World War II period. In response
to accusations of indoctrination, administrators were forced to articulate the
belief that students were able to think for themselves and that suppression of
student activism only led to more of it. This lesson came in handy in the weeks
following the hearings, when the NSL lost its campus charter for displaying its
banner in an off-campus rally. A few weeks later, after campus protest coalesced,
the dean reinstated the group."'
Outside the university, antiwar work grew among the city's nonstudent youth.
The success of such work culminated in the building of the AYC, an organization
their membership base, and any sense that they acted independently of the
Soviet Union. Yet while criticism against Communists increased from all po
litical directions, Chicago's party lost relatively few members. One and a half
years later, Hitler broke the pact, and the Soviet Union became America's ally
in a popular war. On the surface, the conditions of the Popular Front had been
restored, but the fact of the pact and its startling consequencesGerman and
Soviet occupation of Poland; Russian annexation of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithu
ania; and the Russian invasion of Finlandremained. How did Communists
understand these shifts, and how did these policy changes affect their local
activism? In what ways did the Third Period prepare Chicago Communists for
the Popular Front, what happened to them once they got there, and what does
their experience say about Communism in the United States? The purpose of
this epilogue is to project, in broad strokes, the themes raised throughout this
book into the Popular Front.
Soviet ties challenged Communist claims to democratic and patriotic im
stag, stood before 513 delegates from sixty-five countries gathered in Moscow
Browder and William Z. Foster battled before Moscow's leaders, each seeking
for the Comintern's Seventh World Congress. Dimitroff heralded the turn from
support for their domestic and foreign policies. Stalinist purgesjtast a further
And democratic centralism still ruled with a strong hand, so^that when Soviet
world over should seek broad, cross-class alliances to unite progressive forces
leaders agreed to a nonaggression pact with Hitler, local party members made
it make sense.^
make distinctions between him and "the most reactionary circles of American
In important ways, the Popular Front unleashed practical politics and tactics
in the United States."' For the first time in their history, Communists officially
call for a Popular Front sanctioned activities that some Chicago Communists
welcomed Socialists and middle-class reformers into their coalitions; they put
had begun in the Third Period and created new opportunities to further an
their goal of class revolution to bed; and they busied themselves with campaigns
agenda the party increasingly shared with liberals: racial equality, progressive
coalition building, advocacy for the Soviet Union, and a belief that industrial
party leaders in the United States encouraged patriotic themes and American
union building through the CIO and the New Deal were important agents of
culture in party work. Between 1935 and 1938, American Communists rein
social change.
terpreted the precise meaning of the Popular Front as it related to third parties,
In the United States, the Popular Front became more than a Communist party
Roosevelt's New Deal, and organizing strategies.^ And yet their overall emphasis
strategy; it was a social movement created out of the political realities of the day.
By 1935, the battles that urged the National Labor Relations Act and created the
CIO and that rallied groups m solidarity with Spain, Ethiopia, and China con
and a surge in party membership. As Mark Naison argues, "The Popular Front
vinced liberals to look past their troubled history with Communists and use party
members' organizational skills and energy for progressive causes. The second
prejudice and class privilege and employing the strength and resilience of its
War II Red Scares created successful coalitions and industrial drives by uniting
Four years later, however, news that Stalin signed a nonaggression pact with
German leaders threatened American Communists' place in these coalitions.
with Communists. Welcoming their invitation into these liberal and at times
middle-class circles. Communists downplayed their affiliations and got to work.
Existing local party records for the Popular Front era, published records, and
and buros, the party functioned through state organizations led by secretaries
acterized these broad alliances.^ Moscow's position was only one factor shaping
groups concerned with the problems of the shop floor, and eventually dissolved
its consequences particularly difficult for local activists. The agreement devas
them, creating in their place industrial units with a broader focus on issues that
tated Communists* allies, especially those who were Jews, intellectuals, and/or
middle-class sympathizers. Yet even with the loss of some fellow travelers, the
now followed U.S. electoral-district lines, such as wards and counties, allow
party's own forces were not seriously depleted during this year-and-a-half-long
ing the Communist party to increase the size of their local units and to more
hiatus in the Popular Front. Local party experiences explain their persistence
closely resemble other parties in the country. With larger branches positioned
in Chicago; the Soviet Union's about-face in 1939 did no^seriously affect the
work of most local Communists who pushed for civil rights, fought for the un
tial recruits than they had appeared in small unit gatherings. Larger branches,
moreover, would allow for more leadership to develop and for more work to
1935 onward, the Black and labor movements became the main spark plugs
be accomplished.'
igniting the engines of the struggle."^ Ties Communists had forged in the black
leaders encouraged the work that had been occurring within a number of mass-
them local networks and concrete issues that overshadowed unpopular inter
national twists.
And yet local Communist support of the nonaggression pact, the Soviet
invasion of Poland, and war against Finland show that Chicago's Communists
were not too different from those around the country in what Maurice Isserman
Utopian and all the rest of that-type of grouping." And rather ^^an Third Period
tion, and their utter inability to admit to and act on their own doubts."^ As a
result, the period of the pact widened the circle of those who saw the tragedy
informed them that they should "modestly become part of the organization,
speaking to the members from the point of view of helping to solve the prob
Soviet Union and exposed one of the ironies of the supposedly ultrademocratic
Popular Front: the Communist party itself was probably less democratic than
Chicago's party schools reflected the Popular Front's culture. Branch class
in the period before. To be sure, in the months between the signing of the pact
rooms changed their curriculum and, instead of Third Period offerings on Marx-
and U.S. entry into World War 11, reverence for the Soviet Union and its Social
ism-Leninism, ran such topical classes as "The Problems and Issues in 1936,
"Current Events," and "Who Rules the U.S.?" School organizers reported good
them locally.
young people, a significant change from Third Period student profiles. More
brief, we must Americanize the Party in its form and structure, in its simplicity,
over, since only six or seven of the.students were party members and another
forty-seven were YCL members, the schools provided the party with a means
party, under directives from above, switched to a more moderate and Ameri
of outreach.'^
44 percent of the Party was reported as professional and white-collar." The 1937
friends reflected other Popular Front changes. Brown encouraged fellow Com
munists that "[o]ne of the good qualities of a Communist is his keeping close
to his dear ones and to his friends, bringing them closer to the revolutionary
of the delegates were born in the United States. Among those, the party saw
movement and into the Party" He argued that Communists had to learn how to
increases in its numbers of women and youth. Rosalyn Baxandall noted that
become "patient and persistent" with fellow workers, friends, and family mem
bers. They had to learn how to be modest and how to "avoid breaking relations
percent by 1943. Meanwhile, the YCL increased from eight thousand in 1935 to
orbit through mass organizations such as the IWO, which supported the party
recruited his wife, daughter, and two sons, party leaders proudly reported the
through donations to its causes, speakers at its forums, and participation at its
rallies. In 1934 the IWO numbered sixty-two thousand members and grew to
leaders wanted outsiders to get close to the party. To that end, their new struc
tures, style, and attitude made it easier for members like Relford to be "good"
141,364 by 1938.''
Chicago's party experienced a similar pattern of growth: 3,303 members in
1934 became 5,750 in 1938.^ And in 1936, Chicago's leaders reported that 70
percent of their new recruits were born in the United States.^' Like the national
party, increases among white-collar workers and intellectuals provided Chica
Simpkin, a surgeon and IWO member, for example, often lent Ijis home to
and John Brown. Earl Browder coined the phrase "Communism is twentieth-
party leaders for meetings. And a growing group of doctors a^d lawyers of
century Americanism," and Chicago's party paper, the Midwest Daily Record,
declared itself "of the people, by the people, for the people." The Daily Worker
widow," for example, offered money to Communist causes^'and her home for
coverage, and a Sunday magazine that blended popular culture with American
and out of party circles. Chicago's leftist writers and artists maintained a fluid
community, joining Chicago's Repertory Group, working for the Illinois Writers'
Project, and contributing to leftist publications such as the New Anvil. Douglas
run the news of a strike alongside the news of a baseball game, you are making
Wixson wrote of one "commune" of party supporters, Karl Marx Hof, where
American workers feel at home.... Let's loosen up. Let's begin to prove that
"cheap ... beer was bought in quantities and sold for ten cents a glass to raise
one can be a human being as well as a Communist. It isn't a little special sect
money for various causes such as the CP's workers' school." Dixon found that
Chicago's party, like the national party, also witnessed an influx of women,
yet local critics rightly charged that "we could have more women in the Party, if
from 23,760 members in October 1934 to 55,000 members by May 1938. Even
the men comrades did not adopt the attitude that the Party is not for women.""
Chicago's leaders noted that women had become more active in party schools
monumental increases.''
and were increasingly numerous among their recruits, but leaders' continued
Party leaders, moreover, could boast that the social composition of their ranks
emphasis on male trade unionists had its effect. Of the 171 people recruited in
had improved. By 1936, a majority was employed, and a large proportion was
February 1936, forty-nine were women. This ratio, running between 25 and
30 percent of new recruits, continued at least through 1938, when out of 240
gists, and lawyers; and Nathan Glazer estimated that by 1941, "[N]o less than
Party leaders still believed that women should wait for Socialism before fight
ing for equality, and they opposed the Equal Rights Amendment because they
handicrafts, etc., and by taking as a starting point the particular interest of the
and other liberal groups also challenged the amendment, the party's attacks
were indicative of its larger attitudes concerning women's roles. Its papers tied
women to beauty and housekeeping, encouraging party women to maintain
During the Popular Front, they did just that. Reports of YCL social activi
ties appear throughout the Midwest Daily Record. In April 1938, they held a
societal norms of fashion and beauty. Chicago's Midwestern Daily Record taught
Sweet Sixteen dance at the Free Sons of Israel Hall, celebrating sixteen years of
women how to make the home more livable. Writers told women how to open
YCL growth. And on October 26,1938, the YCL announced that it would hold
stubborn jars, make hard sauce, and remove white spots on dark furniture. Jean
a Halloween Ball in the Majestic Hotel's ballroom, featuring swing music and
Lyon wrote an article entitled "There's More than One Way to Nag." In fact, there
costumes. But YCLers did more than throw parties. The Chicago YCL was also
were three ways, according to Lyon: the whining nag, the weeping nag, and the
an important vehicle for organizing industry, with its own shop-floor organiza
shouting nag. Each posed serious problems for their husbands. Women were
tions. The YCL group in meatpacking, for example, effectively aided the party
advised to change their ways and make it easier for men, for example, to put their
feet up on furniture. After all, Lyons consoled, women could comfort themselves
creased the YCL's membership. In 1934, Chicago had only 325 YCL members,
but by 1938 it had over two thousand.^'
"with the thought that at least he doesn't spit tobacco on the wall.'"^
While these attitudes persisted within the party, women began a dialogue on
Leaders were especially proud of their work among African American youth
their role that challenged the notion that they were subordinate. Drawn into
and women. In 1939, a Harriet Tubman club on the South Side affiliated with
campaigns against the high cost of living and into union drives through women's
the YCL, and another YCL affiliate, the Oliver Law club, published a leaflet
auxiliaries, they found the Communist party receptive to their issues. Joining
hailing the Soviet Union's twenty-second anniversary. In the party branch that
with such wide-ranging groups as the Parent Teachers' Association and the
that in 1938 they recruited 336 men and women. "The most important thing in
challenge their place in the party and society at large. On March 23,1939, the
our recruiting drive," the section organizer wrote, "was thi^: up until last year,
it was almost impossible for us to recruit Negro women on the South Side of
... don't mean a thing to the average woman.... [Ijnthe issue of March 10, the
Chicago, with the exception of old women. Well, we have not stopped recruiting
whole column on 'how to win husbands and influence lights'... who has time
older women, but during the campaign we have gone out and brought into the
to remove all the chandeliers and sit under certain lights? ... I would suggest
Party many of the young women of the South Side." Of the 145 women brought
in during this particular campaign, none was over forty-five years old.^
While party directives reframed inner party life, easing Communists' reach
en's page."^ Other women called for the paper's editors to give more space to
women's biographies and argued with party leaders that too little attention was
shift engineered in Moscow and followed by the rank and file mechanically.
paid to women's activities in Chicago. Meanwhile, women like Jane March and
Chicago's Communists created strong precedents for this shift in their own
Beatrice Shields, who led women's work and guided educational activity in the
work, and the success and breadth of the Popular Front depended on workers
city, served as role models for younger party women who were having their first
Hall remembered women like Shields pushing for women's rights within the
party, providing Hall a new sort of model for women's activism.^'
The YCL provided a structure to organize and educate young radicals. Henry
Winston explained that education within the league should "bring the youth to
ties to the government and new union structures of the CIO. Lizabeth Cohen
the point of understanding the need for a new societyf This meant participat
has argued that this shift was possible because a "culture of unity" permeated
chains made their way into Chicago's ethnic enclaves, integrating its workers
into a national mass culture. No longer local and ethnic, movie theaters, grocery
stores, and radio reinforced the decline of ethnic institutions and the rise of a
a stronghold of the Popular Front. Denning argued that "under the sign of the
'people,' the Popular Front public culture sought to forge ethnic and racial al
that the "'arguments of the CIO were taking effect on the men " because "'the
presence of Negro organizers and the reputation of the UMW are tending to
Women and families also played an important role in the CIO's bid to unite
ethnic slurs."^^
their place within women's auxiliaries, the new attitude toward unity proved
powerful to many women who joined unions and walked picket lines for the
Communist party was well positioned to participate in this new vitality Com
Reaching into racial and ethnic communities, the CIO pulled together a co
alition based on workers' unity symbolized on CIO union buttons and lived in
brought welfare issues before the nation, and won several battles in Chicago.
They stood in support of Spain; and through their brigades, parades, and fund
spaces such as bars, CIO corners, and meeting halls. Broadening their scope
raisers, Communists' support for the Spanish Republic won them liberals' praise.
On the South Side, party members protested Italy's invasion into Ethiopia and
Picketing, picnics, and solidarity statements sealed this workers' front. Cohen
out that blacks in particular encountered fascism through their lack of hous
ing, high rents and costs of living, denials of civil rights, wage"differentials, and
understand that their fates were intertwined." They spoke of being a member
impaired cultural development. They also tapped ethnic and racial community
the United Electric, Radio, and Machine Workers Union, or the Steel Work
in the city's major CIO drives, moreover, made Communists' commitment was
ers Organizing Committee. And while Cohen does not credit Communists
with this development, they were central figures, furthering union workers'
The culture of the Popular Front, moreover, embraced the imagination of
The party's own culture during the Popular Front, then, fit with that of Chica
go's workforce. No longer an animal of clandestine meetings, the party adapted
to the mass media and culture of the mid-to-late 1930s and 1940s. Broadcasting
these working people and their liberal allies. Using the phrase "laboring of
from local radio stations. Communists used modern technology to unite work
American culture," Michael Denning's work explains the Popular Front phenom
ers behind its programs and encouraged peoj^e to meet in groups to listen to
scheduled shows. Communists in many ways were becoming the best examples
culture, a culture that seriously dealt with questions of fascism, war, work, and
civil rights. Denning argues that "the phrase reminds us that the culture and
The Popular Front not only increased Communist membership among cer
politics of the Popular Front were not simply New Deal liberalism and popu
tain groups of Chicago's population, it increased the party's general prestige and
in turn, these processes reshaped their attitudes towards uniting across racial,
"[t]housands of these would like to be part of our family. They even call them
ethnic, and political barriers. Denning argued that the culture of this work
ing class "was marked by a sustained sense of class consciousness and a new
nists was demonstrated in the 1938 Chicago Defender Bud Biliken parade. A
Student following the YCI^ float, with its "Black and White Unite" and "Free the
Scottsboro Boys" slogans, reported that a "wave of applause followed the float
along the whole route. Old women shouted, *Yes, free the boys!' People noted:
Those who were enthusiastic about union building, antifascism, and civil rights
work created other problems as they abandoned older projects for positions in
From this student's report, Horace Cayton and St. Clair Drake concluded that
the CIO and in broad-based coalitions. While union leadership and mass orga
nizations were ideal ways to reach working people. Communist involvement left
such other party projects as Unemployed Councils barren and disorganized. As
the Ninth Party Conference restructured the party into branches and industrial
units, party leaders found that they did not have enough lower leaders to see
Third Period, set the stage for a more coordinated drive during the Popular Front.
the changes through; they were preoccupied with new activities.^" Acting within
unions and mass organizations, moreover, party members did not necessar
an organization that more easily fit into the American landscape. And workers,
forced by the Depression into new solutions, were more willing to unite across
fellow Communist unionists for focusing too much on trade-union issues and
for not raising political ones. While many Communist CIO organizers became
known for their fighting spirit, those in the AFL were a mixed bag. Party reports
that lingered from the Third Period. How would they continue to spread their
peatedly remind members, especially older ones, that the popular Front was
revolutionary ideology and at the same time build the party?' The Soviet Union
handed them new problems. What effect did the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact have
desire for overthrow of capitalism for the hard work of winning the masses for
the struggle to overthrow capitalism" had to end. Party leaders did not want a
few good cadres but instead hoped to use the new structure and networks to
Front. During a Daily Worker drjve, Chicago's leadership found that its language
would plague them. When the Soviet Union and Germany entered into a nonag
groups were not doing their part to raise money. When the Ny Tid needed money,
gression treaty in 1939, the wheels of the Popular Front screeched to a grinding
the Scandinavian buro raised $250 in one week; but in the eight-week drive for
halt. Antifescism had become such an integral part of the party's program that its
the Daily Worker, they barely raised $80. The South Slav buro acted similarly
members and leaders could not imagine the Soviet Union moving away from its
A bigger concern, however, was the way the language members separated their
no-nonsense antifascist stand, but it did. Communists all over the United States
activities from the shop floor. Lawson complained, "We do not find the Polish
were shocked by the news and photos of Joachim von Ribbentrop, the German
Buro in packing. South Slav Buro in steel, nor the Slovaks and Lithuanians in
foreign minister, and Stalin shaking hands. British and French appeasement was
the coal fields." Chicago party leaders wondered why such buros as the Bulgar
one thing, but Soviet appeasement was quite another. The term "Communazi,"
ian did not have steel organizing on their agendas; and they discovered that
among the Croatian fraction, there was much quarreling about how to work in
porters, Gebert must have seemed like quite a traitor. Certainly Polish and South
Slav workers in the city's stockyards and steel mills thought so. In these places.
Communists lost their moral authority and found themselves having to explain
that in fact "Communism" and "fascism" were different systems and political
groups that linked them to the CIO as a whole and threatened to destroy their
Ukrainian and South Slav steel workers in line, "notwithstanding the fact that
The Daily Worker tried to rationalize the pact as a blow to Nazi Germany. "By
compelling Germany to sign a non-aggression pact, the Soviet Union not only
Committee's Polish American Committee had been raising money for Polish
tremendously limited the direction of Nazi war aims, but thereby bolstered the
people and were understandably reeling from the recent turn of events.^'
possibilities for peace in the world." Articles and editorials tried to convince
readers that the party had not moved away from its antifascist stand but still
the past, seethed with anger. Even though the party press hailed the Soviet Union
stood for peace, freedom, and democracy. Browder himself argued that the
pact "should strengthen Popular Front movements everywhere." And when war
endorsing the pact meant turning their backs on Germany's and Poland's Jews,
broke out in Europe, and Germany announced its intention to annex Poland,
who were suffering a horrible fate. Party leaders noted that the circulation of
the American party went into full gear in support of Poland and the policies of
faced off against rabbis who delivered anti-Soviet messages to their congrega
Like their counterparts on the national scene, Chicago's party leaders were
tions. One rabbi canceled a Communist speaker at his synagogue, ahd reports
eager to follow Soviet policies. They simply did not know how to interpret them,
indicated that in the city's temples Jewish leaders distributed anti-Si?viet articles
exactly. They did, however, know that they needed to defend the Soviet Union.
by James Waterman Wise, the son of the noted New York rabblStephen Wise,
When the staff of the Socialist Jewish Daily Forward organized an anti-Soviet
For many in and around the party, the Soviet Union's ne'W policies and ac
tions were indefensible. Members of the League for Peace and Democracy and
the ILD, not to mention those in Jewish locals of the IWO, gave Chicago party
who applauded as the speaker explained "how the Soviet German Pact was
an aid to peace.'"* At least publicly, the party minimized the hypocrisy of the
president of the Furriers Union, came to assist the Chicago union officials Abe
new Soviet policy, and for a short time they sought comfort in their Popular
in that union due to the revolt of the radical Jewish members, who are threaten
ing to secede on account of the Nazi-Soviet pact." An FBI agent reported, "The
priests, Jewish rabbis, and Chicago's civic and trade-union Polish leaders.^
with Hitler.""' Soviet policies had backed the city's leaders into a corner. An FBI
was critical of the Polish government, insisted that the war was imperialist, and
prohibited the American party from taking a side. American leaders quickly
leaders deplore the Non-Aggression pact entered into between Hider and Stalin,
lowed suit. On September 15, two days before the Soviets invaded Poland, Chi
cago's party paper announced a talk by Gebert, billed for "Chicago Poles who
Harvey Klehr argues that the Comintern helped the American party through
want to get the lowdown on the Nazi invasion of Poland." The party seemed
the crisis of the period, but national and Chicago leaders also relied on their in
unwilling to let go of its antifascist appeal, yet there were new developments in
stincts and political realities.' While the Comintern sent word on how it wanted
need of clarification: the role of Britain, France, and the Polish government in
the American party to speak about the war and capitalism. Earl Browder balked
the situation. One can only imagine the response that Bill Gebert faced in his
Chicago leaders' dislike of Soviet policy caused some to advise their members
Americans "if they would at least temporarily concentrate on other than war
explained that "[t]hose who stayed may not have been happy, and may have
looked back wistfully on the golden days of Popular Front respectability. But
crete popular campaigns were where most party members felt comfortable.
they stayed." They felt, Isserman argued, that "this was a testing period in which
Herb March, the packinghouse union organizer, recalled how practical work
they would have to prove their mettle." Chuck Hall remembered the period
overshadowed the ugly reality of Soviet foreign policy: "[The Nazi-Soviet pact]
of the pact as "very confusing." Yet he believed that "it was a necessity for the
was difficult to defendof course ... these things didn't become... big... in
Soviet Union to make that pact.... It was a self-defense to try and stop the
the union because we were busygetting full recognition."'' A letter from national
party leaders showed that these impulses to downplay unpopular Soviet poli
other Communists that Western powers could not be relied upon for support
cies were not unique to Chicago. In general, party members were "too hesitant"
against fascist aggression. While aligning their own interests with the safety of
when it came to "defending the peace policy of Soviet Russia." National leaders
lamented that "in many instances comrades have remained silent even in the
Chicago's rolls during the period of the pact. Out of its 1938 membership of
munists at all levels. When Browder was arrested on false passport charges,
5,750, only 13 percent of Chicago's members left, just under national 'rates of
Chicago's party leaders who had also traveled on fake passports suffered from
than any particular policy; it was a way of life, not easily disregar^'cl.^
As time passed, state leaders began to reorganize the party forfmore public
Activities established in May 1938 and chaired by Martin Dies, began to harass
attacks and anti-Communist purges. Because they feared that the./might have to
Communists and their former supporters from the League for Peace and De
mocracy, the American Student Union, and other such organizations. State and
and prepare for the party's illegality. Work would remain in a few trusted hands.
Only one party member would be responsible for the organization, and only
two or three leading members would know who that person was. Fred Brown
and J. Peters prepared the secret work nationally, while Jack Parker trained
at the turn of events. The leadership of today does not seem to have half the
courage and energy of the leaders of twenty years ago, who openly fought every
by members who were not in any immediate danger of prosecution and who
worked outside of industry. Group meetings would occur early in the evening
and away from union halls, and then the information would be transferred to
the people working in industry.^
the city, and party trade unionists were at its center. It is no wonder that John L.
The party's position was morally and politically damaging, yet the new po
Lewis sent a surge of fear through party ranks when he made anti-Communist
litical context created an opening for Communists to tap into a popular peace
Chicago's steel and packinghouse locals, and rumors surfaced that Sam Levin,
and raised the possibility of increasing relief agencies' resources by cutting war
eleven student groups into a Keep America Out of War Congress.' Communists
also reenergized their campaign against the high cost of living to fight against
keep CIO leaders from kicking Communists out of their union positions, ^d
local Chicago Commumsts made their roimds to party unionists trying to lessen
their panic. Regardless, key union activists began distancing themselves from
the party.^
1. Harold D. Lasswell and Dorothy Blumenstock, World Revolutionary^^ropaganda:
A Chicago Study (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1939), 212-14 (quote 011/13).
2. Ibid., 214.
3. Irving Howe and Lewis Coser, The American Communist Party:
A Critical History
1939 the momentiun of the Popular Front and rank-and-file Communist activity
lutionary, lasting until 1923. It was followed by one of capitalist stabilization, which
focused on the CIO, welfare rights, and combating racial discrimination. The
ended in 1928. See Isaac Deutscher, The Prophet Outcast Trotsky: 1929-1940 (London:
new membership brought into the party during the early years of the Popular
Oxford University Press, 1963), 38-40; and R. Pahne Dutt, Fascism and Social Revolu
Front carried their dedication to these causes across the period of the pact, and
tion: A Study of the Economics and Politics of the Extreme Stages of Capitalism in Decay
the war would bring eventually bring them back into the mainstream.
Local party activity thrived during the Popular Front, party membership
grew to its highest numbers, and a new composite of Communists succeeded
in initiating strong local movements. But the organization's dependency on
Soviet shifts exposed its vulnerability. After 1939, Communists would have
and Mark Solomon, The Cry Was Unity: Communists and African Americans, 1917-1936
ideals. And yet the ability of party members to sustain their leadership in local
movements suggests that, regardless of the historic period, the story of America's
Communists is best understood when it is framed in a local context.
6. This interpretation was originally advanced by ten studies sponsored by the Fund for
the Republic, beginning in 1953, on various aspects of "Communism in American Life."
The published works include Daniel Aaron, Writers on the Left: Episodes in American
Literary Communism (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1961); Clinton Lawrence
Rossiter, Marxism: The View from America (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World,
1960); Frank S. Meyer, The Moulding of Communists: The Training of the Communist
Cadre (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1961); Ralph Lord Roy, Communism
and the Churches (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, i960); David A. Shannon,
The Decline of American Communism: A History of the Communist Party of the United
States since 1945 (New York; Harcourt, Brace, and World. 1959); Nathan Glazer. The
Social Basis of American Communism (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1961);
Robert W. Iversen, The Commumsts and the Schools (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and
World, 1959); and Theodore Draper, The Roots of American Communism (1957: reprint,
Chicago: Ivan Dee Inc., 1985). See also Klehr, Heyday of American Communism; Bert
Cochran, Labor and Communism: The Conflict That Shaped American Unions (Prince
ton, NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1977); Howe and Coser, American Communist
Party; and Harvey Klehr and John Earl Haynes, The American Communist Movement:
Storming Heaven Itself (New York: Twayne Press, 1992), This perspective recently has
been pursued in a Yale University Press series, which includes Harvey Klehr, John Earl
Haynes. and Fridrikh Igorevich Firsov, The Secret World of American Communism (New
Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1995); and Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, and
Kyrill M. Anderson, The Soviet World of American Communism (New Haven, Conn.: Yale
University Press, 1998). See also Vernon Pedersen, The Communist Party in Maryland,
m9-57 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2001); and John Earl Haynes and Harvey
Klehr, "The Historiography of American Communism: An Unsettled Field," Labour His
tory Review 68.1 (April 2003); 61-78. A similar interpretation from a different political
perspective has been expressed by Bryan D. Palmer, "Rethinking the Historiography of
United States Communism," American Communist History 2.2 (2003): 139-73.
7. Draper, American Communism and Soviet Russia, 440.
8. Ibid., 4 (first quote); Klehr, Haynes, and Anderson, Soviet World of American Com
munism, 5 (second quote); Haynes and Klehr, "Historiography of American Commu
nism," 6.1-78.
9. Historical autobiographies reflecting this perspective include Steve Nelson, James
R. Barrett, and Rob Ruck, Steve Nelson, American Radical (Pittsburgh: University of
Pittsburgh Press, 1981); Nell Irvin Painter, The Narrative ofHosea Hudson (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1979); Dorothy Ray Healey and Maurice Isserman,
California Red: A Life in the American Communist Party (Urbana: University of Illinois
Press, 1990); A1 Richmond, A Long View from the Left: Memoirs of an American Revo
lutionist (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1973); George Charney, A Long Journey (Chicago:
Quadrangle Books, 1968); and Junius Scales and Richard Nickson, Cause at Heart: A
Former Communist Remembers (Afliens: University of Georgia Press, 1987). Important
national studies include Maurice Isserman, Which Side Were You On? The American
Communist Party during the Second World War (1982; reprint, Urbana: University of
Illinois Press, 1993); Fraser Ottanelli, The Communist Party of the United States: From
the Depression to World War II (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1991);
and Paul Buhle, Marxism in the USA from
1987), 121-220. The best local and industry studies include Mark Naison, Communists
in Harlem during the Depression (Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 1983); Robin
Kelley, Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists during the Depression (Chapel HillUniversity of North Carolina Press, 1990); Roger Keeran, The Communist Party and
the Auto Workers Unions (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1980); and Joshua
Freeman, In Transit: The Transport Workers Union in New York City, 1933-1966 (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1986). Paul Lyons, Philadelphia Communists, 1936-1956
(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1982), is less successful. For a critique of these
interpretations, see Theodore Draper, "American Communism Revisited," New York
Review of Books, 9 May 1985, 32-37; and Theodore Draper, "The Popular Front Revis
ited," New York Review of Books, 30 May 1985, 79-81.
10. Palmer, "Rethinking the Historiography" 171.
11. Randi Storch, "'The Realities of the Situation: Revolutionary Discipline and Ev
eryday Political Life in Chicago's Communist Party, i92S~i93^"Labor: Studies in Work
ing-Class History in the Americas 1.3 (2004): 19-44.
12. When I did my research in Moscow, the archive was called the Russian Center
for the Preservation and Study of Documents of Recent History (RTsKhlDNI). It has
since changed its name to the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History
(RGASPI). U.S. Communist party sources continue until the Comintern's dissolution
in 1943. but local records become almost nonexistent after 1935. The CPUSA's collec
tion (fond 515) is now available to researchers on microfilm at the Library of Congress.
See Randi Storch, "Moscow's Archives and the New History of the Communist Party
of the United States," Perspectives (October 2600): 44-50; and John Earl Haynes, "The
American Communist Party Records on Ivlicrofilm," Continuity 26 (Spring 2003): 21-26.
When I refer to sources from this archive throughout the study, I abbreviate the archive
to RTsKhlDNI. I then list the source by fond (f.), opis (op.), delo (d.), aKd listok (I.).
13. Scholarly studies include Harvey Klehr and Ronald Radosh, T^e Amerasia Spy
Case: Prelude to McCarthyism (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996);
John Earl Haynes, Red Scare or Red Menace? American Communism and Anticommunism in the Cold War Era (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1996); Klehr, Haynes, and Firsov,
Secret World of American Communism; Klehr, Haynes, and Anderson, Soviet World of
American Communism; John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, Venona: Decoding Soviet
Espionage in America (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1999); Pedersen, Com
munist Party in Maryland; and Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev, The Haunted
Wood (New York: Modern Library, 2000). James G. Ryan, "Socialist Triumph as a Fam
ily Value: Earl Browder and Soviet Espionage," American Communist History 2 (2002):
125-42, does not appear to be purposely sensationalist, but without contextualizing
espionage activity, Ryan furthers these ends. Important exceptions of recent works that
do not fall into this category include James R. Barrett, William Z. Foster and the Trag
edy of American Radicalism (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999); and Solomon,
Cry Was Unity. Sensationalized popular press stories include James Sherr, "How Stalin
Infiltrated America," New York Times, 27 April 1997; George Will, "The Discrediting
of the U.S. Left," (New Orleans) Times-Picayune, 21 April 1995, B7; and Cal Thomas,
"Who Was Right?" (New Orleans) Times-Picayune, 14 April 1995, B7.
14. Lizabeth Cohen, Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Robert McElvaine, The Great Depres
sion: America, 1929-1941 (New York: Times Books, 1984); Irving Bernstein, The Lean
Years: A History of the American Worker, 1920-1933 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960);
Irving Bernstein, The Turbulent Years: A History of the American Worker, 1933-1941
(Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970).
15. Ihe most problematic methodology is found in works published in the Yale series
Catholic Dimension," in The Irish in Chicago, ed. Lav-ence J. McCaffrey, Elen Skerrett,
listed in n.6 above. Relying on particular episodes taken out of context, these schol
Michael F. Funchion, and Charles Farming (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987).
ars provoke rather than explain. Other methods with less serious flaws that still have
limited explanatory power include such single-industry studies as Keeran, Communist
6. Nelson, Beyond the Martyrs, 21-23; Cohen, Making a New Deal, 12-52; Barrett,
Party and the Auto Workers Union; Freeman, In Transit; Howard Kimeldorf, Reds or
Work and Community in the Jungle, 36-58; Eric L. Hirsch, Urban Revolt: Ethnic Politics
Rackets? The Making of Radical and Conservative Unions on the Waterfront (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1988); and Max Gordon, "The Communists and the
Drive to Organize Steel, 1936," Labor History 23.2 (Spring 1982): 254-65; such historical
autobiographies as Nelson, Barrett, and Ruck, Steve Nelson; Painter, Narrative ofHosea
Hudson; and Healey and Isserman, California Red; such national studies as Isserman,
8. Richard Schneirov, "Chicago's Great Upheaval of 1877," Chicago History 9.1 (1980):
Which Side Were You On?; and Ottanelli, Communist Party of the United States; such
3-17; Barrett, Work and Community in the Jungle, 121; Paul Avrich, The Haymarket
single-group studies as Kate Weigand, Red Feminism: American Communism and the
Tragedy (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1984), 28-33; Hirsch, Urban Revolt,
Making of American Feminism (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001); and
23-319. Richard Schneirov, Labor and Urban Politics: Class Conflict and the Origins of
Solomon, Cry Whs Unity. While a community-study method provides the best model
for looking at this movement, it does not always succeed. Two excellent community
studies include Naison, Communists in Harlem; and Kelley, Hammer and Hoe. A more
11. Nelson, Beyond the Martyrs, 80-152; Hartmut Keil and John B. Jentz, eds., German
Workers in Chicago: A Documentary History ofWorking-Class Culturefrorn'1850 to World
War I (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988), 258-59; Bruce Nelso^^ "Dancing and
Picnicking Anarchists? The Movement below the Martyred Leadership," in Haymarket
Scrapbook, ed. Dave Roediger and Franklin Rosemont (Chicago: Charles Kerr, 1986),
76-79; Avrich, Haymarket Tragedy, 86.
12. Avrich, Haymarket Tragedy, 90; Nelson, Beyond the Martyrs, 82-98; Roediger and
Rosemont, Haymarket Scrapbook, 11-110.
13. Nelson, Beyond the Martyrs, 27-51; Hirsch, Urban Revolt, 54-62; Schneirov, Labor
and Urban Politics, 76-81, 87-94,110-15,145-52.; Richard Schneirov, "'An Injury to
One Is the Concern of All': The Knights of Labor in the Haymarket Era," in Roediger
and Rosemont, Haymarket Scrapbook, 81-83.
14. Adelman, Haymarket Revisited, 14-17; Nelson, Beyond the Martyrs, 177-200;
Hirsch, Urban Revolt, 43-85; Schneirov, Labor and Urban Politics, 32-40, 204-5.
15. Daily Worker, 30 September 1957,5,7; Keil and Jentz, German Workers in Chicago,
193-94; Hirsch, Urban Revolt, 73-78; Nelson, Beyond the Martyrs, 177-200; Schneirov,
Labor and Urban Politics, 248-55.
16. Daily Worker, 30 September 1957, 5, 7; Bruce C. Nelson, "Revival and Upheaval:
Religion, Irrehgion, and Chicago's Working Class in 1886," Journal of Social History 25.2
(1991): 233-53.
17. Schneirov, Labor and Urban Politics, 335-43; Nick Salvatore, Eugene V. Debs:
Press, 1990), 21-52; Robert Slayton, BacA: o/f/ie Yards: The Making of a Local Democracy
Citizen and Socialist (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1982), 127-46; Ralph Chaplin,
(Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1986), 147; Bae, Labor in Retreat, 32-45.
Wobbly: The Rough and Tumble Story of an American Radical (Chicago: University of
1870-1900 (NewBrunsvrick.N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1988), 21; Ellen Skerrett, "The
Revolutionary (Chicago: Charles Kerr Publishing Company, 1976), 234; James Weinstein.
NOTES TO PAGES 1 9 - 2 3
Ambiguous Legacy: The Left in American Politics (New York: New View Points, 1975),
Communism from Lenin to Stalin (New York: St. Martins Press, i997)> 41-80.
(New York: Monthly Review Press, 1975). 21-24. See also McDermott and Agnew, Co
We Shall Be All: A History of the Industrial Workers of the World (Chicago: Quadrangle
mintern; Harvey Klehr, The Heyday of American Communism: The Depression Decade
1969); Joyce
515, op.
Foster and the Tragedy of American Radicalism (Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
1999)> 43-70; William Z. Foster, From Bryan to Stalin (New York: International Pub
1937), 58-72.
Daily Worker,
September 1957,
5, 7;
1947), 18;
82; John
1965), 1-34;
Chicago teachers were among Fitzpatrick's most important allies in this coup.See
98-99; Barrett,
Halpern, Down on the Killing Floor, 44-72; David Brody, Butcher Workmen:
1964), 81-83,
Barrett, William Z. Foster, 83-101; William Z. Foster, Great Steel Strike and Its
Robert K.
Murray, Red Scare, 211-81; Alan Dawley, Struggles for Justice: Social Responsibility
Barrett, Work and Community in the Jungle,98; William Tuttle, Race Riot: Chicago
1970); Halpern,
Down on the
Killing Floor, 65-72; McKillen, Chicago, Labor, and the Rush for a Democratic Diplomacy,
reprint, Chicago:
P. Cannon, The First Ten Years of American Communism (New York: Lyle Stuart, 1962),
16-17,41-46; Arne Swabeck, "When Theory Collides
RTsKhlDNI, f.
1969): 25-38.
1931): 6;
RTsKhlDNI, f.
515. op. 1,
[1930], d. 2113,1.101; 5
3590,1. 22;
L 107;
September 1931, d.
for Party
Party Unit," PO 3 (February 1930): 3-536. Chicago's first TUEL meeting turned out four hundred workers, strongest among
those working in the railroad, needle, metal, building, and printing trades. J. W. John
stone, "The League in Chicago," Labor Herald (April
1922): 29.
nizer took over that work. Directives on Future Handling of Party Records and Statistics,
1955), 135-52.
Pubhshers, 1935)34. The largest sections only began to have organizational secretaries beginning
1.100; n.d.
J. Peters, The Communist Party, a Manual on Organization (New York: Workers Library
Rush for a Democratic Diplomacy (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1995),
1928): 11-13;
around 1932 to cope with party growth. Where no secretary existed, the section orga
Draper, Roofs of American Communism, 14De Leon, American Labor Who's Who, 237, 62,185,41,
225,64; Interview
Library. New York University; Paul Buhle, Marxism in the USA: From 1870 to the Present
Day (New York: Verso Press, 1987), 127-30; Nathan Glazer, The Social Basis of American
Communism (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World,
1961), 13-46.
NOTES TO PAGES 2 3 - 2 8
NOTES TO PAGES 2 8 - 3 4
Foner and James S. Allen, eds., American Communism and Black Americans: -A Docu
45. Barrett, William Z. Foster, 111-13; De Leon, American Labor Who's Who, 64.
46. Charles Shipman, It Had to Be Revolution: Memoirs of an American Radical (Ithaca,
N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1993), 134-36.
62. Draper, American Communism, 24-28 (quote on 20); David Kirby, "Zimmerwald and the Origins of the Third International," and Kevin McDermott, "The History
of the Comintern in Light of New Documents," in International Communism and the
Communist International, 1919-1943, ed. Tim Rees and Andrew Thorpe (Manchester:
Manchester University Press, 1998), 15-30 and 31-40; Kevin McDermott and Jeremy
New Republic, 15 June 1932,117. See also Barrett, William Z. Foster. ii5;Rober A. Bruns,
The Damndest Radical: The Life and World of Ben Reitman, Chicago's Celebrated Social
Refornier, Hobo King and Whorehouse Physician (Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
i987)> 230-51; Harry Haywood, Black Bolshevik: Autobiography of an Afro-American
Communist (Chicago: Liberator Press, 1978), 115,129.
49. Daily Worker, 30 September 1957, 5, 7; newsclipping, n.d.. Jack Kling Papers,
63. Communication Number 11, 2 March 1925, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 556
(first quote); Letter to Jay from Shannon, n.d., RtsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. x, d. 1036,1.122
(second quote); Cannon, First Ten Years of American Communism, 117-27; Barrett,
William Z. Foster, 148-62.
Chicago Historical Society; Peter Filado interview with Gil Green, 23 January 1991,
64. WUliam Z. Foster and James Cannon, "Statements on Our Labor Party Policy,"
Tamiment Institute Library, New York University; John Williamson, Dangerous Scot:
n.d.,f. 534, op. 7, d. 464,1. 54 (quote); Cannon, pjVsf Ten Years of American Communism,
The Life and Work of an American "Undesirable" (New York: International Publishers,
129-31; Barrett, William Z. Foster, 123-25 and 136-39; McKillen, Chicago, Labor, and
1969), 92.
50. Steve Nelson, James R. Barrett, and Rob Ruck, Steve Nelson, American Radical
(Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1981), 66 (quote).
51. Martin Abern to Jay Lovestone, 9 December 1925, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
556,1.61 (quote); see also 11.60 and 62; Draper,
190-92; Buhle, Marxism in the USA, 135-37; Glazer, Social Basis of American Commu
William Z. Foster, "An Open Letter to John Fitzpatrick," Labor Herald (January 1924):
6-8, 26; William Dunne, "Workers and Farmers on the March," Labor Herald (April
1924): 38-40; Earl Browder, "Chicago, St. Paul, Cleveland," Labor Heralc^Aug\ist 1924):
65. Party Building, December 1927, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. I159,11. 9-16.
nism, 46-58.
52. Martin Abern to Jay Lovestone, 9 December 1925, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
556,1. 58; Glazer, Social Basis of American Communism, 52; Draper, Roots of American
Communism, 186-88.
53. Martin Abern to Jay Lovestone, 9 December 1925, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
556,1. 58.
54. Ibid.
55- "Situation in Chicago," n.d. [1925], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 556, U. 7-76.
56. Ibid.; Martin Abern to Jay Lovestone, 14 November 1925, RTsKhlDNI, d. 556,1.
4357. Minutes, 25 October 1925, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op., 1, d. 556,1. 33; Kate Weigand,
Red Feminism: American Communism and the Makingof Women's Liberation (Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001), 16-20.
58.9 December 1926, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 671,1. 50; Women's Work Report,
1926, d. 1157,1.12; Martin Abern to Jay Lovestone, 9 December 1925, RTsKhlNDI, d.
556,1. 58 (quote).
59. Haywood, Black Bobhevik, 129 (quote); Paul Young, "Race, Class and Radicalism
in Chicago, 1914-1936" (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 2001), 155-73; Mark
Solomon, The Cry Was Unity: Communists and African Americans,1917-1936 (Jackson:
University Press of Mississippi, 1998), 3-21.
60. Haywood, Black Bolshevik, 139.
61. Draper, AwmcflM Communism, 331-32; Solomon, Cry Was Unity, 52-67; Philip S.
NOTES TO PAGES 3 7 - 3 9
NOTES TO PAGES 3 5 - 3 7
Making a New Deal, 213-50; Claude Lightfoot, From Chicago's Slums to World Politics:
23. Minutes of the District Buro, 26 March 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2457,
L 26; 15 May 1931,1. 51; Report of Commission Investigating Sections 5-11-12, n.d.,
Horace Cayton and St. Clair Drake, Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a Northern
City, 2 vols., 2d ed. (New York: Harper and Row, 1962); Report of the Head Resident on
the Neighborhood and Unemployment Emergency, 1930-1931, folder 1930, Graham
Taylor Papers, Newberry Library (quote); Lester V. Chandler, America's Greatest Depres
Louis Wirth and Margaret Furez, eds., Local Community Fact Book, 1938 (Chicago: Chi
cago Recreation Commission, 1938), indicate that 14.02 percent of Chicagoans were on
8. District Eight Org. Letter, 11 August 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2870,1 84
relief in 1934. For national party trends, see Klehr, Heyday of American Communism,
161; and Robert J. Alperin, "Organization in the Communist Party, U.S.A., 1931-1938"
9. In 1928, there were 1,100 in the district, which included Milwaukee, St. Louis,
(Ph.D. dissertation. Northwestern University, 1959), 58. For Chicago, see Party Regis
southern Illinois, and Indianapolis. In 1931, New Yorkfs district reported 2,346 members.
tration1931, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2464, L 93; "Notes on the Recruiting
That year, only 1,692 of Chicago's members filled out complete registrations, but party
records indicate that membership reached 1,963. Organizational Status of the CPUSA,
Although the registration has statistical inconsistencies, it provides the best reflection
of Chicago's membership currently available for this period. The part/s Reparation of
"housewives" from "workers" reveals their bias and does not mean that these housewives
were not members of the working class, although the party treated theni as though they
were the bourgeoisie. On housewives as an ambiguous category of ^alysis, see Chris
tine Stansell, City of Women: Sex and Class in New York, 1789-186Q.(New York-. Knopf,
1986); Eric Olin Wright, "Rethinldng, Once Again, the Concept ot Class Structure," in
14. Glazer, Social Basis of American Communism, 212-13 n.28; "Build the Party thru
Recruiting New Members," n.d. [1930], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2113,1. 48; Dis
trict Organization Department Letter, 12 October 1930,1. 55; 3 April 1931, d. 2466,11.
the total number of Chicago's Communists who claimed union membership (396) by
15. J. Williamson, "The Party NucleusA Factor in the Class Struggle," speech at
the total number of Chicago's Commimists who provided information to party leaders
Plenum of District Committee, 29-30 March 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2455,
Alperin's research, which indicated that the party had a total of 14,475 members. Of
during their 1931 registration (1,692). I based my national party statistics on Robert
these Commimists, 2,300 belonged to unions. Of union members in the national party,
L 17.
16. Glazer, Social Basis of American Communism, 122.
28 percent were in the AFL and 72 percent in the TUUL, whereas Chicago's party had
17. "Build the Party thru Recruiting New Members," n.d. [1930], RTsKhlDNI, f 515,
52 percent in the reformist unions and 48 percent in the TUUL. Alperin, "Organization
op. i,d. 2113,1.48. See also Report on Recruiting Drive in Chicago District, Williamson
in the Communist Part)^' 49,57; Party Registration1931, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
1, d. 2464,1. 95.
28. Chicago's party culture and the particular campaigns that explain these high
2113, L 59. For national trends, see Klehr, Heyday of American Communism, 156-60.
The Party Organizer regularly reported on national fluctuation
problems as well.
voL3,pt. 1 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1932), 656; Party Registra
April 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2874,11. 208-10 (quote on 209); Monthly Re
of CPUSA, d. 2618,11. 95-96. New York's black Communists represented 3.1 percent
of their membership, whereas Chicago's black members represented 24.3 percent. See
Mark Naison, Communists in Harlem during the Depression (Urbana: University of Il
linois Press, 1983), 68. See also Robin Kelley, Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists
NOTES TO PAGES 3 9 - 4 2
NOTES TO PAGES 4 2 - 4 5
during the Great Depression (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1990),
44. Bettina Drew, Nelson Algren: A Life on the Wild Side (Austin: Texas University Press,
17, 33. Thanks to Glenda Gilmore for sharing her research on Birmingham's African
1989), 50-52; "Midwest Club NotesChicago," Left Front (May-June 1934): 21; Richard
American membership.
Wright, Black Boy: American Hunger (New York: Harper Perennial, 1993), 372.
31. Section 2 Organization Letter, 29 March 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2882,
I.38; "New Tasks Brought Out by Membership Study," PO 6 (January 1933): 24; J. Peters,
"A Study of Fluctuation in the Chicago District," PO 7 (October 1934): 20-25.
32. Glazer, Social Basis of American Communism, 176.
33. These conflicts will be discussed in the next chapter.
34. Party Registrationi93i,n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2464,11.93-104; U.S.
Bureau of the Census, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 636, 638,640.
35. The largest groups in Chicago missingfrom party categories were the Irish and the
Swedes. Given the Swedes' importance to Chicago's party, most likely a large percentage
53. Quoted in Douglas Wixson, Worker-Writer in America: Jack Conroy and the Tradi
of the miscellaneous category included them. The lack of Irish participation is more
difficult to explain, since party records are silent on the issue. Of those party members
1994). 287.
54. Quoted in Drew, Nelson Algren, 77.
born in another country, 64 percent were citizens of the United States. See Party Regis
tration1931, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2464, L 93. Klehr states that the 1931
registration of the party showed that half of the immigrant members were citizens, and
two-thirds of the party was foreign-born. In Chicago, less were foreign-born, compara
tively, and more, 66 percent, were citizens. See BClehr, Heyday of American Communism,
162. Also see Glazer, Social Basis of American Communism, 38-89, for comparative
58. Klehr, Heyday of American Communism, 81-83; Wright, Black Boy, 391 (quote).
59. Party Registration, n.d. [1931], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2_464,11. 93-104.
60. District Organization Department Letter, 17 November 1930,'RTsKhlDNI, f 515,
op. 1, d. 2113,1.72.
61. Minutes of the Women's Committee, 15 May 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
2115, U. 24-25. See also Christine Ellis interview in Rank and File: Personal Histories by
Working-Class Organizers, ed. Alice Lynd and Staughton Lynd (Boston: Beacon Press,
38. Membership Report, 13 November 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2464,1. 58;
1973). 10-3362. Report of Chicago District on Work among Women, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op.
Order and the Origins of the CIO" Labor History 30.3 (1989): 385-408; Roger Keeran,
"National Groups and the Popular Front: The Case of the IWO," Journal of American
Ethnic History 14.3 (Spring 1995): 23-29.
39. Nelson, Barrett, and Ruck, Steve Nelson, 85 (quote). The November 1929 edition
63. Report of Chicago District on Work among Women, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515,
op. 1, d. 2110, IL 12-17. On the party's inability to find a head for the district women's
department, see Minutes of District Political Committee,
of the ILD's Labor Defender lists greetings from twenty-eight ILD branches in Chicago
Report of the District Organizer, n.d., d. 1416,1. 83. On Chicago women's role in the
40. District Buro Minutes, 16 October 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. i,d 2457,1.108.
64. Letter from Section 7 Organizer, 19 May 1934, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3587,
41. "Stu4y of Fluctuation in the Chicago District," PO 7 (October 1934): 20-25; "How
1-139 (quote); Randi Storch, "'They Could Stay in the Toilet and Play with the Babies':
Are the Convention Decisions Being Carried into Life?" PO 7 (Jxily 1934): 4-6. See also
Women's Personnel and Political Struggles within the CPUSA," paper presented at the
Hartman Strom, "ChaUenging 'Woman's Place': Feminism, the Left, and Industrial
Unionism in the 19305," Feminist Studies 9.2 (1983): 359-86; Elizabeth Faue, "'Dynamo
of Change': Gender and Solidarity in the American Labour Movement of the 1930s."
Gender and History 1.2 (1989): 138-58.
NOTES TO PAGES 4 5 - 4 7
NOTES TO PAGES 4 7 - 5 3
72. Organization Department Letter, 4 June 1931, RTsBChlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2466,
in the Minnesota Labor Movement of the 1930s" and Patricia Cooper, "Hie Faces of
Gender: Sex Segregation and Work Relations at Philco, 1928-1938," in Work Engendered:
Toward a New History of American Labor, ed. Ava Baron (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univer
73. Allan H.Spear, Black Chicago: The Making of a Negro Ghetto, 1890-1920 (Chicago:
Women, and the Quest for Economic Citizenship in Twentieth-Century America (Oxford:
University of Chicago Press, 1967), 148-49. See also Wright, B/acA: Boy, 331-32; Cayton
66. Lydia Sargent, ed.. Women and Revolution (Boston: South End Press. 1981), ix-
and Drake, Black Metropolis; Haywood, Black Bobhevik, 86-88; Roger Horowitz, "Negro
and White, Unite and Fight!": A Social History of Industrial Unionism in Meatpacking,
xxxi; Van Gosse, "'To Organize in Every Neighborhood, in Every Home: The Gender
1930-1990 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997), 61-67; Rick Halpern, Down on the
Politics of American Communists between the Wars," Radical History Review 50 (Spring
Killing Floor: Black and White Workers in Chicago's Packinghouses, 1904-1954 (Urbana:
1991): 109-42; Robert Schaffer, "Women and the Communist Party USA, 1930-1940,"
University of Illinois Press, 1997), 105-12; James R. Barrett, Work and Community in
Socialist Review 45 (May 1979): 73-118; Rosalyn Baxandall, "The Question Seldom
Asked: Women and the CPUSA," in New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Com
munism, ed. Michael Brown (New York: Monthly Review,1993), 141-62; Kate Weigand,
74. For good descriptions of the Back of the Yards in the 1920s and 1930s, see Robert
Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation (Baltimore:
Slayton, Back of the Yards: The Making of a Local Democracy (Chicago: University of
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001), 28-64. For a discussion of the Communist party's
Chicago Press, 1986), 3-15; Thomas J. Jablonsky, Pride in the Jungle: Community and
Everyday Life in Back of the Yards Chicago (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
1993)> 1-25; Horowitz, "Negro and White, Unite and Fight!" 61-63, 67-68; Halpern,
Library, New York University; Minutes of Secretariat Meeting, 3 February 1939, RTsKh
Down on the Killing Floor, 10-12, 21-22, 66-67, 81-82, 155-58; Scott Nearing, "The
lDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2109.1. 102; Minutes of District Secretariat, 24 August 1932, d.
Jungle," Labor Defender (September 1928): 188 (quote). See also Negro Champion, 27
October 1928, 5.
75. Christopher Reed, The Chicago NAACP and the Rise of Black Professional Lead
ership, 1910-1966 (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997). 72-89; Beth Bates,
Pullman Porters and the Rise of Protest Politics in Black America-'i925~i945 (Chapel
68. Edith Margo, "The South Side Sees Red," LeJi Front (January-February 1934):
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001); District Organization Department Let
69. Wright, Black Boy, 346-51; Haywood, Black Bolshe-vik, 101, 115,129; Horace
Cayton and St. Clair Drake, Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a Northern City
(1945; reprint. New York: Harper and Row, 1966), 603; Roger Bruns, The Damndest
Radical: The Life and Times of Ben Reitmann (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1987),
246-48; Harold Gosnell, Negro Politicians: The Rise of Negro Politics in Chicago (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1967), 328-31, 337.
70. District Plenum, 19-20 December 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 2464,11.
70-74; n.d., d. 2115,1. 26.
71. See map; Minutes of the District Secretariat, 20 September 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f
515, op. 1, d. 2866,11.115-16; Resolution on the Results of the Elections and the Next
Tasks, n.d., d. 2869,11. 23-25; Conference Discussion, 6 September 1931, d. 2455,1. 54.
See precinct map indicating Communist support in box 50, folder 3, Ernest Burgess
of the Chicago Defender asked whether Communists had it right concerning religion.
Papers, Regenstein Library, University of Chicago; thanks to James R. Barrett for bring
ing this source to my attention. For a general discussion of black voting patterns, see
William J. Grimshaw, Bitter Fruit: Black Politics and the Chicago Machine, 1931-1991
NOTES TO PAGES 5 3 - 5 9
NOTES TO PAGES 5 9 - 6 8
101. Ten Year Anniversary Festival with Bazaar, 1918-1928, Workers Lyceum, in pos
session of author, translated from Swedish by Janne Hereitis. Thanks to the late Steve
Sapolsky for lending this source.
102. Report, 10 November 1932, reel 29, frame 464, USMI-SRUS; Henry Bengston,
On the Left in America: Memoirs of the Scandinavian-American Labor Movement (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1999), 202.
103. Jack Spiegel, interviews with the author, 28 May 1994 and 4 May 1996; Robert
McClory, "The Incurable Radical," The (Chicago) Reader 13.2 (14 October 1983): 8, 9,
34, and 36.
104. Jack Spiegel, interviews with the author, 28 May 1994 and 4 May 1996; McClory,
"Incurable Radical," 8, 9, 34, and 36.
105. Jack Kling, Where the Action Is: Memoirs of a U.S. Communist (New York: New
Outlook Publishers, 1985), 6. The title of Kling's ging is telling; the term "pineapple"
94. Wirth and Furez, Local Community Fact Book, 24, 28, 31; District Organization
was a euphemism for homemade bombs. See Barbara Newell, Chicago and the Labor
1961), 80.
95. Wirth and Furez, Local Community Fact Book, 24, 28, 31.
96. District Organization Letter, 15 September 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.1, d. 2113,
Cygan, "Ihe Polish-American Left," and Maria Woroby, "The Ukrainian Immigrant Left
in the United States," in The Immigrant Left in the United States, ed. Paul Buhle and Dan
Georgakas (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996), 148-84 and 185-206.
For voting patterns among Chicago's Polish groups, see Edward R. Kantowicz, PolishAmerican Politics in Chicago, 1888-1940 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975).
97. Party Registration1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2464,1. 93; District Or
ganization Department Meeting, 9 November 1932, d. 2882, L169; Minutes of District
Secretariat, 12 April 1933, d. 3258,1.131, and 29 June 1933,1.141. See also Paul Buhle,
"Themes in American Jewish Radicalism," in The Immigrant Left in the United States,
ed. Paul Buhle and Dan Georgakas (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996),
77-118; Irving Howe, World of Our Fathers (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
1976); Paul Buhle, "Jews and American Communism: The Cultural Question," Radical
History Review 23 (Spring 1980): 9-36; Irving Cutler, The Jews of Chicago: From Shtetl
to Suburb (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1996), 233-38; Glazer, Social Basis of
American Communism, 130-44.
98. "A Radical Woman: The Life and Labors of Mollie West," The (Chicago) Reader
22.28 (16 April 1993): 20.
99. Section 4 Organization Letter, 1 August 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2882,
1.128; Letter from District Organizer, 25 July 1930, d. 1956,1. 46; Minytes of PolBuro,
17 August 1930, d. 2109,11.45-46; Report on Labor Day Demonstration, 2 September
1930, d. 2110,1. 61. On the Dil Pickle, see Haywood, Black Bolshevik, 115, 129; and
James R. Barrett, William Z. Foster and the Tragedy of American Radicalism (Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, 1999), 73.
100. Wirth and Furez, Local Community Fact Book, 6, 7, 8; Edith Abott, The Tene
ments of Chicago, 1908-1935 (New York: Arno Press, 1970), 106-10.
1. The specific charges are not documented but most likely have to do with Poindex
ter's reluctance to publicly attack "Negro reformists" as party lead,ers directed. See Con
ference Notes, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3581,1. 87.
2. The first account can be found in Hazel Rowley, Richard Wright: The Life and Times
(New York: Henry Holt, 2001), 100-101. The second is in Mark Solomon, The Cry Was
Unity: Communists and African Americans, 1917-1936 (Jackson: University Press of
Mississippi, 1998), 161. Solomon dates the trial to 1932 based on an interview with
Claude Lightfoot, but Haywood did not get to Chicago until two years later.
3. Harry Haywood, Black Bolshevik: Autobiography of an Afro-American Communist
(Chicago: Liberator Press, 1978), 441-42.
4. F. Bury to J. Mackovich, trans. J. F. SchifFel, 23 March [n.y.], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
1, d. 3052, L 53.
5. Jim Klein and Julia Reichart, interview vrith Carl Hirsch for Seeing Red, 13 October
1978, 6-8, Tamiment Institute Library, New York University
6. Richard Wright, Black Boy: American Hunger (New York: Harper Perennial, 1993),
346-47; Solomon, Cry Was Unity, 46-47; Chicago Tribune, 4 August 1932, 34.
7. Rowley, Richard Wright, 65; Wright, Black Boy, 346.
8. Jim Klein and Julia Reichart, interview with Carl Hirsch, 15 October 1978,11.
9. J. Williamson, "The Party NucleusA Factor in the Class Struggle," 29-30 March
1931, RTsKhlDNI,
10. Harvey Klehr, The Heyday of American Communism: The Depression Decade (New
York: Basic Books, 1984), 156-57, suggests that Communist leaders clung to their eso
NOTES TO PAGES 6 9 - 7 2
NOTES TO PAGES 6 8 - 6 9
teric language because they believed it was the only way to express the science of Marx
ism-Leninism, but the pervasive use of Russian symbols in dress as well as language
suggests more of a cultural affinity and desire to directly connect themselves to Russia's
successful revolution than his explanation implies.
11. Organization Letter, 14 March 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 2466, L 33.
12. Weekly Organization Letter, 26-30 December 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
2113,1. 89.
13. Ibid.; Organization Letter, 7 February 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op., 1, d. 2466,1.
14. Applications in RTsKhlDNI, f 515, d. 4143 and 4144. Andrea Graziosi found
that in 1931 the American party received over a himdred thousand appeals to emigrate
29. District Buro Minutes, 8 December 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2866,1.
to the Soviet Union. See Andrea Graziosi, A New Peculiar State: Explorations in Soviet
History, 1917-1937 (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2000), 228.
15. Jim Klein and Julia Reichart, interview with Ben Gray for Seeing Red, 8-9, Tami
ment Institute Library, New York University.
16. Ibid., 13. See, for example, "Workers! Don't Let Bosses Attack the Soviet Union!"
30. Section 5 Organization Directives, 17 November through 24 November 1932,
RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2870,1.118.
31. "How to Get Signatures for Nominating Petitions," n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1,
Labor Unity, 29 November 1930, 2. In the December 1934 issue of Labor Unity, Steve
Rubicki, the TUUL leader in Chicago, criticized the paper's editors for sending him "a
Soviet Pictoral" instead of a paper that "gives us guidance and the line for our work.
... The Secretaries of our Local Unions," he complained, "refuse to take this magazine
32. Minutes Secretariat Meeting, 27 January 1929, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 1775,
1. 47; District Organization Department Letter, 4 June 1931, d. 2466,1. jp\ Minutes of
and I'll be damned if I can convince them to do so." The paper's editors responded that
they "do not apologize" for the issue and that it is the job of Labor Unity to "discuss the
33. Mary Templin, "Revolutionary Girl, Militant Housewife, Antifascist Mother, and
More: The Representation of Women in American Communist Women's Journals of
the 19305," Centennial Review 41.3 (1997): 625-33.
18. Jim Klein and Julia Reichart, interview with Carl Hirsch, 3; see also Jack Kling,
34. EricD. Weitz, Creating German Communism: 1590-1990 (Princeton, N.J.: Prince
Where the Action Is: Memoirs of a U.S. Communist (New York New Outlook Publishers,
ton University Press, 1997), 188-232; Joyce Kornbluth, ed., Rebel Voices: An IWW An
1985). 17-
19. Jim Klein and Julia Reichart, interview with Ben Gray, 11.
20. Report at District Plenum, 29-30 March 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1 d. 2455,
I. 20.
21. From 1928 through 1935, anywhere from ten to thirty Communist periodicals
1991), 69-125; Alice Kessler-Harris, In Pursuit of Equity: Women. Men, and the Quest
were published in Chicago. See Harold D. Lasswell and Dorothy Blumenstock, World
for Economic Citizenship in the Twentieth Century (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Revolutionary Propaganda: A Chicago Study (New York: Alfi-ed A. Knopf, 1939), 58-71;
Klehr, Heyday of American Communism, 166; Org. Department Questionnaire for Dis
37. Van Gosse, "'To Organize in Every Neighborhood, in Every Home': The Gender
trict 8,10 October 1930, section 2, box 8, file 35, Earl Browder Papers, Syracuse Univer
Politics of American Communists between the Wars," Radical History Review 50 (1991):
sity Library, Special Collections, Research Center, Syracuse, N.Y. See also Labor Unity,
NOTES TO PAGES 7 7 - 8 1
NOTES TO PAGES 7 2 - 7 7
Nancy Woloch, Muller v. Oregon: A Brief History with Documents (Boston: Bedford
For party involvement with the Scottsboro case in Harlem, see Mark Naison, Commu
Press, 1996).
nists in Harlem during the Depression (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, i983)> 57-89-
42. They also argued that Republican and Democratic platforms and policies did not
support women. Working Woman, June 1931, 4; August 1931, 7; June 1940, 4; Rob
For Birmingham, see Robin Kelley, Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists during the
Great Depression (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1990), 78-9156. St. Clair Drake and Horace Cayton, Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a
ert Shaffer, "Women and the Communist Party, USA, 1930-1940," Socialist Review 45
(May-June 1979): 84.
43. District Disciplinary Decisions, March 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3264,
1.18. See also District Disciplinary Decisions, July 1933, d. 3264.
44. John Williamson, Dangerous Scot: The Life and Work of an American "Undesirable"
(New York: International Publishers, 1969), 92.
45. Christine Ellis interview in Rank and File: Personal Histories by Working-Class
Northern City (New York: Harper and Row, 1962), 86, 736 (quote), 737; Section 2 Or
ganization Letter, 7 November 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3267,1- 70; Section
1 Organization Letter, 5 April 1932, d. 2870,1. 31; Lightfoot, Chicago Slums to World
Politics, 42-44.
57. Letter from P. Camel to the Daily Worker. 18 January 1934, RTsKhlDNI, f 515,
Organizers, ed. Alice Lynd and Staughton Lynd (Boston: Beacon Press, 1973), 24 (in
46. Kate Weigand, Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women's
Liberation (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001), 15-27.
"'The Realities of the Situation': Revolutionary Discipline and Everyday Political Life in
Americas 1.3 (Fall 2004): 19-4461. Minutes of District Convention, 7-8 June 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 5i5;op. 1, d. 2107,
49. For a detailed history of Red Squads, see Frank Donner, Protectors of Privilege:
Red Squads and Police Repression in Urban America (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1990). For examples of police attacks at party offices, see M. C. to PolBuro, 6
62. Jim Klein and Julia Reichart, interview with Ben Gray.
63. Minutes of District Plenum, 11 May 1930, RTsKhlDNI, .f. 515, op. 1, d. 2108,1.
64. "Control of How Party Instructions Are Carried Out," PO 3 (1930):14-15; "Regu
lar Party Work," PO 3 (March 1930): 13.
65. District Disciplinary Decisions, March 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3264,
1.19; District Disciplinary Decisions, October-November 1932, d. 2870,1.123.
66. Organization Letter, 4 November 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. i,d. 2113,11.64-65;
Directives on Future Handling of Party Records and Statistics, n.d. [i933]> d. 3264,1.
67. District Disciplinary Decisions, March 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515. op-1>
68. A1 Glotzer interviewed by Jon Bloom, 13-21 December 1983, Oral History of the
American Left, Tamiment Institute Library, New York University.
tion: Selected Writings and Speeches (New York: International Publishers, 1942). Good
69. Theodore Draper, American Communism and Soviet Russia (New York: Vintage
discussions of how this policy was understood in the American context can be found
in Solomon, Cry Was Unity, 68-89; and Haywood, Black Bolshevik, 218-35.
54. "Outline for Discussion on the Right to Self Determination," n.d., RTsKhlDNI,
ticipant (New York: Lyle Stuart, 1962), 222-26; Draper, American Communism and
f. 515 op. 1, d. 3269,11. 84-85; Haywood, Black Bolshevik, 552-54; Philip S. Foner and
Soviet Russia, 357-76; James R. Barrett, William Z. Foster and the Tragedy of American
71. Appeal to the CEC against the "Resolution on Organization" Adopted by the
Chicago District Polburo Appeal by M. Childs, N. Green, Wm. Simmons, Leo Fisher,
Nels Kjar, Dora Lifshitz, Steve Rubicki, 29 September 1928, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515. op. 1,
d. 1334. L 99.
NOTES TO PAGES 8 5 - 8 8
72. Joe Giganti to Polcom, 24 January 1929, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 1640,1. 5;
88. District Organization Letter, 16 July 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2466, L
Tom O'Flaherty, the Communist editor of the Voice of Labor, city editor of the Daily
Worker, and journalist and founder of Labor Defender, was also expelled for "refusing
91; 31 July 1931.1- 8789. District Organization Department Letter, 19 June 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
to join in the hue and cry against Trotsky." See Tom O'Flaherty to Jack Conroy, 9 June
1, d. 2466,1. 80.
90. Weekly Organization Letter, 26-30 December 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
73. Minutes of District PolCom, 10 February 1929, f. 515, op. 1, d. 1773,1. 20.
74. District Political Committee Minutes, 10 February 1929, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
December 1928,1. 146; Appeal to CEC, 29 September 1928,1. 99; Draper, American
Communism and Soviet Russia, 357-76; Klehi, Heyday of American Communism, 7-10.
Party leaders also noted that Jews were more sympathetic to these splinter groups than
13-1492. District Organization Department Letter, 31 July 1933J RTsKhlDNI, f. 515 op. 1,
were any other racial or ethnic group. See Hathaway to Lovestone, 12 August 1929, d.
75. Minutes of the District Convention, 7-8 June 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d.
2107,11. 2-12; Minutes of the PolCom Meeting, 15 March 1930, d. 2109,1.14.
76. Isaac Deutscher, The Prophet Outcast Trotsky: 1929-1940 (London: Oxford Uni
versity Press, 1963), 39. For a detailed party analysis of social fescism, see R. Palme Dutt,
Fascism and Social Revolution: A Study of the Economics and Politics of the Extreme Stages
94. Resolution on First Half of Three Months Plan of Work, 30 May 1931, RTsKh
lDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2457,1. 59. Out of ninety-three units in the first half pf 1931, ten
77. Deutscher, Prophet Outcast Trotsky, 38. For a good discussion of Third Period
terms, see Kevin McDermott and Jeremy Agnew, The Comintern: A History of Interna
tional Communism from Lenin to Stalin (New York:St. Martins Press, 1997), 68-73 and
95. Minutes of Section 11, 7 February 1934. RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. x f A . 3587,1. 30;
Letter to Organization Committee from Section 7,19 May i934> d- 35-87,1.13996. Report of Commission Investigating Sections 5-11-12, n.d., I^TsKhlDNI, f. 515,
78. Klehr, Heyday of American Communism,13; Harvey Klehr and John Haynes, The
op. 1, d. 3853,1. 50; Plan of Action for Building the TUUL in Chicago, n.d. [i93o]> d.
American Communist Movement: Storming Heaven Itself (NewYork: Twayne Press, 1992),
2113, L 99; District Organization Department Letter, 12 October 1930, 11. 53-55; Let
79. Jack Spiegel, interview with the author, Chicago, 4 August 1996.
So. Northwestern Shop News, April 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2474,1. 7.
81. Chicago Foreign Language Press Survey, Radnik, 31 October 1928 and 26 Febru
op. 1, d. 2532,1. 25; F. Borich to Jugoslav Buro, n.d., f. 515, op. 1, d. 2021,1. 64.
ary 1929.
82. Chicago Foreign Language Press Survey, Otthon, 29 March 1931; Rassviet, 19
December 1933.
83. District Organization Department Letter, 5 September 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515,
op. 1, d. 2113,1. 33.
84. District Organization Department Letter, 29 November 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515
op. 1, d. 2113,1.76.
85. District Organization Letter, 7 February 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2466,
1.15; 2 December 1931,1.132; 19 June 1931,1. 80.
86. District Organization Department Letter, 26 June 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
1, d. 2466,1. 85.
87. District Organization Department Letter, 26 January 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515,
op. 1, d. 2466,1. 8; District Organization Department Letter, 22 October 1931, d. 2466,
1.119; Resolution Adopted at the Section 5 Conference, 19 December 1930. d. 2110,11..
78-82; District Organization Letter, 28 October 1930,11. 59-60.
98. S. Zinich, "The Right Wing Danger in Foreign Language Organizations and Our
Tasks," RTsBChlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 1816, II. 11-16.
99. Letter to Hathaway, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 1683,1. 73.
100. Letter to Finnish Buro, 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 3265, L 273; Clarence
Hathaway to William Kruse, 12 August 1929, f. 515, op. 1, d. 1652. U. 100-109.
101. Minutes of the Conference on the Lithuanian Question, 3 March 1931, RTsKh
lDNI, f. 515, op. i,d. 2532.1.12.
102. Language Commission to Comrade Loyen, 14 March 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515,
op. 1, d. 3176,1. 36.
103. "On Fighting White Chauvinism," PO 5 (May 1931): 14-16; "Resolution of the
Central Committee, USA, on Negro Work," Daily Worker, 23 March 1931; Solomon,
Cry Was Unity, 129-46; Naison, Communists in Harlem during the Depression, 46-48;
Klehr, Heyday of American Communism, 327-30.
104. Statement and Decision on the Situation in the Editorial Staff of Vilnis, n.d.,
RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2532, L 57; On the Fight against the Opportunists in the
NOTES TO PAGES 9 2 - 9 6
NOTES TO PAGES 8 8 - 9 2
124. Zinich to Alpi, 7 January 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515. op. 1, d. 2021,1. 7; Zinich to
Alpi, 2 January 1930, d. 2021,1. 3125. Zinich to Alpi, 7 January 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515. op. 1, d. 2021, L 7.
126. Gebert to Alpi, 8 February 1931, d. 2021,1. 51; Zinich to Alpi, 7 January 1930,
Southerners and the Great Migration (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989),161-
d. 2021,1. 7.
127. John Mackovich to Central Control Committee, 13 April 1929, RTsBChlDNI, f.
80 and 259-65; St. Clair Drake and Horace Cayton, Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro
Life in a Northern City (New York: Harper and Row, 1962), 65-76, 129-73; Allan H.
Spear, Black Chicago: The Making of a Negro Ghetto, 1890-1920 (Chicago: University of
on Disciplinary Cases of January 1934, d. 3586,1. 2; see also Bill to Earl, 5 August 1933,
111. John Mackovich to the Central Committee, 13 April 1929, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515,
L 208.
133. Appeal to the CEC against the "Resolution on Organization" Adopted by the
112. On the Ukrainian Labor Home, 10 October 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
113. Organization Depai-tment Questionnaire for District Eight, 10 October 1930,
series 2, box 8, file 35, Earl Browder Papers, Syracuse University Library, Special Col
lections, Research Center, Syracuse, N.Y.
114. South Slavic Fraction to Language Department, 17 April 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f.
515, op. 1, d. 2021,1. 84.
115. Language Department of the Central Committee to Loyen, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515,
op. 1, d. 2021,11. 88-89.
Chicago District Polburo Appeal by M. Childs, N. Green, Wm.Simons, Led Fisher, Nels
Kjar, Dora Lifshitz, Steve Rubicki, 29 September 1928, RTsKhlDNI, f 5i^op. i,d. 1334,
1.99; District Plenum, 11 May 1930, d. 2108.
116. Minutes of Lettish Bureau, 7 October 1930, RTsIChlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2160,1.
139. Wm. Mauseth to Lovestone, 11 January 1929, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. i,d. 1652,1.
51; Paul Buhle, interview with Joseph Giganti, 26 July 1983, Oral History of the Ameri
118. Report of the Subcommittee to Investigate the Work of Language Buros, June
i935> RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3858,1. 229; Minutes of District Eight Convention,
7-8 June 1930, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2107, L 9.
119- Klehr, Heyday of American Communism, 163 (quote); Nathan Glazer, The Social
Basis of American Communism (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1961), 62-63.
120. S. Zinich, '"The Right Wing Danger in Foreign Language Groups and Our Tasks,"
RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 1816, U. 11-16.
121. Minutes of the Language Buro, December 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
122. Central Committee, Language Department, to John Mackovich, 8 January 1930,
RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2021,1.9.
140. The two in 1933 had only joined the party four months earlier.
141. Minutes of Polburo, 1 February 1931. RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2457,11.
10-11. For other readmissions, see Secretariat Minutes, 29 December 1932, d. 2866,1.
44; District Committee Decisions, October-November 1932, d. 2870,1.123.
142. Tony Martin, Race First: The Ideological and Organizational Struggles of Marcus
Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association (Westport, Conn: Greenwood
Press, 1976), 221-72; Wilson Record, The Negro and the Communist Party (Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1951), 39-43143. Record, Negro and the Communist Party, 39-43; Gosnell, Negro Politicians, 338-
NOTES TO PAGES 9 6 - 1 0 1
144. Statement of Sol Harper on the Letter of A. Schultz and Marie Houston, n.d,
NOTEST6 PAGES 1 0 2 - 5
Chicago Slums to World Politics, 42; Lasswell and Blumenstock, World Revolutionary
RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2047, IL 85-94; Sol Harper to Max Bedacht, 20 September
Propaganda, 201-4; Harold Gosnell, Negro Politicians: The Rise of Negro Politics in Chi
1930, d. 1956,1. 60; Minutes of District Convention, 7-8 June 1930, d. 2107,11. 8; Min
6. James Lorence, Organizing the Unemployed: Community and Union Activists in the
145. Michael Gold, "The Negro Reds of Chicago," part 1, Daily Worker, 9 September
Industrial.Heartland (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996); Robin Kel
1932; Robin Kelley, Race Rebels: Culture, Politics, and the Black Working Class (New
ley, Hammer and Hoe: Alabama Communists during the Great Depression (Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1990); Robin Kelley, "A New War in Dixie: Com
146. Beth Bates, Pullman Porters and the Rise of Protest Politics in Black America,
munists and the Unemployed in Birmingham, Alabama, 1930-1933," Labor History 30.3
1925-1945 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001), 214-15 (first quote);
(Summer 1989): 367-84; Mark Naison, Communists in Harlem during the Depression
District Political Committee Minutes, 17 August 1929, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. i,d. 1773,
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983), 31-57. See also Roy Rosenzweig, "Orga
U. 22-23 (second quote); Section 4 Minutes, 25 May 1931, d. 2472,1. 62; Letter from
nizing the Unemployed: The Early Years of the Great Depression, 1929-1933," Radical
America 10 (July-August 1976): 47-60; and Daniel Leab, "United We Eat:The Creation
147. District Discipline Committee, February and March 1935, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515,
op. i,d. 3860,1. 5 (first quote); Danny Duncan Collum, ed., "This Ain't Ethiopia, but It'll
Do": African Americans in the Spanish Civil War (New York: G. K. Hall and Co., 1992),
14 (second quote); Minutes of the Negro Committee, 8 November 1929, d. 1775,1. 39;
Gosnell, Ne^o Po/if/crfls, 342.
148. District Organization Department to Secretariat Central Committee, 12 Febru
ary 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. i,d. 2874,11.79-80; District Buro Minutes, 4 February
1932, d. 2866,1. 29 (quote).
149. Section 2 Organization Letter, 14 February 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
and Organization of the Unemployed Councils in 1930," Labor History 8.3 (Fall 1967):
7. Lizabeth Cohen, Making a New Deal: Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919-1939
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990).
8. Steve Nelson, James Barrett, and Rob Ruck, Steve Nelson, American Radical (Pitts
burgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1981), 76.
9. Helen Seymour, "The Organized Unemployed" (M.A. thesis. University of Chicago,
1937)> 9-11; Albert Prago, "The Organization of the Unemployed andjjie Role of the
Radicals, 1929-1935" (Ph.D. dissertation, Union Graduate School, 1/76), 56-62, 71;
3267,1. 9; Minutes District PolCom, 10 February 1929, d. 1773,1. 23; Statement of Sol
Franklin Folsom, America before Welfare (New York: New York University Press, 1991),
10. District Resolution on TUUL, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op."'i, d. 2109,11. 83-85.
11. Prago, "Organization of the Unemployed," 56-57 and 71. For the TUUL as a guide
to Unemployed Councils, see Sergei Malyshev, Unemployed Councils in St. Petersburg
in 1906 (New York: Workers' Library Publishers. 1931). See also Seymour, "Organized
Unemployed," 10-11; Rosenzweig, "Organizing the Unemployed," 52; Minutes of Dis
trict Plenum, 11 May 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2106,1. 6; District Resolution
on TUUL, n.d., d. 2109, L 83.
12. "Organize for the Fight against Unemployment and Starvation!" Labor Unity (22
February 1930): 1.
13. Statement on the March 6th Demonstration, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1., d.
2109; Nelson, Barrett, and Ruck, Steve Nelson, 81-85; William Z. Foster, History of the
Communist Party of the United States (NewYork: International Publishers, 1952), 281-82.
The Herald Examiner, 7 March 1930, reported a mere seven hundred marchers, while
the Chicago Tribune, 7 March 1930, did not offer a specific number. The staggering
inconsistency between Commimist estimates and non-party reports is typical of Com
munist overestimation and anti-Communist underestimation.
14. Leab, "United We Eat," 300-315. Leab argues that this demonstration was the
high point of party influence, but in Chicago, this is clearly only the beginning. District
Buro Minutes, 29 June 1929, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 1775, L 13; Statement on the
March 6th Demonstration, d. 2109. For descriptions of other March 6 demonstrations,
see Prago, "Organization of the Unemployed," 71-88.
NOTES TO PAGES 1 0 8 - 1 2
NOTES TO PAGES 1 0 5 - 8
15. Prago, "Organization of the Unemployed," 99-100; Nelson, Barrett, and Ruck,
Steve Nelson, 75-76 (quote on 76).
16. Prago, "Organization of the Unemployed,"99-102; Folsom, America before Welfare,
Men: A Study of Unemployed Men in r/ie C/iicago S/ie/fers (New York: Arno Press, 1971):
24-3434. Quoted in Robert W. Beasley,"Care of Destitute Unattached Men in Chicago with
256-66; Harvey Klehr, The Heyday of American Communism: The Depression Decade
Special Reference to the Depression Period Beginning in 1930" (M.A. thesis, University
(New York: Basic Books, 1984), 49-51; Lorence, Organizing the Unemployed.
17. Klehr, Heyday of American Communism, 54-55.
of Chicago, 1933). 7435. Car Kolins, interview with researcher, box 132, folder 2, Ernest Burgess Papers,
2460,1.119; Minutes of the Political Buro, 9 January 1931, d. 2457,1.1; Minutes of the
District Committee, 6 April 1931, d. 2457,1. 36; Minutes of Political Buro, 1 February
f. 2460, U. 1-2.
46. Gosnell, Negro Politicians, 321 and 329.
47. The streetcar riot activity resulted in blacks getting about twenty^five jobs in their
1931, d. 2457,1.11.
23. Jack Spiegel, interview with the author, Chicago, 4 August 1996; Hunger Fighter,
18 June 1932,4.
24. District Buro Minutes, 1 April 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 2866, L 47; Or
ganization Letter, 1 July 1932, d. 2870,1. 71.
25. Party Registration1931, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 2464,1. 93; fractions in
Section 4 consisted of three comrades in each council. See Section 4's Organization
Letter, 5 May 1931, d. 2472,1. 52.
26. District Plenum, 6 September 1931, d. 2455,1. 77; Section 6 Organization Let
ter, 27 June 1932, d. 2870,1.69; Organization Letter, 25 September 1931, d. 2457,1.96;
Hunger Fighter, 26 March 1932.
27. Enlarged District Committee Meeting, 6 September 1931, RTsKhlDNI, (. 515, op.
1, d. 2455,1. 77.
28. District Convention Minutes, 7-8 June 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.1, d. 2107,11.
first action on September 16 and fifty in their second action in October. See Christopher
Reed, The Chicago NAACP and the Rise of Black Professional Leadership, 1910-1966
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997). 73-74.81-84; Lightfoot, Chicago's Slums
to World Politics, 33-35; Young, "Race, Class, and Radicalism in Chicago," 191-92.
48. Letter from District Organizer to Comrades, 25 July 1930. RTsKhlDNI, f. 515. op1, d. 1956, II. 45-46; District Organization Letter, 14 September 1933. d. 3267,1- 112;
Michael Gold, "The Negro Reds of Chicago," part 1, Daily Worker, 9 September 193249. Lightfoot, Chicago's Slums to World Politics, 38-42 (quote on 31); Beth Bates,
"A New Crowd Challenges the Agenda of the Old Guard in the NAACP, 1933-1941."
American Historical Review 102.2 (1997): 340-77; Gosnell, Ne^o
328; Gold,
2-12; G. P., "Local Struggles and the Building of Unemployed Councils in Preparation
from Section 4 leadership to units, 24 June 1931,1. 76; Minutes of the District Politi
cal Committee, 17 August 1929, d. 1773. U- 22-23; Interviews with Todd Tate, 1 and 2
29. District Convention, 7-8 June 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2107,1. 4
Workers Oral History Project, Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison (hereafter
30. Resolution ofDistrict Eight Buro, adopted 4 March 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
1, d. 2457,1.19.
31. Interview with Ben Gray, Oral History of the American Left, Tamiment Institute
Library, New York University.
October 1985, and with Richard Saunders, 13 September 1985, United Packinghouse
UPWAOHP); Rick Halpern, Down on the Killing Floor: Black'and White Workers in
Chicago's Packinghouses, 1904-54 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997). 111-12.
51. Quoted in Hazel Rowley, Richard Wright: The Life and Times (New York: Henry
32. Ibid.
33. Ibid.; Edwin H. Sutherland and Harvey J. Locke, Twenty Thousand Homeless
53. Gebert to Browder, 11 August 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2460,1. 52.
were to blame. See Lawrence Lipton to Freeman, 1 May 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
54. Ibid.; MaxNaiman interview, in Studs Terkel, Hard Times (New York: Avon Boolcs,
1, d. 3265,11.130-33.
1971), 468-72.
55. Quoted in Halpern, Dowrt on the Killing Floor, no; "We Must Draw Negro Work
ers into the Mass Organizations and the Party^ PO 9 (November 1931): 27-28; Cohen,
Making a New Deal, 266.
56. Cohen, Making a New Deal, 266. Also see Robert Asher, "The Influence of the
Chicago Workers' Committee on Unemployment upon the Administration of Relief,
1931-1934" (M.A. thesis, University of Chicago, 1934), 41; and Gosnell, Negro Politi
cians, 322.
57. Gosnell, Negro Politicians, 336-42; Michael Goldfield, "Race and the CIO: Reply
to Critics," International Labor and Working-Class History 46 (Fall 1994): 142-60.
58. Chicago Whip, i August 1931, and Chicago Defender, 14 January 1933, quoted
63. See the council's first platform in Folsom, America before Welfare, 263; and in
John Williamson, Dangerous Scot The Life and Work of an American "Undesirable" (New
York: International Publishers, 1969), 80-93.
64. Minutes of the Polburo, 1 February 1931 and 13 February 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f.
515, op. 1, d. 2457, L 9 andl. 13.
65. Louis Wirth and Margaret Furez, eds., Local Community Fact Booh 1938 (Chicago:
Chicago Recreation Commission, 1938), 61.
66. Section 2 Organization Letter, 11 November 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. i, d.
2113,1. 69; Minutes of Section 2 Committee, 20 February 1933', f. 515, op. 1, d. 3267, L
11; Section 2 Newsletter, 20 March 1933,1.19; 20 April 1932, d. 2882,1. 46.
67. Quoted in Halpern, Down on the Killing Floor, 110.
in Gosnell, Negro Politicians, 321 and 341. See also Stephen Tallackson, "The Chicago
68. Gebert to Browder,11 August 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. i,d. 2460, 1 . 57; Edith
Defender and Its Reaction to the Communist Movement in the Depression Era" (M.A.
1936), 442.
59. Horace R. Cayton, "The Black Bugs," The Nation, 9 September 1931, 255.
60. Horace Cayton and St. Clair Drake, Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a
69. Gebert quotes Cermak as saying that "'Chicago is ready and willing to feed the
hungry and lodge the homeless who are orderly and gentlemanly. For the disrespective
Northern City (New York: Harper and Row, 1962), 86-87; Yates quoted in Danny Dun
and riotous we have built jafls and penitentiaries'" After the demonstrations, Gebert
can Collum, ed., "This Ain't Ethiopia, but It'll Do": African Americans in the Spanish
claimed that Cermak "didn't dare to make this statement, he made a ^atement that
Civil V/flr (New York: G. K. Hall, 1992), iy,Dempsey Travis, An Autobiography of Black
evictions will be stopped and that there are funds to feed the unemployed, because at
Chicago (Chicago: Urban Research Institute, 1981), 48. In 1934, Reverend Austin invited
that time we were at the height of a broad mass movement that they would not dare to
Angelo Herndon to speak to his South Side congregation at the Pilgrim Baptist Church.
Herndon was on a national tour, newly released from a Georgia prison. Over three thou
f. 515, op. 1, d. 2455,1 35; To Committee of Unemployed from A."j. Cermak, Mayor, 1
sand people turned out and cheered Herndon on. In addition to support for Herndon,
November 1932, d. 2876,1. 86; Piven and Cloward, Poor People's Movements, 55; and
however, was the loud applause and cheers the crowd gave to Reverend Austin when he
proclaimed that "any man who does not want freedom is either a fool or an idiot, and
70. Charity organizations paid rent for one month not to exceed fifteen dollars (al
Communism, he added, "means simply the brotherhood of man and as far as I can see
though the median rent paid by repeaters to renter's court was $18.88), usually given
Jesus Christ was the greatest Communist of them all." According to the Defender, "For
after evictions occurred and the famfly had found a new place to live. Abbott, Tenements
fully five minutes the crowd stood and cheered." See Chicago Defender, 22 September
1934, i; and Beth Bates, Pullman Porters and the Rise of Protest Politics in Black America,
1925-1^45 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001), 124.
of Chicago, 426-76; Piven and Cloward, Poor People's Movements, 54; and Seymour,
"Organized Unemployed," 2.
71. Interview with Ben Gray.
73. Letter to Member Agencies from the Council of Social Agencies of Chicago, 15
i933> when five bombs exploded in the city. The papers immediately pinned the event
on "the Reds," even though a conflict with the Teamsters was later revealed as the cause.
A front-page article in the Chicago Daily Tribune on 1 May 1933, "May Day Bombs
Jar City," reported that "the five bombings were part of a May Day red demonstration."
"aU known reds and other agitators." One day later, the Tribune reported that union
76. "Wicker Park Conference," 21July 1932 through 19 January 1933, box 1932, Gra
racketeers were to blame. Commimists expressed their frustration with such false ac
ham Taylor Papers, Newberry Library, Chicago; District Organization Letter, 15 Sep
cusations but were pleased that most Chicagoans in 1933 did not ever believe the Reds
NOTES TO PAGES 1 2 2 - 2 6
77. Hunger Fighter, 4 July 1932; Moss to Johnson,16 August 1932, Folder August-No
vember 1932, Raymond HiUiard Papers, Chicago Historical Society.
78. Hunger Fighter, 12 March 1932.
79. Jack Kling to Gil Green [ca. 1932], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2876,11.192-94;
Piven and Cloward, Poor People's Movements, 59.
93. Section 4 Organization Letters, 7 February 1933 and 20 February 1933, RTsKh
lDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3267, L 78 andl. 82; Williamson, Dangerous Scot, 83-85.
94. Agent's Report, 10 November 1932, reel 29, frame 464, USMI-SRUS; Williamson,
Dangerous Scot, 83-85.
95. The protest, incidentally, resulted in a $6.3 million loan from the federal govern
80. District Organization Letter, 31 July 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2466,1.
ment's Reconstruction Finance Corporation to the city. Rally organizers claimed victory.
9581. Chicago Civil Liberties Committee Special Bulletin, Report on Police Brutality
Trolander, Settlement Houses, 97; Asher, "Influence of the Chicago Workers' Commit
tee," 20-22; Cohen, Making a New Deal 264-65. They also took credit for increases in
unemployment funds in November 1931 after their staged county hunger march. The
1932 march was organized by the Unemployed Councils and the CWC.
96. Browder to Gebert, 11 August 1931, RTsKhlDNLf. 515. op. i,d. 2460,1. 57; Dis
trict Buro Minutes, 17 June 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 2457,1.73; Jack Spiegel,
interview with the author, Chicago, 4 August 1996.
permits during the Third Period, partially as a matter of principle but mainly to pro
97. Annie Gosenpud, "The History of the Chicago Worker's Committee on Unemploy
voke confrontations with the authorities." Evidence shows that this was not the case in
ment, Local #24," 1932, box 144, folder 7, Ernest Burgess Papers, University of Chicago
Chicago. Regardless, the city's police provoked confrontation. Vernon Pedersen, The
Special Collections.
98. G. P., "Local Struggles and the Building of Unemployed Councils," 9-10.
99. Bill Gebert, "United Front from Below" n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2873,11.
53-67; John WiUiamson, "Defeat the 50 Percent Relief Cut in Chicago," p.d., U. 72-71;
District Organization Department Letter, 13 September 1930, d. 2109^. 52-54-
86. Ibid.
d. 2870,11.123-25.
102. District Disciplinary Decisions, March 1933, RTsKhlDNI, 515, op. 1, d. 3264,
L 18.
103. Ibid.
104. Van Gosse, "'To Organize in Every Neighborhood, in Every Home': The Gender
1933. Folder December 1932-January 1933, Raymond Hilliard Papers, Chic^o Histori
Politics of American Communists between the Wars," Radical History Review 50 (Spring
cal Society; Beth Schulman, "The Workers Are Finding a Voice: The Chicago Workers'
1991): 109-41; Robert Shaffer, "Women and the Communist Party, USA, 1930-1940,"
Committee and the Relief Struggles of 1932," unpublished paper, box 6, folder 12, Frank
Socialist Review 45 (May 1979): 73-118; Rosalyn Baxandall, "The Question Seldom
McCuIlough Papers, Chicago Historical Society; Cohen, Making a New Deal, 264-65.
Asked: Women and the CPUSA," in New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Com
munism, ed. Michael E. Brown, Randy Martin, Frank Rosengarten, and George Snedeker
(New York: Monthly Press Review, 1993). 141-62.
91. Borders was a resident of the Chicago Commons settlement house and would later
105. Report on Women's Work in District Buro Meeting, 3 November 1931, RTsBCh
become a chief of the Bureau of Supply of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
lDNI, f 515, op. i,d. 2457,1.132; Margaret Keller, Women's Work Director, to Damon,
Administration in 1944. Frank McCulloch, born to a family from the reform tradition,
eventually became chairman of the National Labor Relations Board in 1961. These two
men guided the organization that eventually joined with the Communist Councils into
1932, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. i,d. 2618,1.164; Letter to Comrades, 10 November 1932,
the Workers' Alliance. See Judith Ann Trolander, Settlement Houses and the Great De
pression (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1975), 92-93. See also Asher, "Influence
of the Chicago Workers' Committee," 9-14.
92. Trolander, Settlement Houses, 95; Cohen, Making a New Deal, 264. Bymid-1932,
the CWC had about sixty locals.
107. Organization Letter, 1 July 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2870,1. 71.
108. Margaret Keller to Damon, 11 February 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3265,
H. 39-40; District Buro Minutes, 10 December 1931, f. 5i5> op. 1, d. 2457,1.152; "Or
ganize the Work among Women!" PO 5 (March 1932): 26-27.
109. Chicago Board of Elections,1930 and 193 2 election ledger, recap sheets, Chicago.
percentof its manufacturing and mechanical industries had xmion representation. See
Michael Gold offers a description of the party's 1932 nominating convention in "The
110. For election returns, see election-return books, Election Board Office, Chicago.
In a city of over three million, eleven thousand votes points to the fact that the party was
of Chicago Press, 1933), 2; Irving Bernstein, The Lean Years: A History of the American
Worker, 1920-1933 (Boston: Houghton MifBin, i960), 84.
thousand votes for a presidential candidate and over thirty thousand for a congressional
candidate suggests that they had an increasingly strong basewhat sociologists refer to
thesis. University of Chicago, 1939). 2-60; Lizabeth Cohen, Making a New Deal: Indus
a fairly marginalized political organization. And yet their ability to'garner over eleven
a social movement." Their ability to grow their mobilization potential throughout the
42,45; Earl Browder, "Reactionaries Smashing Ladies Garment Workers," Labor Herald
Third Period would lead to a large spike in their membership rolls and in their ability to
move large groups into action. See Bert Klandermans, "The.Social Construction of Pro
(February 1924): 25-27; Barbara Warne Newell, Chicago and the Labor Movement: Met
test and Multiorganizational Fields," in Frontiers in Social Movement Theory, ed. Aldon
ropolitan Unionism in the 1930s (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1961), 239-40.
Morris and Carol McClurg (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1992), 77-103
6. Newell, Chicago and the Labor Movement, 29-30; Richard Schneirov and Thomas
(quote on 80); Sidney Tarrow, Power in Social Movement: Social Movements, Collective
J. Suhrbur, Union Brotherhood, Union Town: The History of the Carpenters' Union of
Action, and Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994). Thanks to Herb
Haines for introducing me to this literature.
111. Cohen,Making a New Deal, 265; Abbott, Tenements of Chicago, 434. There were
7. Plan of Action for Building the TUUL in Chicago, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f.'5i5> op. 1,
3,993 Writs of Restitution in 1929. Asher, "Influence of the Chicago Workers' Commit
d. 2113,1. 96.
8. Some examples of this approach can be found in Bert Cochran, Lab^ and Commu
nism: The Conflict That Shaped American Unions (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University
Press, 1977); Theodore Draper, American Communism and Soviet Russia (New York:
Vintage Books, 1986); and Irving Howe and Lewis Coser, The Arnerican Communist
114. "Minutes of the District Buro," 14 May 1935, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3855,
11.17-19; "To the Central Committee," 15 May 1934, d. 3858,1. 174; "Report of K. L.
Indiana University Press, 1980); Fraser Ottanelli, The Communist Party of the United
on Relief Situation," 4 May 1935, d. 3855,1. 21; "Report on Unemployed Work," n.d.
States: From the Depression to World War II (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University
Boards, CDC expulsions of Cpers, 1929-31. research notes from Steven Sapolsky, in
the author's possession. On the popularity of the TUEL position in Chicago's building
trades in the early 1920s, see Arne Swabeck, "The Building Trades Problem," and Joe
Peterson, "Towards Unity in the Building Trades," Labor Herald (June 1922): 1-5 and
7-9. On opposition to Chicago's Carpenters' District Council leadership, see Schneirov
and Suhrbur, Union Brotherhood, 111-12.
11. Minutes of the District Industrial Committee, 30 September 1929, RTsKhlDNI,
f 515, op. 1, d. 1775,11-33-3412. Max Bedacht to Lovestone, 12 October 1927, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 1036,
1. 58.
13. Browder, "Reactionaries Smashing Ladies Garment Workers," 13-16; James R.
Barrett, William Z. Foster and the Tragedy of American Radicalism (Urbana: University
of Illinois Press, 1999). 126-2714. Carsel gives a detailed description of the struggle between the Left and the Right
in Chicago's Ladies' Garment Workers Union. See Wilfred Carsel, A History of the Chi
cago Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (Chicago: Random House, 1940), 174-92 (quote
on 184).
NOTES TO'PAGES 1 3 9 - 4 1
32. "General Statistics for Standard Metropolitan Areas, by Industry" Census of Manu
factures: 1947, vol. 3 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1950), 183; Rick
15. Max Bedacht to CEC, 30 July 1928, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 1334,1. 82.
Workers and Their Struggle for Racial and Economic Equality (New York: Monthly Re
view Press, 1999), 27; Theodore Purcell, The Worker Speaks His Mind on Company and
Union (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1954), 3-4; Halpern, Down on the
Killing Floor, 7-43.
33. Within steel, a minority group formed and pushed to "organize the workers into
1, d. 1334,11. 43-4518. Minutes of the District Industrial Committee, 30 March 1929, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515,
the organizations they want to organize into." In other words, they opposed the dual
op. 1, d. 1775,1. 2; "Preparations for the TUEL Convention in the Various Districts,"
unionism of the Steel and Metal Workers' Industrial Union and applied pressure on
party leaders to continue organizing within the AFL. They argued, "There are a great
manyworkers who will fight even tho they are in the AFL
20. Ibid., 126-31; David Montgomery, The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace,
the [AFL] workers can't organize." Minority Group of Steel and Metal Workers Confer
the State, and American Labor Activism, 1865-1925 (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Foundry and Rubber Factory; and Oppenheimer. See Organization Letter, 30 April
1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. i,d. 2466,1.55; Organization Letter, 7 April 1932, d. 2870,
1. 34; Section 4 Organization Letter, 29 October 1931 and 25 May 1931, d. 2472,11. 83
and 63; Section 1 Organization Letter, 19 May 1931, 3 June 1931, and 15 July 1931, d.
2472.11.1, 2, and 4; Section 2 Minutes, 19 October 1931, d. 2472,11.
Section 5
nists and the Transition to Industrial Unionism, 1928-1934," Labor History 42.2 (2001):
Work for Stock Yards Section, n.d. [1933], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op^i, d. 3267,1. 242.
25. Report on Metal Workers, 15 October 1929, Earl Browder Papers, Syracuse Uni
versity Library, Special Collections, Research Center, Syracuse, N.Y.
26. Minutes of the District Industrial Committee, 30 September 1929, RTsKhlDNI,
2460,1.123, Report on Chicago, 22 November 1933, f 534, op. 7, d.407,1. 251; Plan of
35. Jack Johnstone, "Problems of the Trade Union Fractionsf PO 1 (April 1927):
11-12; "The Party Fractions in the Trade Unions," PO 3 (February 1930): 5-7; O. Piatnitsky, "Trade Union Fractions," PO 2 (July-August 1928): 10-11; Harvey Levenstein,
Communism, Anti-Communism, and the CIO (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981),
f. 515. op. i,d. 1775.1-3427. Minutes of the District Industrial Committee, 30 September 1929, RTsKhlDNI,
f. 515, op. 1, d. 1775,1. 35. See also "Food Workers League Going Full Speed," Labor
Unity, 5 October 1929,1; and "Chicago Food Workers League Making Good Gains in
Stockyards," Labor Unity, 4 January 1930,1.
28. Minutes of the District Industrial Committee, 30 September 1929, RTsKhlDNI,
18; District Resolution on TUUL, n.d. [1930], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2109, IL
36. "Organizing Shop Committees," PO 3 (February 1930): 7-9;"What Are Shop Com
mittees?" Labor Unity, 19 April 1930. The shop committee harkens to the 1917-22 shopfloor struggles of labor discussed in Montgomery, Fall of the House of Labor, 411-64.
37. "The Basic Units of the Party," PO 3 (February 1930): 10-11.
f 515, op. 1, d. 1775.1- 3429. Minutes of the District Industrial Committee, 16 November 1929, RTsKhlDNI, f.
515, op. i,d. 1775,1.43; Rick Halpern, Dowtt on the Killing Floor: Black and White Workers
in Chicago's Packinghouses, 1904-54 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997), 81-82.
30. Section 4 Organization Letter, RTsKhlDNI, 17 June 1931, d. 2472,1. 71 (quote);
38. "Experiences in Building a Department Committee in a Large Plant," PO 6 (MarchApril 1933): 4-6.
39. Bruce Nelson, "Dancing and Picnicking Anarchists? The Movement below the
Martyred Leadership" in Haymarket Scrapbook, ed. Dave Roediger and Franklin Rose
mont (Chicago: Charles Kerr, 1986), 76-79; "Chicago TUUL Ball," Labor Unity, 21
of Winning the Workers in the Key Industries," PO 2 (February 1933), 5; "The ShopA
Center of Mass Activity^ PO 2 (February 1933), 1-4; Keeran, Communist Party and the
1. 21.
Auto Workers Union, 80-81; Ottanelli, Communist Party of the United States, 24.
31. Cohen, Making a New Deal, 21-27; Janies Carl Kollros, "Creating a Steel Workers
40. "Methods of Work in Factory," n.d. [1931], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2466,1.
Union in the Calumet Region, 1933 to 1945" (Ph.D. dissertation. University of Illinois
4941. Directives for Work among Women, to the Chicago District from CC Rep., n.d.,
NOTES TO PAGES 1 4 6 - 5 0
NOTES TO PAGES 1 4 1 - 4 6
2244,11. 83-88 (quote on 84). On the New York Housewives' Councils, see Orleck, Com
mon Sense and a Little Fire, 215-49; Minutes ofDistrict Women's Committee, 15 May
1930, d. 2115, L 24.
60. Helen Kaplan, Report of Chicago District on Work among Women, n.d., RTsKh
44. "Announce a Big Conference for Chicago Sunday^ Labor Unity,9 November 1929,
2455.1- 67; Otto Wangerin to Bill, 17 February 1932, d. 2999,1. 5; Roger Keeran, "The
62. Unsigned letter to Comrades, 10 October 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. i,d. 2618,
International Workers Order and the Origins of the CIO," Labor History 30.3 (1989):
46. Methods of Work in the Factory, Outline Created by Organization Department,
1931, RTs^IDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2466,1. 50.
47- "The Party Fractions in the Trade Unions," PO 3 (February 1930): 5-7.
48. Cochran,Labor and Communism, 71 (quote); Christenson, Collective Bargaining
in Chicago, 1-29; Newell, Chicago and the Labor Movement, 24-32.
49. Cochran, Labor and Communism, 71-77; Smith to Browder and other members of
IL 160-63.
63. To Department for Work among Women, CC, 16 February 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f.
515, op. 1, d. 2874,1. 87.
64. Helen Kaplan comments, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 3256,1.45.
65. Letter to Organization Department of CC from Unsigned, marked Chicago, 18
June 1934, RTsKhlDNL f 515, op. i,d. 3587.1-16766. Kollros. "Creating a Steel Workers Union," 66-67. 72-73; Cohen, Making a New
the Polburo, 11 November 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2548,11. 84-85; Minority
Deal, 237-38; James Mclntyre, "History of Wisconsin Steel Works,' typescript, 1951.
Groups in AFL, 11 November 1931, d. 2464,1. 60; MC and Block comments, district
68. Cohen, Making a New Deal,183-211; Halpern, Down on theKilli^ Floor, 85-95;
"Shop Nuclei at Work on May Day Demonstration," PO 3.4 (June-July^93o): 8-10.
69. CandNW Worker, April and May-June 1931. RTsKhlDNI, f.pS. op. 1, d. 2474.
Fire: Women and Working-Class Politics in the United States (Chapel Hill: University of
11. 5, 8-10.
70. Minutes of the District Buro, 11 April 1931, RTsKhlDNI, fr'5i5> op. 1, d. 2457,1.
North Carolina Press, 1995). 215-49; Rosalyn Baxandall, "The Question Seldom Asked:
32; Crane Organizer, July 1931, d. 2474,11.11-12; Harvester Worker, April 1931, d. 2474,
Women and the CPUSA," in New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Communism,
11.24-26; Morton Report on Steel, 22 January 1932, d. 2866,1.19; "Shop Paper Reviews,
ed. Michael E. Brown, Randy Martin, Frank Rosengarten, and George Snedeker (New
51. Smith comments at District Plenum, 11 May 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
2108,1. 6.
52. "Experiences in Work among Women," n.d. [1932], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
2876,1. 212.
53. Keller to Damon, 26 September 1932, RTsKhlDNI, {. 515, op. 1, d. 2875,11.104-
72. Cohen, Making a New Deal, 196-201 (quote on 201); District Buro Minutes, 23
October 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2457,1. 112; Interviews with Vicky Starr
and Herb March, UPWAOHP.
73. "Methods of Work in FactoryOutline Prepared by Organization Department
1931," RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1,2466,1.150. See also Gebert's Speech on the 13th Cen
54. District Plenum Resolution, 11 May 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2108,1.
1355. Helen Kaplan, Report of Chicago District on Work among Women, n.d., RTsKh
lDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2110,11.12-17.
56. "Experiences in Work among Women," n.d. [1932], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
2876,11. 212-14.
5 7. Pauline Rogers, Report on Tour, 7 October-13 December, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
1, d. 2244,11. 83-88.
58. Minutes of Polburo, 3 May 1930, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2109,11. 31, 33.
59. Pauline Rogers, Report on Tour, 7 October-13 December 1931, f. 515, op. 1, d.
NOTES TO PAGES 1 5 0 - 5 3
90. Newell, Chicago and the Labor Movement, 79-88; Witwer, Corruption and Reform
in the Teamsters Union, 84-93; MC comments, district conference, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f
515, op. 1, d. 3256,1.155; Irving Bernstein, The Turbulent Years: A History of the Ameri
79. The ANLC had one near success in Chicago in 1926 when one hundred black
women walked olf their jobs at a stufFed-date factory protesting pay cuts and assemblyline speedups. Fitzpatrick of the Chicago Federation invited the strike leader, Jannie
Warnettas, and Fort-Whiteman of the ANLC-to a meeting, but strikebreakers and vio
lence broke the strike, and the CFL never chartered a union for the women. See Daily
91. Steve Nelson, James R. Barrett, and Rob Ruck, Steve Nelson: American Radical
(Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1981), 73.
92. Ibid.; Barbara Newell, Chicago and the Labor Movement, 79-88; Witwer, Corrup
tion and Reform in the Teamsters Union, 84-93; John Williamson, Dangerous Scot: The
Worker, 5, 9,18, and 23 October 1926. On the ANLC, see Young, "Race, Class, and
Life and Work of an American "Undesirable" (New York: International Publishers, 1969),
Radicalism in Chicago," 174-79; Mark Solomon, The Cry Was Unity: Communists and
93. Report of Tour by Shaw, 1933, RTsKklDNI, f. 534, op. 7, d. 509,1. 46; Report on
Railroad by Shaw, 9 March i933>d. 507.
94. Ed Starr's comments, n.d. [1933]. d. 3256,1. 85; Report ofStachel to AFL Fraction
Meeting, 9 September 1933. RTsKhlDNI, f. 534. op. 7, d. 515,11.1-23.
95. Report of M. F. to Buro on YCL, 30 November 1934. RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. i,d.
3655,11. 51-62; Joe Webber, interview with Toni Gilpin, 3 January 1981, in the author's
Council, 27 May 1932, Victor Olander Papers, box "Negroes and Rights," Chicago His
possession; Stella Nowicki interview in Alice Lynd and Staughton Lynd, eds.. Rank and
File: Personal Histories by Working-Class Organizers (Boston: Beacon Press, 1973), 75-
82. Minutes ofDistrict Buro, 16 February 1834, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 3581,1.
96. Tucker at District Conference, n.d. [1933], RTsBChlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3256,1.
83. Minutes of Buro Meeting, 27 April 1934, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3581,11.
97. "Building the Trade Union Unity League," PO 3 (May 1930): 10-/1; "The Work
26-27; Minutes of PolBuro, 26 September 1930, d. 2109,1. 59; Letter to CEC, 6 July
of Our Trade Union Fractions," PO 3 (June-July 1930): 21-22; "Rooming the Party in
1928, d. 1334,1.48; Jack Kling, Where the Action Is: Memoirs of a U.S. Communist {Nevi
York: New Outlook Publishers, 1985), 22. Claude Lightfoot claims that Doty asked him
to take over responsibilities of the organization and that Doty remained active in the
organization. See Claude Lightfoot, Chicago Slums to World Politics: Autobiography of
Claude M. Lightfoot (New York: New Outlook Publishers, 1980), 49.
84. The ANLC dissolved in 1930, only to be replaced by the League of Struggle for
Negro Rights, which was plagued with many of the same problems that hindered the
ANLC. See Haywood, Black Bolshevik, 439.
98. Organization Department Letter, 9 June 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 2870,
U. 57-61; District Buro Minutes, 22 January 1932, d. 2866,1.19.
99. AgitProp Letter, 13 April i93i> RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2466,11. 46-48; Pol
Com Minutes, 26 April 1930, d. 2109,1. 24-29, and 3 May 1930,11. 30-35100. District 8 Convention, 7-8 June 1930, RTsBChlDNI, f. 515, op. i, d. 2107,1. 4;
District Buro Minutes, 19 March 1932, d. 2866,11. 40-42; PolCom Minutes, 19 April
85. In 1938 the electricians finally admitted African Americans, and in 1947 the
1930, d. 2109,1. 22; District Plenum Minutes, 11 May 1930, d. 2108,1.4; Plan of Ac
plumbers followed suit. Doty became the first black officer in the plumbers' imion in
tion for Building the TUUL, n.d. [December 1930], d. 2113,11. 96-100; Organization
Department Letter, 9 Jxme 1932, d. 2870,11. 57-61; District Buro Minutes, 22 January
86. William Tuttle, Race Riot: Chicago in the Red Summer of 1919 (New York: Ath
eneum Books, 1970); Kling, Where the Action Is, 24.
Radical Elders Project, Spertus Library and Museum; Newell, Chicago and the Labor
Movement, 79-88; David Scott Witwer, Corruption and Reform in the Teamsters Union
101. George Patterson Autobiography, Chicago Historical Society; Tucker at District
102. Agit Prop to all Section and Unit Agit Prop Directors, 13 April1931, RTsKhlDNI,
f 515, op. 1, d. 2466,1. 46.
103. A good example of this is the Deering Worker (November 1926).
104. Beatrice Shields, "Training Forces in the Chicago District," PO 7 (February 1934):
24-28; Jack Stachel, "Our Factory Nuclei," PO 2 (May-June 1928): 5-10. For party re
NOTES TO PAGES I 5 7 - 6 1
views of Chicago shop papers, see PO 5 (April 1933); Shop Paper Reviews, PO 5 (September-October 1932) and (November-December 1932).
105. Report on Shop Papers, n.d. [1930], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2115,11. 2-7;
Lifshitz Discussion at District Plenum, n.d., d. 3256,1.48.
106. Hart, Schaffner, and Marx Worker, March 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
3270,11. 4-5; Stockyarcb Worker, March 1933,11. 6-7 back; NWShop News, May 1928,
d. 1418,1.17; Kahn Worker, December 1932, d. 2730,1. 59; Decker Worker, December
1932,1. 61.
107. PO 5 (November-December 1932); District Buro Minutes, 22 January 1932,
1. 111.
6. A McCormick Worker, "Actual Experiences in Building the Party in International
Harvester Co." PO 7 (September 1934): 9-12.
7. Bill to Earl, 5 August 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 3265,1. 211.
8. Stachel Report to AFL Fraction Meeting, 9 September 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 534,
op. 7, d. 515,11.1-23; Bert Cochran, Labor and Communism: The Conflict That Shaped
American Unions (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977), 71-77; James R.
Barrett, Wtlliam Z. Foster and the Tragedy of American Radicalism (Urbana: University
of Illinois Press, 1999), 176-77; Robert Cherny, "Prelude to the Popular Front: The
Communist Party in California, 1931-35," American Communist History 1.1 (2002):
9. Jurich at District Plenum, n.d. [1933], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3256,1.16.
10. Reva Weinstein, "Chicago Section Learns about Railroad Concentration," PO 7
(April 1934): 6-7.
11. J. Williams, "Change Methods of Work," PO 6 (August-September 1933): 8-9.
12. Fraser Ottanelli, The Communist Party of the United States: From the Depression
to World War II (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1991), 49-80; Bruce
Nelson, Workers on the Waterfront: Seamen, Longshoremen, and Unionism in the 1930s
(Urbana: University of lUinois Press, 1988), 103-26; Cherny, "Prelude to the Popular
NOTES TO PAGES 1 6 8 - 7 1
5-42; Roger
Keeran, The Communist Party and the Auto Workers Union (Bloom
27. Kollros, "Creating a Steel Workers Union," 137; B. Gebert, "Mass Struggle in the
Chicago District and Tasks of the Party," Communist 12 (December 1933), 1190; D. M.,
"How Two Units Were Established in theSteel Mills," PO 6 (December 1933): 9; "Change
ticians: The Rise of Negro Politics in Chicago (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1967), 334-36; Mark Solomon, The Cry Was Unity: Communists and African Americans,
1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 534, op. 7, d. 507,1.187; District Buro Minutes, 26 December 1933,
1927-1935 (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1998), 251; Beth Bates, Pullman
Porters and the Rise of Protest Politics in Black America, 1925-1945 (Chapel Hill: Uni
28. Cohen, Making a New Deal, 294; Minority Group of Steel and Metal Workers
versity of North Carolina Press, 2001), 120-21. In addition to Lightfoot and Ford, the
party's leading YCL organizer, Gil Green, helped organize Sopkins (and was arrested for
his activity). See Gil Green, Cold War Fugitive: A Personal Story of the McCarthy Years
(New York: International Publishers, 1984), 43.
29. Kollros, "Creating a Steel Workers Union," 119-23; Cohen, Making a New Deal,
14. Chicago Defender, 24 June,1 July (quote), 8 July, and 24 July 1933; Thyra Edwards,
"Let Us Have More Like Mr. Sopkins," Crisis 42.3 (March 1935): 72; Daily Worker, 15
"Creating a Steel Workers Union," 138; Joe Weber, interview with Toni Gilpin, 3 January
August 1933.
15. J. Williams, "Change Methods ofWork," PO 6 (August-September 1933): 32-35;
"Party Concentration Lays Basis of NTWIU Lead in Strike," PO 6 (August-September
1933): 47- The National Textile Codes, implemented after the strike, likely improved
33. District Buro Minutes, 26 December 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3258,
work conditions and lessened workers' support for the NTWIU and the Communist
1. 91; Steel Report, 19 October 1933, f. 534, op. 7, d. 507.1.187; "Williamson's Report
Horowitz, "Negro and White, Unite and Fight!": A Social History of Industrial Unionism
and Meatpacking, 1930-1990 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997), 69-70; David
in Rank and File: Personal Histories by Working-Class Organizers,^ed. Alice Lynd and
35. Kollros, "Creating a Steel Workers Union," 125-26; B. S., "Developing New Cadres
17. Brody, Butcher Workmen, 153-57; Halpern, Down on the Killing Floor, 114-15.
18. Halpern, Down on the Killing Floor, 1x3-14; Horowitz, "Negro and White, Unite
sibility of Radicalism in the Early 1930s: The Case of Steel," Radical America 5.6 (1972):
and Fight!" 68-69; Interviews with Herb March, 15 July 1985 and 21 October 1986,
UPWAOHP; Herb March, interview with the author, Madison, Wis., 5 October 1995;
Cohen, Making a New Deal, -3 20.
19. Interviews with Herb March, 15 July 1985 and 21 October 1986, UPWAOHP;
36. Bill to Earl, 5 August 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3265,1. 211; Report of
Section 7, n.d., d. 3267, L 114; A McCormick Worker, "Actual Experiences in Build
ing the Party in International Harvester Co." PO 7 (September 1934): 9-12; Minutes,
Halpern, Down on the Killing Floor, 113-14; Horowitz, "Negro and White, Unite and
Fight!" 68-69.
20. Halpern, Down on the Killing Floor, 116-19.
1-337. A Veteran Painter, "Chicago Painters Win a Victor)^' Labor Unity (March 1934):
21. Bill Gebert, "The Party in the Chicago Stockyards," PO 7 (April 1934): 1-4.
38. Draft Resolution of the Plenary Session of the Chicago District Committee of
the CPUSA on the Economic and Political Situation and the Tasks of the Party, n.d.,
RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2108,11. 29-41; Organization Letter, 22 February 1932, d.
2882,1. 73; Newell, Chicago and the Labor Movement, 198.
39. P. Frankfeld, "Organization Department Questionnaire for District 8," 10 October
1930, series 2, box 8, file 35, Earl Browder Papers, Syracuse University Library, Special
Collections, Research Center, Syracuse, N.Y.
40. John Lawson to CC, 8 January 1935, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3858,1.4.
41. Harvey Levenstein, Communism, Anti-Communism, and the CIO (Westport,
NOTES TO'PAGES 1 7 8 - 8 2
NOTES TO PAGES I 7 4 - 7 8
1932): 20.
RTsKhlDNI, f.
1935, d. 3917,
1935, d. 3917,11.18-19.
RTsKhlDNI, f.
3917,1. 3;
d. 3917,1.1.
op. 1, d.
Report on RR, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d., 3855,11.42-46; Art Handle dis
RTsKhlDNI, f.
515, op.
RTsKhlDNI, f.
1, d.
515, op. 1,
1, d. 3581,11.12-13;
"How the Party Units in the Chicago Stockyards Worked in the Strike," PO 7 (September
1934): 7-966. Interview with Martin Murphy, 10 May 1934. folder
i.d. 3655,1.52.
68. The exact date of the dissolution is unclear. Halpern, Down on the Killing Floor,
District Buro Minutes, 19 October 1934, RTsKhlDNI, f.
15-34; Reed
District Buro Minutes, 13 May 1934, RTsKhlDNI,
cussion on RR Question, n.d., L 49; Shaw Speech on RR, 19 November 1935, d. 3917,11.
392-97; William
1, d. 3655, L 52.
62. PolBuro Minutes, 16 August
509, U. 1-3.
i,d. 3655. 1 . 5 i 60. Plan of Work for Stockyards Section for Six Months, n.d.
1984), 123-25.
op.^1, d.
PO 7 (May-June
1934): 55-57;
On earlier work within the pension association, see J. O'Neil, "Railroad Pensions," Labor
File, 75.
69. "Ed Wieck's Report on the National Convention of the Steel and Metal Workers
Unity (May
1932): 20-21;
Industrial Convention,"
1933): 20-21.
264 (quote).
RTsKhlDNI, f.
3855,11. 41-
Report by Shaw,
RtsKhlDNI, f.
3917,11. 15-
515, op.
RTsKhlDNI, f.
op. 1, d.
5 March 1934,
RTsKhlDNI, f.
1930s," 48.
534, op. 7, d. 520,1.7; Max
1934): 13-1571.
George Patterson interview in Lynd and Lynd, Rank and File, 91-97; KoUros,
Situation in Steel,
RTsKhlDNI, f.
3855,11. 96-
Railroad," PO 8 (February
1935): 6-8.
i,d. 3267,1.235; Bill Gebert, "The Party in the Chicago Stockyards," PO7 (April
Minority Group of Steel and Metal Workers Conference, n.d., RTsKhlDNI, f. 534.
97-105. Reese's
in Steel: The Struggle for Democratic Unionism (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press,
TUUL Minutes,
Bill Gebert, "Growth of Company Unionismand Our Tasks," Labor Unity (October
"The Communists and the Drive to Organize Steel, 1936," Labor History
A Unit Organizer, "How the Party Units in the Chicago Stockyards Worked in the Strike,"
PO 7 (September 1934):
2003), 190-92.
1934, RTsKhlDNI,
7, d. 508,11.100-101.
NOTES TO.PAGES 1 8 8 - 9 2
NOTES TO PAGES 1 8 2 - 8 7
3. Robert Cohen, When the Old Left Was Young: Student Radicab and America's First
Mass Student Movement, 1929-1941 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993)4. Chuck Hall, interview with the author, Chicago, 11 January 2000; Les Orear, in
terview with the author, Chicago, 13 January 2000.
5. Chuck Hall, interview with the author.
6. Les Orear, interview with the author.
7. Harvey Klehr, The Heyday of American Communism: The Depression Decade (New
York: Basic Books, 1984), 307.
8. Minutes ofDistrict Buro Meeting, 26 June 1931, RTsKhlDNLf. 515, op. 1, d. 2457,
1. 76; Taylor Report on YCL at District Buro Meeting, 8 January 1932, d. 2866,11.14-16;
J. Lawson to Org. Central Committee, 8 January 1935, d. 3858,11. 3-7.
9. Jack Kling, Where the Action Is: Memoirs of a U.S. Communist (New York: New
Outlook Publishers, 1985), 11.
10. Ibid., 11-16.
11. This piano instructor, Rudolph Leibich, performed at party affairs. He also ar
it are deftly explained in Carroll Daugherty, Melvin G. De Chazeau, and Samuel Strat-
ranged music for workers' choruses and performances. Green attended his friend's piano
ton. The Economics of the Iron and Steel Industry, vol. 2 (New York: McGraw Hill, 1937),
lessons at Leibich's house and voraciously read from his library, which was filled with
85. Stueben, "The Present Situation in Steel and Our Tasks," 2 August 1935, RTsKh
lDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3914,1. 32; Report on Steel, n.d., d. 3921,1. 28; Report to John
Lawson to District Committee, 21 September 1935,d. 3854,11.15-19; Kollros, "Creating
a Steel Workers Union," 127.
86. L Toth, "Build the Party in the Trade Unions," PO 8 (May 1935): 4-7.
87. Report on AFL National Committee Meeting, 17 June 1935, RTsKhlDNI, f. 534,
op. 7, d. 525,1. 5.
88. Report by Comrade Smith for Trade Union Commission on Packing, n.d., RTsKh
lDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 3855,1. 57; Stella Nowicki interview in Lynd and Lynd, Rank and
File, 74-78; Brody, Butcher Workmen, 159-62.
89. Halpern, Down on the Killing Floor,123-25.
90. Report of John Lawson to District Committee, 21 September 1935, RTsKhlDNI,
f. 515, op. 1, d. 3854,11.15-23.
91. M. C. [Morris Childs] to Political Buro, 17 September 1935, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515,
op. 1, d. 3859,1. 89.
socialist works. Gil Green, Cold War Fugitive: A Personal Story of the McCarthy Years
12. Data Card, 1931, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 4129.
13. Jim Klein and Julia Reichart, interview with Ben Gray for SeeinfRed, Tamiment
Institute Library, New York University.
14. Minutes of the District Plenum, 11 May 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2108,
15. Ibid.; Minutes of Buro, 10 July 1930, d. 2109,11. 43-4416. YCL District Buro Meeting, 8 January 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2866,11.
17. J. Lawson to the Org. Central Committee, 8 January 1935. RTsKhlDNI, f. 515. op.
1, d. 3858; Report of M. F. to the Buro on YCL, 30 November 1934, d. 3584,11. 68-7918. Minutes of the Buro, 10 July 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2109, II. 43-44i
Section 2 Committee Minutes, 6 March 1933, d. 3267,1.16.
19. Klehr, Heyday of American Communism, 328-30; Mark Solomon, The Cry Was
Unity: Communists and African Americans, 1917-1936 (Jackson: University Press of
92. Ibid.
Mississippi, 1998), 139-44; Mark Naison, Communists in Harlem during the Depression
93. Morris Childs to P. Buro, 17 September 1935, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3859,
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983), 46-48. For more on this trial in Chicago, see
1. 89.
94. Joe Weber, interview with Toni Gilpin, in the author's possession; Cohen, Making
a New Deal, 310-13; Bernstein, Turbulent Years, 123-24.
Randi Storch, "'The Realities of the Situation': Revolutionary Discipline and Everyday
Political Life in Chicago's Communist Party, 1928-1935," Labor: Studies in WorkingClass History in the Americas 1.3 (Fall 2004): 19-44.
20. Hunger Fighter, 6 August 1932, 4-
NOTES TO PAGES 1 9 3 - 9 7
5732. Taylor Report on YCL at District Buro Meeting, 8 January 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f.
515, op. 1, d. 2866,11.14-16.
50. Memo on the Office Workers Union as an Affiliate of the Trade Union Unity
League, 17 January 1934, reel 29, frames 1025-26, USMI-SRUS.
51. This family support was not the case for many party members with children or for
the parents of YCL members. In feet, complaints from leaders suggested that a signfficant
number of members kept their children away from party activity. On the importance
of family networks in supporting the Left, see Elizabeth Faue and Kathleen A. Brown,
"Social Bonds, Sexual Politics, and Political Community on the U.S. Left, 1920s to 1940s,"
Left History 7.1 (2000): 9-45.
52. Kling, Where the Action Is, 27-28.
53. Minutes of Section 2 Meeting, 10 September 1933, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d.
3267,1. 46.
54. Interview with Herb March, 21 October 1986, UPWAOHP.
55. Ibid.; Report ofM". F. to the Buro on YCL, 30 November 1934, RTsBChlDNI, f 5i5>
op. 1, d. 3584,11.68-79.
56. Stella Nowicki interview in Rank and File: Personal Histories by Working-Class
Organizers, ed. Alice Lynd and Staughton Lynd (Boston: Beacon Press, 1973), 70-71. .
58. Stella Nowicki interview in Lynd and Lynd, Rank and File, 76.
35. Minutes of the Secretariat, 3 February 1930, RTsBChlDNI, f 515, op. i,d. 2109,11.
59. Ibid.; Ann Doubilet, "The Young Communist League and Women Wprkers in the
Letter, 25 April 1931, d. 2466,1. 54; Organization Letter, 25 September 1931, d. 2466,
Paper for Dr. J. Carrol Moody, 1972,11, in the author's possession; Report of M. F. to
the Buro on YCL, 30 November 1934, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515. op. 1, d. 3^^4,11. 68-79.
60. Report of M. E to the Buro on the YCL, 30 November 1934, ^ITsKhlDNI, f. 515,
op. 1, d. 3584,11.68-79.
61. Theodore Draper, American Communism and Soviet Russia (New York: Vintage
Press, 1986), 179-80; William Baker, "Muscular Marxism and the Chicago CounterOlympics of 1932," in The New American Sport History, ed. S. W. Pope (Urbana: Uni
versity of Illinois Press, 1997), 284-99; Si Gerson, "The Workers Sport Movement: Six
1933. 60.
62. Minutes of LSU National Executive Board Fraction, 23 October 1930, RTsKhlDNI,
41. Minutes ofDistrict Plenum, 11 May 1930, RTsKhlDNI, f 515, op. 1, d. 2108,1.
42. Taylor Report on YCL at District Buro Meeting, 8 January 1932, RTsBChlDNI, f.
515, op. 1, d. 2866, U. 14-16.
43. Cohen, When the Old Left Was Young, 39-41.
44. Harry Haywood, Black Bolshevik: Autobiography of an Afro-American Communist
(Chicago: Liberator Press, 1978), 445.
45. Steve Nelson, James R. Barrett, and Rob Ruck, Steve Nelson, American Radical
(Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1981), 82-83.
46. Jack BCling to GU Green, n.d. [1932], RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2876; 11. 1929347. Ibid.
48. Ibid.
49. NWRR Shop News, May 1928, RTsBChlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 1418,11.17-18.
63. William Baker, "Muscular Marxism and the Chicago Counter-Olympics of 1932,"
64. Chicago's YCL organized "vote Communist street runs" and marathon races to
draw attention to various political causes. See, for example. Workers' Voice, 15 October
65. A. Harris, S. Siporin, and E. Becker, Counter-Olympic Fraction, to Earl Browder,
20 May 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3053,11.40-4166.Ibid.
67. Taylor Report on the YCL at District Buro Meeting, 8 January 1932, RTsKhlDNI,
f. 515, op. 1, d. 2866,11.14-16.
68. A. Harris, S. Siporin, and E. Becker, Counter-Olympic Fraction, to Earl Browder,
20 May 1932, RTsBChlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d, 3053,11.40-41.
NOTES TO PAGES 2 0 8 - 1 4
69. Baker, "Muscular Marxism and the Chicago Counter-Olympics of 1932," 2899170. Ibid., 292.
71. Ibid., 294; Mark Naison, "Lefties and Righties: The Communist Party and Sports
during the Great Depression," Radical America 13 (July-August 1979): 47-59.
72. Baker, "Muscular Marxism and the Chicago Counter-Olympics of 1932," 2939473. Report of M. F. to the Buro on YCL, 30 November 1934, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
i,d. 3655,11. 55-56.
76. Quoted in Cohen, When the Old Left Was Young, 39-41.
movement by thirty years yet make the same connection between students' rights to
79. Daily Maroon, 27 April 1933; Report ofM. F. to the Buro on YCL, 30 November
1934, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3655,11. 51-62.
80. Daily Maroon, 24 May 1933.
81. Report ofM. F. to the Buro on YCL, 30 November 1934, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
i,d. 3655.1. 5982. Cohen, When the Old Leji Was Young, 15-21.
83. In 1932, only 1.4 percent of the entering class was African American, compared to
26 percent Jewish students and 72.3 percent gentile students; .3 percent were described
as "other." Mary Ann Dzuback, Robert M. Hutchins: Portrait of an Educator (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1991), 286.
84. Ibid., 146.
110. Quoted in Wechsler, Revo/f orj the Campus, 263. See also Nelspn E. Hewitt, Hoiv
"Red" Is the University of Chicago? (Chicago: Advisory Associates, 1935).
111. Quoted in Wechsler, Revolt on the Campus, 263; Schrecke^, No Ivory Tower, 70;
Coven, "Red Maroons," 37; Daily Maroon, 29 May 1934.
86. J. WiUiamson to Secretariat CC, 15 March 1932, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 2874,
87. James Wechsler, Revolt on the Campus (Seattle: University of Washington Press,
1973). 105.
88. Ibid., 108.
89. Report of Student Congress against War Held at Mandel Hall, University of Chi
cago, 28-29 December 1932, reel 29, frame 572, USMI-SRUS.
90. Report of M. F. to the Buro on YCL, 30 November 1934, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op.
i,d. 3655,11. 51-62.
91. Interview with Quentin Young, Radical Elders Project, Spertus Jewish Museum,
109. Daily Maroon, 2 May 1935; Chicago Daily Tribune, 14 May 19^, 1.
1. Georgi Dimitroff, The United Front: The Struggle against War and Fascism (New
York: International Publishers, 1938), 99-100 (quote on 99).
2. Ibid., 9-93,169-71, and 197-216; Fraser Ottanelli, The Communist Party of the
United States: From the Depression to World War II (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Uni
versity Press, 1991), 83-135.
Old Age Revolving Pension plan, and EPIC was Upton Sinclair's political organization
in New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Communism, ed. Michael E. Brown,
dedicated to Ending Poverty in California. Earl Browder, "Win the Masses in Their
Randy Martin, Frank Rosengarten, and George Snedeker (New York: Monthly Review
Press, 1993), 45-73 (quote on 47). Michael Denning, The Cultural Front: The Labor-,
ing of American Culture in the Twentieth Century (New York: Verso, 1997), develops
11. District Buro Minutes, 17 April 1935, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3855, L 5; 2
February 1934,1. 8; B. Shields to Bittleman, n.d. [1935], d. 3859, L 1. On the location
'this argument more folly. For insights into the conflicts and contradictions within the
of the school and bookstore, see G. R. Carpenter to Assistant Chief of Staff, War De
congress, see Kevin McDermott and Jeremy Agnew, The Comintern: A History of Inter
partment, 4 September 1940, reel 31, frames 251-54, USMI-SRUS; Beatrice Shields,
national Communism from Lenin to Stalin (New York: St. Martin's Press, i997)> i20-57Fernando Claudin, The Communist Movement: From Comintern to Cominform (New
York: Monthly Review Press, 1975), 174-82, argues that the burden of the shift lay with
letin, August 1934, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3591,11.24-26. For the low attendance
ipip-1943: Documents, vol 3 (London: Frank Cass, 1971), reprints documents from
at section schools throughout the city before the change in curriculum, see Minutes of
the congress. Ottanelli, Communist Party of the United States, 83-105, discusses how
13. Alperin, "Organization in the Communist Party," 221. See also Frank Meyer, "Sec
tion Schools in Chicago," PO 9 (October 1936): 29. Work with non-party members in
ing American Communism: The Life of William Z. Foster (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
Assistant Chief of Staff, War Department, 4 September 1940, reel 31, frames 251-52,
University Press, 1994), 272-313; James R. Barrett, William Z. Foster and the Tragedy
14. Fred Brown, "The Importance of the Recruiting Drive," The Communist (October
915-24 (quote on
"Remaking America," 45-73; Randi Storch, "Shades of Red: The Communist Party and
15. WiUiam Carter and Ann Nowell, "Chicago's South Side Advances," PO 11 (Janu
Chicago's Workers, 1928-1939" (Ph.D. dissertation. University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1998), 196-311; Rick Halperin, Down on the Killing Floor: Black and White
ruary 1938 and 13 May 1938; Alexander Bittleman, "Historic View of the Struggle
6. Claude Lightfoot, Chicago Slums to World Politics: Autobiography of Claude M.
Lightfoot (New York: New Outlook Publishers, 1980), 69.
7. Maurice Isserman, Which Side Were You On? The American Communist Party during
the Second World War (1982; reprint, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1993), 54.
for Democracy," The Communist (August 1938): 711-21; Earl Browder, "Concerning
America's Revolutionary Traditions," The Communist (December 1938): 1079-85; Earl
Browder, "America and the CIRelationship and History," The Communist (March
1939): 209; F. Brown, "Let the Masses Know Our Party/" PO 11 (October 1937): 15-18;
S. L., "Bringing Forward C.P. Literature," PO 11 (September 1937): 37-38.
8. Robert Jay Alperin, "Organization in the Communist Party, USA, 1931-1938" (Ph.
17. Alperin, "Organization in the Communist Party^ 49; Isserman, Which Side Were
You On? 18-19, 205;'Fred Brown, "The Importance of the Present Recruiting Drive
Party Organization Help Us Win the Masses," PO 10 (July-August 1936): 6-11 (quote
for the Future of Our Party," The Communist (October 1937): 915-24 (quote on 920);
Nathan Glazer, The Social Basis of American Communism (New York: Harcourt, Brace,
"The Party Branch and Its Relationship to the Community," issued by the Educational
and World, 1961), 92. Some estimate the 1938 membership of the party at seventy-five
Department of the Communist Party, n.d. [1943], CP of USA (IL), Tamiment Institute
thousand. This is probably due to the addition of YCL members to the total. See Klehr,
Heyday of American Communism, 378. It may also be due to the party's own overestima
9. Harvey Klehr, The Heyday of American Communism: The Depression Decade (New
tion. See "The January 1938 RegistrationAn Analysis and Conclusion," PO 12 (June
York: Basic Books, 1984), 369-70; Alperin, "Organization in the Communist Part)^
1938): 1-6.
18. Nathan Glazer makes the point, though, that "even in industries where the Party
had a powerful base, it did not have what might be called a mass membership." Glazer,
1936): 26-28.
10. Townsend organizations formed to support the physician Francis Townsend's
19. Klehr, Heyday of American Communism, 378-85; Glazer, Social Basis of Ameri
can Communism, 117; Ottanelli, Communist Party of the United States, 128; F. Brown,
NOTES TO PAGES 2 1 9 - 2 3
NOTES TO PAGES 2 2 3 - 2 8
"Check-Up on Organization" PO9 (March 1935): 14; Rosalyn Baxandall, "The Question
Hoe: Alabama Communists During the Great Depression (Chapel Hill: University of
Seldom Asked: Women and the CPUSA" in New Studies in the Politics and Culture of
North CaroUna Press, 1990), 107,123. On support and activism in Harlem, see Mark
U.S. Communism, ed. Michael E. Brown, Randy Martin, Fr^k Rosengarten, and George
20. Chicago's membership statistics become more difficult to access in this period.
These are from "Comparative Status of Membership on July i, 1935," 13-14 July 1935,
36. "Let's Get on the Radio," PO 10 (February 1936): 31-32; "The RadioThe Voice
of Mass Agitation," PO lo (April 1936): 31; "Utilize the Radio," PO 10 (June 1936): 1.
37. Brown, "Importance of the Present Recruiting Drive," 915-924 (quote on 920);
Horace Cayton and St. Clair Drake, Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a Northern
Staff, War Department, 22 October 1940, reel 31, frame 292, USMI-SRUS. For trends
ber 1939, reel 31, frames 26-29; 26 April 1940, reel 31, frames 121-22, USMI-SRUS;
39. Report of John Lawson, 21 September 1935, RTsKhlDNI, f. 515, op. 1, d. 3854,
Douglas Wixson, Worker-Writer in America: Jack Conroy and the Tradition of Midwestern
11. 15-23; Report of Investigation Commission, Street Unit 405, n.d. [1935], d. 3853,
11. 24-25; Report for Investigation CommissionStreet Unit 106,11. 45-50; Report of
Ruth Garvin, "Face and Figure," Midwest Daily Record, 12 August 1939, 8; 7 October
42. Earl Browder, "United Front: The Key to Our New Tactical Orientation," The
Communist (December 1935): 1075-1129 (quote on 1122).
43. Ottanelli, Communist Party of the United States, 159-189; Isserman, Which Side
Were You On? 32-54.
44. Midwest Daily Record, 5, 9, and 15 September 1939.
45. Midwest Daily Record, 2 September 1939.
46. Midwest Daily Record, 5, 9, and 12 September 1939.
Carpenter to Assistant Chief of Staff, War Department, 22 October 1940, reel 31, frame
47. Midwest Daily Record, 15 September 1939, 2; Memo, 29 September 1939. reel 30,
292, USMI-SRUS. Morris Childs claimed that over 70 percent of the Chicago district's
frame 931; and 25 October 1939, reel 31, frame 16, USMI-SRUS; Herb March interview
recruits were under thirty-five years of age in 1936. See Morris Childs, "Forging Unity
48. Midwest Daily Record, 3 October 1939; Memo, 30 September 1939, reel 30, frame
49- G. R. Carpenter to Assistant Chief of Staff, War Department, 7 November 1939,
reel 31, frames 14-19. and 30 November 1939, reel 31, frames 31-33, USMI-SRUS.
50. G. R. Carpenter to Assistant Chief of Staff, War Department, 12 November 1940,
reel 31, frames 301-3. and 11 October 1939, reel 30, frame 941, USMI-SRUS.
51. Harvey Klehr, The Heyday of American Communism: The Depression Decade (New
York: Basic Books, 1984), 386-409.
34. Ibid., 9.
35. For a more detailed discussion of these activities, see Storch, "Shades of Red,"
155-311. On party support for Ethiopia in Alabama, see Robin Kelley, Hammer and
NOTES TO PAGES 2 2 8 - 3 0
reel 31, frames 14T19, 30 November 1939, reel 31, frames 31-33, and 26 March 1940,
reel 31, frame 100 (quote), USMI-SRUS.
54. Herb March, interview with Roger Horowitz, 15 July 1974, UPWAOHR On the
independent tendencies of party trade unionists during the Popular Front generally,
see Harvey Levenstein, Communism, Anti-Communism, and the CIO (Westport Conn.:
Greenwood Press, 1981), 40-46; Ottanelli, Communist Party in the United States, 146-48;
James R. Barrett, William Z. Foster and the Tragedy of American Communism (Urbana:
'fuley High School, 206