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Lesson Plan Guide: Unit/Chapter Objective/Generalization/Big Idea

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate:

Hannah Roberts

Date:April 30, 2015

Grade and Topic:

Grade 2, Social Studies

Length of Lesson: 45 minutes for 4 days

Mentor Teacher:

Dr. Amy Adcock

School: University of Memphis IDT 3600


The Understanding of the Branches lesson is part of a unit identifying the different branches of the government
of the United States of America. The TN state social studies standard of government and civics 2.0 states that
students should understand the three branches of government and the basic roles of each.

Given the different branches of the government the student will be able to present the correct roles of the branch
and the correct leaders of the branches to the class with a score of five out of five on the rubric. (Blooms
taxonomy: application, comprehension)
Given the completed table with the complete information, the student will present a presentation explaining
what they have learned about the branches of government with 100% accuracy. (Blooms taxonomy: synthesis)

Student Participation
The goal of the lesson is for students to demonstrate a clear understanding of the roles of the three
branches of the governments. Students will complete and fill in a graphic organizer to help the students
organize their research. Students will also create a visual representation using PowerPoint to tell the
class about one of the branches of government.

State/District, Common Core Standards
TN Social Studies 2. 25 Create a graphic organizer to explain the three branches of government and the basic
role of each.

ISTE Standard(s)
2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and
work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the
learning of others.
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and
3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of
sources and media.

1. Branches of Government Graphic Organizer Worksheet
2. Pencil
3. Notebook Paper

4. Computer
5. Microsoft PowerPoint
6. Internet Access to:
a. Three Branches of Government: http://kids.usa.gov/three-branches-of-government/index.shtml
b. Kids in the House: http://kids.clerk.house.gov/grade-school/lesson.html?intID=1
Technology Integration:
The students will use the above websites to help them fill out and complete their Branches of Government
Graphic Organizer Worksheet. They will then use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a PowerPoint presentation to
represent one branch of government and one of the roles of the branch. They will have assistance when they use
the Internet and Microsoft PowerPoint. Once the students are finished with their PowerPoint, they will print out
a copy of their slides. A sample of a PowerPoint is available at the end of the lesson plan.


Students will exhibit a clear understanding of the three branches of the government, and they will be able to
explain a few of the roles of each of the branches of government.
Academic Language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
This lesson is a building block upon the previous lesson on standard 2.23. It will also help the students to review
their previous knowledge of comparing Tennessees branches of government to the national branches of
We will refer back to the graphic organizers and PowerPoints as we continue to learn about the United States
government system.
The lesson or technology use will be modified to meet the needs of diverse learners.
I will display the three houses each branch of government is located in, and I will ask three different students to
come to the white board to write the correct name under the houses
I will explain to the students how the three branches of government is a big part of our democracy, and without
one of the branches, the United States would not be able to function.
I will then ask the students to write down one role they think the branches carry out for our country.
1. I will distribute the Branches of Government Graphic Organizer Worksheet to the students. I will
turn on the interactive white board, and I will project the websites listed above. I will explain the
instructions to the students that they understand they will find three different roles that each of the
branches of government conduct in. I will also ask them to find the important figures of the branches
of government. I will present my graphic organizer to the class to show them what their finished
product should look like. I will also review the Internet rules with the students. (15 minutes)
2. We will then travel to the computer lab so all students will be able to work simultaneously. (10
3. Once every student is seated in front of a computer, I will instruct and assist students to open an
Internet browser, and I will initiate the students to go to the above websites. (The websites URL will
be listed at the bottom of their Branches of Government Graphic Organizer Worksheet.) I will check
every students computer to make sure each of the students are on the correct websites. (15 minutes)
4. I will instruct the students to start filling out their worksheet with information they find on the above
websites. (30 minutes)
5. Once all the students are done, I will instruct the students to gather all their materials, and we will
travel back to the classroom. (10 minutes)
6. I will assign students into groups of three. I will inform the students that they will be using Microsoft
PowerPoint to create a PowerPoint presentation on one of the three branches, one of the roles of the
branch, an important figure of the branch, and an interesting fact each of the group members learned

from the lesson. I will review with the students on how to create a PowerPoint presentation. (5
7. Students will grab their worksheet and head back to a computer with their group members. I will
walk around to make sure the students are keeping on task, and I will assist the students when
needed. (45 minutes)
8. When the groups finish with their presentations, they will print off their slides. They will then head
back to their desks, and they will prepare to present their presentation (10 minutes)
Closure: All of the groups will present their PowerPoint presentation to the class to show their understanding of
their assigned branch with the role they chose that the branch conducts. After all the groups get done sharing
their new information, the teacher will collect everyones slides and their graphic organizer worksheet, and the
teacher will check for accuracy and submission of all products.

The formative assessment will be checking the graphic organizer worksheet of the branches and their roles once
the students have completed the table. I will also be checking the slides from the presentations for content and
understanding of the skill. The formative assessment of the lesson will be the students presenting their
presentations to the class and the completion of the worksheet.
Columns and
rows of
match in graphic
Kept on Task
Information in
Presentation to
the class


None of the
columns and rows
of information

Two of the
columns and rows
of information

Three of the
columns and rows
of information

All of the columns
and rows of
information match

Student stayed on
task for half of the
No information on Information
PowerPoint slides correctly placed in
three of the
PowerPoint slides
The presentation
The presentation
does not
demonstrates a
demonstrate and
somewhat vague
understanding of
understanding of
the branches of
the branches of
government, the
government, the
roles they conduct roles they conduct
within their
within their
branch, and who
branch, and who
works within the
works within the

Student stayed on
task for most of
the time
correctly placed in
four of the
PowerPoint slides
The presentation
demonstrates a
somewhat clear
understanding of
the branches of
government, the
roles they conduct
within their
branch, and who
works within the

Student stayed on
task for the whole
correctly placed in
all of the
PowerPoint slides
The presentation
demonstrates a
understanding of
the branches of
government, the
roles they conduct
within their
branch, and who
works within the

Student did not

stay on task

I am aware that modifications will be made for the students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this particular

Role 1 of

Role 2 of


They make
the laws for
the entire
United States.

They control all

of the money of
the United

They are
allowed to
declare war
against a

House of

They evaluate
the laws the
branch has

They get to
judge which
laws are
constitutional or

They get to
decide what
happens to

Vice President

They are the

ones who
makes the
people obey
the laws.

They can veto a


Supreme Court
Other Federal
judges to the Courts



Role 3 of

Figures of

Branches of

First Website: www.kids.usa.gov/three-branches-of-government/index.shtml

Second Website: www.kids.clerk.house.gov/grade-school/lesson.html?intID=1

Branches of Government Graphic Organizer Worksheet

Presentation of the Branches of Government (Sample)

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