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Herradas Senior English Syllabus

Welcome to Senior English!
The first thing I want you to know about my class is that you are the most important
person in the room. We will succeed on your behalf, thrive on your behalf, and learn more than
you thought possible in 180 days all because of you. I look forward to our year together and
cannot wait to share all that I love about English with each of you. Together we will push our
minds to think outside of the norm, understand and analyze literature in new ways, and develop
your written and verbal expressions through a multitude of platforms.
On a personal note, my name is Ms. Herrada, but Ms. H will catch my attention all the
same. I am a recent Arizona State University graduate (Go Devils!), but feel as though I have
been a teacher my entire life! I am an Arizona native and love the weather here! However I do
love traveling and have been to five different countries. I am the crazy cat lady, claiming four to
my personal pack. I love a good book, a thought-provoking quote, and am obsessed with Netflix.
Now that I have shared a little about myself, both professionally and personally, I ask you
do the same. Please respond to this letter, with a letter by replying to the following questions:
1. What is your favorite subject in school? What do you typically like/dislike about
English class? Are you involved in extracurricular activities?
2. Where are you from? Any pets? Do you have a job? Hobbies?
If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, please know you can always talk
to me. I have anxiously been awaiting this year and cannot wait to learn more about you.
Ms. H

Teaching Philosophy
I have always wanted to be a teacher, ever since I can remember. The urge to help one
truly understand something is an impulse I cannot deny. I am passionate, patient, hard working,
and excellent at prioritizing. I teach because I have a passion for my subject area and want to aid
students in becoming life-long learners. I am an English teacher at heart and always have been;
English is such an essential subject for young minds, and I aim to mold our youth into becoming
excellent communicators in all areas of life.
Specifically, my teaching style and classroom revolves around my students. I have high
expectations for all my students, as they must exercise higher-level thinking, actively participate
in project based learning, and explore real world connections created in the classroom. I also
thoroughly believe in integrating technology into my classroom as often as possible. When
incorporated correctly, as a tool, students will be raising awareness, finding answers, taking
action, and driving change in my classroom. I also enjoy having my students teach their peers
what they have learned as this method also has a proven 90% retention rate and cultivates a
number of different skill sets.
Overall, I believe in positivity and creativity. It is my job to constantly rejuvenate the
way I teach what I teach, and this is incredible. I love reworking lessons to make them more
engaging and rewarding for my students. Continuing my own education also models the
relevancy of learning for students. Each year is new and exciting, and I aim to bring forth this
excitement into my classroom every day in hopes to liberate students own concealed
excitement. It is my duty to be a guiding adult, instill life-long learning attributes and provide
each student with the tools essential for life after high school.

Materials Needed
Upon request, to be successful in this course students will need:

Writing materials (blue or black pen/pencil)

Red pen for grading
A journal to be used for this class only
A designated place for notes, i.e. a section in a binder with college ruled paper
* Any additional materials will be upon teacher request as specific projects are assigned *

Grades will reflect the amount of effort you put into this class. You will be assessed in many
ways, including discussions, projects, formal and informal writings, presentations, homework,
quizzes, tests, and/or other authentic assessments. Your grades will be posted through our
classes online portal for you and/or your parent(s)/guardian(s) to check at any time. Grades will
be updated throughout the week and finalized at the end of each quarter. Please allow a
minimum of two weeks for major assignments to be graded. I will do my best to let you know in
class when specific grades will be posted.
Grading Scale:
A: 90 100%
B: 80 89%
C: 70 79%
D: 60 69%
F: 59% or below

Classroom Procedures
To Begin Class, Students Will:
1. Wait outside the classroom until Ms. Herrada opens the door to let you in
2. Turn in any due work to your classes respective Turn In Bin
3. Sit in assigned seats, pull out classroom journal and begin bell work
4. Bell Work: Quietly respond to prompt on overhead projector until Ms. Herrada asks for
your attention
5. Listen attentively to what Ms. Herrada has planned for the day!
To End Class, Students Will:
1. Clean up and put away any materials used during the class
2. Reposition desks to original placement
3. Sit in assigned seats quietly
4. Listen to reminders for tomorrows class and/or tonights homework
5. Wait to be dismissed by Ms. Herrada

If You Were Absent, When You Return:
1. Check the While You Were Gone hanging file folder box.
2. Find the day you were absent
3. Collect the papers with your name on them
4. Turn in any due work immediately to your classes respective bin
To Earn Extra Credit, Present Students Will:
1. Volunteer to help the absent student
2. Fill out a designated While You Were Gone worksheet
3. Collect an extra handout for the absent student
4. Paperclip all papers together and place into the While You Were Gone hanging file
folder box for the appropriate day

Late Work & Grading

For every day a piece of work is late, the work will automatically be deducted one letter grade.
For example, if you turn in an assignment one day late, the highest grade you can receive on that
assignment is a B. If you turn in an assignment two days late, the highest grade you can receive
on that assignment is a C, and so on and so forth.
All points for this course are based on a points scale. Students will be informed of how work will
be graded as soon as it is assigned. Some assignments will be graded for completion; some
assignments will be graded for accuracy; some assignments will be graded against a rubric; etc.
Grades will be updated online as soon as possible, however, I am involved in many school
activities and appreciate patience. Also, if you ever want to discuss your grade on an individual
basis, my door is always open.

Student Expectations
All Students Will:

Demonstrate Respect In order to work hard and have fun this year, I expect all
students to respect fellow students, myself, and above all respect themselves.
Demonstrate Accountability All students are expected to come prepared, complete all
assignments, and make up any work missed due to an absence.
Demonstrate Honesty I expect all students to demonstrate academic integrity in not
only my class, but also all of their classes. It is important to build a relationship of
honesty and trust, and I hold my students accountable for these ideals.

Consequences Include:
If you break a school rule, or do not follow these expectations, there will obviously be
consequences. The consequences are as follows:
1st Offense - Verbal Warning
2nd Offense - Conference with teacher and student (after or before school, lunch, etc.)
3rd Offense - Teacher will contact the parent by phone or by conference
4th Offence - Referral to the office for Saturday school.
****Consequences have a Severity clause as well. This means that if the student does
something Severe in class as judged by the teacher, that student my receive alternate
punishments as determined by the school handbook, or Administration****
All expectations outlined in the Corona del Sol Student Handbook
will be upheld in my classroom as well. *See Student Handbook*

A Letter to Parents
Hello Parents!
My name is Ms. Herrada and your son/daughter is enrolled in my Senior English class
this year. I am looking forward to the new school year and hope you are too! I aim to provide an
educationally challenging class for your student that encourages their curiosity, critical thinking
and problem solving skills in a way that can be applicable both inside and outside the classroom.
English is a very demanding course that requires effort outside of school hours. Students
will need to bring a notebook solely dedicated to this class and something to write with
everyday. Hopefully, your child has brought home their course syllabus for you to look over and
sign off on. I look forward to this school year and cannot wait to share all that I love about
English with your student.
It is best to reach me by email at: [email protected]. If you ever have any questions,
comments, or concerns about your student please do not hesitate to contact me. I am pretty good
at responding to emails within 48 hours, but am involved in a lot of school activities and
appreciate your patience. I will be available to help students individually 15 minutes prior to the
beginning of the school day and after school Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4pm. I ask that you
fill out the return e-mail form included with this letter so that I may inform you of all major
upcoming due dates, projects, and/or school events. Weekly newsletters will also be posted to
my school page, outlining the previous week and noting reminders for the upcoming week, both
in my class and school wide events.
Thank you,
Ms. Herrada

Please sign the Student Contract and have your parents fill out the Parent Email Form
to earn your first 10 points for this semester!!

Student Contract
I, (print name)______________________________________ have reviewed and agree to the
rules and expectations of Ms. Herradas classroom. I will follow these rules for the duration
of the school year.
Class Number: _____________________________________________________
Student Signature: __________________________________________________
Date: _____________________

Parent Email Form

By staying connected via email I will be able to keep everyone up-to-date
on all major upcoming due dates, projects, and/or school events.

Student Name:_____________________________________________________
Class Number: _____________________________________________________
Parent(s) Name(s): __________________________________________________
Parent(s) Email(s): __________________________________________________

*Please have this filled out and returned by Thursday at the latest, Thank you!*

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