Paper - II M.B.A Syllabus Part-A Unit-I: Business Behaviour & Decisions
Paper - II M.B.A Syllabus Part-A Unit-I: Business Behaviour & Decisions
Paper - II M.B.A Syllabus Part-A Unit-I: Business Behaviour & Decisions
Paper - II
M.B.A Syllabus
Unit-I: Business Behaviour & Decisions
Demand Analysis,Production Function , Cost-output relations, Market structures,
Pricing theories, Macro-Economics, National Income concepts, Monetary
&Fiscal Policy, Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments, Business Cycle.
Unit-II: Organizational Behaviour
The concept and significance of organizational behaviour,Skills and roles in an
organization, Classical, Neo-classical and modern theories of organizational
structure, Organizational design, Understanding and Managing individual
behaviour,Personality, Perception, Values, Attitudes, Learning, Motivation.
Understanding and managing group behaviour, Processes, Inter-personal and
group dynamics, Communication, Leadership, Change management, Conflict
management and resolutions, Organizational development.
Unit-III: Human Resource Management
Concepts and perspectives in HRM,HRM in changing environment, Human
resource planning- Objectives, Process and Techniques, Job analysis &Job
description, Recruitment & Selection, Induction, Training and Development,
Performance management systems, Potential assessment, Job evaluation,
Disputeresolution and Grievance management, Labour Welfare and Social
security measures, Challenges & Opportunities in HRM,International HRM
Unit-IV: Financial management
Nature and Scope, Finance Functions, Objectives of Financial Management,
Valuation concepts and valuation of securities, Capital budgeting decisions,
Working Capital Management, Risk analysis, Capital structure and Cost of
capital, Dividend policy Determinants, Long-term and short-term financing
instruments,Mergers and Acquisitions
Unit-V:Marketing Management
Nature of Market, marketing & marketing management, Traditional & Modern
Marketing, Concepts of marketing, Marketing Environment, Marketing
Information Systems and Marketing research,Buyer Behaviour, Market
Segmentation, Product decisions, Product mix, Product Life Cycle, New product
Unit-IX:Entrepreneurship Development
Concepts-Types, Characteristics, Motivation, Competencies and its development,
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Small business-Concepts Government policy
for promotion of small and tiny enterprises, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises,
Process of business opportunity identification, Detailed business plan.
preparation, Managing small enterprises, Planning for growth, Sickness in Small
Enterprises, Rehabilitation of sick enterprises,Intrapreneurship. ISO
Certifications, New Age Entrepreneurs Women Entrepreneurs.
Unit-X: Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
Nature of Business ethics, Need and importance of business ethics, Competition
issues, legal issues, philanthropic issues, Economic issues, framework for ethical
decision making,
Moral philosophies: Teleological, deontology, virtue ethics, ethics of care, ethics
of egoism,
Ethics in finance, HRM, Marketing, IT, & Production
Corporate frauds & crimes, corporate disclosure, covert and overt ethical
Corporate Governance, meaning and definition, board composition, principles of
corporate governance, Clause 49 of SEBI listing agreement, different committee
recommendations, on corporate governance in India.
Strategic Functional Management
Unit-1: Accounting for Managers
Basics of Accounting:Role of Financial Accounting, Functions, Basic
AccountingConcepts and Conventions underlying the preparation of Financial
Statements, Double entry book keeping system, Books of Accounts &Trial
Balance and Preparation of Profit &Loss Account and Balance Sheet,
Rectification of errors.
Accounting Standards and Policy:Introduction to Accounting Standards
andAccounting Policy Choices, Revenue recognition, Inventory Valuation,
Principles of Inventory Valuation, Fixed Assets and Depreciation Accounting and
Principles Involved. Financial Reports, Notes on Accounting and Principles
Involved. Contingent Liabilities andPost Balance Sheet Events.
GDRs, ADRs,ADS - Bonds, FRNs -Cross currency rates and interest rate
arbitrage, Problems on Basic Exchange Rate mechanism.