The Greedy Triangle Anchor

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Text Description

The Greedy Triangle

Marilyn Burns
Picture Book
The Greedy Triangle invites the audience/reader to observe all the different geometric shapes
in everyday life. As the specific geometric shapes are introduced throughout the story, their
defining attributes including angles and sides are explained.

Complexity Band

Grade 1 Grade 3


Quantitative Measure of the Text: AD580L

Range: 450L-730L
Associated Band Level: 420L-820L

Text Structure: Moderately Complex- Occasionally difficult to predict what is happening next
in the storyline. Illustrations and graphics are used to support to the meaning of the text.
Language Features: Moderately Complex- Mostly easy to understand with some vocabulary
words that may be unfamiliar. Simple compound sentences make up the text to easily
comprehend the text meaning.
Meaning/Purpose: Slightly Complex- There is one main theme, which is clearly stated and
revealed early in the text.
Knowledge Demands: Slightly Complex- There is a single theme explored in the text and the
experiences/topic discussed is common or familiar to most readers. There are no references to
other texts or cultural elements.

Considerations for
Reader and Task

Possible Major Instructional Areas of Focus:

RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
RL.1.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
RL.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and
information provided by the words in a text.
RL.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.
1.G.1 Distinguish between defining attributes versus non-defining attributes; build and draw
shapes to possess defining attributes.
1.G.2 Compose two-dimensional shapes or three-dimensional shapes to create a composite
shape, and compose new shapes from the composite shape.
Potential Challenges this Text Poses: The Lexile PowerV Word Selector identified 10
challenging worlds that are important for the student to know. These vocabulary words should
be acknowledged before reading aloud the text; patios, tot, halves, bicycles, slices, angle,
angles, grumbled, screeching, tiles.

Differentiation/Supports for Students: Instruct the children to listen for words in the story
they may be unfamiliar with, and either write down the word or raise their hand to signal they
heard a word they are unfamiliar with. Allow time to explain the meaning of the word during
the story, or have the children use text features/dictionary to determine the meaning of the
word and revisit the text.

Make sure when a specific polygon is mentioned to stop and discuss the different
attributes/characteristics of the specific shape.
Provide index cards with a picture of the shapes and a list of their different attributes to
assist children who make have a difficult time determining the difference.

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