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Final Reflection Letter

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Jamie Ashby

UWRT 1103

Final Reflective Letter

Where do I begin? Probably on Moodle and on the assignment sheet. As I was
creating my E-portfolio, I dont think that Ive felt so much stress in my life over an
assignment. Even competing or preforming for the crowd, I dont feel pressure; I love
preforming, I dont like creating websites. Its a new skill I can say I have. This class was
probably the most interesting class that I had this year, I feel as though the time that I spent
procrastinating on the blogs, the EIP or the E-portfolio, I could have been done a week ago. I
guess its my trademark, procrastination then completion at an awful time, which actually
creates more stress for me. Every assignment that I have created for this website I should
reflect on because reflection helps with the creation for new ideas an according to Shitty
First Drafts, my shitty first drafts are completely sufficient. Im so glad that there is an
outline because I would probably stress over that too and what to actually put into this letter.
Coming into this class I really thought I could breeze by all the assignments because
in high school I could just write a paper and boom an instant A. This is college and I
deserved my rude awaking, however it didnt come until towards the end of the semester. I
always start off like a ball of fire and die out into a withering flame; in art, music, my love
life (nonexistent). Initially, I wrote a letter that was for my professor, just to introduce
ourselves. I did the assignment as soon as it was posted because thats what I do for every
class, every assignment. Its an awful cycle of not using my full potential. So, the letter was
probably my favorite assignment, not because it was short, but because I could play with the
whole assignment and you could make the paper into anything you wanted to. I always look

back at my early writing assignments to just see what I wrote, I need to erase what I said and
make a new letter to my next English professor. I love Dr. Malcolm Campbell, but hes
crazy. Crazy in the crazy, cool artistic teacher kind of way. I somewhat liked this class in an
uncongenial way, it was fun to come into class with a new idea and you never really knew
what to expect each time you sat down.
The Literacy Narrative, probably the weirdest writing assignment I have done in my
life. You had to write about what you were literate in, originally I had no clue what literacy
in other things beside a language was. So, after thinking and more thinking, and emails, I
finally discovered that its just a proficiency in a skill. Obviously, art is always my cop-out, I
should really change that one day. I found it difficult in finding a situation in which changed
my outlook on my skill. But, thinking and thinking some more, I thought that I have failed in
my skill multiple times and that I have so much more to learn. Im glad that it was assigned
after the fact because I probably would have never continued art in college, again I can
attribute the growth of myself to my professors weird assignments.
I hate brainstorming, never have, I probably never will. I think that brainstorming and
creating outlines are just a waste of my time, I rather just start writing. Still, to this day, I
loathe brainstorming and especially topic proposals. So, to continue the tradition, I loathed
writing this topic proposal, I honestly didnt know what I really wanted to talk about at this
point, I was still gliding on the paper that I wrote before this assignment. I believe my topic
proposal was mediocre, and that I deserved the grade that I earned on it, it was coupled by
my procrastination and my lack of interest in the subject, I guess, I shouldve picked a
different topic from this point because I had enough time to change my perspective. I always

bail out of my ideas in the end, I guess thats really what this part of the project has taught
me, but in the end somehow I get things done.
Ive known how to make a bibliography since the 6th grade, I went to a very intersting
school, which I am very appreciative of. Whenever I need to make an annotated
bibliography, I always think back to 7th grade world history when my A was dangling by a
thin wire of doing my bibliography or not, so in the end I actually did it. Now, modern day
UNCC, my first English class, Im excited to do my papers and research, wow was I wrong.
Doing this annotated bibliography was the death of me, and I still did it wrong. I have never
done an annotated bibliography wrong before. I suppose I should have used the template,
but from my memory I did it satisfactory, well for my classes in the past.
My first EIP, I honestly thought it would be the same as a research paper, it wasnt. I
dont think that I disliked this project, but it wasnt my favorite. I feel overwhelmed about
mostly anything that deals with school, this project gave me anxiety, I just like being told
what I need to include, have it all logical and analytical and not really personal, which is
what the EIP really was; a mixture of a personal letter and a research paper. Its just a
different way to think about it. By this time, I knew what I wanted to do, but I didnt know
how to verbalize it, which is very odd for me as a writer. I think that this challenged my
abilities as a writer because I have never done a paper quite like this one. I always remember,
youll always write that shitty first draft.
Now that Ive written a shitty first draft and have received notes on how to improve it,
I can conclude that an EIP is now my favorite writing assignment. I enjoy the combination of
research and personality that comes with an EIP. Its quite different, but you can make the
essay into your own, because the topic is chosen by you and it can be personal to you. I

learned a lot from my EIP, about my topic and about myself. I can conclude that I am still a
biology major, but I looked into continuing art, and I found a job as an illustrator for a newly
made childrens book series coming out in September. The EIP in total was generally my
favorite assignment in the end, advice that I have, dont wait to collect your research and
make sure you continue to site your sources even when you continue to collect your sources.
Lastly, the mother of all English projects, an E-portfolio. The entire project in total
gave me incredible anxiety. I cant believe that I finished it though and it looks aesthetically
correct too. Combing everything onto one website is different for me, Im not technical, but
this project has given me a new outlook on web design. Again, a word of advice would be to
not hold off until the last minute to complete this because you need to change all of your
documents to pdfs, then you need to make the website and put all the work together and then
lastly, you need to put reflections into the papers. I think that was the most tedious was
actually creating the reflections per article of work. Then creating the final reflection paper
which is what youre reading now. All grades that in all, this project has given me a n ew
outlook on my work and that Im not hot shit, because the grades that I have received for
most of my assignments arent the ones that I would expect to get. But. My professor
continued to believe in me and didnt give up in me and sent me emails and gave me critical
responses and feedback on my assignments. I guess this is the end of the reflection, Im glad
Malcolm Campbell got on my ass but still gave me free reign to mess up.

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