Lesson Plan Final
Lesson Plan Final
Lesson Plan Final
SED 482
Lesson Plan
Grade: 9-10
Big Idea
How do human activities impact the environment and biodiversity?
Lesson Overview
Teacher will discuss with students what evidence is. Teacher will then make
connection with students lives by asking if they have observed any type, of what
they may believe is negative human impact. Students will discuss amongst
themselves and share with the classroom what they have observed and why they
think it is a negative human impact on the environment based on evidence. Teacher
will present a PowerPoint detailing key points of different human impacts, which
will help students be able to identify them while doing their assignment. Teacher
will ask students to share if they have seen or heard about any environmental risks
being discussed. Students will then be given an article on an environmental risk
and students will do a written assignment, using the questions who, what, why,
when, where and how. Teacher will close, with asking students to fill out an exit
ticket discussing how the environmental risk they read about impacts them and
what might be one solution and evidence. STELLA practice is contextualization.
Next Generation Standards:
HS-LS2-7: Design, evaluate, and refine a solution for reducing the impacts of human activities
on the environment and biodiversity.* [Clarification Statement: Examples of human activities
can include urbanization, building dams, and dissemination of invasive species.]
Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards:
Strand 3: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives
Concept 1: Changes in Environments: Describe the interactions between human populations,
natural hazards, and the environment.
Itzel Carrillo
SED 482
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts, attending to the
precise details of explanations or descriptions.
Itzel Carrillo
SED 482
Prerequisite Knowledge
Itzel Carrillo
SED 482
1. Teacher will begin by writing on the board the main question students will focus on and
keep in mind throughout the lesson. How human activity negatively affects the
2. Start PowerPoint with the discussion question. How will you define your personality?
What proof do you have that defines your personality? Students will share this with the
whole class. Teacher will allow a discussion to last for about 10 minutes.
[SSTELLA ANNOTATION: The teacher strives to help students understand the relevance
of the lesson via personal experiences (contextualization). Student contributions may
guide instruction during the lesson.]
3. Teacher will then place an image of a pond with a lot of trash and ask students to share
what they think is happening. Then students will be asked to support their claim with
actual proof from the picture.
4. Teacher will then discuss and define evidence and let students know that in the past short
activities they have been identifying a claim and then supporting it with evidence.
5. Teacher will begin the PowerPoint on the main human impacts. The PowerPoint will
include a picture and few main points that identify each as a human impact.
6. Teacher will discuss and introduce various environmental risks using a PowerPoint and as
teacher discusses environmental risk, teacher will make connections to students
responses from previous question and will tell students to make connections with their
observations. [TECHNOLOGY ANNOTATION: Use of powerpoint and visuals to assist
comprehension of the instructions]
7. Teacher will provide fill in the blank notes for students to follow along with powerpoint,
so students have a clear background of each human impact on the environment.
8. After finishing notes teacher will ask students to discuss with a partner one
environmental risk discussed in powerpoint that might have a huge impact on their lives
and how? Students will discuss this for about 5 minutes
9. Have at least two students share with the whole class.
10. Teacher will discuss written assignment to students.
11. Teacher will pass out a 5Ws & How organizer which students will be required to fill out
before writing their short written summary.
12. Teacher will pass out to each student an article on one of the environmental risks
presented in the PowerPoint.
13. Students will then be required to quietly read their article. As they read students must
underline any interesting facts and circle any unknown words. (10 minutes)
14. After reading the article students will fill out their 5Ws & How worksheet using specific
quotes or references from the article.
15. Students will take 10 minutes to share with a partner what they read and referencing to
their 5Ws & How organizer.
16. Students will be given time in class to start their summary using the 5Ws & How on
their article. The summary should have key vocabulary and specific references and
supportive evidence from their article. Students will also be required to have at least a
one sentence suggestion of a solution that can help improve or eliminate the
environmental risk they read about.
17. Students will turn in and present to the class their article and summary the following day
in class to allow them more time to finish writing their summery.
Itzel Carrillo
SED 482
18. Students will fill out an exit slip discussing in 2-3 sentences using key vocabulary and
answering the following question: Think about certain activities you have observed
around your community that may negatively affect the environment. How has it impacted
your community? Write 2-3 supportive evidence from your observations.
o 5 minute presentation discussing the 5Ws & How on the article
o Solution
o How it affects their lives