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Student JenniferBaiorek
EXPLANATIONS AND COMMENTS: Please tvpe: This form will be reproduced as it is submitted! (Please use space
below for additional observations of performance or to clarify the competency ratings. Limit comments to space provided.)
It was a great pleasure having Ms. Jennifer Bajorek in my Kindergarten Classroom at Holy Ghost - Immaculate
ConceptionSchool. ShewasmystudentteacherfromJanuary26,2015 toMarch27,2015. Jennifermadeanexcellent
impression on me, as well as the entire school community.
While in my classroom, Jennifer took over all the planning and preparation of the lessons. She proved to be very
professional and organtzed. Jennifer created very meaningful lessons, activities, and experiences for the children. One
example of this is the travel unit Jennifer created. She used a vast amount of materials to help the children learn about the
world, near and far. Jennifer and the students looked at a globe to find our country, as well as the countries we are helping
through Catholic Relief Services, a school-wide charity. Jennifer taught the students many new vocabulary words including
"compass rose" and helped them remember directions with a silly ditty'Never Eat Soggy Waffles" which all the students went
home and shared with their families. She created a model map of a community where they had to practice their direction
words to get "Joe" to certain locations. Jennifer brought her travel theme into center time too. Jennifer created work stations
for the students to do activities such as turn letter L into a "landing strip" and put popsicle sticks in order (counting by 10's) to
reveal pictures like a boat in the ocean or a train on tracks. They created an imaginary passport to practice information about
themselves. Jennifer is very good at combining and connecting subject areas, making good use of instructional opporfunities.
She always made learning fun and positive for the students.
Jennifer was very successful at all the tasks she preformed involving Kindergarten. She created two wonderful
bulletin boards, effectively put together a seating chart, and made a class movie for the parents. She attended faculty meetings
and in-service dates. Jennifer helped with lunch, recess, and bus duties often. She is definitely aleamplayer.
Jennifer became very comfortable setting expectations for the students and managing them and the classroom
procedures. It was very evident in the way she used her voice and carried her body. Jennifer eamed the respect of her students.
She made great connections with the students and their families. She really touched their hearts and made a positive impact in
their lives this quarter.
Jemifer has many outstanding qualities which make her a successful teacher, the strongest being her calm manner in
dealing with children. Her voice and mannerisms are very soothing and nurturing. Also, Jennifer continuously sought out
ways she could improve herself. She is very reflective of her teaching, being confident and humble at the same time. Jennifer
is a very professional, responsible and mature individual, and I wish her great success in the teaching profession, as this is what
she deserves!
School District
Student Teachers/Interns
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