2014-2015 Eaj Faculty Handbook

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Vision Statement:
Committed to producing
Life-Long Learners and tomorrows Leaders!

E.A.J. Mission Statement:

Transforming the minds and hearts of tomorrows

302 Martin Lane

Missouri City, TX 77489
Phone: 281-634-4960
Fax: 281-634-4974


Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Student Theme
Administrative Staff
General Information
1. Teacher Procedures
2. Absences
3. Substitute Lesson Plans
4. Personal Leave
5. Early Leave Requests
6. Jury Duty
7. Mailboxes
8. Telephones
9. Teachers Lounge
10. Appearance of the Building
11. Bulletin Boards and Display
12. Classroom Environment
13. K-2 ELA Checklist
14. 3-5 ELA Checklist
15. 3-5 Math Science Checklist
16. Duty Procedures
17. Outside Duty Stations
18. Inside Duty Stations
19. Dismissal Duty
20. Lunch Duty
21. Recess Duty
22. Faculty Dress Expectations
23. College Wednesday
24. Casual Friday
25. Workroom Machines
26. Teaching Supplies
27. Professional Development
28. Field Trips
29. Planning Periods
30. Employees Leaving Campus
31. Instructional Schedules
32. Supervision of Students
33. Faculty and Committee Meetings

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Team Leader Meetings

Communication to Parents
PTO Meetings
Instructional Practice and Professional Expectations
Staff Evaluations
Term Contracts or Probationary Non-Renewal
Employees Children
Faculty Funds
Requests for Funds
Collection of Money
Web Pages
Electronic Media
You Tube
Reporting Suspected Child Abuse
General Lesson Plans
Guided reading/Small Group Lesson Plans
Grade Books
Re-teaching/Reassessment/Retention Policy
Failing Student Grades
Student Goals
Capturing Kids Hearts
Attendance Registers
Permanent/Cumulative Records Folders
Report Cards
Progress Reports
Honor Roll
Tuesday Folders
Parent Conferences

Student Procedures
1. Grouping of Students
2. Students Absences
3. Attendance Credit
4. Tardy Students
5. Arrival Students
6. Dismissal Students
7. Bike Rules
8. Lunchroom Rules
9. Lunchroom Parent Visitation

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Lunch/Lunch Count
Medical Problems
District Code of Conduct
Media Parent Consent Form
Movies and Videos Shown in Class
Student Rules and Passes for Hallways
Student General Dress Code Policy
Continuous Dress Code Concerns and Consequences
Male Haircut Designs
Inappropriate Shoes
Earrings Worn by Males
Student Referrals (Level One Classroom Management System)
Level One Offenses
Redirecting Level I Behaviors
Level II Offenses
Removing Students from the Classroom
Discipline Offense Levels
Loss Textbooks
Student Withdrawals
Release of Students During the School Day
Tardies and Early Pick Up
Instructional Support Team (IST)
Speech Only Referrals
Sexual Harassment
Class Parties
Birthday Invitations/Cupcakes
Student Deliveries
Food, Snacks, Etc.
District Emergency Procedures
Safe and Secure
Fire Drills
Disaster Drills
Bomb Threats
Lock Down Procedures
Inside Threat
Emergency Inclement Weather Plan Dismissal Procedures
Visitors to the Building

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The E. A. Jones mascot is the dragon. EAJ colors are blue and gold.


Mission Statement
Transforming the minds and hearts of tomorrows leaders.


Vision Statement
E. A. Jones is committed to producing lifelong learners and tomorrows leaders.


2014-2015 Student Theme

Prepping to be college STAARS!


Administrative Staff
Executive Assistant
Assistant Principal
Campus Compliance
Instructional Coach
Instructional Coach
Instructional Coach
Data Specialist
ADA Clerk
District Clerk


Timothy Clark
Mercilla Mangol
Nikki Roberts
Elizabeth Guevara
Marta Arciniega
Amey Frazier
Camille Khan
Luis Osorio
Nita Workman
Anel Perez
Connie Inbody

General Information
1. Teachers Procedures
SPED, Enrichment Teachers & Educational Assistant
All other Teachers
AM duty
PM duty
Late duty

7:30am 3:30pm
7:45am 3:45pm
7:30am 3:30pm
7:30am 7:50am
3:10pm 3:30pm
3:30pm 4:00pm

Teachers may have access to the building while custodians are on duty 6:30 am-6:30 pm.
All faculty and staff are required to utilize their access card to enter the building. In the

event that individuals are in the building during custodial hours, it is pertinent that prior
to individuals leaving the building, custodians are made aware. If your access card is lost
there will be a $25 replacement fee.
2. Absences
Report all absences in the following order:
1. Contact the Assistant Principal: Nikki Roberts 281-777-6699
(Call/Text prior to 6:00am the day of the absence)
2. Contact your assigned Team Leader
(Call prior to 6:00am the day of the absence)
An acceptable contact DOES NOT INCLUDE emails or voicemails. Face, phone or
text conversations are permissible.
3. Contact AESOP 1-800-942-3767 or at www.aesopeducation.com prior to 6:30 am
Ensure that your Lesson Plan folder and/ Fire Drill folder is readily accessible.
Absence Time Frames (According to AESOP):
Full Day 7:45am 3:45pm
Half Day 7:45am 11:45am
11:46am 3:45pm
3. Substitute Lesson Plans
Substitute Lesson Plans should be in the specified Substitute folder and include:
o Lesson Plans
o Special Instructions
o Class Lists
o Seating Charts
o Classroom Rules/Discipline Procedures
o Homework
o Emergency Procedures, i.e. Fire Drill, Lock Down, Bomb Threat, etc.
o List of helpful team teachers and room numbers
4. Personal Leave (Policy DEC Local, effective Aug 2010)
Requests for use of personal leave must be submitted to the Executive Assistant
no later than five days prior to the anticipated absence.
Discretionary use of state (STPB) and local (LPL) personal leave shall not exceed
three consecutive workdays, except in extenuating circumstances and with the
approval of the Superintendent or designee.
No more than a total of ten leave days, including any combination of state (STPB)
personal or local (LPL) personal days may be used in each school year (July 1
through June 30).
Employees have the option to charge their absence(s) to either local or state leave
as appropriate.
No more than ten percent of the total staff of a school or department that exceeds
ten people may be on personal leave at the same time.
No more than two people can request leave for the same exact day.

Approved requests will be placed in your mailbox

The use of state or local personal leave shall not be allowed in the following
o The first day of school or the day before a school holiday.
o The last day of school or the day after a school holiday.
o Days scheduled for end-of-semester or end-of-year exams.
o Days scheduled for state-required assessments.
o Professional or staff development days.
o The last teacher workday of the school year.
o Any other time the principal/supervisor determines that the employee's
presence is critical to the instructional program or the operation of the
NOTE: Additional leave/absence information is in the FBISD Employee Handbook and
in Policy Online.
5. Early Leave Request
For emergencies only
Only with approval from Principal
Early Leave Request Form must be completed
Early leave is between 2:30-3:30 (Paras /Sped/Enrichment)
Early leave is between 2:45-3:45 (Professional Staff)
Sign out in Sign Out Book in the front office
2 per year (1 Fall/1 Spring)
NOTE: Leaving prior to 2:30pm will warrant an AESOP half day absence entry.
6. Jury Duty
All District personnel shall receive full pay while serving on jury duty provided:
Present summons to the principal and complete an absence form
The individual must exercise an exemption from jury duty if qualified to do so.
The individual shall retain the fee for jury duty to defray personal expenses
The individual shall show evidence of jury duty service upon return to the
assigned job with the District.
7. Mailboxes
Telephone messages, memos, and notes for students will be placed in your
Check your mailbox in the morning, during your planning, at lunch and before
leaving for the day.

8. Telephones
All non-emergency messages, including messages from your own children, will be
put in your mailbox during the school day (check mailboxes above). You will be
notified immediately of any emergency messages

If expecting an important call, notify the front office so they can come and get you
when it comes in.
Cell phones and Bluetooth may not be on while working; thus, staff should not be
on the phone in the classroom or in the halls. If an emergency exists where it is
necessary to leave it on, it must be approved by the principal or assistant

9. Teachers Lounge
The upkeep of the lounge is totally up to the EAJ staff.
Only for teacher use (no children) please treat it like your home.
Wash and put away any dishes that you utilize.
Keep the lounge clean at all times. This will avoid unwanted visitors:
insects/rodents etc.
Smoking is not permitted on campus; this includes the EAJ parking lot.
10. Appearance of the Building
Report any unsafe or broken equipment to the office immediately
Please store boxes and materials in cabinets and not on top of cabinets
Do not store items on top of shelves
Have students pick up paper from the floor at the end of the day
Do not use hot glue or tape (this pulls off the paint), use staples only. Remove
staples from the wall when items are removed off of the wall.
Ensure that all displays are flat and properly secured to classroom/hallway
3D Figures are not allowed
Do not use tape on the floors.
Do not block walk/path ways to aisles
Keep clean, safe, and attractive to optimize learning.
11. Bulletin Boards and Display Cases Guidelines
All Homerooms must have at least 1 Bulletin Board displayed next to their
classroom door or as close to classroom door as possible
Must be updated monthly
Grades should be on back
TEKS should be posted, in student-friendly terms, next to the work that is

Quality work that exemplifies what the students have learned should be
displayed/all students should be represented
Showcase quality student work
No Worksheets. Authentic Student work only!
Display HOT (Higher Order Thinking) exemplars of Student Work
Quality displays

12. Classroom Environment Checklist

Authentic student work is displayed in classroom and hallway
Computers and other technology are organized and accessible
Designated place for: Objective, Agenda, Daily Schedule
Lesson Plans posted by entry door
Evidence of routines and procedures
School wide goals and rules are posted in the classroom
Evidence of core content best practices: journals, writers workshop, problem of the
week/day, independent reading
Classroom reflects a community of learners
Uncluttered classroom environment
No microwaves, coffee pots, heaters, plug ins, electric fragrances or refrigerators
Coffee and drinks allowed in classrooms but they must be in a covered, nontransparent container. No coke cans in classrooms. Pour them into a covered
Red liquids/Drinks are prohibited from the classroom.


K-2 ELA Classroom Checklist

Word Walls
Located in whole group area on white board (K-1)
Word wall near small group area and still accessible to children (2nd grade)
Gridding the lines on the word wall and using big letters with pictures
(K-1 separated in half and 2nd grade separated in thirds)
Using the district word wall list for consistency
Classroom Library
Organizing into fiction and non-fiction (i.e. Color coding Yellow- Nonfiction, Blue
Books are sorted by level in classroom library
Using labels in your classroom library (i.e. Realistic Fiction, Fairy Tales, by Author, etc)
Academic Language
Using Talk Cards during instruction and eventually moving them to workstations
Teachers and students using academic language
Teachers and students utilizing complete sentences at all times
Literacy Stations
Students working in pairs
Management board in place
(Word wall station, Big Book Station, Poetry Station, and Library)
Classroom Environment
Classrooms should be organized and free from clutter
Get rid of anything that doesnt have a purpose



3-5 ELA Classroom Checklist

Word Walls
Word wall near small group area and still accessible to children (3rd-5th Grade)
Gridding the lines on the word wall and separating into thirds
Using the district word wall list for consistency
Classroom Library
Organizing into fiction and non-fiction (i.e. Color coding Yellow- Nonfiction, Blue
Books are sorted by level in classroom library
Using labels in your classroom library (i.e. Realistic Fiction, Fairy Tales, by Author, etc)
Academic Language
Using Talk Cards during instruction and eventually moving them to workstations
Teachers and students using academic language
Teachers and students utilizing complete sentences at all times
Literacy Stations
Students working in groups up to four
Management board in place for stations
Classroom Environment
Classrooms should be organized and free from clutter
Get rid of anything that doesnt have a purpose
Walls separated into subjects to hang anchor charts and vocabulary words (i.e. ELA,
Reading, Social Studies)



3-5 Math/Science Classroom Checklist

Vocabulary Walls
Vocabulary wall near small group area and still accessible to children (3rd-5th Grade)
Color code blue optional
Every Day Counts

Elements posted on the walls or use electronic version (Address computations, vocabulary, math
talks, etc.)

Classroom Library
Organizing into fiction and non-fiction (i.e. Color coding Yellow- Nonfiction, Blue
Books are sorted by level in classroom library
Using labels in your classroom library (i.e. Realistic Fiction, Fairy Tales, by Author, etc)
Academic Language
Using Talk Cards during instruction and eventually moving them to workstations
Teachers and students using academic language
Teachers and students utilizing complete sentences at all times
Math Stations
Physical area or tubs for independent or collaborative stations
Students working in groups up to four
Management board in place for stations
Math Journals
Math notebooks/journals for every student.
Classroom Environment
Classrooms should be organized and free from clutter
Get rid of anything that doesnt have a purpose
Walls separated into subjects to hang anchor charts and vocabulary words (i.e. Math,
4-step Problem Solving Boards (PBS) and strategy posters.
Tracking charts and incentive systems in place for school wide initiatives (E.g.
multiplication fact contest, Think through Math program, Reflex Math, etc.)
Small group area/table with small group lessons and data collection in the Dragon
Tracker Binder.


16. Duty Procedures

All teachers will follow the following guidelines for duty assignments. During the
first and last week of school ALL teachers will be on am and pm duty!
Morning Duty Report by 7:45am; Enrichment/ SPED/Paras 7:30am
If you are going to be absent, arrange for someone to cover your duty
Your assigned PDAS Appraiser should be notified only if you cannot find
someone to cover your morning duty.
Organize duty schedule amongst team. Submit monthly duty schedule to Phyllis
Donatto prior to the 1st of the month.
Students can only leave their designated area early if they have a pass from a
teacher or librarian
Students must stay in their assigned areas unless they are going to eat breakfast
Students and teachers will enter the classrooms at 7:45. The staff member on duty
without a homeroom on breakfast duty will dismiss students from the cafeteria at
7:50 a.m. and stay in the cafeteria to complete breakfast duty until they all finish.
The breakfast line will close at 7:50 for car riders and everyone should be
dismissed by 7:55 at the latest. Bus riders will always be allowed to eat breakfast
even if the bus arrives late.
The cafeteria will close at 8:00am.
17. Outside Duty Stations
Please refer to your updated duty schedule.
18. Inside Duty Stations
Duty Station (Hallway) - Students are to be seated in rows by Homeroom
Teacher. Circulate to supervise students appropriately. Do not tolerate
unruliness or boisterous behavior.
Duty Station (Cafeteria) - Circulate to supervise students appropriately. Do not
tolerate unruliness or boisterous behavior. In the event that a student breaks a
rule, etc. they are not to be denied breakfast. No student will be denied
19. Dismissal Duty P. M. Duty
All staff will be on duty for dismissal. Actively monitor students to ensure that
students are abiding by CHAMPS.
Please refer to your updated duty schedule
Kindergarten 5th grades will begin dismissal procedures at 3:00pm
Duty teachers monitor students until 3:30pm. Any remaining students must sit in
student area in the front office. After parent notification PM duties are complete
and Late Duty begins.


20. Lunch Duty

Stagger class arrival in cafeteria
Monitor lunch line and tables
Dismiss students to sit on the floor in designated area, in their assigned lines on a
voice level 0
Teachers will promptly arrive to cafeteria to retrieve their students.
21. Recess Duty
Team leaders determine if the playground is too muddy for use
On rainy days, students should play quiet games in the instructional area.
Students should remain in line until they reach the playground
Teachers should be spread out in assigned zones on the playground to monitor
All teachers should carry a whistle
Recess should only be 20 minutes. The schedules shows it as 30 minutes (20 min
for recess and 5 min for transition time back into the school and 5 min for a
restroom/water break)
In order for the recess schedule to work properly you must stay on schedule.
Arrive at your grade levels scheduled time
Stay for only 20 minutes
Have your students start lining up right at 20 minutes; by this time the other
grade level is making their way out therefore there should be no overlapping
Take 5 minutes to organize your line and transition your students back into the
Take students to the restroom or at minimum to get a drink of water and head
back to your classrooms for instruction
Review and Abide by EAJ Recess CHAMPS
22. Faculty Dress Expectations
Teachers and staff should display professionalism in their attire and demeanor.
Attire should be ironed, clean and presentable for the professional work
Please make sure shirts and blouses are loose-fitting and cover your midriff, chest
and back areas.
Dresses and any type of skirt may be worn and should not exceed one inch above
the knee.
Backless sandals are allowed. Sandals must have approved soles or hard bottom
soles. Beach-Shower sandals are not acceptable. Sandals must be business/work
appropriate. If ever in doubt seek an administrator.
Leggings are NOT allowed.


23. College Wednesday

College t-shirt with jeans.
Tennis shoes are permitted on College Days and Spirit Days.
You may wear shorts on your grade levels Spring Fling Day. Please use your
professional judgment in regards to the length of your shorts.
The last week of school will be designated as casual days EXCEPT the day of your
grade level Award Ceremony. The Awards Ceremony attire will be
24. Casual Friday
If a holiday falls on a Friday, Thursday will be designated as Spirit Day.
Faculty is able to wear an appropriate casual shirt/blouse of their choice on
Casual Fridays.
Jeans and athletic tennis shoes are permitted on Casual Friday. (Please make sure
the jeans are not tight fitting, faded or frayed)
Sweat suits and jogging suits may not be worn unless it is approved for a special
EAJ event.
25. Workroom Machines
Every teacher will be allotted a code and a specific number of copies. Once your
limit is reached your code/copies will be replenished the following semester.
Assessments will come from a separate copy code.
Laminating machine will only be used by district aide or a trained volunteer
Office copier is for office use only.
The EAJ poster machine will be operated by Parent Center Coordinator ONLY.
Poster requests will be taken by the PCC ONLY. Submit at least a week in
advance. Turnaround time will vary depending on volume of requests.
Office Machines are for work use only, not personal use (Copiers, printers,
laminating/poster machines)
26. Teaching Supplies
Teachers may request supplies during the year by submitting their request on the
supply request form. Please allow 24 hours for requests to be filled.
Supply request forms are located in the workroom.
If supplies are unavailable at the time of request, teachers will be notified.
If the supplies that you need are not on our Supplies Inventory List (will be
published soon) then we do not have the item and you will need to purchase it on

your own. You will have the supplies you need but not necessarily the supplies
you want!
You will not get a class set of supplies; supplies are for teacher use not student use.
Do not request supplies from the Art teacher. Those supplies are for art students

27. Professional Development

Professional development days are determined by the district each year.
The district does not allow personal leave days to be taken on staff development
days. Permission for this can only be given by the Area Assistant Superintendent.
Teachers must sign up for all staff development days on E-Learning.
Staff development sheets should be turned in to your appraiser at the end of each
school year. Any staff development taken out of district must be verified with a
form showing the number of hours taken.
28. Field Trips
Should enhance the curriculum and be approved by the principal
Title requires the creation of a lesson plan with TEKS and an assessment of the
field trip.
Submit field trip requests forms 30 days in advance to the Principal.
Must have the district permission form for each student who attends
Team leaders must submit transportation bus request form at least 1 month in
advance to Maria Rivera and notify the cafeteria at least 24 hours in advance.
Make sure transportation form for special needs children is also submitted
Notify nurse and get medications for students
Adequate supervision is required for students for all school trips. You must have
parent volunteers attending the field trip. Parents must have a criminal
background form approved by the district in order to attend. (Suggest to parents
to have their background checks completed at the beginning of the year to save
time when trips arise)
29. Planning Periods
Each full-time teacher will have a 45 minute planning period each day for
planning instruction, parent/teacher conferences, or reviewing student work.
30. Employees Leaving Campus
Employees should remain on campus during the workday
Permission to leave the campus must be obtained from the Principal or the
Assistant Principal, unless youre leaving for lunch.
Any daily employee who leaves the campus during the workday or works a
partial day must sign out in the Sign out Book located in the front office.
Never take students off campus. This is not allowed at any time or any reason;
excluding approved grade level field trips.

31. Instructional Schedules

Instructional schedules are determined by the principal from guidelines given by
the state and the district. They must be followed at all times.
Exceptions can be made for instructional activities like field trips, resource
speakers, or testing situations.
Instructional schedules must be posted in the window for visitors to see.
32. Supervision of Students
Teachers are responsible for the supervision of their students at all times. Should
you need to leave your room in an emergency, please notify the office and we will
send assistance. If there is not time to wait for this assistance, please notify a
neighboring teacher to cover until help arrives. Under no circumstances may a
student be left in charge of your class. Students are never to be left unsupervised
in any part of the building.
An administrator must be notified immediately if there is an emergency and your
class must be covered.
33. Faculty Meetings and Committee Meetings
Meetings begin promptly at 3:30p.m.
Principal determines what staff members need to attend
Any absence must be approved by the principal
Do not schedule appointments on the first Wednesday of the month as this will be
our Faculty Meeting day
Committee meetings will be determined/scheduled by your Committee
Refer to the updated EAJ School calendar.
34. Instructional Team Meetings
Held the 2nd and 4th Monday day of every month at 3:30p.m. Refer to the
updated Teacher/School calendar.
Each team leader must attend or send a team representative in their absence
35. PLC Meetings
PLCs will be held in room 604. PLC will begin at 2:45-3:45 pm; arrive
promptly. Each department, headed by the instructional specialist or
administrator, will analyze the instructional targets that need to be met and
discuss various strategies to facilitate student learning. Minutes of these meetings
will be maintained by the grade level instructional leader in the grade level
binder and will be utilized in planning for the instructional needs of our students.
Meeting logs will be reviewed each semester. Grade level instructional leaders
are also responsible for distributing appropriate materials and communicating
updated information to all teachers at the departmental level.

36. Communication to Parents

All grade level teams are required to email a weekly newsletter to parents every
Friday by 4:00 pm. Your assigned PDAS Appraiser must be copied in your
weekly newsletter.
Letters or notices sent to parents must be approved in advance by your assigned
PDAS Appraiser.
Document parent communication on Parent Conference Log. This information
should be submitted for PDAS.
The Parent Contact form can be found on the common drive in the title one folder.
Every parent will be successfully contacted at least twice per nine weeks
Acceptable communication includes: Email (Email Replies, Read Receipts);
Letters (Signed); Phone Conferences, Face to Face Conferences
If a student is absent for more than two days, you are required to make parent
All classroom teachers must make a phone call to all of their homeroom students
by the end of the first week of school. This contact log must be given to your team
leader. Team leaders will submit all contact logs to your assigned grade level
PDAS appraiser.
Phone call to all students by Thursday, 8/28/14
Submit contact logs to TL by Friday, 8/30/14. Noon.
TL must submit all team members logs to their assigned PDAS appraiser by
Friday, 8/30/14, 3:30pm.
37. PTO Meetings
PTO meetings are held monthly
All staff members are highly encouraged to become members of the PTO
38. Repairs
Equipment, furniture, and other materials in need of repair should be reported to
the Lead Custodian
Dangerous or hazardous conditions must be reported immediately
39. Instructional Practice and Professional Expectation
Facilitate organized student centered, objective driven lessons
Check for understanding and respond to student misunderstanding
Differentiate instruction for student needs by employing a variety of instructional
Engage students in work that develops higher-level thinking skills
Maximize instructional time
Promote high academic expectations for students
Students actively participate in lesson activities
Sets and implements discipline management procedures
Build a positive and respectful classroom environment

40. Staff Evaluations

Teachers will be evaluated using PDAS
Other staff members will be evaluated according to district policy
Staff members will be notified of their appraiser at the beginning of each year.
Appraisers are subject to change during the year.
41. Term Contract or Probationary Non-Renewal
Employees on probationary or term contracts can be non-renewed at the end of
the contract term. Contract employees who are dismissed during the school year,
suspended without pay, or subject to a reduction in force are entitled to receive
notice of the recommended action, an explanation of the charges against them, an
opportunity for a hearing. The timeline and procedures to be followed will be
provided when a written notice is given to an employee.
42. Employees Children
Children of employees who attend EAJ are subject to the same rules and
procedures as other students
At 7:45 a.m., employees children need to be in their designated grade level area
If an employees child will remain on campus after dismissal, they must remain in
their parents classroom at all times. They may not be left unattended. On faculty
meeting day arrangements must be made for their care.
An employee who is also a parent must follow the same procedures as any other
parent when it comes to scheduling conferences with his/her childs teacher(s).
However, an employees workday should never be used to hold a conference with
their childs teacher(s). Those conferences must be scheduled either before or
after the employees non-duty time.
If an employees child is having issues with another child in their class or school an
employee should never confront the other child. Proper procedures must be
followed such as speaking with the teacher and if necessary an administrator.
An employee may have lunch with their child, in the cafeteria, if their lunch is at
the same time as their childs lunch.
An employee must remain professional at all times especially when dealing with
other staff member regardless if they are acting in their parental role.
An employees child may not attend after school events unless they are an EAJ
Remember that while you are at EAJ, you are an employee first and a parent


43. Faculty Fund

The faculty fund committee is made up of representatives from each team
The Faculty Fund Committee will accept donations:
o $30.00/year for Professionals
o $20.00/year for Paraprofessionals
The Faculty Fund can be utilized for any purpose that entails the faculty or a
faculty members immediate family (i.e. spouse, children, and employee parents).
Utilization purposes can include but is not limited to:
o The death/Over-Night Hospitalization of a faculty member or their
immediate family
o Monetary: Not to exceed $70 (Please receive suggestions from the team)
o A retiring faculty member
o Monetary: Keepsake per retiree must not exceed $50. In addition, the
faculty fund will cover the purchase of a cake. In order to request funds
please complete the Faculty Funds Request Form (see common drive or
Executive Assistant). All retirees will be acknowledged at the conclusion
of the school year.
o Teacher of the Year and Finalists
o Monetary: TOY will receive gift and flowers. Finalists will receive flowers.
TOY plus finalists items must not exceed $60
o Faculty Celebrations/Parties
o Monetary: Amount to be determined by FFC pending on current budget.
In order to request funds please complete the Faculty Funds Request
Form (see common drive or Executive Assistant).
o Faculty Luncheons
o Monetary: Two per year not to exceed $1300.00
o Faculty Morale Purchases
o Monetary: Amount to be determined by FFC pending on current budget.
In order to request funds please complete the Faculty Funds Request
Form (see common drive or Executive Assistant).
o Fort Bend Educational Foundation
o Monetary: A donation not to exceed $100 will be issued to the FBEF to
enable EAJ to receive grant monies and Angel gifts.
o Association for Retired Citizens (ARC)
o Monetary: A donation not to exceed $100
44. Requests for Funds
All requests for materials/funds are to be made through an Administrator
When appropriate, the principal will request funds from the PTO
If you find a grant that will support your idea, share with an Administrator for
prior approval.


45. Collection of Money

In most cases, there should be no need to collect money from students, with the
exception of school sponsored activities.
All money must be turned in daily to the school book keeper, preferably in a
bank bag marked with the clubs name.
Keeping money in a desk drawer or at home is not appropriate and is strictly
forbidden. The book keeper must keep the clubs money in the campus vault each
night until it is ready for deposit.
Sponsors will be held responsible for any money missing due to not handling
proper cash handling procedures.
Sponsors should never deposit money into his or her personal account.
Only club sponsors never students should turn in club money.
Sponsors should always turn in all receipts and money at the end of the
fundraising sale, even if the bill for that fundraiser is not owed yet or if that bill is
in dispute.
All money turned in to the book keeper must be accompanied by a tabulation
46. Web Pages
Through our technology department, all staff has access to a web page capable of
posting information for parent viewing
It is highly suggested that each teacher take advantage of this tool by providing
pertinent information such as assignments, homework, weekly agenda, etc.
All faculty/staff members are required to log in to their page to post a picture
and biography.
Keep it professional and up to date

47. Edmodo
Edmodo is a safe and secure way for EAJ to connect to one another and others in
the FBISD district. Every staff member is required to activate an Edmodo account.
This will be our means of communication throughout the school year.
48. Electronic Media
Electronic media includes all forms of social media such as: text messaging, instant
messaging, electronic email, Web logs/blogs, electronic forums/chat rooms,
video sharing web sites (e.g. You Tube), editorial comments posted on the Internet,
and social network sites (e.g. Face book, My Space, Twitter, LinkedIn). Electronic
media also includes all forms of telecommunication such as landlines, cell phones
and Web-based applications.
The employee continues to be subject to applicable state and federal laws, local
policies, administrative regulations and the Educators Code of Ethics, even when

communicating regarding personal and private matters, regardless of whether

the employee is using private or public equipment, on or off campus.
Do not use Social Media during work hours. In addition, school matters should not
be posted to social media websites/pages. Violating these guidelines can result
in disciplinary actions being taken and HR being contacting and/or involved.
Do not send personal emails through the work email. All Staff emails are not
allowed unless approved by an administrator. Be mindful that district email is
subject to an open record request.

49. You Tube is now freely available without hassle to be used in the classrooms by
teachers during instruction!
o Select your clip at least a week in advance.
o Email the clip to the Principal or AP (PDAS Appraiser) to be approved
BEFORE you use it I do not want clips to be used without my prior
approval should a parent complaint arise from its use (parents
questioning appropriateness, for example) This would be the worst case
scenario. Be smart about what you pick!
o Once you gain approval via email, document the use in your lesson plans
and use it.
o If you have an approved You Tube clip to show your class, please make
sure that you do not turn on your projector until you have maximized the
clip to take up the entire screen. Otherwise, you are in jeopardy of
students seeing pictures and inappropriate advertisements (liposuction,
plastic surgery, etc.)
o Remember to be very cautious in the clips you select and dont show them
without approval first. We dont want to lose this opportunity due to poor
decision making.
50. Confidentiality
All data, whether written in emails or not, is considered confidential and must be
handled carefully
Staff members should use extreme caution when and where they discuss students
Teachers lounge, hallways, and front reception area are poor locations to discuss
a child
Only staff members who have a need to know should be provided information
about students
When handling discipline issues regarding more than one student, remember
that parents of other students involved do not have the right to know how another
child is handled
Always speak with an Administrator if a situation regarding confidentiality is


51. Reporting Suspected Child Abuse

All employees are required by law to report any suspected child abuse or neglect
to a law enforcement agency or Child Protective Services within 48 hours of the
event that lead to the suspicion.
1-800-252-5400 or www.TxAbuseHotline.Org
Employees who suspect that a student has been abused or neglected should also
report their concerns to the Campus principal and Counselor. Reporting the
concern to the Principal and or the Counselor does not relieve the employee of
the requirement duty to report to the appropriate agency.
The CPS report will be filed by the teacher that observed the concern, not the
Administrator or Counselor. You may contact the Counselor for assistance with
accurate reporting.
Obtain/complete a child abuse referral (written report) from the nurse.
52. General Lesson Plans
The Deb Diller Lesson Plan and thought process is highly suggested! This will
allow you to reflect on the accurate verb within the TEKS, Academic Language
that should be used by the teacher and student, Strategies/resources for whole
group and small group

Must be prepared one week in advance for the next week

Post your Lesson Plans on Fort Share by 3:00PM Friday
Lesson Plans should be posted and hung by front door at all times.
Lesson Plans should always be available for a substitute
Each teacher should have a substitute folder prepared in case of an unexpected
absence. Use the substitute folder provided by the district.
TEKS objectives should be listed at the top of each lesson

Lesson plans and modification logs will be monitored by the principal and
assistant principal

53. Guided reading/Small Group Lesson Plans

Guided Reading and Small Group Lesson Plans should be located in the Dragon
Tracker (Binder).
Lesson plans will be submitted via Fort Share. This will serve as a more GREEN
and simplistic way to share your creative lesson plans with your PDAS appraiser.
When saving your lessons plans, teachers should title each lesson plan by date.
Lesson plans will be posted weekly as follows:
o Example 1:
Last Name 9-10-13 through 9-14-13.
o Example 1:
Last Name 9-17-13 through 9-21-13.
o Example 1:
Last Name 9-24-13 through 9-28-13.
54. Grade Books
Grade books are the official record of students' progress.
Grade books must have teacher's name and school.
Student names must include both first and last name.
Attendance and tardies must be recorded in the grade book.
Columns of grades must be labeled by objective.
Conduct should also be included in the grade book.
Grading must follow FBISD guidelines. (See Grading Procedures-policy online)
Grades should be sufficient in number to justify the final grade at the end of each
9weeks. Teachers must assess student learning and record at least 1 grade/week
on average for each subject area.
If a student is absent, mark with a diagonal line and place "A" in lower half. Mark
"T" for tardy.
Teachers shall record actual daily or test grades below 50 in their grade books.
An average below a 50 can be displayed on the progress report. A below 50
grade/average cannot be displayed on the report card. 50 is the lowest grade
that can be displayed on a report card.
Retest/ Makeup grades and or assignments are required.
The teacher will be responsible for giving makeup work to students with an
excused absence. Students shall be given, as a minimum, the same number of days
as he/she was absent to complete the work.
68s or 69s are not allowed as a nine week or semester grade. Go above and
beyond to assist the student with grasping the objective and getting over the
failing hump/curve.
ZAP! Zeros are not permitted in the grade book. Students must receive an
opportunity to makeup assignments. A student cannot receive a zero on an
assignment they never attempted.
Special Ed Modifications/504 Accommodations must be documented in the
grade book.


For objectives that are not mastered by students, documentation that re-teaching
has occurred must consist of entries in the teacher's lesson plans and/or grade
book. (See Grading Procedures)
The decision as to how to reassess objectives that are retaught is at the teachers
discretion. This reassessment must occur at school. There must be evidence that
reassessment has occurred. (See Grading Procedures)
Parents should be informed by phone and Deficiency Notice, or weekly reports
before a student receives an I, U, D, or F.
Parents should be contacted before a student drops from an A to C, B to D on
either 4-week progress report or the report card.
Keep grade book current for the viewing of your grade book by parents via
Family Access.
Failure Checklist must be submitted to Administrators for every failing student
/nine weeks grading period.

55. Re-teaching/Reassessment/Retention Policy

Re-teaching is a necessary component in mastery of curriculum. It must occur
when the teacher determines that a student has not mastered the objective at the
independent practice or assessment level. Re-teaching should occur on an ongoing basis based on the students mastery of objectives through small group
instruction, peer tutoring, and other instructional arrangements.
Students may not reassess items at home that will be graded
A student cannot earn above a 70 when he is reassessed but he/she can earn
below a 70
Reassess one time and take the average of the first and second grade.
All failing grades must be retaught, with verification of this in the grade book,
but only two grades per subject each nine weeks can be counted for a new
reassessment grade.
For retention, assess each students progress during January and begin
communicating with each students parents consistently throughout the Spring
Decide if retention is a possibility (see Board Policy)
At least 2 conferences should have been held with parents expressing concerns,
soliciting assistance, and promoting a partnership to help the child
Any student in danger of failing should be referred to the IST by the middle of
January if not sooner. Exhaust all avenues suggested by IST.
56. Failing Student Grades
Teachers are required to accurately follow the Failure Checklist prior to failing a
student for nine week grading periods.
Failure checklists must be turned in to your TL 2 weeks prior to the end of the 9
week period.


Keep Special Education monitoring teachers well informed about failing Special
Education students in order to ensure that a failure ARD is scheduled to
encourage student success.
ZAP- Zeros are not permitted in the grade book. (Retest/makeup
assignments/grades are required)
68 and 69 is not permitted as a nine week/semester reporting grade

57. Student Goals

All teachers are required to have their class goals posted in the front of their
58. Capturing Kids Hearts
EAJ will follow the CKH strategies and training guidelines. Social Contracts and
non-verbal cues are expected to be utilized in conjunction to CHAMPS.
59. Attendance Registers
Attendance will be taken each day at 10:00am and sent to the registrar on the
Download the Skyward Ap in order to take attendance via phone when
Keep attendance records including tardies in your grade book
Mark an 0 on the date the student enters your classroom
Students who are absent at 10:00 am are marked absent
You report attendance using ClassXP and document in the attendance folder
(this serves as a backup for data in ClassXP)
Mark A to indicate if a child is absent
Any child in the clinic is counted present
Mark the total number of absences daily
All attendance folders are due daily in the office at 10:10 am
Absent notes need to be sent to ADA daily for her to copy and return originals.
All originals have to be kept for two years.
Reminder for the first weeks of school: No child can be marked absent until a 0
has been recorded. ADA will explain attendance record keeping in more detail
as needed.
60. Permanent/Cumulative Records Folders
Permanent records are kept in the vault and these must be checked out by ADA
The classroom teacher is responsible for updating the permanent records and
yellow student cards of the students in their class at the end of the school year
When students withdraw from school the registrar will send the permanent and
cumulative records of the student on to their next school
District and state test records and duplicate report cards for all students will be
placed in the cumulative folders for the teachers

Cumulative records are given to the next grade level or to the Counselor at the
end of the year

61. Report Cards

Report cards will be issued at nine-week intervals to inform parents of students'
ZAP- Zeros are not permitted in the grade book. (Highly encourage makeup
68/69 are not permitted as a nine week/semester reporting grade
District guidelines shall be followed for grade reporting. White out is not to be
used on report cards!
62. Progress Reports
Grades K - 5 will print progress reports for all students every three weeks.
Grades 2-5 will print progress reports for all students.
EAJ encourages all parents to sign up for Skyward Access to view their childs
grades, assignments and attendance.
63. Honor Roll
A. Jones Elementary will follow the District guidelines for an Academic Honor
Honor Roll applies to students in grades 2-5.
A student whose nine-week grades are in the range from all As to at least one
A and the rest Bs, qualifies for the honor roll.
Submit the names of students on the Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance to the
assistant principal at the end of each nine weeks.
64. Tuesday Folders
Teachers will send a folder home every week on Tuesday. This procedure will be
used in grades K-5.
All student work from the previous week will be included in the folder. Low
grades will be listed for the parents' information.
Parents are requested to sign the enclosed form and return the folder on
Information from the office will also be sent home in the Tuesday folder.
65. Textbooks
Textbooks will be issued as class sets to all teachers. It is the teacher's
responsibility to keep up with issued class sets.
It is highly encouraged that each teacher discuss online access to all textbooks
Parents are allowed to contact the Assistant Principal in order to check out a
book for home use. First come, first serve basis.
All textbooks must be covered. The school supplies book covers or students may
use their own cover.

Additional textbooks may be checked out as needed. Request texts for new
students when they are assigned classes. Written notice for requests or return of
textbooks should be given to the Assistant Principal.
Textbooks of students who have withdrawn should be returned to the Assistant
Students who have lost textbooks should receive a parent notice with the text
book price. In addition to a parent notice, a parent phone call is required. This
information must be reported to the Assistant Principal during book
checks/book pick-up. Textbooks must be paid for in order to issue a new book
and/or to participate in end of the year functions/activities.
Students shall not write on or otherwise deface any textbooks. Students who
damage textbooks should be referred to the assistant principal. A fine will be
levied for damaged textbooks.
Textbook checks should be conducted by the teacher every nine weeks. Random
textbook checks will be conducted throughout the school year by the Assistant

66. Parent Conferences

Parents should be informed by phone, Deficiency Notice, or weekly reports before
a student receives an I, U, D, or F. Parents should be contacted before a student
drops from an A to C or B to D on either the four week progress report or the
report card.
Teachers shall respond to parent request for a conference as soon as possible.
The District provides two early dismissal days that are used for parent
conferencing. The times are determined by the campus-based leadership team.
Homeroom teachers must meet with all parents during these scheduled
conference days. A two-week window will be given to conduct these parent
conferences. Teachers must document conferences that have been held on their
Parent Conference Log. Phone conferences are not recommended.
If you have student that has a parent that works at EAJ you must conference with
that parent either before or after the school day. Conferences with employees
cannot take place during the employees Duty time.

Student Procedures

Grouping of Students
Students in grades K-5 will be heterogeneously grouped.
A change of class requires a parent conference and approval from the principal.

2. Student Absences
Students who are absent from school must bring a note from the parent or
guardian explaining the reason for the absence.
A student will be given the opportunity to complete all missed work when the
absence is excused.
All notes concerning absences go to the ADA daily.

3. Attendance and Credit

A student must be in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days the class is
offered during the school year grades K-8.
Excused absences must be in written form from the parent.
Teachers must contact attendance clerk, principal, and assistant principal with
any student attendance problem.
4. Tardy Students
Students who arrive after 8:10 a.m. are considered tardy. Any student who arrives
after 8:10 must receive an admission pass from the office before being admitted to
class. Tardies must be entered into Skyward by the teacher.
Students with five or more tardies in a grading period will receive a N (Needs
Improvement) on his/her report card under the appropriate conduct section.
Note: Taking a student out of school before the end of the school day without
valid excuse may count against the students conduct grade. Early pickups will
count the same as tardies due to missed instruction time.
5. Arrival of Students
Those arriving in cars should be dropped off in the front of the building. No
students may arrive before the school opens at 7:30 a.m. because they will not be
Students should never walk in the parking lot. Parents cannot park to allow their
students to get out and cross the parking lot unsupervised.
Guardians must adhere to the car line/ drop off procedures. Parents cannot park
and walk their students across the crosswalk to avoid waiting in the drop off line.
6. Dismissal of Students
Students shall exit the campus promptly at their dismissal time.
Bikers and walkers will dismiss through the atrium.
Bus riders will be dismissed from designated areas and daycare riders through the
front office hallway.
Extended Day will walk to the extended day door.
Car riders will be dismissed through the front of the building
Students will have their day care or parents contacted by the teacher if they are
still on campus after 3:30. There are no provisions for students to remain on
campus after their dismissal time.
Students are not to stay after school unless supervised by a teacher.
7. Bike Rules
When students reach the campus perimeter, they must walk their bikes on the
sidewalk. They will remain on the sidewalk until they reach the bike rack.
Bikes must be chained and locked each day at the bike rack.


Upon dismissal, bike riders will walk their bikes on the sidewalk until they reach
the perimeter of the campus. Bike riders will not ride their bikes on the drive or in
the parking lot.
Any student who rides a bike is responsible for following all safety regulations.
Unsafe behavior or failure to follow the rules could result in a suspension of
bicycle privileges.
The Principal or Assistant Principal will notify the parents in writing of any
student who loses his/her bicycle privileges.
No scooters, tennis shoe skates, or roller blades are allowed.

8. Lunchroom Rules
Classes in the lunchroom are supervised by grade level teachers.
Students paying for more than one day should pay before school. K-2 teachers
may collect lunch money to turn into the cafeteria with the lunch count.
Students waiting in line will line up in an orderly and quiet manner.
All students will demonstrate courtesy to the cafeteria staff.
Those students having a tray lunch will get their trays, check through the
registers and proceed to their assigned tables.
Students bringing their lunches from home will get their drinks, if necessary, and
proceed to their assigned tables as soon as they arrive in the cafeteria.
Once seated, students will not move about the cafeteria until dismissal.
Students will speak in soft voices. Proper table manners are expected of all
Each child is to pick up any food or paper that might have fallen on the floor.
No food or straws will be taken from the cafeteria.
When students are dismissed, they will make a single line to discard trash and
empty trays. Any paper that accidentally falls will be picked up by the students.
Students who do not follow the cafeteria rules will be subject to disciplinary
9. Lunchroom Parent Visitation
EAJ has created parent visitation procedures to ensure a safe and efficient
learning environment.
Lunch guest will be asked to present a Lunch Visitation pass to the on duty
Administrator. Guest will sit at the designated guest table with the one student
they are visiting.
Students must follow the cafeteria restroom policy by getting permission/pass
from the teacher on duty.
Younger children who are not of school age need to stay with their parent during
During the last five minutes/closing of lunch the visited student must say
goodbye and report back to their assigned area.


10. Lunch/Lunch Count

Children who do not have a lunch will be given a sandwich.
Lunch count should be taken immediately after announcements each morning.
Lunch Program
Students may receive free or reduced lunch if the parent submits an application
and it is approved by the Child Nutrition Department.
11. Medical Problems
Parents of students with medical problems should notify the nurse upon
registering. Medical conditions will be noted on the Emergency Card. The nurse
will notify teachers of significant medical problems.
Students who become ill during the school day shall be given a referral notice to
the clinic. The clinic will treat students and determine if a student should go
Parents must take all student medications to the clinic. Only the nurse/nurse
assistant may administer medication. Medication must be in the original
container with the name of the student and directions for dispensing. A note from
the parent should accompany all medication.
Pediatric Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and AIDS Related Complex
(ARC). A child with AIDS/ARC will be allowed to attend school in a regular
classroom setting with the approval of the child's physician and the district's
medical advisor. The school will respect the right to privacy of the individual.
With written permission of the parents or adult, knowledge that a child has
AIDS/ARC may be given to those persons with a direct need to know (e.g.
principal, school nurse, etc.). Those persons will be provided with appropriate
information concerning precautions as may be necessary and will be made aware
of confidentiality requirements. (FFAD-R Local).
12. District Code of Conduct
The District Code of Conduct is a policy that has been developed with input from
parents, teachers, students and administrators and adopted by the Board of
Education. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of various persons in the
school system. It is also intended to provide guidelines for student conduct.
At the beginning of each school year and as new students enroll; they will be
given a handbook entitled Elementary Schools Student Handbook. In the
handbook, there is a signature page for parents to tear out and return which
acknowledges the receipt of the handbook.
Teachers should collect all of the signature pages from their homeroom students
and keep them on file in the cumulative folders.
13. Media Parent Consent Form
The Media Release Form must be completed by parent(s) or guardian(s) and
placed in the students permanent file before that student may be photographed
or interviewed by the press.


14. Movies and Videos Shown in Class

Videos or movies may be shown only if they are part of the schools library
collection or the FBISD film library, are rated G, PG or PG-13 as defined by
the Motion Picture Association of America. You must attain written permission
from your assigned PDAS appraiser by email before any video longer than 10
minutes is shown. You may assume that permission has been granted unless
notified by your administrator in advance.
15. Student Rules and Passes for Hallways
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly manner daily.
Some suggested rules for students using the hallways include the following:
Walk at all times with hands behind your back
Stay with your class in a straight line.
Do not talk.
Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
Passes will be used for any student in the hallways.
16. Student General Dress Code Policy
Student attire and grooming shall not distract, disrupt, create a safety hazard, or
take away from the learning process. Appropriate dress and personal grooming
by each student for all activities shall reflect the high standard of the school and
the community. A student shall be neat and clean. Students shall be expected to
wear clothes suitable for the classroom when entering or leaving the building as
well as in the school building. Neat and appropriate dress shall be decided by the
faculty and administrators as follows:



Polo, Oxford style: Short or
long sleeve, solid color; must
have collar and buttoned
down the front
Short or long sleeves


Long sleeves, solid color


Long, classic fit appropriate to

waist size (no cargo style pants)
Pleated or non-pleated
No shorter than 3 above the
No shorter than 3 above the
Plain black or brown with a


Navy blue, light blue, white,
Navy blue, light blue, white,
Navy blue, light blue, white,
Navy blue, khaki or blue jeans
Navy blue or khaki
Navy blue or khaki
Navy blue or khaki
Solid black or brown

T-shirts (worn as undershirts)
T-shirts school logo
Jackets, coats, sweaters

basic buckle without name

plates, rhinestones, or any
other designs or symbols
Athletic or dress
Basic crew neck not to extend
beyond uniform shirt sleeve
E.A. Jones school T-shirts to be
worn on Spirit Days
Button or zipper front

Navy blue, light blue, white or

White, without any form of
Basic school approved T-shirt
with school logo
Preferably navy or khaki

Cdigo de vestir Estndar para E.A. Jones


Polo, estilo Oxford: manga
corta o larga , color slido y
deber tener cuello y botones
Manga larga o corta:

Cuellos de tortuga

Manga larga y color solido


Largos y corte clasico, de talla

apropiada a la cintura
Plisado o no plisado
No ms cortos de 3 pulgadas
arriba de la rodilla
Negro o caf solido con hebilla Negro o caf
bsica sin piedras o algn otro
diseo o smbolo
Atlticas o de vestir
Azul marino, azul claro, blanco,
o amarillo
Cuello bsico no debe de
Blanca sin ningn anuncio
extenderse ms haya del
Playeras de las escuela E.A.
Playera bsica escolar con el
Jones debern ser usadas en
emblema escolar
Spirit Days
De botn o zipper
Preferible azul marino o kaki

Faldas/falda pantaln
Playeras (usar como camiseta)
Playeras Escolares
Abrigos y suteres

Azul marino, azul claro, blanco
o amarillo
Azul marino, azul claro, blanco,
o amarillo
Azul marino, azul claro, blanco,
o amarillo
Azul marino, kaki o
pantalones de mescela
Azul marino, kaki
Azul marino, kaki


17. Continuous Dress Code Concerns and Consequences

Inappropriate length of shorts :( Grades 3-5 FBISD Policy): Walking shorts are
permitted provided they are no shorter than mid-thigh. (Grades PreK-2 FBISD
Policy): Students PreK-2 however may wear shorts or sundresses that are slightly
above mid-thigh. Correcting inappropriate length of shorts: In the event that a
student is not abiding by this policy contact their guardians to ensure that they
are in dress code for the following day and or suggest that the parent brings a
change of clothes to the school. If you are truly bothered by the issue and you are
not comfortable with addressing the issue and/or parent, seek an administrator.
If you are dealing with a PreK-2 student keep in mind that the policy states,
They may wear shorts or sundresses that are slightly above mid-thigh. If you are
unable to determine the length of slightly, seek your team leader or an
administrator. Only an administrator will make the decision to send a child home
due to a dress code issue.
18. Male Haircut Designs:
(FBISD Policy) Students shall not wear drawings and or other markings cut into
the hair not associated with required religious markings or hairstyles. Hairstyles
(cut and/or color) that adversely affect the educational atmosphere of the school
shall not be permitted.
Correcting Haircut Designs: If the haircut or design is not threatening, gang
related or adversely affecting the educational atmosphere of the school we can
allow the student to correct the issue by the following day. Our first goal will be
to contact the parent to inform the parent of the school policy. Secondly, we can
allow the student to grow their hair in order to evenly cut their hair and get rid of
the design. We will not suggest shaving out the design due to the possible
negative outcome of teasing/bullying.
19. Inappropriate Shoes:
(FBISD Policy) Elementary students may not wear flip flops or shoes without a
back/heel strap. EAJ enforces tennis shoes for the safety all students.
Correcting Inappropriate Shoes
In hope to correct the issue for the next day our first goal will be to contact the
parent to inform the parent of the school policy. Secondly, the child will be
unable to participate in physical activity for the day.
20. Earrings Worn by Males:(FBISD Policy):
Students may wear earrings or ear studs that are not in violation of the current
Student Code of Conduct, do not create a safety issue or substantial disorder, or
materially interfere with normal school operations. EAJ highly enforces safety
and discourage hanging earrings that can pose a safety issue during physical
Correcting males Earrings Male earrings are not against district policy.
EAJ highly enforces safety therefore; we discourage hanging earrings that can
pose a safety issue during physical activities.

21. Student Referrals (Level One Classroom Management System)

Each Grade Level must create a Level One Classroom Management System.
The Level One Classroom Management System will highlight creativity,
ownership, classroom management and structure for every teacher at every grade
level. The logistics of the system will be solely up to the grade level team. Every
team must develop a Classroom Management System that is personalized for
their students. Therefore, keep in mind that a Fifth Grade Level One Classroom
Management System can look totally different from the Kindergarten Level One
Classroom Management System. All Systems will require parent contacts and
the attempt of classroom consequences/solutions. Three parent contacts and
three classroom consequences will allow the parent and teacher to intervene with
their childs/students behavior prior to being handled by an administrator. In
addition, all systems should allow a time frame for students to redeem themselves
and start over with zero infractions. All Level One Classroom Management
Systems must be submitted annually to the EAJ Assistant Principal prior to the
first day of school. Always remember, releasing a child to an administrator states
that, you are unable to handle the situation on your own.
22. Level One Offense:
Level One Offenses must be handled in the classroom.
Level One Offenses are NOT entered into skyward.
Prior to sending a student to an Administrator your level One Discipline
Management plan must be accurately followed.
All level I offenses must be filled out on the EAJ Level I Triplicate form. Write
the offense in behavioral terms using complete sentences and refrain from making
judgmental statements. Each time a level 1 offense occurs, contact should be
made with the parents, and the white copy of the level 1 discipline record will go
home to parents, the pink/yellow copy will stay in the teachers discipline folder
for the child.
Documentation on successful parent contact (minimum of 3) must be included on
Level I form. Successful parent contact includes: Actual phone conversations,
Emails or in person contact.
Documentation on attempted solutions from Grade Level Discipline
Management Plan must be included on Level I form.
On the 4th offense, the student will meet with an Administrator for a level 2
referral. This level 2 referral for repeated level 1 violations will be handled by
administration and could result in suspension.


23. Level I Redirectable Behaviors

Exercise Self-Control

Stay on Task

Talking out
Chair tipping
Playing in the bathroom
Running in the hallway
Hanging out in the hall
Touching others
Touching materials
Tapping pencils
Walking out of the line
in the hall
Getting out of your seat
Not waiting your turn
Grabbing for
Slamming a door
Playing/sucking on
Cutting in line
Not sharing
Doodling on papers
Tying/untying shoes
Sharpening pencils at
inappropriate times
Passing notes
Staying in the restroom
too long
Throwing paper in the
trash like a basketball
Wearing a hat in class
item across the table
instead of handing them
to the person
Arms in shirt/twisting
Wearing hood in school
Playing with hair
Breaking pencils
Chewing on

Playing with items on

the table
Not participating in
group work
leaving work area
without permission
sleeping in class

Talking out
Talking too loud
Not whispering

Touching displays
Cheating (isolated)
Mild stealing
Mild pushing in line
Leaving trash on the
Clothing violations
Keeping area messy or
Sticking tongue out at
Writing on desk
Talking back to

Appropriate Voice Level

Respect People & Property

Listen & Follow Directions

Not following oral

Chewing gum
Not cleaning up your
Improper time-out
Not sitting in chair/on
floor properly
Running in


24. Level Two Offense:

Once a teacher has exhausted all suggestions within their grade level Discipline
Management plan the students behavior will be entered into Skyward as a Level
II Offense: Repeated Level One Actions.
Seek an Administrator on Level II/III entries.
Input Level II/III Offenses in Skyward. Be sure to include detailed information in
the Skyward referral to show that you have attempted Level One solutions prior
to releasing the student to an Administrator.
If the offense is level 2, such as fighting, vandalism, possession of a weapon or
sexual harassment, contact an Administrator immediately. All students need to
be escorted to the front office for these types of level 2 offenses.
When a disciplinary action results in emergency removal from school or
suspension, the teacher and Administrator will make parent contact.
Remember: When a teacher sends a child to the office, the teacher relinquishes
the discipline action (responsibility) of that child.
25. Removing Students from the Classroom
A student should never be requested to leave the classroom due to discipline
issues. Never state to a student, leave the classroom, or get out of the classroom
Students should not be placed in the hallways as a discipline consequence.
Requesting a student to be removed from a classroom will be a result of serious
Level II offense or emergency only! If the student is posing a threat to the teacher
and or students request an Administrator to your classroom immediately. At that
point the student will be removed from the classroom by an Administrator.

AJ Discipline Offense Levels

Level and Definition
Level 1 (mild) Infractions:
Minor misbehaviors that can be
adequately corrected at the time
and in the setting in which they
***Does not necessarily require
formal level 1 documentation in
Skyward, however record the
behavior on your class behavior
***Any staff observing this
behavior can and should correct
it in the setting
***If entered into Skyward as
continued Level I, teacher
documents level, offense,
consequence, time/day of parent
contact and prints referral to send

Level and Definition

***Does require teacher
documentation in Skyward as
Level II offense to be sent to the
AP the same day. Please come
verbally talk to administrator
about referral.
***Teacher will document level 2,
offense, and make call to parent
with or without AP to notify
parent of incident-AP will follow
up with a call about consequence
if call is not made together
***RTI Tier 2/3 behavior
interventions should be
documented at this time if a
pattern of behavior is emerging
****Administrator will add action
summary to referral and print to
send home

Level and Definition

Serious safety violations that
require immediate
administrative involvement.
Student brought to office with
discipline referral.
***Written documentation
required using Skyward

EAJ Level I Misbehaviors

Bus misconduct

Minor AUP Violation



Disrupting ED






Not prepared

Obscene gesture

Use of cell phone



Skipping class

Safety rule violation


Truancy warning letter

Throwing object


Name calling/teasing

Disrespectful gesture

Inappropriate drawing

Cussing (isolated)

EAJ Level II Misbehaviors

Fighting/Mutual combat




Computer misuse

Disrupt. Behavior

Repeated dress code


Derogatory statement

False document

Inappropriate Physical

Severe insubordination

Use of match/lighter

Porn materials

Repeated profanity

Continued level 1


Sexual misconduct


Gentle verbal reprimand

Proximity correction

Keep a record of behavior

(if repeated)

Contact parents

Use planned ignoring, if


Consequences owed
through teacher behavior

Assign time-owed at recess

Assign time-out at
students desk, or in another
location in room

Assign time-out in another

teachers room

Require restitution (i.e.

restoring, repairing
damage done)

Correction Techniques

Model and reinforce

correct behavior

expectations in particular


Remember 3:1 ratio of

positive to negative
interactions (i.e. make 3
positive comments for
every corrective comment:
greet students, specific
praise, smile)

Group rewards

Reflect on your
relationship with the
student, how can you make
a connection?


Call parent

Continue Level 1
consequences that have not
yet been implemented

Additional Tier 2/3

behavior interventions may
be necessary

implemented by
administration may include
but not limited to:
detention, restitution,
partial ISS, full day ISS, 1-3
day suspension

For students with IEPs, case

manager will receive a
copy of the discipline

For students with

Individual Behavior Plans,
follow their plan
Administration and special
education teachers to
collaborate with teachers
for consequences

Correction Techniques

Continue positive
reinforcement strategies
from level 1

Consider behavior
plan/behavior contract
with student-see RTI level
2/3 interventions
Consider collaboration
with support staff to
determine if additional
strategies can be
implemented-i.e. schedule
an IST

EAJ Level III Misbehaviors

Presence of weapons or
dangerous instrument

Sexual harassment

Serious offense-repeated
level 2 offenses

Conduct punishable as a

Terroristic threat

Assault employee/
nonemployee/ volunteer
Indecent exposure


implemented by
administration may include
but not limited to: 3 day
OSS; DAEP placement;

For students with IEPs, case

manager will receive a
copy of the discipline

For students with

Individual Behavior Plans,
follow their plan

Correction Techniques

Law enforcement services

may be necessary

MDR for SPED student

may be necessary

RTI Tier 3 interventions

must be documented for
DAEP placement


26. Loss Textbooks

Each teacher will be issued a class set of textbooks. Book checks will be
conducted and reported to the Assistant Principal every nine weeks. Lost
textbooks will be the responsibility of the classroom teachers.
Students will only receive a textbook upon parent request. Parents must retrieve
the textbooks not the students.
27. Homework
Students in grades K-5 will have homework from Monday through Thursday as
assigned by the teachers.
Unfinished class work may be sent home to be completed. It should be labeled as
Homework should never be a continuation of the next days lesson.
Homework should be used to reinforce what was taught that day or the previous
No grades can be taken on work finished at home
Teams of teachers working together should confer about homework assignments
to ensure that a student is not overburdened with homework.
When planning tests, teachers should schedule tests so as not to overburden the
student. Please do not schedule tests on days following evening PTO or school
programs that involve many students.
No homework should be given during state and district assessments.
28. Student Withdrawals
Parents should notify the office of their intent to withdraw a student at least one
day before the last day in order to prepare the records.
Please send the child with the information to the attendance clerk.
Students who are withdrawing should have their textbook records clear and
should also be cleared in both the library and the cafeteria.
Current grades will be prepared for the withdrawal forms.
Send the student's report card along with the student's remaining supplies but not
consumable workbooks with the child.
The nurse will complete the health information.
When marking the withdrawal date on the teacher register, it is the first day the
student is officially dropped from enrollment. If you have a question about the
withdrawal date, please ask the attendance clerk before marking the register.
29. Release of Students during the School Day
When the parent arrives, the parent will sign the student out and the front office
will notify the classroom via the intercom. The front office will check the drivers
license and the emergency card. Do not release a child until you have been
contacted by the front office.
The child will not be released to anyone except the parent with whom the student
resides unless permission is granted by that parent.
Students who are not present for the 10:00 a.m. roll call will be marked absent for
the day unless otherwise notified by the attendance clerk or principal.

Early release will END at 2:30 to avoid interrupting regular dismissal procedures.

30. Tardies and Early Pick Up

Any combination of 5 Tardies and Early Pick Up during the nine week period
will result in an N under Citizenship or Follow Rules/Procedures on the
students Report Card.
31. IST (Instructional Support Team)
Begin Tier II-Teacher reviews data from Tier I including factors from four ICEL
Teacher contacts parent to engage in problem solving, gathering any data from
parent that is relevant
After analysis of data, generate hypothesis about potential cause
Begin to complete documentation for Tier II Interventions Form
If no improvement, request assistance from IST (complete forms from counselor
IST meets and reviews data from Tier I and Tier II
Discusses if additional data is needed
Analyzes all data and generates hypothesis
Prioritizes needs
Sets goals
Identifies research-based strategies to meet goals
Determines results indicators and frequency of monitoring
Completes initial IST Meeting Form to document intervention and monitoring
Determines when IST will re-convene
IST re-convenes for Follow-up meeting to document revised plan or return
student to Tier I or II, or to request assistance at Tier IV.
32. Speech Only Referrals
Student is observed in class by speech pathologist upon teacher or parent request.
Parent must be contacted by teacher prior to this observation and possible
If a referral is recommended, forms are obtained from school counselor to begin
referral process (IST process).
RTI must occur in the general classroom and be documented prior to the first IST
(same as any special Ed referral).
Completed forms are returned as soon as possible to the school counselor.
Sixty (60) calendar days from the time the referral was made are allowed to
complete the testing.
Testing is done by the speech pathologist.
The ARD committee (composed of parents, an administrator, speech pathologist
and teacher) meets and recommendations are made for the child.
A child may receive additional testing once a child is in speech or receiving any
other special education services. Parent must be contacted and an ARD is held to
refer for additional testing.

33. Sexual Harassment

A student or parent who has a complaint alleging sexual harassment or offensive
intimidating conduct of a sexual nature may request a conference with the
principal or designee. The principal or designee shall schedule and hold a
conference with the student and/or parent within 5 days, and shall be
responsible for coordinating an appropriate investigation of the complaint. If the
complaint is not minor in nature, the parent should be given FNCJ (board policy)
Notice of Student and Parent Rights. The investigation shall ordinarily be
completed within 10 days. The student or parent shall be informed in the event of
extenuating circumstances delaying the investigation. If the outcome of the
investigation is not to the students satisfaction, an appeal may be made in
accordance with FNCJ (Local) beginning at Level II. When making a
determination whether a sexual harassment violation is Level II or Level III,
principals have to exercise judgment and consider the facts and evidence
available. Example-a slap or pat on the backside would possibly be a Level II,
whereas, ones hands inside the clothes of another student would be a Level III,
possibly a Level IV.
34. Class Parties
According to district policies, two class parties may be held each year
One is before Winter Break, the other on or near Valentines Day
These are held the last 45 minutes of the school day
The PTO homeroom mothers can choose to be a part of the festivities and
coordinate activities with team leaders
Parents are not to bring party favors without first clearing it through the
classroom teacher.
There is no Halloween party, nor are staff or students allowed to dress up on this
35. Birthday Invitations/Cupcakes
Students wishing to invite other students to a private party must either mail these
invitations or provide all the students in the class with an invitation.
Invitations to students in other classes are to be mailed.
Only store bought cookies/cupcakes are allowed for birthdays
All consumables must be delivered to our front office staff by 2:30 pm.
Birthday edibles will be delivered to the classroom by the front office staff and
distributed by the classroom teacher at the end of the instructional.
36. Student Deliveries
Birthday treats such as balloons, flowers, and other items are not allowed in
All deliveries will be kept in the front office until after school when the student
can come by and pick it up
37. Food, Snacks, Etc.
All snacks must be of nutritional value

Sugar should not be one of the first 5 ingredients

No messy snacks such as Cheetos
Snacks should be eaten during independent work time and should not take up
instructional time. There should be no stopping of instruction to take a break for a
Students may not share their snacks with another student.

38. District Emergency Procedures

The emergency closing of schools is determined by the superintendent.
The superintendent notifies the board president and the news media (TV channels
2, 11, 13 and radio stations KILT 610 AM and 100 FM, KKBQ 790 AM and 93Q
FM, KFRD 980 AM and 104.9 FM, KCHB 105.7 FM and KIKK 650 AM and 95.7
Area superintendents relay the directive to administrators as follows:
Contact principals.
The directors and principals relay confirmation to all personnel of the
department. At no time should anyone waiting for notification attempt to call
the supervisor. In the event that Plan A is implemented, then all students and
employees are dismissed. If Plan B is implemented, then all students, food service
personnel, bus drivers, and 187 day personnel only are dismissed. At EAJ, the
principal and the assistant principal will notify team members. Team leaders will
notify members on the calling chain.
See additional information in the Emergency Operation Plan (EOP).
39. Safe and Secure
Classroom and office doors must be locked at all times. Doors cannot be left open
or propped open. In the event of an intruder always remember that seconds
count. Prolong the entrance of an intruder by keeping your doors locked!
40. Fire Drills
Fire drills are held once a month.
Students are to exit the building on the route marked from the area of the
building in which they are working. A teacher from each grade level is assigned
to check the bathrooms before exiting the building.
Each teacher is to have posted a fire-exit route and the Crisis Management Plan.
Fire drill alert is the alarm for the main alarm system (undulating sound). When
the alarm sounds teachers are to line children up and proceed to the exit using
the designated route. (If obstructed, use next nearest designated route.)
The first child in line will hold the door until his or her class is through.
After reaching a safe area, the students will remain in a quiet and orderly line.
If there is smoke, the children will bend over, keeping their heads as low as
The teacher will make sure that all of her class has exited safely.
If a teacher cannot account for all students, do the following:

Check with other teachers

In the event of a real fire, notify the fire drill contact person who will then contact
the fireman and administration. Do not go back into the building.
An announcement will be given to signal students to return to the classroom.
Students should return quietly in an orderly manner to the building.
Teachers must account for all students for whom they are responsible.
Teachers should take their Crisis Management Red Folder with updated class
roster to ensure that all students are present. Notify the office of any child who is

41. Disaster Drills

(Two continuous tones of 30 seconds repeat).
All children will kneel down on both legs, putting head down between their
knees with their hands clasped behind the neck. This should be done next to an
inside wall or under a desk or table. All students outside will come inside
immediately unless notified otherwise. A tone will sound to signal when drill is
42. Bomb Threats
In the event a bomb threat is received by telephone:
Press the Switch hook immediately after the caller hangs up
Dial *57 (confirmation will verify)
Get exact time call came in/number call came in on/callers number on phone
On separate phone call FB Police x5500
Follow the directions given by the police
Notify the principal & assistant principal
43. Lock Down Procedures (Outside Threat)
Immediately bring all students inside and secure outside doors
Call front office
Front office personnel call FBISD Police and announce to building Teachers
implement exterior lockdown-code yellow.
Custodians lock front door and put down gates
Keep children calm and quiet in a corner not visible from the door or windows
Classroom phones should only be used to communicate emergency information
Do not leave classrooms unless given the announcement of Teachers resume
normal activities by the front office or FBISD Police
44. Inside Threat (Inside Threat)
The front office will announce Teachers implement interior lockdown-code red
The office will notify the FBISD Police
All exterior doors and inside gates should be locked and secured
Turn off lights and get children quickly in a corner away from sight of the door

Movement of students inside the building should be minimal. Students should

remain in their classroom when lockdown procedures go into place.
Classroom phones should be used only to communicate emergency information
Do not leave the classroom unless given the announcement of Teachers resume
normal activities by the front office or FBISD Police.

45. Emergency Inclement Weather Plan Dismissal Procedures

During extremely hazardous weather conditions, students will be seated
according to the following plan. (Hazardous weather conditions include heavy or
torrential rain, thunder and lightning, and strong winds.)
Day Care children will be seated in the foyer
Bus riders will be seated in the gym
Single car riders and bikers/walkers will be seated in the main hallway by the
front office.
Multiple car riders will be seated in the main hallway by the front office.
Pre-kindergarten students will be dismissed a few minutes early.
Extended Day students will go directly to their area.
All teachers will be on duty until all of the children have been picked up.
46. Visitors to the Building
Visitors must report to the office and obtain a Visitors Pass from the Raptor
System. Any parent who wishes to visit a class will be permitted to do so but must
complete a Classroom Visitation Form prior to their visit. The visit is limited to 30
minutes as to not interrupt instruction. Parents are instructed not to interfere with
the instructional period or attempt to confer with the teacher at this time. If you
are having a problem with a parent interrupting your class, please notify the
office by your classroom phone.
If any staff member sees someone in the building without a Visitors Pass, please
escort them back to the front office to sign in and get a pass.
If at any time there appears to be someone in the building or on the playground
that appears to be suspicious, send word to the front office immediately.


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